Art Collection, BMO Financial Group
c22.1 George Stephen
Glenbow Museum
8.2 Louis Riel—drawing, 1870 NA-1406-69
9.1 Fort Gary, Manitoba NA-354-13
9.2 Thomas Scott NA-576-1
10.1 Father Noël-Joseph Ritchot NA-1406-215
23.1 Main St., Winnipeg, 1880–1881 NA-1255-2
25.2 Louis Riel NA-504-3
28.2 Gabriel Dumont NA-1063-1
28.3 Father Lacombe rebellion telegram NA-1713-8
29.2 Grip cartoon—“What will he do with him?” NA-3012-4
29.3 Riel’s written statement NA-720-2
The Globe
Library and Archives Canada
col1.1 John A. Macdonald political caricature E008072619
1.1 John A. Macdonald C006956
1.2 Sparks Street, Ottawa C011384
2.1 Illustration of Agnes’s diary E010868556
2.2 Agnes Macdonald PA026286
3.1 The Parliament Buildings from Major’s Hill E010858590
4.1 D’Arcy McGee C021543
4.2 D’Arcy McGee’s funeral procession PA165260
5.1 Edward Blake PA025402
6.1 Agnes Macdonald and baby Mary PA033465
7.1 Map of the Red River settlement E010868557
8.1 William McDougall PA033505
8.3 A Red River cart C001517
8.4 Councillors of the Provisional Government of the Métis Nation, 1870 PA012854
11.2 John A. Macdonald C010144
11.3 Hugh John Macdonald PA025364
12.1 The British High Commissioners, 1871 C002422
12.2 Governor General John Young, First Baron of Lisgar PA025311
14.1 Mary Macdonald C051982
14.2 George Brown C009553
14.4 Grip cartoon—“A case of Riel distress” C008450
14.5 Etienne Cartier PA026378
15.1 Curling match on the St. Lawrence River C014152
16.1 Lucius Seth Huntington PA026638
16.3 Les Rochers—Rivière de Loup PA008869
17.1 Grip cartoon—“Whither are we drifting?” C013207
17.2 Grip cartoon—“The beauties of a Royal Commission” C008448
18.1 Alexander Mackenzie E010775600
18.2 Grip cartoon—“The Vacant Chair” C030057
18.3 Toronto, 1874 E010858589
19.1 Open-air meetings in Napanee, 1877 C021038
19.2 Wilfrid Laurier C001965
20.1 Grip cartoon—“Riding into Power” C013211
20.2 John A. Macdonald C021596
20.3 Mary Macdonald with child C051977
20.4 Agnes Macdonald PA025544
21.1 Queen Victoria PA013007
22.2 Charles Tupper PA026412
23.2 Railway builders laying tracks C021427
23.3 William Cornelius Van Horne PA182603
24.1 Grip cartoon—“Oliver asking for more” C078862
25.3 Riel’s wife C015468
25.4 Riel’s children PA139072
26.1 Edgar Dewdney PA025580
27.1 North-West Mounted Police with Indians C009570
27.2 Poundmaker C001875
27.3 Big Bear C001873
27.4 Crowfoot C001871
28.1 Father Alexis André C028538
29.1 Riel addressing the jury C001879
30.1 Honoré Mercier PA023361
30.2 The last spike C003693
30.3 The last spike telegram E000009485
31.1 Agnes Macdonald PA025530
31.2 The Macdonalds on the train C024832
31.3 Macdonald’s office at Earnscliffe C011480
31.4 Hugh John Macdonald with his second wife and son C051987
32.1 John Thompson PA027084
32.2 Annie Thompson C010107
33.1 Quebec Interprovincial Conference, October 1887 C011583
34.1 Political poster—“Old Flag, Old Policy, Old Leader” C006536
35.1 Doctor’s notice: Macdonald still alive C117546
35.2 Macdonald’s funeral train C007127
35.3 Macdonald’s funeral at Cataraqui Cemetery C000165
epl.1 Mary and Agnes Macdonald in mourning PA025745
McCord Museum of Canadian History
6.2 Sir Francis Hicks MP 1991126
8.5 Donald Smith I66959
13.1 Sir Hugh Allan, 1871 I-635411
13.2 Ravenscrag, Montreal, QC 4867
Royal BC Museum, BC Archives
25.1 The Beginning of better times E-07919