Aaron, 22–24, 28, 31–32, 36–37
death, 37
Abel, 7–8
Abigail, 59–60
Abraham (Abram), 10–15, 19, 22, 80, 87, 181, 215, 243
David’s grief for, 66
Acts of the Apostles, Book of, 223–35
Ahab, king of Israel, 73–76, 79–80
death, 76
end of house of, 79–80
Amos, Book of, 159–60
Andrew, Apostle, 184–93
Annunciation to Mary, 210
Antioch in Pisidia, 228–30
Antioch of Syria, 227–28
Apocalypse (Revelation, Book of), 274–79
Apostles, 224–26, 229–30, 268. See also Disciples
Ararat, Mount, 9
ark, Noah’s, 8–9
Atonement, Day of, 33
Babel, Tower of, 10
Babylon, 81, 84–85, 88–90, 92, 115, 139, 141, 145–46, 150, 152–52, 168, 172, 285, 300
Balaam and the Ass, 37–38
Balak, king of Edom, 37–38
Baptism of disciples, 205, 208, 224–25
Barak, 50
Barnabas, 227–30
Bartholomew, Apostle, 193
Beatitudes, 184–85
Belshazzar, 152
Benjamin, son of Jacob, 16, 18
Bethany, 219
Beth-el, 16
Bethlehem, 16, 54, 58, 182, 211
“Bethlehem Ephratah,” 164
star of, 182
Cain, 7–8
Caleb son of Jephunneh, 36, 39
Calvary, 215
Cana, marriage at, 218
Canaan, 10, 11–14, 16–17, 20, 25, 46–47, 50, 193
conquest of, 46–47
division of, 47
Carmel, mount, 74
Children of Israel. See Israelites
Christ. See Jesus
Chronicles, First Book of, 86–87
Chronicles, Second Book of, 88
Church, Christian, 197, 223, 226–34
Colossians, Epistle of Paul to, 251
commandment, new, 220
commandments of Moses (last), 40–42
Commandments, Ten, 25–27
Corinthians, Epistles of Paul to, 236, 240–44
Covenant of God with Israel, 12, 28, 41, 80, 82
Creation, 3–5
Cyrus, king of Babylon, 89
Damascus, 75, 79, 131, 226, 233
Daniel, Book of, 150–54
fiery furnace, 150–51
handwriting on wall, 151–52
in lions’ den, 152–53
Darius, king of Persia, 90, 152, 172
David, king, 55, 58–60, 62–68, 71–71, 86, 88, 110, 124, 181
song of thanksgiving, 66–67
Deborah, 50–51
Delilah, 52
Deuteronomy, Book of, 40–44
Devil. See Satan
dietary laws, 30–32
disciples, 184, 193–203, 205–7, 220, 222, 224, 226–29, 232–33. See also Apostles
names of twelve, 193
Ecclesiastes, Book of (or The Preacher), 124–27
Eden, Garden of, 5–7
Edom, kingdom of, 37–38, 64, 71, 78–79, 158, 161
Egypt, 11, 13, 17–27, 33, 48, 68, 70–72, 84–85, 141–42, 158, 182
Eleazar, 37
Elijah the Tishbite, 73–75, 77–79, 179
ascension of, 77
Elisabeth, 210–11
Enoch, city of, 8
Enoch, descendant of Seth, 8
Enoch, son of Adam and Eve, 8
Ephesians, Epistle of Paul to, 236, 247–48
Esther, Book of, 95–98
Eve, 7–8
Exodus, Book of, 20–29
Ezekiel, Book of, 145–49
Ezra, Book of, 89–91
Flood, the, 8–9
Gabriel, Angel, 210
Galatians, Epistle of Paul to, 236, 245–46
Galilee, 183–84, 193, 203, 205–7, 210, 212, 218, 224, 227
Garden of Eden, 5–7
Gaza, 52
Genesis, Book of, 3–19
Gentiles, 190, 193, 227–30, 234, 236, 237
epistles to, 236
Gibeon, 47
Gideon, 51
God (Jehovah, Father, Lord), 1ff.
golden calf, the, 28–29
Golden Rule, the, 191
Goliath, 59
Gospels, Four, 206–22
Habakkuk, Book of, 168–69
Haggai, Book of, 172–73
Ham, 8–10
Haman, 96–98
handwriting on wall, 151–52
Hannah, 56
Heaven, 184ff.
Hebrews, Epistle of Paul to, 262–63. See also Israelites, Jews
Holiness Code, 33–34
Holy Ghost, 181–83, 205, 210, 222–25, 227, 230, 232–33, 259
Father, Son and, 205
Hor, mount, 37
Horeb, mount. See Sinai
Hosea, Book of, 155–56
“I Am That I Am,” 22
Immanuel, 134
Isaiah, Book of, 132–38
prophecies of 137–38, 183, 192, 234
vision of, 133–34
Israel, son of Isaac. See Jacob
land of, 147–48
Israelites, 23–24, 36, 38, 45–46, 49–50, 57ff. See also Children of Israel, Jews
Jacob (Israel), 14–17, 19, 22, 38, 80
James, Apostle, son of Alpheus, 193, 230
James, Apostle, son of Zebedee, 184, 193, 197, 228
James, Epistle of, 264–65
Japheth, 8–10
Jephthah, 51
daughter of, 51
Jeremiah, Book of, 139–42
Lamentations of, 143–44
Jerusalem, 63–65, 68, 70–72, 75–76, 81–86, 88–90
entry and mission of Jesus, 199–205
last days, 81–82
New Jerusalem, 277–78
songs of sorrow for, 143–44
Jesus, 179–222ff.
betrayal of, 202–4
calling of disciples, 184, 193
entry into Jerusalem, 199–200
Last Supper, 202, 207–8, 220–21
parables, 181, 195–96, 206, 209
resurrection, 181, 197, 202–3, 207–8, 222
Sermon on the Mount, 184–85
temptation by Satan, 183–84, 206
Jews, 89, 90, 92–93, 95–98, 182, 204, 218, 221, 224, 226–30, 232–35, 237, 243, 245, 251. See also Hebrews, Israelites
Job, Book of, 99–108
Joel, Book of, 157–58
John, Apostle, son of Zebedee, 193, 197, 225
Epistles of, 269–72
John the Baptist, 183–84, 194, 196–97, 206, 209–11
John, St., The Gospel According to, 217–22
John, St., Revelation of, 274–79
Jonah, Book of, 162–63
David’s lament for, 62–63
Jordan, river, 40, 45–46, 77, 183
Joseph of Arimathea, 205
Joseph, husband of Mary, 181–83, 211–12
Joseph, son of Jacob, 16–19
Joshua, Book of, 45–48
Joshua, son of Nun, 36–39, 44–49
Judah, son of Jacob, 18–19
end of kingdom, 84–85
kingdom of, 55, 59, 63, 66, 70, 72, 76, 78–79, 81–85, 88–90, 136, 140–43, 146, 164, 166, 170
rebuke of God to, 133–34
Judas Iscariot, 193, 202–4, 220, 224, 230, 273
Jude, Epistle of, 273
Judges, Book of, 49–53
Judgment, Last, 201–2
Kings, First Book of, 68–76
Kings, Second Book of, 77–85
Lamentations of Jeremiah, Book of, 143–44
Last Supper, 202–3, 207, 220–21
Laws and commandments. See Moses
Lazarus, 215
Lazarus of Bethany, 219
Leah, 16
Leviticus, Book of, 30–34
Lord’s Prayer, 188
Lot, 10–12
wife of, 12
“Love one another,” 220, 271, 293
“Love thy neighbor as thyself,” 34, 187
“Love your enemies,” 187
Luke, St., The Gospel According to, 209–16
Malachi, Book of, 176–77
Mark, 206–7, 209, 228, 230, 257
Mark, St., The Gospel According to, 206–8
Mary, mother of Jesus, 181–83, 210–12, 218, 221, 224
Mary, sister of Martha, 213–14, 219
Matthew, St., The Gospel According to, 181–205
Matthew, Apostle, 193, 206–7, 209
Matthias, Apostle, 224
Messiah, 164
Methuselah, 8
Micah, Book of, 164–65
Michael, Archangel, 277
Miracles of Jesus, 192–93, 196, 206, 218
Moab, land of, 37–38, 43–44, 54–55, 64, 71, 78, 84
Mordecai, 94–98
Moriah, mount, 13
birth, 20–21
death 43–44
flight from Egypt, 21–22
judgments, laws, and statutes, 27–34, 41–42
parting counsels, 40–44
pilgrimage to Sinai, 25
Voice of God, 22
wilderness journey, 22–23, 25, 35–36, 40–41
Nahum, Book of, 166–67
Naomi, 54–55
Nazareth, 183–84, 195, 206, 210, 212, 224–25, 290
Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, 84–85, 89, 141, 150–52
Nehemiah, Book of, 92–94
New Testament, 179–279
Noah, 8–10
Numbers, Book of, 35–39
Obadiah, Book of, 161
Old Testament, 1–177
Olivet (mount of Olives), 200, 202, 207
parables of Jesus, 181, 195–96, 206, 209
Passover, 23–24, 35, 46, 84, 202, 212, 220, 240
Paul of Tarsus, 209, 223, 228–37, 240, 243, 245, 247, 249, 251, 252–54, 256, 258, 260–62. See also Saul of Tarsus
Epistles of, 236–61
Pentecost, 223–24
Peter, Apostle, 184, 192–93, 196–98, 203–4, 223–25, 227–29
Peter, Epistles of, 266–68
Pharisees, 183, 185, 193, 197–98, 200, 212, 214–15, 218–19, 225
Philemon, Epistle of Paul to, 260–61
Philip, Apostle, 193, 212, 220
Philippians, Epistle of Paul to, 249–50
Philistines, 52, 57, 59–64, 86
Pilate, Pontius, 204–5, 207, 212, 215, 221
wife of, 204
pit, bottomless, 277
Preacher, The. See Ecclesiastes
Prodigal Son, The, 214
Promised Land, 36, 40, 43, 46, 49
Proverbs, Book of, 116–23
Psalms, Book of, 109–15
Rahab, 45–47
Rebekah, 14–15
Red Sea, 36
Resurrection of Jesus, 181, 197, 202, 205, 207–8, 219, 222, 242, 264
Revelation, Book of, 274–79
Romans, Epistle of Paul to, 236–39
Ruth, Book of, 54–55
Sabbath, 26, 33, 133, 205, 207
Sadducees, 183
Samaria, 73, 76, 78–82, 159, 164, 227
Samaritan, the Good, 213
Samson, 52
Samuel, First Book of, 56–61
as child, 56–57
as Judge, 57–58
death, 59
return from grave, 60
Samuel, Second Book of, 62–67
Sarah (Sarai), 10–14
Satan, 99–101, 183–84, 206, 274, 277
Saul, king of Israel, 57–60, 62–64, 86
David’s lament, 62
defeat, 60
Saul of Tarsus, 266–28. See also Paul of Tarsus
Sermon on the Mount, 184–86
Seth, 8–10
Sheba, Queen of, 70–71
Shem, 8–10
daughters of, 53
temple of, 56
Simon, Apostle (Simon Zelotes), 193
Simon Peter. See Peter
Sinai, mount (Horeb), 25–26, 28, 35–36, 39, 42
Sodom and Gomorrah, 11–12
Solomon, king, 65, 68–72, 75, 88, 116, 124, 190
anointed king, 68
birth, 65
death, 71
judgments and wisdom, 69–71
proverbs, 116–23
Queen of Sheba, 70–71
Song of. See Song of Solomon
Temple, 70
trespasses, 71–72
Song of Solomon, 128–31
Supper, Last, 202–3, 207, 220–21
Syria, 64–65, 75–76, 78–84, 134, 227, 230, 232
Tabernacle, the, 29–31, 35–37, 38, 48, 56, 64, 90, 104, 149. See also Ark of the Covenant, Temple
Temple, 70, 72, 82–83, 85–86, 89–90, 92, 129, 133, 152, 162, 169, 172, 174, 176, 184, 199–200, 204–5, 212, 219, 225, 231, 233. See also Tabernacle
destruction, 85
Jesus’ cleansing of, 199–200
rebuilding, 86–87, 89–90, 172, 174
Ten Commandments, 25–27
Thaddeus, Apostle, 193
Thessalonians, Epistles of Paul to, 252–53
Timothy, Epistles of Paul to, 254–57
Titus, Epistle of Paul to, 258–59
Virgin, the. See Mary, mother of Jesus
Wise men, three, 182
Witch of Endor, 60
Zechariah, Book of, 174–75
Zephaniah, Book of, 170–71