
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Academic tests, 211
Access to interrupt controller (APIC), 172
Advanced Vector eXtensions (AVX), 194
Amdahl’s Law, 202
processing, 171
versioning, 164
Architectural diagram reference points, interpretations from, 134


Base header, 82, 83f, 83f
Base use case, 32
Baseband radio-processing unit (BBU), 61
BESS, 77
Birds of Feather (BoF) meeting, 77
Branching service chain, 20, 21f
Broadband network gateway (BNG), 25, 25f
Broadband Residential Access Server (BRAS), 37
Brownfield partnership, reimagining OSS/BSS, 131–132
“Brownfield” networks, 112–113
“Brownfield” of dreams, 44–45
Business Support Systems (BSS), 55
OSS/BSS block, 129, 130f
ETSI GAP analysis, 130, 131
interpretations from architectural diagram reference points, 134
reimagining OSS/BSS—Brownfield partnership, 131–132
reimagining OSS—opportunities in SA, 132–133


Capital expense (CAPEX), 2, 4
costs, 218
Cat with the prosthetic unicorn horn, xxi
Central Office Re-architected as Datacenter (CORD), 117
Cinder code, 106–107
Cloud computing, 3
CloudVPN project, 38
Command line interface (CLI), 25, 91
Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS), 1, 23, 155
Composite function, 86
“Config-drive”, 141
Configuration complexity, 27
Consumer behavior, 223–224
Containers, 8, 160
application versioning, 164
CoreOS, 163, 163f, 164
Docker networking, 163
layering/separation, 162
LXC, 161, 162f
network namespace, 161
NFV, 165
resource scale, 160
UML and container hybrid, 166f
VMs and, 161f
Content layer, 93
Context header format, 83f
Context switch/data copy reduction, 172
Controller architecture, 112–113
Conventional thread scheduling, 208–209
CoreOS, 163, 163f, 164
Corporate/enterprise/IT applications, 19
CPU complex, 192
I/O processing, 195
Intel Sandy Bridge microarchitecture, 192, 193f
memory access—cache, 196–199
multicore, 195
PCIe, 199–200
run-to-completion and pipeline execution models, 195f
virtualization mechanism, 194
CRUD operations, 56
Customer Premise Equipment (CPE), 37


Data Center Network, 105–106
Data center-oriented draft, 84
Data machines, 204
Data plane I/O and COTS evolution, 9–11
Data Plane Management, 183
Dataplane Development Kit (DPDK), 3, 9, 175, 175, 177, 180
Decomposition, varying approaches to, 32–35
IMS “merged” decomposition proposition, 34f
IMS decomposition, 33f
PCSCF function split decomposition, 34f
Denial of Service (DoS), 167
Deployment, 49, 55
Digesting ETSI output
architecture, 53–55
big blocks and reference points, 55–58, 56f
domains of Orchestration and SDN controller products, 57f
high level ETSI NFV architecture, 54f
gap analysis, 65–67
output, 52
POC observations, 67–68
terminology, 53
use cases, 59–62
in mobility applications, 61f
requirements, 62–65
Direct cache access (DCA), 170, 200
Distributed DoS, 167
Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF25), 65
Distribution management scheme, 164
Document Type Definition (DTD), 92
Domain Name Service (DNS) servers, 7


Elasticity, 63
Element Management System (EMS), 128, 128–129, 129
Endpoint services, 44
Ethernet Private Line (EPL), 136
ETSI NFV ISG group, 49
contribution, 49
digesting ETSI output, 52–68
future directions, 70–71
organization, 51–52
organizational structure, 51f
3GPP, 52
white paper 3, 69–70
European Standard (EN), 49
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), 19, 49, 49–50
ETSI GAP analysis, 130
Evolution and Ecosystem Working Group (EVE), 72
Extended Message Signaled Interrupts (MSI-X), 200
Extended Page Tables (EPTs), 174
Extending system, 200
See also Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
FPGA technology, 203–205
GPUs, 205–207
heterogeneous compute challenges, 208–209
heterogeneous cores, 202–203
NICs, 200–202
External Network, 105–106
“Eye in sky” management, 137–138


Fast Data (, 182–183
Fault Management, Configuration Management, Accounting Management, Performance Management, and Security Management (FCAPS), 127
Feature velocity friction, 26
Fiber to the home (FTTH), 61
Fiber-to-the-cabinet (FTTC), 62
Field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology, 191, 203
data machines, 204
discreet FPGA, 203f
host memory, 205
memory and logical/computation cells, 204
new tooling for, 205
routing channels over fabric, 204f
Firewall, 53
First order change, 221–222
First Segment, 89
“First-generation” of service, 41
Fixed Access Network Virtualization, 62
Flags, 89
Flow classification function, 39


Gap analysis, 65
INF WG, 65
NFV architecture mapping, 66f
NFV Security and Trust Guidance document, 67
PER WG, 66
REL WG, 66
SEC WG, 66–67
SWA WG, 67
General-purpose programming model (GPGPU), 205
Generations, 25
GiLAN, 39
Glance code, 107
Granularity, 43–44
Graphics processing units (GPUs), 191, 205–207, 206f
high-level view of GPU architecture, 207f
Group Based Policy (GBP), 109
Group Specification (GS), 49


Hardware evolution, 192
See also Software evolution
CPU complex, 192
I/O processing, 195
Intel Sandy Bridge microarchitecture, 192, 193f
memory access—cache, 196–199
multicore, 195
PCIe, 199–200
run-to-completion and pipeline execution models, 195f
virtualization mechanism, 194
extending system, 200
FPGA technology, 203–205
GPUs, 205–207
heterogeneous compute challenges, 208–209
heterogeneous cores, 202–203
NICs, 200–202
Sandy Bridge architecture, 193f
Head of line (HOL) blocking, 201
Header Ext Length, 88
HEAT Orchestration Template (HOT), 143
Heterogeneous compute challenges, 208–209
Heterogeneous cores, 202–203
Hierarchical caching, 90, 90f
HMAC fields, 89
HOL blocking, See Head of line (HOL) blocking
Hybrid virtualization, 165–167
Hyperthreading, 197
Hypervisor, 57–58, 156, 156, 160


I2RS working group, 77
Image Service API, 107
Industry Study Group (ISG), 49
Infrastructure (INF), 13
INF WG, 65
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), 106
See also Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Infrastructure-focused purchasing, 224
Inline carriage, 35
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 96–97
Instruction set architecture (ISA), 195
Instruction-level parallelism (ILP), 194
Integration, 23f
Intel, 155, 169–170, 202
advancements, 173
configuration of soft forwarder, 176f
DPDK, 175, 177
DPDK-enabled Open vSwitch, 176f
Intel VT-c and VT-d, 174f
SR-IOV, 175
us-vhost approach, 177
user space vhost implementation, 177f
Virtio-based solutions, 174
platforms, 191, 191
Sandy Bridge microarchitecture, 192, 193f
VT FlexPriority, 174
Intel advancements, 173–177
Intel Architecture (IA), 155–156, 191
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), 50
Interfaces and Architecture (IFA), 72
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 19, 77
BoF meeting, 77
NETMOD workgroup, 91–98
NSH header, 82–88
relationship to NFV Standards, 77
SFC, 78–88
SPRING workgroup, 88–91
workgroups, 77
“Internet of Things”, 222
Intrusion Detection System (IDS), 29


Kernel(s), 204, 207, 208


Last level cache (LLC), 197
Layered controller model, 114f
Library operating systems (libOS), 165
Life Cycle Management, 141
Linux, 3–4, 161
Linux Branded Zones (LXz), 163
Linux containers (LXC), 161, 162f
Linux Foundation, 139, 182
Linux Secure Module (LSM) framework, 168f
Logical limits
anonymized propagation delay of real network, 43f
“brownfield” of dreams, 44–45
NFV/SFC, 45, 46
granularity and extra vSwitch or network transitions, 43–44
service chains, 43f
speed of light, 41–43
standardization above network layer, 44
subset of fiber map of United States, 42f
Loosely coupled solution, 26–27
See also Tightly integrated service solutions
configuration changes, 27
configuration complexity, 27
Gi-LAN of wireless network service center, 26f
IDS, 29
operational costs, 27
overlay/tunnel technology, 29
passing clue problem, 27
proprietary/internal methodology, 27
SDG, 27, 29
VLAN stitching, 28, 28f


Management and Orchestration (MANO), 13, 103, 127, 170
architecture, 128f
architecture on steroids, 150–151
multidomain silos, 152f
descriptors, 135–136
NFV orchestration, 134
generic resource and policy management for Network Services, 137–138
MANO descriptors, 135–136
Network Service Catalog, 136–137
Network Service descriptors, 135–136
Network Service graph, 135f
service graphs, 134–135
VNFM demarcation point, 138
open orchestration, 138
Open MANO approach, 148–149
Open-O organization, 147–148
OpenBaton, 149–150
Tacker, 139–147
OSS/BSS block, 129, 130f
ETSI GAP analysis, 130, 131
interpretations from architectural diagram reference points, 134
reimagining OSS/BSS—Brownfield partnership, 131–132
reimagining OSS—opportunities in SA, 132–133
VNF Domain, 128–129
WG, 65
Management Network, 105–106
Memory access—cache, 196
external memory access, 196
memory bandwidth effect, 196
multithreaded microcode, 196f
NUMA-unaware assignment, 199
performance-impacting cache behavior, 198
in three-level cache, 197
typical/generic three-level cache structure for IA, 197f
Memory Management Unit (MMU), 157
Merchant, 15
Messages layer, 93, 95
Meta Data Type (MD Type), 82
Metadata, 35–36
Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF), 96–97, 136
“Middlebox” studies, 12
Minimization of context switching, 13
Model-driven approach, 113
Model-Driven Service Abstraction Layer (MD-SAL), 115
MPLS label mechanics, 88
Multilevel virtualization, 166
Multiple systolic arrays, 204


Netmap, 178, 178f
software packet handling bottom line, 180
Vale, 179f
Network Configuration (NETCONF) Protocol, 91, 93–94
base, 94f
conceptual layers, 94f
Network controllers, 111
controller architecture, 112–113
layered controller model, 114f
Network Function Virtualization (NFV), 1, 4–5, 14–15, 19, 120, 217
See also Open orchestration
academic studies, 12
analysts predicting big growth for, 15f
architecture mapping, 66f
background, 1–3
base case, 6–8, 7f
changing our spots, 224–225
consumer behavior, 223–224
current NFV model, 218
cost of NFV, 218–221
first order change, 221–222
data plane I/O and COTS evolution, 9–11
enabling new consumption model, 15–16
at ETSI, 12–14, 50–51
evolution, 1
hypothetical vRouter, 10f
innovations make NFV compelling, 2f
marketplace, 11–12
orchestration, 134
generic resource and policy management for Network Services, 137–138
MANO descriptors, 135–136
Network Service Catalog, 136–137
Network Service descriptors, 135–136
Network Service graph, 135f
service graphs, 134–135
VNFM demarcation point, 138
PaaS on, 121–123
parting thoughts, 225–226
Performance & Portability Best Practises document, 63
redrawing NFV and missing pieces, 3–4
SDN, 5, 217
SDN–NFV–Merchant cycle, 16f
Security and Trust Guidance document, 67
services through microservices and PaaS, 122f
without SFC, 46
standardizing NFV architecture, 11
standards and open systems, 222
economic model for NFV, 223
in ETSI, 222
open source, 222–223
“value-added” functionality, 223
strengthening “NFV as SDN use case”, 8
improving virtualization, 8–9
taxonomy for virtualizing services, 9f
2013 depiction of drivers, 3f
virtualized EPC, 6f
Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure (NFVI), 53, 103, 104, 127
architecture, 104f
hardware evolution, 192
CPU complex, 192–200
extending system, 200–209
Intel platforms, 191, 191
network controllers, 111
controller architecture, 112–113
layered controller model, 114f
ODL, 114
AKKA-based clustering, 115
ODL Project, 115
and OpenStack collaboration, 116–117
OpenStack, 105
fork or not fork open source distributions, 111
IaaS building blocks, 106f
infrastructure networking, 105f
Management Network, 105–106
ML2 plugin architecture, 108f
Neutron, 107
Nova and Neutron interaction in VM creation, 109f
OPNFV picture of OpenStack multisite use case, 110f
plugins, 107, 108
software projects, 106
stretching, 109–111
OpenStack, 120–123
PaaS, 120–123
performance measurement, 210
measuring performance, 210–211
power efficiency, 211–212
VIM, 103
Network Interface Cards (NICs), 191, 200–202
network packet processing, 201f
Network Modeling (NETMOD) workgroup, 77, 91
See also Source Packet Routing in Networking (SPRING) workgroup
message layer, 95
NETCONF protocol, 93–94
operations, 94–95
public Github Yang repository, 96–98
RESTCONF protocol, 96
secure transports, 96
Yang data modeling language, 92–93
Network Operators Council (NOC), 50
Network Platform Context, 83, 84
Network Processing Units (NPUs), 196
Network Service, 19
descriptors, 135–136
generic resource and policy management for, 137–138
graph, 135f
Network Service Catalog, 136–137
Network Service Chaining (NSC), 23
Network Service Descriptors, 150–151
Network Service Header (NSH), 5, 82, 134–135
base header, 82, 83f, 83f
data center-oriented draft, 84
DC-specific proposal, 84
dominant draft, 82
Fixed Context Header block detail, 84f
guidelines, 83–84
lookup, 85–86
SFC example using NSH, 86f
SFF NSH mapping example, 86f
MD type, 82
MD Type 2 Variable Length Context Header, 85, 85f
using metadata to enhancing reliability, 88
Network Platform Context, 84
Network Shared Context, 84
NSH Data Center context header allocation, 84f
Service Platform Context, 84
Service Shared Context, 84
SFF NSH mapping example, 85f
SP Header, 83, 83f, 83f
SPI, 83
TLV Class field, 85
worked example, 86–87
Network Shared Context, 83, 84
“Network underlay” domains, 51
Network Virtualization Overlays (NVO3), 77
Neutron, 107
project, 109
Next Generation OSS (NGOSS), 132
Next Header, 88
NFV Infrastructure as a Service (NFVIaaS), 59, 60f
NFV Orchestrator (NFVO), 56, 127
Nonuniform memory access (NUMA), 161
Northbound interfaces, 129
Nouns, 96
Nova code, 106, 107


Open Daylight controller, Tacker integration with, 144–145
approach, 148–149
Orchestrator, 149, 149f
VNFM, 149
Open Network Operating System (ONOS), 117–120, 119f
Open Network Platform (ONP), 180
Open MANO approach, 148–149
Open-O organization, 147–148
OpenBaton, 149–150
Tacker, 139
integration with Open Daylight, 144–145
ODL integration, 145f
and service function chaining, 144
SFC functionality, 145f
Tacker VNF Catalog, 140, 140f
Tacker VNFM, 141
Tacker/Openstack system, 144f
TOSCA template, 142f
TOSCA templates and parser, 142–143
TOSCA/HEAT translator, 143f
VNF auto-configuration, 141
VNF monitoring, 141–142
workflow, 146–147, 146f
Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV), 69, 70–71, 71f
Open Virtualization Format (OVF), 65
“Open Virtualization Profile”, 180
Open vSwitch (OVS), 3, 107, 158
Open-O organization, 147–148
“Open-washing” of products, 3–4
OpenBaton, 149–150
dashboard, 151f
OpenCL model, 208, 208, 208f, 209, 209
OpenDaylight (ODL), 104, 114, 132
AKKA-based clustering, 115
ODL Project, 115
and OpenStack collaboration, 116–117
Project, 65
OpenFlow, 118
OpenStack, 105, 120, 121
fork or not fork open source distributions, 111
IaaS building blocks, 106f
infrastructure networking, 105f
Management Network, 105–106
ML2 plugin architecture, 108f
Neutron, 107
Nova and Neutron interaction in VM creation, 109f
and ODL collaboration, 116–117
OPNFV picture of OpenStack multisite use case, 110f
plugins, 107, 108
software projects, 106
stretching, 109–111
OpenStack Foundation, 105
OpenStack Project, 65
Operational expense (OPEX), 2, 4, 218–219
Operations and Management (OAM), 52, 82
Operations layer, 93
Operations Support System (OSS), 4, 55, 127
OSS/BSS block, 129, 130f
ETSI GAP analysis, 130, 131
interpretations from architectural diagram reference points, 134
reimagining OSS/BSS, 131–132
reimagining OSS, 132–133
Or-Vnfm, 137
Orchestration, 5
and management, 64
orchestrated overlays, 4
orchestration-focused consumption, 224
Out-of-band models, 36
OVDK, 9, 10f
Over The Top (OTT), 2
services, 218
Overlay, 78
Overlay/tunnel technology, 29


Packet Gateway (PGW), 26–27
Packet handling, 170
application processing, 171
context switch/data copy reduction, 172
fd. io, 182–183
first generation VNF, 171t
Intel advancements, 173–177
Netmap, 178–180
scalar vs. vectorization, 173
system memory, 170
turnkey optimization, 180–182
vector processing, 173f
vhost-user, 178–180
Passing clue problem, 27
PCIexpress (PCIe), 199–200
Performance (PER), 51
measurement, NFV, 210
measuring performance, 210–211
power efficiency, 211–212
PER WG, 66
Physical network functions (PNFs), 220
Physical NIC (pNIC), 157
Pinned thread, 195
Platform as a Service (PaaS), 44, 120, 120
on NFV, 121–123
NFV services through microservices and PaaS, 122f
Policy and charging rules function (PCRF), 35
Policy List, 89
Poll-mode drivers (PMDs), 167
chain, 57
requirements, 63
Power efficiency, NFV, 211–212
Proof-of-Concept (PoC), 49, 67–68
Proprietary/internal methodology, 27
ProtoBufs, 92–93
Protocol agnosticism, 112
Public Github Yang repository, 96–98
Public Yang Repo, 97, 97f


QEMU hardware emulator, 156
QuickData Technology, 200


Radio access network (RAN), 52
Receive Side Coalescing (RSC), 200
Receive-Side scaling (RSS), 200
Redrawing NFV, 3–4
Reliability (REL), 51
REL WG, 66
Remote procedure calls (RPCs), 92
Rendered Service Path (RSP), 80
Reorder buffer (ROB), 194
Repatriation/ISG2. 0, 71–73
Representational State Transfer (REST), 96
Residential Gateway (RGW), 61
Resiliency/resilience, 82
requirements, 63
Resource management, 13
Resource oversubscription, 194
RESTCONF protocol, 96
ReSTful interfaces, 112
RFC 5539, 96
RFC5717, 95
RFC6022, 95
Role-based tests, 211
Route Reflection, 7
Run-to-completion and pipeline execution models, 195, 195f


SDN, 1, 111
drivers of NFV use case, 3f
NFV, 5
SDN–NFV–Merchant cycle, 16f
strengthening “NFV as SDN use case”, 8–9
Se-Ma reference point, 134
Second-generation functions, 41
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 93
Secure Transport layer, 93
Secure transports, 96
Securing Linux, 168–169
Security (SEC), 51
lowest common denominator, 169–170
SEC WG, 66–67
trade-offs, 167
DoS, 167
not sharing, 169
Securing Linux, 168–169
Segment List, 89
Segment Routing for IPv6 (SRv6), 88, 91
forwarding example, 89f
header extension format, 88f
hierarchical caching application using, 90f
Segments Left, 89
Service assurance (SA), 64, 130
opportunities in, 132–133
Service Chain, 20, 20f
Service continuity, 64
Service creation, 19
problem, 22
quick history, 22
COTS, 23
functions, 23
integration and virtualization, 23f
loosely coupled solution, 26–29
network services, 23
NSC, 23
tightly integrated service solutions, 24–26
virtualized elements, 23
Service Delivery Gateway (SDG), 27
Service function chaining (SFC), 1, 19, 29–35, 78, 165
architecture document, 79–82
CloudVPN project, 38
Control Plane, 82
CPE, 37
dedicated BNG functionality, 37f
dynamic and elastic nature, 41
fledgling deployments, 40
flow classification function, 39
GiLAN, 39
high availability of stateful service functions, 32f
mobile network, 39
network edge environment, 36
NFV without, 46
problem statement, 78–79
providing NAT for legacy IPv4 devices in IPv6 network, 39f
Proxy, 81–82, 81f
second-generation functions, 41
service chains with separate paths, 30f
service offerings, 41
step-wise deployment/expansion of service offering into new market, 40f
Telefonica, 37
TeraStream CloudVPN, 38, 38f
virtualization, 38
vRouter, 38
vVPN function, 38
workgroup, 78
Service Function Forwarder (SFF), 80–81, 80f
Service Function Path (SFP), 80
Service functions (SFs), 19, 78
Service graphs, 32, 32f, 134–135
Service Index (SI), 83
Service Instance, 20f, 21
Service Level Agreement (SLA), 41–42
Service models, 65
Service Path, 20f, 21
Service path ID (SPI), 81, 83
Service Platform Context, 83, 84
Service Repository, 136
Service Shared Context, 83, 84
Service Template, 22
Set top box (STB), 61
Shallow L2 port-in-port-out tests, 211
Simple Modified Access Control Kernel (SMACK), 168
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), 92
Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD), 194
64-bit ARMv8, 209
6Wind, 180, 181
6WindGate solution, 181, 181f
SMIv2, 92
Software Architecture (SWA), 13, 51
SWA WG, 67
Software evolution, 156
See also Hardware evolution
containers, 160–165
hybrid virtualization, 165–167
hypervisor maps physical resources, 158f
KVM execution and QEMU emulation, 157f
QEMU hardware emulator, 156
security trade-offs, 167–169
security—lowest common denominator, 169–170
UML and container hybrid, 166f
Unikernels, 165
VM-centric model, 158–160
Software network, 155
Software packet handling bottom line, 180
Source Interface ID, 84
Source Node ID, 84
Source Packet Routing in Networking (SPRING) workgroup, 77, 88
See also Network Modeling (NETMOD) workgroup
demonstration, 90
First Segment, 89
flags, 89
header, 88
Header Ext Length, 88
HMAC fields, 89
MPLS label mechanics, 88
Next Header, 88
Policy List, 89
Routing Type, 88
Segment List, 89
Segments Left, 89
SRv6 proposal, 88, 88f, 91
SP Header, 83, 83f, 83f
Speed of light, 41–43
Split decomposition, 33, 34f
Standardization above network layer, 44
Standards and open systems, 222
economic model for NFV, 223
in ETSI, 222
open source, 222–223
“value-added” functionality, 223
Steroids, architecture on, 150–151
multidomain silos, 152f
Streaming multiprocessors (SMs), 206
Structure of Management Information (SMI), 92
Swift code, 106–107
System memory, 170


Tacker, 139
integration with Open Daylight, 144–145
ODL integration, 145f
and service function chaining, 144
SFC functionality, 145f
Tacker VNF Catalog, 140, 140f
Tacker VNFM, 141
Tacker/Openstack system, 144f
TOSCA template, 142f
and parser, 142–143
TOSCA/HEAT translator, 143f
auto-configuration, 141
monitoring, 141–142
workflow, 146–147, 146f
Task Priority Register (TPR), 172
Technical Steering Committee (TSC), 51
Telefonica, 37
TeraStream CloudVPN, 38, 38f
Terms of Reference (ToR), 72
Testing, Experimentation, and Open Source Working Group (TST), 72
Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), 50
impact on, 52
“Tick-tock” cycle, 9–10
Tightly integrated service solutions, 24
See also Loosely coupled solution
BNG, 25, 25f
feature velocity friction, 26
generations, 25
implementations, 24–25
internal connectivity, 25
operational concerns, 24
operators, 25
purchasing leverage, 24
revenue opportunities, 24
vendor lock-in, 26
TLV Class field, 85
TM Forum (TMF), 129
Top-down approach, 223–224
Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA), 65, 136
template, 140, 142f
and parser, 142–143
TOSCA/HEAT translator, 143f
Total Cost (TC), 219
Total cost of ownership (TCO), 219
Translation Look-aside Buffer (TLB), 157
“Transport Derived SFF”, 82
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol, 96
Transport manager (TM), 180
Transport-tied solutions, 79
Turnkey optimization, 180–182


UML, 166
and container hybrid, 166f
kernel across multiple customers, 167
Underlay, 78
Unikernels, 165
Universal resource identifier (URI), 96
Us-vhost approach, 177
Use-case-led consumption, 223–224


Vector Packet Processor (VPP), 182
plug-in architecture, 183f
Vendor lock-in, 26
Verbs, 96
vhost-user, 178
software packet handling bottom line, 180
user space vhost implementation, 177f
Vale, 179f
Vi-Vnfm, 137
Virtio-based solutions, 174
Virtual Cache use case, 62
Virtual CPUs (vCPU), 157
Virtual Evolved Packet Core (vEPC), 53
Virtual firewall (vFW), 38
Virtual Infrastructure Manager (VIM), 56, 103
See also Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure (NFVI)
Virtual Machine Extensions (VMX), 157
Virtual machine manager (VMM), 156
Virtual machines (VMs), 8, 21, 54, 105, 134, 157
VM-centric model, 158
ETSI NFV architecture, 158
ETSI workgroups, 160
vGiLAN, 160
VM distribution, 159f
VM migration, 159
Virtual Network Function Component (VNFC), 53
Virtual Network Function Manager (VNFM), 56, 127
demarcation point, 138
Virtual network functions (VNFs), 51, 53, 218
auto-configuration, 141
Domain, 128–129
monitoring, 141–142
Set, 53–54
Virtual Network Functions as a Service (VNFaaS), 59
Virtual NIC (vNIC), 157
“Virtual router”, 7
Virtual service creation, 29–35
Virtual switch (vSwitch), 43–44, 157
Virtualization, 23f, 38, 155
connectivity techniques, 180
current packet handling, 170
application processing, 171
context switch/data copy reduction, 172
fd. io, 182–183
first generation VNF, 171t
Intel advancements, 173–177
Netmap, 178–180
scalar vs. vectorization, 173
system memory, 170
turnkey optimization, 180–182
vector processing, 173f
vhost-user, 178–180
elasticity, 63
energy requirements, 64
evolution, 156
containers, 160–165
hybrid virtualization, 165–167
hypervisor maps physical resources, 158f
KVM execution and QEMU emulation, 157f
QEMU hardware emulator, 156
security trade-offs, 167–169
security—lowest common denominator, 169–170
UML and container hybrid, 166f
Unikernels, 165
VM-centric model, 158–160
of Mobile Core Network and IMS, 59
NFV Performance & Portability Best Practises document, 63
orchestration and management, 64
performance, 63
portability requirements, 63
requirements, 62
resiliency requirements, 63
security and maintenance sections, 64
assurance, 64
continuity, 64
models, 65
work groups, 63
Virtualization Deployment Units (VDUs), 140
Virtualized residential service CPE (vCPE), 61
segmentation, 21
stitching, 28, 28f, 38
VM to exit (VMExit), 172
VNF Descriptions (VNFDs), 140
VNF Platform as a Service (VNFPaaS), 59, 60
VNFPool, 66
vPE termination (VPN), 38
vRouter, 38
VTEPs, 108
vVPN function, 38


White paper 3, 69–70
Wind River, 180
Wireless operators, 2
Wireline operators, 2


Yang models, 14, 78, 93, 96
usage, 99–101
Yet Another Next Generation data modeling language, 92–93, 115


Zero-packet-copy, 172