1. A Late Shang Divination Record
2. A Bronze Inscription of the Western Chou
3. The Book of Changes of the Chou People
4. An Early Commentary on the Classic of Changes
Philosophy, Thought, and Religion
5. Attributed to Kuan Chung, Kuan Tzu, “Duties of the Student”
6. Anonymous, Confucian Analects, Book 2
7. Meng K’o, Mencius, “Bull Mountain” and “Fish and Bear’s Paws”
8. Chuang Chou, Chuang Tzu, Chapter 17 and other passages
9. Attributed to Lao Tzu, The Classic Book of Integrity and the Way: Tao te ching
10. Attributed to Lieh Yü-k’ou, Lieh Tzu, “The Stupid Old Man Who Moved a Mountain”
11. Translated by Hsüan-tsang, Abhidharma-mahāvibhāṣā-śāstra, Chapter 99: “The Sins of Mahādeva”
12. Hsiao T’ung, Preface to Literary Selections
13. Hsieh Ho, Preface to Record of the Classification of Old Painters
14. Yen Yü, Ts’ang-lang’s Discussions of Poetry, “An Analysis of Poetry”
15. Yüan Hao-wen, “Poems on Poetry, No. 30”
16. Anonymous, Classic of Odes
18. Juan Chi, “Songs of My Soul”
19. Kuo P’u, “Poem on the Wandering Immortal”
20. T’ao Ch’ien “Poems After Drinking Wine” (No. 5)
“On Reading the Mountains and Seas Classic”
22. Shen Yüeh, “Harmonizing with a Poem by Left Assistant Yü Kao-chih Requesting Sick Leave”
“Listening to Gibbons at Rock-Pool Creek”
23. Wang Seng-ju, “Describing a Dream for Someone”
25. Hsiao Kang, “A Pheasant on His Morning Flight”
26. Brahmacārin Wang, [Untitled]
27. Lo Pin-wang, “On the Cicada: In Prison”
28. Ho Chih-chang, “Written Impromptu upon Returning to My Hometown”
29. Ch’en Tzu-ang, “Poems of Reflection on the Vicissitudes of Life”
30. Chang Chiu-ling, “Poems of Reflection on the Vicissitudes of Life”
31. Wang Chih-huan, “Climbing the Stork Pavilion”
32. Meng Hao-jan, “Seeking Out Master Chan on Incense Mountain”
33. Wang Ch’ang-ling, “Silent at Her Window”
34. Wang Wei, “Climbing Pien-chüeh Temple”
“Second Song for the Worship of the Goddess at Yü Mountain: ‘Bidding the Goddess Farewell”’
“Late Bloomer at the Front of My Garden”
“Drinking Alone in the Moonlight” (No. 1)
36. Ch’u Kuang-hsi, “The Streets of Ch’ang-an”
“Recruiting Officer of Shih-hao”
“At the Sky’s End, Thinking of Li Po”
38. Chang Chi, “Maple Bridge Night Mooring”
40. Ssu-k’ung Shu, “In Illness, Dismissing My Singing Girl”
41. Meng Chiao, “On Failing the Examination”
42. Han Yü, “The Girl of Mount Hua”
43. Hsüeh T’ao, “Listening to a Monk Play the Reed Pipes”
44. Liu Tsung-yüan, “River Snow”
45. Cold Mountain, [Untitled Poems]
46. Chia Tao, “Looking for a Recluse but Failing to Find Him”
47. Li Shen, “Pitying the Farmer”
48. Li Te-yü, “To Patriarch Sun at Hua-yang Grotto”
49. Li Ho, “At Ch’ang-ku, Reading: To Show to My Man Pa”
50. Autumn Maid Tu, “The Robe of Golden Thread”
51. Li Shang-yin, “Master Chia”
52. P’i Jih-hsiu, “Impromptu on a Hangover”
55. Wang An-shih, “Bald Mountain”
56. Su Shih, “When Yü-k’o Painted Bamboo”
“Reading the Poetry of Meng Chiao”
“Lament of the Farm Wife of Wu”
57. Huang T’ing-chien, “To Go with Shih K’o’s Painting of an Old Man Tasting Vinegar”
58. Yang Wan-li, “Watching a Village Festival”
“Songs of Depression” (two selections)
59. Lu Yu, “The Merchant’s Joy”
60. Wen T’ien-hsiang, “Chin-ling Post Station”
61. Chao Meng-fu, “To a Pyrotechnist”
63. Ni Tsan, “Inscribed on a Painting by Myself”
64. Hsü Pen, “Saying Goodbye to a Monk from Japan”
65. Kao Ch’i, “Written on Seeing the Flowers, and Remembering My Daughter”
“Silkworm Song of Torchlit Fields”
66. Yang Shih-ch’i, “Night Rain: A Wall Collapses”
67. Shen Chou, “The Taoist Huang Has Died of Alcoholism”
68. Yang Hsün-chi, “Inscribed on the Doors of My Bookshelves”
69. Chu Yün-ming, “A Fan from Korea”
70. Wang Chiu-ssu, “Ballad of Selling a Child”
71. Ho Ching-ming, “Ballad of the Government Granary Clerk”
73. Li K’ai-hsien, “A Parable”
75. Tsung Ch’en, “Song of Selling Flowers”
76. Mo Shih-lung, “Saying Good-bye to a Singing Girl Who Has Decided to Become a Nun”
77. T’ang Hsien-tsu, “Twenty-Two Quatrains on Receiving the Obituary Notice for My Son Shih-ch’ü”
78. Yüan Hung-tao, “The ‘Slowly, Slowly’ Poem”
“On Receiving My Letter of Termination”
79. Wu Chia-chi, “The Grain-Barge Wife”
80. Wu Li, “Singing of the Source of Holy Church”
81. Wang Shih-chen, “Medicine”
82. K’ang-hsi, “Lines in Praise of a Self-Chiming Clock”
83. Cheng Hsieh, “Song of Surfing on the Bore”
84. Yüan Mei, “On the Way to Pa-ling”
85. Attributed to Li Po, “A Suite in the Ch’ing-p’ing Mode”
86. Anonymous, Tune: “Magpie on the Branch”; a Lyric from Tun-huang
87. Liu Yü-hsi, Tune: “Memories of the South”; a Spring Lyric After Po Chü-yi
88. Wen T’ing-yün, Tune: “Deva-Like Barbarian”
89. Wei Chuang, Tune: “The Bodhisattva Foreigner”
90. Ou-yang Chiung, Tune: “Offering Congratulations to the Enlightened Reign”
91. Li Yü, Tune: “The Crow’s Nocturnal Cry”
Tune: “Memories of the South”; A Reminiscence
92. Liu Yung, Tune: “Bells Ringing in the Rain”; Sadness of Parting
93. Fan Chung-yen, Tune: “Sumuche Dancers”
94. Yen Shu, Tune: “Spring in the Jade House”
95. Ou-yang Hsiu, Tune: “Drunk in Fairyland”
96. Su Shih, Tune: “Partridge Sky”; Written While Banished to Huang-chou
Tune: “Fragrance Fills the Courtyard”
97. Huang T’ing-chien, Tune: “The Courtyard Full of Fragrance”; Tea
98. Ch’in Kuan, Tune: “Sand of Silk-Washing Brook”; A Spring Morning
Tune: “Perfumed Garden”; Bidding Adieu
99. Li Chih-yi, Tune: “The Diviner”
100. Chu Tun-ju, Tune: “Nien-nu Is Charming”
101. Li Ch’ing-chao, Tune: “Rouged Lips”; Naïveté
Tune: “Magnolia Flowers” (short version)
Tune: “Fisherman’s Pride”; A Dream
“A Long Melancholy Tune (Autumn Sorrow)”; Despair
Tune: “Spring at Wu Ling”; Spring Ends
Tune: “Pure Serene Music”; Rural Life
103. Wu Wen-ying, Tune: “Rouged Lips”; Rain Just Over on the Night of the Lantern Preview
104. Chang Yen, Tune: “Pure Serene Music”
106. Tu Shan-fu, Tune, “Shua Hai-erh”; Country Cousin at the Theater
107. Ma Chih-yüan, Tune: “Heaven-Cleansed Sands”; Autumn Thoughts
108. Chang Yang-hao, [Untitled]
109. Kuan Yün-shih, Tune: “Rapt with Wine, Loudly Singing—Joy in Spring’s coming”; My Love
110. Wang Ho-ch’ing, Tune: “Tsui-chung T’ien”; To the Giant Butterfly
Tune: “Po Pu-tuan”; Long-Haired Little Dog
Tune: “Po Pu-tuan”; Fat Couple
111. Anonymous, Tune: “San-fan Yü-lou Jen”
112. Yang Na, Tune: “Hung Hsiu-hsieh”; To a Flea
113. Anonymous, Tune: “Wu Yeh-erh”; Twitting the Teller of Tall Tales
114. Anonymous, In the Chung Mode, to the Tune of “P’u T’ien Lo”
116. Ali Hsiying, “Lazy Cloud’s Nest” 1 and 2
117. Yang Shen, Tune: “Moon Over West River”
118. Liu Shih, Tune: “Dreaming of Southland”; Thinking of Someone
120. Nara Singde, Tune: “As If in a Dream”
121. Wang Kuo-wei, Tune: “Sand of Silk-Washing Brook”
122. Attributed to Ch’ü Yüan, “Heavenly Questions”
124. Mei Ch’eng, “Seven Stimuli”
125. Ch’eng-kung Sui, “Rhapsody on Whistling”
126. T’ao Ch’ien, “The Return”
127. Su Shih, “Red Cliff Rhapsody”
Folk and Folklike Songs, Ballads, and Narrative Verse
128. Liu Pang, “Song of the Great Wind”
129. Ssu-ma Hsiang-ju, “Cock-Phoenix, Hen-Phoenix”
130. Anonymous, “Ground-Thumping Song”
132. Attributed to Hsi-chün, “Lost Horizon”
133. Anonymous, “Song of the Viet Boatman”
134. Anonymous, “Mulberry Up the Lane”
135. Anonymous, From the “Nineteen Old Poems”
“Green, Green Riverside Grass”
136. Anonymous, “They Fought South of the Wall”
138. Anonymous or attributed to Ts’ai Yung, “Watering Horses at a Long Wall Hole”
139. Ts’ao Ts’ao, “Song on Enduring the Cold”
141. Anonymous, “Midnight Songs”
142. Anonymous, “A Peacock Southeast Flew”
143. Pao Chao, “Magic Cinnabar”
144. Pao Ling-hui, “Added to a Letter Sent to a Traveler”
145. Anonymous, “The Ballad of Mulan”
146. Hulü Chin, “Song of the Tölös”
147. Anonymous, “Song of the Breaking of the Willow”
149. Po Chü-yi, “The Song of Lasting Regret”
150. Po Chü-yi and Yüan Chen, “Iranian Whirling Girls”
151. Anonymous, “Poem of Medicine Puns”
152. Yao Chen, “Ballad on the Investigation of a Disaster”
153. Li Mi-an, “The Half-and-Half Song”
154. Feng Meng-lung, “Mountain Songs”
155. Chiu Tsz-yung, “A Lament for Fortune’s Frailty”
156. Chin Ho, “Ballad of the Maiden of Lan-ling”
157. Anonymous, “The Great Announcement,” from the Classic of Documents
158. Wang Pao, “The Contract for a Youth”
160. Pan Ku, “The Passing of Kung Sheng,” from History of the Han
161. Yang Hsiung, Exemplary Sayings, Chapter 2
162. Pan Chao, Lessons for Women
163. Jen Fang, “Memorial of Indictment Against Liu Cheng”
165. Li Po, “Letter to Han Ching-chou”
166. Tsung Ch’en, “Letter in Reply to Liu Yi-chang”
167. Hsü Shen, Postface to Explanation of Simple and Compound Graphs
168. Wang Hsi-chih, Preface to Collected Poems from the Orchid Pavilion
169. Liu Tsung-yüan, Preface to the “Foolish Brook Poems”
170. Li Ch’ing-chao, Postface to a Catalog on a Collection of Bronze and Stone Inscriptions
Discourses, Essays, and Sketches
171. Hsi K’ang, “Discourse on Nourishing Life”
172. T’ao Ch’ien, “The Peach Blossom Spring”
173. Han Yü, An Explication of “Progress in Learning”
174. Ou-yang Hsiu, “The Three Zithers”
“A Record of the Pavilion of an Intoxicated Old Man”
175. Shen Kua, [“On a UFO”], from Brush Talks from Dream Brook
176. Chang Tai, “Liu Ching-t’ing the Storyteller”
“Professional Matchmakers,” from Dream Memories of West Lake
177. Wei Hsüeh-yi, “Account of a Peach-Stone Boat”
178. Lin Ssu-huan, “The Vocal Mimic”
179. Li Yü, “The Arts of Sleeping, Walking, Sitting, and Standing,” from The Arts of Living
180. Yüan Mei, “Thoughts upon Student Huang’s Borrowing of Books”
Travelogues and Scenic Descriptions
183. Fan Ch’eng-ta, “A Climb Up Mount Omei,” from Diary of a Boat Trip to Wu
184. Chou Mi, “Observing the Tidal Bore,” from Reminiscences of Wu-lin
185. Fan Sheng-chih, Fan Sheng-chih’s Book, Chapter 1: “Basic Principles of Farming”
186. Anonymous, “Miscellanies, Secret H,” A Fragment
187. Li Shang-yin, Li Shang-yin’ s Miscellany
188. Anonymous, Lay Student Notations from Tun-huang
189. Ch’ü Ching-ch’un, “That Which Is Mandated by Heaven Is Called Nature”
Biographies, Autobiographies, and Memoirs
191. Ch’en Shou, “The Biography of Hua-t’o,” from History of the Three Kingdoms
192. Yeh Meng-te, “Physicians Cannot Raise the Dead”
193. Lu Yü, “The Autobiography of Instructor Lu”
194. Liu Tsung-yüan, “Biography of the Child Ou Chi”
195. P’i Jih-hsiu, “Biography of a Girl Surnamed Chao”
196. Lu Jung, “The Biography of A-liu”
197. Hou Fang-Yü, “The Biography of Actor Ma”
Fictional and Fictionalized Biographies and Autobiographies
198. Han Yü, “The Biography of Fur Point”
199. Lu Kuei-meng, “Biography of the Vagrant of Rivers and Lakes”
Rhetorical Persuasions and Allegories
200. Compiled by Liu Hsiang, Intrigues of the Warring States
201. Liu Tsung-yüan, “The Donkey of Ch’ien”
202. Liu Yi-ch’ing, A New Account of Tales of the World
203. Attributed to Liu Hsiang, Biographies of Transcendents
204. Kan Pao, Preface to and Tales from Search for the Supernatural
205. P’u Sung-ling, Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio
206. Chi Yün, Sketches from the Cottage for the Contemplation of Subtleties
Classical-Language Short Stories
207. Yüan Chen, “The Story of Ying-ying”
208. Li Kung-tso, “An Account of the Governor of the Southern Branch”
209. Anonymous, “The Shrew: Sharp-Tongued Ts’ui-lien”
210. Feng Meng-lung, “The Canary Murders”
211. Attributed to Wu Ch’eng-en, The Journey to the West, Chapter 7
212. Anonymous, “Wu Sung Beats the Tiger,” from Water Margin, with Commentary by Chin Sheng-t’an
213. Ts’ao Hsüeh-ch’in, “A Burial Mound for Flowers,” from Dream of Red Towers
215. Tung Chieh-yuan, Master Tung’ s Western Chamber Romance, Chapter 2
216. Kuan Han-ch’ing, Injustice to Tou Ŏ
217. T’ang Hsien-tsu, The Peony Pavilion, Scene 7
218. Anonymous, “The Mortal Thoughts of a Nun,” from a Popular Drama
Principal Chinese Dynasties and Periods