
Part I: Background of Federal Auditing

Chapter 1: Background of Federal Auditing

Auditing and Government

Auditing the Federal Government: Definition and Scope

Federal Auditing: Who Sets the Standards?

Types of Governmental Audits

Organization of the Book

Chapter 2: Federal Audit Criteria

The Constitution: “The Power of the Purse”

Anti-Deficiency Act: Cannot Spend More Than Congress Provides

Budget and Accounting Act of 1921

Budget and Accounting Procedures Act of 1950: Strengthened Federal Financial Practices

Supplemental Appropriations Act of 1951: Define the Legal Form for Federal Obligations

Impoundment Control Act of 1974: Congressional Budget Office, New Fiscal Year, and More

Inspector General Act of 1978

Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act of 1982

Single Audit Act of 1984: One Audit, Once A Year, by One Auditor

Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990: Full Cost of Loans and Loan Guarantees Must Be Budgeted

Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990: Uniform Reporting, Agency CFOS, Annual Financial Statements, Independent Audits

Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, Amended in 2010

Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996

Accountability for Tax Dollars Act of 2002

Improper Payment Information Act of 2002, Amended in 2010 and 2012

Department of Homeland Security Financial Accountability Act of 2004

Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006

Chapter 3: Selected Issues in Federal Financial and Internal Control Reporting

Federal Financial Statements

An Emphasis on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

Internal Controls: Reporting by Federal Agencies

Assessing Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

OMB Internal Control Deficiencies

Gao’s Government Auditing Standards: No Audit of Internal Controls Over Financial Reporting

Emerging Issues

Part II: Federal Budgeting, Accounting, and Financial Statements

Chapter 4: Accounting in the Federal Government

The Federal Budget Process

Budget Cycle

PPBS, ZBB, and MBO Budget Concepts

Federal Accounting: Process, Definitions, Transactions, Life Cycle

Nature of Congressional Allocations

Nature of An OMB Apportionment

Nature of Federal Entity Allotments

Nature of Federal Allowances

Nature of Federal Obligations

Proprietary Accounting

Chapter 5: Federal Financial Statements

Introduction to Federal Financial Statements

Historical Emphasis of Federal Financial Reporting

Hierarchy of Accounting Principles for Federal Entities

Federal Government’s Accounting Hierarchy

Federal Reporting Entity

Reporting by Departments, Agencies, and the Government as A Whole

Federal Financial Statements

Government-Wide Financial Statements

Part III: Auditing in the Federal Government

Chapter 6: Evolving Guidance

2006 Standards

Recent Developments in Federal Guidance

Chapter 7: The Federal Audit Model

Audit Checklists and Models

Federal Audit Model

Phases of Federal Audits

Government Auditing Standards: Not Stand-Alone Standards

Management’s Assertions

Audit Tests, Procedures, and Activities

Audit Evidence



Discreditable Acts

Chapter 8: Planning the Audit

Planning to Fill the Knowledge Gaps

Planning Phase: Do it Early, Do it Continuously

Audit Models, Audit Checklists: No Substitutes for Judgment

Understand the Federal Auditee: Each is Unique

Audit Techniques and Sources of Information: How to Achieve an Understanding of the Agency

Put the Understanding to Use: Develop the Initial Audit Approach

Audit Team Meetings: What Do We Think?

Documenting the Planning Phase: Developing the Account Risk Analysis and the Audit Strategy/Audit Plan

Document the Planning Phase: Gantt Chart the Audit Approach

Specific Control Evaluation Worksheet

Account Risk Analysis Form

Chapter 9: Documenting Internal Controls

Internal Controls, Definitions, and Requirements

Internal Controls, A Historical Perspective

Federal Standard Setters

Selected Federal Guidance

Internal Control Evaluation Requirements

Documenting Internal Controls

Completing and Documenting the Auditor’s Understanding of Internal Controls

Chapter 10: Assessing and Evaluating Control Risks

Assess Control Risks

Assess Account-Level Risk

Develop Auditing Procedures

Finalize and Document the Audit Approach

Chapter 11: Test of Controls, Transactions, and Accounts

Types of Tests

Testing Internal Controls

How to Test Controls

Walk-Throughs and Tests of Control

Tests of Controls are not Effective Tests for Transaction Accuracy

Controls to Test and How

Substantive Tests

Audit Sampling

Sampling Considerations

Information Technology Considerations

Outsourcing Accounting and Data Services

Chapter 12: End-of-Audit, Quality Control, and Reporting Procedures

Obtain Management and Legal Representation Letters

Final Critique of Audit Plan, Programs, and Procedures

Audit Quality Control Review and Validation

Issuing the Independent Auditor’s Reports

Illustrative Independent Auditor’s Report

Illustrative Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control and Compliance and Other Matters

Illustrative Independent Auditor’s Report on Special-Purpose Financial Statements

Part IV: Nature of Selected Federal Audits

Chapter 13: Auditing and Evaluating Federal IT Systems

Understanding the Need for it Security

Federal it Audit Process

Understanding Key Laws and Regulations on Information Security

Privacy and the Expanded Requirements in Federal it Audits

Growing Demand for it Audit and Information Assurance Services

Closing Thoughts

Chapter 14: Performance Audits

Performance Auditing: Minimal Guidance, no Safe Harbors

General Standards: Independence, Professional Judgment, Collective Competence, Quality Control And Assurance

Fieldwork Standards: Planning, Supervision, Sufficient and Competent Evidence, Documentation

Reporting Standards: Written Reports, Report Content, Quality Reporting, Report Distribution

Structuring A Performance Audit: Interesting, Challenging, and Not Without Risk

Overview of Performance Audit Process: Plan, Do, Review, Report

Orientation Phase: With Arrangers of Audit and Auditee

Review Risks and Issues: Winnow Down Audit Areas

Conduct the audit: Get the Facts, Findings

Report of Audit: Briefings and Interim and Final Reports

Chapter 15: Procurement Audits, Contract Audits, and Grant Audits

Contract Audits

Federal Procurements

Procurement Audits

OMB’s Compliance Audit Supplement

Audit Issues

Allowable/Unallowable Cost Criteria

Grant Audits

Audits of Grantees

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Chapter 16: Attestation Reports

Attest Engagements
