Abdominopelvic exercises
abdominal lift (see uddiyana bandha)
agni sara, 93, 116, 188–201, 204–206, 354; 190–191, 193–194
A and P breathing, 188–190, 195; 191
ashwini mudra, 182–187, 192, 204–205, 230, 296, 300, 537; 414
fire dhauti, 199
mula bandha (root lock), 182–187, 192, 199, 204–205, 296, 300, 588–589; 300
root lock (see mula bandha)
uddiyana bandha, 116, 195–205; 196, 198, 203
Accomplished posture (see meditative sitting postures)
Adamantine posture (see meditative sitting postures)
Angle, 247–249, 360, 378, 422, 424; 248, 379–380, 423–424
Auspicious posture (see meditative sitting postures)
Backward bends, standing
relaxed standing backbend, 238–240, 276, 331–332; 239, 275
whole-body backward bend, 236–240, 250; 237, 304
intermediate bow, 305
Breathing exercises
alternate nostril breathing, 130–131; 130
bellows breath, 93, 97, 99, 115–120, 195; 117–118
complete breath, 92, 106, 128–129; 128
even breathing, 76, 110–113, 120, 127, 131, 234, 239, 355, 552, 562
kapalabhati, 115–120, 194–195, 528; 117–118
two:one breathing, 91, 121, 556
Bridge, 477, 499, 528, 532, 536–538; 535–537
Camel, 148, 273, 277, 320–323; 322–323
Candle posture, 500–503; 501, 511
Cat stretch, 187, 194, 199, 202; 187, 194, 198
Celibate’s pose, 208, 479–481; 481
Child’s pose, 213, 326, 352–355, 484; 352
advanced cobra, 292–293, 307, 332; 292
classic beginning cobra, 284–286; 285
diaphragmatic rear lift, 84–85, 110, 125, 288, 313; 84
for restricted mobility, 295
open-air cobra, 294
raising up and down with breathing, 287–288, 323
supported intermediate cobra, 290–291; 290
with relaxed lower extremities, 288–289
with reversed breathing, 289
Corpse, 27, 32, 62–63, 82, 103, 107–108, 110–111, 119–121, 123, 218, 312–313, 327, 445, 475–476, 526, 541, 547–553, 562–565; 63, 547, 564
advanced crocodile, 550–551; 551
stretched crocodile, 122–123, 287; 123
down-facing dog, 183, 187, 326, 334, 336, 349–352, 354, 356–357, 402, 466, 482–486; 350, 482–483
upward-facing dog, 103, 183, 293–294, 296, 334, 336, 358–359, 466, 483, 486; 295
Easy posture (see meditative sitting postures)
Extended lateral angle, 422; 423
revolving extended lateral angle, 422, 424; 424
Fish, 103, 166–167, 312, 314–315, 323, 499, 528, 535–536; 167, 315, 535
Forward bends
forward bends from the hips, 208, 240, 243–246, 264, 276, 330–332, 343–349; 245–246, 283, 417
forward bends from the waist, 240–243, 359; 242–243, 335, 342
Friendship posture (see meditative sitting postures)
Half lotus
half lotus in the shoulderstand, 369, 425, 513–516; 515
half lotus in the spinal twist, 425, 434–435; 434
half lotus in threading-the-needle, 425, 533–534; 533
Hamstrings-quadriceps thigh pull, 41–42, 64–65, 151; 65
bregma headstand, 446–448, 452, 454–455, 473, 489; 447, 453
crown headstand, 446–455, 473; 447, 451, 453
Hip-opening exercises, 361–380; 363–365, 367, 371–372, 374–377, 379–380
Inverted action, 503–507, 524–528, 533; 505–506, 525
full posture (see viparitakarani mudra)
passive inverted action, 504
relaxed easy inverted action, 505, 520; 505
Knee-to-ear, 517, 528, 534; 534
double leglifts, 163–166, 168–169, 314, 408, 410, 521; 164, 409
fire exercise, 161–163, 166, 169, 172, 359; 162
leglifts with relaxed abdomen, 167; 168
superfish leglift, 166–167, 208, 357, 535; 167
active half locust, 296–297; 297
advanced full locust, 302–303; 303
beginner’s full locust, 299–300; 300
intermediate full locust, 300–301; 301
simple full locust, 298–299; 300
supported half locust, 298; 299
Lotus posture (see meditative sitting postures)
Lotus posture (other than meditative)
lotus posture in the full spinal twist, 434, 533; 434, 533
lotus posture in the headstand, 493; 494
Lumbar lift, 312–314, 323; 313
Lunge, (also see warrior postures), 28, 311, 378, 418–422; 28, 419, 421
Meditative sitting postures
accomplished, 42, 582–587, 589; 567, 583–585
adamantine, 357, 577–579, 588–589, 603; 578
auspicious, 42, 566, 572, 579–582; 573, 581
easy, 64, 103, 535, 566, 579, 589; 535, 580
friendship, 575–576, 588–589; 576
lotus, 176, 314, 434–435, 493, 514, 533–535, 566, 587–588; 271, 315, 434, 494, 588
Mountain, 210, 230–231, 234, 254; 231
Neck exercises, 48–49, 392–395, 528–531; 392, 529
Passive supine backbending, 317–320; 319, 321
Peacock, 32, 159, 173–176, 204–205, 456, 466; 174–175
Pigeon, 339, 360, 362, 376–378; 377
Plow, 369, 425, 477, 505, 507, 514, 516–521, 524–528; 517, 519, 524–525, 533–534
Posterior stretch, 340, 343–349, 353, 361, 369–373, 381; 340–341, 344
Prone boats, 63–64, 103, 303–305; 64, 304
Relaxation exercises
61 points exercise, 563–564; 564
heart center concentration, 565
rise and fall of abdomen, 552–553, 562–563
sweeping breath up and down the body, 563
tension-relaxation exercises, 549
beginning shoulderstand, 508; 509
classic shoulderstand, 508–509, 514, 524–528; 509–510
lifted shoulderstand, 522–528; 523, 525
quarter plow, 507
internally supported shoulderstand (also see candle), 509–512; 510–511
side bend with feet apart, 251–253; 251
side bend with feet together, 250, 253; 250, 252
side bend with one knee on the floor, 253–254; 253
Simple stretches
side-to-side stretch, 231–233; 232
standing twist, 234–235, 395–398, 410–417; 235, 397
overhead stretch, 233–234; 233
Sitting boats
flat-bottom boat, 171–172; 173
boat with a keel, 172–173; 173
Sun salutations, 40, 106, 129, 205, 401, 496, 555
Threading-the-needle, 531–534; 533
Trapezius stretch (see threading-the-needle)
classic triangle, 260–263, 413, 418; 261
externally supported triangle for beginners, 259–260; 259
internally supported triangle for beginners, 256–259; 257
preliminary stance, 255–256, 413
revolving triangle, 263–267, 418; 264–266
and bends, standing, 311–312, 411–413; 414–417
double leglift supine twist, 408–410; 409
relaxed supine twist, 407; 407
simple supine twist, 405–406; 406
sitting twist, 425–429; 426–428
full spinal twist, 434–435; 434
half spinal twist, 429–434; 431, 433
simple sitting twist, 425–426; 426
Two-handed cobra, 479–481; 480
Viparitakarani mudra, 503, 506–507; 506