Please note that index links to approximate location of each term.
Abenaki, in Maine, 100
“About the Origin of Disease” (story), 155–157
The Adventures of Frontier Freemont (film), 261
Advertising Council, 272
Age of Atlantis, 24
Age of Pisces, messenger of, 160
Ainu, 40, 42, 191, 219–222, 223, 228, 238
Alaska McNeil State Game Sanctuary, 216
Alaskan Kodiak bear (Ursus arctos middendorfii), 34
Alcor, star, 132
Alemannic Fasnet (carnival), 148
Alemannic tribes, 147–148, 159, 160
Algonquian tribes, 132
Aloysius, 258
Alpine lovage (Mountain lovage), 185
Altai-Turk legend, 43
Amber gall, 195
American antelope, 70p
Ancestors, connecting to, 66
Andes, Quechua people in, 10
bear as forest animal, 10
including the bear, 101p
origin of the word, 3
teacher, shamans power and, 12
the war of, 151–153, 151p, 152p, 153p
Ani-Tsaguhi (Ahnee-Jah-goo-hee), 43– 44
Arcturus, 99, 100, 131, 139, 140p
Arkas (the bear), 139
Artemis, 136–140, 138p, 165–166
Asiatic black bear (Ursus tibetanus), 35
Assiniboine, 72
Atalante (Arcadian King’s daughter), 77
Atema, Jelle, 26
Auel, Jean M., 244
Bachmann, Ingeborg, 129
Baechler, Emil, 29
Baldmoney. see Bear wort
The Bare Necessities (Song), 259
Baribal bear, 34
Barnaby bear (Rasmus Klump), 260, 260p
Bart, 261
Bauer, Wolfgang, 243
Bear biotopes, 31
Bear caves
Paleolithic, in eastern Switzerland, 28p
in the Pyrenees or Alps, 37–38
in Slovenia, 26
The Bear (film), 261
Bear goddess. see Artemis
Bear Goddess in nun’s attire, 165–167
“Bear herbs, the strongest healing plants” (lecture), 276
Bear-opolis, Berne (Switzerland), 229–241
Bear position, 19
Bear(s). see also Bear caves; Brown bear; Bruin; Grizzly bear; Story(ies); White bear
bear mother with cubs, 59p
Carlo about, 22
clan, 61
expressions of, 37
of the fasting time (Lent), 89p
with fish in its mouth, 82p
during hibernation, 100
honoring of, 14–18, 23, 30, 32
hope for bear’s return, 275–278
kills the wicked dwarf, 109p
kinds and selection of, 32–38, 258–273
as master of botany, 177–180, 179p
in monk’s cloak, 167p
as mount for demon, 168p
nicknames of, 31
as objects of fantasy, 52p
parading captured bear in Valais, 171p
as porter and plowman, 162–165
sole of a bear’s foot, 53p
tracks, 124p
Bearskin, for healing, 190
Bearskin (Baerenhaeuter), 145
Bear Tribe Medicine Company, 275, 276p
Bear wort, 184
Bees and honey, 96
Bégouen, Comte, 226
Berchtold’s Day, 234
Berige, 142
Berlin, 263
Berlin bear, 231
Berlin’s coat of arms, 263, 263p
Bernese Alpine bears, 234
Bernese bear, 231, 240, 263, 264
Bernese coin, “Der Batzen,” 110
Bernese “Mutz” (Bruin), greetings from, 209–210
Berne (Switzerland), 22, 76–77, 110, 148, 198, 229–241, 232p
Bero (bear), 147
Berserkers, 144–149, 144p, 191
Big Bear, 99. see also Ursa Major
Big Black Bear (Baribal), 267
Big Dipper. see Ursa Major
Big Horn Mountains, 68
Birgit, Celtics and, 95
Bittrich, Dietmar, 269
Black bear, 32, 34, 54, 58, 63, 63p
Blonde Syrian brown bear (Ursus arctos syriacus), 34
Blood of bears, 191
Bodwar Bjarki (Bodwar Little Bear), 150
Bone altar in the Dragon’s Den, Glarner Alps, 29–30, 29p
Boone, Daniel, 149
Bozo. see Ben (Bozo)
Brauronia “bears,” 137
Breitschaedel (broad skull), 277
Brideshead Revisited (Waugh), 258
Bronze Age, cave painting in, 41p
Bronze plate from Torslunda, Sweden, 145p
Brother Klaus’s Bear of light, 171–173
Brown bear, 34, 34p, 229. see also Bruin
Bruin, 62
according to legend, 95
after winter hibernation, 54
brown in Dutch, 31
sleep-inducing herbs and, 176
Buffalo shaman, 9
California, Northern, 44–45, 48–49
California state flag, 48p
Canton of Waadt, hunting down a bear in, 238p
Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure (film), 267
Cardinal points, 94
Care bears, 265
Alemannic Fasnet, 148
in the Middle Ages, 164
Carpathian Mountains, 188
Dragon’s, 32
in eastern Switzerland, 28
of Le Mas d’Azil, in France, 208, 208p
Montespan Cave (Haute-Garonne, France), 226, 227p
oldest human representation in, 30
shamans search for, 37
Trois-Frères Cave (Ariége), 227, 227p
Celtic bear amulet, from Lancashire, 92p
Celtic words, 126
Charisma, bear’s, 188–193, 189p, 190p, 192p
Charlemagne, 141
Charles’s Wagon, 141
Cherokee clan, 43
Cheyenne, 61, 64, 67, 135, 143, 202–203
Chippewa story, 76
Christianity, animal alliances during, 9
believe of, 188
tales, 7
bears during, 100
birth of bear cubs during, 100
festivals of fertility celebration, 87
gingerbread and, 236
Church, contact with bears and, 168
Cinderella tale (Grimms), 6
Circumpolar bear cult, 32
Consul Areobindus, roman ivory carving showing, 218p
Crockett, Davy, 149
Dagda (white goddess), 92
Danger on the Mountain (film), 267
Das Gummibaerchen Orakel (Bittrich), 269
Dea Artio (bear goddess), 98, 98p
Death, bear as symbol of, 90
De La Fontaine, Jean, 104
Densmore, Frances, 12
Der Batzen, Bernese coin, 110
Devil’s Tower, 135
Dog days, 99
Dolgans, the bear for, 207
Doppelganger, animal, 7
Dr. Faust, 118
Dragon’s Cave, 32
Dragon’s Den (Drachenloch), 23, 28, 29p
Duerr, Hans Peter, 207
Duke Berchtold V., of Zaehringen, 234–236, 237
Earth goddess
bear and, 10
bear as companion of, 109
The Edge, 261
Ekkehart (monk), 29
Estonians, 207
Europa, 139
European culture, names connected to animals in, 8
Evenks, Yakut and, 207
Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (film), 267
Exogenous forces, 4
Fabled Berig (bear), 142
Fasnacht (carnival) bear, 240–241
Favreau, Jon, 259
Feral man and woman, 165p
Fertility, bears and, 37, 41, 86–90, 94–95, 99, 167, 244
Festival Imbolc, 94
Festival(s). see also Carnival(s)
Iomante (Sending-Away Festival), 220–222, 220p, 222p
of Lights, 94
Lugnasad, 96
of West Coast of North America, 224
Finnish bear idols, from Keralia, 205p
Finns, bear for, 10
Fylgia, the follower spirit, 149–151
Flyte, Sebastian, 258
Forest bear, 46
Forest demons and malicious wild animals, 167–171
Fox, fooling a bear (story from Lapland), 245, 246p, 247p
Fozzie bear, 267
Frazer, James, 209
French Alps, 76
Gailleach (Saint Gall), 160–162, 161p, 164p, 168, 171
Gentle Ben, 267
Gentle Ben (TV series and film), 267
Gentle Giant (film), 267
German fairy tales, 37
during bear festival, 223
in Manchuria, 60
Ginseng, emperor of the plants, 187
Glarner Alps, 29
Goldilocks and three bears, 267–268, 268p
Goodman, Felicitas, 19
The Goose Girl (Grimms), 6
Grain mother, 87p
Grandmother’s stories, 65, 67–74
Grave goods, 26
Grizzlies, 55, 185, 212, 217, 262
Grizzly bear
adventures of James Adams and, 262p
family, 269
for the Navajo, 40
protecting Native American child, 244
Seton as researcher of, 177
trying to climb Devil’s Tower, 136p
Ursus arctos horribilis, 34
Ursus arctos middendorfii, 34
Grizzly Bear Hideout, 48
Grizzly Mountain (film), 262
Groundhog Day, 94
Gut, Tierisch, 243
Halloween, 99
Hansen, Carla, 260
Hansen, Vilhelm, 260
Harold Fair Hair, 146
Healer position, 19
Heft, Helmut, 57
Helvetian mountains, 240
Herodot, 114
Hoff, Benjamin, 254
Honeyeater, John, 76
Hope for the bear’s return, 275–278
Huckleberry Hound Show, 273
during Age of Atlantis, 24
bears berry paradise and, 56–57
bears following their drives as, 84
bears living with, 217
bears who have become, 231–234
of Cro-Magnon type, 31
eating habits of bears and, 55
intelligence and memory of bears like, 60
Shasta and, 46
sleep of bears and, 60
as symbol of maternal care, 56p
Intelligence, of bears, 60
Intuit Angakkok, 6
Iomante (Sending-Away Festival), 220–222, 220p, 222p
Iraqi Kurdistan, 26
Irish Celts, 94
Ishi, 49
Island of Crete, 165
Jambavat (king of the bears), 111–112
Jhankrie, 8
The Jungle Book (Kipling), 244, 258–259
Kami, 219
Karelian Finns, 207
Katzopoulos, Linda, 257
Kebara, Israel, 26
Khanty, bear for, 10
Kheladan, as first ancestor, 42–43
Killing a wild man, 166p
King Arthur with Merlin, 93p
King of the forest
Kipling, Rudyard, 244, 258, 259
Krishna humbles the bear king, 111–113, 113p, 118
Kroeber, Alfred, 48
Kwakiutl, bear sacrifices, 224
La Magdeleine, carved bone from, 207, 207p
Lapland, story from, 245, 247p, 2460
Altai-Turk, 43
of the arch martyr Thecla, 166
of a bear, 110
on bear as father of humanity, 46–47
of Devils tower, 136p
of female Alpine herder, 185
of the Haida people of British Columbia, 200–201
of Wolf-Dietrich of Berne, 164–165
Le Mas d’Azil cave, in France, 208, 208p
The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams (TV series), 261
Life span, of bears, 60
Lion questions the rank of the bear, 151p
Little Bear, Cheyenne woman and, 69–71
L’Ours, Jean de, 76
Love and matriarchy, 58–60, 59p
Lucas, George, 267
Lugnasad, Fire festival, 96
Lycaon (king of Arcadia), 139
Maheonhovan the heavenly bear, 61, 64
Mansi people, 203
Margrave Albrecht I, 263
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 30
Mayer, Norbert J., 117
Mayer, Ragula, 243
McNeil River, salmon gourmets on, 216–217
Mechthildis, Noble Lady, 234–236, 237
Medviedko, Ivan, 76
Meeting with bears, 66
Memory, of bears, 60
Men of the Wagon, 142
Mephistopheles, 118
Migration Period, in Europe, 146, 147
Modraniht “Mother’s Night,” 99–100
Mother Earth, 83–84, 90, 131, 135
Mother Goose/Mother Hulda, 37, 80–82, 126
Mother Holle (woman of the cave), 80
Mueller-Ebeling, Claudia, 259
Names, connection to animals, 8
National Geographic, bear as portrayed in, 51
Native American(s)
animal teacher and, 6
bearberry (medicine plants), 183
bear illustrations form the northwest, 116p
bear images from northwestern coast, 178p
bear nicknames of, 31
bears and panicky people, 169
bear skeletons and, 190
black bear in the language of, 34
cave homes of, 53
claim of female bear, 207
doctors of the Californian, 178
Licorice for, 186
living in bear country, 18
living inside Mount Shasta, bears and, 49
medicine man or women of, 9
shamans, 8
warrior plant, 185
Native peoples, bears for, 52
Nauwald, Nana, 187
as an old human race, 25–30, 28p, 29p
genetic links of, 30
hunting cave bear, 25p
making a bear altar, 27p
Velburg caves and, 33
Nicknames, of bears, 31
Nivkh wood carving, Siberia, 19p
North America/North Americans
bear as special creature of, 61
the bear for, 224
brown bear, 23
Northern Crown (Corona Borealis), 100
Northern hemisphere, bears in, 32–36
November days, Celts and, 99–101
Nukta, bear sacrifices of, 224
Odin-Grimnir, 145
Odin (Wotan), 8, 144, 146, 147, 151, 161, 234, 244
Ojibwa medicine man (Siyaka), 12
Old Stone Age, 10p, 75, 83, 207
Oroqen tribe, 42
Osborn (Asbjørn), the divine bear, 40–42
Paleolithic bear cave sites, in eastern Switzerland, 28p
carving of bear with fish in its mouth, 92p
ceremonies of hunters of, 226
peoples, 12
tribe, 223
Pea-bear, Straw-bear and, 86–90
Pentecost Bear, 89
Petzi, 260
Pig, fat, bear caught (story), 246–247
Pilgrimage to the Holy See, 163
Plants, 12
bear’s garlic, bear leek, or ramsons, 180–181, 180p
bears knowledge of, 11
healing and medical, 178
warrior, 185
Power, places of bear, 211–228
Prasena, 112
Ranchers, idea of bear, 51
Rebirth, bear as symbol of, 90
Regourdou (Dordogne, southern France), 27
Riegel, Hans, 269
Ritual bear burial, 27
Rock Smasher, 71
Rocky Mountains, 11, 54, 71, 115, 185, 229
Roosevelt, Theodore “Teddy,” 251, 252p, 253
Rules of conduct, animals and, 6
Rural year, Celts division of, 94
Russian tale, 76
Saint Christopher, 237
Saint Columba, 159–160, 164p, 165
Saint Gall (Gailleach), 160–162, 161p, 164p, 168, 171, 219
Saint John, 182
Saint Lucius, 163
Saint Martin, 163
Saint Nicolaus von Fluee, 171–173, 172p
Saint Richardis, 166
Samhain (Halloween), 99
Samoyed, bear for, 10
Sandstone figure from Neolithic field of graves, 85p
Scandinavia, story from, 150
Schwingen, Bernese, 232–233, 233p
Sense of home, bears and, 215
Servant Ruprecht (German Knecht Ruprecht), 87
Seton, Ernest Thompson, 177
Seus, Doug, 261
The seven luminous ones, 130–131
The seven rishis. see The seven luminous ones
for modern people, 8
protective animal spirits and, 9
Shaman(s). see also Shamanism
bear, 10, 13p, 15–18, 31–38, 201p
bear spirits and, 12
black foot shaman during healing ceremony, 15p
Christian missionaries and, 8–9
communicating with animals, 6
communicating with spirits, 3
on magical journey riding a bear, 8p
Nepalese and Native American, 8
power of, 12
search for caves, 37
snake, 9
Tungusic, 11p
Shankar-Shiva, 131
Shepard, Ernest H., 273
Shiva: The Wild God of Power and Ecstasy, 144
Short-faced bear, 33
Siberia/Siberians. see also Paleo-Siberians
Ainu and natives of Kamchatka in, 40
the bear for, 224
bears and panicky people, 169
bear skeleton in, 190
cave homes of, 53
claiming as descendants of bears, 42
claim of female bear, 207
drawing of bear and elk with fly agaric, 179p
Khanty people, 206
Nanei tribe bear idols, 204p
nick name for bear, 31
peoples, 10
sandstone figure from Neolithic filed of graves, 85p
tribes, 131
wooden healing amulets with bear motifs, 192p
Sigstead, Shawn, 185
Singer, Maria, 197
Sioux bear, songs of, 13
Sivananda, 18
Slavic languages, new mother in, 37
Sleep, 60
Sloth bear (Melurus ursinnus), 32, 35
Slovenia, 26
Smokey Mountains, 155
Snake shaman, 9
Snow White and Rose Red riding the bear, 108p
The Bare Necessities, 259
medicine, 200
of passamaquoddy, 132
sacred, 204
Siberian Khanty, 211
of Sioux bear, 13
Soul, shining light in bear’s, 64–66
Spectacled bear, 33
Spignel. see Bear wort (Meum athamanticum)
Spiritual culture and life, of Neanderthals, 26–27
Spring goddess riding a bear, 97p
St. Gallen, Switzerland, 23, 29
Star Wars Trilogy, 266
Steiff, Margarete, 252
Steiff, Richard, 252
Steiff teddy bear, 253p
Steiner, Rudolph, 100
Stone Age
Ayla as girl in, 244
fossilized skull of brown bear from, 228
gathering herbs, 178
hunters and bear shamans, 31–38
Story(ies). see also Legends; Tales/fairy tales
about Bodwar Bjarki (Bodwar Little Bear), 150
about sleep-inducting herbs, 176–177
“About the Origin of Disease,” 155–157
on bear’s status by Deer, 154–155
of captured women and children, 76–77
Cheyenne treatment of slain bear, 202–203
Chippewa, 76
grandmother’s stories, 65, 67–74
on grizzly bear protecting Native American child, 244
of hermit Gerold, 163
from Lapland, 245, 246p, 247p, 2460
of Little Bear and Cheyenne woman, 69–71
mythology of the Cheyenne, 135
of Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear, 267–268
recorded by Nana Nauwald, 81–82
from Scandinavia, 150
told by Paleo-Siberians, 81–82
of woman captured by bear, 72–74
Straw-bear, Pea-bear and, 86–90
Survival of the fittest, 24
Sweden, cave painting in, 41p
Baselland, 95
Berne, 22, 76–77, 110, 148, 191, 229–241, 232p
eastern, caves in, 28
Lucerne, 172
Ragaz, 89
Trentino, 240
Syamantaka, 112
Tales/fairy tales. see also Story(ies)
about war between king of animals and king of birds, 152–153, 152p, 153p
Tales/fairy tales continued
ambiguity of, 126
Bearskin, 65–66, 119–124, 120p, 145–146
Christian, 7
Goose Girl, 6
Grimms’ Cinderella, 6, 104–108
Rose Red, 65, 104–108, 124–125
Russian, 76
Snow White, 65, 104–108, 124–125
Tallbull, Bill, 5, 67–68, 135, 178, 183, 188, 191, 212
The Tao (the path), 254
Teddy Bear, 243–244, 249–253, 250p, 251p, 252p, 253p
Telepathic communication, animal’s, 5
“The Bear and the Two Companions” (De La Fontaine), 104
Theosophists, 24
Thierbouch (Gessner), 196
as Bear, 141
as god of farmers, 86
as son of heavenly king, 42
Thor’s Wagon, 141
Three-fold goddess, 127p
Tlingit, bear sacrifices of, 224
Tom Thumb, 141
Totem animal, 39
of the Alemannic warriors, 160–161, 235
of Berlin, 263
Germanic, 162
Russian, 271
of the state of New Mexico, 272
Swiss, 240
Trainers, bear, 196
Traveling artists with dancing bear, 169p, 189p
Treben, Maria, 182
Algonquian, 132
Oroqen, 42
Paleo-Siberians, 223
Trois-Fères Cave, 38
Tungus, bear for, 10
Tungustic shaman, 11p
Twelfth heaven, Guest from, 132–134
Tyr, 172
Ulfhedinn, Berserkers and, 144–149, 144p
Ursa Major, 129–130, 130p, 131, 132, 133, 136, 139–140, 141, 142
Ursa Minor, 130, 130p, 136, 140, 142
Ursus arctos californicus, 34
Uzbekistan, 26
Velburg, Germany, 32
Viking invasions, 146
Vishnu (Preserver of the Universe), 111–112
Vocabulary of bears, 58
Volmar, Friedrich, 233
Von Droste-Huelshoff, Annette, 143
von Wuerzburg, Konrad, 9
Walt Disney’s Bambi, 272
The Waltharilied (Ekkehart), 29
Warrior fighting a bear-like monstrosity, 92p
Warrior-like Maruts, 196
Washington Post, 251
Waugh, Evelyn, 258
Were-bear, 147p
White bear, 64, 65p, 154p, 238
Wicása Wakan, 12
Wild Chapel (Wildkirchli) cave, 23, 28–29
Wild licorice, 186
Wild Man’s (Wildmannlisloch) Cave, 23, 28, 30
Winnie-the-Pooh, 243, 253–255, 255p, 273
Wise hermits, 91
Witches’ days, Celts and, 94
Wolf shaman, 9
Wolf’s Mountain, 139
World Wildlife Fund (WFF), 277
Woutis (Wotan), 144, 146, 161, 172, 234, 236, 244
Yakut, Evenks and, 207
Yellowstone, Smokey bear and, 212–216, 213p, 214p, 216p, 231
Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks, 55, 58, 211
Yogi Bear, 273
Yonv(a) (bears), 44
Zalmoxis and immortality, 113–115, 118
Zerling, Clemens, 243