Ending 1 The rule of the square
Ending 2 The pawn is on the 6th rank
Ending 4 The rook’s pawn. Defending king in front of the pawn
Ending 5 Imprisoning the stronger side’s king
Ending 6 Rook vs. Bishop. The wrong corner
Ending 7 Rook vs. Bishop. The right corner
Ending 8 Rook vs. Knight. At the edge of the board
Ending 9 Rook vs. Knight. In the corner
Ending 10 Knight vs. 7th-rank pawn
Ending 12 The 6th-rank rook’s pawn
Ending 13 The 7th-rank rook’s pawn
Ending 14 King + Knight checkmate
Ending 15 The knight’s dumb square
Ending 16 Queen vs. 7th-rank pawn
Ending 17 Queen vs. 7th-rank rook’s pawn
Ending 18 Queen vs. 7th-rank bishop’s pawn
Ending 19 A too-frequent trick
Ending 21 Kings do not push. Just counting
Ending 22 Defending king on the 3rd rank cut off along a rank
Ending 23 Strong king behind the pawn
Ending 24 Stronger side’s king on one side
Ending 25 The rook in front of the pawn
Ending 26 Special themes with a knight’s pawn
Ending 27 The rook’s pawn. Pushing from the rear
Ending 28 The rook’s pawn. Lateral push
Ending 29 The pawn wins against the rook
Ending 31 Both kings play a part
Ending 32 Only the defending king plays a part
7. Same-coloured bishops: Bishop + Pawn vs. Bishop
Ending 33 Driving off the defending bishop
Ending 34 In the rear of the pawn
8. Bishop vs. Knight: one pawn on the board
Ending 39 The pawn is on the 7th rank
Ending 40 Unstable position of the controlling knight
9. Opposite-coloured bishops: Bishop + 2 pawns vs. Bishop
Ending 41 Pawns on the 6th rank
Ending 42 Pawns on 5th rank or behind
Ending 43 A very special pair of pawns. The cage
Ending 44 Pawns separated by just one file
Ending 45 Controlling both pawns along the same diagonal
Ending 46 The winning procedure
Ending 47 Knight’s and central pawn
Ending 48 Central and rook’s pawns
Ending 49 Bishop’s and knight’s pawns
Ending 50 The attacking bishop controls the promotion square of the knight’s pawn
Ending 51 Central and rook’s pawns
Ending 52 The Philidor Position
Ending 53 Lucena Position. The bridge
Ending 55 The knight’s pawn. First-rank defence
Ending 56 Central or bishop pawns. Kling and Horwitz (K&H) defensive technique
Ending 57 Central 6th-rank pawn. Rook with distant effectiveness
Ending 58 Central 6th-rank pawn. Rook without distant effectiveness
Ending 59 Cutting off along one file
Ending 60 Defending king cut off by two files. Grigoriev’s combined method
Ending 61 King cut off along two files vs. long side. Mating themes
Ending 62 Perfect Cut along a rank
Ending 63 Imperfect Cut along a rank
Ending 64 Apparent Cut along a rank
Ending 65 Pawn on the 7th rank. Attacking rook in front of the pawn
Ending 66 Pawn on the 6th rank. The Vancura Defence
Ending 67 The king is in front of the pawn and the pawn is on the 7th rank
Ending 68 The rook and the king support the pawn
Ending 71 Defending king cut off on the back rank
Ending 72 Bishop’s pawn on 5th rank
Ending 73 The defensive procedure
Ending 74 Blocked connected pawns
Ending 75 Attacking rook stuck in front of the 7th-rank pawn
Ending 76 Vancura Defence against 2 pawns
Ending 79 Blocked pawns. Key squares
Ending 80 Less advanced (or rook’s) blocked pawns
Ending 81 Pawns on adjacent files
Ending 82 Passed pawns. Dual-purpose king manoeuvres
Ending 83 Rook’s pawns and one distant passed pawn
Ending 84 The passed pawn is central and near
Ending 85 A passed Bishop’s pawn on the same wing
Ending 86 The defending side has moved his pawn. Triangulation
Ending 87 Knight’s and rook’s pawn against rook’s pawn
Ending 88 King against 2 passed pawns
Ending 89 Protected passed pawns
Ending 90 Distant passed pawns
Ending 92 Breakthroughs when the king is far
Ending 93 Checkmating with Bishop and Knight
Ending 94 The king is on the edge
Ending 95 The king is far from the edge. Cochrane Defence
Ending 97 Rook + 6th-rank bishop’s pawn
Ending 98 Rook + rook’s pawn vs. Bishop
Ending 99 Queen vs. Rook + Pawn