The Basics of Human Brain Anatomy
Breakthrough #1: Steering and the First Bilaterians
4: Associating, Predicting, and the Dawn of Learning
Breakthrough #2: Reinforcing and the First Vertebrates
6: The Evolution of Temporal Difference Learning
7: The Problems of Pattern Recognition
9: The First Model of the World
Breakthrough #3: Simulating and the First Mammals
11: Generative Models and the Neocortical Mystery
13: Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
14: The Secret to Dishwashing Robots
Breakthrough #4: Mentalizing and the First Primates
15: The Arms Race for Political Savvy
17: Monkey Hammers and Self-Driving Cars
18: Why Rats Can’t Go Grocery Shopping
Breakthrough #5: Speaking and the First Humans
19: The Search for Human Uniqueness
22: ChatGPT and the Window into the Mind
Conclusion: The Sixth Breakthrough