
Aboriginal Canadians, 234, 247, 250–2

Acadia University, 354

Acadians, 118, 128, 355, 358

and conscription, 364–5

Acetone production, 301–2

Adams, Franck, 308

African Canadians, 11, 247, 249–50, 251, 292–3 n.18, 355–6

No. 2 Construction Battalion, 356

agriculture. See farmers

aircraft production, 302

Aitken, Sir Max. See Beaverbrook, Lord

Alderson, Lt Gen. Sir Edwin, 37–8, 39, 42, 46, 47

Alien Investigation Board, 284

Alien Labour Act, 279

aliens. See enemy aliens; immigrants; immigrant workers

American Expeditionary Force, 55

Ames, Sir Herbert, 199, 200, 204, 217, 220

Amiens, 56

anarchists, 281, 289

Anderson, Benedict, 84

anti-imperialists, 97–8, 102. See also nationalistes

anti-militarists, 36

Armenian Canadians, 259

armistice, 57, 413–14, 420

Armistice Day, 425–7, 429

as substitute funeral, 425–7

Armstrong, Elizabeth, 117

Armstrong, Helen, 172, 177

Army Medical Corps, 196

Army Service Corps, 196

Arras, Battle of, 51, 56, 88

Arsenault, Aubin-Edmond, 358

Asian Canadians, 81, 247, 275, 290–1, 292–3 n.18

Asquith, Herbert, 86, 89

Asquith, Raymond, 86

Asselin, Olivar, 106, 118–19

assigned pay (AP) 207

administrative problems, 201–3, 208, 215

criteria for, 207

mandatory, 204–5

numbers, 214–15

voluntary, 197, 199

Association Canadienne-française d’education de l’Ontario (ACFEO), 104–5, 110, 125

Association catholique de la jeunesse canadienne-française (ACJC), 97

Australia, 56–7, 399–400, 401; See also Hughes, Billy

Austro-Hungarian Canadians, 66, 81, 253, 272, 276, 289. See also enemy aliens; internment; Ukrainian Canadians

Avery, Donald, 8–9

Banff National Park, 20

Beaulieu, J.V., 206

Beaumont Hamel. See Royal Newfoundland Regiment

Beaverbrook, Lord, 47, 338

Beck, Adam, 245

Beck, J.M., 365

Begin, Cardinal, 110

Belcourt, Napoléon: background and family, 99–101

on enlistment, 116–7

at the front, 113, 121–2

on isolationism, 104, 128–9

post- war years, 124–7

Regulation 17, 97–9, 107–14, 126

relationship with nationalistes, 127

Benedict XV, Pope, 110, 114

Bennett, R.B., 168, 182

Berger, Carl, 85

Bergeron, Honoré, 127

Berlin, Ont. See Kitchener

Berton, Pierre, 138

Biggar, Oliver, 380, 382, 383, 385, 394

Bird, Will, 78

Birmingham, A.M., 207

Bliss, Michael, 139

Blondin, Pierre-Edouard, 81

Blumenberg, Sam, 283

Board of Pension Commissioners, 220, 221

Bolshevism. See socialists

Book of Remembrance, 417

Borden, Henry, 23, 24

Borden, Robert, 7, 11, 13, 24, 25–7, 47, 56, 212, 304, 307, 364, 365, 367–8, 379–80, 387–402

biography, 76, 90, 92, 127

British Empire, 386

conscription, 55, 67

enemy aliens, 260, 280

health, 87

immigrants, 272, 286

leadership, 76–83, 90–2, 213

navy, 37, 80

personal style, 77–8

Regulation 17, 104, 106, 127

social attitudes, 80

at Versailles, 380–5. See also Paris Peace Conference; Wartime Elections Act; Military Voters Act

Borden, J.W., 202, 204, 213

Botha, Louis, 382, 388, 402

Bottomley, Horatio, 88

Bourassa, Henri, 25, 85–6

anti-imperialist, 98

conscription, 65

enlistment, 120

isolationism, 104, 123, 239

nationalistes, 97–9, 116

Regulation 17, 54, 107

reputation of, 102

Bowman, Beniah, 244

Bowman, James, 81

Boyle, Robert W., 303

British Expeditionary Force, 39, 40, 71

British Indian Army, 42

British War Office, 45, 65, 70

Brooke, Rupert, 87

Brown, Audrey Alexandra, 78

Brown, Gail, 19, 28, 29

Brown, Robert Craig, 3, 5, 21–2, 76, 90–2, 127, 138, 150, 163, 221

Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, 29–30

Borden biography, 22–7; Canada: A Nation Transformed, 22–3, 27–8

Canadian Historical Association, 21, 27, 29

Champlain Society, 21

Knox College, 15–19

marriage, 19

other publications, 21, 28

Royal Society of Canada, 29

University of Calgary, 20

University of Toronto, 20, 21, 28–9

Bruchesi, Mgr, 116

Brutinel, Raymond, 45, 56

Bulgarian Canadians, 272, 276. See also enemy aliens; internment

Burns, James MacGregor, 82

Cahan, C.H., 281

Cambrai, 54, 56

Canada in Khaki, 338

Canadian-American relations, 77, 241, 245, 275, 276, 279, 286, 386–7, 396, 397–9

Canadian Army Pay Corps (CAPC), 196, 201–2

Canadian Battlefield Memorials Commission, 415

Canadian Club, 323, 324, 325, 328

Canadian Corps. See Canadian Expeditionary Force

Canadian Defence Force (CDF), 66–7, 210–11

Canadian Echo (Wiarton), 244

Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), 51–7, 197, 220, 353, 356

1st Canadian Division, 37–40, 43, 46

2nd Canadian Division, 38, 39, 46

3rd Canadian Division, 47

4th Canadian Division, 50, 52

5th Canadian Division, 55, 68, 70–3, 119

Canadian Forestry Corps, 213

Canadian Medical Army Corps, 255

Canadian Railway Troops, 213

demographics, 197

equipment, 45

French-Canadian battalions, 46, 54, 69, 115, 117–20

integration, 249–50

married men, 194, 197–8

numbers, 71–2, 89, 195, 233

officers, 48

organization, 39, 55, 69–72

remuneration, 38, 195–7, 207, 259

strength after conscription, 72–3

training, 37, 39–41, 55, 70, 246. See also Canadian Army Pay Corps; Canadian Defence Force; casualties; enlistment; prisoners of war

Canadian Expeditionary Force battalions: 4th Infantry, 40; 8th, 42; 15th, 42–3; 22nd, 46, 54, 69, 117, 119–21; 41st, 115, 118, 120; 57th, 118, 120; 69th, 115, 118, 120; 118th, 256; 165th, 118; 167th, 118; 206th, 118, 120

Canadian Expeditionary Force brigades: 1st, 42; 2nd, 42; 3rd, 42; 5th, 120

Canadian Magazine, 330, 343

Canadian Mining Institute, 304

Canadian Patriotic Fund (CPF), 9, 38, 178, 194, 208, 335

background, 199

cost of living, 218

criteria, 195, 205, 209

exclusions, 210, 213

farmers, 235–6

fundraising, 200, 204

moral regulation, 178, 195, 206, 217

Ontario, 231

Quebec, 116, 206, 214

prairies, 206

rates, 199, 209, 220

western Canada, 214, 218. See also separation allowance

Canadian Registration Board, 279

Canadian Ruthenian, 282

Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, 304

Canadian War Memorials Fund, 338, 429

Canadian War Records Office, 338

Canal du Nord, 56

Cannadine, David, 412

Careless, J.M.S., 16, 21

Carson, Maj. Gen. Sir John Wallace, 212

Cassar, George, 89–90

casualties, 48, 55–7, 63, 67, 88, 220, 233

Allies, 44

‘Canadian Orchard,’ 44

civilian, 43

Flers-Courcelette, 50, 120

Hundred Days, 56, 73

Passchendaele, 54

shell shock, 48, 231

Somme, 49, 86

St Eloi, 47

Vimy Ridge, 48, 52, 82

Ypres, 42–3

Cecil, Lord Robert, 382, 385, 388, 389, 390, 400–1

CEF. See Canadian Expeditionary Force

cenotaphs. See war memorials

censorship, 44, 276, 289

Chabot, J.L., 81

Chantilly conference, 46

Charlebois, Charles, 109

Chatelaine, 160

Chicago Tribune, 103

chlorine gas, 41–2

Christie, Loring, 80, 379, 381, 382, 383, 384, 394, 396, 401

Christie, Nancy, 168

Churchill, Winston, 45, 88

Citizen (Winnipeg), 285

Clarke, George J., 350, 358

Claxton, Brooke, 343

Clemenceau, Georges, 381, 384, 391, 399

Cleverdon, Catherine, 163

Clute, Chief Justice, 107

Coaker, William, 367–9

Colt machine guns, 39, 45

Commachio, Cynthia, 160

communists, 286, 288

Connaught, Duke of, 199

Connaught Laboratories, 303

Connor, Ralph, 4, 88, 288, 332, 335, 417

Conrad, Margaret, 139

conscription, 5–6, 7, 25, 55, 69, 92, 333, 352, 364–5

direct benefits, 72–3

exemptions, 65, 68, 123, 239, 240, 242

farmers, 68, 237–44

French Canadians, 83, 90, 123–4, 127, 240

and morale, 64

Newfoundland, 368

numbers, 62, 68, 70, 72, 73

Quebec, 69

Second World War, 62–4

western Canada, 233. See also enlistment; Military Service Act

Cook, Eleanor, 23

Cook, Ramsay, 3, 5, 91, 138

Cook, Tim, 41, 42, 47–8

Copp, Terry, 5, 7, 9

Courcelette. See Flers-Courcelette, Battle of

Creighton, Donald, 17–18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27

Crerar, Adam, 9, 10

Crerar, Thomas, 273

Cronyn, Hume, 308

culture, 10, 324–5

books and publishing, 330, 335, 343

cultural industries, 340–1

cultural nationalism, 10, 324, 340, 344–5, 347 n.19

film and theatre, 331–2, 335, 338–40

impact of the war, 333–40

music, 326–7, 330–1, 332

post-war, 343–5

spread of American culture, 10, 323–4, 329–30, 332–3

Curl, James Stevens, 421

Currie, Brigadier Arthur, 43, 46, 48–9, 52–5, 67–8, 70–1, 380, 415–16, 426–7, 428

background, 80

Currie, J.A., 242

Curtis, Bruce, 82

Curtiss Aeroplanes and Motors Ltd of Canada, 302

Dafoe, John W., 289, 380, 382, 383, 386, 393

Dalhousie University, 354

Dandurand, Raoul, 97, 99, 102, 122

David, Laurent-Olivier, 112

Davies, Robertson, 4, 326

death and mourning, 11–12, 411, 413, 419–21, 423–5

battlefield visions, 417–18

Christianity, 411, 414, 417–18, 420

collective memory, 420

death and mourning in Victorian and Edwardian Canada, 411–13. See also Armistice Day

Decoration Day, 425

Dening, Greg, 89

Department of Indian Affairs, 251

deportation. See enemy aliens; immigrants

Desloges sisters, 110

Desrosiers, Napoléon, 96

Devonshire, Duke of, 80, 381, 384

Doherty, C.J., 380, 381, 383, 385, 391, 393, 401

Donovan, Peter, 234

Drocourt-Quéant, 56, 72

Drury, E.C., 236–7, 240, 245

Duguid, A.F., 207, 428–9

Duncan, Robert Kennedy, 304

Durkin, Douglas, 161

Dutil, Patrice A., 7, 248

Eaton, John C., 45

Edison, Thomas, 306

Eggleston, Wilfrid, 308

election of 1917, 67–8, 123, 364–5

demographics, 68

disenfran-chisement, 289

farmers, 240, 243

French Canadians, 240

Quebec, 123–4

Ontario, 232, 240–2

women’s vote, 80, 176. See also Military Voters Act; Wartime Elections Act

Emery, George, 412

Emery, Herbert, 138, 140

Empire Club, 316

enemy aliens, 158, 258–60, 276, 281, 288–9

deportation, 281

disenfranchisement, 238, 240

employment, 168, 254–5, 277–82

violence against, 258–60, 282–4. See also internment

English, John, 6–7

enlistment, 55, 59 n.32, 62

Aboriginal Canadians, 250

Black Canadians, 249–50

British descent, 37, 64–5, 236

Canadian Defence Force, 66–7

farmers, 235

Finnish Canadians, 253

foreign born, 65

French Canadians, 65–6, 82, 115, 117, 122

German Canadians, 256

Jewish Canadians, 253

National Registration, 65

Newfoundlanders, 38

numbers, 67, 82, 115, 122

Ontario, 232, 236

Quebec, 54, 115

requirements, 38, 197

western Canada, 115. See also conscription

Enros, Philip, 308

Eve, A.S., 303

Falconer, Robert, 84, 260

Fallon, Michael, 248

Farmers, 141, 145, 241

Canadian Patriotic Fund, 235

commodity prices, 237–8

conscription, 68, 237–44

enlistment, 235

election of 1917, 240, 243

Ontario, 234–45

political representation, 244–5, 261

volunteer organizations, 39

women at work, 173–5, 221

workers, 38, 278. See also Canadian Echo; Grain Growers’ Guide; prairies; United Farmers of Ontario; Weekly Sun; western Canada

Fenton, Mrs, 177, 179–80

Ferguson, Howard, 105, 126, 248

Ferguson, Niall, 9, 77

Fessenden, Reginald, 303

Fields, J.C., 310

financial support for families. See assigned pay; Canadian Patriotic Fund; separation allowance; pensions

Findley, Timothy, 4

Finkel, Alvin, 139

Finnish Canadians, 253, 276, 288

Fiset, Sir Eugene, 206

Fishermen’s Protective Union, 367–9

Flanders. See Somme; Ypres

Flavelle, Joseph, 166–7, 179, 306

Flemming, James, 358

Flers-Courcelette, Battle of, 49–50, 120

Foch, Marshal Ferdinand, 56

Forster, W.E., 358

Foster, Sir George, 306, 307, 380, 381, 388

at Versailles, 380–3, 389, 391, 395, 401

franchise. See Military Voters Act; Wartime Elections Act Franconia, 201

Free Press (Manitoba), 285, 289, 380

French Canadians, 7–8, 89, 104–5, 115, 119–20, 240

conscription, 68, 123

enlistment, 66, 82, 115, 117, 122

election of 1917, 240. See also 22nd Battalion; Quebec; Regulation 17

French, Field Marshal Sir John, 40

Fussell, Paul, 76, 88

Gadsby, H.F., 242

Genest, Samuel, 106

Geoffrion, Aime, 111

Geological Survey of Canada, 305

German Canadians, 66, 81, 240, 247, 253–7, 260, 272, 276, 289. See also enemy aliens; internment

Globe (Toronto), 36, 111, 237, 429

Gompers, Samuel, 398

Good, W.C., 242–3

Gordon, Charles W. See Connor, Ralph

Gouin, Lomer, 92

Grain Growers’ Guide (Winnipeg), 36, 244

Granatstein, J.L., 5, 7, 21, 90–1, 117

Grand Indian Council of Ontario, 251

Graves, Robert, 87

Gray, J.A., 303

Great War Veterans’ Association, 240, 260, 425

Griesbach, W.A., 81

Gross National Product (GNP), 140–2

Groulx, Lionel, 127, 128–9, 130–1 n.13

Group of Seven, 343

Guardian (Methodist), 36

Gwatkin, Gen. Willoughby, 66

Gwyn, Sandra, 88–9

Haig, Gen. Sir Douglas, 47, 48–51, 54–8, 76, 120

Halifax, 353–4, 359, 361, 369, 370

explosion, 365–7, 384, 394

Haileyburian (Ontario), 202

Hamilton, Constance, 166

Hamilton Herald, 235

Hankey, Maurice, 382

Harris, Lloyd, 395

Harris, Stephen, 48, 71

Hearst, William Henry: farmers, 244–5

Kitchener, 257

recruitment, 230

Regulation 17, 97, 106, 110, 114

Henderson, Rose, 183

Hill 145, 52

Hill 70, 52, 70

Hiller, James, 363

Hindenburg Line, 51

Hitsman, J. Mackay, 62, 90, 117

Hobsbawm, Eric, 76–7

Honorary Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 306–7, 314–15. See also National Research Council

House, Edward, 382, 385, 388, 390, 398, 400

Howard, Michael, 4

Hughes, Billy, 385, 387, 388, 389, 390, 399–401, 402

Hughes, Maj. Gen. Garnet, 68

Hughes, Laura, 170

Hughes, Col. Sam, 37, 47, 65, 68, 87, 116–17, 119

influence of, 212

recruitment, 207, 249

suffrage, 197

Valcartier, 196

Hull, James, 308

Hundred Days, 56–7, 72, 73

Hunter-Miller, David, 389, 402

Hutchinson, Bruce, 327

Hyatt, Jack, 49, 52

immigrant workers, 284

dismissal, 254–5, 277, 281

radicalism, 272, 273, 281, 283–4, 286–9

immigrants 258–60

demographics, 274

deportation, 284–5, 287–8

numbers, 273

public services, 283

violence against, 282–4, 289. See also specific groups

Immigration Act, 286–8

immigration policy, 273–5, 278–9, 287, 289–90

Imperial Munitions Board (IMB), 164, 166–8, 172, 177, 215, 301, 302

Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (IODE), 176, 233, 245, 328, 360, 425

Imperial War Cabinet, 77, 386, 387, 397, 399

Imperial War Conference, 83, 367, 387

Resolution IX, 26

Imperial War Graves Commission, 416, 422

Industrial Banner, 160, 170, 178

industrialization, 139–40

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 275

inflation, 145–7, 217–18, 241, 280

Ingalls, C.M., 201, 215–17

Intercolonial Railway, 362

International Labor Organization (ILO), 389–91, 398, 401

internment, 158, 177, 254, 258, 277–81, 287

release from, 279. See also enemy aliens

Irish Canadians, 248–9

Irish, Mark, 166–8, 174, 179–80

isolationism, 7, 122, 128

America, 103–4, 115, 122

Quebec, 36, 103, 115, 128

Jackson, A.Y., 421

Jacobs, F.W., 251

Jewish Canadians, 81, 252–3, 283

Johnson, Phelps, 303

Kealey, Linda, 172, 219

Kechnie, Margaret, 174–5

Keefer, T.C., 300

Kemp, Sir Edward, 66, 69, 71, 82, 206–7, 212–13, 371

Kemp, Mrs J.C., 219

Kerr, Philip, 382

Keshen, Jeffrey, 43

King, Louis V., 303

King, William Lyon Mackenzie, 62, 87, 88, 402, 418

Kingston Standard, 259

Kitchener (Ontario), 255–7, 261

Kitchener, Lord, 44, 46, 205

Koreichuk, Timothy, 287

Labour Gazette, 169

labour movement, 241, 277, 280, 283–8. See also women at work: labour unrest; Maritimes

L’ Action Française, 114, 128

La Follette, Robert, 103

Lamarche, Paul-Emile, 112

Lambert, Paul-Adrien, 127

Landry, Col. J.P., 119

Landry, Phillippe, 97, 109, 110, 112–14, 119

language of war, 87–9

Lapointe, Ernest, 112

La Presse (Montreal), 329

LaRocque, Mgr Paul, 97

Lash, Zebulon, 84

Last Post Fund, 425

Latulippe, Mgr, 110

Laurier, Wilfrid, 25, 27, 102, 105, 240, 247, 341, 368

conscription, 55, 240

defeat of, 36

family, 101

navy, 36

Regulation 17, 104, 110–12, 127

reputation of, 239

Lavergne, Armand, 65, 85, 97, 127

Leacock, Stephen, 313

League of Nations, 57, 220, 383, 385–6, 389–91, 392, 401

Article X, 385. See also Paris Peace Conference

Le Devoir (Montreal), 97, 102, 116

Le Droit (Ontario), 106

Lemieux, Rodophe, 102, 112, 116, 118, 124, 127

Lennox, Mr Justice, 107

Lens-Douai plain, 51

Le Samedi (Montreal), 330

Lessard, Gen. François-Louis, 119

Lévesque, René, 90

Lismer, Arthur, 235

Litt, Paul, 10

Livingston, Grace MacPherson, 89

Lloyd George, David, 51, 77, 91, 314, 379, 382–9, 391, 397, 398, 399, 402

Lloyd, William, 368

Loft, Fred O., 252

Logic, Maj. Gen., 205

London Advertiser, 240

Loudon, James, 311, 313

Lougheed, Sir James, 202

Lusitania, 43, 254

Lyon, Stewart, 111

Macallum, A.B., 301, 304, 307, 309, 310, 311–13, 315–16

Macdonald, Charles, 219

MacDonald, J.E.H., 235

Macdonell, Claude, 255

Macdonnell, Maj. Gen. A.C., 49

Machin, H.A.C., 212

Mackell, R., 106

Mackell v. Trustees, 111

Mackenzie, A.S., 309

MacKenzie, David, 9, 10

Maclean’s, 330, 343, 348 n.22

MacLennan, Hugh, 4, 161

MacMillan, Margaret, 11, 12

Macnaughton, John, 418, 420

Macphail, Agnes, 416

Macphail, Sir Andrew, 429–30

Mail and Empire (Toronto), 36

manufacturing, 141, 142–3, 231–2, 277, 287

Margeson, Maj. J.W., 215–16

Maritimes, 11, 123, 165, 182, 210, 249, 277, 350–2, 364, 370, 371

defence of, 352–4

economy, 351–2, 361–3

election of 1917, 364–5

enlistment, 354–6, 364–5

labour unrest, 354, 364, 369–70

out-migration, 351

politics, 358–9

women, 359–60

prohibition, 359. See also Halifax

Marlyn, John, 290

Marne, Battle of the, 39

Marshall, David, 413

Martin, Médéric, 116

Mason, D.H.C., 419

Mathers Royal Commission on Industrial Relations, 183

Matthews, Maj. Harold, 42

Mauser Ridge, 41

Mayo, James, 421

McAdams, Roberta, 219

McCalla, Doug, 4, 8, 362

McClung, Nellie, 159, 176, 182

McCrae, John, 88–9

McCurdy, A.G., 210

McDougall, D.J., 16–17, 23

McKay, Ian, 361, 369

McLaren, John, 179

McLennan, John, 28, 302, 303, 306, 313–14

McWilliam, Jean, 219

Meighen, Arthur, 277, 402

Merner, J.J., 81

Mewburn, Gen. S.C., 69, 239

Mignault, Arthur, 117, 121, 127

Military Service Act (MSA), 62, 67, 212–13, 238, 368. See also conscription

Military Voters Act, 80, 83, 90, 365

militia, 37, 195–7

Millard, Rod, 9–10

Miller, Ian, 43–4, 84, 90

Milner, Lord, 381, 384, 393–4, 397

mining, 273, 277, 279–80, 283, 286–7

minorities. See immigrants; see also specific groups

Monk, F.D., 25

Montgomery, L.M., 332, 414

Montreal Star, 36

Moore, William Henry, 125–6

morality, 175–81. See also Woman’s Christian Temperance Union; women

Morris, Sir Edward, 367–8

Morris, May, 250

Morris, Philip, 213, 215

Morton, Desmond, 9, 37–9, 47, 118

Morton, George, 249

Morton, W.L., 22, 23

Mueller, Paul Wilhelm, 255, 260

munitions, 142, 149, 170, 172, 232, 241, 300–1, 314. See also Imperial Munitions Board; women at work: munitions

Murphy, Emily, 176

Murray, George, 351, 358, 360, 365

Murray, James, 358

Myers, Tamara, 180

National Council of Women (NCW), 159, 166, 174, 176, 179–80, 182, 219

National Research Council (NRC), 9–10, 306–8, 316. See also Honorary Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

nationalism, 36, 54, 70, 91, 92, 102, 111–12

nationalistes, 25, 80, 97–9, 116, 118, 125, 127, 128

Naval Bill, 37, 80, 103

New Brunswick, 351, 355, 358, 359, 360, 361, 364. See also Maritimes

Newfoundland, 11, 277, 350–2, 364, 371, 396–7

conscription, 368

economy, 363–4

enlistment, 356–7, 367

formation of National Government, 368

prohibition, 360

relationship with Canada, 370–1

suffrage, 360

Newfoundland Forestry Corps, 356

Newfoundland Patriotic Association, 351, 367, 368

Newfoundland Regiment. See Royal Newfoundland Regiment

News (Toronto), 43

News Record (Waterloo), 240

New Zealand, 57, 399–400

Next-of-Kin Associations, 219

Nicholson, G.W.L., 40, 50

Nickle, W.F., 220

Nicolson, Harold, 389

Nivelle offensive, 51

Nivelle, Robert, 51

Nome, Kenneth, 138, 140

Non-Partisan (Alberta), 219

Norris, George W., 103

Norris, Tobias C., 284

Nova Scotia, 351, 354–5, 359, 360

Cape Breton Island, 351. See also Halifax; Maritimes

Nova Scotia Provincial Workmen’s Association, 354

Nowlan, George, 370

O’Leary, Grattan, 418

Ontario: budget allocation, 231

Canadian Patriotic Fund, 231

casualties, 233

demographics, 246–7

enlistment, 232

farmers, 234–45

munitions, 232

election of 1917, 241

prohibition, 232

Orlando, Vittorio, 384

Osborne, Col. H.C., 416

Ottawa Separate School Board, 105–14. See also Regulation 17

Otter, Gen. W.D., 66

Owen, Wilfred, 87

Owram, Douglas, 138, 140

pacifists, 36, 176

Packet (Orillia), 239

Pagnuelo, Tancrede, 118

Pan-Canadian League of Indians, 252

Panel, Col. H.A., 117

papacy, 51, 110, 114

Papineau, Louis-Joseph, 102

Papineau, Talbot, 120–1

Paris Peace Conference, 11, 177, 379–402

British Empire Delegation, 388–9, 391, 396, 398, 400

Covenant of the League, 385, 400

international civil aviation, 395–6

territory, 396–7

Parlby, Irene, 161

Passchendaele, 41, 54, 68, 70

Patenaude, Esioff-Léon, 112

peace proposals, 51

Pearson, Annie, 87

Pearson, Lester, 87

Pelletier, Maj. Gen. Oscar, 119

Pension Board, 216. See also Board of Pension Commissioners

Perley, Sir George, 212–13

prairies, 66, 139, 141, 142–5, 206, 396

enlistment, 82, 139. See also enemy aliens; immigrant workers; immigrants; labour movement; western Canada; Winnipeg General Strike

Price, Enid, 169

Price, William, 37

Prince Edward Island, 355, 358, 359, 360

election of 1917, 365. See also Maritimes

prisoners of war (POW), 42–3, 56. See also internment

Privy Council, 110, 111, 113–14

prohibition, 232, 245, 351, 359

Pursell, Carroll, 300

Quebec, 85–6, 92

Canadian Patriotic Fund, 206, 214

conscription, 69, 124

enlistment, 54

isolationism, 36, 128

Regulation 17, 123–4

women, 167. See also French Canadians; nationalistes

railways, 279–80, 362

Rawling, Bill, 40, 52, 57

Readman, Col. Onesime, 118

Recorder (Brockville), 240

recruitment, 230, 232, 237. See also enlistment

Red Cross, 359–60

Red Scare, 272, 281–9 Regina Daily Star, 429

Regulation 17, 17, 25, 96–8, 104–14, 127, 247–8

papacy, 114

repealed, 126. See also Belcourt, Napoléon

Ottawa Separate School Board

Reid, Helen, 205, 208, 211, 217

Remembrance Day. See Armistice Day

Revue populaire, 330

Richards, Percy J., 355–6

Riethdorf, F.V., 255

Roblin, Rodmond, 289

Rockland Separate School Board, 96, 127. See also Regulation 17

Rosenberg, Isaac, 88

Ross, D.A., 284

Ross rifle, 37, 40

Rowell, Newton, 106, 111–12, 239, 245, 230, 384

Royal Canadian Institute, 304, 314

Royal Canadian Navy, 36–7, 353–4

Royal Commission on Industrial Relations, 283

Royal Flying Corps (RFC), 49–50

Royal Navy, 37, 38

Royal Newfoundland Regiment, 38, 39, 49, 356–8

Beaumont Hamel, 357

Royal North-West Mounted Police (RNWMP), 286, 288–9

Royal Society of Canada, 29, 304, 315

Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 41

Russell, R.B., 284

Russian Canadians, 202, 281, 288

Ruttan, R.F., 308, 309

Saint John Globe, 332, 364

Salvation Army, 249

Salverson, Laura, 161, 427

Sandwell, B.K., 323–4, 325, 328, 329, 340, 345 n.1

Sangster, Joan, 8, 9

Saturday Night, 234, 242, 330, 424

Schreiber, Shane, B., 57

scientific research, 300–1, 307–8, 315–16

Germany, 309–10

McGill University, 303, 310

United States, 309–10

University of Toronto, 302, 303, 304–5, 310–13, 314, 315

scientists, 300, 314–15. See also scientific research

Scott, W.L., 178

separation allowance (SA): administrative problems, 201–3, 208, 211, 215–17

Appeals Board, 215–16

criteria 203–4, 207–9, 211–13, 217

numbers, 214–15

rates, 199, 209, 216–17, 220. See also Canadian Patriotic Fund

Service, Robert W., 44

Shehyn, Joseph, 101

shell shock. See casualties

Shipman, Ernest, 342

Shortt, Adam, 304

Siegfried, André, 104

Sifton, Arthur, 380, 381, 382, 390, 393, 401

international civil aviation, 396

Sifton, Clifford, 239, 305

Sime, Georgina, 162

Sissons, C.B., 101, 125, 248

Six Nations Council, 251–2

Skelton, O.D., 242–3

Smith, Clarence, 217

Smuts, Jan Christian, 77, 387, 389, 398, 400

socialists, 275, 281–4, 287, 289

Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste, 106

Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Wives Association, 219

Soldiers’ Wives Leagues, 218

Somme, Battle of the, 49–50

Somme offensive, 43, 52, 86

Sorokin, Piotr, 84

South Africa, 77, 399–400

Speakers’ Patriotic League, 235–6

Squires, Richard, 368

Staines, David, 78

St Eloi, Battle of, 46–7

St John’s Ambulance, 205

St Julien, 42

Stokes mortar, 45

Strachan, Hew, 89

Stead, Robert, 4

strike activities. See labour movement; women at work: labour unrest

Strong-Boag, Veronica, 183–4

suffrage. See women

Swettenham, John, 40

Taft, Robert A., 103

tanks, 45, 49, 54

taxes, 80, 145, 275

Telegraph (Waterloo), 240

temperance. See Woman’s Christian Temperance Union

Terraine, John, 56

Thistle, Mel, 308

Thorn, Deborah, 164

Toronto Star, 170, 243, 329

Toronto Telegram, 255, 282, 285

Trades and Labour Congress (TLC), 171, 232

Travers, Tim, 57

Treaty of Versailles, 57, 393–4, 401. See also Paris Peace Conference

Tremblay, Thomas, 117, 120, 127

Triple Entente, 96, 97, 103, 106

Tupper, Sir Charles Hibbert, 83, 219

Turkish Canadians, 253, 259, 272, 276. See also enemy aliens; internment

Turner, F.M., 314

Turner, Brig. R.E.W, 43, 46, 47

Ukrainian Canadians, 81, 257–8, 282, 284, 287–90, 381

Ukrainian Labor News, 287

Underhill, Frank, 78, 316

union activity. See labour movement; women at work: labour unrest

United Farmers of Ontario (UFO), 244–5

United States of America, 51, 102–4, 115, 122, 300–1, 305–6, 313–14, 390, 398

immigration, 273, 274, 287

League of Nations, 385. See also isolationism

Unity League, 125–6

urbanization, 144

Valcartier, Que., 37–8, 196, 200–2

Valenciennes, 56

Vance, Jonathan F., 11–12, 13, 78, 87, 90, 159

Vanier, Georges, 46, 117, 120, 127

Varsity (Toronto), 260

Venereal Diseases Act, 179–80

Verdun, 46

veterans, 78, 83, 220, 259–60, 282

farm allotments, 251

return to work, 282

violence against immigrants, 259, 282–4. See also Great War Veterans’ Association

Victory Loan Campaigns, 82, 235–6, 419

war bonds, 231, 242

Vimy Ridge, 44, 48, 51–2, 57, 70, 82, 419

Vining, Charles, 78, 90

Wade, Mason, 16, 18

Ward, Lt. Col. W.R., 200–1, 205

War Measures Act, 276.

war memorials, 4, 42, 57, 409–10, 411, 416, 417–18, 421–5. See also death and mourning

war profiteering, 80, 241

Wartime Elections Act, 80, 83, 90, 176, 217, 238, 258. See also election of 1917

Weekly Sun (Ontario), 244

western Canada, 8–9, 40, 210

Canadian Patriotic Fund, 214, 218

conscription, 232

demographics, 66, 275

economy, 140, 273, 275

enlistment 115, 355

internment, 278

political support, 81, 112

school language rights, 107, 112

Wartime Elections Act, 238

women, 165–6, 172, 219. See also enemy aliens; farmers; immigrant workers; immigrants; prairies; Royal North-West Mounted Police

Western Front, 51, 54–5, 113, 213, 242, 272

Westminster, 101

Whitaker, Denis, 62–3

Whitaker, Shelagh, 62–3

White, Sir Thomas, 87, 380, 385, 387, 391

Whitney, James W., 105–6, 247

Whitney, J.R.B., 249

Willison, Sir John, 84

Willms, A.M., 90

Willson, Beckles, 324, 325, 328

Wilson, Woodrow, 51, 57, 77, 80, 382, 384, 390, 391, 399

Fourteen Points, 398

Winnipeg Free Press, 380

Winnipeg General Strike, 9, 272, 284–5, 291

Winnipeg Telegram, 284

Wise, S.F., 21, 49, 56

Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), 175–6, 179, 328, 359–60

women: ethnicity, 8, 9, 158, 250, 328

morality, 160, 175–181, 206, 217

political appointment, 177

social class, 158, 160–3, 165, 167–8, 170, 172, 174–8, 180–1, 183–4, 218

suffrage, 80, 162–3, 351, 359–60

Women’s Party, 381. See also Canadian Patriotic Fund; Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire; National Council of Women; Next-of-Kin Associations; Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Wives Association; Soldiers’ Wives Leagues; Wartime Elections Act; Women’s Institute

women at work, 89, 141, 143

clerical, 165, 169–70, 184, 215

end of war, 182

farm workers, 173–5, 221, 234–5

labour unrest, 170–4, 182, 291

Maritimes, 165, 182, 359–60

munitions, 157, 162, 164–5, 168–71, 177

nurses, 161, 164

prairies, 168, 172, 174, 182, 219

Ontario, 234–5

Quebec, 167

reaction to, 171

resistance to, 166

volunteer activity, 176, 180, 182, 214, 231, 250, 252

western Canada, 165–6, 172. See also

Mathers Royal Commission; YWCA

Women’s Canadian Club, 214

Women’s Century, 159, 177, 182, 183

Women’s Institute, 328

Women’s Labour League, 219

Women’s Patriotic Association (WPA), (Newfoundland), 360–1, 363

Women’s Volunteer Reserve, 182

Women’s War Conference, 159, 174, 176

Women’s War Registry, 168

Woodsworth, James S., 288

Workman, Mark, 280

World (Toronto), 44, 255

Wrigley, Chris, 148

Wrong, George, 84–6, 91, 248, 380

Wrong, Hume, 65, 85, 91

YMCA, 249

Young Men’s Christian Association. See YMCA

Young Women’s Christian Association. See YWCA

Ypres, 2nd Battle of, 41, 43

casualties, 42, 43, 47, 49, 117

Ypres, 3rd Battle of. See Passchen-daele

YWCA, 167, 175, 178