Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations; page numbers in boldface refer to pull-quote authors.
Abbot’s Garden of Nikko (Japan), 265
Acid rain, 138
Activity centers:
at airports, 322
entrance plantings for, 359
in planned communities, 150, 176
plans developed for, 174
in regional plans, 188
in urban revitalization plans, 171–172, 206
Adams, Henry, 198
Afforestation, 84
Agriculture. See also Farmland
expansion of, 47
impact of, 81–82
irrigation for, 11, 40, 43, 44–45
land planning for, 61
land restoration for, 45
pollution from, 138
rectilinear survey of fields in, 63
Air pollution:
control of, 169
as global warming factor, 36, 36, 37
health effects of, 138
urban forestry and, 85
freight versus passenger, 317, 321
travel via, 321–322
amenities at, 322
transport at, 323
Alaska Purchase, 62
Alaska Statehood Act of 1958, 62
Alberti, Leon Battista, 267
Allegheny Conference of Western Pennsylvania, 135
American Conservation Foundation, 135
American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), 383
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 208
Amusement park design, 269–270
Animals. See also Wildlife
biosphere as home to, 13
climate change impact on, 36, 37
environment needed by, 3
in food chain, 77
human dominion over, 2
invasive species of, 82–83
Anthropomorphic module, 336
to airports, 321
to buildings, 330
design of, 302–303, 311–314, 312–314
landscape plantings at, 359, 359
for planned communities, 159, 184
at Rockefeller Center, 261
Aquifer replenishment, 46, 76, 77
Arc de Triomphe (Paris, France), 96, 96
Ardrey, Robert, 14
Arlington National Cemetery, 270
Asia. See also China; Japan
approaches designed in, 302–303
cities in, 196
nature-based design in, 342, 344
Assessments (land), 138
Asymmetry, 104–110, 333–334, 369
Atlanta Station (Atlanta, GA), 66
Atmosphere (Earth), 37
Atomic power:
civic action against, 134
control of, 3
waste from, 138
driveways/approaches for, 311–314
as hazard, 344
land planning impacted by, 207–208, 308–309
parking for (see Parking)
in planned communities, 146, 149, 149
in rural site design, 238
traffic flow planning for, 307, 309–311, 310, 311
asymmetric, 108
characteristics of, 95–98
design function of, 94, 99, 99–100, 100, 101, 333, 368
Back-to-the-city movement, 207
Bacon, Edmund N., 181
Balance, as design principle, 104–106, 332
for sloped sites, 240
for urban residences, 199
Base map:
for landscape planting, 354
in site planning, 225
Base plane:
articulated by vertical plane, 284, 285, 286
characteristics of, 272–275, 272–275
coloration of, 268
of exterior volumes, 272
functions of, 275
pedestrian traffic on, 305, 306
plantings to define, 355, 357, 361
in site space design, 259, 260, 260
Bauer, Catherine, 214
versus decoration, 344
experience of, 376
mathematical basis of, 334
of natural forms, 337
in urban design, 186
wabi quality in, 236–237
Bedroom communities, 161
Beijing (Peking), China, 99–100, 108, 109, 371
Belluschi, Pietro, 97
Bench mark (topographic), 67, 68
Benét, Stephen Vincent, 4
Bergmann, Karen, 275
Berry, Wendell, 180
Bigger, Frederick, 307
in community planning, 151, 159, 161
on complete streets, 315
along greenways, 172
in integrated design, 253
location of, 313
in neighborhood plans, 182
on site analysis map, 224
use of, 324
Bioengineering, 79
Biology, 12
components of, 13
overconsumption and, 21
plant function in, 80
Blue Ridge Parkway (VA), 267
Blueways, in regional plans, 190, 190–191
Boat travel, 319–321
A Book of Tea (Okakura), 90
Borissavlievitch, Miloutine, 334, 334n, 335
Botanical gardens, 80, 80, 117, 201, 381
Bowie, Henry P., 228
Braun, Ernest, 13n
Bridge design, 51–52, 122–123, 123, 311
British North Borneo (Sabah), 17
Brownfields, 66
Brundtland Commission (UN), 18
in community planning, 159
vegetation as, 77
Building codes:
in comprehensive plan, 221
disabilities and, 208
enforcement of, 176–177
as site analysis data, 224
urban, 185
Building materials:
in Asian architecture, 342
for highway structures, 311
in integrated design, 256
for pedestrian paths, 305
in rural site design, 238
in spatial design, 271–272
technology in, 329
in urban site design, 236
for vertical enclosures, 279
Building orientation:
landscape character and, 117
microclimate and, 31–32, 33, 33, 35
street frontage and, 145, 148, 159, 174, 176
Building site. See Site
Buildings. See also Structures
as sculptural elements, 281
solitary versus grouped, 339
Built environment:
design elements for, 120–129
suitability of site/surroundings, 120–121, 180
Burbank, Luther, 79
Burchard, John Ely, 96
Bus trains, 323
Buses, 323–324
Campuses, walkways on, 303
cities along, 321
repurposing of, 50
traffic in, 303
in transportation network, 58
Carbohydrate production, 77
Carbon dioxide, atmospheric, 36, 77, 138, 363
Carnegie Mellon University, 383
Carrying capacity:
of roadways, 310
Cars. See Automobiles
Carson, Rachel, 8
foliage, 357
Casey Trees, 85
Cavagnaro, David E., 13n
Central business district (CBD), 185, 198–201, 201, 208, 210
Central Park (New York City), 199, 281
Champs-Élysée (Paris, France), 96, 96–97
Chicago Botanic Garden, 117, 381
Ch’ien-lung (emperor of China), 108
China, 6, 9, 99–100, 108, 109, 116, 371. See also specific locations and sites
Circulation patterns. See also Roadways; Traffic; Transportation
for air travel, 321–322
for automobiles, 307–317
for bicycles (see Bikeways)
to connect structures, 338, 339
design importance of, 289–290
impelled motion in, 290–295
landscape planting and, 355, 355, 357, 358, 358, 359, 360
multimodal transport and, 323–325
for pedestrians, 303–306 (see also Walkways)
for railways, 317–319
route design in, 296
sequence in, 299–303
space modulation in, 296–299
for water travel, 319–321
asymmetric plans in, 108–109
axial plans in, 96–98
components of, 198–207
contemporary planning for, 196–198
defined, 184
design of, 208–210
experience of, 375
forestry in, 85
land use issues and, 170
open space in, 172
placement of, 117
population density of, 143–144
regional planning for, 184–186, 188
relationship with surroundings, 179–180
revitalization of, 139, 171, 171
site development for, 234–237
spatial design of, 260
along waterfronts, 321
Civic action:
antinuclear demonstration as, 134
city beautification as, 209
in environmental planning, 192
function of, 135
proposed antiwar, 140–141
in urban planning, 184
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 139, 380, 382
Civilization, dawn of, 19–20, 81, 133
Clark, Kenneth, 3
Clawson, Marion, 62
Clay, Grady, 115
defined, 23
as design factor, 139, 238, 342–343
elements of, 23–24
microclimate, 34
social imprint of, 26
Climate change, 36–37, 138, 167, 363
Climatic regions, 25–29
Cluster housing, 180–181
Cold climatic region, 25, 26, 33
contrasts in, 123
of roadways, 310
in spatial design, 268–269, 271
Colorado River, 45
Community. See also Planned communities
culture of, 328
evolving forms of, 144
as human necessity, 143
social activities in, 161
electric cart for, 324
via rapid transit, 317
suburban development and, 207
Compass and chain survey, 70
Complete streets, 315, 314–315
buildings/spaces in, 329–330
for groups of structures, 330–334
rules for, 334–337
Comprehensive land planning:
approach to, 228–229
conceptual plan in, 226–227
example, 220
function of, 220–222
impact assessment in, 229–231
site analysis in, 222–225, 226
for plan documentation, 225
as planning tool, 231–233
in structural design, 329
visualization produced by, 232
Computer-Aided Design (CAD), 233, 331
Conceptual plan:
example, 228
function of, 233
for landscape planting, 356
process for, 227
site-structure diagram in, 226–227, 227
three-dimensional translation of, 259
Conference facilities, 161
Conservancies, 167. See also Preserves
credo for, 132
defined, 61
as environmental issue, 141
green roofs in, 363
jurisdictions for, 60
in PCD community planning, 152, 153
regional planning for, 188
Conservation easements, 135, 135–136
Consumption, excessive, 21. See also Sustainability
mapping of, 67, 67–68, 68, 70, 70
site design based on, 238–241, 342
Cool-temperate climatic region, 25, 27
controlling, 33–35
evaporative, 32, 32, 35, 77, 137, 235
natural versus mechanical, 33
Corbusier, Le, 123, 328, 371, 372
Corridor spaces, 195–196, 197, 268
Counties, in regional planning, 189
Court of the Concubine (Beijing, China), 297–299
Court of the Lions, the Alhambra (Spain), 101, 101
privacy afforded by, 236, 237, 243, 278
in site plan integration, 250
space allowed for, 330
as street frontage alternative, 144, 145, 180
structurally defined, 341
in urban design plans, 260
Croplands, irrigation of, 11, 40. See also Agriculture
Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, MS), 121
Cross-pollination, 79
Crowe, Sylvia, 181
Crystalline form, 103
Cul-de-sacs, 146, 182, 313, 358
Cullen, Gordon, 275
Culverts, 311
Cyclones, 139
Dams, 51
Dawson, Stuart, 380
residential, 348–350
for sloped sites, 240
Decomposition process, 11
Deduction, defined, 2
Deer, as invasive species, 83
Deserts, 137
Design. See also Planning
asymmetry in, 104–110, 333–334
climate change as factor in, 36–37
for climatic region, 25–29
conditioned perception in, 299–300
defined, 214
for disadvantaged, 139
dynamic tension in, 332
end result of, 376
form and function in, 267, 328, 337, 344, 367, 373
microclimatic factors in, 30–35
in nature, 9
objectives of, 6
symmetry in, 100–104
as three-dimensional, 259, 333
Design review board, 162
Developers, in planning, 174–175
Development. See also Planned unit development (PUD)
in community planning, 152–153
ecological balance and, 15
growth management and, 164–169, 172
of hill form, 116
lawn irrigation and, 45
overall impact of, 80–81
pollution from, 138
in regional planning, 188–189
along rivers, 320–321
suburban, 144
transfer of rights to, 158
unrestrained, 5, 5, 8, 58, 166, 170, 175
water management and, 46, 46, 47, 49
Development guideline manual, 163
Disabilities, accommodating, 208, 296, 315
Disease, climate effects on, 24
Disneyland, 318
Disney World, 318
Distance, as design factor, 296, 305–306
bioengineering of, 79
human programming by, 20
for community development plans, 163
for comprehensive site plans, 225
as design consideration, 252, 274
natural, preserving, 342
along roadways, 310
as site selection factor, 40
as accessway, 308
for city site, 235
entrance to (see Approaches)
opening on trafficway, 145, 174
Dubos, René, 5
Dudok, Willem, 263
Dwellings. See also Residences
cultural design changes in, 180
ideal features of, 343–346, 344
locations of, 143
nature integrated with, 342–343
in reclaimed developments, 202
water resources as consideration for, 45
Dynamic repose, 332
atmospheric composition of, 37
carbon dioxide enveloping, 138
climatic regions of, 25–29
ecology of, 13–15
habitations on, 342
human relationship to, 2, 132, 168, 377
oxygen production on, 12, 77, 85
place in the universe, 15
relationship with sun, 24
surface variations on, 67
vegetative covering on, 75
Earth plane. See Base plane
Earthquakes, 139–140
conservation, 135, 135–136, 152
for landscape plantings, 359, 360
in survey specification, 71
for utility line placement, 146
Eastern versus Western philosophies:
on approach to planning, 376
on beauty, 17
on composition, 333
on nature, 17
Eckbo, Garrett, 180, 215, 260, 380, 382
as basis of life, 13–15
in landscape architecture practice, 13
landscape plantings in, 354
principles of, 61
around water bodies, 50
water resource management in, 45
climate effects on, 24
as planning factor, 220
unity of rural and urban, 180
urban revitalization and, 172
Egypt, 278
Eiseley, Loren, 41
Elder, Henry, 373
Electric carts, 324
in design for level sites, 242
Emergency vehicle access, 317
Eminent domain, 202
sedentary nature of, 147
in community planning, 145, 146, 166
hydroelectric, 51
from sun (radiant), 24
clarity of form and, 283
of highway views, 310
via landscape plantings, 354, 357, 359
as outward-directed, 280
privacy and, 278
from structures, 341
in unified landscape view, 89, 89–90, 92, 92, 286, 330
Entrances. See Approaches
Environment. See also Built environment
care for, 353
dynamic nature of, 6
ecology as study of, 13
human relationship to, 376
interdependence of life forms in, 14
organic growth in, 107
Environmental impact assessment:
checklist for, 230
in comprehensive plan, 229–231
in regional plan, 191
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), 229, 231
Environmental issues, 132. See also Pollution
civic action to confront, 135
climate as, 139
in community planning, 162, 163, 166
conservation as, 141
conservation easements as, 135–136
freshwater depletion as, 136–137
growth management in, 133, 167, 168–169
natural disasters as, 139–140, 140
regional planning and, 133–134, 186, 188
safety as, 138–139
in site analysis, 224
soil loss as, 137–138
in structural design, 329
transfer of development rights in, 158
war as, 140–141
Environmental Planning and Design Partnership, 381
Environmentalists, 153
as growth management issue, 167
rectilinear land survey and, 64
as regional planning issue, 190
as spatial design consideration, 272
topsoil loss from, 60, 60–61, 137, 137–138
vegetative protection against, 45, 75–76, 77, 77, 311, 357
climate change addressed by, 37
Renaissance landscape design in, 109–110
Evaporative cooling (evapotranspiration), 32, 32, 35, 77, 137, 235
of plant life, 80
timeline for (earth and human), 19–20
ill effects of, 176
reclaiming land from, 151
regulation of, 138
for suburban sewer lines, 146
for water bodies, 54
Experiences, planned, 371–372, 373–377, 374, 375
Exterior space design, 271–272
Fairchild, David, 79
Fallingwater (Bear Run, PA), 124, 125
Family, as social unit, 180
in growth management plan, 165, 166, 169
preservation of, 207
regional planning for, 188
taxation of, 170
transfer of development rights to, 158
Fault lines, 11
Fibonacci, Leonardo, 335–336
Field observation (site analysis), 221, 224
contamination of, 138
in food chain, 77
Fitch, James, 277
Flattid bug, 14
as design consideration, 33, 53, 139–140, 140, 343
increased incidence of, 37
management of, 46, 159, 169, 190
Florida wetlands, 40
Folger, Timothy, 8
depletion of, 136
development potential of, 170
establishment of, 84
in growth management plan, 165, 167, 169
national, 110
in regional plans, 188
restoration of, 137
site design in, 244
design innovations and, 368
function and, 267, 328, 337, 344, 367, 373
motion impelled by, 290–294, 290–295
natural, 115–116, 337–338, 342, 342
spatial, 267–268
France, Raoul, 15
Franklin, Benjamin, 8
availability of, 342
depletion of, 42, 43, 44, 48, 136–137, 362, 363
replenishing, 159
Friends of Urban Forests, 85
Gallion, Arthur B., 198
Gardens. See also specific gardens
botanical, 80, 80, 117, 201, 381
experience of, 374
for privacy, 278
residential, 348
space allowed for, 330
in United States, 362
Gardner, James, 304
Gas Works Park (Seattle, WA), 66
Genetic code, 20
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), 64, 73
Geologic time:
climate change throughout, 36
eras in, 18–19
as climate element, 23–24
in habitation design, 342
in landscape architecture practice, 10–11
Geomancy, 9
Geometric design:
in contemporary urban plans, 196–197
versus experienced design, 374
for level sites, 241
purposeful application of, 249, 338
in symmetrical plans, 103–104
three-dimensional consideration of, 333
for tree planting, 357, 358, 359
Georgetown (Washington, DC), 203
Giedion, Siegfried, 121
Global warming:
factors in, 21
implications of, 36–37
consequences of, 82
cultural evolution in, 168
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 105
Golden Gate National Recreation Area, 167
Golden rectangle, 334
Golden Triangle (Pittsburgh, PA), 304
The Golden Number (Borissavlievitch), 334
Goshorn, Warner S., 61
Government agencies/bodies:
in community planning, 152, 153, 163
complete streets promoted by, 315
developers working with, 174
eminent domain exercised by, 202
land use planning by, 132, 133–136, 167
map/survey information from, 73
preserves established by, 83–84
in regional planning, 186, 189, 191–193
urban forestry under, 85
visual resource management by, 110
of building site, 238–244
at intersections, 149, 208, 311
along rivers, 321
geological factors in, 342
regulation of, 138
for roadway construction, 310
Graham, Robert, 382
Graham, Wade, 48
Grand Canyon (AZ), 267
design base plane and, 273
as water flow design factor, 40
Great Lakes, 138
ancient, architecture in, 336, 344
desertification of, 137
Green infrastructure, 85
Green roofs, 252, 363–365, 364
Greenhouse gases, 36
in neighborhood plans, 182
in planned communities, 145
in regional plans, 190, 190–191
in urban areas, 172
Ground plane. See Base plane
bioretention and, 365
determining presence of, 342
recharging, 252
Growth management:
guideline plan for, 164–165
project review in, 165
public services in, 165–169, 174
Gutkind, E. A., 17
Habitations. See Dwellings; Residences; Structures
in biosphere, 13
for fish/wildlife, 1, 40–41, 78, 190, 337, 342, 365
land as, 61–62
suburban development and, 144
vegetation and, 76
in aesthetics, 267
architectural, 335
in built environment, 121, 121–122, 351
as human pursuit, 5
between humans and nature, 4, 16, 60
in landscape character, 112–114
of site and design, 233, 245–246
symmetry and, 102
violation of, 125
Harris, Walter D., 144
Harvard Graduate School of Design, 367–368, 380, 382
Hatshepsut (Queen of Egypt), 369
Hazardous materials, 224
Heating, natural versus mechanical, 33
Heller, Caroline, 304
Herbicides, 138
Hilberseimer, Ludwig K., 186, 307
Hills, modification of, 116, 117, 188
Historic landmarks, 162, 162, 167, 189
Homeowners’ associations, 163
Homestead Act of 1862, 62
Homo sapiens, 1, 19, 20. See also Humankind
Horticulture, 80. See also Landscape planting; Plants
Hot-dry climatic region, 25, 29, 30–31, 33
Housing. See also Dwellings; Residences; Structures
in central business districts, 201
in inner-city areas, 201, 202, 203
types of, 203–204
Howard, Ebenezer, 193
Hubbard, Henry V., 106
Human physiology:
climate effects on, 24
symmetry in, 101
affinity for water, 39, 41–42, 51
on American continents, 75
cities designed for, 210–211
effect on climate, 36
land ownership by, 61–62
relationship with nature, 3–9, 15–17, 20, 60, 346, 374, 376
as design factor, 139
reducing, 33
Humus, 77
Huxley, Julian, 133
Hybridization of plants, 79
Hydrologic cycle, 11
Hydrology, 11
as global portion of water, 39, 40
Impoundments (water), 51
Indoor-outdoor living, 346, 346–351, 347–351
Industrial Revolution:
land planning and, 207
Industrial sites, 66
Innisfree Garden (Millbrook, NY), 332–333
earth as, 33
from green roofs, 364
Integrated plan, 246, 246, 343
Intersections (traffic):
landscaping at, 358–359
three-way, 159
Invasive species, 82–83
as design consideration, 55
water depletion and, 43, 44–45, 136, 363
Israel, 137
Jacobs, Jane, 199
Japan. See also specific locations and sites
aesthetic sensibility in, 228–229, 236
enclosed spaces in, 278
form order in, 336–337
housing design in, 204
land preservation in, 117
landscape planning in, 218–219
moon viewing in, 346
nature-design integration in, 250–251
spatial design in, 265
tokonoma in homes of, 344–345
Johnson, Lyndon, 382
Johnson, William J., 232
Johnston, Paul, 381
Johnstone, B. Kenneth, 225
Karnak Temple (Egypt), 331
Katsura Palace (Kyoto, Japan), 331, 371
Kepes, Gyorgy, 106
Kudzu, as invasive species, 83, 83
Kyoto, Japan, 9, 331, 341, 371, 371
Lake George (Michigan), 115
cities adjacent to, 321
as landscape features, 51
as water table recharge, 252
Land. See also Topography
carrying capacity of, 64, 132, 191, 192
minimizing impact on, 252
rights to, 62–63, 64, 131, 158
Land grants, 62
Land management, 64–65, 132–136
Land ownership:
establishing, 61–63
responsibilities of, 65
in scatteration problem, 175
Land surveys:
computer access to, 231
methods for, 70
specification for, 70–71
Land use:
in community planning, 163, 166
evolving pattern of, 170
planning for, 133–136, 138, 171, 179, 207
in regional planning, 188
Land-use codes, 252
Land value:
appreciation of, 174–175
versus open space preservation, 210
zoning and, 176
aerial view of, 321
control of, 250
in harmony with nature, 9, 15, 345
modification of, 114–119, 128–129 (see also Built environment)
natural forms in, 115–116, 273, 311
preserving integrity of, 135–136, 328
spatial design within, 286
structures in, 330, 331, 337–339, 351
U.S. management of, 83
visual (see Visual landscape)
Landscape architects:
aesthetics of, 372
in collaborative planning, 226, 226
goal of, 377
knowledge needed by, 10–13
site familiarity of, 223
Landscape architecture:
American approach to, 220, 246
defined, 372
evolution of, 368–373
function of, 252
Japanese approach to, 218–219
sustainability in, 18
Landscape Architecture book (Simonds), 382
Landscape Architecture magazine, 160, 382
Landscape art, 372
Landscape character:
of building complexes, 339
controlling changes in, 246
defined, 112
geometric design imposed on, 104, 249
land use and, 120
of level sites, 243
preservation of, 127, 189, 343
qualities in, 112–114
in rural site design, 238
scenic value in, 110
Landscape planting:
cultural influences on, 361–363
guidelines for, 355–361
installation of, 355
in low-impact design, 363–365
process of, 354–355
Landscape type, 114
Landslides, 224
Laser transit (surveying), 64, 70
Latin America:
cities in, 196
land ownership in, 63
Law of fitness, 337
Law of the same, 335
Law of the similar, 335
edging for, 256
function of, 346–347
irrigation of, 11, 45, 48, 136
Leakey, L. S. B., 14
Learning Through Landscapes Trust, 160
Léger, Fernand, 107
Lenôtre, André, 369
Leopold, Aldo, 46, 64, 311, 372
Level sites, design for, 241–244, 242–244
Li, H. H., 6n
Light exposure:
as design consideration, 32, 32, 139
in overhead plane, 276–277
in planned communities, 160
residential exterior, 350
Line of approach, 312
Line of sight:
at traffic intersections, 359, 359
visual balance and, 105, 106, 106
Linear plans, 250
Living Water (Braun and Cavagnaro), 13n
London, England, 205
Long-range planning, 133–134
Los Angeles, CA, 140
Louis XIV (king of France), 94
Louisiana Purchase, 62
Louvre (Paris, France), 97
Low-impact design (LID):
landscape planting in, 363–365
Maillart, Robert, 122, 123, 123, 125
of base plane materials, 273
as design consideration, 256–257
for planned communities, 162
axial plan for Washington, DC, 98, 98
base, for planning, 225
contour, 69
satellite, 73
for site research/analysis, 215, 223, 224–225
Strata of England & Wales, 10
topographic, 72
Mathematics, design role of, 334–336
Mayan culture, 44
McHarg, Ian L., 186
Mendelsohn, Eric, 109
Metes and bounds, 70
Metro government, 133, 134, 192–193
Michigan State Department of Parks, 118
defined, 30
as design factor, 30–35, 30–35, 343
plantings and, 360
in site analysis, 224
water as factor in, 40
Military installations, 250
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 345
Mineral reserves:
conservation of, 167
as site analysis data, 225
Ming dynasty (China), 116
Minibuses, 323
Mixed-use communities, 150
Mobile home parks, 176
Modular systems, 336–337
Mont-Saint-Michel (France), 120
Montreal, Quebec, 318
Motels, 161
impelled by form, 290–294, 290–295
perception and, 289–290
Muir, John, 46
Mulch, 363
Mumford, Lewis, 158, 181, 185, 186, 198
Murphy, W. Tayloe, 44
Museum of Modern Art (New York City), 261
National Gallery (Washington, DC), 290
National parks:
bridges in, 123
landscape design in, 250
in regional plans, 191
Native plants:
defined, 363
along roadways, 311
Natural resources:
in community planning, 158, 166
exploitation of, 131
in growth management, 167
land as, 60–62
management of, 83, 110–111, 132
in regional planning, 189
Natural Resources Conservation Service, 73
Natural sciences, 10–13
Natural systems, defined, 61
Naturalized plants, 363
in aesthetics, 372
coloration in, 268–269
efficiency of processes in, 15
habitation integrated with, 342–343
human relationship with, 3–9, 15–17, 20, 60, 346, 374, 376
in Japanese design, 250–251
preservation efforts for, 83–84
in rural design, 237
symmetry/asymmetry in, 101, 103, 104, 106, 108
in urban design, 211, 235, 236
Nature preserves. See Preserves
character of, 204–205, 236, 357
entrance plantings for, 359, 359
planning for, 181–182, 183, 184, 188
New Orleans, LA, 140
New Urbanism, 315
New York City, 37, 195, 197, 199, 202
Noise abatement:
at airports, 321
for city sites, 235
along trafficways, 358
North American climatic regions, 25
Nuclear power. See Atomic power
Nutrient yield, 61
Occult balance, 106
Ocean currents, 24
Ognibene, Peter J., 58
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 199, 372, 380
On the Laws of Japanese Painting (Bowie), 228
Open space:
in cities, 209–210
in growth management plan, 165, 168
in landscape planting, 359
negative, in structural design, 331, 340
in New York City, 199
in planned communities, 150–152, 151, 153, 159
structurally defined, 339–341, 340
as aesthetic quality, 334–335
in Chinese philosophy, 9
experience of, 376
human need for, 5
mathematical, 334
as spatial quality, 270
symmetry and, 103
Organic growth, 107
Organic planning, 107–108, 108
Outer city, 206
Overhead plane:
characteristics of, 275–277, 276–277
coloration of, 268–269
of exterior volumes, 272
implications of, 266
planting to define, 354
in site space design, 260, 260
Overlooks, 51
Overpasses, 311
Oxygen production:
in urban areas, 85
Parking. See also Driveway
at activity centers, 325
in central business districts, 199, 200, 201
for disabled persons, 208, 316, 317
on-street, 312
in planned communities, 149
plantings to shield, 360
residential, 348
space allowed for, 330
in growth management plan, 169
land acquired for, 151
in neighborhood plans, 182
in regional plans, 189
structure design for, 311
Patios, 53, 180, 199, 330, 347–348
and harsh urban microclimate, 85, 234, 235
versus lawn, 363
modular systems, 349
PCD (preserve, conserve, develop) planning, 152, 152–157, 224
Pedestrian traffic. See also Walkways
automobile impact on, 309
planning for, 145, 146, 149, 149, 253, 303–306, 303–306, 314
Peking. See Beijing, China
Pelican Bay, FL, 152
People. See Humankind
conditioned, 299–300
defined, 2
design control of, 289
experience and, 375–376
Pericles, 369
Permeable paving, 252
Pesticides, 138
Phillips, Patricia C., 196
Photography, site information via, 215
Piazza San Marco (Venice, Italy), 246
Pittsburgh Point (PA), 170
Pittsburgh Technology Center (Pittsburgh, PA), 66
Place de la Concorde (Paris, France), 96–97
Plane table survey, 70
Planes, in site space design, 260, 260, 272–287
Planned communities:
efficiency in, 145–147
experience of, 374
health benefits of, 147
in inner cities, 202
open space in, 150–152, 151, 153, 159
PCD approach to, 152–157
regional approach to, 182, 182–184, 188
traffic management in, 148–149, 149
utility lines in, 146
Planned unit development (PUD), 148–149, 150, 151, 158, 176, 182
Planning. See also Comprehensive land planning; Planned communities
aesthetic considerations in, 110, 111
for agricultural production, 84
for built environment, 120–129
climate as factor in, 23
climate change as factor in, 36–37
developers’ role in, 174–175
empathetic understanding required for, 229
essential components of, 2
fully informed, 213–214
growth management in, 164–169
highways as factor in, 308
landscape character in, 114–119
nature as element in, 4–5, 8, 9
objective of, 6
philosophical approach to, 376
property boundaries and, 179
regional (see Regional planning)
for site development, 59
ten-step process for, 220
U.S. philosophy for, 131–132, 368
water proximity as factor in, 46–47
for waterscaping, 49–55
zoning as component in, 175–177
Planning attitude, 228–229
Plants. See also Landscape planting; Vegetation
beneficial effects of, 77–78
cultivation of, 79–81
identification of, 78, 78–79, 80
in integrated design, 255, 255–256
invasive species of, 82–83, 83
native, 256, 311, 354–356, 363
nonnative, in suburban developments, 144
rooftop (see Green roofs)
selecting for landscape plan, 354–355, 356, 361
in urban site design, 236
Point of view:
aerial, 321
fixed versus moving, 289–290
Political institutions:
climate effects on, 24
in regional planning, 191
Political jurisdictions:
conservation by, 60
land ownership and, 62
Pollination, 14
Pollution. See also Air pollution; Noise abatement; Water pollution
of cities, 170
from development, 82
effects on ecologic balance, 14
as global warming factor, 36, 36, 37
of land, 66
laws governing, 65
from light, 254
population density and, 144
Pompeii, Italy, 278
Pools, as landscape features, 53, 55
Population growth:
community planning and, 166
impact on land, 58
regional, 133
water management and, 11
as climate element, 23
as design consideration, 343
management of, 146
retention of, 48, 76, 77, 137, 190, 252
nature, 162
regional planning for, 188
for wildlife, 190
President’s Task Force on Resources and the Environment, 382
Privacy considerations:
in dwellings, 345
on level sites, 243
in urban site design, 237
Program development, 213–214
mathematical, 336
of vistas, 93–94
Property boundaries:
on base map, 225
in design expression, 234
establishing, 63
land use planning and, 179
on site analysis map, 224
in survey specification, 71
Property values:
along complete streets, 315
overdevelopment and, 144
regional planning and, 191
urban, 211
Proportion, in composition, 335–336
Public domain:
greenways in, 172
Public services:
as growth management component, 165–169, 174
in regional plan, 189, 190, 191
Public spaces:
form suiting function of, 261, 333–334
structurally defined, 341
vertical reference points in, 283
Radburn, NJ, 146
Rai, Sanyō, 9
in developing landscape, 170
freight versus passenger, 317, 319
impact of, 82
as people movers, 323
rapid-transit (see Rapid transit)
right-of-way for, 62
in transportation network, 58
Rapid transit:
in community planning, 159, 160
in regional planning, 185, 189
in urban revitalization plans, 172, 206
Rasmussen, Steen, 333
Read, Herbert, 262
as growth management issue, 167
in planned communities, 151, 161
regional planning for, 188, 189, 191
water as resource for, 41, 41, 46, 51
Recycling, 166
Red Rocks Amphitheatre (Denver, CO), 116
Reed, Henry H., Jr., 97
Reference files. See Documents
Reforestation, 137
Region, plantings by (chart), 360
Regional planning:
acceptance of, 207
approaches to, 191–192
commercial centers in, 161
for communities, 182–184
criteria for, 191
environmental, 133
farmland preservation and, 138
function of, 133–134, 186, 188
governance in, 192–193
growth management in, 167
multimodal transportation in, 325
for neighborhoods, 181–182
PCD approach in, 152–157
rapid transit in, 319
rationale for, 179–180
urban revitalization and, 172
Regional planning commission, 192
formalism of, 372
geometric design in, 333, 336–337
integrated planning in, 246
major/minor axis used in, 368
structure design in, 344
symmetrical design in, 109–110
Repton, Humphry, 369
Residences. See also Dwellings
in central business districts, 201
exterior furnishings for, 350, 350–351, 351
functions of, 347
for indoor-outdoor living, 347–349, 347–350
inward/outward progression of, 245
lawns with, 346–347
in planned communities, 145, 150, 160, 160
in self-sufficient neighborhoods, 180–181
supplementary structures for, 349, 349–350
survey specification for, 70–71
Retaining walls, 311
Rhetoric (Aristotle), 196
landscape plantings and, 359, 360
for railways, 62
residences facing, 148
for roadways, 307, 310, 310, 314
in survey specification, 71
for urban ring roads, 201
utility lines in, 146
Ritual, function of, 9
bank erosion on, 50
depletion of, 136
development along, 320–321
for drainage, 252
restoration of, 136–137
Roadways. See also Approaches; Circulation patterns; Intersections; Streets
controlled-access, 138, 159, 174, 183, 189, 325
as design axes, 94
on design base plane, 273
development around, 5, 5, 81–82, 144
flow of, 307–308
in growth management plan, 165
landscape character and, 117, 253
in neighborhood plans, 182
as planned experiences, 373–374
plantings along, 358, 358, 359
in regional plans, 189
on site analysis map, 224
spatial design of, 259–260, 308–311
in survey specification, 71
in transportation network, 58, 159
unrestrained development and, 133, 170, 188
in urban plans, 172, 173, 185, 186, 188, 195–196, 201, 206
in visual resource management, 110
Rockefeller Center (New York City), 261
restaurants on, 199
utilizing, 200
Rudolph, Paul, 330
in blueways, 190
as design consideration, 252
erosion from, 77
managing, 40, 45, 46, 53, 363, 365
pollution from, 138
on sloped sites, 241
urban mitigation of, 85
Rural areas:
landscape design in, 128
natural settings preserved in, 363
site design for, 237, 237–238, 238
versus urban areas, 180
U.S. preference for, 196
Ryōanji garden (Kyoto, Japan), 341, 371, 371
Saarinen, Eliel, 103, 191, 331, 374
Sabah (British North Borneo), 17
Safety issues:
in bioengineering, 79
on building site, 224
for dwellings, 344
in existing communities, 147
lighting and, 253–254
natural disasters and, 140
in planned communities, 145, 147–148
in transportation, 138–139, 149, 159, 184, 296, 302, 307–308, 314–315
in urban areas, 170, 171, 199, 201, 235
intrusion into freshwater bodies, 44, 136
San Andreas fault, 140
Santa Barbara Botanic Garden (CA), 80
Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (CA), 189
Saprophytes, 11
Sasaki, Hideo, 248
Satellite communities:
roadways interconnecting, 183, 189, 206, 308
Satellite maps, 73
Satellite plans, 245–246, 250, 250
for base maps, 354
for contour maps, 67–68
planting to define, 355
as project design factor, 234, 234
of public spaces, 281
in conservation plan, 132
defined, 172
development of, 169–170
drawbacks of, 161
lack of planning and, 191
reversal of, 166, 175, 189, 207
tax yield and, 133
zoning and, 176
Scenic value:
accentuating, 343
in conservation plan, 132
as growth management issue, 167
resource management and, 110–111
as site analysis data, 224
in community plans, 184
exploded site plans for, 250
in neighborhood plans, 182
Sea Palace gardens (Beijing), 333, 333
Seasons, as design consideration, 32, 32, 35, 139
Sections (contour maps), 69, 69
Seneca, 3
climax in, 301
perception of, 299–300
as site analysis data, 224
in survey specification, 71
for urban residences, 199
Severud, Fred M., 9
in property specification, 71
suburban development and, 144
in landscape planting, 355, 357, 358
Shelter, as basic concept, 343, 344
Shigemori, Kanto, 345
Shinjuku Gardens (Japan), 265
freight versus passenger, 317
travel via, 319–321
in planned communities, 160, 161, 184
satellite malls for, 190
design treatments for, 52–53
migration of, 51
protection of, 50
Sierra Club, 135
at driveways, 312
in planned communities, 160
for roadways, 311
standardized, 208
Silver Pavilion (Kyoto, Japan), 371
Simon, Guy Wallace, 379
Simon, Marguerite Ormsbee, 379
Simonds, Dylan Todd, 207
Simonds, John Ormsbee, 379, 379–383
Simonds, John Todd, 2
Simonds, Marjorie Todd, 379, 381, 382
Simonds, Philip, 381
analysis of, 216–220, 222–225, 342
character of, 354
in comprehensive plan, 220–225
conceptual plan for, 226–231, 233
design development for, 233–244
extensional aspects of, 217, 217, 245
multiple viewing points for, 289–290
program development for, 213–214
protecting quality of, 272
residential, 346–351
selection of (see Site selection)
ten-step planning process for, 220
trees as framework for, 357
Site analysis:
approach to, 217–220
guidelines for, 222–225
Site analysis map, 223, 224–225
Site design. See also Site-structure plan
expression of, 233–234
water as consideration in, 50–55
Site selection:
climatic factors in, 25–29
for dams/impoundments, 51
environmental factors in, 141
microclimatic factors in, 30, 31
in planning process, 23, 214–216
water proximity in, 40–43, 45–47
Site spaces, as volumes, 259–260
Site-structure plan:
development of, 245–246
evaluation of, 247
Site systems:
building materials, 256
defined, 251
drainage, 252
lighting, 253–254
movement, 253
operations/maintenance, 256–257
plantings, 255–256
signage, 255
Sitte, Camillo, 197, 329, 333–334, 334
defined space open to, 340–341
as overhead plane, 275–276, 277
in building site development, 238–241, 238–241
protecting with vegetation, 354
Smart Growth, 315
as climate element, 24
as design base plane, 272
erosion of (see Erosion)
for green roofs, 364
pollution of, 138
protecting with vegetation, 32
in urban areas, 85
Soil Survey Reports, 73
containment of, 271
enframement of (see Enframement)
function of, 373
organization of, 329–330
as related to structures, 330, 339–341
Spaciousness, as need, 345–346
Spatial design. See also Spaces; Structures, composition of
abstractions expressed in, 269–271, 269–271
enclosure in, 271, 271–272, 278, 278–280, 286, 287, 297, 357
form in, 267–268
plantings in, 360–361, 360–361
responses to, 261, 261–263, 262, 264, 267, 297, 301–302, 371–372
sequences in, 299–303, 300–303
volumes in, 259–260
of roadways, 310
of sloped sites, 239, 239–241, 357
Stadia survey, 70
Stein, Clarence, 146
importance of, 132
past record of, 2
Stinkbugs, as invasive species, 83
Stonehenge (England), 267
as design consideration, 33, 37
Stormwater management (SWM). See also Runoff; Storm sewers
as design consideration, 252
landscape planning and, 365
laws governing, 65
natural versus man-made systems for, 40, 49
Strata of England & Wales (map), 10
bank erosion on, 50
for drainage, 252
in survey specification, 71
Street crossing design, 138, 208
Street life:
in central business districts, 199–201
planning for, 208
Streets. See also Intersections; Roadways
in central business districts, 199
cul-de-sacs, 146, 182, 313, 358
lights/signs for, 255
one-way versus two-way, 314
in planned communities, 145–146, 146, 149, 149, 159
residential, 144, 148, 159, 235, 313, 314
tree plantings along, 358, 358, 362
as urban design focus, 260
width of, 312
Japanese-style, 236
utility lines and, 146
composition of, 329–333, 329–337, 335–337
in landscape, 337–339, 339, 342, 351, 356
open space defined by, 339–341
postmodern, 372
qualities of, 327–329
Subdivisions, 145
Subsidence, 224
evolution of, 207
inefficiency of, 161
natural settings preserved in, 363
rapid transit in, 318
sprawl in, 206
U.S. preference for, 196
Sullivan, Louis H., 107, 367, 375
Summer Palace (Beijing, China), 297–298
as design element, 31–35, 33, 242, 343
Surveys. See Land surveys
Sustainability. See also Green roofs; Low-impact design
defined, 18
development and, 166
global warming and, 36
population growth and, 18, 20–21
of regional plan, 191
Suzhou (Soochow) gardens (China), 331
Swales. See also Bioswales
to manage runoff, 46, 49, 53, 252
along roadways, 310
in survey specification, 71
Symmetry, 94, 100–104, 102, 103, 106, 107, 337
Syria, 137
Sze, Mai-mai, 9
Tatami (Japanese mat), 336
in cities, 207
community governance and, 163
land value and, 138
regional zoning and, 189
Technology, in structural design, 328–329. See also Computer
Tectonic plates, 11
as climate element, 23, 24, 31, 31, 33
global increase in, 36
in urban areas, 85
in site plan integration, 250
space for, 330
for urban residences, 199
Thermodynamics, 35. See also Cooling; Heating
Tidal estuaries, 78
human comprehension of, 18–21
perception of objects in, 289, 300
Tokonoma, 344
Topographic survey, 70–71, 223, 224
Topography. See also Land
airports and, 322
community planning and, 151, 166
contours in, 67–68
defined, 67
development impact on, 81–82
information gleaned from, 57
land ownership and, 61
land survey and, 63–64
in landscape architecture practice, 10, 65
light exposure and, 32
microclimate and, 31
minimizing disruption to, 342
models used in, 70
natural forms in, 115–116
regional planning and, 187, 188, 188
roadway design and, 310
in rural site design, 238, 238
sections in, 69
in site selection/analysis, 216, 217, 222
storm sewers and, 146
Topsoil. See also Erosion
accumulation of, 77
biomass in, 62
geology and, 342
removal of, 65
replenishment of, 176
vegetative protection of, 75
Toronto, Ontario, 318
Town houses, 203
Towns and Buildings (Rasmussen), 333
Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND), 315
Traffic. See also Automobiles; Circulation patterns; Roadways
in community planning, 148–149, 149, 159
as design consideration, 253
efficient routing of, 208
flow of, 307, 309–311, 310, 311
in neighborhood plans, 182
pedestrian (see Pedestrian traffic)
reduction of, 172
in regional plans, 188
route design for, 296
as site analysis data, 224
in urban plans, 186, 199, 200, 207–208
Transfer of development rights (TDR), 158
for driveways, 312
indoor-outdoor, 346
integrated design of, 251, 296–299, 297
in water travel, 320
Transportation. See also Automobiles; Railways
multimodal, 318, 322–324, 323–325
by plane, 321–322
rapid transit, 159, 160, 172, 185, 189, 206, 317–319
route design, 126
safety issues in, 138–139
U.S. land allotments for, 62
Travel accommodations, 161
Trees. See also Forestry
in landscape plan, 356, 357, 358, 358, 359, 359
on site analysis map, 224
on suburban streets, 146
on urban streets, 173, 234, 236
in vertical plane, 285–286
Truck routes:
dedicated, 189
for delivery/parking, 317
through-community, 159
mathematical basis of, 334
in plan design, 103
Ugliness, source of, 114
Underpasses, 311
United States:
Beaux Arts system in, 367, 367n
contemporary dwellings in, 346
gardening initiatives in, 84
land development in, 58, 59, 170
land grants in, 62
land preserves in, 117
landscape planning approach in, 220, 246, 368
lifestyle changes in, 361–362
national parks in, 123
pioneering stage in, 131–132
residential patterns in, 59, 144
settlement of, 143
suburban living in, 207
urban design in, 260
vitality of cities in, 195–198
water resource management in, 47, 48
University of California, Berkeley, 104–105
Urban agriculture, 84
Urban planning. See also Cities
asymmetry in, 108–109
for city segments, 198–207
contemporary approach to, 196–200
human element in, 375
inspiration from older cities, 196
regional approach to, 184–186
Urban revitalization, 171, 171–174, 202, 203, 204, 210
Urban sprawl. See also Scatteration
consequences of, 175
history of, 169–170
lack of regulation and, 177
Urbanization. See also Cities
rate of, 85
water table level and, 136
U.S. Department of Transportation, 315
U.S. Forest Service, 110
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maps, 72, 72, 72n, 215, 222, 222
U.S. Soil Conservation Service. See Natural Resources Conservation Service
in planned communities, 146, 169
in site analysis, 224
in survey specification, 71
unrestrained development and, 133
Van Loon, Hendrik, 8
Vaux, Calvert, 199
Vegetation. See also Landscape planting; Plants
biosphere as home to, 13
climate problems and, 32–33, 37
destruction of, 78
erosion and, 50, 75–76, 77, 77, 137, 252
oxygen produced by, 12
preserving, 40–41, 342, 355, 355–356
reestablishment of, 83–84
along rivers, 321
along roadways, 311
as site analysis data, 224, 353
water depletion and, 42, 49, 49
Versailles Palace (France), 94, 333, 333
Vertical plane:
to articulate base plane, 284, 285, 286
coloration of, 268
to control environmental elements, 284–285
as dominant spatial feature, 280–281
for enclosure, 278, 278–280, 280
function of, 277–278
implications of, 266
as reference point, 282, 282–283
in site space design, 260, 260
structures as, 281–282
visual control from, 279–280, 280, 281
Vetter, Hans, 6
Victory Gardens, 84
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 270
in asymmetrical design, 106
defined space open to, 341, 345
as design element, 88–91, 88–91, 250
from drive approach, 313
in landscape planting, 359
nature of, 87
along roadways, 310
from sloped sites, 240
suitability of, 88
Viewshed, 110
Villa D’Este (Tivoli, Italy), 249, 249
Virginia’s Common Wealth, 381
defined, 91
as design element, 92, 92–94, 93, 101, 250
Visual landscape design, 87–110
Visual resource management, 110, 110–111
Vitruvius, Marcus, 336
Volumes. See also Spaces
objects placed in, 280–281, 281
in site design, 259–260
structure groupings and, 330, 339–341
Wabi design quality, 236–237, 251
Wagner, Martin, 367
Waikiki, HI, 185
Walker, Ralph, 184
Walkways. See also Pedestrian traffic
automobile isolation from, 309, 313
in central business districts, 200
along greenways, 172
in planned communities, 149, 149, 160
as safety measure, 138
on site analysis map, 224
as environmental disaster, 140
preventing, 141
Warm-humid climatic region, 25, 28
Washington, DC:
Georgetown homes in, 203
rapid transit in, 318
Waste management technology, 176
in community planning, 159
recycling of, 48
Water. See also Freshwater; Saltwater
cycle of, 11
as design element, 53–55, 53–55, 241, 249
human affinity for, 39, 41–42, 51
interrelated systems of, 43–46
qualities of, 53
as resource, 39–43, 60, 136–137, 159, 189
as symbol, 55
Water, potable:
availability of, 23
as site analysis data, 225
Water bodies:
carrying capacity of, 64
as design consideration, 32, 50–53
protecting/restoring, 47–48, 342
recreational/scenic value of, 41, 41–42, 45–46, 46
in regional plans, 188
on site analysis map, 224
in survey specification, 71
in urban areas, 172
Water pollution:
impact of, 44
wetland remediation of, 47
Water rights, 43
Water table:
management of, 167
development on, 200, 210, 320, 320–321
urban design for, 244
Watershed management:
blueways in, 190–191
components in, 46–50
landscape planting in, 354
planning as component in, 167
protection in, 84
ten axioms for, 45
design influenced by, 25, 238, 343
entrance court design for, 314
increasing severity of, 36, 37
West Palm Beach, FL, 154–157
Western philosophies. See Eastern versus Western philosophies
constructed, 48
in Florida, 40
loss of, 43
protection of, 45, 45, 137, 153, 169
for runoff retention, 46
tidal, 43
in wastewater treatment, 46, 47
Whyte, Lancelot Law, 2
Whyte, William H., Jr., 198
preservation of, 45, 82, 84, 207
profusion of plant life in, 80
remaining, 58
in food chain, 77
habitats for, 40–41, 78, 190, 342, 365
invasive species of, 82–83
in regional plans, 188
Wilson, E. H., 79
Wilson, Edward O., 21
as design element, 32, 33, 34, 34, 343
protection from, 354, 357, 360, 363
as site analysis data, 224
Wittkower, Rudolph, 336
World Trade Center Memorial (New York City), 202
Wright, Henry, 146
York River Preserve (New Kent County, VA), 183
Yosemite Falls, 111
Yuan Ming Yuan (Garden of Perfect Brightness; Beijing), 108, 109
Zen Buddhism:
concept of beauty in, 90
concept of perfection in, 376
Zero lotline homes, 203
Zevi, Bruno, 277
in comprehensive plan, 221
in growth management, 167, 172, 175–177
land value and, 138
landscape character in, 117
in regional plan, 189
as site analysis data, 224
traditional, 191
uniformity in, 205–206