Adolphus, Gustavus, 95

Alexander I (Tsar), 92, 151, 153, 182, 189

American Civil War, 6, 207

American Naval War Colleges, 69

American Revolution, 16, 72, 83, 90

Amiens, Treaty of, 75, 81, 83

Anglo-Portuguese army, 131, 150–51

Anglo-Russian campaign in Holland, 40–41

Anglo-Spanish army, 135

Annihilative strategy (Neiderwehrfungsstrategie), 3

Antietam, 118

Attrition strategy of exhaustion (Ermattungsstrategie), 3

Augereau, Charles-Pierre, 22, 100, 155

Aulic Council, 24

Austria: Austrian-Piedmontese coalition, 25–30; defeat in War of the First Coalition, 45, 76; French war against, 17, 47; Italian campaign, 24; war aims of, 65

Austrian Netherlands (Belgium), 18

Austrian-Piedmontese coalition, 25–30, 37

Austro-Prussian War (1866), 4

Bagration, Peter, 157, 160–63

Barclay de Tolly, Michael Baron, 154, 157, 159–63, 182, 212

Bautzen, Battle of, 176, 181, 185, 186, 198

Beauharnais, Eugene, 138, 155–56, 178, 179, 207

Belgium, 18, 36, 43, 98

Bellegarde, Heinrich, 50–51, 58

Beresford, William Carr, 133, 149, 152

Berlin Decree, 124

Bernadotte, Jean: 1814 Campaign, 207; offensives by, 36, 103, 113–14; Reichenbach Plan, 189, 197–201

Berthier, Louis-Alexandre, 14, 20, 138

Blücher, Gebhard von: alliance with Bohemia, 187; command conflicts, 186, 189; 1814 Campaign, 207; offensives by, 113–14, 179; Reichenbach Plan, 195–96, 199–200; reorganization of Prussian Army, 106; Waterloo, 209, 210–12

Bohemian Army, 187, 191–94, 198

Bonaparte, Jerome, 120, 155–56

Bonaparte, Napoleon: annihilation campaigns by, 3–4; combined arms organizations, 8; divorce and remarriage, 148; in Egypt, 76–81; 1803–1805 naval campaigns, 81–89; Italian campaign, 20, 21–25; offensive against Austrian-Piedmontese coalition, 25–30. See also Napoleonic total war; War of the First Coalition; War of the Second Coalition

Bonaparte, Napoleon, ascendancy: chronology, 91–92; Eylau and Friedland campaigns, 115–20; introduction, 92; Jena-Auerstadt campaign, 105–15; overview, 92–97; Ulm-Austerlitz campaign, 97–105

Bonaparte, Napoleon, principle adversaries: chronology, 121–22; on the Danube, 136–44; overview, 122–23; Peninsular War, 125–27; Wellsley, Arthur, 127–36

Bourcet, Pierre-Joseph, 15

Boyd, John, 45

Boyen, Hermann von, 192–93

Brueys, Francois-Paul, 77–78, 80

Brusilov Offensive (1916), 4–5

Bucharest, Treaty of, 153

Bülow, Friedrich von, 179, 182–84, 189, 192–97, 203, 207

Burrard, Harry, 127, 128–29

Caesar, Julius, 95

Calder, Robert, 84–85

Campaign of 1813. See 1813 Campaign

Campaign of 1814. See 1814 Campaign

Campo Formio, Treaty of, 36, 37, 41

Cape Trafalgar, battle of, 67–69

Cape Vincent, battle of, 72–76

Carnot, Lazare, 9, 19, 22

Castanos, Javier, 152

Catherine the Great, 40

Caulaincourt, Armand de, 154

Cavalry Reserve, 95

Chancellorsville, Battle of, 7

Chandler, David, 171

Charles (Archduke): around Zurich, 54; on the Danube, 137–40; War of the First Coalition, 34–35; War of the Second Coalition, 43–44, 62–63; War of the Third Coalition, 98–101

Charles IV (King), 125

Chasteler, Jaques Gabriel, 51

Churchill, John, 95

Churchill, Winston, 210

Clausewitz, Carl von: assessment of Barclay’s army, 160–61; assessment of Napoleon’s forces in Russia, 166, 167, 169–72; 1814 Campaign and Waterloo, 209; introduction, 2; Napoleon, ascendancy, 92, 112; Prussian negotiations, 174; in Russian army, 176; Scharnhorst’s reforms, 175; strategies of, 96–97

Colli-Marchini, Freiherr von, 23

Collingwood, Cuthbert, 73, 88

Command and control (C2), 185, 202–3

Congress of Vienna, 206

Consular Guard, 94

Continental System, 90, 126, 144, 153

Continuous logistics element, 7

Convention of Cintra, 129

Convention of Taurrogen, 174

Convention of Trachenberg. See Trachenberg Convention

Corbett, Julian, 68, 72

Cordoba, Don Jose de, 73

Cornwallis, William, 82, 84

Corps d’Armée, 94–95, 111–12, 134

Cossacks: against Napoleon, 177, 183–84, 199; prisoners from Lithuania, 162; rearmament of, 185; strategies with, 44, 53, 58, 60

Counterinsurgency (COIN) campaigns, 9, 123

Craig, Gordon, 190

Cuesta, Don Gregorio, 134–35

Cumulative strategy, 70

Dallemagne, Claude, 28

Dalrymple, Hugh, 127, 128

D’Alvintzy, Joseph, 33–34, 37, 45–46

Danish Army, 155

Danish sea power, 90

The Danube, campaign, 136–44

Davout, Louis-Nicolas: against Bagration’s Second Army, 162; I Corps, 160; recapturing of Hamburg, 184; strategic campaigns by, 103–4, 112, 116

Decentralized executions, 68

Decrés, Denis, 82

Deep battle idea, 5

Delbrück, Hans, 2–4, 23, 115, 146, 185

Denmark, 125, 189, 207

D’Hilliers, Louis Baraguey, 95

Distributed campaign element, 7

Distributed deployment element, 8–9, 203

Distributed enemy element, 8, 203

Distributed operation element, 6–7, 202

Dumouriez, Charles-François, 17–18

Duncan, Adam, 69, 75

Du Teil, Jean, 15–16

Egypt, 42, 76–81

1813 Campaign: chronology, 173–74; operational art in, 176–86; overview, 174; Prussian reforms against Napoleon threat, 174–76; Trachenberg and Reichenbach, 187–204

1814 Campaign, 205–9

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 40, 190

Epstein, Robert, 122, 143

Ermattungsstrategie (strategy of exhaustion), 115

Eylau and Friedland campaigns, 115–20

Fabian strategy of Russians, 158

Ferdinand (Archduke), 98–100, 106

Ferdinand (Prince), 125

Ferdinand, Louis, 110

Foley, Thomas, 79

Fox, Charles James, 105

Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871), 4

Frederick of Orange, 51

Frederick the Great, 3, 16, 23, 105, 106

Frederick William II, 16

Frederick William III (King), 178, 182

French Military Districts, 19

French Revolution: competence and effectiveness in, 93; development of, 13; fiscal crisis leading to, 15; introduction, 2; period of wars, 69

French-Spanish fleet, 88

Friedland campaign. See Eylau and Friedland campaigns

Friekorps, 177, 183–84, 199

Ganteaume, Joseph, 82, 84–85

George III (King), 128

German Naval War Colleges, 69

Germany: 1813 Campaign, 179; French armies in, 35–37, 48–49; liberation of, 174, 178, 181, 186–88; Napoleon’s loss of, 201; Napoleon’s strategy against, 25, 30; Prussian revolt in, 140; Russian armies in, 46; strategic stalemate in, 21–22; Third Coalition in, 98

Glorious Revolution (1688), 71

Gneisenau, Neidhart: Reichenbach Plan, 203; Russian weakness, 177; strategic maneuvers, 115, 200; trained reserve, 175; Waterloo, 209–10

Godoy, Manuel de, 124–25

Graham, Thomas, 65

Grande Armée: challenges to, 137, 182–83; destruction of, 169–70; losses by, 118, 205; military plans, 92–96, 111; reconstitution of, 179; in Russia, 168; strength of, 108, 120, 192, 198; Waterloo, 209–10

Great Britain: agreements with Prussia and Russia, 178; introduction, 9; Napoleon’s peace attempts with, 155; Napoleon’s strategy against, 144; treaty of alliance with Sweden, 154; war aims of, 65; War of the Second Coalition, 41–42

Great Britain, Royal Navy: Battle of the Nile, 76–81; Cape Vincent, battle of, 72–76; chief players in, 69–72; 1803–1805 naval campaigns, 81–89; overview, 67–69

Grolman, Karl, 192–93

Grouchy, Emmanuel de, 210

Guard Artillery, 94–95

Guibert, Comte de, 16

Habsburg dynasty, 65

Hanover, 98

Hofkriegsrat, 46, 51, 61

Hohenlöhe, Friederich, 107, 110–11

Holland, 40–41, 46, 98, 132, 143

Hood, Samuel, 70

Howe, Richard “Black Dick,” 69, 72

Huber, Tom, 2, 122

Hungary, 143

Hussars de la Liberté (volunteer units), 18

Iberian Peninsula, 90

I Corps, 160

Imperial French Headquarters, 81

Imperial Guard, 94, 168, 170, 192, 207

Imperial Russian Army, 4, 7, 158

Instantaneous command and control element, 7

Invention and operational art, 9–10

Isserson, G.S., 5–6

Italian campaign, 20, 21–25

Italy: defeat in, 48–54; French armies in, 35–37, 48–49; strategic stalemate in, 21–22; Third Coalition in, 98

Jena-Auerstadt campaign, 7, 105–15, 180

Jervis, John, 69, 70, 72–76, 81–89

John (Archduke), 99, 101

Jomini, Antoine: charges against, 182; introduction, 2–3; Napoleon, ascendancy, 92; strategies of, 44–45, 96

Joseph (King), 188

Joubert, Barthelemy, 35, 59–60

Junot, Jean-Andoche, 22, 124, 126, 128

Kellerman, François, 18

Kleist, Friedrich von, 115, 179, 193, 197

Krasnoe (Krasny), Battle of, 94

Kray, Paul, 48–50, 60

Kriegsakademie (War College), 106, 175

Kutusov, Mikhail, 98, 102, 159, 169–70, 172

La Harpe, A.E.F., 22

Lannes, Jean, 102, 140–41

Latour-Maubourg, Marie-Victor, 95

Lecourbe, Jacques, 62

Lestoq, Anton, 115, 119

Levée en masse, 19

Lines of Torres Vedras, 147, 149, 150, 153–54

Lithuania, 156, 162, 176

Lützen, Battle of, 180–81

Macdonald, Etienne-Jacques, 43, 49, 54–58, 155, 159, 165, 174, 196, 197, 204

Mack, Karl, 96–100, 137

Mantua, siege of, 30–34, 59

Marmont, Auguste-Frederic: 1814 Campaign and Waterloo, 208–9; military strategies, 142, 152–53, 195; under Napoleon, 22, 151

Masséna, Andre: on the Danube, 141; defense of Portugal, 148–51; field army under, 94; military strategies, 36; under Napoleon, 22; operations in Switzerland, 40, 47, 54; War of the Second Coalition, 61–65

Melas, Michael Frederich, 53, 60

Metternich, Clemens von, 187–88, 193

Military strategies: Davout, Louis-Nicolas, 103–4, 112, 116; Jomini, Antoine, 44–45, 96; Marmont, Auguste-Frederic, 142, 152–53, 195; Masséna, Andre, 36; Murat, Joachim, 99, 114–18, 177–78; Nelson, Horatio, 45; Ney, Michel, 109, 111, 113, 118–19, 151

Miloradovitch, Mikhail, 167

Mission command operations, 68

Moltke, Helmut von, 4

Moore, John, 129

Moreau, Jean Victor, 49, 53–55, 58–59, 191

Mortier, Edouard, 101, 136, 208

Müffling, Carl von, 106, 110, 175, 180–81, 186, 189, 212

Murat, Joachim: military strategies, 99, 114–18, 177–78; Napoleon’s forces in Russia, 22, 95, 166–68; Peninsular War, 125

Naples, 97, 104–5

Napoleon. See Bonaparte, Napoleon

Napoleonic total war: build-up and overview, 153–68; chronology, 145–46; introduction, 146–53; retreat of forces, 169–72

Naval campaign (1803–1805), 81–89

Nelson, Horatio: apprenticeship of, 72–76; death of, 89; 1803–1805 naval campaigns, 81–89; military strategies, 45; naval warfare legacy of, 89–90; operational command at the Nile, 76–81. See also Great Britain, Royal Navy

Newton, Isaac, 9

Ney, Michel: 1813 Campaign, 181–82; military strategies, 109, 111, 113, 118–19, 151; offensives against, 117, 170; Reichenbach Plan, 197

Nietzsche, Frederich, 92

The Nile, battle, 76–81

Norway, 189, 207

Observe, orient, decide, act (OODA) loop, 27, 45

Oman, Charles, 8

On War (Clausewitz), 2–3

Operational art: defined, 1–2; discovery of, 2–3; 1813 Campaign, 176–86; evolution of, 17–21; invention and, 9–10; Napoleon in Italy, 21–25; Schneider’s framework for, 6–9; Soviet model, 3–6; tools of the trade, 13–17

Operational durability, 7–8, 203

Operational-level units, 1–2, 4

Operational vision element, 8

Oudinot, Nicolas, 103, 164–65, 170, 182, 193, 195

Paul I (Tsar), 42

Peninsular War in Spain (1808–1814), 8, 125–27, 147–53

Phull, Ernst von, 158–60

Platov, Hetman, 161, 199

Poland: Allied strategic plan, 46; campaigns in, 92; introduction, 17; Napoleon’s army in, 171, 178; new army of, 187, 199; political resurrection of, 153; preemptive offensive against, 158

Poniatwoski, Josef, 140

Popham, Home, 69

Portugal: defense of, 132–33, 148–49; Duke of Wellington’s victory in, 54, 158; French retreat from, 8; invasion of, 135–36, 146–51; military engagements in, 73, 122. See also Peninsular War in Spain

Prussia, 98, 105, 154, 174–76, 188

Prussian Army: on the Danube, 140; military reform concerns, 106, 175; mobilization and performance of, 186; Napoleon conflict with, 110–15; Russo-Prussian troops, 118–19, 180–81, 188; troop increases, 176, 202

Prussian General Staff system, 192

Pyramids, Battle of, 77

Quartermaster General Staff (QMGS), 105–6, 137

Radetzky, Joseph, 53, 137, 212

Reichenbach Plan, 187–204

Reynier, Jean-Louise-Ebenezer, 148, 163–64, 195

Rochambeau, Comte de, 14

Roman Empire, 143

Rosinski, Herbert, 69–70

Ross, Steven, 13–14

Rossbach, Battle of, 107

Russia: Fourth Coalition and, 124; Imperial Russian Army, 4, 7, 158; military success, 16, 154, 177; Napoleonic campaigns against, 92, 146, 155–58, 176; Napoleon’s forces in, 22, 95, 166–68; Napoleon’s withdrawal from, 170–72, 191; in Poland, 46–47; Second Coalition, withdrawal from, 41; Third Coalition and, 85; war aims of, 65

Russo-Prussian troops, 118–19, 180–81, 188

Savary, Jean-Marie, 127

Savary, René, 96

Saxon Corps (VII), 163

Scharnhorst, Gerhard, 106, 114, 175, 178

Scherer, Barthelmy, 49–51, 53

Schlieffen, Alfred von, 4

Schneider, James, 5, 6–9

Schwarzenberg, Karl zu, 164–65, 167, 193–94, 212

Scorched-earth campaign, 157

Ségur, Philippe Henri de, 15

Sequential strategy, 70

Serurier, Jean, 22, 27, 49, 53

Seven Years’ War (1756–1763), 8, 16, 23

Siege of Mantua, 30–34

Sieyès, Abbé, 41

Silesian army, 191

Soult, Jean-de-Dieu, 8, 62–3, 103–4, 108, 110–116, 119–20, 133–34, 136, 148, 151, 152, 153, 192

South Germany, 98

Soviet military officers, 2

Soviet operational art model, 3–6

Spain. See Peninsular War in Spain

St. Cyr, Gouvion, 164–65, 167, 199

St. Germain, Comte de, 14

St. Priest, Louis de, 208

Staff adjutants (adjutants-generaux), 15

Stewart, Charles, 183, 188, 199

Strategy of exhaustion, 115

Strategy/strategies: Allied strategic plan for Poland, 46; Cossacks, 44, 53, 58, 60; defined, 2–3; Fabian strategy of Russians, 158; Napoleon’s strategy against Great Britain, 144; sequential strategy, 70. See also Military strategies

Sun Tzu (Sunzi), 68

Suvorov, A.V., 40, 43–46, 51–65

Svechin, A.A., 4

Sweden, 97, 114, 154, 189

Switzerland, 46, 48–54, 98

Talleyrand, Charles-Maurice de, 40

Tauentzien, B.F., 110, 195

Tilsit, Treaty of, 122

Tormassov, A.P., 157

Trachenberg Convention, 187–204, 215–16

Trafalgar, Battle of, 87–89, 93

Trebbia, battle of, 56–59

Triandafillov, V.K., 5

Troubridge, Thomas, 78, 79

Tukachevsky, Mikhail, 5

Ulm-Austerlitz campaign, 97–105

U.S. Army in Field Manual (FM) doctrine, 2–3

Vandamme, Dominique, 115, 118, 197

Villeneuve, Pierre, 80, 82–83

Wagram, Battle of, 136, 142–43, 147, 190

War and Peace (Tolstoy), 92

War of the Fifth Coalition, 135

War of the First Coalition: Austrian defeat in, 45, 76; against Austrian-Piedmontese coalition, 25–30; chronology, 11–13; end of, 37; renewed offensive, 34–37; siege of Mantua, 30–34

War of the Fourth Coalition, 108, 115–20, 124

War of the Second Coalition: causes of, 41–47; chronology, 39–41; closing chapter of, 61–65; operations around Zurich and Trebbia, 54–61; success in Switzerland, 48–54

War of the Sixth Coalition, 174, 178, 180, 186, 191

War of the Third Coalition, 97–99, 137

Waterloo Battle (1815), 7, 94, 209–13

Weigley, Russell, 8, 143

Wellesley, Arthur (Duke of Wellington), x, 8, 21, 54, 103, 146, 154, 157–58, 188, 207–12; operational command by, 123, 210–12; in Spain and Portugal, 127–36, 147–53

Wilson, Robert, 43, 191

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 161, 164, 170–72, 176–80

Wolfe, James, 73

Wolzogen, Ludwig, 158–59

World War I, 4–5, 97, 201

World War II, 40

Wrede, Karl Philippe von, 201

Würmser, Dagobert Sigismund von, 30–32, 51

Yorck, Hans David, 174, 176, 178

Yorktown Campaign, 14