

Acceleration, 100, 102

Acceptable level of risk, 495

higher level of protection, 497498

setting limit, 496497

Acceptable risk, 386

community decide for itself, 387

hazard mitigation plan creation, 388

uncertainty, 388

Acquisition, 446

saving money through, 446447

Acquisition power, 284

acquisition of easements, 286

fee simple acquisition of land and damaged structures, 286

multiple goals of acquisition, 285286

PDR, 286287

reusing acquired properties, 287

TDR, 287

types of land interests acquired, 286

willing sellers, willing buyers, 285

ACS, see American Community Survey (ACS)

Adaptation, 3233

hazard mitigation and, 34

infrastructure strategies, 3435

managing community growth and development, 3637

risk assessment and mapping, 36

ADCIRC, see Advanced coastal circulation model (ADCIRC)

Ad hoc, 181183

Advanced coastal circulation model (ADCIRC), 55

AEC, see Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC)

Aerial photography, 37

Affirmative right, 286

Aftershocks, 99

Agricultural drought, 70

ALF, see Animal Liberation Front (ALF)

All-hazards approach, 137138

Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), 148

American Community Survey (ACS), 492

American experience, 136137

all-hazards approach, 137138

human-made events in U. S, 138

American Red Cross, 420421

Amortization, 279

Anarchist terrorism, 144

Animal Liberation Front (ALF), 148

Annual operating budget, 291

Anthrax, 145

Anticipated climate change implications, 404

Antiterrorism, 146, 187; see also Terrorism

Apparent temperature, 84

Application mode, 375

AQAP, see Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)

Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC), 242

Arkadelphia, Arkansas, 506

Assets, 36, 318, 320, 376377

capital, 11

community, 377, 386

inventorying, 377380

mapping, 380382

Atlantic hurricane, 56, 60

Aurora Theater Shooting, 152


Backflow valves, 451

Base flood, see 100-year floodplain

Base flood elevation (BFE), 67

Base map creation, 367

Bath school disaster, 153

Bathymetry, 110111

BCA, see Benefit–cost analysis (BCA)

BCR, see Benefit–cost ratio (BCR)

Beach(e)s, 440

nourishment, 442443

system, 120

Benefit–cost analysis (BCA), 468

Benefit–cost ratio (BCR), 468

Berms, 438

BFE, see Base flood elevation (BFE)

Big Thompson River, 65

Biological agents, 144

Biological weapons, 144145

Blizzards, 78

Boroughs, 302

Boxing Day tsunami, 14

“Brick and mortar” projects, 467468

BTI, see Bucklin Tractor and Implement (BTI)

Bucklin Tractor and Implement (BTI), 320

Buffer, 243, 282, 500

subdivision buffers for flood hazards, 281282

Building code, 246, 247, 452453

enforcement, 249250

state approaches, 247

updates, 248

Building drainage systems, 443444

Build-out, 445

Bulkheads, 441442

Burying utility lines, 453454

Business contingency planning, 338

minimizing upstream business disruptions, 339

protecting data and vital records, 339340

Business continuity planning, 330

Businesses embrace sustainable redevelopment, 320

Business impact analysis, 331, 333

downstream losses, 335

factors, 334

upstream losses, 335

Business interruption insurance, 345

Business preparedness, 416417

Business property protection, 336

McDonalds franchise in Festus, 336

nonstructural mitigation measures, 338

physical retrofitting measures, 337

Business protection

business interruption insurance, 345

checking policy, 343344

extra expense insurance, 345

through insurance, 343

through mitigation and preparedness, 320

plans types, 330

property insurance, 344345

Business relocation plan preparation, 340341

Business resilience, community resilience depends on, 319320, 328329

Business risk assessment

business impact analysis, 333335

business protection plans types, 330

elements, 331

hazard identification, 331333

and impact analysis, 329

vulnerability assessment, 333

Buyout program, 285


CAD, see Cold air damming (CAD)

California Climate Adaptation Strategy, 239

CAMA, see Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA)

Capital improvement, 292

budget, 292

Capital improvement program (CIP), 292, 448, 449

local governments, 448

to protecting public facilities from hazards, 449

to steering private development from hazard areas, 449

Catastrophe bond, New York City developing, 350351

Catchments, see River basin

CBRA, see Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA)

CBRS, see Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS)

CDBG, see Community development block grants (CDBG)

Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 209

CEQ, see Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)

CERT, see Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

CFR, see Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)

Check valves, see Backflow valves

Chelyabinsk meteor, 4

Chemical agents, 145

Chemical weapons, 144145

Chile vs. Haiti, 105106

Cinder cones, 115

CIP, see Capital improvement program (CIP)

City commission plan, 304

City of Newport News, 346

Civil unrest, 149

incidents, 136

public order events on college and university campuses, 150151

race riots, 151

Clean Water Act (CWA), 203

Climate adaptation plan, 209, 239, 240, 299301

Climate change, 480

climate change around globe, 1718

on coastal erosion, 121122

on drought, 7071

on flooding, 63

on hurricanes, 6061

impacts, 373374

inclusion, 240

on natural hazards, 16

preparedness for, 404405

resources, 374375

on severe winter weather, 8182

on tsunamis, 111112

weather or climate, 1617

Climate change adaptation, 32, 209

case for adaptation, 33

DoD climate change adaptation roadmap, 210211

EPA climate change adaptation programs, 211212

green roofs, 34

mitigation, 3233

NOAA, 212213

policies, 264

president’s climate action plan, 210

reducing risk by, 208

state agency role in, 232233

USDA regional climate hubs, 213214

USGCRP, 209, 374

Climate Data Initiative, 210, 411, 494, 374

Climate Prediction Center (CPC), 212

Climate Program Office (CPO), 213

Climate Resilience Toolkit, 210

Climate-smart nation, 212

CNN syndrome, 910

Coalition to Save the Preserves (CSP), 148

Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), 242

Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA), 201

coastal barrier islands, 201

effectiveness, 202

Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS), 202

Coastal development decisions, factors in, 322323

Coastal engineers, 55

Coastal erosion, 54, 120

effect of climate change on, 121122

coastal inlet hazard areas, 121

eroding bluffs, 120

erosion rates, 120121

shifting sands, 120

Coastal flooding, 66

Coastal high hazard areas, 67

Coastal inlet hazard areas, 121

Coastal management, office for, 212

Coastal wetlands, 6263

Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), 203, 205207

flexible program, 206

hazard mitigation, 207

incentives for state participation, 206

Coastal Zone Management Program, 206

Code enforcement process, 249

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 238

COGs, see Councils of Government (COGs)

Cold air damming (CAD), 80

Cold wave, 8081

Collapse, 122

mine collapse, 124125

pits, 124

sinkholes, 125

Columbine school shooting, 153

Commercial preparedness, 416417

Communicating hazards with pictograms, 157158

Community, 265

awareness campaigns, 458459

capabilities, 466

community-based risk reduction initiatives, incentives for, 348

counting number of people in, 378379

engagement mechanisms in disaster policy making, 491

estimating value of asset in, 378

growth and development, managing, 3637

impacts, 154

inventorying assets and populations in, 377

Community development block grants (CDBG), 184, 200

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), 421

Community mitigation; see also Hazard mitigation

incentives for community-based risk reduction initiatives, 348

incentives to promoting community resilience, 347348

New York City developing catastrophe bond, 350351

private insurance participation in community mitigation, 349350

private sector participation in, 346

public-private partnerships, 346

Community Rating System (CRS), 195196

Community resilience, 318; see also Disaster resilience; Economic resilience

business contingency planning, 338340

business property protection, 336338

business protection through insurance, 343345

business relocation plan preparation, 340341

on business resilience, 319320, 328329

business risk assessment and impact analysis, 329335

preparing plan to minimizing losses, 336

private land ownership in United States, 321325

protecting employees and families, 341343

Composite volcanoes, 115

Comprehensive emergency management, 24, 403; see also Emergency management (EM)

phases, 24, 25

preparedness, 2527, 403404

mitigation, 403404

relationship between preparedness and response, 404

Comprehensive plan, 297

Condemnation, see Eminent domain

Conflicting and complementary interests at local level, 271272

economic pressures on local governments, 272

Conservation protection organizations, 490, 491

Constant wrestling match, 98

Construction techniques, 451452

Contagion effect, 152

Contingency planning, 330

Continuity of operations planning, 330

Copycatting, 152

Core, 96

Corps, 179

Cost savings, 446

Coulees, 115

Council-city manager, 304

Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), 208

Councils of Government (COGs), 307

Counterterrorism, 146


board, 302

council-administrator, 303

council-elected executive, 303

functions, 302

CPC, see Climate Prediction Center (CPC)

CPO, see Climate Program Office (CPO)

Crater, bowl-shaped, 115

Crippling functions, see Destroying government functions

Critical facilities, community’s, 378

CRS, see Community Rating System (CRS)

Crust, 96, 97

CSP, see Coalition to Save the Preserves (CSP)

Cumulative impact assessment, 291

CWA, see Clean Water Act (CWA)

CZMA, see Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)


Dams, 436

break hazards, 437

environmental costs associated with, 437

failures in United States, 437

below Lake Delhi Dam view, 438

ownership in United States, 436437


quality, 365366

and vital records protection, 339340

Debris flows, 117118

Decision-making process, 318

Decreasing density, see Down-zoning

Department of defense (DoD), 179

Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 136, 187

Department of Interior (DOI), 209

Destroying government functions, 146

Developer, 279

Developers/investors, 321

factors in coastal development decisions, 322323

hazard awareness in investment decision making, 323324

hazard mitigation into investment decisions, 324

DHS, see Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Differential assessment, 288

Digital Coast, 212, 374, 494

Dikes, 438

Dillon’s rule, 269

Direct financial costs, 1011

Direct impacts of hazards, 333

Disaster(s), 12, 181

coastal environment, 8

costs, 10

data, 493

direct financial costs, 1011

disaster-proof, 285

Disaster City, 2829

environmental costs, 13

experience in Roseville, 369

hazards and, 5

human lives lost, 14

Hurricane Katrina, 89

Hurricane Sandy, 12

long-term economic costs, 1113

policy making, 491

prevention, 267

social vulnerability, 1415

societal costs, 1314

Stafford Act, 6

in United States, 7

warning, 457458

Disaster life cycle, see Emergency management cycle

Disaster Mitigation Act (DMA), 197, 237238, 240, 307, 362, 463, 468

Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 56

Disaster resilience, 3941, 482483; see also Community resilience; Economic resilience

acceptable level of risk, 495498

community, 40

embracing, 480481

investing in our future, 481482

knowing environment, 492495

people’s responsibility, 483491

pre-and post-disaster opportunities for redevelopment, 503507

strategy implementation, 498503

Divergent approaches, 230

climate change adaptation, state agencies role in, 232233

Hawaiian policy tool kit, 231

hazards management, state agencies role in, 231233

DIY, see Do-it-yourself (DIY)

DMA, see Disaster Mitigation Act (DMA)

DoD, see Department of defense (DoD)

DOI, see Department of Interior (DOI)

Do-it-yourself (DIY), 459

Domestic terrorism, 143

DOT, see U.S Department of Transportation (DOT)

Downstream losses, 335

Down-zoning, 280

Drain system maintenance, 444

Drought, 69

classification, 70

effects of climate change on, 7071

impacts, 71

monitoring, 7172

Dry floodproofing, 337, 451

Due process clauses, 270

Dune(s), 440

stabilization, 442

Dynamic equilibrium, 23, 120

Dynamic/state characteristics, 375


EA, see Environmental assessments (EA)

Earth Liberation Front (ELF), 148

Earthquakes, 97; see also Tsunamis; Volcanoes

aftershocks, 99

Chile vs. Haiti, 105106

experience in United States, 102104

impacts on people and property, 102

lessons learning, 104105

measuring acceleration with PGA, 100102

measuring intensity with MMI scale, 100

measuring magnitude with Richter scale, 99100

motion, 98

rating, 99

stress release, 9798

tectonic plate movement, 98

Easement, 286

Easements, acquisition of, 286

Economic loss, 493

Economic resilience, 318; see also Community resilience

economic impacts of natural hazards, 326328

private land ownership, 319

Ecoterrorism, 144

Education and training programs, 421; see also Volunteer programs

EMI, 421422

Ready Kids!, 422

Education strategies, 35

EIS, see Environmental impact studies (EIS)

Elevation, 451

elevating buildings above flood level, 450451

elevation-in-place, 451

ELF, see Earth Liberation Front (ELF)

EM, see Emergency management (EM)

EMAC, see Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC)

Emergency management (EM), 234, 269; see also State emergency management

art of, 483, 485

during Cold War, 182

functional, logistical, and operational elements, 29

Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), 146

Emergency management cycle, 26

comprehensive emergency management, 24

Federal preparedness programs, 2829

hazard mitigation, 29

Jersey Shore rebuilding, 3132

preparedness, 2527

preparedness vs. mitigation, 2931

Emergency Management Department, 414

Emergency management evolution, 180

disaster mitigation act, 186187

early federal involvement, 181183

explosion of federal aid (1980 and 1990), 183185

Hurricane Katrina, 187

PPD-8, 188

project impact, 186

threat of terrorism initiates agency reorganization, 187

Emergency Management Institute (EMI), 421422

Emergency managers, 480

mitigation functions by, 485

Emergency medical technicians (EMTs), 28

Emergency operations plans (EOP), 298, 413

Emergency planning zones, 162163

Emerging adaptation plan component, 299

EMI, see Emergency Management Institute (EMI)

Eminent domain, 270, 284

EMTs, see Emergency medical technicians (EMTs)

Engineering projects

dams and reservoirs, 436438

dikes, levees, floodwalls, and berms, 438

disadvantages of structural engineered mitigation projects, 435436

mitigation through, 434

reducing coastal hazard impacts, 440443

Enhanced Fujita scale, 76

Enhanced plan, 238

Environmental assessments (EA), 208

Environmental costs, 13

Environmental impact studies (EIS), 208

Environmental protection organizations, 490, 491

EOP, see Emergency operations plans (EOP)

EPA, see U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Epicenter, 98, 104

Episodic erosion, 120

Epsilon, 61

Equal protection clauses, 270

Eroding bluffs, 120

Essential facilities, 378

Evacuation, 417

National Guard, 418

NOAA NWS forecasters, 417

participants, 419

Exacerbating conditions, 375

Exercise programs, 422

Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills, 422423

Terrorism exercises, 423424

Tornado exercises, 423

Extra expense insurance, 345

Extraordinary disaster losses, 481

Extraterrestrial hazards, 4

Extraterritorial jurisdiction, 269

Extra-tropical cyclones, 77

Extreme cold, 8081

Extreme heat, 83, 383

impacts, 84

National Weather Service Heat Index, 84

urban heat island, 85

Extremely hazardous substances, 155156

Eye, 5253


False sense of security, 435

Families and individuals, 414

emergency management functions, 414

family’s basic disaster supplies kit, 415416

preparedness for vulnerable populations, 416

Fault planes, 9798

FBI, see Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Federal aid explosion, 183

FEMA incapable of major disaster response, 184

Midwest floods, 185

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 143

Federal coordination of preparedness activities, 407

National Mitigation Framework, 407408

National Prevention Framework, 410

NDRF, 408

NIMS, 408409

NRF, 408

Federal Disaster Activity (1970), 183

Federal disaster assistance, 217

federal subsidies of hazard risks, 217219

subsidizing risk through mitigation programs, 219

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 28, 39, 146, 187, 188, 193, 235, 238, 244, 247, 264, 283, 307, 465

BCAs, 468

creation, 183

CRS, 195197

developing FIRMs, 191

emphasis on hazard mitigation, 186

FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan, 239

incapable of major disaster response, 184

Mitigation Grant Programs, 494495

NFIP, 67

official mission, 190

role, 146, 190

test for, 185

Federal funds, 436

Federal government, 176, 407

Federal government role in disaster management

climate change adaptation, reducing risk by, 208214

development in hazard areas, federal incentives for, 214216

evolution of EM at federal level, 180189

federal disaster assistance, 217219

federal hazard mitigation programs, 189202

federal programs indirectly managing hazard impacts, 203208

hazards management, 176180

posing solutions, 219221

Federal hazard mitigation programs, 189

CBRA, 201202

CDBG, 200

CRS, 195197

DMA of 2000, 197

HMA grant programs, 198200

National Hurricane Program, 200

NEHRP, 200

NFIP, 190195

role of FEMA, 190

Federal hazardous materials transportation law, 159

Federal incentives for development in hazard areas, 214

federal infrastructure programs, 215216

IRC as De Facto management tool, 214215

U.S. army corps of engineers, 216

Federal involvement, 181

EM during Cold War, 182

Federal Disaster Activity (1970), 183

National Flood Insurance Act, 182

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 181

Federal preparedness programs, 2829

Federal preparedness resources, 410

Climate Data Initiative, 411

NWR All Hazards Network, 410 Campaign, 410411

Federal programs

CWA, 203205

CZMA, 205207

managing hazard impacts, 203

NEPA, 207208

Federal programs, 296

Federal property management

federal buildings, 179

federal infrastructure, 179180

federal lands, 178

FedEx, 328

Fee simple acquisition of land and damaged structures, 286

FEMA, see Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

52-acre training campus, 2829

Findings of no significant impact (FONSI), 208

FIRMs, see Flood insurance rate maps (FIRMs)

First responders, 413

500-year flood floodplain, 67

Flash floods, 6465

Flood Hazard Area Act, 244

Flood(ing), 13, 6264, 66, 246

effects of climate change on, 63

flash floods, 6465

flood control structures, environmental damage caused by, 438

floodplains, river basins, and watershed, 6364

fringe, 63

localized flood risks, 6869

mapping, 6668

preparedness activities, 196

protection activities, 196

Flood insurance rate maps (FIRMs), 6768

Flood mapping, 66

FIRMs, 6768

Flood Mitigation Assistance Program (FMA program), 198, 199, 460

funding, 199

Floodplains, 6364

management, 180, 284

Floodproofing, 451

Floodwalls, 438

Floodway, 63, 67

FMA program, see Flood Mitigation Assistance Program (FMA program)

FONSI, see Findings of no significant impact (FONSI)

Foreshock, 99

404 Flaws, 204

Freeboard, 247

Free speech zone, 150

Freezing drizzle, see Freezing rain

Freezing rain, 7980

Frostbite, 82

Fujita–Pearson tornado scale, 7576

Funnel clouds, 74

Funnel storms, 74

Future build-out into flood risk determinations, 501502


General awareness campaigns, 458

General flooding, 64, 66

General-purpose local governments, 302

Geographic factors, 332

Geographic information systems (GIS), 365, 456

to project flooding from future development, 457

Geological hazards, 96

coastal erosion, 120122

earthquakes, 97106

human-caused geo-hazards, 125126

landslides/debris flows, 117119

subsidence and collapse, 122125

tsunamis, 107112

volcanoes, 112117

GHG emissions, see Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions)

GIS, see Geographic information systems (GIS)

Global Terrorism Database (GTD), 146, 147

Goals, 467

Gravity (g), 100

Great Lakes, 120121

Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills, 422423

Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions), 3334

Green infrastructure, 500501

Green Infrastructure or Low Impact Development techniques, 444

Groin fields, 441

Groins, 441

Ground motion, 98

Groundwater, 64, 123

removal, 123124

Growth management and development in hazard areas, 273

local government planning, 295301

using power of acquisition, 284288

using power of education, 294295

using power of spending, 291294

using power of taxation and fees, 288291

regulatory power to hazard impact mitigation, 276284

Growth shapers, 293

GTD, see Global Terrorism Database (GTD)

Guaranty fund, 254


Haiti vs. Chile, 105106

Hawaiian Islands, 114

Hawaiian policy tool kit, 231

Hazard(s), 2; see also Hydrological hazards

awareness in investment decision making, 323324

Chelyabinsk meteor, 4

and disasters, 5

Earth’s dynamic equilibrium, 23

extraterrestrial hazards, 4

hazard-prone property, 286

hazard-resilient community, 266

human-made hazards, 5

impacts of climate change on natural

hazards, 1618

loss reduction, 287

management effectiveness, 236

maps, 456, 457

types of natural hazards, 3

Hazard City, 389

acceptable level of risk, 394

asset and population inventory, 392

asset and population inventory, 393

future land use and development, 392, 394

hazard identification, 390391

hazard mitigation plan, 390

hazard profile, 391392

loss estimate, 392

Hazard identification, 36, 331, 367

finding information, 368369

gathering hazard information, 332333

Hazard impact mitigation

local government planning, 295301

using power of acquisition, 284288

using power of education, 294295

using power of spending, 291294

using power of taxation and fees, 288291

regulatory power to hazard impact mitigation, 276284

Hazard insurance state regulation, 251

insuring catastrophic losses, 252253

state insurance regulation, 253254

Hazard mitigation, 29, 264, 431; see also Community mitigation

and adaptation strategies, 34

assessments for, 289

choosing right mitigation strategy to fitting problem, 433434

climate adaptation plan, 239240

coverage expansion, 255

divergent approaches overview, 230233

effectiveness of CIP, 293

through engineering projects, 434443

expanding hazard mitigation coverage, 255256

funding, 459461

hazard insurance state regulation, 251254

increasing state mitigation capabilities, 254256

infrastructure strategies, 3435

into investment decisions, 324

local mitigation planning, 463470

managing community growth and development, 3637

through natural resource protection, 454455

pays off, 3839

planning, 237239

and preparedness, 3839

to preparing for climate change, 434

through prevention, 445449

through property protection, 450454

through public information, 456459

risk assessment and mapping, 36

state building codes, 246251

through state coastal management programs, 207

state EM, 234237

state mandates for local land use planning, 240241

state provision of infrastructure, 245246

state regulation of environmentally sensitive areas, 242245

stormwater management systems, 443445

strategies, 433

strategies for human-made hazards, 461462

terrorism and technological hazard mitigation strategies, 462

tools and techniques, 432434

Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant programs (HMA grant programs), 198

FMA program, 199200

HMGP, 198

PDM program, 198199

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), 184, 198, 239

Hazard Mitigation Plan, 374, 378, 388

Hazard mitigation planning, 237, 297; see also Local mitigation planning

consequences of not preparing State Hazard Mitigation Plan, 239

Disaster Mitigation Act (2000), 237238

planning principles, 238

Hazardous, 154

chemicals, 156

substances, 155, 156

wastes, 156

Hazardous materials, 155156

sources, 156157

Hazard profile, 369

climate change resources, 374375

creating hazard history, 370371

determining probability of hazard, 372373

hazard mapping, 376

identifying extent of hazard, 371372

identifying location of hazard, 373

likelihood of hazard, 372

profiling climate change impacts, 373374

profiling human-made hazards, 375376

Hazards management

executive order for floodplain management, 180

federal appropriations, 176178

federal government involvement in, 176

hurricane sandy in 2012, 177

importance, 137138

managing federal property, 178180

programs, 203

state agencies role in, 231233

Hazards U. S. (HAZUS), 364, 378, 493


releases during natural hazard events, 163

transportation accidents, 159160

HAZUS, see Hazards U.S. (HAZUS)

HAZUS-Multi-Hazard (HAZUS-MH), 364365, 493

Heat engines, 53

Heating, ventilating, and cooling (HVAC), 338

“Heat island” effect, 33

Heat wave, see Extreme heat

High-resolution models, 55

High Water Mark initiative, 370371

Historical factors, 332

HMA grant programs, see Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant programs (HMA grant programs)

HMGP, see Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)

Home-buying process, 457

Home Depot, 327

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP), 422

Home Rule, 269

Hot-button issues, 459

Hot spots, 114

HSEEP, see Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Human-caused geo-hazards, 125126

Human error, 332

Human lives lost, 14

Human loss calculation, 383

Human-made events, 138

man-made hazard events in U.S, 139141

Human-made hazards, 5, 138

American experience, 136137

civil unrest, 149151

information on, 368369

mass shootings, 151154

mitigation strategies for, 461462

profiling, 375376

public perception, 164166

technological hazards, 154163

terrorism, 138149

Human management of wildfire, 73

100-year floodplain, 36, 62, 67, 295, 373, 488

risk, 511

100-year flood, see 100-year floodplain

Hurricane Irene, 6061

Hurricane Katrina, 89

Hurricane Pam, 405407

Hurricanes, 52

category damage examples, 5859

characteristics, 5356

formation, 53

impacts of climate change on, 6061

landfall, 57

measuring, 5657

and patterns of human activity, 5760

Hurricane Sandy, 12, 31, 50

NASA image, 53

recovery, 4041

HVAC, see Heating, ventilating, and cooling (HVAC)

Hydrological drought, 70

Hydrological hazards, 50; see also Hazard(s)

drought, 6972

extreme heat, 8385

flooding, 6369

hurricanes, 5261

sea level rise, 6163

severe winter weather, 7783

tornadoes, 7477

weather-related natural hazards, 5052

wildfire, 7274

Hypothermia, 82


IBC, see International Building Code (IBC)

IBHS, see Insurance Institute for Building and Home Safety (IBHS)

ICC, see International Code Council (ICC)

Icelandic eruption, 117

IEMSs, see Integrated Emergency Management Systems (IEMSs)

IFG, see Individual and Family Grant Program (IFG)

Impervious surfaces, 65, 444

Incidents of national significance, 409

Indigenous populations, 366

Indirect impacts of terrorism, 333

Individual and family assistance, 183

Individual and Family Grant Program (IFG), 239

Individual responsibility, 489490

Infill, 445

Infrastructure strategies, 3435

Inherent vulnerability, 380

In-kind contributions, 460

Inland flooding, 54

Insurance industry, 349

private insurance participation in community mitigation, 349350

Insurance Institute for Building and Home Safety (IBHS), 248

Insuring catastrophic losses, 252253

Integrated Emergency Management Systems (IEMSs), 146

Intensity, 100

Intentional human-made hazards, inventorying assets for, 379380

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 16

Internal Revenue Code (IRC), 214

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 214

International Building Code (IBC), 248

International catastrophes, 109

International Code Council (ICC), 248

International Residential Code (IRC), 248

International terrorism, 143

Inventorying vulnerable assets and populations, 376

calculating proportion of assets, 379

in community, 377379

inventorying assets for intentional humanmade hazards, 379380

mapping assets and populations, 380382

sources of information, 377

tasks in, 377

Investment decision making

hazard awareness in, 323324

hazard mitigation into, 324

IPCC, see Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

IRC, see Internal Revenue Code (IRC); International Residential Code (IRC)

IRS, see Internal Revenue Service (IRS)


Jersey Shore rebuilding, 3132

Jetties, 441

Jordan Commons, 506

“Just compensation”, 270


Karst topography, 125

Keetch–Byram drought index (KBDI), 73, 74

Kent state massacre, 151

Knowing environment, 492

Climate Data Initiative, 494

Digital Coast, 494

disaster data, 493

HAZUS, 493

local mitigation planning, 494

National Climate Assessment, 493, 494

state climatologists, 495

State Hazard Mitigation Officers, 494495

U.S. Census, 492



ownership, 286

subsidence, 122, 123

use planning and site selection, 340341

use strategies, 35

Landfall, 57

Landslides, 117

debris flows, 117118

risk areas, 119

triggers, 118

Land use regulation, 447

subdivision ordinances, 448

zoning ordinances, 447

Large-scale nourishment programs, 442

Lateral spreads, 98

Lava, 112

domes, 115

flows, 116

Laze, 117

Left-wing terrorism, 143

Legislation, 187

Legitimacy, 142

Levees, 438


services, 292

utilities, 378

Limits on police power, 269

regulatory takings, 270271

Liquefaction, 98

Lithosphere, 97

Littoral drift, 441

Local authority, 268271

Local champion, 309

Local code enforcement, state support for, 250251

Local government planning, 295

climate change adaptation plans, 298301

EOP, 298

hazard mitigation planning, 297298

land use and comprehensive plans, 296297

Local government powers

characteristics of resilient community, 265266

conflicting and complementary interests at local level, 271272

duty to act, 267268

exercising police power, 268271

local solutions for increasing resiliency, 266267

managing growth and development in hazard areas, 273

political willpower, 308309

unsustainable land uses lead to vulnerability, 266

Local governments, 36, 264265, 301, 464

counties, 302

county government organization, 302303

local government departments, 304305

municipalities, 303

organization of municipalities, 303304

regional governance, 306308

special districts, 305306

structure, 301

towns and townships, 305

types, 302

Localized flood risks, 6869

Local mitigation planning, 463, 494; see also Hazard mitigation planning

area and resources, 464

Disaster Mitigation Act, 463

keeping plan current, 468469

mitigation strategy development, 467468

outreach strategy creation, 465466

review and adopting plan, 469470

review community capabilities, 466

risk assessment, 466467

safe and resilient community, 470

team, 464465

Local preparedness, 413414

Local real estate boards, 457

Local zoning ordinance, 447

Loma Prieta, California Earthquake, 103

Long-term economic costs, 1113

Loss estimate calculation, 382383

Louisa County, 469


Magma, 112

Managing growth in hazard areas, 274276

Mantle, 96


and data collection, 364365

and regulatory activities, 196

Mass shootings, 151

events, 152153

lessons learned, 153154

patterns, 152

Matching funds, 460

at home, 461

Material Safety Data Sheets, see Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

Mayor-council, 303

Meteorological drought, 70

Meteorological hazards, 50

drought, 6972

extreme heat, 8385

flooding, 6369

hurricanes, 5261

sea level rise, 6163

severe winter weather, 7783

tornadoes, 7477

weather-related natural hazards, 5052

wildfire, 7274

“Meteotsunami”, 110

Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), 350

Microearthquake, 100

Midwest floods, 185

Mine collapse, 124125

Ministerial function, 282

Mississippi Department of Employment Security, 327

Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet (MRGO), 205

Mitigation, 3233, 403404, 503

actions, 467

conditions, 375

functions, 485

preparedness vs., 2931

Mitigation funding, 459

combining mitigation with other goals, 460

finding matching funds, 460461

finding mitigation funds at home, 461

hot-button issues, 459

state and federal funding sources, 460

Mitigation strategy development, 467

BCA, 468

“brick and mortar” projects, 467468

goals and objectives, 467

MMI, see Modified Mercalli intensity (MMI)

Modified Mercalli intensity (MMI), 99

earthquake intensity, 101

measuring intensity with, 100

Moral hazard, 218

Moratorium, 283

Motion, 98

MRGO, see Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet (MRGO)

MTA, see Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)

Multijurisdictional planning process, 464

Municipal improvements, 453

burying utility lines, 453454

planting, 454

pruning, 454


Narco-terrorism, 143

“Nashville Naturally” open space plan, 501

Nassau County, 507

National Climate Assessment, 493

National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF), 408

National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP), 200

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 203, 207

draft guidance for evaluating climate change, 208

toothless ogre, 208

National Flood Insurance Act, 182

National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), 67, 190, 236, 283, 344

attempts to halt flood of losses, 194195

borrowing from treasury to stay afloat, 193

flood insurance rate maps, 191192

floodplain management under, 191

keeping FIRMs current, 192193

problem of repetitive losses, 193194

regulations, 338

National Guard, 412, 418

National Incident Management System (NIMS), 408409

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 200

Nationalist terrorism, 143

National Mitigation Framework, 407408

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 108, 212

CPO, 213

NWS climate services, 212213

NWS forecasters, 417

TsunamiReady program, 111

National preparedness, 188189

National Preparedness Directorate, 28

National Prevention Framework, 410

National Response Framework (NRF), 408

National Science Foundation (NSF), 200

National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (NVOAD), 420

National Weather Service (NWS), 27, 212

Heat Index, 84

Nation’s wetlands, demise of, 455

Natural hazards, 2, 910, 136, 138, 182, 322

climate change on, 1618

economic impacts of, 326328

in New England, 4

types, 3

Natural mitigation function, 242

Natural resource protection, 454; see also Property protection

demise of Nation’s wetlands, 455

mitigation through, 454

preserving wetlands, 454455

soil conservation and steep slope preservation, 455

Natural resource strategies, 35

Nature’s kidneys, 244

NDRF, see National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF)

Negative Action, 249

NEHRP, see National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP)

NEPA, see National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

NESIS, see Northeast snowfall impact scale (NESIS)

Netherlands, 496497

New Orleans levees, failure of, 439440

NFIP, see National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)

NIDIS, see U.S. National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS)

NIMS, see National Incident Management System (NIMS)

NIST, see National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

NOAA, see National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards Network (NWR All Hazards Network), 410

No Action, 249

No adverse impact, 502503

Nonconstruction projects, 468

Nonfederal match, 460

Nonprofit conservation organizations, 255

Nontraditional stormwater management, 444445

Northeast snowfall impact scale (NESIS), 79

Northridge earthquake, 103104

NRC, see Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

NRF, see National Response Framework (NRF)

NSF, see National Science Foundation (NSF)

Nuclear accidents, 161162

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), 161

Nuee ardent, see Pyroclastic flow

NVOAD, see National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (NVOAD)

NWR All Hazards Network, see NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards Network (NWR All Hazards Network)

NWS, see National Weather Service (NWS)


Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 468

OSHA, see U.S.Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)

Other regulated materials (ORM), 155

Outreach strategy creation, 465466


PA, see Public assistance program (PA)

Pacific Tsunami Warning System, 110111

Parishes, 302

Partnership development with multiple stakeholders, 255

PDM program, see Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program (PDM program)

PDR, see Purchase of development rights (PDR)

Peak ground acceleration (PGA), 99

measuring acceleration with, 100102

Perpetrators, 142

PGA, see Peak ground acceleration (PGA)

PHMSA, see Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)

Physical damage, 493

Piece-meal approach, 446447

Pilian eruption, 113114

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), 159

Planning, 273, 297

Planting, 454

Police power, 230, 268

limits, 269271

Political terrorism, 144

Pop tart preparedness, 417

Posing solutions, 219

break cycle by reducing federal disaster dollars, 220

federal dollars for permanent solutions, 220

make new development pay for its safety, 220

Positive Action, 248249

Post-disaster redevelopment, 503505

Post-storm reconstruction, 244

Power of education, 294295

learning about natural hazards, 295

Power of spending to hazard impact mitigation, 291

annual operating budgets, 291

capital improvements, 292

CIP, 292

effectiveness of CIP for hazard mitigation, 293294

influencing private development, 293

not all spending decisions are made locally, 294

standards for government buildings and facilities, 292293

Power of taxation and fees, 288

impact fees, 290291

real property taxes, 288289

special assessments and fees, 289290

Power types, 264

PPD-8, see Presidential Policy Directive-8 (PPD-8)

Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program (PDM program), 198, 199, 460

Pre-FIRM structures, 194

Preparedness, 25, 402

business and commercial preparedness, 416417

for changing climate, 404405

education and training programs, 421422

Emergency Management Department, 414

evacuation, 417419

everyone’s responsibility, 405420

examples of activities, 26

exercise programs, 422424

families and individuals, 414416

federal coordination of preparedness activities, 407410

Governor of Indiana, Mitch Daniels, meets members of National Guard, 412

key federal preparedness resources, 410411

local preparedness, 413414

mitigation, vs., 2931

in Nutshell, 402405

programs, 420424

through public-private partnerships, 346

role in comprehensive emergency management, 403404

state level preparedness, 411412

“Turn Around Don’t Drown” program, 27

volunteer programs, 420421

Presidential Policy Directive-8 (PPD-8), 188, 407


acquisition and relocation, 446447

capital improvement programming, 448449

disasters, 445

land use regulation, 447448

mitigation through, 445

setback regulations, 448


insurance participation in community mitigation, 349350

property, 269

Private land ownership

developers and investors, 321324

“location, location, location”, 321

public sector actions, 325

in United States, 321

Private sector, 318

incentives for community-based risk reduction initiatives, 348

incentives to promoting community resilience, 347348

New York City developing catastrophe bond, 350351

participation in community mitigation, 346

private insurance participation in community mitigation, 349350

public-private partnerships, 346


development rights, 286

insurance, 344345

Property protection, 330; see also Natural resource protection

building codes, 452453

mitigation through, 450

municipal improvements, 453454

strengthening buildings and facilities, 450452

Pruning, 454

Public assistance program (PA), 183, 218

Public information

activities, 196

community awareness campaigns, 458459

disaster warning, 457458

hazard mapping, 456

mitigation through, 456

real estate disclosure laws, 457

Public perception of human-made hazards, 164

individual experience, 164165

media coverage, 164

mitigation and preparation, 165166

range of strong responses, 165

Public-private partnerships, 346

Public safety functions, 269

Public sector actions, 325

Purchase of development rights (PDR), 286

Pyroclastic flow, 116


Quality services, 272


Race riots, 151

Racist terrorism, 143

Rain bands, 52

RATES, see Regulation, Acquisition, Taxation, Education, and Spending (RATES) Campaign, 410411, 494

“Ready Kids!”, 422

Real estate disclosure laws, 457

Receiving zones, 287

Regional agencies, 306

Regional governance, 306

COG, 307308

multijurisdictional planning, 307

mutual aid agreements, 308

Regulation, Acquisition, Taxation, Education, and Spending (RATES), 273274

local government powers, 274

managing growth in hazard areas, 274276

Regulatory power to hazard impact mitigation, 276277

bonus and incentive zoning, 279

building codes, 282283

flood damage prevention ordinance, 283284

nonconforming uses, 279

overlay zones, 279

police power through zoning, 277

post-disaster building moratoria, 283

strengths of using zoning for hazard mitigation, 280

subdivision buffers for flood hazards, 281282

subdivision ordinances, 281

zone in zoning, 277278

zoning weaknesses, 280281

Regulatory setbacks, 243244

Relative sea level rise, 62

Religious terrorism, 143

Relocation, 285, 446447

Repetitive loss properties (RLPs), 194

Reservoirs, 436438

Residential structures, 451

Resilience, see Disaster resilience

Resilient community, 293, 402, 470

Resilient economies, see Economic resilience

Resilient redevelopment, 505507

Resolution, 470

Response, 404

Responsibility of people about resilience, 483

art of emergency management, 483, 485

building “whole community” coalition, 490491

individual responsibility, 489490

responsibilities, challenges, and opportunities, 484

risk communication, 485488

Retrofitting, 452

“Reverse aquarium” concept, 486

Richter scale, measuring magnitude with, 99100

Right-wing terrorism, 143

Risk assessment, 238, 361, 362, 466467

acceptable risk, 386388

base map creation, 367

community, 362

data quality, 365366

estimating potential losses, 382383

FEMA regulations, 363

future land use and development trends, 384386

Hazard City, 389394

hazard identification, 367369

hazard profile, 369376

inventorying vulnerable assets and populations, 376382

using knowledge of indigenous populations, 366

and mapping, 36

mapping and data collection, 364365

steps in, 363, 364

Risk communication, 485488

Risk factors, 267

Risk reduction requires policy implementation, 37

River basins, 6364

management, 500

Riverine flooding, 66

RLPs, see Repetitive loss properties (RLPs)

Runoff, 443


Safe community, 470

Safety and health plan, 330

Safety Data Sheets (SDS), 157

Saffir–Simpson Scale, 5657, 371

Saltwater intrusion, 6263

Sand dunes, construction and stabilization of, 442

Sand-trapping structures, 441

Sandy hook elementary school shooting, 152

San Francisco Earthquake, 103

Scheduled infrastructure, 385386

SDS, see Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

Sea level rise, 61

on flooding and storm surge, 62

global sea level, 61

relative, 62

and saltwater intrusion, 6263

Seawalls, 441442

Secondary hazard, 163

Sediment-trapping structures, 440441

Seismology, 97

seismic construction, 452

seismic waves, 98

seismograph, 99

Sending area, 287

Sending zones, 287

Setback regulations, 448

Setback rules, 121

Severe blizzard, 78

Severe winter weather, 77

blizzards, 78

effects of climate change on, 8182

extreme cold, 8081

freezing rain, 7980

impacts, 8283

snowstorms, 7879

windchill, 8081

SFHA, see Special flood hazard area (SFHA)

Shield volcanoes, 115

Shifting sands, 120

SHMO, see State Hazard Mitigation Officer (SHMO)

Shoddy workmanship, 453

Shoreline protection works, 440

Single-jurisdictional plan, 464

Single-purpose local governments, 302

Sinkholes, 122, 125

Sleet, 80

Small business, 328329

“Snaggle-tooth” approach, 447

Snowstorms, 7879

Social impacts, 493

Social vulnerability, 1415

Social Vulnerability Index (SOVI), 374

Societal costs, 1314

Socioeconomic drought, 70

Soil conservation, 455

Soil slumps, 118

Soldier’s Grove, Wisconsin, 506

SOVI, see Social Vulnerability Index (SOVI)

SPCC, see Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC)

Special flood hazard area (SFHA), 67

Speed bump, 443

Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC), 330

Stafford Act, 6, 183

Standard plan, 238

START, see Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)

State(s), 230

approaches, 247

climatologists, 495

DOT, 245

and federal funding sources, 460

hazards management effectiveness, 236237

insurance regulation, 253254

level preparedness, 411412

mitigation planning process, 255

plans levels, 238

state-mandated insurance pool, 253

state hazard mitigation and preparedness activities, funding for, 235236

terrorism, 143

State building codes, 246

enforcement, 249250

freeboard requirements, 247

state approaches, 247

state support for local code enforcement, 250251

updates, 248

State emergency management, 234

effectiveness of state hazards management, 236237

funding for state hazard mitigation and preparedness activities, 235236

SHMO, 234235

State Hazard Mitigation Officer (SHMO), 234, 236, 494495

State Hazard Mitigation Plan, 238

consequences of not preparing, 239

inclusion of climate change, 240

State mitigation capabilities, 254

developing partnerships with multiple stakeholders, 255

expanding hazard mitigation coverage, 255256

State regulation of environmentally sensitive areas, 242

post-storm reconstruction, 244

regulatory setbacks, 243244

wetland protection, 244

Steep slope preservation, 455

Storm surges, 54, 55, 62

Storm tide, 54

Stormwater management systems, 443

building drainage systems with adequate

capacity, 443444

drain system maintenance, 444

moving away from structural engineered mitigation projects, 444445

nontraditional stormwater management, 444445

Strategic retreat, 243

Strategy implementation, 498

future build-out into flood risk determinations, 501502

green infrastructure, 500501

using land wisely, 498499

no adverse impact, 502503

Stratovolcanoes, see Composite volcanoes

Strengthening buildings and facilities, 450

elevating buildings above flood level, 450451

floodproofing, 451

seismic construction and retrofitting, 452

windproofing, 451452

Stress release, 9798

Strong mayor-council, 303

Strong responses, range of, 165

Structural engineered mitigation projects, 435

beach nourishment, 442443

bulkheads, 441442

construction and stabilization of sand dunes, 442

disadvantages of, 435436

false sense of security, 435

groins, 441

jetties, 441

potential expense of structural mitigation projects, 435436

reducing coastal hazard impacts through, 440

reducing mitigation function of natural

resources, 435

seawalls, 441442

sediment-trapping structures, 440441

shoreline protection works, 440

Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), 136


ordinances, 448, 499500

regulations, 448

Subsidence, 122

causes of land subsidence, 123

groundwater removal, 123124

sinkholes, 125

in United States, 122

Substantially damaged structures, 244

Sumatra–Andaman Earthquake, 99100

Surface faulting, 98

Sustainability, 3941

policies, 265266

sustainable development, 3940, 265


Tactical vulnerability, 380

Takings clause, 270

Target, 142

Target-hardening strategies, 462

TDR, see Transfer of development rights (TDR)

Technological factors, 332

Technological hazards, 154

community impacts, 154

emergency planning zones, 162163

hazardous materials, 155156

HazMat releases during natural hazard events, 163

HazMat transportation accidents, 159160

leaks during storage and disposal, 160161

mitigation strategies, 462

nuclear accidents, 161162

OSHA safety data sheets, 157158

sources of hazardous materials, 156157

symptoms of toxic poisoning, 156

Tectonic plate movement, 98

Tectonic plates, 97

Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), 148

Temporary boost, 327

Temporary business locations, 341

Terrorism, 136, 138; see also Antiterrorism

biological and chemical weapons, 144145

elements, 142

exercises, 423424

hazard mitigation strategies, 462

impacts, 145146

role of FEMA, 146

tactics and weapons, 144

types, 143144

in U.S, 146149

Terrorist attacks, 146

“Think Globally—Act Locally”, 265

Thistle landslide, 118, 119

Tidal waves, see Tsunamis

Tornadoes, 74

activity in United States, 7677

exercises, 423

formation, 7475

Fujita–Pearson tornado scale, 7576

Toxic chemicals, 156

Toxic poisoning symptoms, 156

Transfer of development rights (TDR), 287

Tropical cyclones, 53

Tsunamis, 107; see also Earthquakes; Volcanoes

fast and furious, 107

impact of climate change, 111112

impacts, 108109

international catastrophes, 109

multiple waves, 107108

readiness, 111

risk for United States, 109110

warning systems, 110111

TTP, see Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

Tulsa, Oklahoma, 506

“Turn Around Don’t Drown” program, 27


Undeveloped areas, 384385

intersection with hazardous areas, 386

United States Geological Survey (USGS), 118

Upstream business disruptions, minimizing, 339

Upstream losses, 335

Urban flooding, 66

Urban heat island, 85

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 179, 181

U.S. Census, 492

U.S Department of Transportation (DOT), 136

U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 136

U.S.Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), 209, 493

U.S.Global Change Research Program, 374

USGS, see United States Geological Survey (USGS)

U.S. National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS), 72

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 373

U.S.Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), 136

safety data sheets, 157158


Variances, 448

Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans), 246

Violence, 142

Virginia tech shooting, 153

Vog, see Volcanicfog


ash, 116

eruption, 112, 113

fog, 117

mudflows, 116

Volcano–earthquake connection, 114

Volcanoes, 112; see also Earthquakes; Tsunamis

hot spots, 114

impacts on people and property, 116117

Pilian eruption, 113114

reaching boiling point, 112

types of volcanic structures, 115

volcanic eruptions types, 113

volcano–earthquake connection, 114

Volunteer programs, 420; see also Exercise programs

American Red Cross, 420421

CERT, 421

VTrans, see Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans)

Vulnerability, 481

assessment, 331, 333

to hazards, 377

vulnerable populations, preparedness for, 416


Water force, 54

Watersheds, 6364

Waterspouts, 74

Wave action, 54

Weak mayor-council, 304

Weather-related natural hazards, 50

awareness, 52

coastal communities, 51

in United States, 51

Wet floodproofing, 338, 451

Wetland(s), 454455

mitigation, 245

protection, 244

“Whole community” coalition, 490

conservation and environmental protection organizations, 490, 491

mechanisms for community engagement in disaster policy making, 491

Wildfires, 72, 118

fire regime time periods, 73

human management, 73

measuring wildfire risk conditions, 7374

Willing buyers, 285

Willing sellers, 285

Windchill, 8081

factor, 80

temperature, 81

Windproofing, 451452

Wind velocity, 54, 75

Winter weather down on farm, 8283

World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 16, 61


Zoning, 277, 280, 499500

code, 277

districts, 278

ordinances, 277, 447

zone in, 277