Part I: From Artist to Dictator 1
Chapter 1: Adolf Hitler’s Humble Beginnings 3
Chapter 2: Vienna and the Roots of Hitler’s Antisemitism 10
Chapter 4: The Failure of Democracy 28
Chapter 5: From Soldier to Führer 36
Chapter 6: Hitler’s Swift Rise to Power 49
Chapter 7: Germany’s Economic Recovery 57
Part II: The Overwhelming Power of Propaganda 69
Chapter 8: Hitler and the Arts 71
Chapter 9: Antisemitic Propaganda 102
Chapter 10: The German “People’s Community” 130
Chapter 11: Racial Hygiene for the Master Race 143
Chapter 12: Hitler: Actor and Orator 152
Chapter 13: Hitler in “His” Mountains 159
Chapter 14: Mass Events and the Art of Propaganda 164
Chapter 15: Third Reich Cinema 173
Chapter 16: Volk ohne Raum and Other Justifications for War 182
Chapter 17: One Crown for Two Empires 191
Chapter 18: Policing the Reich 205
Chapter 21: Resisting the Reich 246
Part IV: Additional Perspectives 256
Chapter 22: Hitler’s Secret Book 259
Chapter 23: Did Occultism Play a Role in the Third Reich? 280
Chapter 24: Religion in the Reich 288
Chapter 25: The Third Reich: A New Rome? 305
Chapter 26: Women in the Reich 311
Chapter 27: The Hidden Face of Eva Braun 328
Part V: Dealing with Collective Guilt 337
Chapter 28: How Nazified Were the Germans during the Third Reich? 339