
Note: Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.

abbeys  288, 291, 306314, 317319, 329, 339, 340
Absolut Vodka advertisements  20, 404406
abstraction  215, 264, 362, 397
actresses: carte-de-visite portraits of  19, 214, 218, 232, 237, 250258, 260; painted portraits of  248250; reputation and  250, 253, 255256, 265
Adam, Ian  131n89
Adam Bede (Eliot)  88, 89, 128136; realist manifesto in  18, 85, 129, 133, 136, 146; visual modes in  128; working-class representation in  128129, 132, 136
Adams, Edward  179, 180, 181, 185
Addison, Joseph  49
Adorno, Theodor W.  10, 11, 16, 210
advertising: aesthetics of  352353; decadence and  386389; dreamworlds of  352, 353, 389393; in film  416; Freudian psychological theories applied to  391; as magic system  353; Pop art and  4026. See also art posters; billposting; posters
Aesthetic movement  348, 376378, 385, 390
aesthetics: commodities and  386389; eighteenth-century  288, 289292, 298, 309; Kantian  10, 16, 353; mass culture and  10, 1314, 16; modes  9; subjectivity and  299301, 313, 332; theorization through cultural studies  78; Victorian new media and  3, 5. See also minor aesthetics; specific authors, categories, keywords, and media
Afghanistan, war in (2007)  138139
Africanized exoticism  374, 375
Africa  375, 376
Afro-Britons: caricatures of  23, 39; carte-de-visite portraits of  218, 265268; racism against  70
Ainsworth, W. H.: Jack Sheppard  59n74, 77n99
Albert, Prince  261, 262
Alpers, Svetlana  6, 9596
alterity: British Jews and  197198, 200201; Celts and  200; Christianity and  144, 172173; ethnographic photographs and  215; exoticism and  376377; imperialism and  339340; modernity and  346; nationalism and  211; picturesque and  339340; stereotyping and  23; Victorian visual culture and  1213n32
Altick, Richard D.  33n22, 41n32, 66n87, 100n37, 148149, 157n41, 158, 222n14, 276n136, 297n26, 319, 323n72
American Civil War: British coverage of  264; photography  116117
American stereoviews  283, 331335
amputees, depiction of  87, 119120, 121, 122124, 123, 138
Anderson, Benedict  95, 167
Anderson, Patricia  9n21, 21n1, 80n108
Andres, Sophia  237n51, 239240n58
Andrews, Malcolm  292n19, 297n25
animated cartoons  72, 8283
“Anonyma.”  See Walters, Catherine
antinomianism  31, 37, 66
anti-Semitism  23, 3940, 197198, 211. See also Jews
apocalyptic style  174177, 181, 211212
aquatint technology  296
archaeology in Middle East  147, 165168, 171, 212, 331
aristocracy, portrayals of: caricatures  4146, 62, 6566, 72; during Crimean War  87, 113, 120, 122, 130; decadent   350, 388
Armstrong, Carol  288n11
Armstrong, Isobel  285n4
Armstrong, Nancy  11n25, 88n13, 215n3, 268
Arnold, Matthew  199, 200
Aronofsky, Darren  211212
“art for art’s sake“ movement  348, 353, 369, 378, 385. See also Aesthetic movement
art history  67, 143, 174177, 228, 284286, 345
Art Journal, The 192, 275, 339n95
art posters  20, 347406; aesthetic sensibility of  347; by Beardsley  349, 370371, 373, 379380, 393, 395; beginnings of  361364; as collectible art objects  369, 379; controversy over  364, 367; critics of  351, 370; as decadent symbol  379385; insincerity and  367; lack of clear message in  377378; London Aquarium exhibition  398; mysteriousness of  378379, 391393, 396; as new kind of advertisement  347, 359; paintings converted to  347, 359; participation in consumerism  352353; as philosophical symbol  381382; Pop art and  402406; for promotion of luxury commodities  396397; surrealism in  389393, 396; as visual emblem of modernity  350351
Assyrian sculpture and design  165168, 166, 167, 169, 170
Athenaeum 192, 203, 206, 339n95, 361
Atlantic Monthly 302
Auerbach, Erich  112, 119, 132
aura (Benjaminian)  133134, 142147, 204207, 246248
Austen, Jane  23
authenticity effect  18, 85, 102111, 130131, 134, 138
avant-garde: commodity culture and  20, 349, 350, 403404; culture war over  376378; decadence and  347; illustrated books’ influence on  208; kitsch and  10, 353. See also specific movements
Avatar (film)  19, 345346
bachelors  24, 4546, 6166, 7071
Bakhtin, Mikhail  30, 33, 36, 37
Ball, Lucille  81
Balzac, Honoré  86n4, 119; Comédie Humaine 55
Barker, Thomas  106
Barnes, John  407n1, 416n21
Barratt, Thomas  359
Barrell, John  329
Barrett, Jerry  126n81
Barringer, Tim  6n15, 89n15, 107109, 335n89
Barthes, Roland  5, 7, 96, 119, 263, 269, 398399
Bar-Yosef, Eitan  171172
Basquiat, Jean-Michel  342
Batchen, Geoffrey  215216, 228, 244, 261, 273n132, 297299, 300, 323n72, 343, 346n108
Batoni, Pompeo  246247, 248
battlefields  85, 91, 102103, 104, 115118, 130n86, 135, 138139
Baudelaire, Charles  348; decadent style of  384; modernity defined by  112, 116; “The Painter of Modern Life,”  45, 15, 9192, 113n57, 270, 305306, 367; Warhol and  403, 404
Baudrillard, Jean  14, 208209, 210, 403
Beal, Timothy  209, 210
Bear, Jordan  342n98
Beardsley, Aubrey  20, 370379, 404; “The Art of the Hoarding,”  380381; art posters by  349, 367, 370, 371, 37380, 393, 395; illustrations by  349; parodies of  374376 prospectus for The Yellow Book  393, 395; theatricality of works  397; as Yellow Book editor  348, 370
Beau, Adolphe  261n93
Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin: The Marriage of Figaro 66
Bedford, Francis  315317
Beegan, Gerry  179n86, 411n12
Beerbohm, Max  370371
Beggarstaff Brothers  392, 393, 396, 399, 402
Bellini, Vincenzo: La Sonnambula 253, 255
Bell’s Comic Annual 412
Bell’s Life in London and Sporting Chronicle 2829, 29, 3841, 39, 40, 4546, 52, 56, 74, 76, 77, 79
Benjamin, Walter  7, 14, 326n74; The Arcades Project 12, 93, 152, 270, 276, 352, 363364; aura phenomenon and  147; description of Victorian parlor  12; on the flâneur  58; on the phantasmagoria  9293; “Short History of Photography,”  228, 269270
Benwell, Joseph Austin  125
Bermingham, Ann  328
Bernays, Edward Louis  391
Bernhardt, Sarah  265n112
Bewick, Thomas: History of British Birds  150n20
Bibles  15364; as commodity  145, 153154, 155157; Family  154155; production and circulation of  148150, 173; serialization of  154155. See also illustrated Bibles
biblical typology  146n8, 196
billposting  354355, 356357, 367
binocularity  284, 286, 287
Biograph  410, 416
Bishop, Elizabeth: “Over 2,000 Illustrations and a Complete Concordance”  208
Blackwood’s  9495
Blade Runner (film)  299
Blondin (tightrope-walker)  222, 261n95
Blue Books  133
Bodley Head Press  377n65, 389
Bohrer, Frederick N.  170
Boime, Albert  177n81
Bolter, Jay David  1314, 92, 344345
Bonetta, Sarah Forbes  218, 265268, 267
Bonomi, Joseph  337
Bontecou, Reed  123, 123
Boucicault, Dion: The Colleen Bawn  222, 256; The Octoroon  221, 264
Bourdieu, Pierre  55
bourgeois individualism  33, 81
Bourget, Paul  384
Boxiana  44
boxing/pugilism  44, 46, 52
Boyarin, Jonathan  198
Boydell, John: “Shakespeare Gallery,”  152153
Braddon, M. E.  277; Aurora Floyd  237238; Lady Audley’s Secret  19, 218, 221, 222, 236237, 244n62, 264, 265, 273; The Octoroon; or, the Lily of Louisiana  264; Rupert Godwin  265
Brady, Mathew  116117
Brémont, Anna de  407
Brewster, David  189n111, 284
Briefel, Aviva  14n37
Briggs, Jo  6n15, 56, 58
Brighton Herald  267
British and Foreign Bible Society  154
British empire: attitudes toward Palestine  171172; British painters in India  329; decadent exoticism and  376377; Egypt and  339340; imperialist projects and possessions  172173, 180181, 204, 212213; landscape art and  331; modernity and  3; production of new visual media driven by  8; slavery abolished in  26. See also Crimean War
British Museum  165167
Britton, John: The Beauties of England and Wales  330
Broglio, Ron  345n106
Browne, Hablot “Phiz,”  21, 59, 6265, 64, 6870, 69, 151
“Bubbles” advertisement  347, 358, 358360
Buchloh, Benjamin  403
Buckley, Matthew  59n74
Buck-Morss, Susan  32627n74
Buerger, Janet  323n72
Burgin, Victor  299n32
Burke, Edmund: A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful  299300
Burne-Jones, Edward  147n11, 201n134, 390, 391
Burris, John P.  155n33
Buszek, Maria Elena  237n50
Buzard, James  135n94
Byerly, Alison  13n34, 52n58
Calinescu, Matei  385n82, 386, 388n87
Calloway, Stephen  394n105
camera obscura  19, 283, 286, 295296, 297
Cameron, James  345346
Camlot, Jason  13n33
camp  272273
Campbell, Colin  311n49, 389n90
Cantor, Geoffrey  155n33
capitalism: amorality of  384385; “business art business” and  403406; culture industry and  10; decadence and  347, 351353; individuality and  353, 384; late  209210; marketing celebrity  215, 245; rise of middle class and  112, 228; standardization and  222; temporality and  257
caricatures: as aesthetic strategy  2223; of clerks  4950, 50, 81; of cockneys  24, 4148, 49, 56, 5859, 81; common themes of  60; cost of  10, 21; of everymen  25, 2829, 37; French  3536; of gents  49, 5658, 57, 81; Golden Age of  22, 25n12; of idlers  49, 56, 58; of Jews  23, 39, 40, 19798; late eighteenth-century  22; as minor aesthetics  8182; personhood and  2126; of Pickwick characters  74; Pickwick spin-offs  7379; political  2633; as politicized version of character  21; popularity of  22; in Punch 3338; violence and  17, 23, 2425, 26, 35, 38, 45, 50, 62, 65, 7172; visual typing in  2324, 39, 4860; of working-class laborers  5960
Carlyle, Jane  245
Carlyle, Thomas  4, 59, 383; On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History  70; Past and Present  354
carnivalesque  17, 24, 2930, 3336, 38, 81
Carpenter, Mary Wilson  146n8, 155n36, 173n69, 179n88
carte-de-visite portraits, 226, 227, 235, 238, 255, 255, 256, 263; of actresses and opera singers   250258, 260; of Afro-Britons  218, 265268; afterlives of  273, 278; “Beauties of England” series  246, 257, 268, 271; celebrity and  10, 19, 214, 215, 218, 228236, 244, 245, 272; conventional and extraordinary combined in  222; cost of  226; exceptionalism and  243244; fashion and  271; innovations of  217; mass marketing of  19, 217, 226; photographic time and  269273; pornography and  233234; of Queen Victoria  260263; self-portraiture  228; sensation phenomenon and  8, 16, 19, 214216; social class and   214215, 218, 223224, 227228, 230232, 245; theatricality of  272273; viewed in photography shop windows  230231; women as patrons and sitters  238, 260, 271272, 273
Carter, Karen L.  382n77
cartomania craze  214, 222, 226, 228231, 260, 273
Cassell, John  150, 154155, 157158, 173174
Cassell’s Illustrated Family Bible 146147, 155164, 187; Assyrian-influenced illustrations  165168, 167, 167, 169, 194195; collage-like layout of  159164, 163, 173; Doré illustrations in  175n77; engravings for  158; frontispiece  159161, 161; heterogeneity of  159; Jews portrayed in  198; parts wrappers for  155, 157; popularity of  15859; reviews of  165
castles  306314, 315317, 339, 382383, 416
cathedrals  19, 152, 178, 288, 314, 318322, 324, 325, 327328, 335, 382383
Catholicism: book illustration and  152; British architectural remnants of  288, 306314, 318322, 327; Doré and  174; iconophilia of  152, 174; neo-Catholic movements  145, 187. See also abbeys; cathedrals
celebrity: in 1860s  19, 218, 222, 245; actresses and  250258; ascribed vs. achieved  258, 263; carte-de-visite portraits and  10, 19, 214, 215, 218, 228236, 244, 272, 275276; dialectics of  217; “Girl of the Period,”  232239; monarchs and  258, 260264; race and  264268; today’s  281
Chanan, Michael  408
Chaplin, Charlie  414
Chapman, Jake and Dinos  278279
character  3, 17, 2183; caricature as politicized version of  21; deep  221, 236; “great man” theory of  17, 21, 2425, 33, 70, 81; psychological  21, 23n8; surface  22, 23, 55, 56, 71, 7677; traditional notions of  9; type  23, 2425, 28, 30, 39, 47, 4860, 61, 66, 6872, 74, 76, 79, 81; visual qualities of  23, 4142
character sketches  22, 24, 25n12, 41n33; caricatures as subset of  5253, 55, 56; by Dickens  4647, 79; typology and  5556
charivari  36, 3738
Charivari, Le (French caricature magazine)  3536
Charney, Leo  13n34, 353n16, 382n79, 383n81, 411n9
Chartism  21, 81, 128
Chase, Malcolm  81n110
Chéret, Jules  350, 387n86; color lithographs of  364, 366, 367, 384; Huysmans’s essay on  350, 381
Cheyette, Bryan  198199, 205
chiaroscuro  174, 180, 181182
children’s books, illustrated  9, 208
Chittick, Kathryn  79
chromolithographs (color lithography)  347, 349, 356, 364
chronophotography  410
cinema: ca. 1896  20, 407417; context of early  20, 410; Doré’s influence on  146, 181182, 212; sequential visual storytelling and  412, 414; stilled images and   408410
“cinema of attractions,”  408
cinematograph  382, 407
circuses  222, 381, 393, 398399
Clark, Anna  45
Clasewitz, Carl von: On War  141n107
classical body  30
Claude glass  19, 283, 292, 295
Clayton, Jay  13n33
Cleave, J.  74
clerks, caricatures of  49, 50, 81
cliché (printing process)  24
Cobbett, William  61n79
cockneys  17; caricatures of  24, 4148, 49, 56, 81; Dickens character sketches of  4647; Dickens’s Pickwick Papers and  6166, 74; in early films  414; lack of female counterpart to  48; longevity of character type  68, 7577; Sam Weller character  60; social identity of  44, 45, 65n82; social transformation in Britain and  5859
Cohen, Jane R.  61
Cohen, Richard I.  201
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor  298
Colligan, Colette  13n34, 346n109
Collins, Jeffrey  201
Collins, Wilkie: The Moonstone 256n56. See also Woman in White, The
comics and cartoons  3, 17, 22, 24, 38, 46, 52, 82, 412. See also caricatures; “Galleries of Comicalities”
commedia dell’arte 33, 66, 72, 393, 397398, 399
commodity culture  11; Aesthetic movement and  348, 377378; carte-de-visite portraits and  228, 245, 273; Collins’s The Woman in White and  219, 241; decadence and  348, 350, 38689; embodiment in  16; fashion and  255, 256, 272, 273; “Girl of the Period” and  236, 238; hucksterism and  355; illustrated Bibles in  145, 150, 153154, 155, 157, 210; luxury goods  396397; obsolescence and  257; picturesque and  309314; pleasure and  12; religious illustration and  152153; sensation and  219; stereoscopes and  284, 289; Warhol and  20, 403405
Constable, Liz  352n12
consumerism  11; 1880s expansion of  347; decadence and  351, 383, 386389; dreamworlds of  352353, 353, 358; posters as emblem for  364. See also commodity culture
conventions, in war reporting  85, 89, 92, 118128
Conwy Castle  315317, 317, 416, 416
Cooke, Simon  144n2, 189n110
Copley, Stephen  297n24
copyright laws  73, 79, 359
Cornhill Magazine 185, 188, 192
Cowling, Mary  52n49
courtesans  222, 232236, 253. See also prostitution
Crary, Jonathan  11, 16, 19, 281, 286288, 298, 299, 300, 343
Cries of London 49
Crimean War: Battle of Inkerman  103, 104, 139; British government’s mishandling of  85, 86, 87, 113; causes of  87; “Charge of the Light Brigade,”  87, 101102; class issues  113, 122, 127128, 136; conventional types in reporting on  118128; epic forms and  9495; multiethnic nature of  10910; nurses and nursing during  124127; published landscapes and maps for  9698, 97, 98, 99, 100102, 101; Queen Victoria and  126, 126127; siege of Sebastopol  9697, 97, 98; soldier amputees   11920, 121, 122124, 123; trench life  113; “Valley of Death,”  18, 87, 100102, 101; visual journalism during  13n32, 1718, 85, 91, 137, 139140; war death imagery  115117; war reporters and special artists during  17, 87, 9192, 102111, 130n86, 139140
Crimp, Douglas  6n14
cross-dressing  66, 399
Crow, Thomas  349n4
Cruikshank, George  21, 24, 2728, 59; book illustrations of  77n99; “Commentary on the ‘New Police Act’ (No.  2)”, 31, 32,33; illustrations for Bell’s Life  46; illustrations for Life in London  4148, 6465; illustrations for Oliver Twist  197, 207; illustrations for Uncle Tom’s Cabin  158; “Nobody Made Fun of,”  31, 31; Phrenological Illustrations  2728, 27; piracy of his works  46, 79; Scraps and Sketches  77
Cruikshank, Isaac  22
Cruikshank, Robert  24; Life in London illustrations  4148, 42; Pickwick Gazette illustrations  74
Crystal Palace.  See Great Exhibition (Crystal Palace)
Csillag, Rosa  251252, 252
cultural studies  4, 56, 7. See also specific topics
Cundall, Joseph  119
Curtis, Gerard  61
Cvetkovich, Ann  224n19, 240n57
cyborgs  277278, 343, 346
Daguerre, Louis J. M.: dioramas of  319320; The Ruins of Holyrood Chapel  319, daguerreotypes  217, 225, 225, 269, 322, 325
Daily Telegraph  230231
Daly, Nicholas  215n2, 224n22, 416n21, 417n22
Dalziel Brothers  150, 185
Dalziels’ Bible Gallery  147n11, 150, 152, 199
Dames, Nicholas  215n2
dandyism, decadence and  38789, 403; female  235
Dante Alighieri: The Divine Comedy  4n8, 174
Darrah, William C.  214n1, 225, 231, 247n72, 290n14, 322n67, 335
Dart, Gregory  44, 45, 65n82
Darwinism  145, 186
Daston, Lorraine  96, 304
Daumier, Honoré  36, 36n25
Davies, James  267
Davis, Alan  323n70
Davis, Melody D.  285286n6
Davis, Tracy C.  252253
decadence  3; art posters and  20, 347406; commodities and  386389; disease and  374375, 381; double-voiced discourse of  351352, 375376, 380, 382, 389; etymology of  351; feminist critiques of  379; French beginnings of  8; Frenchness and  367; immorality and  348, 367, 380, 385; insincerity and  367; investments in high culture  349350; irony and  387n86, 388, 392, 402406; as literary phenomenon  347348; material excess and  9, 387; philosophy of  347, 381385; theatricality and  396402; visual cultures of  347353, 374375
deconstructionism  352
Defoe, Daniel: Robinson Crusoe  113n58
Delane, Thomas  123n78
Dellamora, Richard  198, 199, 349
DeMille, Cecil B.  181182, 184, 208
democratization: art posters and  369; caricature and  50; carte-de-visite portraits and  19, 218, 226, 231232, 240, 244; Queen Victoria and  261; Reform Act of 1832 and  2122; sensation’s dialectic and  281; war reporting and  86n7
Denisoff, Dennis  240n58, 352n12
depth illusion  341, 345; amplification of  292; poetry and  312313; repoussoir device and  290291; Ruskin’s ornaments  325; stereoscopes and  1, 284, 285, 291, 292, 300, 301, 314, 338, 341, 345; waterfalls and  332333
De Quincey, Thomas  208
descriptive effect  18, 85, 95102
Dickens, Charles  133; Bleak House  186187, 257, 304; caricature and  25n12, 6061; character sketches by  2425; enfranchisement of  44; Household Words  354; innovations in serialization  60; Millais painting attacked by  187; Oliver Twist  12n32, 48, 59, 60, 77n99, 79, 109, 197; Phiz’s covers for serials by  151; The Pickwick Papers  6872; politics of  6162n79; as reporter  71; Sketches by Boz  4647, 52, 58, 60, 61, 79. See also Pickwick Papers, The
Dioramas  93, 221, 319320, 322, 325, 330, 345
disasters, representation of  174177, 211
Disdéri, André A.-E.  226, 245n64, 271
Disneyland and Disney World  208, 209, 210
Disraeli, Benjamin  205
documentary filmmaking  139140, 414415
Dolin, Tim  222, 240n58
Donne, John  148
Doré Gallery  173, 182n94, 210
Doré, Gustave  143; Bible illustrations by  16, 18, 147, 152, 155, 172n65, 173185, 181, 183, 194195, 204, 208, 210211, 212; cinema influenced by  146, 181182; English and American popularity of  8, 173, 174, 210211; the grotesque and  178179; illustrations for Cassell firm  159n44, 174; liberal epic and  179181; London: A Pilgrimage 178n82; Martin and  174177, 179; sensuality and violence in illustrations of  16, 174, 178181
Dorré, Gina M.  239n53
Dougan, Lucy  240n58
Douglas, Mary  30, 277
Dowling, Linda C.  349n3
dreamscapes  378379, 390391
Duranty, Louis  88
Durkheim, Emile: Elementary Forms of the Religious Life 145
Dutch painting  6, 89, 9596, 132, 133134, 135
Eagleton, Terry  119
Eastlake, Elizabeth  277
Eclectic Review  176n79, 176, 179n83
Edwards, Steve  227n25
Egan, Pierce: Life in London 24, 4148, 42, 58, 6465, 68, 72n91, 7576
Egypt, stereoviews of  331, 335340, 337
Eidophusikon  296
Eldon, Lord  66
Eliot, George  199; British realism and  88; Daniel Deronda  204206, 265; involvement in periodical culture  133; The Mill on the Floss 137; “The Natural History of German Life,”  134135; visual models for literary realism  89. See also Adam Bede
Elliott, Bridget  375n63, 398n111
embodiment  1516, 19; in Christianity  145146, 174, 186195; human visuality  302; photography and  263264, 281282; picturesque and  19; sensation and  215, 281282; stereoscope and  299301, 332, 334335
Emin, Tracey  278; “Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963–1995,”  281
Enchanted Drawing, The (film)  412
Enclosure Acts  328329
enfranchisement: debate over  48; of Dickens  44; of working/lower-middle class  2122, 26, 217, 224, 231, 243
England, William  332,
ephemera  3, 5, 6, 16, 98, 270, 282, 356. See also specific topics
ephemerality, decadence and  350, 382, 385
epic.  See liberal epic
epic mode  9394
eroticism  238239, 241, 371, 373, 375, 376377, 381, 390, 393
Eskilson, Stephen J.  361n40
ethnography  106109, 134135, 165, 186
eugenics  23
Evans, Jessica  5
Every Body’s Album & Caricature Magazine 30
“Everybody” (stock caricature character)  30
everyday life: anachronistic Bible illustrations and  145, 171, 189, 192; media culture in  3; realist novels and  132, 133, 135; reality effect and  18, 85, 89, 94, 112118, 119, 120, 138; religion in  145; satires and caricatures of  36n25, 67, 72; sensation novels and  221222; social class and  224, 281
exceptionalism (concept of)  217, 218, 239, 243244, 268
Ex Machina (film)  277
extraordinary (concept of the)  217, 218, 243244
eyesight and optics, studies of  284, 286288, 305306
eyewitness accounts  85, 91, 102111
Facebook  14, 19, 281, 344
Factory Act of 1833  26
Fairburn, J.  74
fairgrounds  20, 408
Farina, Jonathan  4243n35
Farr, Florence  371
fashion: celebrity and  218, 255, 256, 257, 273; “Girl of the Period” and  232233, 235, 236; historicity and  271272
Favret, Mary A.  130n86
Feltes, N. N.  62n80, 66n86
female criminals: carte-de-visite portraits of  214, 218, 232, 273274; contemporary portrait of  278, 280, 281
female display: 1860s celebrities  222, 232239;
actresses and  250252; carte-de-visite portraits and  19, 214215, 218, 232, 263264, 277; Collins’s The Woman in White and  241; “fast” women and  237238, 265; gender role nonconformity and  243, 244, 252253, 281; “Girl of the Period” and  234236; slavery and  219, 221. See also women
Fenton, Roger: as controversial figure  102, 107n46; Crimean War photographs  100102, 112113, 136; photographic van of  106, 108; self-portrait in Zouave costume  110111, 112
Field, John  153154
Fielding, Henry  23n6; Joseph Andrews  55n64
Figaro, Le (French newspaper)  68
Figaro (opera character)  6667, 71, 72
Figaro in London  6668, 67, 68
Figes, Orlando  86n5
“flash” characters  4148, 7071
flatness as visual aesthetic  348, 370, 371, 373, 397, 402
Flaubert, Gustave: Un Coeur Simple  96; Madame Bovary  88
Fletcher, Pamela  6n15
Flint, Kate  7n17, 88n14
Flood, representations of the  163, 178, 211212
Fog of War, The (Morris film)  140
folk traditions  3031, 3334, 36, 38, 40
Forbes, Frederick  267
foreign correspondents  91, 102111. See also war reporters; special artists
fossils, ruined buildings as  288, 306, 326n74, 327
Foucault, Michel  1011, 139, 147, 161164, 286, 298
Fox, Celina  66
Fox Talbot, Henry  217, 303; The Pencil of Nature  297
fragment, aesthetic of the  168, 170171, 252
Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper  117118
Franklin, John: “The Lost Sheep,”  189, 191
Fraser’s Magazine 85n4
French Impressionists  286
French Revolution  6668
Freud, Sigmund  391
Frith, Francis  290n15, 311n50; Bible illustrated with photographs by  207; photographic series of English locations  340341; photographs by  317, 317, 358; stereoviews of Egypt  335340, 337, Frith, W. P.: on “artistic advertising,”  370n52;
A Private View at the Royal Academy, 1881 280281
Frow, John  23, 55, 60n75, 345n104
Fulford, Tim  309
Fuller, Loïe  415416
Furneaux, Holly  125n80
Gagnier, Reginia  351n10, 404n119
Gainsborough, Thomas: “Artist with a Claude Glass,”  295
Galison, Peter  96, 304
Gallagher, Catherine  23n5, 55n64, 206n146
“Galleries of Comicalities,”  10, 17, 22, 24, 2829, 29, 3841, 40, 46, 52, 74, 76, 77, 79
Galperin, William H.  320n62, 323n72
Galpin, Thomas Dixon  159n44
Garcha, Amanpal  5253
Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book of the War  117
Gaskell, Elizabeth  129n85, 133
Gastineau, Henry: “Tintern Abbey” engraving  291, 292
gents, caricatures of  49, 5658, 57,81
George, M. Dorothy  22n2, 25n12
George IV, king,  28n17, 43, 44
Gernsheim, Helmut and Alison  228n26, 319, 323n72, 333n84
Gérôme, Jean-Léon: The Snake Charmer 338
Gervais, Thierry  92n23
Gibbon, Edward  179
Gibson, Mel  212, 213
Giebelhausen, Michaela  156n38, 188n106, 188n109
gift books and annuals  149, 153, 185186
Gillray, James  22, 25n12, 41n33
Gilman, Richard  351
Gilpin, William: Observations on the River Wye …   296, 329; Three Essays  290, 297, 311
“Girl of the Period, The,”  218, 232239, 243, 264, 265
Gitelman, Lisa  3n5
global picturesque  329340
Godeau, Abigail Solomon  299n32
Goldman, Paul  144n2, 150n17, 151n23, 186n97, 189n110
Gombrich, E. H.  26n15, 118
Goodman, Kevis  92n24
Good Words  185, 188189, 201
Gopnik, Adam  382n79, 383n81
Gordon, General Charles George  181
Gothic cathedrals and abbeys: ruins  13, 288, 306, 308, 314, 318322, 339; stereoviews of  19, 288, 306309, 313, 314318
Grandville, Jean-Jacques  36, 352
Grant, C. J.  30, 61n79
graphic artists  20, 349, 361364, 370371, 403406. See also specific names
graphic design  349, 374, 389393, 402
Graver, Bruce  288n12, 310n45
Great Exhibition (Crystal Palace)  130, 154, 158, 161, 170, 170171, 208, 284, 330331
Greenberg, Clement  10, 210, 353
Green-Lewis, Jennifer  11n25, 88n13, 325326n74
Grego, Joseph  73, 74n98
Griffith, D. W.  181, 183
Grigsby, Darcy Grimaldo  336n90
grotesque: as caricature attribute  17, 21, 24, 26, 33, 8283; carnivalesque elements  2931; in Doré illustrations  178179; in political caricatures  2633; political instability and  81; working-class laborers and  5960
Groth, Helen  116117n67, 310311n52
Grusin, Richard  1314, 92, 344345
Gunning, Tom  2, 408, 411n10, 416n2223
Guthrie, Thomas: “The Parables Read in the Light of the Present Day,”  189
Guys, Constantin  45, 91, 305
Hacking, Juliet  232, 238, 252n80, 258, 260, 262n103
Hall, Stuart  5, 12n31
Halliwell, Stephen  85n3
Hamerton, Philip G.  174n73, 179n83
haptic realism: 3-D films and, 346; landscape painting and  301; photography and  297299; sensation and  216, 219, 264; stereoscopy and  304; Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey” and  313
Haraway, Donna  279n149
Hardy, Dudley: “Gaiety Girl” advertisement  364, 389, 396
Haring, Keith  404
Harper’s Magazine  392
Harper’s Weekly (illustrated newspaper)  117118
Harvey, Marcus: Myra  278, 280, 281
Hassall, John: “Little Red Riding Hood” pantomime poster  399, 401, 402
Hazlitt, William  82
Hearn, Alison  229n28, 261n96
Heidegger, Martin  34, 144
Helmreich, Anne  6n15
Her (film)  277
Herbert, Stephen  15n39, 285n4, 297n27, 407n2
heterotopias  147, 161173, 208210
Hewitt, John  359n38
Hiatt, Charles  374
high culture  8, 10, 16, 80, 152154, 172, 217, 245249, 250, 276, 349350, 380
Higher Criticism  145, 146, 164
Hilarious Posters, The (film)  412, 414
Hill, David Octavius  269
Hill, Jason  92n23
Hindley, Myra  278, 280, 281
hipsterism  350
Hirst, Damien  278
history paintings  9394, 95, 9798, 106
Hodges, William  330n79
Hogarth, William  61n76; Harlot’s Progress  412
Holloway, Steven  155n31, 165, 167n61, 168
Hollywood biblical epics  18, 181182
Hollywood special effects  345
Holman Hunt, William  147n11, 156n38, 191; The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple  187
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr.  8, 263, 300306, 306, 331, 335, 337, 341
Holy Land as depicted in illustrated Bibles  147, 161162, 331
Holy Land Experience theme park  147, 209210, 212
Holyrood Chapel  319320, 321
Homans, Margaret  261
Hone, William  61n79, 62n79
Hood, Thomas: “The Song of the Shirt,”  36, 37
Horkheimer, Max  10, 16
horse-riding and -taming  222, 233, 236, 237238
Howitt, William and Mary: Ruined Abbeys and Castles of Great Britain and Ireland  310, 317318
Howlett, Robert  119
Hughes, Robert  342
Huhtamo, Erkki  13n35, 410n7
Hunt, Leigh  49n54
hunting  45, 46, 62, 63
Huysmans, Joris-Karl  20, 350; À Rebours 348, 349, 385, 386; “Chéret,”  350, 381; Talmeyr and  381382
Huyssen, Andreas  276
hybridity  150, 217, 258
Hyde, George: “A Poster,”  378
idlers, caricatures of  49, 56, 58
illustrated Bibles  1, 2, 8, 18; archaeological discoveries and  16568, 331; Cassell’s 146147, 155164, 173, 175n77, 194195; as commodities  210, 229; Dalziels’ Bible Gallery  147n11, 150, 152, 199; Doré illustrations  16, 147, 152, 155, 172n65, 173185, 176, 183, 194195, 204, 208, 210211, 212; family register page  155, 157, 178, 229; heterogeneity of  144; Hunt influenced by  188n106; The Jewish Family Bible  204; Jews portrayed in  145, 147, 168, 196207; Millais illustrations  18, 147, 171, 185195; orientalism and  144, 165168, 172, 194195, 212; as palimpsest  159161, 212; Passion Plays and  414; Pictorial Bible 155; reviewers of  155157; scale shifts in  179180; variety of price points for  910; Victorian popularity of  143147, 207208, 283; virtual projection and  13n32
illustrated books  18; Beardsley illustrations  349; mass production of  178; Victorian popularity of  1, 142143, 150153, 208. See also illustrated Bibles
Illustrated Exhibitor, The  158
Illustrated London News  47, 80; advertisements in  358, 359; audience for  81; Crimean War coverage  84, 86, 9092, 96105, 106, 112118, 120127, 138; founding of  84, 148, 151; Millais’s illustrations in  185; price of  10
illustrated newspapers and magazines  1, 8; advertisments in  356, 358, 407408; caricatures in  10, 21, 22, 24, 3338, 6668; Eliot’s Adam Bede and  128, 130131; Millais’s illustrations in  185, 188189; popularity of  47, 151152; reading experience of  9095; realism as aesthetic practice in  84; war reporting in  13n32, 1718, 84141; wood-engraving technology for  84, 9192. See also specific titles
illustration  3, 18, 142213; children’s books and  9, 142, 208; commodity culture and  150, 158; ethnographic  106110; fine-art  143; gendering of  151; Golden Age of Victorian  18, 149150; meanings of  142143, 146, 147153; world-building and  142. See also specific items
imperialism: alterity and  266, 339340, 376377; landscape art and  331, 334; world picture and  144. See also British empire
inauthenticity and fakery: picturesque and  342; postmodernism and  210; tourism and  343344; in Victorian visual culture  14, 151152, 227228
indexicality  85, 92, 96, 130
Indian “Mutiny” (1857)  264
individualism  219, 243244; aesthetic  10, 353, 384, 388; caricature and  24, 26, 33, 55, 81; self as theater  397; Victorian cult of  243244
industrialization of culture  3, 8, 21n1, 148149, 151152, 177, 217, 273, 417
Ingram, Herbert  84n1
Ingram, William  359
Instagram  14, 344
interdisciplinarity  4, 7
Intolerance (film)  181, 183
Irish stereotypes:  198, 200, 264; caricature and  39
irony: decadence and  350, 388, 392, 396397; in modern advertisments  402406
Iskin, Ruth  357n32
“Itchy and Scratchy,”  8283
Jackson, Mason  84n1
Jamaican revolt in 1865  264
James, Louis  4546n47, 73
Jameson, Anna  80
Jameson, Fredric  119
japonisme  371, 390
Jay, Martin  11
Jerrold, Douglas  49n54
Jeune, Mary  368n48
Jewish Chronicle, The  205n143
Jewish Family Bible, The  204
Jews: in Britain  197198, 200201, 204206; caricatures of  23, 39, 40, 197198; portrayal in illustrated Bibles  145, 147, 168, 196207; racial difference and  265
jingoism  38
John Bull (personification of Britain)  2829, 29, 50
Jones, Ernest  61n79
journalism: beginnings of profession  9091; during Crimean War  13n32, 1718, 85, 87, 91, 102111, 137, 139140; editorials  132133; during Napoleonic Wars  130n86; “on-the-spot” reporting  17, 85, 86, 102, 105, 109110, 134135, 138
Joy, George William: The Bayswater Omnibus  358, 359
Judaism.  See Jews
kaleidoscopes  2, 305306
Kantian aesthetics  10, 16, 353
Keats, John  45n45
Keller, Ulrich  8687n7, 100n37, 107nn4647, 114n61, 126n81, 127n83
Kelmscott Press  144n3, 149
Kent, Constance  222, 273274
keywords (concept of)  3, 89
kineticism  408
kiosks  369
kitsch  9, 10, 147, 208209, 210, 353
Kittler, Friedrich  13, 15n41, 16, 299, 343, 346
Knight, Charles  71, 80, 150, 155, 188n106
Knight, Frances  178
Knight, Richard Payne  328229
Knoepflmacher, U. C.  136n97
“Kodak moment,”  14, 344
Koerner, Joseph Leo  23n7
Kooistra, Lorraine Janzen  13n34, 150n19, 150n21, 150, 178, 350n5
Korda, Andrea  8889n14, 93n29, 370n52
Kracauer, Siegfried  92n26, 269, 270, 271
Krauss, Rosalind  289, 297, 301, 343, 346n110
Kris, E.  26n15
Kunzle, David  25n12, 46n47, 47, 62n79, 77n101, 80, 413nn1516
Lalumia, Matthew Paul  8687n7, 100n37, 107n46, 114n61, 126n81, 127n83
Landow, George P.  188n107, 197n121
landscapes: aesthetics of  328329; commodification of  310; Crimean War  9698, 97, 98, 99, 100102, 101; East Asian  329; Egyptian  335340; eighteenth-century aesthetic  288, 289290, 291292, 298, 309; Enclosure Acts and  328329; imperialism and  331; paintings of  292, 296, 301, 306, 315, 329; Romanticism and  288; sketching  311; stereoviews of  283, 289, 292, 330340
Lane, John  380n72, 394n104
Lang, Fritz  276, 277
Lasner, Mark Samuels  351n9
Lauster, Martina  52n57
Lavater the Second  39, 40, 52, 53, 54, 59
Lavery, Grace  279n150
Layard, Austen Henry  165167, 168
Lays of the Holy Land from Ancient and Modern Poets  197198
Le Brun, Charles: Franche-Comté Conquered for the Second Time  93, 94
Lecky, W. F. H.  368nn4748
Ledger, Sally  61n79, 380n72
Leech, John  41n33, 46; Punch cartoon  115
Le Gallienne, Richard: “The Boom in Yellow,”  388389
Leighton, Frederick  147n11
Leisure Hour, The  196, 200201, 206
Léotard, Jules (trapeze artist)  222, 261n95
Leslie, Frank  118
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim: Laocoön  151
Levinas, Emmanuel  12n32, 23n7
Levine, George  84, 85n2
Levitsky, Sergei  235
Lewes, George Henry: “Realism in Art,”  88, 135136
liberal epic  145, 173185, 204, 211212
Liddle, Dallas  89n16, 134n92
Linley, Margaret  13n34
Linton, Eliza Lynn  218, 234236, 238239, 243, 265
literary canon  152153
lithographs: Baudelaire’s views on  5; celebrity, 25758; color  347, 349, 356, 360, 364; of Egypt  336n92, 338; “The Girl of the Period” and  236; the picturesque and  292; realism and  84, 92; war  101, 124, 125
Liverpool and Manchester Railway  26
Livingstone, David  107
Loeb, Lori Ann  389n90
Loesberg, Jonathan  224n22
Logan, Thad  12n2
London Review  265, 274
London Stereoscopic Company  284, 330, 332335
Long, Burke O.  211
Lorrain, Claude  295, 329
Louis Philippe I, king  36n25
Louis XIV, king  93, 94
Loutherbourg, Philip de  296, 311
Lowenthal, Leo  9n21
Lucie-Smith, Edward  22, 391n96
Ludovisi, Princess Giacinta Orsini Buoncampagni  246247, 248
Lukács, Georg  118119
Lumière brothers  407
Lungstrum, Janet  278n148
Lynch, Deidre  23n6, 24n11, 5556
Lyotard, Jean-François  180
Macarthur, John  299, 328329, 341342
Macaulay, Thomas Babington  179
Macklin, Thomas  153
MacLeod, Kirsten  349n3
Maclise, Daniel  61
Madame Tussaud’s wax museum  222, 273274, 275, 275
Magazine of Art, The  369
magic lantern shows  2, 182183, 207, 410
magic shows  410
Maidment, Brian  22n2, 25n12, 49n54, 53, 56n66, 62n79, 77n100, 80n108
Mainardi, Patricia  7n16
Malan, Dan  174n75, 182n94
Malory, Thomas: Morte d’Arthur  349
Manganelli, Kimberly Snyder  219, 265
Mansel, Henry (“H. L.”)  218, 221, 270271
maps and mapping  85, 87, 9697, 138
Marcus, Sharon  265n112, 271
Marey, Étienne-Jules  409410
Marien, Mary Warner  278n144
Markovits, Stefanie  86n5, 107n46, 129n85
Marriott, C. H. R.  221
Marriott, John  43, 44
Martin, John  174177, 179, 183; The Great Day of His Wrath  175, 177, 211
Marx, Karl  72; The Communist Manifesto  404
Marxism  12, 62n80, 72, 227n25, 329, 353n19, 387
masculinity: caricatures marketed to men  25, 48; class and  130; cockney figure and  4148, 7072; decadence and  387; epic biblical themes and  178181; heroic  120, 122, 124, 128130, 137; populism and  38; as social class connector  4345; sports and  44, 45; subversive  24; traveling correspondents and  110; war fantasies and  137; of war veterans  120124
Mason, William: The English Garden  290
mass culture: critiques of  10, 16, 210, 270; decadence and  379380; deceptions of  387n86; definitions of  9; Doré’s Bible illustrations and  182; gender and  48, 276277; heterogeneous audiences for  910; inauthenticity and  147, 208, 210; permeable boundaries of  7, 8, 377378; purpose-driven  362; sensation and  215218, 222, 279; vibrancy of  152; virality and  60, 73
mass media  9n21, 16, 232, 276, 351n10
material Christianity  145, 154
materialism  28, 205, 310, 390, 396397
materiality: decadence and  386389; grotesque and  30; Victorian notions of  144, 152, 215216, 264
Matthews, Elkin  394n104
Maxwell, Richard  149n15, 151, 208
Mayall, J. J. E.  260, 261
Mayer, Arno J.  80
Mayhew, Henry: London Labour and the London Poor  12n32, 106109, 108, 133, 134, 354
McCauley, Elizabeth Anne  227n25, 232n37, 271, 275276n140
McDannell, Colleen  145, 154, 174n73
McKelvy, William R.  239
McLuhan, Marshall  330
McNamara, Robert  140
Meadows, Kenny: Heads of the People  4952, 50, 51, 68
mechanical reproduction of images. See specific media
media history  7, 16, 286, 299, 346
“media war,” Crimean war as  17, 84, 85, 86
medievalism  151152, 177178
Meisel, Martin  7677
Melrose Abbey  306307, 308
Menke, Richard  13n33, 217, 314n54
Merrin, William  285n4, 287, 330
Metropolis (film)  276, 277
middle class: advertising geared to  358359; ascendance of  8485; as audience for caricatures  10; decadence and  347, 350, 386388; parlor objects  12, 19, 143, 154, 283; picturesque and  310; sensibilities of  129, 132, 136; values of  88, 239, 348, 388; Victorian values  88, 94
Mieszkowski, Jan  138n101
Mill, John Stuart  243
Millais, John Everett  143; A Child’s World  347, 359360, 361; Christ in the House of His Parents 187, 189; “The Hidden Treasure,”  193194, 195; “The Lost Piece of Silver,”  192, 194; “The Lost Sheep,”  189, 191, 191; paid illustration work  185; The Parables of Our Lord  18, 147, 171, 185195, 206
Miller, D. A.  140n105, 218219
Milton, John: Paradise Lost  153, 174
mimesis  85n3, 112, 182183, 288, 325
minor aesthetics  2526, 8083
Mirzoeff, Nicholas  4n8
miscellanies  7779
misogyny  17, 380n72; in caricatures  17, 24, 25, 3839, 39; of Sam Weller character  7071; as social class connector between men  45
missionaries  8, 154, 158159, 182
Mitchell, W. J. T.  4, 56, 7, 11n28, 12n32, 152n25, 330n79, 331
mock-violence  17, 35, 62, 7172, 81
modernity: as age of the world picture  34; Baudelaire’s definition of  112, 116; Christianity and  188189; consumer culture and  38689; Doré illustrations and  178n82; Eliot’s Adam Bede and  132; epistemologies of  286; Foucault’s views on  1011; manias and  214; mass culture and  349n4; omnibus and  359; parlor as refuge from  1; scarcity as subject in stereoviews  340; social class and  24; Talmeyr’s views on  383; Victorian Bibles and  154; violence in paintings and  177; visual expressions of  45
Modest, Wayne  6n15
Moncrieff, W. T.  7477; Life in London melodrama  43
Moreau, Gustave  390391
Moretti, Franco  23n5, 84, 85n2
Morgan, Benjamin  15n40
Morgan, Thaïs  197n122
Morris, Errol  102; The Fog of War  140
Morris, Pam  8586n4
Morris, William  144n3, 149, 152
moving pictures.  See cinema
Mr. Punch (cartoon character)  31, 3335, 34, 35, 37, 4041, 46. See also Punch (folk puppet)
museums  161, 165167, 170, 207, 209
music halls  397, 398
Musser, Charles  408n4, 415n20, 416n21
Mutoscope  408410
Muybridge, Edward  410
Myers, Frederic W. H.  391
Napoleonic Wars  86, 89, 119, 129, 311
Nasmyth, Elizabeth Wemyss: A View of Abbotsford from across the Tweed  292, 294
nationalism  9395, 165, 211, 314315, 317318, 329
National Portrait Gallery  275
nation-building  167, 180181, 275
nature: American scenes  332335; commodification of  309310; culture and  306, 328, 346; framing and  288, 290, 344; philosophical models of  288, 298299, 321322; photography and  297299; technology and  283, 296; wildness and  290, 296, 332334. See also landscapes; picturesque
Nava, Mica  352353
Nead, Lynda  13n34, 411n8, 413n14, 416n8
Nelson, Horatio  119
neo-Catholicism  145, 187
nervous stimulation  216, 219
Newman, Kathy  124n79
new media, Victorian  2, 3, 7n16, 1718; Beardsley and  349, 377378; Britain as epicenter of  8; carnal pleasures of  1516; links to modern-day  14, 19, 209, 28182; mass culture and  377378; postmodern theory and  343; “present-ness” of  15; relation to archaic forms  178; Ruskin’s Gothic and  320; studies of  1314; temporality of  95, 130n86; variety of price points for  910. See also specific types
New Path, The  191, 192
New Police Act of 1841  31, 32
New Poor Law of 1834  26, 59
New Review, The  364, 380
Ngai, Sianne  8182
Niagara Falls  333, 332333
Nichols, Bill  139, 141n106
Nicholson, William  392. See also Beggarstaff Brothers
Nickel, Douglas R.  336n90
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm: The Birth of Tragedy  200; The Case of Wagner  351, 382
Nightingale, Florence  87, 124126, 125, 129n85, 131
nihilism  350351, 381, 385, 403
Nineveh, excavations at  165, 168, 170
Nisard, Désiré  347, 351, 382
Nixon, Jude V.  147n10
Noah (film)  21112
“Nobody” (stock caricature character)  25, 3031, 31, 33, 34, 37, 70, 72, 74, 75
Nochlin, Linda  88n10, 88n14, 112, 173n68, 33738
Nordau, Max  387; Degeneration  351, 382
North, Michael  276n140, 351n10
Northern Star, The  81n110
Novak, Daniel  88n13, 216n3, 270n124, 351n10
nurses and nursing during Crimean War  87, 124127, 136
objectivity: journalism and  91, 92, 9596; realism and  84, 89, 129, 134; scientific principle of  96, 304
Old Testament.  See illustrated Bibles
Oliphant, Margaret  270
Once a Week  185, 188, 196
O’Neill, Morna  6n15
opera singers, carte-de-visite portraits of  19, 214, 25051, 253, 255, 255, 258
optical toys  2, 285n4. See also kaleidoscopes; magic lanterns; stereoscopes
organicism  204, 302, 309, 321322, 328330, 383
orientalism  11011, 17072, 174, 211, 338, 375; in Beardsley posters  371; in Holman Hunt’s religious paintings  187, 191; illustrated Bibles and  144, 16568, 172, 194195, 212; Jews and  201
otherness.  See alterity
Otis, Laura  13n33
Our War (BBC documentary series)  18, 89, 138139
panopticon  11n24
panoramas  87, 93, 9798, 99, 100, 319, 330
pantomimes  39, 66, 381, 401, 402, 402. See also commedia dell’arte
Parikka, Jussi  13
Parker, David  44n43, 65n82
parlor: objects in  12, 143, 155, 185, 283, 4078; as portal  12; stereoscopic image of  1, 2
Parry, John Orlando: The Poster Man (or, A London Street Scene)  35455, 356
Pascoe, Judith  248
Passion of the Christ, the (film)  212, 213
Passion Plays  414
Pastrana, Julia (bearded woman)  222
Pater, Walter  151, 201n133, 207, 385
patriarchy  144, 164, 178179, 181, 203, 2057, 208, 235, 252, 260, 281, 383
Patten, Robert L.  22n2, 24n10, 28n17, 30n20, 45n47, 62n79, 71n90, 150n18
Patti, Adelina  251, 252, 253, 255, 255, 255, 258, 260, 264265
Pearl, Sharrona  23n8, 59
Pears’ Soap advertisements: “Bubbles,”  347, 358, 358360, 361;
Patti’s likeness in  258, 260
Peck, John  87
Peirce, Charles  96
Pelican, The  374
Penny Magazine  80, 155
People’s Charter  26
perspectivalism  92
Peterloo Massacre  47n51
Petschler, H.: Rydal Falls  292, 294
Petter, George William  159n44
Pfau, Thomas  310
phantasmagorias  2, 20, 9293, 95, 171, 391
phantom rides  416
philosophical toys  284, 3056. See also optical toys
photograph albums.  See portrait albums
Photographic Journal  292
Photographic News, The  226227
photography  1819; American Civil War  11617; British realism and  8889, 93; Crimean War  100102, 106, 116; democratization (rhetorics of) and  217, 231232; embodiment and  263264, 300; embrace of in Christian periodical Good Words  188; haptic visuality of  216; Holmes’s writings on  302306; illusionism and  303; invention of  297; negative gendering of  276277; paper copies  19, 217; picturesque and  297299; positivist reception of  287288; Queen Victoria’s interest in  260261; Romantic philosophy and  300; sensation and  215216; “skins” and  263, 302303, 331; Sontag on war  137138; state hegemony and  1011; technological innovations  149, 225236. See also carte-de-visite portraits; daguerreotypes; stereoviews
photography shop windows  230, 230231
photojournalism  103n41
phrenology  27, 5052, 267
physiognomy  4860, 70, 109, 187, 267
physiologies  49, 52n57, 55, 58
Picker, John  13n33
pickpockets  25, 28, 33, 34, 59, 355
Pickwick Gazette, The  74, 75
Pickwick Papers, The (Dickens)  17, 2425, 46, 60, 6166; caricature modes of  7172; intervisuality of  6166; plagiarized by pirates  7379; Sam Weller character in  66, 6872, 69, 7577; scrap aesthetic of  7879; source in Seymour’s sporting sketches  6162; spin-off commodities  73, 74; stage melodrama adaptation  7477
Pictorial Records of the English in Egypt  181
picturesque  3, 283346; aesthetic of  283, 289291, 296, 308309, 338339, 343344; alterity and  339340; artificiality of  288; British history and  288, 30614, 329; Britishness and  32829, 33940; commodification of  310; conventional formulas  289290, 309310, 315, 337338, 340, 342; dioramas  221; as denigrated term  34142; figurative sense of  342; framing and  288, 290, 291292, 315317, 334, 343344; global  328340; Gothic and  314328; Instagram and  14, 344; photography and  297299; postmodern media theory and  296297; privilege and  328329; realist novels and  136; ruins and  306314, 318322; sensation and  300; “stations” of  289, 330, 339n95, 416; stereoviews and  19, 283, 288, 289296, 313314; subjectivity and  299, 313, 332; sublime and  334335; technologies of  283, 289296; tourism and  9, 14, 308310, 312, 343344; war photography and  117118
Pierce Egan’s Life in London and Sporting Chronicle  45, 4748, 48, 50
Pinney, Christopher  245246
Pinson, Stephen C.  323n72, 323n72
piracy, print  46, 7379
Pitman, Isaac  91
plagiarism.  See piracy, print
plate technologies (printing)  149
Plato  113n56
plausibility effect  18, 85, 92, 118128, 138139
Plunkett, John  9n21, 261, 263n107, 285n4
Poe, Edgar Allan  59; “The Man of the Crowd,”  60
politicians, caricatures of  25, 28, 38, 6667, 67
Pop Art  278, 4036
popular culture  9; commodification of  12n31; gender and  52, 276, 399; negative political aspects of  38; twentieth-century  278. See also caricatures
populism: caricatures and  25, 31, 33, 44, 50; grotesque caricature and  3031, 33; intolerance in  38
pornography  233234, 282, 345
Porter, Bernard  172
portrait albums, 230; arrangement of  232; Facebook and  14, 19; Victorian popularity of  1, 10, 14, 228229, 283
portrait galleries  230, 257, 274, 275
portraiture  112113, 217, 223225, 232; engraved or lithographic  257258; fashionable historicity and  271272; full-length  232, 271; public collections  275; “selfies,”  281; “swagger,”  245247; waxworks  273275. See also carte-de-visite portraits
postcards  289, 341
Poster, The  369, 382, 390
posters  20; cinema  408, 410; domestic goods and  358, 382383, 393396; history of  35459; image-driven  355356, 407408; as portals  358; text-only  355; theater  356357, 361364, 370379, 396402. See also art posters
posthumanism  15, 19, 282, 287, 298299, 305, 343
postmodern media theory: abstraction and  215, 264, 286; automation and  15; caricature and  82; decadence and  352; inauthenticity and  210; picturesque and  296297, 343; posthumanism and  298299; simulacra and  14; stereoscopes in  19, 286, 287
Potolsky, Matthew  85n3, 103n40, 349n3, 352n12, 352n13
“pre-cinema,”  1415, 182, 325, 407408
Prendergast, Christopher  118
Pre-Raphaelite art and artists: advertising and  360; critics of  376377; illustrations by  143, 150, 185207; sensation novels and  237n51; verisimilitude and  8889
Price, Uvedale  300, 318, 328
“process blocks,”  149
Prometheus  3034
prosthesis, stereoscope as  19, 283, 299301, 3035, 338, 343
prostitution  48; actresses and  250, 253; carte portraiture of prostitutes  214, 218, 232; decadence and  385n84, 385; in Victorian era  23536
Protestantism, iconophobia of  152, 186, 187
Pryde, James  392. See also Beggarstaff Brothers
Pugin, Augustus Charles  321n66
Pugin, Augustus Welby  321n66
Punch (folk puppet)  31, 3336, 65, 67, 70, 72. See also Mr. Punch (cartoon character)
Punch, or the London Charivari  3338, 34, 37, 4041, 46, 47, 70, 80; attacks on posters  367, 370; Billing and Cooing,”  367, 369; Crimean War cartoons  105106, 111n52, 113, 115, 122, 122; “Husband-Taming,”  239n53; parodies of Beardsley’s style  370, 374376, 376, 378; on sensational qualities of America  219; “Sensation Novels” cartoon  223, 225
race and racism: in biblical illustrations  198, 199, 200, 206; in caricatures  17, 2324, 25; female display in the 1860s and  219, 221, 264268, 375; populism and  38, 39; of Sam Weller character  7071
Rachel (actress)  265
Reade, Brian  394n104
Reade, W. Winwood: Savage Africa  26566
realism  3, 1718, 84141; as aesthetic practice  84, 8990; authenticity effect and  18, 85, 102111, 130131, 134, 138; in British novels  89, 129, 133, 136, 146, 185; British theorists of  88, 89; conventional types and  119128, 135136; as deceptive  9, 119, 139140; documentary filmmaking and  139140; the everyday and  18, 85, 112118; in France  8, 8788; historicist effects of  112113, 115, 118, 132133, 138; illustrated newspapers and  84128; moral vision and  87; plausibility effect and  18, 85, 92, 118128, 138139; social taxonomy and  55; as term of literary criticism  85; as transhistorical stylistic choice  112; verisimilitude effect and  18, 85, 95102, 120; visual  186, 194. See also reality effects
Réalisme, Le  88
reality effects  18, 85, 146. See also Barthes, Roland; realism
“reality” television shows  281
Reed, John R.  130n88
Reekie, Duncan  38
Reeve, Lovell  315
Reform Act of 1832  21, 26, 2829, 44
Reform Act of 1867  223, 231
Reform era: caricature during  17, 2122, 2648; Dickens’s Pickwick Papers and  62; political ideals of  21, 22, 24, 50
Reid, J. C.  72n91
religion and science  146, 163164, 188189, 209110
religious dramas, censorship of  186187
religious illustration  145, 146, 151153, 186; crossover media  207; by Solomon  196207. See also illustrated Bibles
Religious Tract Society  155n33
Rembrandt van Rijn  194; The Parable of the Hidden Treasure  193
remix culture  79
repoussoir device  290292
respectability  8081; caricature and  24, 31, 49; cockneyism and  17, 41, 44, 45, 65; politics of  8081; race and  264; sensation and  228; women and  124, 232, 250, 252, 260, 263
Reynolds, Joshua: Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse  248250, 249
Rich, Aaron  182n94
Richards, Thomas  353n19, 354355
Richardson, Samuel  23n6
Richmond, William Blake  199
Rideau Falls, Ottawa  333, 335
Riegl, Aloïs  305n40
Riehl, Wilhelm  134135
Roberts, David  336n92, 338n92
roboticism  277, 298299
Rojek, Chris  258, 263
Romanticism: Baudelaire’s attack on  306n44, 367; Baudelaire’s kaleidoscope and  305; the cockney and  44, 45n45; conservative politics and  328; cult of originality  82; exoticized outsiders and  110111; expressed in caricature  24n10, 43n35; the Gothic and  318, 321; Kittler’s critique of  16; in literature  23, 130n86; models of “deep” character and  23, 309, 313; opposed by decadent aesthetic  350; philosophies of  283, 288, 298301; picturesque commodification and  309314, 335; portraiture and  276n138; stereoscope and  15, 19, 283, 288, 297, 299303, 304, 309311, 314, 335, 340; visual culture of  322, 325; visual effects  312; war and  130n86. See also fragment (aesthetic of the), Martin, John; Shelley, Percy B.; Wordsworth, William
Rose, Jonathan  172
Rose, Millicent  160n49
Rosenblum, Naomi  273n132
Rosenthal, Michael  329
Roslin Chapel (Scotland)  325, 327
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel  143, 196, 205n141; Lady Lilith  376377, 378
Rossetti, W. M.  171, 196
Rothschild, Lionel  198
Rovee, Christopher  276n138
Rowlandson, Thomas  22, 25n12, 41n33
Royal Academy  92, 280, 349, 359, 361
Rubery, Matthew  89n16, 91
ruins, Gothic  13, 288, 306, 308, 314, 318322, 339
Ruscha, Ed  404
Ruskin, John  19, 320322, 383; Fors Clavigera 356357; on illustrated Bibles  155157; Modern Painters  88, 186; Porch of St. Maclou, Rouen (daguerreotype)  324; The Seven Lamps of Architecture  321322, 324
Russell, W. H.  86n5, 87, 106
Ryan, James R.  11n25, 332n83
Sagne, Jean  273n132
Said, Edward  144, 171172, 338
Sam Weller (Dickens character)  17, 2425, 60, 65n82, 6872, 7477, 76, 78
Sam Weller! (stage play)  7577
Saturday Review, The  228229, 231, 251n79
Sayers, Tom  261n93
Schaefer, Sarah C.  176177n80
Scharf, Kenny  404
Schiavo, Laura Burd  286287
Schmitt, Cannon  224n23
Schor, Naomi  11n29
Schudson, Michael  353, 384
Schwartz, Vanessa R.  13n34, 92n23, 353n16, 382n79, 383n81, 411n9
Scott, Sir Walter  148, 306; Abbotsford mansion  292, 294
scraps  22, 25n12, 2728, 31, 33, 41n33, 46, 7779
Seaman, Owen  377n65
Sekula, Allan  11n24, 231, 299n32
Sen, Sambudha  4243n35, 61n79, 79
Senefelder, Alois  356
sensation  3, 21482; as 1860s phenomenon  8, 19, 214, 216, 222; advertising and  356, 370; American roots of  219; “cinema of attractions,”  408; circus acts and  222; commodification of  215; critics of  270272; decadence and  348; everyday life and  222; illustrated newspapers and  93; mediation and  8, 19, 215, 219, 269, 300; nervous stimulation and  215; in new media commons  278282; photography and  26364; physiological response and  218219; picturesque and  288; politics of  223; race and  264268; scandals and  215, 219, 245, 274, 278; sensory perception  385; sublime and  299300; as titillating  9, 221, 222; waxworks and  273275; women’s behavior and  222223, 232239, 262263, 275278. See also carte-de-visite portraits; sensation novels
sensation art  214, 278281
Sensation art exhibition (1997)  19, 278281, 280
“Sensation! A Satire” (poem)  222, 253
sensation dramas  217, 219, 256257; stage effects and illusions in  221, 410
sensation novels  19, 221224; Collins’s The Woman in White  19, 218, 219, 222, 239244; critics of  217n5, 221, 222, 270272; as genre  21819; mixed-class associations of  217218; plots of  218; reception of  250; scandalous plotlines for  221; on slavery  219; social class and  214; Walters’s appearance in  232233, 236238; women readers of  238; women’s behavior in  223. See also Braddon, M. E.; Collins, Wilkie
sequential visual storytelling  410, 412, 414
Serlin, David  121n76
servants, subversive  17, 45, 65n82, 6672, 78
Seymour, Robert  21, 59; political cartoons  6568, 67; sporting sketches  46, 6162, 63
Shakespeare Gallery  152153
Sharp, Evelyn: “A New Poster,”  378379
Shaw, George Bernard: Arms and the Man  371
Shelley, Percy Bysshe: “Ozymandias,”  338, 340
Shesgreen, Sean  49n53
shorthand  91
Showalter, Elaine  380n72
Shuttleworth, Sally  217n5
Sickert, Walter  397
Siddons, Sarah  248250, 249, 252
Silverman, Kaja  286n5
Silvy, Camille  246247, 248, 252, 251253, 252, 255, 255, 257, 258, 265, 267268
Simmel, Georg  411n9
Simpson, William  101
Simpsons, The (TV show)  8283
simulacra  14, 208210, 274, 345n104
Sinclair, Catherine  311
Sinnema, Peter W.  92n25
sketch-books (of Cruikshank)  2728
sketches:  see character sketches
Sketches by Boz (Dickens)  4647, 52, 58, 60, 61, 79
slavery  4n8, 26, 267, 327; American novels about  219; in biblical narratives  145, 179, 185; sensation dramas about  221
Smiles, Samuel: Self Help  388
Smith, Albert: The Natural History of the Gent 5658, 57; The Natural History of the Idler Upon Town  58
Smith, Anthony  91
Smith, Sydney  61n76
Snodgrass, Chris  350n6
social class: caricature and  17; carte-de-visite portraits and  214215, 227228, 230232; challenges to  217218; Collins’s The Woman in White and  239240; hierarchy  11, 16, 49, 52, 5859, 81, 127, 139, 214215, 217, 232, 240, 268; instabilities of  25, 44, 45, 65, 223224; modernity and  24; portraits of lower-class or working women  248250; sports as connector across  5658, 57
social media  14, 16, 344. See also Facebook; Instagram
social order  58, 59, 71, 81, 223, 240, 404
“social zoology.”  See urban taxonomies
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge  71, 80, 155
Solomon, Simeon: “The Day of Atonement,”  201, 203; “The Feast of Dedication,”  201, 204; homosexuality and homoerotic drawings of  196, 201n134, 205n141; illustrations compared with Eliot’s Daniel Deronda  2046; illustrations of Jewish customs  18, 196, 199204; “The Wedding Ceremony,”  201, 203
“Somebody” (stock caricature character)  3031, 33, 35
Sontag, Susan  137138, 272273, 356, 396397
Sparling, Marcus  106
Speaker, The  369
special artists  17, 102105
Spectator, The  251n79, 397
Speke, John Hanning  107
sporting newspapers: “Gallery of Comicalities” in  10, 17, 22, 24, 2829, 29, 3841, 40, 46, 52
sporting sketches  22, 4148, 60, 6165, 7172
sports: cockney masculinity and  4148; as connector across social classes  4448, 5658, 57. See also boxing/pugilism
stage and theater: advertising for  356357, 361364, 370379, 396402, 398402; censorship of biblical subjects  186187; mechanical innovations  296; melodramas  43, 7477, 371; pantomimes  39, 66, 381, 401, 402, 402; tableaux  217, 221
Stallybrass, Peter  30, 37
stamp taxes (or “taxes on knowledge”)  9n21, 47, 158, 354
Steele, Richard  49
stencil art  354, 392, 399
Stendhal, Henri Marie Beyle: Scarlet and Black  131
Stephens, John Russell  18687
stereoscopes  2, 1920; Baudelaire’s attack on  3056n44; deep view of  283288; embrace of in Christian periodical Good Words  188; legacy of  344346; origins of  284; as prosthesis  19, 283, 299301, 303305, 338, 343; Romanticism and  15, 288, 297, 299301, 309, 314; sensation and  16, 288; subjectivity and  28687, 301, 313314, 332; successors of  341; variety of price points for  9; Victorian popularity of  1, 283; View-Masters  341; as virtual projection  13n32. See also stereoviews
Stereoscopic Magazine, The  314, 315, 317
stereotype: caricature and  2324; as printing process  24
stereoviews  1, 2,9, 19, 117; “America in the Stereoscope” series  331335; art historians’ neglect of  284286, 287288; of British ruins and historic buildings  306314; of cathedral ornaments  321322; educational context of  1516, 286; of Egypt  331, 335340, 337; Gothic history and  314318; labels on  1516, 307, 332333, 335; marketing of  287; picturesque and  19, 283, 288296; popularity of  284, 287; pornographic  345; retreating planes in  292; sequential storytelling in  414, 416; standardization of  284; virtuality and  287; of waterfalls  292, 294
Stetz, Margaret  351n9
Stirling, A. M. W.  200n129
Stowe, Harriet Beecher: Uncle Tom’s Cabin  158
Strand, The  410
“street as art gallery,”  359370. See also art posters; posters
streetscape, advertising and  354358, 356, 358, 380381
sublime, aesthetic of  17477, 182183, 210, 299300, 309313, 332335, 338
Sully, James: “The Dream as a Revelation,”  391
surrealism  20, 347, 389393, 396
“swagger portraits,”  245247
Sweeney Todd character  68n88
Swift, Jonathan: A Modest Proposal  26
Swinburne, Algernon  199200, 203
symbolist art  390392
Symons, Arthur  350, 379, 397
Tagg, John  299n32
Talmeyr, Maurice: “L’Age d’Affiche,”  38185, 404; Cité du Sang  365n45
Taylor, Jenny Bourne  217n5
technological innovations: aquatint  296; dioramas  31920; Gothic aesthetic and  319320; photography  149, 225236; picturesque and  283, 292, 295296, 330, 346; wood engraving  84, 9192, 149, 153. See also specific types
“technosexual” woman, the  19, 273278
televangelism  147, 209, 212
Ten Commandments, The (film)  181182, 184
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord: “The Charge of the Light Brigade,”  87, 100102, 11617n67, 128; Doré illustrations for works by  174; Idylls of the King  94
Thackeray, William  49n54, 85n4; essay on Mr. Punch and caricature history  41n33; Vanity Fair  33, 151; as visual artist  41n33
theater.  See stage and theater
theme parks: biblical  18, 147, 209212; Crystal Palace as precursor  170. See also Disney World and Disneyland
Thomas, Julia  143n1
Thomas, Sophie  320n62, 323n72
Thomas Agnew and Sons  106
Thompson, E. P.  36, 3738
Thompson, Lydia  236, 238, 256, 256257
Thomson, John: Conway Castle  315, 317
Thomson, Philip  26
3-D films  19, 345346
three-dimensionality  1; in dioramas  320; optics and  284, 301; renewed popularity of  344346; in stereoviews  15, 19, 283, 333; View-Masters  341. See also 3-D films
Tillotson, G. H. R.  32930n79
Timmers, Margaret  357n32, 357n36
Times, The (London)  87, 106
Tintern Abbey  288, 329, 339, 340; engraving of  291, 292; popularity as stereographic subject  311314; stereoviews of  19, 308, 308309, 313, 312314; Turner’s painting of  306, 308, 311; Wordsworth’s poem addressed to  31114
Todhunter, John: A Comedy of Sighs 371, 373374
Tom and Jerry (characters in Egan’s Life in London)  4143, 42, 46, 47, 6465, 71, 82
topographic photographs  289
tourism: British sites  311328, 330, 340341; commodification of  314; Grand Tour  327; Holy Land depictions and  159, 173, 209; picturesque and  9, 14, 308310, 312, 343344. See also virtual travel
Trachtenberg, Alan  117
transatlanticism  8, 332335
transgression, class  4849, 5658
trenches (war), depiction of  18, 87, 113, 115, 115
Trollope, Anthony  189, 192
Trotter, David  305n40
Truth, Sojourner  276n140
Turner, J. M. W.  286, 301n36; Interior of Tintern Abbey  306, 308, 311; Snow Storm—Steam-Boat off a Harbour’s Mouth … 102, 104; watercolor of Melrose Abbey  306
Twist and Nickleby Scrap Sheet, The  77
unconscious mind  391
urbanization  33
urban taxonomies  24, 39, 4860, 74, 354
“Valley of Death,” Crimea  18, 87, 100102, 101
Van Dyck, Anthony  246
Varnedoe, Kirk  382n79, 383n81
Veblen, Thorstein: Theory of the Leisure Class  387
Verdi, Giuseppe: La Traviata  253
Verhagen, Marcus  382n79, 383n81, 385n84
verisimilitude: anachronistic  187; in documentaries  138; as effect  9596, 100102, 120; Pre-Raphaelite painting and  8889; in realist novels  130; sensation  216
veterans, Crimean War  119126
Victoria, Queen  126, 126127, 207, 263, 284; Bonetta and  265, 267268; carte-de-visite portraits of  19, 214, 218; gender norms and  261262, 276; iconic visibility of  258, 260264, 276
Victoria and Albert Museum  1; Cult of Beauty exhibition  6
video games, first-person shooter  181
Vietnam War  140
View-Masters  341
violence: blood sports and  45, 62, 6465; in caricatures  25, 26; in cartoons  8283; in Doré’s Bible illustrations  174, 17881; in London  72; mob  38, 71; in Pickwick Papers  7172; social class instability and  45; in Victorian Christianity  145; working-class  370. See also mock-violence
virality  7379
virtuality  287, 304, 314
virtual reality  345
virtual travel  13n22, 19, 209, 216; aftermath of Napoleonic Wars and  311; canonized places  289290; picturesque commodification and  309314; pre-industrial scenes  314328; stereoscopes and  283, 287, 288, 289, 330340
visual culture studies  57
visual culture, Victorian  46; alterity and  1213n32; British empire driving production of  8; compared with Romantic visual culture  324325; defined  4; inauthenticity in  14; as mediascape  120; seen as reactionary  1011; social media and  16; as world portal  1. See also specific topics
visuality  56, 89, 325; Catholicism and  152; denigration of  11, 210; gender and 204n; haptic  216; illicit  233; mass  344; modernity and  1011; in realist novels  130; tangibility and  300. See also specific media
Voskuil, Lynn M.  219
Walker, Frederick: Woman in White advertising poster  361, 361364
Walkowitz, Judith  43n36, 235
Walters, Catherine (“Anonyma”)  222, 232234, 235, 239n53, 243, 253, 261
Ward, Graham  210
Warhol, Andy  403406; commodity culture and  20
Warner, Marina  13n34
war reporters  17, 87, 9192, 102111, 130n86, 139140
waterfalls: American  332335; Rydal Falls   292, 294
Watt, Ian  23n6, 88n12, 113n56, 113n58
Watts, G. F.  390
waxworks  222, 273275, 275, 278379
Weller Scrap Sheet, The  77
Wellington, Duchess of  246247, 248
Werner, Marcia  89n15
West, Benjamin: The Death of Nelson  93n30
West, Shearer  250
Westall’s Illustrations to the Works of Walter Scott  148
Westminster Review 86n4, 133
Wetherell, Sir Charles  66
Wheatstone, Charles  284
Wheeler, Roxann  28n8
Whigs  26, 4041, 47, 6668
Whistler, James McNeill  390; Symphony in White No. 1  362, 364, 375
White, Allon  30, 37
White, Gleeson  377n66
White, Hayden  90n17
whiteness: black-and-white design  361362; of clothing  240, 241, 255; racial difference and  264268
Wicke, Jennifer A.  353n20
Wilde, Oscar  20, 280381, 348, 351n10, 387; on Chéret  369; “The Decay of Lying,”  367, 389; Salomé  349
Williams, Kevin  91n20, 123n78
Williams, Raymond  89, 12, 82, 86n4, 135, 329, 353
Williams, Rosalind H.  353n16, 382n79, 387n86
Williamson, Judith  388, 396
Willis, Nathaniel P.: American Scenery  333, 335
Wilson, George Washington: stereoviews  292, 294, 325, 327
Wilton, Andrew  246n69, 391n97
Wiltshire, Irene  73
Winterhalter, Franz  246, 258
Wollaeger, Mark  368n48
Woman in White, The (Collins novel)  19, 218, 222, 239244; advertising poster for theatrical adaptation of  361, 361364, 365n45; cover of  241, 243; reception of  250; spin-off commodities of  219, 241
Woman in White, The (sheet music)  219, 221
women: in advertising posters  361364, 367, 370379, 381, 384385, 390, 393, 398399; “fast,”  237238, 265; female types in The Woman in White  241243, 275276; in films  415416; “Girl of the Period,”  218, 232239, 243, 264, 265; illicit transactions between  238239; “New Woman,”  380n72; portrayed in cartes de visite  19, 214215, 218, 222, 225, 232235, 237, 243273; technosexual  19, 273278; walking  410, 412
Wonderful Album, A (film)  412, 414
wood-engraving technology  84, 9192, 149, 153
Wordsworth, William  23, 82; “Illustrated Books and Newspapers,”  150151; stereoscopic imagery and  30910; “Tintern Abbey,”  19, 288, 311313
workhouses  26
working/lower-middle class: 1830s unrest  26, 44, 5960; 1840s conservatism of  8081; advertising targeted to  355356, 370; as audience for caricatures  10; caricatures of  17, 31, 33, 5658, 5960; carte-de-visite portraits of  231232; Crimean War and  122, 127128, 136; decadence and  397; in Eliot’s Adam Bede  128136, 132, 136; enfranchisement of  231; misogyny in  45; sympathies and prejudices  38, 39
world-building: Holy Land Experience  209210; illustration and  18, 142, 143144, 159164, 196, 209; modern phantasmagorias  171; reality effects and  89, 95, 130
world picture: Bible illustration and  18, 142, 165173, 174, 2079; Heidegger’s concept of  34, 144; Victorian visual media and  2
world’s fairs and exhibitions  207, 208, 211, 331. See also Great Exhibition (Crystal Palace)
Wormald, Mark  62n80
Worth, Aaron  13n33
Wright of Derby, Joseph: Rydal Waterfall 292, 294
Wynne, Deborah  224n23
Wynter, Andrew  258, 260
Yeats, W. B.: The Land of Heart’s Desire  371
Yeazell, Ruth  134n93, 135
Yellow Book, The  348, 370, 377n65, 378379, 380n72, 38889, 393, 395, 397
zany humor (concept of Sianne Ngai)  8182
Zatlin, Linda Gertner  371n55, 372n57, 375n59, 375n60, 377n66, 394n104, 394n106
Zemka, Sue  147n10, 181
Zieger, Susan  13n34, 16, 351n10, 392n102
Zouaves  109111