Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus) (65–8 BC), 47, 49, 199, 236, 261–2, 290
Horen, Die, 378
Horn, The, 517
Horn Book, The, 223
Horsley, John Callcott (1817–1903), 242
Houellebecq, Michel (1958–), 243
Houghton Mifflin Co., 691, 696, 697
Housman, Alfred Edward (1859–1936), 264, 265
Hovell, William Hilton (1786–1875), 638
Howe, George (1769–1821), 636, 637, 638, 713
Howe, John (1754–1835), 673
Howe, Joseph (1804–73), 673, 674
Howe, Robert (1795–1829), 638
Howe, Thomas (fl. 1770–3), 713
Hoxha, Enver (1908–85), 509
Huaihai ji, 582
Huaihai wenji, 582
Huang Pilie (1763–1825), 589
Huebsch, Benjamin W. (1876–1964), 698
Huet, Paul (1803–69), 241, 342
Hugh of St-Cher (d. 1263), 68
Hugh of St-Victor (d. 1142), 64
Hugo, Master (fl. 1130s), 65
Hugo, Victor (1802–85), 172, 341
Hultenheim, Carl Fredrik (1928–2010), 403
Hume, David (1711–76), 172
Hume, Fergusson (Fergus) Wright (1859–1932), 641
Hume, Hamilton (1797–1873), 638
Hungarian Publishers’ and Booksellers’ Association (MKKE), 460
Hunmin chŏngǔm, 600
Hunt, P. R. (fl. 1844–63), 566
Hunt, William Holman (1827–1910), 242
Hunter, Dard (1883–1966), 122, 123
Hunter, John (1737–1821), 636
Hunter, William (d. 1761), 686
Hurtig, Mel (1932–), 681
Hurus, Paul (fl. 1475–1502), 407
Hus, Jan (c.1372–1415), 95
Huszár, Gál (d. 1575), 455
Hu Zhengyan (1584–1674), 586
Hyginus, Gaius Julius (c.64 BC–ad 17), 48, 260
Hyperides (389–322 BC), 58
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, 333, 427
Iakerson, Shimon M. (b. 20th century), 103
I’Anson, Stephen J. (b. 20th century), 125
Ibadan University, 517
Ibarra y Marín, Joaquín (1725–85), 415, 416
Ibn al-Nadīm al-Warrāq (d. 995), 527, 537
Ibn Rushd (1126–98), 527
Ibn Sīnā (980–1037), 527
Ibsen, Henrik (1828–1906), 402
I-Ching, 20
Icones Historiarum Veteris Testamenti, 221, 233
al-Idrīsī, Abū ‘Abd Allāh (1100–65), 533
Ife, University of (Nigeria), 517
Ifern, Francisco (fl. 1795–1818), 416
If Monks Had Macs…, 274
Ilanga lase Natal, 521
Iliazd (pseud. of Ilia Zdanevich) (1894–1975), 345
Illinois, University of, 275
Illusions perdues, Les, 341
Illustrated Excursions in Italy, 240
Illustrated London News, 147, 382
Image du monde, L’, 71
Imagerie Pellerin, 340
Imitation of Christ, The, 273
Imitations of Original Drawings by Hans Holbein, 238
Imperial and Royal Prague Post Newspaper, 466
Imprimerie de l’Union (Vietnam), 633
Imprimerie royale (variously, Imprimerie impériale and Imprimerie nationale), 335–6, 338, 339, 340, 344, 345, 541
Imvo zabantsundu, 521
Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC), 423
Index Librorum Prohibitorum, 172–3, 194, 278, 341, 373, 430, 432, 659
Indiana University libraries, 227
Indu-Prakash Press, 565
Ingeborg (1175–1236), queen of Denmark, 69
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique (1780–1867), 342
Inguimbert, Joseph Dominique d’ (Malachie d’) (1683–1757), bishop of Carpentras, 338
Innocent IV, Pope (r. 1243–54), 507
Insel Felsenburg, 375
Institute of Oriental Studies (Russia), 581
Institutiones (Gaius), 46
Institutiones Divinarum et Secularium Litterarum, 246
Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, The, 515
International Committee on Christian Literature in Africa, 515
International Publishers Association, 460
Interpretation of Divinity, The, 513–14
Intertype machines, 151
Introduction à la vie dévote, 336
Introductiones Latinae, 411
Ioannikios, grammarian (12th century), 57
Iris, 377
Irving, Washington (1783–1859), 450
Isaac ben Moses of Vienna (c.1180–c.1250), 100
Isaacs, Jorge (1837–95), 664
Isabey, Eugène (1803–86), 241, 342
Isakov, Iakov Alekseevich (1811–81), 491
Isbister and Company Ltd., 166
Ishmael ben Elisha, Rabbi (2nd century AD), 98
Isidore of Seville (c.560–636), 60
Isigidimi SamaXhosa, 521
I Spy, 226
Isserlein, Rabbi Israel ben Petahiah (1390–1460), 102
ISTC (Incunabula Short Title Catalogue), 423
Istoriia rusiv, 494
Istoriya Slavyanobolgarskaya, 504
Italica Press, 273
Ivan IV, Tsar (the Terrible) (r. 1547–84), 486
Ivan Alexander, tsar of Bulgaria (r. 1331–71), 503
Ivo, St (c.1040–1115), bishop of Chartres, 64
Iwanami Shoten, 621
Izborniki Sviatoslava, 485
Izwi labantu, 521
Jabavu, John Tengo (1859–1921), 521
Jackson, Holbrook (1874–1948), 217
Jackson, John (1801–48), 240
Jacobi, Johann Georg (1740–1814), 377
Jacquemart de Hesdin (fl. 1384–1413), 74
Jacques de Besançon (fl. 1472–94), 77
Jagiellonian University, 471, 475
Jahn, Janheinz (1918–73), 517
Jahrbücher der Literatur, 382
Jaico Books, 570
Jakov of Kamena Reka (fl. 1560s), 506
James I, king of England (r. 1603–25) and VI of Scotland, 289, 291, 293
James IV, king of Scotland (r. 1488–1513), 291
James VI, king of Scotland (r. 1567–1625), see James I, king of England (r. 1603–25)
James, Henry (1843–1916), 696
Jameson, Anna (1794–1860), 674
Janeway, James (1636–74), 222
Janssonius, G. or W., see Jansz, Willem
Janssonius, Johannes (1588–1664), 356, 398
Jansz, Willem (Willem Jansz[oon] Blaeu) (1571–1638), 356
Januszowski, Jan (1550–1613), 472, 473
Jan Van Eyck (c.1395–1441), 77
al-Jawā’ib Press, 547
Jayasinghe, Peter (20th century), 570
Jean (1371–1419), duke of Burgundy (Jean sans Peur), 74
Jeanne d’Evreux (1310–71), queen of France, 74
Jędrzejowski, Bolesław A. (Józef Kaniowski) (1867–1914), 476
Jehan de Rohan (fl. 1484–5), 331
Jehiel ben Jekutiel ben Benjamin Harofeh (fl. 1289), 101
Jeleńska, Teresa (20th century), 478
Jelínek Press, 469
Jenson, Nicolas (c.1430–80), 82, 84, 87, 424, 425, 427
Jerome, St (c.345–420), 24, 46, 60, 61, 63, 261
Jerusalén conquistada, 413
Jewett, Charles Coffin (1816–68), 693
Jewett, John Punchard (1814–84), 691
Jijibhāi Chhāpghar (fl. 1797), 564
Jingang jing, 576
Jingle Bugs, 226
Jin Jian (d. 1795), 588
João II, king of Portugal (r. 1481–95), 410
João III, king of Portugal (r. 1521–57), 555
Jogaku zasshi, 619
Johannes de Spira (d. 1470), 90
Johannes de Westfalia (1440/45–1501), 82
Johannes Han, canon (fl. 1480), 453
Johannot, Tony (1803–52), 241, 338, 342
John de la Teye (fl. 1361–84), 72
Johnson, Frank C. (20th century), 644
Johnson, Jane (1706–59), 227
Johnson, John de Monins (1882–1956), 217–18
Johnson, Joseph (1738–1809), 222
Johnson, Marmaduke (1629–74), 684
Johnson, Pauline (1861–1913), 678
Johnson, Richard (1755–1827), 636
Johnson, Samuel (1709–84), 263, 295, 322
Johnson, William Allen (1956–), 47, 53
Jolley, Monica Elizabeth (1923–2007), 647
Jombert, Charles-Antoine (1712–84), 338
Jones, Owen (1809–74), 240
Jorge, Marcos (1524–71), 108
Jorrocks’s Jaunts and Jollities, 239
José I, king of Portugal (r. 1750–77), 414
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1765–90), 448
Journal, Le, 343
Journal de Melbourne, 640
Journal des Luxus und der Mode, 378
Journal des savants, 372
Journal of the Czech Museum, 467
Joyce, James (1882–1941), 180, 181, 267, 311
Joyce, Michael (1945–), 277
Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sor (1648–95), 661
Judson, Adoniram (1788–1850), 632
Jugantar, 569
Jugend, 382
Julius II, Pope (r. 1503–13), 428, 540
Julius Caesar, Gaius (100–44 BC), dictator of Rome, 48, 171
Jungmann, Josef (1773–1847), 466, 467
Junta, Juan de (Giovanni Giunti) (fl. 1521–56; d. before 1559), 413
Justinian, Eastern Roman Emperor (r. 527–65), 68
Juta, Jan Carl (1824–86), 520
Kafka, Franz (1883–1924), 202, 449
Kahane, Jack (1887–1939), 180–1
Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry (1884–1979), 344, 345
Kaitai shinsho, 617
Kaláb, Method (1885–1963), 467
Kamp, Johann (fl. c.1488–1500), 463
Kane, George (1916–2009), 267
Kangxi, emperor of China (r. 1662–1722), 587–8
Kangxi zidian, 588
Kaniowski, Józef (Bolesław A. Jędrzejowski) (1867–1914), 476
Kankyo Yokohama Shinbun, 618
Kanonnik, 486
Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), 172, 378, 483
Karadžić, Vuk Stefanović (1787–1864), 505
Karai, László (fl. 1473–1485/8), 453
Karastoyanov, Nikola (1778–1874), 504
Karmakār, Manohar (early 19th century), 561
Karmakār, Pancānan (d. 1804), 559, 560
Károlyi, Gáspár (c.1529–91), 456
Karweyse, Jakub (fl. 1492), 471
Karydis, Nikos (1917–84), 445
Katei no tomo, 620
Kâtib Çelebi (Haci Halife) (1609–57), 527
Kaufmann, Christoph (fl. 1499–1517), 412
Kazinczy, Ferenc (1759–1831), 457
Kearney, John (Seán Ó Cearnaigh) (b. c.1545; d. after 1572), 291
Kearney, William (fl. 1573–97), 320
Keasberry, Benjamin Peach (1811–75), 111, 626
Keating, Geoffrey (b. c.1580; d. in or before 1644), 292
Kebra-Negast, Lives of the Kings, 514
Keere, Hendrik van den (Henry Du Tour) (c.1541?–80), 353
Keffer, Heinrich (fl. 1460), 367
Keimer, Samuel (1689–1742), 685, 713
Keller, Friedrich Gottlob (1816–95), 380
Kelliher, William Hilton (b. 20th century), 123
Kelly, Ignatius (fl. 1738–53), 321
Kelly, Thomas (fl. 1820s–1830s), 144
Kendall, (Thomas) Henry (1839–82), 640
Kenilworth, 304
Kenyatta, Jomo (1891–1978), 516, 518
Ker, John (1740–1804), 3rd duke of Roxburghe, 211–12
Kertész, Ábrahám Szenczi (fl. 1640–67), 456
Kerver, Jacques (d. 1583), 333
Kessler, Harry (1868–1937), Graf, 382
Keulen, van, family, 356
Keyser, Henrik (fl. 1633–70), 397
Kézai, Simon (13th century), 453
Khrushchev, Nikita (1894–1971), 497
Khubilai Khan (1215–94), 583
al-Khwārizmī, Muḥammad ibn Mūsā (c.800–c.847), 527
Kids Can Press, 681
Kierkegaard, Søren (1813–55), 402
Kikuchi Hiroshi (1888–1948), 620
Kilgore Newspaper and Publishing Company Limited, 165
Kimhi, David (1160–1235), 103
Kim Il Sŏng (1912–94), 603
Kim Jŏng Il (1941–2011), 603
King, Stephen (1947–), 277, 707
King Lear, 267
King’s Mirror, 395
King’s Printer, 288, 320, 321, 410, 412, 673
Kinsella, Thomas (1928–), 326
Kipling, John Lockwood (1837–1911), 227
Kipling, Rudyard (1865–1936), 10, 203
Király, György (1887–1922), 459
Kirby, William (1817–1906), 678
Kis, Nicholas (Miklós Tótfalusi Kis) (1650–1702), 456
Kistler, Bartholomaeus (fl. 1497–1502), 368
Kitāb, 525
Kitāb al-Zabūr al-Sharīf, 542
Kitāb Gharā ’ib al-Funūn, 533
Kitāb-i Ba riyye, 534
Kitāb Salā t al-Sawā ’ī, 540
Kittel, Rudolf (1853–1929), 99
Kivi, Aleksis (1834–72), 402
Klee, Paul (1879–1940), 243
Klein, Johann August (1792–1875), 382
Klopfer, Donald (1902–86), 698
Kluwer, 363
Knapton, James (d. 1736), 295
Knapton, John (1696–1767×70), 295
Knapton, Paul (1703–55), 295
Kner, Imre (1890–1945), 458
Kner, Izidor (1860–1935), 459
Kner Press, 458
Knight, Charles (1791–1873), 158, 303, 304
Knight, Samuel Ratcliffe (fl. 1891–1905), 568
Knights, 44
Književnik, 508
Knobloch, Hans (d. c.1528), 368
Knopf, Alfred A. (1892–1984), 698
Knox, John (c.1514–72), 521
Kobayashi Takiji (1903–33), 620
Kober, Ignác Leopold (1825–66), 467
Koberger, Anton (fl. c.1471–1511), 84, 367, 368, 370, 453
Koblinger, Stephan (fl. 1479–90), 448
Koch, Christopher (1932–), 647
Kochanowski, Jan (1530–84), 472
Kōdansha, 620
Kodeks Behema, 471
Koell, Johann (c.1500–40), 481
Koestler, Arthur (1905–83), 459
Kojiki, 606
Kokoschka, Oskar (1886–1980), 383
Köln, Wigand (fl. 1521–37), 389
Komarov Matvei (c.1730–1812), 489
Komenský, Jan Amos (Johann Amos Comenius) (1592–1670), 222, 225, 354, 456, 466, 468
Komjáti, Benedek (fl. 1510–33), 455
König, Friedrich (1774–1833), 145, 160, 380
Koninklijke Vereniging voor het Boekenvak, 359
Koranta ea Becoana, 521
Kosambi, Damodar Dharmananda (1907–66), 570
Kostiatyn, prince Vasyl (Konstanty Wasyl Ostrogski) (1526–1608), 487
Kotliarevs’kyi, Ivan (1769–1838), 494
Kotzebue, August von (1761–1819), 382
Kozlov, Petr Kuz’mich (1863–1935), 581
Kozma, Lajos (1884–1948), 458, 459
Krafft, Johann (fl. 1546–78), 508
Kramerius, Václav Matěj (1753–1808), 466
Kraus, Hans Peter (1907–88), 450
Kraus, Karl (1874–1936), 449
Krauze, Andrzej (1947–), 478
Kriegskunst zu Fuss, 487
Krista purāna, 108
Kristensen, Poul (1922–), 403
Kroch, Adolph (1882–1978), 699
Kromer, Marcin (1512–89), 473
Kronika trojánská, 462
Krylov, Ivan Andreyevich (1769–1844), 491
Kubin, Alfred (1877–1959), 383
Kūkai (774–835), 608
Kulin, Ban (ruler) of Bosnia (r. 1180–1204), 506
Kulish, Panteleimon Aleksandrovich (1819–97), 495
Kulmus, Johann Adam (1689–1745), 617
Kultura, 477
Kunhardt, Dorothy (1901–79), 226
Kupka, František (1871–1957), 467
Kurodani shōnin gotōroku, 608
Küsterman typecasting machines, 148
Kwanggaet’o, king of Koguryŏ (r. 391–413), 593
Kyokutei Bakin (1767–1848), 615
Kyŏnghan (Paegun) (1298–1374), 597, 598
Kyster, Anker (1864–1939), 403
Laakmann, Heinrich (1802–91), 482
La Brosse, Jean-Baptiste de (1724–82), 672
Labrouste, Henri (1801–75), 341
Lachmann, Karl (1793–1851), 263–4
Lacy, Thomas Hailes (1809–73), 202
Ladislas IV, king of Hungary (r. 1272–90), 453
Lady Chatterley’s Lover, 180, 181, 311, 317, 438
La Fayette, Madame de (Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne) (1634–93), 337
Lafontaine, August (1758–1831), 402
La Fontaine, Jean de (1621–95), 235, 336, 337, 338
Lagardère, Jean-Luc (1928–2003), 347
La Gardie, Magnus Gabriel de (1622–86), 399
Lagerlöf, Selma Ottiliana Lovisa (1858–1940), 404
Lagerström, Hugo (1873–1956), 403
Lal, Purushottam (1929–2010), 570
Lallulāl (fl. 1814–15), 562
Lamb, Charles, 175
Lamb, Mary, 175
Lambin, Denys (1520/1–72), 260
Lamennais, Hugues Felicité Robert de (1782–1854), 341
Lampedusa, Giuseppe (Giuseppe Tomasi, 11th prince of Lampedusa) (1896–1957), 438
Lancelot du Lac, 70
Landells, Ebenezer (1808–60), 226, 240
Landow, George P. (b. 20th century), 268
Lane, John (1854–1925), 305, 678
Lanfranc (c.1010–89), archbishop of Canterbury, 64
Lang, Jack (1939–), 346
Langland, William (c.1325–c.1390), 267
Lanham, Richard A. (1936–), 268
Lanston, Tolbert (1844–1913), 149
Laog, Domingo (16th–17th century), 112
Lao Tzu (6th century BC), 20
Larke, Glenda (Glenda Noramly) (b. 20th century), 648
Larkin, Philip (1922–85), 181
Laroon, Marcellus, the elder (1648/9–1702), 209
Larousse, Pierre (1817–75), 172
Lascaris, Constantine (1434?-1501), 441
Łaski, Jan (1456–1531), 471
Łaski, Jan (1499–1560), 472
Laterza, 437
Latvia, University of, 483
Lauber, Diebold (fl. 1440–70), 366
Lauer, George (fl. 1471–82), 453
Laure-Crans voor Laurens Koster, 136
Lavagna, Filippo da (fl. 1472–89), 82
La Vallière, Louis-César de La Baume Le Blanc (1708–80), duc de, 338
Lavanha, João (1555–1624), 413
Lawrence, David Herbert (1885–1930), 180, 181, 311, 317, 438
Lazarillo de Tormes, 414
Lea & Blanchard, 693
Lear, Edward (1812–88), 240
Leavis, Queenie Dorothy (1906–81), 308, 315, 319
Lebb Wälläd Tarik, 514
Le Bé, Guillaume (1524/5–98), 333, 353
Leblanc, Maurice (1864–1941), 344
Le Clerc, Jean (1657–1736), 356
Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History, 324
Lecuire, Pierre (1922–), 345
Lee, Alan John (b. 20th century), 164, 165
Leeu, Gheraert (1445/50–1492), 82
leeuw van Vlaanderen, De, 360
Le Fèvre, Raoul (fl. 1460), 287
Lefèvre d’Étaples, Jacques (c.1455–1536), 333
Lefèvre d’Ormesson, Anne-Louis François de Paule, de Noyeau (1753–94), 339, 340
Legenda Aurea, 463
Legende dorée, 331
Legendis Poetis, De, 453
Legnano family, 431
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von (1646–1716), 17
Leiden Christi, 421
Leiden des jungen Werther, Die, 375
Leipziger Illustrierte Zeitung, 382
Leipziger Zeitung, 374
Lekpreuik, Robert (fl. 1561–81), 291
Le May, Pamphile (1837–1918), 678
Lemerre, Alphonse (1838–1912), 341
Le Monnier, Felice (1806–84), 436, 437
lengua, La, 411
Leningrad Public Library, 497
Lent, John A. (1936–), 715
Leo I, Pope (r. 440–61), 471
León, María Teresa (1903–89), 417
Leroux, Gaston (1868–1927), 344
Leroux, Georges (1922–), 345
Le Roy, Guillaume (fl. 1473–88), 331
Le Seuil, 347
L’Estrange, Sir Roger (1616–1704), 204, 294
Le Tellier, François-Michel (1641–91), marquis de Louvois, 338
Lettou, Johannes (d. c.1484), 288
Lettres philosophiques, 337
Lettre sur le commerce de la librairie, 338
Leuven (Louvain) Catholic University, 453
Levi ben Gershom (1288–1344), 103
Lévy, Calmann (1819–91), 345, 347
Lévy, Michel (1821–75), 341
Lewin, John William (1770–1819), 637
Lewis, Clive Staples (1898–1963), 224
Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775–1818), 175–6
Lewis, Wilmarth S. (1895–1979), 203
Lhyvyr Hwnn y Traethir, Yny, 290–1
Liang Qichao (1873–1929), 590
Liberale da Verona (1445–c.1529), 73
Liberator, 641
Liber Studiorum, 238
Library of American Books, 690
Library of Useful Knowledge, 158, 160
Libresco, 280
Libro de los cuatro postrimerias del hombre en lengua tagala, y letra española, 112
libro en que están compiladas algunas bulas, El, 409
libro vaquero, El, 670
Li-Chi, 20
Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph (1742–99), 380
Liesveldt, Jacob van (fl. 1513–44), 352
Life of Oliver Goldsmith, 450
Life of St Simeon, 504
Life of the Virgin, 233
Limbourg brothers, 330
Linde, Samuel Bogusław (1771–1847), 474
Lindgren, Astrid (1907–2002), 223, 403
Lindisfarne Gospels, 61, 94, 232
Lindsay, Jack (1900–90), 644
Lindsay, Norman Alfred Williams (1879–1969), 644
Linnaeus, Carolus (Carl von Linné) (1707–78), 239, 385
Lion and the Unicorn, The, 223
Li Panlong (1514–70), 585
Lippincott, Joshua Ballinger (1813–86), 690
Lippo Vanni (fl. c.1340–c.1375), 73
Lipsius, Justus (1547–1606), 260
Lisenkov, Ivan Timofeevich (1795× c.1802–81), 491, 495
Literary Garland, 677
Literary Guild, 167
Literary Intelligencer, 641, 644
Literary News, 638
Lithgow, John (1945–), 226
Litoral, 417
Little Black Sambo, 227
Little, Brown, & Co., 313, 693
Little Passion, 233
‘Little Red Book’, 96
Little Red Riding Hood, 225
Liu Xiang (1st century BC), 51
Liveright, Horace (1886–1933), 698
Livre des saints anges, 389
Livre de Sydrach: La Fontaine de toutes sciences, 71
Livre du roy Modus, 332
Livres dou trésor, 71
Livy (Titus Livius) (59 BC–AD 17), 45, 49, 349
Li Zhizao (1565–1630), 111
Li Zicheng (c.1605–45), 587
Ljus, 402
LMS (London Missionary Society), 107, 111, 112, 520, 521, 522
Lock, Amelia (1776–1842), 228
Lock, Frederick (1786–1805), 228
Locke, John (1632–1704), 192, 222
Lockean philosophy, 183, 188, 191–3
Loescher, Ermanno (19th century), 437
Logic (Voulgaris), 442
Logique (Port-Royal), 337
Lolita, 180
Lomami-Tshibamba, Paul (1914–85), 519
London Aphrodite, The, 644
London Gazette, 637
London Missionary Society (LMS), 107, 111, 112, 520, 521, 522
London Street Scene (The Posterman), 207
London und Paris, 378
London Vocabulary, 224
Lone Hand, 642
Lonely Planet, 635
Longanesi, 438
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807–82), 678
Longinus (1st century AD), 260
Longman, 295, 303, 308, 312, 568, 571, 652, 715
Longman, Thomas (1699–1755), 295
Longman, Thomas (1730–97), 295
Longus (late 2nd to early 3rd century AD), 344
López, Vicente Fidel (1815–1903), 665
López de Cortegana, Diego (1455–1524), 411
Lopukhin, Ivan Vladimirovich (1756–1816), 489
Lorenzini, Carlo (Carlo Collodi) (1826–90), 436
Lorenzo Monaco (c.1370–c.1424), 73
Lothian, Thomas Carlyle (1880–1974), 643
Louis VIII, king of France (r. 1223–6), 69
Louis IX, king of France (r. 1226–70), 69
Louis XI, king of France (r. 1461–83), 332
Louis XII, king of France (r. 1498–1515), 77
Louis XIII, king of France (r. 1610–43), 335
Louis XIV, king of France (r. 1643–1715), 199, 336
Louis XV, king of France (r. 1715–74), 338
Louis XVI, king of France (r. 1774–93), 173
Louis de Gruuthuse (c.1427–92), 77
Lourenço de Anvers (1599–1679), 411
Louvain (Leuven) Catholic University, 453
Love, Harold (1937–2007), 81, 269, 292
Lovell’s Canadian Dominion Directory, 677
Lovett, William (1800–77), 300
Loyola, Jorge de (1562–89), 113
Lucan (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus) (AD 39–65), 452
Lucas, David (1802–81), 238
Lucena, Juan de (fl. 1475), 410
Luchtmans, Samuel I (1685–1757), 355
Lucian of Samosata (b. c.AD 120), 55
Luckysoap, 277
Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus) (c.94–55 or 51? BC), 49, 260
Ludolf of Saxony (c.1300–78), 409, 410
Ludus Literarius, 222
Luis, Pero (c.1533–96), 108, 556
Lukaris, Cyril (1572–1638), Patriarch, 441
Lumbre del alma, 411
Lumír, 467
Lương Như Hộc (1420–1501), 632
Luther, Martin (1483–1546), 25, 333, 352, 370, 371, 373, 378, 389, 390
Lux Claustri, 235
Lycurgus (c.390–c.325/4 BC), 44
Lydgate, John (c.1370–1449/50?), 287
Lynch, Clifford A. (1954–), 283
Lysistrata, 172
Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1800–59), Baron Macaulay, 653
McAuley, James Philip (1917–76), 644
Macbeth, 96
McClelland, John (d. 1968), 679, 680
McClelland, John Gordon (Jack) (1922–2004), 680, 681
McClelland & Stewart, 679
Mac Craith, Micheál (b. 20th century), 291
McGahern, John (1934–2006), 326
McGann, Jerome J. (1937–), 267–8
Machlinia, William de (d. c.1486), 288
Maciej z Miechowa (c.1457–1523), 473
McIndoe III, John Hector (1924–), 652
Mackaness, George (1882–1968), 644
McKenzie, Donald Francis (1931–99), 267
Mackenzie, William Lyon (1795–1861), 673, 674
McKerrow, Ronald Brunlees (1872–1940), 264–5, 266
McKitterick, David (1948–), 200