- 1.1 Conceptual Framework for Multilevel Thinking
- 2.1 Fundamental Graph of Public Health
- 4.1 Census Poverty Rate by Age—1966 to 2012
- 5.1 Average Body Mass Index and Kernal Density Estimates by Years of Completed Education for Women Aged 25 to 64
- 5.2 Proportion of Individuals under Age 65 with Health Insurance, 1998–2009, by Race-Ethnicity
- 5.3 Percentage of Stunted Children for Poorest and Richest Wealth Quantiles, Selected Countries
- 5.4 Diverging Scenarios for Absolute and Relative Inequality Trends
- 5.5 Hypothetical Life Expectancy for Three Social Groups with Varying Population Sizes in Two Different Societies
- 5.6 Graphical Example of a Lorenz Curve for Health
- 5.7 Relative and Absolute Health Concentration Curves for Daily Smoking in Brazil and Dominican Republic, 2002
- 5.8 Income-Based Slope and Relative Index of Inequality in Current Smoking
- 5.9 Graphical Depiction of Blinder–Oaxaca Decomposition
- 6.1 The Checkerboard Problem
- 6.2 The Modifiable Areal Unit Problem
- 7.1 Cluster Map from Concept Mapping of Urban Neighborhood Factors and Intimate Partner Violence
- 7.2 Neighborhood Stabilization Factors and IPV Cessation. Diagram of the Relationship Between Items Drawn by Participants
- 7.3 Neighborhood Monitoring Cluster and IPV
- 9.1 Example 7-Node Network
- 9.2 Selection and Influence Processes
- 11.1 Variance of a Unit Mean as a Fraction of Within-Unit Variance, σ2, Plotted Against the Number of Members per Unit, at Different Levels of the Cluster Effect, VCR
- 11.2 Relationship Between the Detectable Difference (Δ) and Power
- 12.1 Conceptual Diagram of Target Values and Causal Contrast
- 12.2 Fictitious Graph of Overlap in Propensity Scores
- 12.3 Overlap in Propensity Scores by the Neighborhood Exposure Group
- 12.4 Effect Estimates as a Function of Caliper Width
- 13.1 Growth Model for Heavy Episodic Drinking from Adolescence to Adulthood in a Subsample of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
- 13.2 Hypothetical Disease Prevalence Across Age in a Cross-Sectional Study
- 13.3 Hypothetical Disease Prevalence by Age and Time Period
- 13.4 Hypothetical Disease Prevalence by Time Period and Birth Cohort
- 13.5 Period and Cohort Effects on Asthma Prevalence in the United States 1997–2011 Using a Cross-Classified Random Effects Model
- 13.6 Time-Dependent Confounding
- 13.7 Time-Dependent Confounding with Common Cause of L and Y
- 13.8 Conditioning on Baseline Outcome Status
- 13.9 Differential Loss to Follow-up
- 13.10 Histograms Denoting the Distribution of Stabilized Inverse Probability of Treatment Weights by Level of Neighborhood Disadvantage
- 14.1 Graphical Example of DD Estimate
- 15.1 Between- and Within-Cluster Variation and Potential for Cluster-Level Confounding
- 15.2 Decision Tree for Random Effects, Fixed Effects, or Hybrid Model Selection
- 16.1 Mediation Model in Baron and Kenny (1986)
- 16.2 Causal Diagrams Showing Conditions Needed to Identify Total Effects, Controlled Direct Effects, and Natural Direct and Indirect Effects
- 16.3 Causal Diagram of the Effects of a Hypothetical Conditional Cash Transfer Program on Children's Height-for-Age
- 16.4 Causal Diagram Showing the Mediation Model with Two Mediators of Interest
- 16.5 Causal Diagram Showing Unmeasured Confounding of the Meadiator-Outcome Relation by the Confounder U
- 16.6 Causal Diagram Illustrating a Non-Differential Error in the Measurement of the Mediator
- 17.1 Directed Acyclic Graph or DAG of the Causal Relations Between the Exposure A, Outcome Y, and Confounding Variable W
- 18.1 Definitions of Terminology Applied to an Example Causal DAG, with Corresponding Causal Assumptions and Implied Independencies
- 18.2 A DAG to Illustrate Identification of Paths Connecting Variables and Covariates That Block Paths
- 18.3 A DAG under Which Conventional Confounding Rules Fail
- 18.4 A DAG for Selection Bias
- 18.5 An Example Illustrating Inclusion of a Measurement Error in Exposure and Outcome, with the Outcome Measurement Error Influenced by the Value of the Exposure
- 19.1 Causal Diagrams Depicting a Valid Instrument
- 19.2 Causal Diagrams Depicting Variables That Are Not Valid Instruments
- 19.3 Characterization of Individuals Based on How the Instrumental Variable or Random Assignment Affects the Exposure or Treatment Variable
- 19.4 Example Contrasting ITT, IV, and Population Average Causal Effect in Two Populations
- 19.5 Sample Size Required to Achieve 80% Power at α = 0.05 with Improvements in the First-Stage Association