1.1 Major GIS application areas
2.5 Spatial join of grocery stores with electoral ward data
2.6 Geographical layers considered in a GIS approach to shopping mall selection
2.7 Average distance from major demand points
2.8 Estimating potential demand and household income by shopping mall coverage area
3.2 Attribute data for a selection of Sheffield, UK, electoral wards
5.1 The HIPxChange Area Deprivation Index and toolkit
5.2 Poverty, wealth and place data sources and methods
5.3 US general purpose area-based geodemographic classifications available in 2012
5.4 UK general purpose area-based geodemographic classifications in 2012
5.5 Indicative data sets (by theme) used in the construction of Mosaic
6.1 Census of population small-area broad occupational groupings
6.2 Household groupings and income distributions used by Bramley and Smart
6.4 Variable descriptions for Table 6.3
6.5 A hypothetical small-area statistical data set for two areas
6.6 A simple example of the microsimulation procedure for the modelling of migration and survival
6.7 Living standards of very poor households
6.8 Simulating the lives of individuals and households at small-area levels
6.9 Measuring subjective well-being in the BHPS
8.1 Drivers of retail attractiveness in different retail markets
10.1 Some key concepts and terminology
10.2 Some of the more common types of data required for GIS use in emergency planning
10.3 Useful GIS techniques and methods
12.1 Characteristic residentially based intra urban personal movements
12.2 Tyne and Wear LTP: public transport access thresholds from the LTP
13.1 Population characteristics, Washington, DC, 2010
13.2 Demographic characteristics of population with access to parks
13.3 Demographic characteristics of population exposed to hazards