
Page numbers with an underline indicate the main entry.
Page numbers in bold indicate an illustration.


Acetaria: a discourse of sallets 10, 258

Achillea millefolium yarrow

acid soil 188

Aegopodium podograria see ground elder

Agastache foeniculum see anise hyssop

agretti see salsola

aïoli 264

alexanders 163, 167

alfalfa 45, 45, 236, 253

alkaline soil 188

Allaria petiolata see garlic mustard

alleluia see wood sorrel

Allium spp.

A. ampeloprasum see garlic, elephant

A. cepa

A. c. Aggregatum Group see shallots

A. c. Proliferum Group see onion, Egyptian

A. fistulosum see onion, Welsh

A. sativum

A. s. var. ophioscorodon see garlic, hardneck

A. schoenoprasum see chives

A. tuberosum see chives, Chinese

A. ursinum see wild garlic

Althaea rosea see hollyhock

amara see Texsel greens

amaranth, leaf see leaf amaranth

Amaranthus spp. see leaf amaranth

American cress see land cress

anchusa 157, 158

Anchusa azurea see anchusa

Anethum graveolens see dill

angelica 148, 149

anise hyssop 157

Anthriscus cerefolium see chervil

aphids 65, 108, 229

leaf 26

root 26

Apium graveolens

A. g. var. dulce see celery, self-blanching; celery, trench

A. g. var. rapaceum see celeriac

apothecary rose 160

apple mint 148

Arctium spp.

A. lappa see burdock

A. minus see burdock, lesser

Armoracia rusticana see horseradish

Artemisia dracunculus see Russian tarragon


Chinese 145, 145

Jerusalem 144, 144

in salad 267

arugula see rocket

Asian greens see Oriental greens

Asian radish see radish, Asian

Asiatic lettuce see lettuce, stem

asparagus 233

asparagus chicory see chicory: Catalogna

asparagus lettuce see lettuce, stem

Atriplex hortensis see orache

Award of Merit seeds 192

azuki leaves 253


baby leaves 231, 235

bagna cauda 264

Barbarea verna see land cress

barbe de Capucin see chicory, wild

Bartholomew, Mel 215

basil 150, 153, 218, 242

Bauwens, Peter 54, 101

beans 114

sprouting 248

see also specific beans

bed design 175

bee balm see bergamot, sweet

beet, seakale see Swiss chard

beetroot 139

baby beet 139

novelty 139

Turkish beetroot salad with yogurt 267

belle isle see land cress

bellis daisy 157, 158

Bellis perennis see bellis daisy

bergamot, sweet 160

Beta vulgaris see beetroot

B. v. var. cicia see spinach, perpetual

biodegradable films 215

biological control of pests 228

bird pests 26, 65, 226, 229

bistort 166

bitter cress, hairy 164

‘Black Jack’ 185

blanching 245

celery 86

chicory 30

endive 38

leaves for salads 261

bok choy see pak choi

borage 157

Borago officinalis see borage

borecole see kale

Bradley, Richard 235

Brassica spp. 60

B. campestris Rapifera Group see root vegetables, hardy; turnip

B. carinata see Texsel greens

B. juncea see brassicas, flowering; mustard

B. napus see salad rape

B. nigra see mustard, black

B. oleracea

B. o. acephala Group see kale

B. o. capitata Group see cabbage

B. o. Gongylodes Group see kohl rabi

B. o. var. algoglabra see Chinese broccoli

B. rapa

B. r. Pekinensis Group see Chinese cabbage

B. r. Chinensis Group see pak choi

B. r. var. nipposinica see mibuna greens; mizuna

B. r. var. oleifera/utilis see rape, edible oil seed

B. r. var. parachinensis see choy sum

B. r. var. Perividis Group see komatsuna

B. r. var. rosularis see rosette pak choi

flowering 79

oriental 72

sprouting 248

broad beans 114, 115, 115, 161

broccoli, Chinese 81

brooklime see watercress

brushing seedlings 207

buckler-leaved sorrel see sorrel, French

buck’s horn plantain 166, 236

bunching onion see onion, spring

Bunias orientalis see Turkish rocket

burdock 164

lesser 164


cabbage 62

Chinese 73

cultivation 63

diseases 65

flowering Chinese see rape, edible oil seed

‘mini’ 64

ornamental 68

palm see cavolo nero

pests 65

protection 218

red 65

round-headed 62

savoy 62

soil and site 63

sowing programme 64

spring 62

summer 231

varieties 64

cabbage root fly 65

calaloo see leaf amaranth

Calendula officinalis see pot marigold

canary creeper 11

Capsella rusticana see shepherd’s purse


C. annuum Grossum Group see sweet


C. frutescens see chili pepper

Capucin’s beard see chicory, wild

Cardamine spp.

C. hirsutus see bitter cress, hairy

C. pratensis see lady’s smock

carnation 159

carosello 106

carrot 137, 137

baby 137

carrot, avocado and wakame seaweed salad 265

mixed with pak choi 233

novelty 138

varieties 138

caterpillars 65, 229

cavolo nero 66

celeriac 89

rémoulade 265

celery 84

cultivation 85

cutting celery see celery, leaf

leaf celery 85

pests and diseases 85

self-blanching 86, 87

soup celery see celery, leaf

trench 88

turnip-rooted see celeriac

celery fly 85

celery leaf miner 85

celery leaf spot 85

celery mustard see pak choi

cellars for blanching 247

celtuce see Lettuce: stem

Centranthus ruber see valerian, red


silver see Swiss chard

with sour cream dressing 267

charts see growing charts

Chenopodium spp.

C. album see fat hen

C. giganteum see tree spinach

chequered film 217

chervil 150, 153, 233

Chevalier, Jamie 44

chickweed 163, 167

chicory 13, 27, 159, 236

Belgian see chicory: ‘Witloof’

Catalogna 33

cultivation 29

forcing 247

green-leaved 28, 30

Grumolo 31, 32

‘Misuglio’ 29

red-leaved 28, 29, 218

root 34, 35

‘Sugar Loaf’ 27, 30, 31

‘Treviso’ 29, 30

types 27

varieties 32

wild 33, 34

‘Witloof’ 30, 34, 35, 247

with orange salad 265

with piquant mayonnaise 265

see also endive

chili pepper 111, 111, 240

Chinese artichoke 145, 145

in salad 267

Chinese broccoli 81

Chinese cabbage 73, 74

flowering see rape, edible oil seed

protection 218

Chinese chives 125, 126, 127, 245

Chinese leaves see Chinese cabbage

Chinese parsley see coriander

Chinese spinach see leaf amaranth

Chinese violet cress see February orchid

chitted seed 195

chives 125, 126

Chinese 126, 245

chop suey greens see chrysanthemum


choy sum 79

chrysanthemum greens 50, 51, 159

Chrysanthemum spp.

C. coronarium see chrysanthemum greens

C. leucanthemum see ox-eye daisy

Chrysosplenium oppositifolium see saxifrage,


Cichorium spp.

C. endivia see endive

C. intybus see chicory

cilantro see coriander

Cirsium palustre see marsh thistle

clary sage 160

claytonia see winter purslane

Claytonia perfoliata see winter purslane

climate 270

climbers 11

climbing vegetables, undercropping 233

cloche, mini- 199

cloches 222, 223, 224

clubroot 43, 65

cold frame 219, 222

colour in salad leaves 13

coloured film 217

comfrey 183, 185

compost 179

garden 183

for seeds 203

see also manure

compost bin 181, 183

compost heaps 183, 188

containers 240

choice of 240

for cut and come again leaves 235

drainage 241

fertility and feeding 242

growing medium 241

for seeds 200

siting 241

size 240

sowing and planting 242

supports in 242

watering 242

what to grow 244

why use them? 240

coriander 150, 153, 193, 254

corn salad 48, 49, 236

couch grass 208

courgette 158, 159

cover crops 186

cowslip 160

Crambe maritima see sea kale

Creative vegetable gardening 11

cress 231, 231, 236

Chinese violet see February orchid

mustard and cress 58

see also field penny cress; garden cress; land cress; watercress

Crithmum maritimum see samphire, rock

crop protection 218

cropping plans 177

crudités 258

Cryptotaenia japonica see mitsuba

cucamelon 104, 108

cuckoo flower see lady’s smock

cucumber 104

all female 105

burpless 104, 105

in containers 107

dill-pickled 265

greenhouse 104, 105, 107

heirloom 106

Japanese 105

lemon 104, 106

outdoor ridge 105

pests and diseases 107

plant raising 106

protection 218

soil and site 106

supports 107

types 105

varieties 108

Cucumis sativus see cucumber

Curcubita spp. see courgette/marrow/


cut and come again leaves 9, 234

alfalfa 45

celery 86

chart 236

chicory 32, 33

Chinese cabbage 73

in containers 244

corn salad 49

cultivating seedling crops 237

decorative patterns 239

endive 38

February orchid 47

iceplant 46

kale 67

komatsuna 76

land cress 51

mizuna 76

mustard 78

oriental 72

pak choi 74, 75

protection 218

regrowth in mature plants 239

rocket 52

salad rape 44

salsola 57

seeding crops 235

sorrel 57

spinach 39

summer purslane 48

where and when to sow seedlings 235

winter purslane 46


daikon see radish, Asian


bellis 157, 158

ox-eye 164

Damask rose 160

damping down 219

damping off 26, 65

dandelion 58, 59, 163, 167, 208

salad 265

Daucus carota see carrot

day length 270

day lily 158, 159

design of salad garden 11, 13

Dianthus see carnation/pinks/sweet


digging, double 187, 188

dill 151, 153, 233

dill-pickled cucumber 265

dinosaur kale see cavolo nero

Diplotaxis tenuifolia see wild rocket

Directions for the gardiner at Says Court 10

diseases 226


broad-leaved 208

red-veined see sorrel, red-veined

double cropping 232

double digging 187, 188

downy mildew 26

drainage 170, 179


earthworms 179

edible flowers see flowers, edible; weeds;

wild plants

egg boxes for seed sowing 201

Egyptian onion see onion, Egyptian

elephant garlic 129

endive 36

blanching 38, 245, 246

broad-leaved 36, 37, 38

cultivation 37

curly-leaved 36, 37, 38, 236

protection 218

sowing 37

types 37

varieties 38

Envirofleece 228

Enviromesh 225, 228

environmental friendly growing 226

equidistant spacing 230

Eruca versicaria subsp. sativa see rocket

Evelyn, John 10, 233, 256

evening primrose 165


F1 hybrid seeds 192

farmyard manure 180

fat hen 164, 165

February orchid 47, 160

fennel 151

fennel, avocado and pink grapefruit salad 265

Florence see Florence fennel

fenugreek 59

sprouting 253

ferric phosphate slug pellets 228

fertilier 180

liquid 185

field penny cress 167, 167

field poppy 165


for crop covers 224

for mulching 215

for polytunnels 221

finocchio see Florence fennel

fish blood and bone 180

flageolets 114

flea beetle 65, 229

fleeces 224, 225, 228

Florence fennel 92, 93, 218

flowers, edible 13, 156

chicory 27

Chinese chives 126

chrysanthemum greens 51

in containers 244

dandelion 58

gathering 156

flowers for mixed planting 233

Foeniculum vulgare dulce see Florence fennel


chicory 30, 35, 247

frames 218, 220, 222, 223

blanching in 246

French beans 114, 115

Italian salad 266

with lemon and parmesan 266

French tarragon 155

frost protection 219


gai laan see Chinese broccoli

garden compost 183

garden cress 54, 54

Garden Organic 14, 141

garland chrysanthemum see chrysanthemum greens

garlic 128

elephant 128, 129

hardneck 128

society 158, 161

wild 162

garlic chives see chives, Chinese

garlic mustard 162

garlic rust 129

gherkin 104, 106

ginger mint 148

ginger and sesame salad 263

glasswort 57, 166

salad 266

Glebionis coronarium see garland


globe artichokes, in salad 267

gluts 178

grains, sprouting 248

green manures 186

green salad with lardons 267

greenhouse 218, 219, 220, 221, 226, 228, 229

blanching in 247

grey mould 26

ground elder 162, 163

growing charts

cut and come again leaves 236

sprouting seeds 249

year-round saladini 272


Halimione portulacoides see purslane, sea

Hamburg parsley 145

hanging baskets 244

hardening off 200, 206

hardiness 270

haricot beans 115

hay compost 181

Helianthus spp.

H. annuum see sunflower

H. tuberosus see Jerusalem artichoke

Henry Doubleday Research Association 14

herb patience 57

herba stella see buck’s horn plantain

herbs 148

in containers 244

storage 149

heritage seeds 9

hoeing 209

holiday watering 211

hollyhock 157, 158

holy thistle 167

honewort, Japanese see mitsuba

hoof and horn fertilizer 180

horseradish 144, 144, 163, 164

Horticulture Research International 24

hyssop 151, 153

anise 157


iceplant 9, 46, 46

with raspberry vinegar 266

Indian mustard 79

insect-proof nets 225

insecticidal soaps 228

intercropping 226, 226, 231

guidelines 234

in-row 232

planting between rows and plants 232

sowing between rows and around plants 232

irrigation methods 212

Isatis tinctoria see woad

Italian French bean salad 266


Jack-by-the-hedge see garlic mustard

Jacob’s ladder 160

Japanese bunching onion see onion,

Oriental bunching

Japanese honewort see mitsuba

Japanese mooli 132, 133

Japanese parsley see mitsuba

Japanese salsola see salsola, Japanese

Jerusalem artichoke 144, 144


kale 67

Chinese see Chinese broccoli

cultivation 67

curly 66, 236

fine-leaved 236

with ginger and sesame dressing 266

kale, avocado and orange salad 266

ornamental 68

sea kale see sea kale

varieties 67

Kenya beans 115

kidney beans see French beans

kohl rabi 90, 91

komatsuna 76, 77, 236

kyona see mizuna


Lactuca sativa see lettuce

lady’s smock 164

lamb’s lettuce see corn salad

lamb’s quarters see fat hen

land cress 50, 51

Langley, Batty 10

Lavandula see lavender

lavender 158, 159

lawn mowings 213

leaf amaranth 42, 43, 236

leaf beet 40

leaf celery 85

leaf lettuce 24

leaf mould 185

leafy salad plants 16, 211

mild-flavoured 42

strong-flavoured 50

leeks 13

legumes 186

sprouting 248

lemon balm 148, 152

lemon spinach see herb patience

lentils 253

Lepidum sativum see garden cress

lettuce 19, 231, 236

butterhead 13, 19, 23, 25

for colour 25

colour arrangements 13

cos 19, 23, 24, 25

crisphead 13, 19, 21

American Iceberg 20

‘Batavian’ 20

‘Iceberg’ 19

cultivation 21

for decoration 25

diseases 26

for flavour 25

gathering/cutting varieties see lettuce:


Lollo 13

loose-leaf 20, 24, 25

‘Lollo’ 20, 21

Salad Bowl 13, 20, 20, 22

‘Marvel of Four Seasons’ 23

mulching 215

pests 26

seedling crops 24

semi-cos: ‘Little Gem’ 19, 21, 23, 25

sowing programme 22

stem 20, 20

types 19

undercropping with 233

varieties 24

watering 22

Levisticum officinale see lovage

lily, day 158, 159

lovage 148, 152

lucerne see alfafa

Lycopersicon esculentum see tomato


mâche see corn salad

‘Magentaspreen’ see tree spinach

mangetout 113

manuring 179

marguerite see ox-eye daisy


French: Gem series 14, 15, 161

pot 157, 158

marjoram 152

gold 152, 153

pot 152

sweet/knotted 152

winter 152, 153

marrow 159

marsh samphire see glasswort

marsh thistle 165

mayonnaises 264

Medicago sativa see alfafa

medick, purple see alfafa

Melissa officinalis see lemon balm

Melothria scabra see cucamelon

Mentha spp. see mint

Mertensia maritima see oyster plant

mesclun 234, 236, 239

Mesembryanthemum crystallinum see iceplant

methi see fenugreek

mezze 256

mibuna greens 78, 80, 236

micro-organisms 179, 184, 188

microgreens 254

mildews 121

see also specific mildews

milfoil see yarrow

milk thistle 167

Mina lobata see Ipomoea tricolor

miner’s lettuce see winter purslane

mint 148, 152

minutina see buck’s horn plantain

misticanza 234, 239

mitsuba 154

mixed planting 233

mizuna 76, 77, 236, 240, 254

modules 200, 201, 203, 205

Monarda didyma see bergamot, sweet

month/seasons conversion chart 270

Montia perfoliata see winter purslane

mooli see radish, Japanese mooli

mosaic virus 26, 108

mountain spinach see orache

mulching 213

containers 242

covered crops 219

films 215

types of mulches 213

when and how to mulch 215

mung beans 252, 253

municipal waste 181

mushroom compost, spent 181

mustard 78, 80, 186, 236, 240, 254

black 58

common/Indian 79

giant-leaved 78

protection 218

white 58, 58

mustard spinach see komatsuna

mustards for salads 262

Myrrhis odorata see sweet cicely


Napa cabbage see Chinese cabbage

nasturtium 161, 161

Nasturtium officinale see watercress

nematodes 228

netting 228

nettle manure 185

New improvements of planting and gardening 235

New principles of gardening 10

nitrogen 179


Ocinum see basil

Oenothera spp. see evening primrose

oils 262

Okanijiki see salsola, Japanese

onion 116, 231

bulb 118

cultivation 119

soil and site 119

Egyptian 122, 122

green 124

harvesting and storing 120

Japanese bunching see onion, Oriental bunching

Oriental bunching 124

pests and diseases 121

pickling 118, 121

red 118

seeds 120, 123

sets 119, 120, 123

spring 124, 125

varieties 121

weeding and watering 120

Welsh 124, 125

onion fly 121

orache 43

red 13, 42, 43

orchid, February 47, 160

organic control measures 228

organic gardening 14

organic matter 170, 179

for covered crops 219

types 213

organic seed 195

Oriental bunching onion see onion, Oriental bunching

Oriental greens 10, 70

protection 218

salad 266

Oriental saladini 81

origanum 152


O. heracleoticum see marjoram, winter

O. majorana see marjoram, knotted

O. onites see marjoram, pot

O. vulgare ‘Aureum’ see marjoram, gold

see also origanum

Orychophragmus violaceus see February orchid

Oswego tea see bergamot, sweet

ox-eye daisy 164

Oxalis acetosella see wood sorrel

oyster plant 165

see also salsify


painted sage 160, 160

pak choi 74, 75, 233, 236

flowering see choy sum

protection 218

rosette 75, 77, 236

palm cabbage see cavolo nero

pansy 158, 161

Papaver rhoeas see field poppy

parsley 154, 233

broad-leaved 148

Chinese see coriander

curly 148

Hamburg 145

Japanese see mitsuba

parsnip 145

Pastinaca sativa see parsnip

paths 176, 177

peas 113

shoots 248

pelleted seeds 195

penny cress, field 167, 167

pepper cress see garden cress

pepper, sweet see sweet pepper

permeable black fabric 216

pests 226

under cover 219

Petroselinum crispum see parsley

P. c. var. tuberosum see Hamburg parsley

Phacelia tanacetifolia 186

Phaseolus spp.

P. coccineus see runner beans

P. vulgaris see French beans

phosphorus 179

pickling 260

pigeon manure 181

pineapple mint 148

pineapple sage 160

pinks 159

Pisum sativus see peas

Plantago coronopus see buck’s horn plantain

plantain, buck’s horn 166, 236

planting out 207, 208

through film 216

Polemonium caeruleum see Jacob’s ladder

Polygonum spp.

P. bistort see bistort

P. persicaria see redshank

polypropylene films 215

polythene films 215, 216, 217

perforated 224

polytunnels 218, 219, 220

blanching in 247

low 223, 223, 224

walk-in 220, 221


field 165

red-horned 165

Portulaca oleracea see summer purslane

pot marigold 157, 158

pot strips, fibre 201

potagers 9, 11

potassium 179

potassium bicarbonate 228

potato 141, 141

in containers 142

cultivation 142

salad varieties 141

varieties 143

potherb mustard see mizuna

pots for seed sowing 201

potting bench 191

potting compost 203

potting on 200, 206, 207

poultry manure 181

powdery mildew 108

pricking out 200, 206, 206

primed seed 195

primrose 160

Primula spp.

P. veris see cowslip

P. vulgaris see primrose

propagators 203

protection 172, 178, 218

uses for 218

pumpkin 159

purple medick see alfafa


sea 165

summer see summer purslane

winter see winter purslane

pyrethrum 228

Pyrola minor see wintergreen, common


rabbit manure 181

radish 132, 236

Asian 133, 134

baby leaf 135

cultivation 134

harvesting seed 192

Japanese mooli 132, 134

pods 136, 136

seedlings 135

soil and site 133

sprouting 250, 253

storage 135

types 133

varieties 136

winter 13, 132, 133, 134

raised beds 7, 175, 176, 176

ramsons see wild garlic

rape, edible oil seed 80, 81

rape, salad see salad rape

Raphanus sativus see radish

raripila mint 148

Recipes 262

dressings 262

salads 265

recycled waste 181

red leg see redshank

red orache see orache, red

red spider mite 108

redshank 166

rémoulade 264, 265

rock samphire 165

rocket 51, 53, 236, 239, 254

Turkish 54

root flies 229

root vegetables 130

in containers 244

hardy 144

Rosa spp. see rose

roscano see salsola

rose 160

wild 158

rosette pak choi 75, 77

rotation cropping 177, 226

rots 121

Rumex spp.

R. acetosa subsp. vineatus see sorrel,


R. obtusifolius 208

R. sanguineus var. sanguineus see sorrel,


R. scutatus see sorrel, French

R. x patienta see herb patience

runner beans 114, 114

Russian tarragon 155, 155

rye 186, 253


sage 148, 154

salad burnet 163, 166

salad dressings 263

aïoli 264

bagna cauda 264

blue cheese 264

ginger and sesame 263

mayonnsaises 263

rémoulade 264

sauce ravigote 263

sauce verte 263

skordalia 264

sour cream 264

tahini 264

vinaigrettes 263

yogurt 264

salad making 256

blanching 261

cleaning and drying leaves 261

composé salads 260

cooked salads 259, 266

gathering ingredients 261

hot dressing and hot salads 260

keeping salads fresh 261

mixed salads 259

raw salads 258, 265

recipes 262

saladini 259

simple 258

stir-frying 261

salad onion see onion, spring

salad rape 42, 44, 236

salad techniques 230

saladini 10, 234, 236, 259

chart 271, 272

Oriental 81, 234, 236

Salicornia europaea see glasswort

salsify 145, 158, 161

salsola, Japanese 56, 57

Salsola spp.

S. komariva see salsola, Japanese

saltwort see salsola

Salvia spp. see sage


marsh/sea see glasswort

rock 165

Satureja spp.

S. hortensis see summer savory

S. montana see winter savory

sauce ravigote 263

sauce verte 263


summer 155

winter 148, 155

saxifrage, golden 164

scallion see onion, spring

scorzonera 145, 158, 161

sea kale 90, 245, 246

sea purslane 165

sea samphire see glasswort

seakale beet see Swiss chard

seasons 270

seasons/month conversion chart 270

seaweed, organic matter source 181, 184

liquid 185

Sedum reflexum see stonecrop, reflexed

seed tray 201

seedbed 196, 196


crops from 231

hardening off 200, 206

needs 205

potting on 200, 206, 207

pricking out 200, 206, 206

stroking/brushing 207

thinning 199, 200

transplanting 21, 211

see also cut and come again leaves

seed 191

broadcasting 198

buying 191

choosing varieties 192, 271

collection 9

drills 197, 198

under fleece/film 199

forms 195

germination 205, 211

harvesting 192

heritage 9

how to sow 197

in containers 203

large 199

multi-sowing 205

saving 192

seed bank 9


for good crops 226

lettuce 21

staggering crops 178

sprouting 248

with ginger and sesame dressing 266

storing 191

tapes 195

tapes/sheets/mats 195

when to sow 196

where to sow 195

indoors 195, 199

outdoors 195, 196

sewage sludge compost 181

shallots 122, 123

shelter 172

shepherd’s purse 163, 164

shokassai see February orchid

shungiku see chrysanthemum greens

signet marigold see marigold, French

silver chard see Swiss chard

Silybum marianum see thistle, milk/holy

Sinapsis alba see mustard, white

Sinclair Rohde, Eleanour 149

sites 170, 177, 263

skordalia 264

slugs 26, 65, 85, 108, 228, 229

smallage see wild celery

Smyrnium olusatrum see alexanders

snails 65, 229

society garlic see garlic, society

soil 170, 175

acidity 188

fertility 179

incorporating manure into 186

‘sickness’ in greenhouse 220

soil pests 26, 229

Solanum tuberosum see potato


S. arvensis see thistle, sow: perennial

S. asper see thistle, sow: prickly

S. oleraceus see thistle, sow: smooth

sorrel 50, 55

French 50, 55

red-leaved 57

red-veined 57, 166, 166

wood 165

soup celery see celery, leaf

sour cream dressing 264

sow thistle see thistle, sow

sowing compost 203

sowing containers 200

space-saving systems 230

spacing crops as a tool 230

spearmint 148, 152

spent mushroom compost 181

Spinacea oleracea see spinach

spinach 39, 236

Chinese see leaf amaranth

cultivation 39

lemon see herb patience

‘Magentaspreen’ see tree spinach

mountain see orache

perpetual 40, 236

sowing programme 40

tree see tree spinach

varieties 40

spring beauty see winter purslane

spring onion see onion, spring

sprouters 250, 251

squash 159, 183, 233

Stachys affinis see Chinese artichoke

staggering crops 178

stalks 82

Stellaria media see chickweed

stems and stalks 82

stir-frying 261

stonecrop, reflexed 167

straw compost 181

stroking seedlings 207

sugar peas 113

summer purslane 47, 48, 236

and flowers in salad 266

summer savory 155

sunflower 159

supports 97

sweet cicely 148, 155

sweet corn 15

sweet fennel see Florence fennel

sweet pepper 109

bell 109

bonnet 109

cultivation 109

marinated 267

pests and diseases 110

plant raising 110

protection 218

varieties 110

sweet William 159

sweetcorn 232

Swiss chard 40, 41

Sylvetta see wild rocket

Symphytum x uplandicum see comfrey


ta tsoi see rosette pak choi

Tagetes see marigold, French

tah tsai see rosette pak choi

tahini 264

Taraxacum officinale see dandelion


French 155

Russian 153, 155

Texsel greens 42, 43, 236

thinning 200


marsh 165

milk/holy 167

sow, perennial 167

prickly 163

smooth 163

Thlaspi arvense see field penny cress

thyme 153, 156

Thymus spp. see thyme

tomato 11, 96

beefsteak 97, 98, 103

blight-resistance 103

bush 98, 103

cultivation 101

cherry 97, 101, 103

in containers 102

cultivation 99

indoor 101

outdoor 100

currant 97, 102

dwarf 98

cultivation 101

varieties 103

flavour 98

growth habit 97

heirloom 103

marmande 97, 98, 103

oxheart 97

pear-shaped 97, 98

pests and diseases 103

plant raising 100

plum, Italian 96

plum-shaped 97, 103

protection 172

soil and site 99

standard 97, 98, 103

tall (indeterminate) 97

cultivation 100

types 97

varieties 103

‘top cropping’ 232

Tragopogon porrifolius see salsify

tree onion see Egyptian onion

tree spinach ‘Magentaspreen’ 44

trench celery 88

trench drains 171

Trigonella foenum-graecum see fenugreek

Tropaeolum spp.

T. majus see nasturtium

T. peregrinum see canary creeper

Tulbhaghia violacea see garlic, society

Turkish beetroot salad with yogurt 267

Turkish rocket 54

turnip 140

turnip-rooted celery see celeriac

Tuscan kale see cavolo nero


undercropping 232

upland cress see land cress


valerian, red 164

Valerianella lucusta see corn salad

varieties of salad plants 14

see also specific salad plants

vegetable oils as pesticide 228


in containers 244

fruiting 94, 211

root 130, 212

storage 228

see also leafy salad plants

ventilation of covered crops 219, 221, 223

Verey, Rosemary 233

Veronica beccabunga 165

Vicia faba see broad beans

vinaigrettes 263

vinegars 262

viola 158, 161

Viola odorata see violet, sweet

violet, sweet 161

viper’s grass see scorzonera


water conservation 210

water supply 171

watercress 50, 55

wild 165

watering 197, 210

covered crops 219

equipment 212

weeding 208

weeds, edible 162

Welsh onion see onion, Welsh

wild celery 164

wild garlic 162

wild plants, edible 162

wild rocket 52

wild salad plants 9

windbreaks 172

winter cress see land cress

Winter Potager 11

winter purslane 9, 13, 45, 218, 236

winter savory 148, 155

wintergreen, common 166

woad 165

wood derivatives as mulches 213

wood sorrel 165

worm compost 185


yarrow 162, 163

yucca 161


Zehneria scabra see cucamelon