Note: Page numbers within braces denotes Endnote.
Abolition of slavery, 9, 12, 22, 288, 290
African M. E. Church, 12, 148–50
African M. E. Zion Church, 162
Afro-American League, 260
Age of Negroes, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42 (44)
Allen, Richard, 10, 11, 12, 12f
Alleys, 38
Alleys, blind, 210
Alleys where Negroes live, 220
Amalgamation, 247
Anglo-Saxons, 269
Aristocracy among Negroes, 127, 225–28
Artists, Negro, 20
Bakers, Negro, 83
Baptist Church among Negroes, 148–49
Bath rooms and water-closets, 209–210
Beneficial Societies, Negro, 130, 154–55, 157
Benevolence, 245
Benevolent institutions for Negroes, 245
Bethel Church, 143
Bettle, Edward, 16
Bird school, 60
Birthplace of Negroes, 51, 54–55, 56
Birth rate, 104
Blockley almshouse, 195
Bribery in voting, 259–60, 261
Budgets of families, 123
Building and Loan Association, 130, 157
Cake-walks, 226
Candy and notion stores, 82
Caterers’ Association, 83
Caterers, decline of Negro, 83–84
Catholic Church among Negroes, 152, 154
Catto School, 243
Central Church, 151
Charities, color discrimination in, 245–46
Charity Organization Society, 196–98
Cherry Street Church, 151
Children s Aid Society, 196–97
Churches, activities of, 147
Negro and amusements, 136
Negro, history of, 141ff
typical organization of, 143–44
Cigar stores, 82
Cities, migration to, 244
Northern, Negroes in, 4
rush of Negroes to, 169
Citizens’ Club, 264
Clarkson, Mayor, 10
Classes among Negroes, 274
Coates Street School, 60
in discharging employes, 237–38
in getting work, 229–30, 231–33
in promotion of Negro employes, 238–39
Color discrimination, in trades, 90 (102–103), 233–34
typical cases of, 232ff
Color line in work, 236
Color prejudice, 98–99, 202–04
Condition of Negroes, 18, 20, 21
Condition of slaves, 9
Conjugal condition, 45ff
Confidence-men, 185
Convention of Negroes, 13 (14), 18
Co-operative Caterers’ Supply Store, 84
Correction, House of, Negroes in, 172
Court of Errors and Appeals on Suffrage, 258
according to years, 177
character of, 176
history of Negro, 59ff
kinds of, 169
of Negroes, 166, 167, 168, 168–69
punishment of, 175f
recent increase of, 169, 174–75
since the war, 169ff
special study of, 175ff
Criminal class, 181
birthplace of, 179
conjugal condition of, 179
sex of, 178
Crucifixion, Church of, 152–54
Death rate, 105, 106–07, 107–10, 112, 113–14 by wards, 108
Dentists, 81
Derham, Negro physician, 10
Desertion of husbands and wives, 45
Detectives, Negroes arrested by, 181 (191)
Dickinson, Anna, 22
Discrimination, see Prejudice and Color discrimination
Diseases of Negroes, 107
Distribution of Negroes, 21, 57
Distribution of Negroes in the city, 214–217
proportion of Negroes in, 93
Douglass, Frederick, 22
Duties of slaves, 8, 9, 287, 288
Duty of Negroes, 270ff
Duty of Whites, 273ff
Education of Negroes, 59ff, 66, 67
Emancipation, 9, 12, 22, 288, 289
Employment agencies, 83
Environment of Negroes, 203–04
Episcopal Church among Negroes, 152–54
Excess of young people, 35f
Excursions, 227
Expenditures of Negroes, 127f, 272
Exploitation of the Negro, 134
Extinction of the Negro, 270
Families, size of, 118ff, 196f, 226 (228)
Family festivals, 136
Forten, James, 13
Free African Society, 10f, 11, 12
Free Masons, 155
Fugitive slaves, 15
sale of, 291
Function of churches, 143, 144–46
Gallatin, Albert, 258
Gibson, Judge, on suffrage, 258
Gordon, Judge J. G., on crime, 169 (190)
Graduates, Negro, occupations of, 243–44
Graduates, Negro, of schools, occupations of, 243–44
Grocery stores, 82
Hazel, Mayor, 166f
Health, see Servants
Heredity in disease, 116
History of Negroes in Philadelphia, 6ff
Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons, 159
Home for the Homeless, 160
Homes by size and inhabitants, 209, 212–14
Homes of laboring class, 210–11
House-to-house inquiry, 40
Humanity, idea of, 269
Humphreys, Richard, 62
Illiteracy and crime, 179–80, 183
of Negroes, 59ff, 60, 62, 65, 66, 66 (68)
Illiteracy, see Servants
Negro, 217
Immigration of Negroes, 291
Increase of Negroes in U. S., 30–31
Infusion of white blood, 246ff
Insane among Negroes, 196
Insurance, life, 292
Insurance Societies, Negro, 157
petty, character of, 131
expenditures for, 131
rates of, 131
sick and death benefits of, 131
Intermarriage of races, 246ff
statute on, 248
Intermarried persons, white and black, age of, 249, 250f
Intermarried persons, character of, 252–53
rooms and rents paid by, 252–53
social grades of, 251
Jones, Absalom, 10, 11, 12, 13, 141
Juan, a slave, 17
Kelley, W. D., 22
Kidnapping of Negroes, 290
Kieth, 7
Laboring class among Negroes, 125–26, 224–25
Legislation of Pennsylvania on Negroes, 287ff
Length of residence of Negroes, 55–56
Liquors, alcoholic, expenditure for, 201
Literature concerning Philadelphia Negroes, 293
of Philadelphia Negroes, 294
Literary societies, 24
Loan associations, 157
Lodging system, 136
Lombard street, 38, 40, 210f, 211
Marriage of whites and blacks, 246ff
Marriage rate, 120
Marriages, slave, 287
Maryland, migration from, 52
Mechanics, Negro, 288
Membership of churches, 145
Methodist Church and the Negroes, 10
Merchants, Negro, 81ff, 85, 86–87
Methods of inquiry, 1
Middle alley, 38
Middle classes among Negroes, 224–25
Migration of laborers, annual, 92
Ministers, Baptist, 79
Methodist, 79
Negro, 79
Miscegenation, 246ff
Missions, Negro, 154
Mixed marriages, 246ff
Mixed schools, 219
Movement of Negro population, 217
Moyamensing prison, Negroes in, 168, 171, 173
“Negro Plot” in New York, 288
“Negro,” use of term, 1(2)
Newspapers and periodicals, Negro, 24, 87f, 159
Number of Negroes, 8, 10, 15, 30ff, 33, 38, 41–42
Occupations, 69ff, 77–78, 96–99
history of, 96ff
of graduates of schools, 243–44
Organizations of Negroes, 141ff, 161
Ownership of property, 128ff
Negro, 193f
Paupers in almshouse, 195
Penitentiary, Eastern, Negroes in, 167f, 172, 174, 175
Pennsylvania Hall, 17
Policemen, Negroes as, 90f
Policy playing, 188
Politics of Philadelphia, 259
Poor class among Negroes, 123–24, 224
Potters’ field, 290
Poverty, causes of, 197, 202–04
Preachers, Negro, see also Ministers 79, 146
against Negroes in business, 240–41
see also Color discrimination
Prejudice, unconscious, 274–75
Presbyterian Church among Negroes, 151–52
Professions, learned, Negroes in, 79ff
Property-holders, 128ff
birthplace of, 128
length of residence of, 129
Property-holders, occupations of, 129
Property of Negroes, 18
Prostitutes, 223
Quaker City Association, 157
Quakers, see Friends
Raspberry street school, 59f, 62
Ratcliffe alley, 38
Reform in politics, 266ff
Religion of churches, 146
Rent, discrimination in, 211–12, 240–41
extravagance in, 211
Riots against Negroes, 16–17, 19, 24, 167
Robbery, highway, 187
Sandiford, R., 9
School attendance, 59ff, 63, 64
Schools, abolition of separate, 292
separate, mixed, 292
Separate cars, 292
Serfs, white, 1
Servants, domestic, 93ff
board and lodging of, 96
Service, see Domestic Service and Servants
Sexual morality, 119
Shirley, Thomas, 59
Slave, importation of, 289
Slaves, duty on, 287, 289, 290
in Philadelphia, 10
Slave trade, petition vs., 290
Smith, Stephen, 20
Social classes among Negroes, 3, 4, 5, 221ff
intercourse between the races, 230
Status of Negroes, 288
Stevens, A. F., 83
Still, William, 20
Street cars, discriminations on, 21
St. George’s Church, 10
Study of the Negro in Philadelphia, 23
St. Thomas’ Church, 12, 141–42
Suffrage, history of Negro in Pennsylvania, 257–59
attempt to restrict, 258
bad results of, 259ff
good results of, 265
Judge Gibson on, 258
in the North, 257
Suicide, 189
Swedes and slavery, 7
Tanner, Henry O., Negro artist, 243f
Teachers, 79f
Thieves, “badger” and sneak, 185, 186
Traders, Free Society, 7
Trades, Negroes in, 8, 9, 19, 87ff, 233–34
Trades Unions, 89–90, 236 (254–55)
and Negroes, 235
Trial of Negroes, 7
True Reformers, Order of, 157
Undertakers, Negro, 83
United States, proportion of Negroes in, 32
University Extension, 160f
Upholsterers, Negro, 83
Virginia, migration from, 52
Wages, 91
color discrimination in, 94
Waln, Congressman, 12
Wards of Philadelphia, 39
Water-closets and baths, 115
Woman’s Exchange, 160
Woolman, 7
Work, color discrimination in, 273–74
Y. M. C. Association, 136, 160
Zoar Church, 12