(Note: Bold page numbers indicate images)
Abbott, Tony
on Daesh 115
eating of raw onion 140
escorted to safety from Australia Day protest 130, 131
flags as background images 138, 138, 146, 146
hiring of own photographer 139, 313n32
masculine action shots 132, 206
Murdoch press support for 143, 145, 146, 146
refugee policy 188
staging of photographs 138, 138, 140
as ‘The Reject’ 133
Aboriginal Australians
Aboriginal land rights 173–4, 174
Aboriginal Tent Embassy 130, 173
Aborigines Progressive Association 171
Abu Ghraib photographs 162
abuse of photographers 60, 64, 266
Adams, Eddie 98
Adlam, Nigel 266
colour photographs 308n37
government advertising 175
advertising revenue 14, 20, 41, 142, 149
advertorials 192
advocacy journalism 176–7, 190
Advocate 34
Afghanistan, ADF Public Affairs tours 102–3
AFL Grand Final 2015 276
AFL Media 293
afternoon newspapers 17
employment of photographers 5
first digital picture published 281
first photograph published 4, 5
from broadsheet to tabloid 23
moratorium march coverage 76
photographic style 23
support for Whitlam campaign 143
Vietnam war coverage 98
workplace culture 52
agency photographs 84, 109, 238, 268, 295, 296–7
aims of photographers 189–90
Aiton, Paul 240
and pub culture 55–7
alcoholism 56
Alfred, Prince 208
amateur photographs 18–19, 33, 308n79
Amery, Jean 113
Amrozi bin Nurhasyim 83
Andén-Papadopoulos, Kari 161–2
Anderson, Rosemary 224
Anderson, Warren 149–50
Andrews, Norman 225
anti-Muslim sentiment 83
anti-WorkChoices rally 158, 159, 164
anticipating the action 26, 131, 153, 272, 274
apps 19
Arlen, Michael 95
arrests of suspects 221–4
Ash Wednesday bushfires 246
Ashby, Tony xix, 13, 24, 34, 60, 66, 107, 109–10, 177
Ashton, Julian 1
Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summits 68
Asia–Pacific region, Australia’s place in 84, 96
Asian affairs coverage 66
assimilation policy 170, 314n16
asylum seekers coverage 53, 59, 180–4, 186–8, 189
Auspic 134
Austin, Jenny 201
Australasian 4
Australia vs West Indies tied Test match 279–80, 279
Bali bombing coverage 81
code of conduct relating to children 198
ethics questioned 155
fashion shoots 203
Indigenous affairs coverage 168, 172
manipulation of Bryant’s photo 234
support for Howard government 157
support for Whitlam 143
Australian Associated Press (AAP) 66, 94
Australian Consolidated Press (ACP) 46
Australian Crime Commission 284
Australian Defence Force (ADF)
attitude towards and restrictions on media 89, 92, 97, 101–4, 105, 106
censorship 89, 90, 101–2, 104, 106–7
colonial sensibility 106
Public Affairs tours for press 102–3
Statement for Understanding for Accredited Media 103
website 107
Australian Financial Review 84
Australian Football League (AFL) 268–9, 270, 285
Australian Imperial Forces (AIF)88, 90–100, 202
attitude towards and restrictions on press 89, 92, 97
Australian Journalists Association (AJA) 5, 15, 46, 217, 231, 307–8n25
Australian Press Association 94
Australian Press Council 142–3, 155, 198, 199, 230, 238, 264
Australian Press Council Statement of Principles 263
Australian Rules Football 274–6, 281, 284–6
Australian War Memorial (AWM) 92, 101
Australian Women’s Weekly 7, 16, 174, 254, 314n16
Australian–Indonesian relations 85, 87
Australian–Malaysian relations 85
Australian–US alliance 68, 71–2
authenticity of photographs 8–14
Autio, Narelle 304
autonomy of press photographers 37, 40–1, 48–9
Avison, Shannon 175
babies 196
Baker, Barry xix, 24, 26, 31, 32, 33, 67, 75, 81, 85, 166, 167, 167, 224, 250, 295
bald protestors 158–60
Baldwin, Herbert 90
Balibo Five 108
Balkan wars 108
Barbaro, Pasquale 233
Barham, Peter 97
Barker, Trevor 275
Barlow, Keith xix, 26, 28, 170, 173–4, 209, 210, 249, 250, 254, 282–3
Barlow, Kevin 85
Batoor, Barat Ali xix, 53, 187, 188
Batty, Luke 239
beach girls 200–1
Beamish, Darryl 224
Bean, CEW 90
bearing witness 263
Beattie, Peter 146
Beaumont children 197, 197, 226, 239
beheadings 114–15
Bell, George 4
bereaved family and friends 237–41
Berehulak, Daniel 304
Berne, Brendan 149
Bertillon, Alphonse 225
bias in coverage 147
‘Big Lens Men’ 275–6
bikie funerals 60
bikini girls 200–1
Bingle, Laura 214
Birse, Robert 97
Bishop, Bronwyn 206
Bishop, Julie 132
Bishop, Mervyn xix, 16, 27, 48, 53, 173–4, 197, 237
Black Friday bushfires 245
black humour 63
Black Saturday bushfires 248, 261, 264–5, 265, 267
blogs 19
‘boat people’ 180–1
Bobbin Heads double murder 221
‘Body Builders’ 278
Border Mail (Albury) 271
Borrow, Craig xix–xx, 16, 33, 57, 61, 159, 231, 233, 237, 246–7, 266–7, 302
Bourke, Frank 51
Bourke, Peter 59–60
Bowers, Mike xx, 25, 40–1, 41, 45, 49–50, 51–2, 58, 67, 128, 138, 152, 168, 175, 176–7, 183, 187, 230, 259, 263, 303, 305
Bowler, Neville 252
Boyle, Raymond 282
Bradfield, Penny 50
Bradley, Ian 225
Bradley, Stephen 239
Bray, John 1
Briggs, Jamie 156
Broad Arrow Café 229
initial resistance to photography 4
photographic style 22–3
Broome cyclone, 1935 248–9
Brothers, Caroline 93
Brown, Lloyd xx, 25–6, 28, 30, 49, 209, 210, 211, 219, 220, 250, 256, 257, 266, 287–8, 289–90
Buckingham, Elvira 239
Buckingham, Michelle 239
Buddhist monk’s self-immolation, Saigon 31, 75
Bugden, George 270
Bull, Colin 246
Burke, Frank 15
Bourne, Sister Ann 197
Burton, Doug 27
Bush administration 102
‘butchers of photography’ 43
Butler, Rose 257
Button, John 224
by-lines for photographers 3, 15, 47, 297
Cairns, Jim 75–6, 78, 154, 249, 251
Calwell, Arthur 93, 118–20, 119, 143, 177–9
35mm cameras 27
digital cameras 18, 33–5, 280, 282
given to soldiers in World War I 90
Graflex cameras 25–6
maintaining and fixing 26
memories of first camera 25
mobile phone cameras 18–19, 20, 23
as psychological shields 61
and roll film 27
Rolleiflex cameras 27
Speed Graphic cameras 26–7
technological advances 5, 8, 15, 16, 18, 301
two-and-a-quarter cameras 27
Canberra bushfires, 2003 247
Canberra Times 76
career prospects 43–4
Carpay, Gabriel 96
Carrette, Peter 213
Carrick, Raeleen 263
Casamento, Jo 214
Casey, Gary 266
Casey, Jim 252
Cashman, Richard 276
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge 214
Caulfield Cup 10
Cazneaux, Harold 8
‘celebrity’ criminals 233
celebrity images
manipulation of 39
and paparazzi 213–14
celebrity industry 214
censorship of pictures
and social mores 150
in World War I 88–9
Chamberlain, Lindy 220, 221, 226, 227, 235–7, 236
Chamberlain, Michael 220, 221, 236
Chambers, Brian 85
Chambers, Verity xx, 13, 29, 35, 36, 41, 45, 46, 51, 52, 56, 58, 147, 149, 150–1, 166, 203, 208, 210–11, 237, 238, 241–2, 261, 270–1, 282, 291, 298
Chan, Karmein 239
Chan, Phyllis 239
Channel 10 15
Chapman, Andrew xx, 129, 129–30, 152
Charlton, Bryan xx, 31, 32, 55, 59, 166, 182, 193, 207, 227, 229
chemicals used in darkrooms 30–1
Chicago Sun-Times 303
Chikao, Yasuno 114
child abuse 240
Childers Backpacker Hostel 229
and crime 234–7
depiction of 196–9
in disaster coverage 251, 253–4, 261
‘churnalism’ 293
Circus Oz 58
citizen photographers 90, 213, 298–9, 300
Clare, Jason 284
Clarke, Ron 281
Clayton, Robert 225
Clayton, Tim 13–14, 276–7, 282
Cleo magazine 315n39
Coch, Lucas xx, 35, 130, 130–1, 272, 298
Cochrane, Peter 69
Cocker, Joe 211
codes of conduct 198
‘cold cases’ 239
Cold War 68–71
Coleman, John 274–5
Coleridge, Michael 97
collective public grieving 241
Collingwood supporters 284, 286
colour advertisements 308n37
colour photographs 8–9, 9, 15, 16
colour printers 8
Colvin, Marie 110
Committee to Protect Journalists 265
competition between newspapers 5, 8, 14
composite printing 36
computers 16
Connolly, Fiona 214
Cook, Bert 297
Corbis 296
Corby, Schapelle 85–6, 311n80–1
corporate cultures, and photographic styles 21
Costello, Peter 136–7
Couchsurfing 241
counselling services 63–4
Country Fire Authority 248
Courier-Mail 18, 73, 145, 156, 259
court appearances 233–7
Court government (WA) 150
Cousins, Ben 224
Cranbourne, Ray 215
cricket 5, 48, 59, 124–5, 124, 268, 272, 278–80, 288
Cricket World Cup Final 2015 268
Crikey 21
crime scene images 226–3
criminal cases, difficulty of covering 219
criminal identification 225–6
criminal trials 233–7
Curran, James 71
Currie, Ian 58
Cuthbert, Betty 289
Cyclone Tasha 252
Cyclone Tracy 249–52, 251, 253–4, 261, 266
cyclones 248–52
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga) 314n18
Daily Mail (Australian version) 208, 305
Daily Mirror (Sydney) 7, 14, 202, 204–5
Daily Mirror (UK), website 21
daily newspapers 21
Daily Telegraph (Sydney)
anti-Labor campaign, 2013 145, 146
breaches of privacy 155
conversion from broadsheet to tabloid 8
Cronulla riot coverage 185, 185
murder victim photo 217
on Nazi extermination of Jews 113
photographs in the 1930s 7
picturegram-receiving equipment 32
sports coverage 283
support for Howard government 157
support for McMahon over Gorton 143
terrorism coverage 115
Titanic coverage 245
Vietnam War coverage 98
Damkjr, Sfren 276
dangerous assignments 59–60
Dare Parker, David xx, 48, 58, 63, 67, 101, 107, 302, 304
daring feats 5
at newspaper offices 27–31
makeshift darkrooms 32
mobile darkrooms 32–3
Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma (DART) 63, 265–6
Davis, Neil 97
Davis, Peter 145
Day of Mourning 171
de-professionalisation 38
dead bodies, depiction of
criminals 231–3
ethics of publishing 230–1
industry agreement on 262–3
victims of crime 217, 230–1, 232
war and conflict casualties 90, 94, 95, 98–100, 104–5, 106, 111–12
Dean, Tamara 50
death, depiction of 90, 94, 95, 98–100, 104–5, 106, 111–12, 114–15, 188
‘death knock’ 237–41
‘death watch’ 238
Debs, Bandali 229
Dedman, John 144–5
DeKretser, Chris 18
demand-led journalism 215
Demir, Nilufer 188
Democratic Republic of Congo 112, 113
democratisation of imagery 195
Department of Aboriginal Affairs 174
Department of Immigration 177
Department of Information (DOI) 88, 92, 94
Derby Day 215
Devine, Miranda 234
digital cameras 18, 33–5, 280, 282
and autonomy over work 37, 145
by Murdoch tabloids during 2013 election campaign 145–6
and ethics 38–9
manipulation of photographs 36–9
digital pictures, first printed in Australian paper 33
digital revolution 33–7, 127, 280–2, 300–2
diplomacy, capturing visually 68–72
The Dirty website 156
‘disaster porn’ 261
disaster stories 67, 243–5, 248, 255
Disney, Julian 84
displaced persons 178–9
display of photographs 26, 195, 201
Diver, Sally 259
Diver, Stuart 259
divorce 193
Dixon, George 167
Domaszewicz, Greg 235
doping in sport 284
Dowling, Peter 156
Drake, Philip 208
Drewe, Richard 80
Driessens, Olivier 215
droughts 254–5
drug smugglers 85–7
Drysdale, Russell 267
Duke Hotel, Melbourne 56
Dupont, Stephen xxi, 62, 105, 107, 109, 177, 196, 212, 301–2, 304, 305–6
Dutton, Peter 299
East Timor
independence ballot and ensuring violence 108–9
Indonesian invasion 108
Edward VIII 208
Edwards, Kerry 211
Ekins, Ashley 76–7
election campaign coverage 20, 126–30
Elgar, Kerri 37
Elizabeth II, Her Majesty Queen 209, 210
Ellinghausen, Alex 20, 133, 137
Ellis, Kate 206
embedding in conflict zones 101, 102–6, 107
empathy 77, 116, 170, 190, 261, 267
Ennis, Helen 53, 175, 194, 195
entertainers, tours of Australia 211–13
entertainment news 207
environmental groups, visually oriented protests 163
Eric, Ruth 201
and breach of trust 214
of news photography 37
in political photography 153–63
publication of images of dead 230–1
of showing images of violence 115
of showing suffering 261–6
of viewing and sharing violent images 115
ethnic diversity among press photographers 53
Evans, Kate 2, 4, 8, 55, 201, 209, 226
executive positions 15
Eyre, Damian 229
history 22
merger with Rural Press 20
newspaper ownership 21
photographers’ input into presentation of work 40–1
setting up of photographs 13
shedding of photographers 295
shift from broadsheet to tabloid 23
support for Calwell 143
Fairfax, Warwick 142
Faithfull, Marianne 213
Falconio, Peter 228
Falklands War 100
familial ties in industry 45, 305
fashion images, manipulation 39
fashion photography 39, 202, 203
Fawcett, Jamie 214
Featherstone, Julia 54
Feder, John 101, 108, 284, 285, 286, 287
Federal Parliamentary Press Gallery 134
Fenston, Esme 254
Ferguson, Adam 304
Fevola, Brendan 213
film scanners 33
film technology, advances 16
Financial Review 22
Finlayson, Bob 29
‘The First Day at Sea’ 187, 188
First Gulf War 100
Fishwick, Herbert 5
Fitzgerald, Ross 119
Flynn, Errol 213
follow focusing 274
Forde, Frank 92
foreign policy, capturing visually 68–72
forensic photography 222–3
Four Corners 14
‘four o’clock nod’ 55
Frankel, Max 77
Franklin River dam protests 163
Fraser, Malcolm 122–3, 123, 131
Freedom Ride 171–2
freelance photojournalists 304
front pages
competition over 57
dedicated to advertisements 244–5
shift from advertising to news 8
Funnel, Alan ‘Spider’ 236, 275
future of press photography 21, 304–6
Gaiter, Gavin 255
genocide, coverage of 107–8, 109–10
George V, King 4
Geraghty, Kate xxi, 35, 50, 51–2, 61, 66, 81, 101, 104, 105, 108, 111–12, 181, 186–7, 189, 271, 281, 301
Getty Images 41, 66, 80, 254, 291, 295, 296–7
Gibbons, Denis 95
Gill, ST 276
Gillard, Julia 69, 130–3, 131, 133, 137, 139, 205–7, 206
‘golden age’ of press photography 43
Google 115
Goolagong, Evonne 170
Goot, Murray 77
Gordon, Harry 260
Gordon, Kirste 227
Goto, Kenji 115
Grady, Yvette xxi, 15, 50–1, 52, 203–4
Graflex cameras 25–6
Graham, Lorrie xxi, 22, 30, 39, 51, 54, 55, 123–4, 124, 134, 166, 168–9, 183, 203, 204, 205, 237, 255, 300, 306
Graham, Louisa 37
Granville train disaster 257–9, 258, 266
‘grass knock’ 238
Great Western Hotel, Melbourne 56
Greenpeace 163
Greer, Germaine 285
Griffin, Grahame 37
Griffith, Rob 84
Grove, Steve xxi, 32–3, 41, 43, 44, 54, 60, 184, 231, 237–8, 257–8
Grover, Monty 6
Guardian 21
guilt experienced by photographers 261–2, 266
‘Gun Alley Murder’ 234–5
Gyngell, David 149
Haeberle, Ron 100
Haines, David 115
Haines, Richard 283
Hallin, Daniel 95
Hamilton, Madeleine 201–2
Hannan, Mike 102
Hansen, Anders 158–9
Hardacre, Peter 119
Hartley, John 215
hatches, matches and dispatches 196–9
hate mail 260
Hattam, Mary 218
Hawke, Bob 85, 124–5, 124, 126, 131, 163
Hawkins, Jennifer 199
hazing 30
Heffernan, Bill 205
Henning, Alan 115
Henningham, Leigh xxi, 28, 43, 271, 275, 285
Herald (Melbourne)
introduction of photographs 7
moratorium march coverage 76
pre-print colour covers 8–9
and Ross murder trial verdict 235
staff relationship with police 219–20
use of Channel 10’s helicopter 15
Herald Sun (Melbourne)
anti-logging protest coverage 162, 162, 164
anti-WorkChoices rally coverage 158, 159, 164
number of photographers 15
photographic style 23
picture of Bill Shorten texting while driving 156
support for Howard government 157
WEF meeting protest coverage 160, 161, 164
Herald and Weekly Times (HWT) 4, 14, 17, 31–2
Hersh, Seymour 100
Hewson, John 126
high-speed photographs at night 7
Hillyard, Phil xxi, 35, 44, 48, 59, 206–7, 268, 270, 280, 287, 288, 290
Hindley, Myra 225
Hoddle Street massacre 226, 232
Hodson, George 221
Holmes, Pat 50
Holt, Stephen 119
horseracing 9, 270, 273, 273, 287
see also names of races e.g. Melbourne Cup
Hoskins, Andrew 100
hot metal typesetting 15
‘hot weather’ photographs 200–1, 203
Hotham Handicap 1956 270
House of Representatives, rules for photographers 135
Howard, Bruce xxi, 15, 30, 31, 34, 44, 45, 54, 63, 76, 201, 249, 254, 271, 274, 275, 276, 281–2, 287, 299
Howard government
‘children overboard’ claim 184
industrial relations policy 157–8
Northern Territory Intervention 168
stance on immigration 181
Tampa affair 182–3
Howard, John 125–6, 126, 127, 128, 132–3, 133, 152
Howard, Lester 15
Huckstepp, Sallie-Ann 233
human rights abuses 108
Hunter, Brad 139
Hurst, John 9
Hyde, Clive xxi, 35, 44, 66, 67, 82–3, 106, 149–50, 168, 219–20, 227–8, 236, 270, 295, 298
Ibbs, John xxi, 32, 33, 34, 35, 44, 47, 49, 51, 62, 67, 150, 161, 301
Illustrated Australian News 1, 2
illustrated newspapers
employment of press photographers 4
first photograph in Australia 3–4, 3
immigration detention centres 59, 181, 182, 187
impartial journalism 142
Indigenous affairs coverage 165, 166–7, 314n28
Indigenous Australians 53, 165, 285–6
Indigenous communities, and coverage of disasters 248–9
Indigenous media 175
Indigenous photographers 53, 173–5
Indigenous stories, importance of 169–70
industrial action
by newspaper staff 47
coverage of 157–8
initiation rituals for cadets 54
Innes, Bob 85
international event coverage
challenges for photographers 67
economic factors 66
and geographical and cultural proximity 65
natural disasters 67
and newsworthiness 65
international news agencies 66
international politics, capturing visually 68–72
International Women’s Year 51
International Year of the World’s Indigenous People 285
internet, and ethics 231
internet editions of newspapers 17
iPads 35
Iraq, coverage of US-led invasion 51–2, 101–2
Irving, Winton 69
ISIS see Daesh
Ismay, JB 244
Jackson, Russell 284
James, Francis 86
job security 295
Johnson administration 73
Johnson, Lyndon B 71–2, 72, 73–4, 73
Johnston, Victor 47
Jones, Wayne 203
Jopson, Debra 176
attitudes towards photographers 48–9
demarcation with press photographers 298, 307–8n25
taking photographs 297–8
Kabir, Nahid 83
Keating government 181
Keating, Paul 137, 137, 148, 152, 285
Kennedy, Ray 232
Kent, William ‘Pop’ 225, 226, 234
Kernot, Cheryl 206
Kingma, Julian xxi, 30, 31, 54, 60–1, 177, 193, 232
Kirkpatrick, Browlee 175
Kirner, Joan 206
Klempner, Mark 61
Klugman, Matthew 286
Knight, Julian 234
Knightley, Philip 61
Kobré, Ken 37
Kosovo refugees 181
Kristof, Nicholas 110
Kurdi, Aylan 188
Lack, John 235
Lamb, John xxii, 26, 57, 60, 61
Lambert, Alan 60
Lanfanchi, Warren 233
Langton, Maria 175
Larrakia people 249
Latham, Mark 158
Lawson, Mark 293
Lawson, Warwick 203
leadership, as key theme in political photographs 117
Lebowitz, Annie 195
Lees, Joanne 228
Legg, Rowland 233
Leskie, Jaidyn 235
Leslie, Michelle 86
‘Life and death dash’ 197
Life magazine 88, 94, 97, 100, 114, 254, 302–3
Lindout, Amanda 110
Lingane, Dennis xxii, 16, 26, 301
Lingiari, Vincent 173
Lipman, George 29
Littlemore, Stuart 286
Llewellin, Derek 58
Loan, Nguyen Ngoc 98
local newspapers
sports coverage 271
style of news coverage 22, 260
Lockerbie plane crash 111
Lone Hand 199
long-lens photography 5, 213, 272
Los Angeles Olympics 33, 280–1
Lovitt, Ron 278–80
Luke, Mollie 50
Lundy, Kate 284
Lynch, Garry 238
Lynch, Grace 238
Lynch, Phillip 97
Lyons, Joseph 143
McAuley, Bill xxii, 16, 27, 32, 59, 212–13, 252
McAuliffe, Michael 85
McCullin, Don 254
McGalderie, Stuart 95
McGeogh, Paul 104
McGuiness, Roy 50
McIver, Danny 252
Mackay, Donald 239
Mackinnon, Clive xxii, 14, 16, 26, 49, 57, 160–1, 262, 272, 274, 275–6, 279, 284, 287, 288, 293
McLellan (later Pearson), Sally 290, 290
McMahon government 173
McMahon, William 143
McManus, Justin xxii, 167, 169, 189, 261, 264–5, 267
McNamara, Peter xxii, 12, 34, 62, 102, 106, 213, 221–2
McNulty, CS 113
McPhedran, Russell xxii, 13, 67, 78–9, 103, 177, 203, 223, 208, 221, 228, 257, 284, 288
McQuillan, Ern 69
Madeley, Oswald Thomas 1
Madrid train bombings, altered image 39
Madsen, Neville 252
magazines, coloured photographs 16
Magowan, Guy xxii, 16, 27, 33, 53, 64, 148, 166, 200, 210, 210, 238, 247, 262
Maiden, Samantha 299
Mainsbridge, Ian 228
Maisel, Todd 80
Maitland floods, 1955 252
Malaysia, execution of Australian drug smugglers 85
Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 111–12
male centrefolds 315n39
management of press photographers 58
Mangan, Chris 229
manipulation of photographs 36–9, 90, 153
see also digital editing
Manne, Robert 69
manual focusing 271
Manus Island detention centre 186
Margaret, Princess 208
marriage, commodification of 193
Marshall, Frederick 222
Martin Place seige 83–4
Martin, Ray 166
Mary, Princess 199
Mauboy, Jessica 215
MEAA Code of Ethics 198, 231, 263
Meadows, Michael 175
Meares, Andrew xxii, 16, 20, 28, 29, 34–5, 36, 40, 84, 125, 127, 130, 132, 133, 133, 134, 135, 150, 151, 152, 184, 186, 207, 211, 304
measures of success 36
Mechielsen, Lyndon xxii–xxiii, 13, 16, 40, 41, 43, 44, 137, 220, 221, 235–6
Meckiff, Ian 280
media economy 215
Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) 295
Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) Code of Ethics 198, 231, 263
media ownership concentration 14, 17, 20, 142, 143–4
media ownership laws 17
media power
and economic self-interest 144–7
nature of 142–4
and photographs as political tools 144–7
and political bias 147–53, 163–4
Media Watch 103, 110, 115, 262, 286
Meeker, Mary 298
Melbourne Commonwealth Games 290, 290
Melbourne, HMAS 5
Melbourne Olympic Games 8, 281, 289–90
Melbourne underworld killings 233
mentoring of cadets 28–9
Menzies government 71, 73, 118
Menzies, Robert 26, 119, 151–2, 153
Merchant, Phil 283
Mercury (Hobart) 153
meta-coverage of election reporting 129
Miah, Andy 208
migration, depictions in the media 314n4
Mikac, Allanah 229
Mikac, Madeline 229
Mikac, Nanette 229
Milat, Ivan 234
Military Historical Section 92
Miller, Keith 278
Miller, Rodney 229
Mills, Tammy 239
Milperra Father’s Day massacre 60
Minney, Karleen xxiii, 22, 36, 52, 193
‘Mirrorbirds’ 203–4
Misr (migrant ship) 178
misrepresentation 10
missing the shot, equipment problems 26
Mitchell, Chris 168
mobile devices 19
mobile phone cameras
accidental onlookers’ use of 18–19
press photographers’ use of 18, 20, 23
mobile phones, impact 16
mobile technology 20
Moe 235
Moir, Nick xxiii, 45, 64, 243, 245, 246, 247, 264, 265, 277
Mokbel, Tony 226
Monis, Man Haron 83–4
Moore, Demi 195
Moore, Keith 74
Mooy-Malone, Amanda 194
Moran, Jason 233
Moran, Judy 233
moratorium marches 75–6
Morcombe, Bruce 239
Morcombe, Daniel 239
Morcombe, Denise 239
Morgan, Keith 235
Morosi, Junie 154
Morris, Elizabeth 220
Mort, Dorothy 217
motherhood, depictions of 193–5
Mount Macedon fire 254
Mr Cruel 239
mugshots 225–6
multiculturalism 179
Munich Olympic Games, 1972 78–9, 284
murder re-enactments 223–4
Murdoch, Bradley 228
Murdoch, Sir Keith 7, 42, 56, 142, 143
Murdoch, Rupert 17, 50–1, 56, 142, 143, 145, 202–3, 218, 290
Murray, Geoffrey 96
My Lai massacre 100, 312n36, 312n38
Myer 215
Narbethong, bushfire 261, 264–5
National Apology to Indigenous peoples 169, 175, 176
National Broadband Network (NBN) 145
national newspapers, style of news coverage 22
National Press Photographers Association (US) 139
Nauru, journalist visas 187
Nazi concentration camps, coverage of liberation 94–5, 108
Nazis, recording of atrocities 113
New Matilda 21
New York Post 156
daily newspapers 21
embedded journalists and photographer in Iraq 102
history 22
job shedding 295–6
percentage of newspaper circulation 20
photographers’ input into presentation of work 40–1
political bias and political power 148–9, 164
purchase of photos of Pack/Gyngell brawl 149
setting up of photographs 13
support for Abbott over Rudd 145–6
use of agency pictures 297
workplace culture 40–1, 55, 151
news coverage, style and locality 22
see also News Corporation
news photography history
first colour action news photograph 8
first photograph in Australian newspaper 3, 3, 4, 307n7
in World War II 7–8
newspaper culture 54
Newton, Helmut 202
Newton, Leonard 97
Nguyen Tuong Van 85
Northern Territory Intervention 168–9
Northern Territory News 155, 180, 180
Norton, Ezra 14
Nowytarger, Renee xxiii, 52, 55, 83, 103, 168, 169, 170–1, 224, 254–5, 255
NT News 221
Obama administration 139
O’Dwyer, Simon 245
O’Gready, John 282–3
Olympic Games coverage
Beijing 2008 35
cooperation between photographers 287–90
Melbourne 1956 33, 281, 289–90
Sydney 2000 33, 34, 281–2, 288
online newspaper editions 17–18, 19
online paywall subscriptions 20
online-only newspapers 21
open-mouthed politicians 145
Orlon 215
Osmond, Gary 287
outback, emotional resonance of 227–8
Packer, Sir Frank 7, 46, 119, 120, 142, 143, 148
Packer, James 149
Packer, Kerry 142
Packer, Robert Clyde 7
Page, Tim 304
‘parading’ 233–4
Pardew, Mark 248
Parke, Trent 304
Parks, Rosa 171
Parliament House, rules for photographers 134–8
paternalism 170
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party 181
Peacock, Andrew 123
Pearce-Stevenson, Karlie 235
Pearce-Stevenson, Khandalyce 235
Pearson, Noel 168
Pearson (formerly McLellan), Sally 290, 290
Pellegrini, Ella 112
Pennell, Richard 86
Penton, Brian 113
personal photographs, published by newspapers 155–6
Petch, Colleen xxiii, 52, 57, 268–9, 270, 277, 282, 288–9
Petrov affair 68–71
Phelan, Peggy 98
Phelan, Terry xxiii, 27, 28, 29, 59–60, 64, 73–4, 199, 209, 234, 246, 253–4, 270, 274, 273, 273–4
Phoenix Hotel, Flinders St 56
photoengraving process department 2
photographers, as artists 8
photographic editors see picture editors
photographic styles, corporate cultures and locality 21–3
photographs, versus moving image 304
photographs in newspapers
ambivalence towards 5
commercial value 5
initial uncertainty about use 3–4
as ‘low-brow’ 4
status as independent form of evidence 5
photojournalism 43, 176, 303, 305
photojournalists, first generation in-house 4
Phuc, Kim (‘napalm girl’) 98–100
Picone, Jack 304
pictorial daily newspapers 6–7
autonomy of 41
role 47–8
‘picture trucks’ 32–3
pin-up girls 201–2
relationship with photographers and journalists 219–24
subduing demonstrator 162
tip-offs to journalists and photographers 219, 220, 221–2, 224
use of press photographs in investigations 186, 222–3
police rounds 219–21
Police Union 230
political conduct, impact of photographs on 117–18, 127–8, 132–3
political leaders
creative and chance images of 123–6
electoral campaign coverage 20, 126–30
employment of personal photographers 139
highs and lows of leadership 120–3
image control and stage management 126–30
unscripted moments 130–3
political photography
ethical dimensions 153–63
importance of context 134, 150–1, 163–4
nature of 139–40
in Parliament House 134–38
controversy, scandal and privacy 154–5
depicted with open mouths 145
editorial instructions on photographing 147–8
publication of personal photographs 155–6
relationship with photographers 118, 124, 125, 127, 132–3, 140, 151–2
staged photo opportunities 128, 129, 132, 139
politics, and sport 283–7
pornography 115
Porritt, Alan xxiii, 13, 30, 32, 34, 38, 55, 128, 130, 134, 135, 136–7, 138, 143, 148, 152, 211, 231, 246, 247, 248
Port Arthur massacre 60–1, 125, 226, 229, 238, 240
Porter, James 259
portraits 12
posing of subjects in photographs 9–10, 11
Postle, Bruce xxiii, 24, 35, 45, 48, 57, 122, 123, 123, 223, 245, 270, 280, 287
potassium ferricyanide 30–1
Prasetyo, Mayang 241–2
pregnancy, depictions of 194–5
Press Council 84
press freedom 265
press photography
early employment of photographers 4
emergence of 2
first full-time photographer 4, 307n12
white male dominance 49–55, 56
Priest, Jane 211
prisoners of war 95
legislation and codes of conduct 197–8
promotional and publicity industries 215
protests and public dissent 77, 156–63, 159, 161, 162, 164
psychological pressures 59–64, 265–6
psychological support 62–4, 265
pub culture 55–7
public interest 115, 154, 155, 177, 231, 234, 238, 260, 264
public-generated images, use of 18–19
Putin, Vladimir 132
quality of photographs 299
quantity of images 301
Queen Street shootings 226, 232
Queensland floods, 2011 252
racial prejudice, media’s role in 315n75
radio photographs 31–3
Ratcliffe, Joanne 227
Reckless (racehorse) 287
redundancies 303–4
regional newspapers, sports coverage 271, 291–2
Reith, Peter 184
remote Aboriginal communities 166–7
respect for press photographers 49, 302
Rice, Bob 197
Rickard, John 71
‘riding instructions’ 143
Rinehart, Gina 149
Rioli, Cyril 276
rivalry 57
Riverstone floods, 1961 254
Rivett, Rohan 218
Roberts, Jason 229
Roberts-Smith, Ben 104–5
Rockman, Udo 256
Rogerson, Roger 233
roll film 27
Rolleiflex cameras 27
Ross, Colin 235
rotary presses 3
Rotteveel, Femke 13
Rowe, Normie 97
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody 285
royal tours and news 8, 9, 25–6, 32, 208–11
Rubeli, Ella 176
Rudd, Kevin 128, 129, 130, 133, 137, 139, 145–6, 145, 169
Ruddock, Philip 183–4
Rural Press 20
Russ, Martin 96
Russell Street bombing 226
Rwandan genocide 109–10
salaries 47
Sara, Sally 103
satellite phones 34
Saunders, Marlene 204
Savery, Isobel 179
Sawer, Marian 205
scandals 154–5
Schell, Adam 221
Schudson, Michael 207
Schuler, Philip 90
Scott, Stephanie 241
Sea Shepherd Society 163
Sekula, Alan 225
selection of pictures for publication 40, 41, 48–9, 75, 76, 79–80, 143, 153, 262–3
‘selfies’ 299
Senate, rules for photographers 135–6
September 11 terrorist attacks 79–80, 79, 80, 100–1
setting up pictures 9–14, 253, 299
Seven West Media 21
Shaw, Malcolm 273
Shea, Laurie 30
Shellcott, Tim 274
Shmith, Athol 202
Shrimpton, Jean 215
Siffleet, Leonard G 114
Silk, Gary 229–30
Simmonds, Ralph 94
Simpson, Wallis 208
Sinatra, Frank 211
Sizer, Ray xxiii, 12–13, 181, 196, 198, 239, 260, 291
sketch artists 1–2
Small, Melvin 75
broadsheet to tabloid 23
Day of Mourning protest coverage 171
first front-page photograph 8
first photograph published 4
first radiogram picture from London 31
home births story 194
immigration coverage 179
initial employment of photographers 5
number of photographers in 1930s 7
number of photographers on staff 295
picturegram-receiving equipment 31–2
on WorkChoices policy 158
Smith’s Weekly 7
‘snapperazzi’ 18
‘snappers’ 49
Sobocinska, Agnieszka 96
social event photographs 12, 192–3, 195
social media 110, 213–14, 241–2
social pages 192–3
socioeconomic backgrounds of press photographers 44–5
Solomon, Joe 280
humanitarian crisis 110
withdrawal of US troops 104
Sorrell, John 96
South, Jason xxiii–xxiv, 23, 25, 59, 60–1, 62, 66, 67, 101, 102, 108, 109, 110, 128, 230, 247–8, 272, 291, 300
Souza, Peter 139
Speed Graphic cameras 26–7
sponsorship, and sports photography 268–9
sports photography
action and technique 272–6
art of 276–8
captions, headline and context 287
in changing media enviroment 293
digital world 280–2
as driver of technological innovation 33–35
and gender 292–3
and knowledge of the game and venues 271–2
in Melbourne 269–70
and newspaper circulation 290–1
politics and sport 283–7
for regional papers 271, 291–2
and sponsorship 268–9
teamwork between photographers 287–90
technology and ‘the one that got away’ 278–80
and training of press photographers 270–1, 292
women press photographers 52
sportswomen, images of 318n40
Springbok Rugby tour of New Zealand 284
staging of photographs 9–14, 122, 132, 144–5, 253
Stanley, Jason 215
Stephens, Penny xxiv, 18, 52, 55, 58, 59, 103, 235, 238, 305
Stevens, Rick xxiv, 12, 28–9, 44, 48, 56, 60, 63, 81, 83, 121–2, 121, 198, 203, 209, 213, 209–10, 219–20, 229, 237, 240, 243, 249, 250, 284, 300
Stokes, Kerry 142
Stolen Generations 169
Stott-Despoja, Natasha 206
Strathfield Plaza shootings 226
Streeton, Arthur 276
Strock, George 94
Strzelecki State Forest 248
Stuart, Rupert ‘Max’ 218
subjects supplying own images 299
ethics of depicting 261–6
witnessing 60
Sumner, Vic 251
Sun (Sydney) 5, 7, 55, 144–5, 202
Sun Herald Cable Service 94
Sun News-Pictorial (Melbourne) 6–7, 6, 98, 142, 256, 259–60
Sun-Herald 283
Sunday Guardian 7
Sunday Herald Sun 281, 286, 287
Sunday Independent 211
Sunday Mail (Adelaide) 264
Sunday Sun 7
Sunday Telegraph 155
Sutcliff, Edgar 4
Swank, Hilary 215
Sydney Hilton hotel 229
Sydney Olympics 33, 34, 281–2, 288
Syrian refugee crisis 110, 188, 189
first press photographers employed 4
growth of 7–8
increasing use of photos in 1920s 5
photographic style 22–3
reputation 23
Tampa affair 182–3
Tasmanian bushfires, 1967 245
Taylor, John 231
Taylor, Leslie ‘Squizzy’ 221, 233
teen page 201
television, impact on newspaper industry 14–15
television broadcasters, impartiality 142
Templeton, Kelvin 271
Tennant Creek Indigenous housing 176–7
terrorism coverage
9/11 attacks 79–80, 79, 80, 100–1
Black September attack on Israel Olympic team 78–9, 78
ethics of 114–15
London 2005 bombings 18–19
Martin Place seige 83–4
Paris 2015 bombings 84
selective coverage 115–16
and trauma 78–84
‘faceless men’ photographs 120, 313n5
This Day Tonight 14
Thompson, Jack 315n39
Thorne, Graeme 219
Tiananmen Square massacre 84, 125, 312n57
Tidy, Graeme xxiv, 24, 34, 39, 125, 259
Tiffen, Rodney 73, 74, 77, 128, 146
Till, Emmett Louis 171
Tindale, Darren xxiv, 45, 203, 217, 231, 237, 260, 270, 274
Tingle, Laura 166
Tirtschke, Alma 235
To Thi Nau 96
‘Toowoomba flood rescue’ 252, 252
Town, Jay xxiv, 10, 23, 24, 30–1, 33, 36, 45, 56, 235, 269–70, 272, 281, 295, 298, 301
Townsville Bulletin 291
train accidents 2–3, 3, 4, 243, 257–9, 283
training of photographers 16
cadetships 45–6
on social round 193
transmission of photographs
digital revolution 33–5
radio photos and picturegrams 31–3
traumatic event coverage 59–64
traumatised communities 260–7
Tree, David 248
trial by social media 242
‘trophy’ photographs 113–15
Truth 193
‘truth’, representation of 12, 14
Tuchman, Gaye 205
Turner, ‘Cheeky’ Jack 5
24-hour news cycle, demands of 57, 140
Tynan, Steven 229
Ukraine civil war 111–12
Ultimate Fighting Competition (UFC) 292
unauthorised images, power of 120
Underwood, Doug 243
underworld funerals 233
unhealthy working cultures 56
United States
access to political leaders 138–9
civil rights movement 171
election campaign coverage 126–30
golden age of press photography 43
military bases in Australia 118
military openness to press 105–6
tradition of photojournalism 176
US Navy, ‘Great White Fleet’ 4
Usher, Rod 291
Ut, Nick 98
Vanity Fair 195
Vanstone, Amanda 206
Verstak, Tania 199
VFL Grand Final 1970 275–6, 276
Victoria Racing Club 215
videos, demand for 23–4
‘Vietnam Syndrome’ 95
Vietnam War
and Australia–US relationship 71–2
domestic response to 73–8
impact of photographic images 96–100
individual protests against 73–4, 74
media access to troops and front line 95–100
news coverage of military action 95–100
water torture case 96–7
Vietnamese refugees 179–80
Volke, Marcus 242
Wade, Chris 8
Walker, Peter John 221
Walkley Awards
first award for ‘best news photograph’ 9, 11
first female photographer awarded 51
terms and conditions of competition 37
winning pictures 9, 11, 20, 73, 73–4, 123, 130, 131, 162, 162, 187, 188, 252, 253, 261, 262, 263, 263, 278
Waller, Neville xxiv, 16, 24, 27, 39, 45–6, 55, 147, 148, 152, 166, 170, 209, 210, 221, 219, 252, 254, 303
Walsh Street police shootings 226, 229
war and conflict casualties, depiction of 90, 94, 95, 98–100, 104–5, 106, 111–12
war imagery, shift in 110
war photographers
access to troops and frontline 88, 90, 92, 95–100
accreditation and censorship 88–9, 92–3, 94, 101
freelance photographers 110–11
invasion of Iraq coverage 102
training and equipment 102, 111
Vietnam War coverage 95, 96, 97
World War I coverage 90
World War II coverage 7, 88, 92, 94
War on Terror 100–7
Warne, Shane 158
Warsaw Ghetto, rounding-up of Jews 113, 114
Waters, Larissa 155
Watkins, Peter 228
Wave Hill walk-off 173
Weate, Anthony 261
weekend magazines in newspapers 195
Weiner, Anthony 156
Wells, Grant xxiv, 22, 34, 61, 63, 193, 209, 260, 271, 284, 291, 292
Wells, Peter 124
Westgate Bridge collapse 255–7, 259
Whiskey Au Go Go nightclub 229
Whitehead, Robert 263
Whitlam, Gough 118–22, 119, 121, 136, 143, 154, 173–4, 174
Whitlam government 179, 193, 201, 249
Whitmarsh, Neville 203
Whittaker, Paul 115
Whittington, George C ‘Dick’ 88, 88
wi-fi 35
Wilderness Society 163
Wilkins, Hubert 90
William, Duke of Cambridge 214
Williamson, Bill 10
Willis, Anne-Marie 191, 200–1, 202, 205
Willoughby, Arthur 28
Wilson, Peter 101
Windmiller, Susan xxiv, 27, 55, 60, 194, 303
Windschuttle, Keith 157
wire photographers 13
wireless workflow 35
Woman’s Day 214
depictions of Australian womanhood 192–6
Mirrorbirds 203–4
Miss Australia 199
women press photographers
first woman employed 50
first woman on HWT staff 15
freelancers 49
gender advantage for some stories 52–3
marginalisation by newspapers 49, 51, 192
quality of work 50
and sports photography 52
treatment in smaller newsrooms 52
and weight of equipment 27, 51
working conditions 52
women’s pages 192–3
Wood, Graeme 177
Woodcock, Tommy 287
Woods, Bob 155
Woods, Jane 155
Woomera Immigration Detention Centre 59, 182
working conditions and rights 46–9
workplace pressures 57–8
workplace relationships 48–9
workplace sexism 49–50
World Economic Forum (WEF) protests, Melbourne 160, 161, 164
World Rowing Championships, 1990 284, 292
World Trade Organization (WTO) protests, Seattle 160
Wright, Paul 123
Wylie, Angela xxiv, 13, 28, 55, 56, 102, 103, 130, 150, 151, 166, 182–3, 195, 219, 222, 223, 270, 304
‘yellow’ journalism 142
YouTube 23