- Acadia, HMCS, 19, 38
- Acadia Sugar Refinery. See Richmond Refinery
- accident: defined, 36
- Adam, Pastor George, 65–66, 79, 88–89, 379, 381
- Adams, Dr. Frank, 234
- Adamson, Rodney, 165
- Africville, 69–70, 82, 242, 271
- Ahern, William J., 182
- Aitken, James, 190
- Aitkens, Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon, 218
- Allen, Elsie, 245
- Allen, Dr. J.J., 121, 142
- Allison, James, 71
- Amanda Private Hospital, 109, 129
- Amburj, Oscar, 190–91
- Ames, Dr. O.B., 175
- Andersen, Anton, 42
- Anderson, Annie, 98
- Andrews, Aldora, 71
- Andrews (family), Annie, Norman, 245
- Andrews, Grace, 121, 142
- Anslow (family), Harold, Katherine, 156
- Ansty, Acting Sergeant-Major Archibald, 97, 231
- anti-French sentiment, 9, 295, 392
- Archibald, Bertha, 104
- Archibald, W.L., 142
- Armitage, Captain John, 81
- Army, British, 5–7, 9–11, 26, 81
- Army, Canadian. See Canadian Militia, Canadian Expeditionary Force
- Arnoux, Emile, 44
- Arsenault, Emilia, 181
- Assane, Doye, 43
- Atkinson, Dr. P.M., 143
- Atkinson, Roy, 274
- Austin, Margaret M., 80
- Ayers, Lucy C., 179
- Baddeley, Lieutenant-Commander Allan, 50, 52, 319, 357, 376, 378, 380
- Bains, Gadiot, 145
- Baker, Billie, 145
- Baker, Major Dr. Donald, 177
- Baker, Foster, 256
- Baker, Havelock, 249
- Baker, Temporary Lieutenant S.W., 84
- Balcom, Cora, 91, 164, 290
- Balcom, Lieutenant Harold, 97, 249
- Ball, Robert James, MP, 338–39
- Ballantyne, Charles C., minister of Marine and Fisheries and the Naval Service, 300, 305
- Bannatyne, Engineer Lieutenant Ninian, 93
- Bardsley, Hugh, 257
- Baret, Captain H., 231
- Barker, Dr. Justin, 175
- Barkhouse, Amos, 248
- Barnstead, Arthur S., 116, 246, 344
- Barometer Rising (MacLennan), viii, 35, 346, 358
- Baugill, Herman, 249
- Bauld, Major A.M., 97
- Bauld, Edith, 89, 101, 347
- Baxter, William, 65–66, 82
- Bayer, Captain J.A., 295
- Bayers, Mr. and Mrs. Earl, 203–4
- Beazley, R.G., 116–17
- Beck, Hiram, 249
- Becker, William, 56–57
- Beiswanger, Everett, 256
- Bell, Alexander Graham, 136
- Bell, Frank, 270
- Bell, Lieutenant-Colonel Dr. Frederick McKelvey, 25, 27, 90, 122, 127, 153, 165, 191, 196–200, 197p, 226, 230, 233–34, 275, 327, 360, 381–82, 390, 393
- as author, xi, 198–99, 358, 388
- closing of emergency hospitals, 328–30, 388
- observations of Disaster, 66, 89
- response to assistance, 157, 167, 189, 193, 231
- Bell, Dr. John, 144
- Bell, Ralph P., 212, 227
- Bell, Thomas, 270
- Bellevue House, military quarters: as emergency hospital, 188, 192–93, 196, 230–33, 329
- Bendall, Private Alfred, 164
- Benson, Major-General Thomas, general officer commanding, 24, 25p, 134, 153, 155, 161, 173, 183, 185, 189, 231, 248, 271, 277, 285, 326, 340–42, 348, 372, 393
- emergency housing initiative, 331–32
- impact of secret wage deal, 334–38
- initial response to Disaster, 81, 85, 93, 114–15, 119–20
- observations of Disaster, 61, 63
- Bergman, H.R., 294
- Best, Carrie, xiii, 136–37, 367, 377–78
- Best, Edna May Williston. See Sexton, Edna May Williston
- Bewes, Elizabeth, 239
- Biggar, Brigadier-General James Lyons, 341–42, 344
- Birkland, Bjarne, 309–10
- Bishop, Josephine, 147, 294
- Bissett, F.W., 355
- B’jonnas, Peter, 309
- Black, Nellie P., 177
- black rain, 56, 69, 105, 204, 242, 249, 290, 370, 378–79
- Black, W.A., 116
- Blackburn, Cyril, 190
- Blackburn, Temporary Surgeon Dr. W. Howard, 100, 170
- Blacks, 70–71. See also Africville
- Blakeney, Captain John, 59
- Blois, Ernest H., 218–19
- Board of Control, Halifax, 113, 320
- Bond, Alexander (Kaye Street), 249
- Bond, Alexander (Water Street), 249
- Bonna, Cisse, 43
- Booton (tug), 38, 100, 170
- Borden, Prime Minister Sir Robert, 12, 15, 23, 125, 273, 275, 284, 286–87, 300, 324, 332, 348, 360, 368, 370, 392
- visit to Halifax, 152–53, 226–27
- Boston Express (fast train), 61, 82, 95, 133, 138, 140, 142, 144–45, 148, 150, 194, 258, 266, 271–72, 347, 351, 371–72, 377, 380, 399
- Boudreau, Peter, 108
- Boutilier, Carroll, 245
- Boutilier, Harris (Oxford Street), 249
- Boutilier, Harris (Barrington Street), 245, 249
- Boutilier, Mary, 245
- Boutilier, Norman, 249
- Boyer, Dr. E.W., 175
- Brannen, Horatio, 57
- Brenton, Jennie, 391
- Brewster, H.C., 162
- Brewster, Gunner Raymond, 165
- Bridgeham, Lilian, 217
- Bridgewater, response from, 156
- Briggs, Private Thomas, 107
- Brock, Cadet Willet, 67, 74, 91
- Broderick, Peter, 41
- Broderick, William, 60
- Bronson, Howard, 63, 65–66, 359, 378–79, 384
- Brooks, William A., 176
- Brown, Mrs., 206
- Brown, C.F., 153
- Brown, Emily, 110
- Brown, Ethel, 121, 142
- Brown, Winnifred, 239
- building contractors: secret wage deal with, 333–35, 337
- Bungay, Horvad, 249
- Burchell, Charles Jost, 101, 296–300, 302–3, 309, 347
- Burden of Desire (MacNeil), 221, 358
- Burell, R.G., 130
- Burrill, Hattie, 51, 90
- Burris, Dr. M.J., 99–100
- Byrne, Captain T.J., 128, 196–97
- Cable, Staff Sergeant F.G., 202
- Calfruckbon, Charles, 294
- Calkin, H.E., 121
- Calonne, SS, 37, 57, 60, 70, 96, 145, 148, 191, 292, 397–98
- Calvin Austin, SS, 58, 181
- Cameron, Bob, 135
- Campbell, G.S., 116
- Campbell, John, 385
- Camp Hill Hospital, 27, 83, 90, 99–101, 104–6, 108, 111, 114, 121–22, 127, 149–50, 154, 167, 185, 187, 193, 195–96, 207, 232–34, 242, 247, 250, 328–29, 347, 363, 390, 399
- Canadian Expeditionary Force, 26–27, 81, 337–40
- Canadian Militia, 7, 11, 24–27, 340. See also Benson, Major-General Thomas; Lessard, Major-General François-Louis
- Canfield, Private Walter, 107
- Canning, Private C.G., 80
- Canning, Wiley B., 144, 256
- Cantley, Thomas, 189–90, 383–84
- Carew, Frank, 52, 57
- Carlton, Caroline E., 177
- Carmichael, Ada, 191
- Carney, Dr. Michael, 112
- Carr, Quarter-Master Sergeant Ernest, 59
- Carroll, Arthur, 266
- Carroll, J.S., 274
- Carstens, C.C., 177, 224
- Carter, Clara, 147
- Carter, Florence, 145
- Carvell, Frank, minister of Public Works, 153, 161, 323, 331–32
- catastrophe: defined, 36
- Catastrophe and Social Change (Prince), x, 30–33, 36
- Caulfield, Arthur, 157
- Cecilia Lawrence (St.), Sister, 95, 347
- censorship, 277–80, 285
- Chambers, Rear-Admiral Bertram M., port convoy officer and senior naval officer (British), 20, 21p, 52–53, 134, 153, 162, 173, 292–93, 320, 322, 363, 379–80, 383, 393
- initial response to Disaster, 84–85, 119–20, 125
- observations of Disaster, 55, 70, 291;
- Chambers, Ernest J., chief press censor, 277–79, 285
- Changuinola, HMS, 37–38, 45, 47, 83–85, 92, 100, 170, 173, 292
- Chapman, A.C., 143
- Chapman, Al, 164
- Chapman, Annie Greenough, 77–78, 101, 164–65, 346, 364–65, 379, 381
- Chapman, Sidney, 77, 164
- Chapman, Sidney, Jr., 77–78
- Chappelle, Gunner Charles, 108
- Charlottetown, response from, 149, 153, 157
- Chase, Sue, 146–47
- Chastanier, Mathieu, 43
- Chebucto School: as morgue, xi, 67, 91, 114, 116, 117p, 125, 131, 168, 183, 185, 241–52, 256–57, 285, 290, 342, 344, 347, 358, 360, 363, 365, 371, 390, 398–99
- Chisholm, Miss A., 237
- Chisholm, Dr. Murdoch, 99, 106, 109
- Choate, Elisabeth, 177
- Christie, J.H., 330
- Christie, Miss M.A., 69
- Church, Mayor Tommy (Toronto), 159
- churches: damage to, 64
- Ciccone, Matteo, 397
- Citadel: as dressing station, 97, 99, 114
- Clancey (family), Anna, Elizabeth, Florence, Robert, 145. See also Clancey, Laurie
- Clancey, Laurie, 144–45, 399
- Clara, SS, 42, 45–47, 301, 308–9, 311–12, 317–18
- Clark, Charles, 96, 347
- Clark, Helen, 250
- Clark, J.A., 130
- Clark, John, 148, 385
- Clark, Josephine, 131, 293–94, 391
- Clarke, Alice, 136
- Clarke, George, 139
- Cleaves, Private Arthur, 107
- Climo, C.H., 118
- Cochrane, David, 68
- Cochrane, Dorothy, 245
- Cochrane, Thomas, 245
- Codman, Dr. E.A., 106, 193, 197
- Coffin, Alfred Rickert, 262, 266–68
- Coffin, Fanny, 146
- Cogan, Joseph, 53, 67, 138
- Coggan, Private George Arthur, 107
- Cogswell Street Military Hospital, 26, 97, 99, 101, 104, 111, 114, 121, 233, 328
- Coit, W.A., 142
- Coldwell, Nina, 106–7
- Coleman (family), Ellen, Gerald, Nita, 284. See also Coleman, Vincent
- Coleman, Vincent, 53, 61, 141–42, 149, 261, 284, 346, 348, 369–70, 377, 383–84
- Collicut, Bill, 141–42, 385
- Colon, Marcel, 43
- Colson, Emile, 43
- Colwell, Deputy Mayor Henry S., 113–17, 119, 143, 227, 245, 326, 347, 383
- Colwell, Robert B., 116–17, 120
- Colwell, G.W., 124
- Commons (tents) : as emergency hospital, 186–87, 191, 341
- Condon, Edward, 255
- Conn, Samuel, 202
- Connolly, Harold, 202–3, 388–89
- Connolly, Margaret, 202
- Connor, Catherine, 168
- Connor, Lena, 168
- Connor, W.L., 158
- Conrad, Victoria, 239
- Conrad, Mrs. William, 145, 254, 329
- conscription (Military Service Act 1917), 323, 337–40, 392, 409n24
- Constable, Sergeant Charles, 107
- Convent of the Sacred Heart: as dressing station, 129
- “convergence”: defined, 35, 385
- first defined, 152
- and information, 162. See also over-response
- Converse, Mrs. C.C., 179
- convoys, 19–21, 37–39, 42, 49–50, 84–85, 280, 291–93, 306, 322, 375, 393
- Cornelia, Brother Barnabas, 193
- Cox, Dr. (Upper Stewiacke), 146
- Cox, Rev., 290
- Cox, Dr. G.H. (New Glasgow), 144, 257
- Cox, Dr. J.E. (Bangor), 176
- Cox, Marjorie, 290
- Cragin, Dr. D.B., 175
- Cranwell, Elsie, 290
- Cranwell, Salvation Army Ensign John, 51, 289, 368, 377
- Creighton, Catherine Murray, 247
- Creighton, Isaac, 60, 253
- criminal proceedings: against Le Médec, 304–5
- against Mackey, 304–5
- against Wyatt, 304–5
- Critch, Able-Bodied Seaman Walter G., 74, 83
- Croscup, Sergeant Horace, 81
- Crossman, William, 73, 257
- Cruickshanks (family), Duncan, Laurie, 156
- Culhane, Brother Joseph, 193
- Cumming, Dr. Melville, 147
- Cunningham (nurse), 143
- Cunningham, Dr. Alan, 102
- Cunningham, Martha, 245
- Curaca, SS, 37, 48, 50, 57, 60, 138, 145, 284, 292, 311, 319, 398–99
- Curren, Arthur E., 277–79
- Currie, David, 191
- Curry, J.A., 160
- Cutten, Dr. George Barton, 120, 142, 239
- Dakin, Mrs. Charles, 256
- Dakin, Evelyn Welch, 91, 369, 381
- Dallyn, Frederick A., 158
- Dartmouth: impact of explosion on, 56, 64
- reponse to disaster, 84, 98–100, 104, 118–19, 124
- Dartmouth Relief Committee, 118–19, 359
- Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. A., 147
- Davidson, Mary A., 177
- Davidson, William Seymour, 116–17
- Davis, Edward, 67, 378
- Davis, Private Gordon, 258
- Davis, Leading Seaman Thomas, 86, 348
- Day, R.E., 212
- Deacon, J. Byron, 227–79, 325, 389
- dead: burial of the, 255–56
- Deanne, Frederick, 190
- death toll, 397–99
- Delaney, Bridget, 380
- Delaney, Clarence, 94, 289, 380
- Demers, Captain Leander Arthur, 300, 310
- Dennis, Agnes, 227
- Dennis, Senator William H., 159, 227
- D’Entremont, Albany, 256
- DeSilva, Lucas, 191
- Dewis, Captain Dr. John W., 177
- DeWitt, Major Dr. C.E. Avery, 138, 140, 142, 144–48, 189, 347
- DeWitt, Dr. George, 142, 145–47
- DeWitt, Nellie, 142, 145–47
- De Wolfe, Roy, 270
- Dickson, Dr. M.S., 98–99
- disaster: current understanding of, 33–35
- defined, 36
- and Halifax Explosion, 3
- and Prince, xi
- sociology of, viii
- Dockyard, HMC, 4–6, 10, 13, 16, 21–23, 38, 40–1, 46, 56, 58, 83, 85, 89, 93, 106, 109, 119, 133, 170, 250, 278, 319, 407n7
- Dominion Atlantic Railway, 115, 124, 134, 138–42, 145, 148–50, 152, 157, 225, 348, 361–62, 370, 384–85
- Dominion Textiles, 70
- dominion wreck commissioner. See Demers, Leander Arthur
- Doncaster, Private Russell, 108
- Donelly, S.G., 153
- Donnelly, Harris, 256
- Douglas H. Thomas (tug), 38, 57
- Doull, Dr. A.E., 112
- Doyle, Sergeant Frederick, 191
- Drake, John, 145, 329
- Drake, Kathleen, 145, 329
- dressing stations. See Citadel, Convent of the Sacred Heart, Halifax Dispensary, Halifax Ladies’ College, Imperial Oil (Dartmouth), Knights of Columbus Hall, St. Paul’s Hall, St. Mary’s Hall, School for the Blind
- Drysdale, Justice Arthur, 117, 296–97, 300, 302, 305, 318–19
- Drysdale, Private Robert M., 97
- Duff, W. A., 115, 118, 134, 140–41, 143, 148–49, 263, 348
- Duffus, Lieutenant-Colonel A.W., 93
- Duffus, J. Norwood, 116
- Duggan, James, 60
- Dunbar, Mayor Dr. William (Truro), 141, 147, 150, 329
- Dunn, Mr. A., 160
- Dunn, Annie, 176
- Dunn, Charles, 249
- Dunne, Mrs., 206
- Duvicq, Theodore, 43
- Dwyer, Vincent James, 399
- Eaton, Sir John, 152–53, 165, 209, 370. See also response from: Eaton, Sir John
- Edmonton tornado (1987): response to, compared with Halifax disaster, 201, 351
- Egan, Dr. W. J., 151
- Eisner, Private W., 93, 347
- Elliot, Dr. M.R., 121, 142
- Elliott, Frederick, 398
- Elliott, Major Gilbert, 175
- Elliott, Major General H.M., 337–38
- Elliott, Mary, 122
- Ellis (family), Margaret, Robert, Robert, Jr., 254
- embalming, 250–51
- emergent: groups, 33, 72, 393
- Empress of Ireland: sinking of (1914), viii–ix, 50, 261, 297
- Endicott, Henry B., 182, 235, 237. See also Massachusetts-Halifax Relief Committee
- evacuation: largest since Dunkirk, vii
- of Manhattan on 9/11, vii
- of patents from Halifax, 189–92
- Evans, Margaret, 157
- eye injuries: number of, 107–8, 144, 400
- F.W. Roebling (tug), 38, 57
- Faulkner, Art, 136–37, 259, 377–78, 391
- Ferguson, Mrs., 206
- Ferguson, Bertha, 233
- Ferguson, Harry, 90
- Ferris, Gunner Joseph Christian, 164
- Field, Mrs. Solomon, 217
- Flack, Samuel, 70, 145, 148
- Fleming, Horace A., 212
- Flinn, Mrs., 237
- Flinn (family), Harold, Leo, 111
- Flower, Edward, 319
- Flynn House, 63
- Foley, Arthur M.S., 94
- Foran, Mrs. James, 239
- Fougere, Alfred, 240
- Foster, Dr. Thomas, 175
- Fowke, Frederck Luther, 327
- Frances (St.), Sister, 95
- Fraser, Dora, 284
- Fraser, E.S., 119
- Fraser, Sir Frederick, 400
- Fraser, James, 284
- Fraser, Jim, Jr., 284
- Fraser, O.J., 153
- Fraser-Harris, Dr. David Fraser, 88, 258, 360, 367, 381–82, 387
- Fredericton, NB, response from, 157
- Freeman, Mate Terrence, 44–45, 300, 369
- From, Captain Haakon, 42, 58, 256, 276, 290, 296, 312–15, 363, 365, 371, 391
- Furness, J.E., 85
- Furness, John, 115
- Galbraith (baby), 147
- Galbraith, Harry, 147
- Gallant, Rhoda, 257
- Gammon, Acting Gunner John T., 74
- Garcelon, Dr. Howard, 175
- Gauci, Joseph, 145
- Gibson, Mrs., 211
- Giddings, Franklin, 30–32, 229, 375, 389–90
- Giddings, Major Dr. Harold, 177, 192, 199, 226, 230
- Gillespie, Isabella, 256
- Gillespie, J.G., 61, 144
- Gillis, Duncan, 190
- Gillis, Frank A., 115–16, 153, 213, 227
- Glasgow, Paul, 165
- Glotin, Joseph, 43, 50
- Glover, Clara E., 218
- Glube, Howard, xiii, 128, 138, 192, 202, 207, 294, 383
- Glube, Joe, 128
- Godfrey, Wilfred, 289
- Godwin, Alderman, 216
- Goldberg, Arthur S., 82, 95, 272, 380
- Gomes, Victor, 398
- Good, Lieutenant-Colonel, 258
- Goodwin, John, 176
- Gopher (tug), 38, 53
- Gordon, Captain Alexander, 85
- Goudey, Sergeant K.H., 90
- Gough (family), Edward, Elizabeth, Gerald, Gordon, James, James, Jr., Ralph, 245
- Gough, Philip, 128
- Grafton, Richard, 190
- Graham, G.R., 218
- Graham, George, 115, 134, 138–42, 148–49, 152, 348
- Graham, Helen, 139
- Graham, Dr. Judson, 112
- Grandame, Lillian, 164
- Grant, Lieutenant-Governor McCallum, 65, 99, 116, 120, 153–54, 174, 178
- Green (family), Calvin, Edward, Lena, 131
- Greenough, Annie. See Chapman, Annie
- Greenough, Charlie, 101, 242
- Greenough, Dorothy, 78, 256
- Greenough, Herbert, Mary Louisa “Minnie”, 77
- Greenough, Rita, 101, 256
- Gregory, Sergeant R.W., 191
- Grey, Duncan, 80
- Griffin, Audley, 51, 55, 96, 399
- Ground Zero (Ruffman and Howell), xi, 70, 346, 359, 366, 375, 379, 392, 397, 409n25
- Groves, Jean, 89
- Gueguenou, Louis, 44
- Gueguiner, Yves, 44, 58, 275
- Guest (family), Frank, John, William, 253
- Gunn, Jean, 76
- Gutillos, F.R., 152–53
- Hagen, John A., 264
- Halifax: history of, 5–7
- impact of First World War on, 3–4, 16–19
- military presence in, 7–11, 25–26
- Halifax Dispensary: as dressing station, 129
- Halifax Harbour: history of 4–5
- military defence of, 9–13, 14m, 16–9, 38
- ships in, 37–39, 45–47, 52–53, 56–57, 59–60, 84–87
- Halifax Infirmary, 100, 106, 193, 247
- Halifax Ladies’ College: as dressing station, 129
- as emergency hospital, 192–93, 233, 329
- Halifax Relief Commission, 236, 238–40, 328, 330–31, 337, 342–45, 358–59
- established, 325–27, 387, 397 408n15. See also Halifax Relief Committee
- Halifax Relief Committee, 116–18, 121–22, 125, 127, 132, 149, 153, 155, 158, 180–81, 192, 205, 207–8, 212–17, 224, 226, 230, 235–37, 274, 327, 330–32, 341–43, 357, 359, 365, 381–83, 389, 393
- Committees, 132, 212, 215–16. See also Halifax Relief Commission, medical relief committee, medical supply committee, reconstruction committee, registration committee, rehabilitation committee
- Halifax Relief Fund, 165–66
- Hallisey, J. T., 140, 152, 154
- Halliwell, Jack, 70, 145
- Hamilton, Charles F., deputy chief censor, 277–78
- Hamilton, Sergeant Edward, 81
- Hamilton, Quarter-Master Sergeant Jock, 293
- Hamilton, Reuben, 68
- Hamm, Mrs. William, 202
- Hamon, Marie, 168
- Hannah (nurse), 143
- Hanrahan, Frank, 114, 246, 304–5
- Hansford, Corporal Cecil, 164
- Hansford, Gordon, 290
- Hardy (family), Dorothy, Gordon, James, 204
- Hare, Dorothy Swetnam, 64, 79, 372, 380
- Harper, Harry True, 180
- Harrington, Captain Dr. Thomas, 177
- Harris (family), Alice, Dorothy, Edward, Nora, 78. See also Harris, Gladys
- Harris, G.F., 116
- Harris, Gladys, 78, 97, 346
- Harris, Greta, 142
- Harris, Harriet, 181
- Harris, James, 158
- Harris, John, 257
- Harris, Justice Robert E., 116–17, 212, 226–27
- Harrison, filmmaker, 274
- Harrison, James W., 85–86, 89, 348, 380
- Harrison, Lieutenant L.L., 115, 127
- Hart, Lester, 175, 179
- Harvey, Dr. Darrell, 178
- Hatfield, Right Reverend Leonard, x–xi, 358, 367, 374, 376, 378
- Havener, Helen, 272
- Hawkins, Mayor Arthur Charles (Halifax), 305
- Hayes, C.A., 127, 141–3, 152, 189, 225–26, 266
- Hayes, Dr. R.M., 170, 173
- Hayes, Pilot William, 43, 45, 58, 269, 274, 304, 311, 313
- Hayes, William (sailor on SS Calonne), 145
- Healey, Miss K., 237
- Heart Throbs of the Halifax Horror (Smith), 185, 268, 358
- Heaton, Sarah, 239
- Heffler, Frederick, 245
- Heisler, Jenny, 79–80, 244, 289–90, 377–79
- Henderson, George, 116
- Hennessey, John, 176
- Hennessey, Walter, 60
- Henry, William Alexander, 117, 296–97, 301, 306, 308, 391–92
- Hetherington, J.L., 116–17, 227
- Hickey, Captain Arthur, 60, 138
- Hickey, James, 260, 264–65, 267–68
- Highflyer, HMS, 37, 45, 47, 52–53, 56–57, 84, 86, 100, 120, 173, 249, 265, 291–92, 308, 313–14, 322, 347
- Hildebrand, HMS, 255, 292
- Hilford (tug), 38, 52–53, 60, 67–68, 85, 138, 225, 285, 309, 369–70, 372, 377, 379
- Hill, Private Albert, 191
- Hill, Dr. Frederick, 175
- Hillcoat, Emily, 137
- Hillis Foundry, 51, 61, 63, 254
- Hillis, Jean, 257
- Hills, Jacquelan, 147
- Hinch (family), Annie, Clara, Freddie, Jean, John, Joseph (child), Lena, Mabel, Margaret, Ralph, Thomas, 245
- Hinch, Joseph (adult), 80, 347
- Hinds, Mrs. D., 239
- Hinds, Joseph A., 70
- Hinds, William, 145
- Hines, Captain H.K., 170
- Hogbin, Corporal John, 97
- Hodgson, Private F.W., 165
- Holder, John, 157
- Hollingum, W.E., 106
- Holmes, Emily, 250
- Holmes, G.A., 250
- Holms, Cadet W.B.L., 67
- Hopkyns, Commander John W., 84, 347
- Hornstein, Joseph, 294
- Hose, Acting Captain Walter, captain of patrols, 21, 22p, 83, 85, 300, 357, 407n7
- hospital ship. See Old Colony
- hospitals. See Amanda Private Hospital, Camp Hill Hospital, Cogswell Street Military Hospital, Halifax Infirmary, Infectious Diseases Hospital (Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Hospital, Pier 2 Clearing Hospital, Rockhead Hopital, Sick Children’s Hospital, Victoria General Hospital
- hospitals, emergency. See Bellevue House, Commons (tents), Halifax Ladies’ College, Knights of Columbus Hall, St. Mary’s College, Waegwoltic Club, YMCA
- Hotchkiss, Mrs. Harry, 329
- Hough, Major Garry de N., 179, 193
- housing, emergency, 203, 331–32
- Houston, Alfred, 289
- Hovland, SS, 37, 57, 276, 285, 292, 361
- Howley, Lieutenant F.J., 164
- Hubley, Dr. C.C., 189
- Hunstok, Per, xiii, 276p, 290, 366
- Hunstok, Sigurd Olsen, 58, 276, 366–67
- Hurley, John, 397, 399
- Hurley, Maurice 399
- Hurst, Cassie, 137, 378
- Hus, Pierre, 43
- Hyde, Captain Benjamin D., 177
- Hynes, Mrs. James, 239
- IMO, SS, viii, 3, 29, 39p, 42–43, 45–47, 49–50, 53, 58, 101, 138, 191, 225, 256, 265, 269, 271–72, 274–76, 280, 284, 286, 289–90, 292, 295–97, 299, 301–5, 307–18, 316p, 321, 360, 363, 365–67, 371, 373, 376, 379, 391–92, 401n2
- collision with Mont-Blanc, 47–48
- Imperial Oil (Dartmouth): as dressing station, 104, 130, 186
- Infectious Diseases Hospital (Dartmouth), 111, 233, 328–29
- information bureau. See registration committee
- Ingraham, Captain William St. Clair, 97
- Intercolonial Railway, 77, 115, 118, 124, 127, 134, 136–37, 139–44, 148–50, 152, 162, 177, 189, 225–26, 261, 263, 279, 362, 370, 372, 379, 383, 396
- Jackson, William, 257
- Jamieson (nurse), 143
- Jarvis, Edgar, 190
- Jennings (surgeon), 100
- Jewers, Mrs. Thomas 213
- Johannsen, Ingual, 191
- Johansen, John, 286, 295, 309–10, 312
- Johnson, Christian, 256
- Johnson, Gus, 157
- Johnson, Howard, 249
- Johnson, Mary, 145
- Johnston, Alex, deputy minister of Marine and Fisheries, 301, 306, 322
- Johnston, H.W., 125
- Johnstone, A.C., 118–19, 346
- Johnstone, Dwight, xi, 29, 31, 118, 184, 230, 255, 258, 359, 370–71
- history of disaster by, xi, 31, 229, 258, 358, 367, 375, 381, 387, 389, 391
- Jones, A.E., 116
- Jones, P.T., 274
- Keating, J.V., 274
- Keating, Russell, 252
- Keeting, Frankie, 252
- Kelly, Mayor (North Sydney), 160
- Keyes, Governor Henry (NH), 182
- Kennedy, Dr. Evan, 144
- Kennedy, Dr. T.F., 179
- Kentville, response from, 141–42
- Kerr, Donald, 297
- Kidd, Fred, 191
- Killeen, Frank, 60
- King, Rev. Sydney, 240
- King, Chief Petty Officer William, 67, 249–50, 390
- Kirby, James, 245
- Kitz, Harry, 155
- Kitz, Janet, xiv, 359, 380, 391, 397
- Knaut, Mary, 64
- Knickle, Solly, 157
- Knight Templar, HMS, 37, 83, 292
- Knights of Columbus Hall: as dressing station, 118, 129, 186, 203, 247
- as emergency hospital, 102–3
- Koelle, Captain H.H.V., 294
- Kronprinz Wilhelm. See Von Steuben