
Abbott, Henry, 7

Abbotts Creek, 31920

Academy of the Sciences, 291

Adako, 240

Adams, John, 103, 190, 417, 438

Adams, Samuel, 92

“Adventurers for Draining the Dismal Swamp, the,” 4

Ahoskie, 23

Alamance, Battle of, 4036

Alamance Battleground State Historic Site, 4036

Alamance County, 394407

Alamance Creek, 399, 402

Alamance Presbyterian Church, 34849

Albemarle, 161

Albemarle County, 3

Albemarle region, 3, 19

Albemarle Sound, 9, 11, 21

Alexander, Abijah, 166

Alexander, Abraham, 199

Alexander, Hezekiah, 199, 2012

Alexander, Jean, 35556

Alexander, John, 35556

Alexander, John McKnitt, 172, 17677, 190, 191

Alexander, Joseph McKnitt, 190

Alexander Long House, 315

Alexander, Margaret, 267

Alexander, Moses, 164, 168

Alexander, Nathaniel, 168, 183

Alexander, Robert, 267, 269

Alexandriana, 172, 176

Alexandriana Park, 172

Allen, Richard, Sr., 208

Allen, Shadrack, 59

Alston, “Chatham Jack,” 394

Alston, Joseph, 394

Alston, Phillip, 38891, 394

Alston, Theodosia Burr, 394

Anderson Creek, 138

André, John, 119

Andrew Hunter Bridge, 382

Andrew Hunter Pedestrian Bridge, 382

Andrew Jackson Birthplace Memorial, 146

Andrew Jackson Elementary School, 31, 37

Andrew Jackson Memorial Museum of the Old Waxhaws, 146

Andrew Jackson State Park, 14850

Anson County, 15360

Anson County Courthouse, 155

Anson, George, 153, 158

Anson Regulators Protest Paper, 157

Antioch, 140

Antioch Presbyterian Church, 140

Appalachian State University, 214

Arends, John Gottfried, 246, 276

Areneuse Creek, 5

Armfield, William, 361

Arnold, Benedict, 46, 119, 343

arrowhead monument, 220

Asbury, Francis, 131, 412, 446

Ashe County, 211, 213, 215

Ashe, Elizabeth Montfort, 41

Ashe, John, 33, 102, 105, 11213

Ashe, John Baptist, 113

Ashe, John Baptista, 38, 41

Ashe, Samuel, 33, 74, 11314, 159, 211, 223, 380, 435

Ashe, Samuel A., 384, 450

Asheboro, 380

Ashemore, James, 162, 164, 165

Asheville, 223

Ashland, 437

Aspen Hall, 394

Attmore-Oliver House Museum, 75

Autry, Absalom, 381

Avery County, 216

Avery, Waightstill, 216, 23537

Ayden, 59

Bacon’s Abridgement of the Law, 236

Baggage Road, 339

Bagge, Traugott, 329, 332

Bailes Old Mill, 362

Baker, Laurence, 423

Balch, Hezekiah James, 16566, 189

Balfour, Andrew, 38082

Balfour, Andrew, Jr., 381

Balfour cemetery, 38082

Balfour, Elizabeth Dayton, 38082

Balfour, Isabel “Tibbie,” 380, 381, 382

Balfour, Margaret, 381

Ball, Patty, 387

Barbeque Presbyterian Church, 133, 13637, 138

Barge, Lewis, 131

Barker House, 14, 18

Barker, Penelope, 16, 17, 18

Barker, Thomas, 18

Barkley, Alben W., 288

Barringer, Matthias, 246

Barrow, John W., 97

Barry, Richard, 175, 176

Bath, 64, 110

“Battle of the Bees, the,” 17980

Battle Park, 12, 52

Battleboro, 50

Bayard v. Singleton, 74, 159, 435

Bear Poplar, 305

Beard, John Lewis, 309

Beard, Robert, 5152

Beatties Ford Access Area, 282

Beatty, John, 282

Beatty, Robert, 284

Beaufort, 8183

Beaufort, Battle of, 82, 83

Beaufort County, 61, 62

Beaufort County Courthouse (old), 64

Beaufort Historical Association, 81

Beaver Creek (Alamance County), 406

Beaver Creek (Ashe County), 212

Beaver Creek (Guilford County), 362

Beaver Creek (Rockingham County), 338

Beaver Creek Christian Church, 212

Bedford’s Hill, 234

Belfont Plantation, 62

Belgrade Plantation, 11

Bell, Martha McFarlane McGee, 366, 376, 37781

Bell, William, 376, 377

Bellair Plantation, 65

Bellamy family cemetery, 50

Bellamy House, 50

Bell-Welborne cemetery, 378

Belmont Abbey College, 266

Belvedere Plantation, 106

Benbury, Thomas, 12, 19

Benjamin May D.A.R. Chapter House, 60

Bennehan, Richard, 426

Bennett, 386

Bennett cemetery, 155

Bennett, Lydia, 18

Bertie County, 22, 47

Bessemer City, 264

Bethabara, 33132

Bethabara Park, 33132

Bethania, 33233, 334

Bethania Historic Preservation Area, 333

Bethany Presbyterian Church, 28991

Bethel Baptist Church, 10

Bethune, John, 38687

Bettie McGee’s Creek, 380, 381

Bickerstaffs Old Fields. See Biggerstaffs Old Fields

Big Ore Bank, 280

Big Yellow Mountain, 217

Biggerstaffs Old Fields, 23132, 240

Bitting, Ludwig, 334

Black, Kenneth, 389

Black Mountain, 222

Black River, 115

Bladen County, 118, 120, 121, 124, 125

Bladen, Martin, 120

Blair, Enos, 352

Blair, Hannah Millikan, 352

Blake, Isham, 132

Bloomsbury, 451

Blount, Anne, 21

Blount, Charles, 10

Blount Hall, 59

Blount, Jackie Mary Sumner, 49

Blount, Jacob, 59

Blount, James, 21

Blount, John Gray, 59, 64

Blount, Reading, 48, 59, 62, 64

Blount, Thomas, 4849, 59, 64, 447, 448

Blount, William, 23, 48, 59, 64, 430

Blount-Bridgers House, 4849

Blue Banks Plantation, 106

Blue Ridge Mountains, 220, 222, 225, 257

Bob Pate Memorial Access Area, 384

Boggan, Patrick, 15354, 155, 157, 160

Boggan-Hammond House, 153, 154

Bolton, 119

Bonner, Herbert C., 63

Bonner, James, 63, 64

Bonner, John, 64

Boone, 213

Boone, Daniel, 212, 214, 227, 323, 435, 437, 438

Boote, Benjamin, 182, 312

Booth House. See Williams-Flury-Burton House

Boritz, William, 1214, 18

Boston Tea Party, 20, 72, 76, 85, 102

Bowman, John, 23839

Boyd, Adam, 200

Boyd, John, 258

Boyd’s Ferry, 341

Bradley, Francis, 17778, 179

Branch, John, Jr., 45

Branch, John, Sr., 45

Branch, Joseph, 45

Brandon, Betsy, 247, 298, 310

Brandon, Richard, 298

Braun House, 31415

Braun, Michael, 314

Brazelton, John, 351

Brehon, James Gloster, 443

Brevard, Adam, 278

Brevard, Alexander, 175, 278, 279, 280

Brevard, Ephraim, 189, 193, 294

Brevard, Hugh, 278

Brevard, John, 278, 295

Brevard, John, Jr., 278, 295

Brevard, Rebecca Davidson, 175

Briar Creek, Ga., 113

Brick Reformed Church, 161

Bright family cemetery, 217

Bright, Samuel, 217

Bright’s Trace, 217

Brittain Presbyterian Church, 23233

Broad River, 227, 228

Brock, Nathaniel, 324

Brock, Sarah, 324

Brown, Charity, 24849

Brown, Sam, 24849

Brown, Thomas, 121, 122

Bruce, Charles, 362, 363

Bruce’s Cross Roads, 362

Brunswick County, 99, 1017, 118, 119

Brunswick Town, 68, 92, 1015, 106, 111, 112, 115

Brunswick Town State Historic Site, 1013

Brushy Mountains, 291

Bryan, Samuel, 160

Buck Spring, 442

Buffalo Creek, 251

Buffalo Ford, 385, 386

Buffalo Presbyterian Church, 35354

Buford, Abraham, 149

Buford’s Massacre, 149, 151

Buie, Daniel, 136

Buie, William, 136

Bulwinkle, A. L., 262

Buncombe County, 22125

Buncombe County Courthouse, 223

Buncombe, Edward, 2122, 221, 223

Buncombe Hall, 2122

Burgess, Dempsey, 7, 8

Burgess, Thomas, 31

Burgwin, John, 95

Burgwin-Wright House, 9597, 98

Burke County, 231, 23440, 246

Burke County Museum of History, 235

Burke, John, 252

Burke, Polly, 414

Burke, Thomas: biographical sketch of, 408; captured by Tories, 339, 374, 39798, 414; grave of, 40810; at Halifax, 33; at Hillsborough, 373, 412, 419, 420; at Williamsboro, 434

Burnside, 436

Burr, Aaron, 268

Burton, Agatha Williams, 435

Burton, Robert, 434

Bute County, 443, 444, 446

Bute County Courthouse, 443

Butler, John, 397

Butler, William, 435

“Cabarrus Black Boys, the,” 16263, 16465, 168

Cabarrus County, 16169, 277

Cabarrus County Courthouse (old), 16162

Cabarrus County Museum, 16162

Cabarrus, Stephen, 17, 19, 161

Caldwell County, 24043

Caldwell County Heritage Museum, 242

Caldwell County Historical Society, 242

Caldwell, David, 199, 34950, 353, 35759, 369, 396, 4034, 419

Caldwell, Joseph, 422

Caldwell Log College, 357

Caldwell Monument, 422

Caldwell Park, 35759

Caldwell, Rachel, 199, 354, 35759

Calloway cemetery, 212

Calloway, Joseph, 216

Calloway, Richard, 215

Calloway, Thomas, Sr., 212

Calvary Episcopal Church, 49

Camden, 7, 8

Camden County, 38

Cameron, Duncan, 426

Cameron Hill, 137

Campbell, Arthur, 213

Campbell, James, 133, 137

Campbell, William: at Battle of Clapp’s Mill, 406; at Battle of Kings Mountain, 231, 232, 234, 253, 25657, 25960, 262, 364; as leader of Overmountain Men, 213, 217, 218

Campbellton, 126, 130

Cane Creek (Alamance County), 394, 395, 396, 397, 398

Cane Creek (McDowell County), 233

Cane Creek, Battle of, 230

Cane Creek Meeting House, 39495, 399

Canova, Antonio, 455

Canova’s Washington, 455

Cape Fear Mercury, 190, 191, 200

Cape Fear Museum, 91

Cape Hatteras, 124

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, 100

Cape Lookout, 73

Capitol Square, 14, 49, 45456

Captain Meredith House, 26

Carbonton, 391

Carolina Power and Light Company, 393

Carrboro, 421

Carson, Andrew, 292

Carson House, 219

Carson, John, 219

Carson, Kit, 292

Carson, Samuel Price, 219

Carteret County, 8183

Carteret County Courthouse, 82

Carteret, John, 81, 427

Carthage, 388

Caruthers, Eli Washington, 349, 377, 396

Caruthers, Robert, 162

Caswell, 19

Caswell County, 33941, 34445

Caswell Monument, 56

Caswell, Richard: at Battle of Moores Creek Bridge, 11516, 118; at Battle of Rockfish Creek, 90; biographical sketch of, 5658; county named for, 340; as delegate to Continental Congress, 76, 187; elected state’s first governor, 37, 70; at Halifax, 53; recommends pardon for “Cabarrus Black Boys,” 16465

Caswell, Richard, Jr., 58

Caswell, William, 58

Catawba County, 209, 24349, 267, 277

Catawba County Courthouse (old), 246

Catawba County Historical Association, 246

Catawba Fort, 220

Catfish, 248

Cathey’s Fort, 218, 220

Cavalry Monument, 36769

Cedar Creek, 324

Cedar Grove Cemetery, 78

Cedar Grove Plantation, 239

“Cellar, The,” 45

Centennial Monument, 259

Centre Friends Meeting House, 35051

Centre Presbyterian Church, 29394

Chambers, Maxwell, 312

Chapel Hill, 293, 42123

Chappel, Alonzo, 305

Chappelle, Samuel, 451

Charlotte (city), 149, 166, 171, 179203

Charlotte (queen), 181, 304

Charlotte, Battle of, 166, 18486, 188, 200201

Charlotte Motor Speedway, 168

Charlotte Museum of History, 201, 202

Charlton, Abigail, 18

Charlton House, 18

Charlton, Jasper, 18

Chatham County, 140, 386, 39193

Chatham County Courthouse, 393

Cherokee campaign of 1776, 194, 206, 218, 221, 224, 237, 242, 246, 293, 297, 337

Cherokee Indians: attack on Old Fort, 220; attacks on frontier settlers, 222, 244, 289, 297; campaigns against, 164, 194, 206, 218, 221, 224, 237, 242; domain of, 205, 220

Cherry, Greg, 71

Cherryville, 264

Chicago journal, 305

Childs, Thomas, 410

Childsburgh, 410

China Grove, 298

Chisolm v. Georgia, 21

Chowan County, 1221, 92

Chowan County Courthouse (old), 16, 19

Christ Episcopal Church, 66, 78

Christmas, William, 452

Chronicle, William, 253, 258, 261, 267

City Cemetery, 449

City Lake Park, 353

City Pier, 104

Clapp’s Mill, Battle of, 402, 406

Clark, David, 128

Clark, Walter, 4950

Clarks Creek, 271, 274

Clay, Henry, 437

Clerk’s Office, 33, 36

Cleveland, 306

Cleveland, Benjamin: at Battle of Kings Mountain, 256, 257; and Benjamin Howard, 214; biographical sketch of, 2067; in Burke County, 237; county named for, 251; dramatized, 214; home in Wilkes County, 205, 206, 208; at Rendezvous Mountain, 211; in Rutherford County, 231, 232, 240; statue of, 209; and Tory Oak, 20910

Cleveland County, 251, 25363

Cleveland, Robert, 211, 21516

“Cleveland’s Bull-Dogs,” 208

“Cleveland’s Devils,” 208

Clinch, John, Jr., 50

Clinton, Henry, 93, 254, 260

Clio’s Academy, 167, 293, 309

Cochran, Benjamin, 162

Cogdell, Richard, 77

Coldwater Union Church, 161

Cole, Stephen, 381

Coleridge, 386

Collettsville, 241

Colonial Inn, 41920

Colonial Records of North Carolina, 49, 428

Colson’s Mill, Battle of, 160, 173

Columbus County, 118

Concord, 162

Conigland, Mary, 42

Constitution-Burgess House, 31

Cook’s Inn, 187

Cool Spring Tavern, 128

Cooleemee Plantation, 323

Coor, James, 78

Coor-Gaston House, 7778

Corbetts Ferry, 115

Cornwallis, Charles: at Abbotts Creek, 319; in Alamance County, 394, 395, 396, 407; at Battle of the Waxhaws, 152; in Bladen County, 124; at Bruce’s Crossroads, 363; camps near High Point, 353; in Caswell County, 340; at Charlotte, 171, 177, 17981, 18486, 187, 192, 19596, 203, 228, 236, 257, 260; chases Nathanael Greene, 177, 245, 248, 251, 287, 309, 34143, 347; in Chatham County, 39293; at Cowan’s Ford, 175; in Davie County, 323, 324; dramatized, 396; in Fayetteville, 132; final departure from North Carolina, 29; first invasion of North Carolina, 153, 161; in Forsyth County, 329, 332; at Guilford Courthouse, 36471; in Harnett County, 136; in Iredell County, 294, 295; in Lincoln County, 239, 264, 267, 273, 279, 281, 282; in Nash County, 51, 52; occupies Halifax, 37, 4143, 44; in Orange County, 400, 41213, 41920; in Person County, 34143, 344; in Randolph County, 37880; returns to South Carolina from North Carolina, 173, 194, 197; in Rockingham County, 346; in Rowan County, 300, 303, 308, 309, 311, 312, 313, 314, 316, 317; second invasion of North Carolina, 254, 268, 271, 272; skirmishes at Swift Creek, 5051; in Vance County, 432, 436; in Wayne County, 87; in Wilmington, 9597, 99; in Yadkin County, 320, 324, 325

Cornwallis Hole, 136

“Cornwallis Horse Trough, the,” 51

“Cornwallis Spring, the,” 323

“Cornwallis’s Tea Table,” 282

Council, 121

Council Bluff, 77

Council Oak, 237

Council of Safety, 66, 114, 220

Courtney, William, 412

Cowan Museum, 89

Cowan’s Ford, 234

Cowan’s Ford, Battle of, 172, 173, 175, 176, 182, 201, 222, 278, 28485, 291

Cowan’s Ford Dam, 282, 283

Cox’s Mill, 384, 385

Craig, James H., 81, 89, 90, 9394, 95, 103, 113, 280, 418

Craighead, Alexander, 167, 175, 181, 199, 200, 354

Craighead, George, 200

Craven County, 6581, 91

Craven County Courthouse, 7677, 81

Crawford, James, 147, 148

Crawford, Robert, 151

Crockett, Davy, 236

Cross Creek, 114, 115, 130, 131

Cross Creek Cemetery, 13031

Cross Creek Park, 131

Culloden, Battle of, 109, 115, 125, 129, 145

Cumberland County, 12534, 135, 138

Cumberland County Courthouse (old), 125

Cupola House, 18

Currituck County, 4

Dallas, 266

“Dame O’ Salisbury Town, The,” 305

Danbury, 335, 337

Daniel Boone Amphitheater, 214

Daniel Boone Native Gardens, 214

Davenport College, 24243

Davenport, Martin, 240, 243

Davenport, William, 240

Daves, John, 78

Davidson County, 277, 296, 31723

Davidson County Museum, 322

Davidson, Ephraim, 278

Davidson, John (McDowell County), 222

Davidson, John (Mecklenburg County), 17475, 177, 279, 280

Davidson, Mary Brevard, 278, 295

Davidson, Samuel, 22223

Davidson, William, 219, 222, 223

Davidson, William Lee: assigned to defend Catawba River, 267; assumes command of Henry William Harrington, 14243; at Battle of Charlotte, 184; at Battle of Cowan’s Ford, 279, 282, 283, 284, 285, 290, 291, 294, 295, 303, 450, 451; biographical sketch of, 17275; counties named for, 322; death and burial of, 17576, 182; educated at Liberty Hall, 192; guerrilla activities of, 186; wounded at Colson’s Mill, 160, 161

Davidson, William Lee, II, 175

Davidson’s Fort, 220, 221

Davie, Allen J., 37

Davie County, 36, 296, 32324

Davie Poplar, 422

Davie, Sarah Jones, 36

Davie, William Richardson: association with Andrew Jackson, 149; association with Lafayette, 37; at Battle of Charlotte, 185; at Battle of the Waxhaws, 152; biographical sketch of, 3941; county named for, 323; educated at Liberty Hall, 192; as father of the University of North Carolina, 293, 302, 42223; at Fayetteville, 127; grave of, 151; home in Halifax, 3941; rear guard of, 277; studies law in Salisbury, 313

Davis, Dolphin, 128

Davis, George, 102

Davis, James, 66

Davis, Justina, 36, 68

Davis, Robert, 162

de Kalb, Baron, 194, 292, 38586

Decatur, Stephen, 208

Deep Gap, 213

DeGraffenried, Christophe, 66, 77

Denard’s Ford, 228

Denny, Rachel, 35455

Denny, Walter, 355

Dickey, David, 252

Dickinson, Elizabeth, 18

Dickinson, Samuel, 18

Dickson, Joseph, 261, 268

Dillon, Daniel, Sr., 362

Dismal Swamp Canal, 5

Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, 3, 4, 5

Dixon, Rachel, 394

Dixon, Simon, 39496

Dixon’s Mill, 394

Dobbs, Arthur, 36, 45, 68, 95, 101, 103, 199, 288, 308

Dobbs County, 65

Donaldson Hotel, 131

Dorsey, Lawrence, 99

Dorsey’s Tavern, 99

Downs, Henry, 203

Drake, Brittain, 51

Drake, James, 51

Draper, Lyman, 230, 234

Drowning Creek, 158

Du Bois, Peter, 94

Dudley, Christopher, 38

Duncan House, 82

Duncan King Monument, 119

Duncan-Hardin-Ray cemetery, 212

Dunlap, James, 22930

Dunn, Isaac, 15556

Dunn, John, 182, 312, 315

Dunn, Mary Sheffield, 155, 156

Dunn, Susannah, 156

Dunn’s Mountain, 315

Duplin County, 8790, 122

Durham, 425, 431

Durham County, 42526

Dutchman Creek, 42324

Dutchman’s Creek, 280

Eagle Hotel, 37

Eagle Tavern (Halifax), 3031

Eagle Tavern (Hertford), 9

Eagle Tavern (Murfreesboro), 25

Easton House, 82

Easton, John, 82, 83

Eddleman, Peter, 269, 283

Eden, Charles, 12, 19

Edenton, 1221, 63, 101, 110, 236, 454

Edenton Bay, 14, 17

Edenton Tea Party, 16, 18, 21

Edgecombe County, 45, 4850, 242

Edward I, 72

Edwards, Isaac, 67

Elisha Creek, 323

Elizabeth City, 8

Elizabeth River, 4

Elizabethtown, 12123, 140, 365

Elizabethtown, Battle of, 12123, 124

Elk Park, 217

Elmwood Cemetery, 180, 181

Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 276

Enfield, 27, 45

Enfield Riot, 45

Ervin, Alexander, 238

Ervin, Sarah, 238

Essex Register, 190

Faggarts, 167

Fairfax Hall. See Fairfield Hall

Fairfield Hall, 6, 7

Fairnstosh Plantation, 426

Faith Rock, 38285

Falls, Galbraith, 274

Fanning, David: attacks Phillip Alston, 38990; at Battle of Lindley’s Mill, 39698; at Battle of McPhaul’s Mill, 140; biographical sketch of, 38485; captures Andrew Hunter, 38283; in Hillsborough, 410, 414; kills Andrew Balfour, 38182; raids Pittsboro, 393; as Tory leader, 374, 377

Fanning, Edmund, 157, 412

Farmville, 60

Faust, Eleanor Dunn, 312

Favoni, 167

Fayetteville, 17, 58, 114, 119, 12534, 142

Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry, 130

Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry Armory and Museum, 132

Female Patriotism—Mrs. Steele and General Greene, 305

Ferguson, Duncan, 139

Ferguson Hill, 230

Ferguson, Patrick: at Battle of Kings Mountain, 25562; at Grover, 254; in McDowell County, 234; operations in western North Carolina, 186, 207, 213, 214, 215, 217, 219, 237, 239, 275; in Rutherford County, 22829, 230, 231

Few, James, 405

Finley, Thomas B., 211

First for Freedom, 36

First Presbyterian Church, 208

Fishing Creek, 51

Flennikin, John, 203

Fletcher, George, 131

Fletcher, Inglis, 91, 416

Flora MacDonald Academy, 141

Flora MacDonald College, 141

Foote, Eli, 24

Forbes, John, 7

Forbis, Arthur, 34950, 367

Forbis, Elizabeth Wiley, 34950

Forest City, 227

“Forks, the,” 161

Forney, Abram, 279

Forney, Daniel, 280

Forney, Jacob, Jr., 239, 240, 279

Forney, Jacob, Sr., 279, 28182

Forney, Maria, 279

Forney, Peter, 279, 280, 281

Forster, William, 224

Forsyth County, 32834

Fort Defiance, 24142

Fort Dobbs State Historic Site, 28889

Fort Grider, 243

Fort Johnston, 105, 106, 113, 120

Fort McGaughey, 232

Fort Point, 81

Fort Young, 29192

Fourth Creek, 308

Fourth Creek Presbyterian Church, 287, 288, 289

Fox, Charles James, 371

Francisco Monument. See Cavalry Monument

Francisco, Peter, 36769

Frank, 217

Franklin, Benjamin, 134, 135, 445

Franklin County, 443, 444, 44546

Franklin, Jesse, 367

Franklin, State of, 235

Franklinville, 384

Frazier, John, 23

Fraziers Crossroads, 23

Fritz, Wooldrich, 32122

Fulenwider, John, 26566

“Gallows Oak, the,” 231, 241

Gambill, Martin, 213

Gano, John, 318

Gaston, Alexander, 77

Gaston County, 253, 26470

Gaston, William, 72, 77, 78, 264

Gates County, 4, 423

Gates, Horatio, 73, 143, 182, 231, 235, 278, 298, 386

Gatewood, Whit, 340

General Davidson Monument, 172

General Davidson Monument Area, 285

George I, 101, 157

George II, 66, 67, 125, 408, 427

George III, 133, 165, 192, 202, 3045

George Washington Bicentennial Commission, 63

Gerard Hall, 423

Germanton, 334, 335, 337

Gilbert Town, 22931, 256

Gilbert, William, 230

Gilchrist, Thomas, 38

Gill, William, 292

Gillespie Gap, 218

Gillies, James, 36263

“Glades, The,” 219, 222

Glascock, George, 38788

Glen Ivy, 4142

Goforth cemetery, 263

Goforth, Preston, 263

Gordon, Chapman, 2089

Gordon, Charity King, 209

Gordon, John B., 209

Goshen, 427

Goshen cemetery, 267

Goshen Presbyterian Church, 266

Governor Caswell Memorial State Historic Site, 58

Governors’ Boulder, 76

Governor’s Creek, 391

Grady, John, 90, 117

Grady Monument, 90, 117

Graham, 407

Graham, George, 182, 192

Graham, Hugh, 177

Graham, Isabella Davidson, 175, 278

Graham, Joseph: at Battle of Charlotte, 185, 200201; at Battle of Colson’s Mill, 160; at Battle of Raft Swamp, 141; at Battle of Shallow Ford, 325; at Battle of Weitzel’s Mill, 348; biographical sketch of, 27778, 279; educated at Liberty Hall, 192; as eyewitness to Mecklenburg Convention, 191, 277; and iron industry in Lincoln County, 280; plantation in Lincoln County, 182, 277; at Pyle’s Defeat, 401

Graham, Susan Twitty Miller, 22728, 252, 253

Graham, William (Cleveland County), 25253, 258

Graham, William (Mecklenburg County), 176, 177

Graham’s Fort, 25152

“Granary of the Revolution,” 161

Grants Creek, 298

Granville County, 343, 42631, 436

Gray, John, 23

Great Bridge, Battle of, 11, 24

Great Dismal Swamp, 4, 9

Green Hill, 113

Green Hill Place, 446

Greene, Nathanael: artifacts of, 355; assumes command of Horatio Gates, 73, 171, 182, 183, 260; at Battle of Guilford Courthouse, 9596, 300, 36471; in Davidson County, 320; dramatized, 396; at High Rock Ford, 345; meeting with Elizabeth Maxwell Steele, 3025; monuments to, 322; plans return to North Carolina, 400; pursued by Cornwallis, 251, 254, 267, 275, 281, 282, 283, 287, 308, 318, 327, 332, 340, 34143; pursues Cornwallis, 392; in Rockingham County, 347; in Stokes County, 334; at Trading Ford, 31617, 318

Greensboro, 35362, 36371

Greensboro Museum of History, 35557

Greenville, 6061, 63

Gregory, Isaac, 67

Griffin, Clarence, 231

“Grove, The,” 43, 44

Grove, William Barry, 131

Grover, 253, 255

Guilford College, 361

Guilford County, 133, 277, 338, 34771

Guilford Courthouse, Battle of, 36371

Guilford Courthouse National Military Park, 78, 36367

Gunn, Starling, 34445

Haas family cemetery, 245

Haas, Simon, 245, 246

Haddrel’s Point, 46

Hadley, Joshua, 162, 164, 165

Hager, Frederick, 284

Hahn, John, 244

Hairston, Peter, 323

Haley House, 352

Halifax, 2945

Halifax County, 2948

Halifax County Courthouse (old), 41

Halifax County Courthouse (original), 33

Halifax Resolves, 15, 29, 3435, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 93, 164

Hall, Hugh, 291

Hall, James, 167, 288, 28991, 293, 309

Hambright, Frederick, 25455, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265

Hambright, John Harden, 255

Hamilton, Alexander, 343, 344

Hammond, Eleanor, 155

Hammond, Isaac, 130

Hampton, Andrew, 231

Hanging Rock, 335

Hanging Rock State Park, 33536

Harden, John, 399

Hardy, William, 396

Hargett, Frederick, 449

Harmony Hall (Bladen County), 12324

Harmony Hall (Lenoir County), 5758

Harnett, Cornelius, 3336, 9294, 101, 102, 105, 135

Harnett, Cornelius, Sr., 101

Harnett County, 134, 135, 136

Harnett Obelisk, 92, 94

Harrington cemetery, 142

Harrington, Henry William, 14243

Harris, Charles, 166

Harris, Richard, 166

Harris, Robert, 168

Harris, William Shakespeare, 167

Harrison, Abner, 5

Hart, Thomas, 437

Harvey, John, 9, 11, 17, 22, 56, 76, 307

Harvey Point Testing Area, 10

Harvey, Thomas, 10, 11

Harvey, Thomas, Jr., 1011

Harveys Neck, 10

Hauser, George, II, 332

Haw River, 407

Hawkins, Benjamin, 439, 443

Hawkins, John, 439

Hawkins, Joseph, 439

Hawkins, Philemon, II, 404, 439, 443, 444

Hawkins, Philemon, III, 439, 440

Hawkins, William, 439, 440

Hawks, John, 69, 71, 78

Hay, Thomas, 88

Hayes Plantation, 16, 17

Haywood, Marshall DeLancey, 206

Heights of Gowerie, 317, 318

Henderson, Archibald, 437

Henderson, Richard, 416, 435, 437, 438

Henderson, Samuel, 437

Henry Howser House, 26263

Henry, Patrick, 4, 335, 417

Henry, Robert, 284

Hertford, 9

Hertford County, 23, 24

Hewes, Joseph, 1415, 17, 34, 187, 236, 369, 408, 419, 429

Hezekiah Alexander House, 2012, 263

Hickory Ridge Homestead Museum, 214

Hicks, Thomas, 8788

High Point, 35253

High Point Museum and Historical Park, 35253

High Rock Ford, 345

High Rock Lake, 316

High Shoals, 265

High Shoals United Methodist Church, 265

Highland Scots, 109, 114, 130, 136

Hill, Green, 446

Hill, Whitmel, 4748

Hill, Wills, 410

Hillsborough, 40820

Hines, Esther, 88

Hines, James L., 88

Hinton, John, 136, 452

Historic Burke Foundation, 237

Historic Halifax State Historic Site, 3039

HMS Cruizer, 105

Hogg, James, 131, 41617, 420

Hoggart House, 352

Hogun, James, 46

Hoke County, 138, 140

Holland, Isaac, 266

Hollingsworth, Zebulon, 88

Hollingsworth-Hines House, 8688

Holly Ridge, 110

Holly Shelter Game Land, 110

Hollybrook Plantation, 131

Holt cemetery, 399

Holt, Michael, Jr., 399400

Holy Heart of Jesus, The, 12

Homestead, The, 17

Hominy Creek, 224

Honeycutt’s Creek, 218

Hooper, Thomas, 94

Hooper, William, 9, 93, 97, 119, 187, 369, 408, 41619

Hooper, William (grandson), 422

Hooper-Penn Monument and Grave, 369

Hoover Monument, 25859

Hopewell Presbyterian Church, 172, 175, 176, 177

Horn in the West, 214

Hoskins House, 364

Hoskins, Joseph, 364

Houdon, Jean-Antoine, 454

House in the Horseshoe State Historic Site, 38891

Houston, James, 294

Houston, William Churchill, 98

Houstonville, 291, 292

Howard, Benjamin, 21314

Howard, Martin, 78

Howard’s Knob, 21314, 215

Howard’s Knob Park, 21314

Howe, Job, 104

Howe, Robert, 33, 46, 93, 104, 11819

Howser, Henry, 26263

Howser, Jane, 263

Hubard, William Jones, 454

Hulbert, Archer, 438

Hunt, Daniel, 324

Hunt, Jonathan, 324

Hunt, Memucan, 436

Hunter, Andrew, 38283

Hunter, Cyrus L., 195, 281

Hunter, Humphrey, 191, 19495, 282

Hunter, Isaac, 487

Hunter, James (Regulator), 338, 406

Hunter, James (Rockingham County), 338

Hunter, Thomas, 52

Huntington, Anna Hyatt, 149

Huntsville, 324, 325

Husband, Herman, 375, 405, 431, 435

Hyco Lake Reservoir, 334

Independence Square, 180, 184, 185, 186, 188

“Indian Execution Rock, the,” 158

Ingleside, 28081

Iredell County, 248, 277, 278, 28796

Iredell, James, 14, 17, 2021, 103, 236, 287, 417, 426

Irish Buffalo Creek, 167

Irwin, Robert, 19394

Irwin’s Ferry, 341, 342

Isaac Hunter’s Tavern, 447

Isaac White House, 10

Jack, James, 180, 182, 187, 190, 267

Jack, Mary, 267

Jack, Patrick, 187

Jackson, Andrew, 14551, 236, 296, 313, 325, 334, 454

Jackson, Andrew, Sr., 147, 151

Jackson, Elizabeth, 147, 150, 151

Jackson, Hugh, 149

Jackson, Robert, 149, 150

Jacob’s Run, 97

James Iredell State Historic Site, 2021

Jamestown, 353

Jefferson, Thomas, 38, 73, 191, 260, 268, 302, 418, 442, 455

Jersey Baptist Church, 318, 319

Joel Lane House, 450, 45153

John Daves House, 75

John Grady Monument, 90, 117

John Wright Stanly House, 7175

Johns River, 240

Johnsonville, 137

Johnston, Gabriel, 16, 105

Johnston, James, 26869

Johnston, Samuel, 14, 1617, 20, 22, 33, 127, 419, 443

Jones, Allen, 33, 36, 391, 426

Jones, Elizabeth Montfort, 38

Jones, John Paul, 15, 44, 436

Jones, Mary Montfort, 38, 43, 4445

Jones Mountain, 223

Jones, Thomas, 12

Jones, Willie, 31, 33, 36, 38, 4344, 39192, 426, 449

Joseph Bell House, 82

Joseph Hewes Monument, 1415

Joseph Montfort Amphitheater, 36

Joy, 240

Keais, Nathan, 64

Kenan Amphitheatre, 89

Kenan, James, 89, 90

Kenan, Thomas, 89

Kenansville, 8990

Kennon, William, 189

Kerr Lake Outdoor Educational Area, 438

King, Charles, 208

King, Duncan, 11920

King, Elizabeth, 16

King, Lydia Fosque, 11920

King, William Rufus, 120

Kings Bluff, 120

Kings Business College, 120

King’s Chapel, 66

King’s Highway, 110

King’s Landing, 24, 26

Kings Mountain (town), 263

Kings Mountain, Battle of, 25562

Kings Mountain National Military Park, 25562

Kingston, 56

Kinston, 55, 56

Knox, Benjamin, 306

Knox Hill Farm, 3056

Knox, James, 306

Knox, Jean Gracy, 301

Knox, John, 301, 305

Knox, William, 3056

LaBoone Mountain, 265

Lady Blessington cannon, 6768

Lafayette, George Washington, 25

Lafayette, Marquis de: reputation in North Carolina, 87; statue of, 125, 131; visits Barbeque Presbyterian Church, 136; visits Enfield, 45; visits Fayetteville, 125, 13132; visits Halifax, 37, 44; visits Murfreesboro, 2526; visits New Bern, 74; visits Raleigh, 448, 455; welcomed to North Carolina, 167

Lafayette Society, 131

Lamb, Abner, 8

Lamb’s Ferry, 8

Lancaster County, S.C., 148

Lane, Joel, 44950, 45153

Lane, Ralph, 452

Latham, Maude Moore, 71

Latta, James, 178

Latta Plantation Park, 178

Laurens, Henry, 430

Lawson, John, 65

Lee, Charles, 112

Lee, Richard Henry “Lighthorse Harry,” 34143, 347, 360, 36263, 379, 400402, 406, 417

Lee, Robert E., 98

Leech, Joseph, 79, 80

Leggett, John, 143

Leigh, Gilbert, 1819

Leigh House, 18

Lenoir, 24243

Lenoir County, 5559

Lenoir, William, 55, 237, 24142, 451

Leonhardt, Valentin, 32122

Leslie, Alexander, 42, 273, 284

Levasseur, August, 25

Lexington, 322

Lexington, Mass., 83, 93, 102, 112, 189, 322, 440

Liberty, 374

Liberty Cart, The: A Duplin Story, 8990

Liberty City Park, 374

Liberty Hall, 89

Liberty Hall Academy, 149, 166, 180, 192, 193

Liberty Point Resolves, 127, 131

Lilesville, 160

Lillington, 13536

Lillington, Alexander, 111, 112, 115, 13536

Lillington cemetery, 111

Lillington Hall, 111

Lincoln, Benjamin, 46, 111, 113, 119, 193, 270, 271, 277, 283

Lincoln County, 233, 237, 253, 264, 27085

Lincoln County Citizens Center, 276

Lincoln County Courthouse, 276

Lincoln County Historic Properties Commission, 276, 280

Lincoln County Historical Association, 276

Lincoln County Museum of History, 277

Lincolnton, 269, 27077

Lindley, Thomas, 398

Lindley’s Mill, Battle of, 158, 39697, 399

Lindsay, Johnny, 155

Listen and Remember, 146

Little, William Person, 442

Little Yellow Mountain, 217

Littlejohn House, 18

Littlejohn, Sarah, 18

Littlejohn, William, 18

Littleton, 442

Littleton Woman’s Club, 442

Lloyd, Thomas, 42021

Locke, Francis, 201, 269, 271, 297, 299300, 301

Locke, George, 201, 302

Locke, Matthew, 3012

Loesch, Jacob, 33233

Loesch, John, 333

London Advisor, 17

Long Creek, 264

Long, Nicholas, 43

Lookout Dam, 248

Lookout Shoals, 248

Loretta, 41

Lost Colony, The, 214

Louisa Land Company, 437

Louisburg, 44546

Lower Little River, 134

Lumsden, John, 131

Lusty Wind for Carolina, 91

Lynch Creek, 445

Macay law office, 313

Macay, Spruce, 296, 313

Macay’s Mill, 296

MacDonald, Allan, 3233, 12930, 131

MacDonald, Annabella, 137

MacDonald, Donald, 11415, 129

MacDonald, Flora, 12829, 131, 134, 13738, 141

Machpelah Cemetery, 279

Machpelah Presbyterian Church, 279

MacIntosh, Lake, 406

MacLeod, John, 133

Macon, Hannah Plummer, 44142

Macon, Nathaniel, 55, 366, 425, 437, 44042

MacRae, John, 387

MacRae, Murdock, 387

Madison, 338

Madison, Dolley Payne, 344, 356, 359

Madison, James, 356

Magazine Springs, 31

Mallette, Peter, 98

Mallette Point, 9899

Maney, Thomas, 25

Marbury v. Madison, 159

Marion, 218

Marion, Francis, 218, 292

Market House, 127

Market Square, 31

Marlin’s Knob, 233

Marshall, John, 159

Martha Bell Bridge, 376

Martin, Alexander, 330, 337, 338, 339, 346, 36667

Martin, James, 337

Martin, John, 387

Martin, John “Jack,” 33637

Martin, Josiah: accompanies Cornwallis, 184, 186, 285, 329; flees North Carolina, 86, 93, 419; flees Tryon Palace, 17, 67, 70; forbids meeting of Provincial Congress, 11, 76; as governor in exile, 114; recommends pardon for “Cabarrus Black Boys,” 165; residence in New Bern, 70, 72; takes notice of Mecklenburg Resolves, 190; takes refuge at Fort Johnston, 105

Martin, Nancy Shipp, 336

Martin, Samuel, 267

Martinsborough, 60

Martinville, 36667

Matear, Robert, 413

Mattocks, John, 258

May, Benjamin, 60

May, James Williams, 60

May Museum and Park, 60

McAden, Hugh, 34041

McAlister, Alexander, 133

McCamie, George, 147

McCamie, Margaret, 147

McCaule, Thomas Harris, 175, 294

McClure, Matthew, 176, 177

McCollough, Thomas, 233

McCorkle family cemetery, 247

McCorkle, Francis, 247

McCorkle, Margaret Gillespie, 302

McCorkle Place, 421

McCorkle, Samuel E., 302, 42122

McDowell, Charles, 219, 234, 235, 237, 238, 239

McDowell County, 21821, 233, 234

McDowell, David, 238

McDowell, Grace Greenlee Bowman, 23839

McDowell, “Hunting John,” 21819

McDowell, Jane Parks, 19698

McDowell, John, 196, 197

McDowell, Joseph (Pleasant Gardens), 21819, 238

McDowell, Joseph (Quaker Meadows), 219, 237, 238, 239, 240

McDowell, Marion, 138

McDowell, Mary Moffitt, 219

McFall, John, 240

McGee, John, 376

McIntyre Farm Historic Site, 177, 17981, 182

McKinney-Twitty House, 22931

McKissick, Daniel, 245

McLean, John, 135, 136

McLeod, Alexander, 388

McLeod, Donald, 115, 116

McLewrath, Robert, 3067

McNairy, Francis, 356, 357

McNairy House, 35657

McNairy, John B., 357

McNeill, Archibald, 134

McNeill, “Cunning John,” 135, 138, 139

McNeill family cemetery, 13435

McNeill, Janet Smith “Jennie Bahn,” 13435, 138

McNeill, “Leather-eye Hector,” 135

McNeill, “Nova Scotia Daniel,” 135

McNeill, “Sailor” Hector, 140

McPhaul’s Mill, Battle of, 140

McRae, Duncan, 125, 132

Mebane, 407

Mebane, Alexander, 397, 407

Mebane, Robert, 395, 397

Mechanics Hill, 386

Mecklenburg Convention, 16466, 174, 182, 183, 187, 18992, 194, 199, 203

Mecklenburg County, 161, 165, 166, 171203, 264, 271, 277

Mecklenburg County Courthouse (old), 189

Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, 18992

Mecklenburg Resolves, 166, 182, 184, 190, 236

Melrose, 26

Memorial Hall, 423

Merrill, Benjamin, 319, 322, 413

Mill Creek, 221, 384, 385

Miller, John, 228, 253

Miller-Twitty graveyard, 227, 228

Mills, Ambrose, 232

Mitchell County, 217

Mock, Andrew, 323

Mock’s Old Field, 323

Mocksville, 323

Monck, George, 3

Moncure, 392

Monroe, 153

Montague, George, 29

Montfort Archaeology Building, 3738

Montfort, Joseph, 38, 39, 44

Montpelier, 434

Moore, Alfred, 103, 386

Moore County, 38691, 494

Moore, Dan K., 225

Moore, Elizabeth, 115

Moore, George, 101

Moore, James, 46, 103, 104, 111, 112, 113, 115, 125

Moore, John, Jr., 271, 275

Moore, Maurice, 111

Moore, Maurice, Jr., 103, 112

Moore, Roger, 100, 106

Moore, Stephen, 34344

Moore, William (Brunswick County), 101

Moore, William (Buncombe County), 22425, 234

Moores Creek, 115

Moores Creek Bridge, Battle of, 11418

Moores Creek National Military Park, 86, 11418

“Moore’s Folly,” 343, 344

Moore’s Knob, 335

Mooresville, 293, 296

Morehead, John Motley, 366

Morgan, Daniel, 173, 231, 245, 248, 254, 256, 27374, 28183, 303, 309, 316

Morgan, Thomas, 350

Morganton, 235, 237, 238, 239, 245

Morne Rouge, 208

Morris, Robert, 223

Morrison, Neil, 203

Morrison, William, 203

Morristown, 223

Morristown, Battle of, 75

Mosby Hall, 442

Mosley, Edward, 111

Moultrie, William, 106

Mount Holly, 26768

Mount Pleasant (Anson County), 157, 158

Mount Pleasant (Harnett County), 137

Mount Prospect, 50

Mount Tirzah (Lincoln County), 279

Mount Tirzah (Person County), 343

Mount Tirzah Forge, 279

Mount Vernon, 308

Mount Welcome, 280

Mount Welcome Iron Forge, 280

Mountain Creek (Iredell County), 247, 271

Mountain Creek (Rutherford County), 227

Mountain Gateway Museum, 221

Muddy Creek, 376

Mulberry Fields, 208

Mulberry Hill, 21

Mullen, Patrick, 403, 404

Munn, McAlpin, 137

Murfree, Hardy, 5, 27

Murfree, William, 24, 27

Murfreesboro, 5, 2427

Museum of the Albemarle, 9

Museum of the Cape Fear, 133, 134

Napoleon, 4041

Nash, Abner, 33, 70, 76, 77, 80, 81, 365, 416, 426

Nash County, 5053, 416

Nash, Francis, 46, 50, 182, 373, 41516, 420, 426, 450

Nash-Hooper House, 41516

Neale, Locke C., 305

“Neck, The,” 113

New Bern, 6580

New Bern Academy, 71

New Bern City Hall, 66

New Garden, Battle of, 36061

New Garden Boarding School. See Guilford College

New Garden Friends Meeting, 36061

New Gilead Church of Christ, 161

New Hanover County, 9099, 101

Newman, Anthony, 313

Newton, 246

Newton Academy Graveyard, 22324

Ney, Peter Stewart, 308

Norman, Lake, 247, 248

North Belmont, 266

North Carolina Gazette, 66

North Carolina Heritage Center, 363

North Carolina Mineral Museum, 218

North Carolina Museum of History, 221, 453

North Carolina State Archives, 454

North Carolina State University, 453

North Wilkesboro, 2089

Norwood, 161

Nut Bush Address, 431

Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 225

Oakland Plantation, 121

Oakwood Cemetery, 163

Obids, 212

Ocracoke, 73

Ocracoke Inlet, 19

O’Hara, Charles, 275, 283, 284, 316, 343, 347, 365, 413

Old Bluff Presbyterian Church, 13233

Old Burke County Courthouse, 235

Old Dutch Meeting House, 279

Old East, 302, 422

Old English Cemetery, 311

Old Fields, 215

Old Fort, 177, 22021, 222, 223

“Old North State, The,” 77

Old Salem, 32831

Old Scottish Graveyard, 387

Old Settlers’ Cemetery, 180, 18183

Old Smithville Burying Ground, 1067

Old Spring, 136

Old St. Paul’s Church, 243

Old Town Cemetery, 416

Old Town Restoration, 8182

Old Trinity Episcopal Church, 4748

Old Waxhaw Presbyterian Church, 14647, 15051

Old White Church Cemetery, 276

Old Wilkes Jail, 210

Olivet, 241

Olney Presbyterian Church, 266

Onslow County, 94, 110

Orange County, 131, 157, 162, 340, 347, 386, 394, 40723

Orange County Courthouse (old), 410, 411

Ormand, Benjamin, 264

Ormand, James, 264

Orton Plantation, 100101, 106

Osborn, Matthew, 351

Overmountain Men, 213, 217, 231, 232, 234, 235, 237, 255, 256

Owen, Thomas, 141

Owens House, 39

Oxford, 428

Paine, James, 344

Paine’s Ordinary. See Payne’s Tavern

Paine’s Tavern. See Payne’s Tavern

Palmer-Tisdale House, 78

Parks Crossroads, 384, 385

Pasour Mountain, 265

Pasquotank County, 4, 8

Pasteur, Charles, 38

Pasteur, Thomas, 38

Pasteur, William, 38

Patrick, William, 346

Patterson Springs, 251

Patterson-Palmer House, 420

Pattillo, Henry, 43031

Patton, Benjamin, 166, 167

Patton, Margaret Crawford, 239

Payne’s Tavern, 344

Pembroke Plantation, 8081

Pender County, 90, 11018

Penn, John, 34, 369, 425, 42830, 435

Penn, Susannah L., 429

Perquimans County, 4, 911

Perry, William G., 71

Person County, 34144

Person Hall, 42223

Person, Thomas, 33, 127, 341, 419, 420, 422, 42728, 44243

Person’s Ordinary, 44243

Phifer, Caleb, 163

Phifer, John, 163, 164, 166

Phifer, Martin, 163

Phifer, Martin, Jr., 163, 164

Phifer’s Hill, 162

Pickens, Andrew, 207, 347, 400, 401, 402

Pilgrim United Church of Christ, 32021

Pilot Mountain, 234

Piney Bottom, 139

Piney Grove Cemetery, 222

Pitt County, 5961

Pitt County Resolves, 61

Pitt, William, 61, 386, 394

Pittsboro, 394

Pleasant Gardens, 21819, 220

Pleasant Hill (Camden County), 9

Pleasant Hill (Vance County), 43940

Poems of Governor Thomas Burke of North Carolina, The, 408

Polk, James K., 301, 306

Polk Park, 186

Polk, Susannah Spratt, 182

Polk, Thomas (brother of William Polk), 451

Polk, Thomas (Mecklenburg County), 182, 183, 184, 186, 190

Polk, William, 283, 448, 45051, 455

Pollock, Thomas, 19

Polly Scott Inn, 346

Pope’s Hotel, 31

Poplar Tent Presbyterian Church, 16566, 167

Port of Roanoke, 12, 18

Pratt, Charles, 3

Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina, 349

Princeville, 48

Providence Presbyterian Church, 2023

Pubeutz, Gabriel, 131

Pugh, James, 405, 413

Pyle, John, 399, 400402

Pyle’s Defeat, 242, 400402

Quaker Meadows, 236, 237, 246

Quaker Meadows (house), 237

Quaker Meadows Cemetery, 23839

Quankey Place, 43

Quebec, Battle of, 120

Queen Anne’s Creek, 16

Queen’s College, 186, 192, 193, 202

Queen’s Gift, 91, 416

Queen’s Museum, 192, 194

Quince, Richard, 99

Quincy, Josiah, Jr., 92

Rabb, William, 258

Raeford, 139

Raft Swamp, 140

Raft Swamp, Battle of, 141, 298

Raft Swamp Presbyterian Church, 140

Raleigh, 14, 17, 339, 426, 44756

Raleigh Register, 190

Raleigh’s Eden, 91

Ramseur, 384

Ramsey, Ambrose, 392

Ramsey’s Mill, 39293

Ramsour’s Mill, Battle of, 27077

Randolph County, 37486

Randolph, John, 442

Rankin, William, 269

Ray, Jesse, 212

Read, Joseph, 303, 317

Red Hill, 163, 164

Red House Presbyterian Church, 34041

Red Springs, 141

Reed, James, 67, 72

Reedy Fork Creek, 347

Reep, Adam, 271

Reese, David, 166, 293

Regulator movement: crushed at Battle of Alamance, 373, 4036; description of, 37576; early incidents of, 45, 69, 153, 156, 157, 163, 431, 445

Reinhardt, Christian, 274, 275

Rendezvous Mountain, 211

Rendezvous Mountain Educational State Forest, 211

Revere, Paul, 187, 188, 198, 397

Richardson, James, 124

Richmond, 33334

Richmond County, 141, 142, 143

Riddle, William, 209, 210, 211, 215

Riddle’s Knob, 214, 215

Riverfront Park, 98

Roanoke Hundred, 91

Robbins, 396

Robert Cleveland Log House, 21011

Roberts-Vaughan Village Center, 27

Robeson County, 140

Robeson, Thomas, Jr., 122, 123, 12425

Rochester, Nathaniel, 33, 428, 430

Rock House, 33637

Rockfish Creek (Cumberland County), 125

Rockfish Creek (Duplin County), 90

Rockfish Creek (Hoke County), 139

Rockfish Creek, Battle of, 89, 90

Rockingham, 107

Rockingham County, 330, 33839, 34547

Rocky Mount, 5253

Rocky River, 160, 161, 169

Rocky River Presbyterian Church, 162, 16768, 181

Ronda, 205

Roper, 2122

Rosefield, 23

Ross, Martin, 10

“Round About, The,” 2056, 207, 215

Round Hill, 219

Rowan County, 196, 224, 271, 276, 277, 296316

Rowan County Courthouse, 31011

Rowan County Courthouse (old), 31011

Rowan, Matthew, 296

Rowan Museum, 312

Rowan Resolves, 307

Rowan, Robert, 131

Roxboro, 343

Royal White Hart Masonic Lodge, 39

Rural Hill, 174

Rural Hill cemetery, 174

Russell, Robert, 168

Russellborough, 101

Rutherford County, 22734, 252, 264

Rutherford, Griffith: at Battle of Raft Swamp, 141; biographical sketch of, 29698; campaign against the Cherokees, 164, 194, 218, 22021, 222, 224, 237, 242, 246; captured at Camden, 194; elevated to general, 300

Rutherford’s Trace, 224

Rutherfordton, 229

Rutledge, John, 3067, 342

Sain, Israel, 273

Salem Tavern, 32930

Salisbury, 182, 187, 288, 30814

Salter, Sallie, 123

Sampson County, 87

Sampson, John, 87

Sams, Edmund, 224

Samuel W. Smallwood House, 7879

Sandy Creek (Nash County), 51

Sandy Creek (Randolph County), 37475

Sandy Creek Association, 375

Sandy Creek Baptist Church, 37475

Saunders, W. L., 49, 428

Sauthier, C. J., 39

Schenck, David, 238, 369, 417, 429

Schenck Monument, 369

Scotland County, 14143

Scotland Neck, 46

Scotswoman, The, 91

Scottish Heritage Center, 142

Scurlock, Mial, 393

Session House, 312

Seven Mile Ford, 213

Sevier, James, 217

Sevier, John, 217, 218, 231, 235, 256, 257, 261

Sevier, Robert, 217, 218

Shallow Ford, Battle of, 32425, 334

Sharpe, William “Lawyer Billy,” 293

Shelby, Isaac, 217, 218, 231, 232, 233, 256, 257, 259, 260, 261

Sherrill, Adam, 248

Sherrill, William, 271

Sherrills Ford, 248

Shiloh, 7

Shiloh AME Zion Church, 254

Shiloh Baptist Church, 7

Shiloh Methodist Church, 119

Shiloh Presbyterian Church, 254

Shuford, Martin, 245, 246, 274

Signers’ Monument, 180, 189, 191, 192

Simpson, Reuben, 272

Simpson, William, 272

Sims, George, 431

Single Brothers House, 329

Sitgreaves, John, 72

Skinner cemetery, 11

Skinner, John, 9

Skinner, Jonathan, 10

Skinner, William, 11

Slingsby, John, 122

Slocumb, Ezekial, 86, 117

Slocumb, Jess, 117

Slocumb, Mary “Polly,” 86, 117

Slocumb Monument, 86, 117

Smith, Benjamin, 1067

Smith Creek, 156, 157

Smith, David, 22324

Smith, Frederick, 382

Smith, Robert, 168

Smith, Sarah Dry, 168

Smithfield (home), 168

Smithville, 106

Sneed Mansion, 433

Snow Camp, 39496

Snow Camp Amphitheater, 396

“Snow Campaign,” 297

Snow Creek, 337

Snow Creek Methodist Church, 29293

Somerset, Henry, 61

Sons of Liberty, 102

South Building, 423

South Mills, 5

Southern Wayne High School, 86

Southport, 99, 1047

Spaight family cemetery, 80

Spaight, Mary “Polly” Leech, 79

Spaight, Richard Dobbs, 65, 71, 7475, 76, 78, 79, 80

Spaight, Richard Dobbs, Jr., 7677, 80

Spangenberg, A. G., 237

Speas graveyard, 168

Speedwell Presbyterian Church, 34647

Spencer, 315

Spencer, Samuel, 33, 74, 15659, 419, 435

Spicer, James, 93

Spring Friends Meeting, 398, 399

Springfield Friends Meeting House, 351

Spurgeon, John, 320

Spurgeon, Mary, 320

St. Andrews Presbyterian College, 141, 142

St. Augustine’s College, 448

St. James Episcopal Church, 94, 95

St. John’s Episcopal Church, 43132

St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 312

St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, 414

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 19

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 64

St. Philips Church, 100, 103

St. Philips Episcopal Church, 1056

Stafford Branch, 398

Stagville Preservation Center, 426

Stanley, 270

Stanly, Ann Cogdell, 72

Stanly County, 146, 160, 161, 173

Stanly, John, 7475, 80, 160

Stanly, John Wright, 68, 7275, 78, 160

State Capitol, 449, 452, 45456

State Records of North Carolina, 50

Statesville, 28788

Stearns, Shubael, Jr., 374

Steele Creek Presbyterian Church, 19396

Steele, Dare, 146

Steele, Elizabeth Maxwell Gillespie, 3025, 309, 313, 316

Steele, John, 30910, 312

Stevenson, Adlai, 288

Stevenson, Andrew, 191

Stevenson, James, 288

Stevenson, W. E., 262

Stevenson, William “Little Gabriel,” 288

Stinking Quarter Creek, 348

Stokes County, 277, 33437

Stokes County Historical Society, 337

Stokes, John, 208, 334

Stokes, Montfort, 208, 437

Stony Creek, 51

Stovall, 428, 430

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 24

Stuart, Gilbert, 455

Stuart, John, 443

Sugaw Creek Academy, 199

Sugaw Creek Presbyterian Church, 181, 185, 198201, 202, 354

Sugaw Creek, War of, 199

Sullivan County, 231

Sully, Thomas, 455

Summerfield, 36263

Sumner County, 445

Sumner, Jethro, 8, 46, 49, 366, 425, 44445

Sumter, Thomas, 194, 195

Sunny Point Military Ocean Terminal, 104, 105

Surf, 343

Surry County, 206, 231, 268, 334

Suther, Samuel, 161

Swain, David, 236, 305

Swan Ponds, 23537

Swannanoa, 222

Swannanoa Gap, 221

Swannanoa Presbyterian Church, 222

Swift Creek, skirmish at, 5051, 52

Sword of Peace, The, 396

“Sycamores, The,” 8788

Taliaferro, Richard, 367

Tannenbaum Park, 36364

Tap Room, 31

Tar Heel (village), 124

“Tar Heels” (nickname), 5253

Tar River, 48, 51, 5253, 55, 62

Tarboro, 4850

Tarboro Town Common, 48

Tarleton, Banastre: in Alamance County, 400402, 406; at Barbeque Presbyterian Church, 136; at Battle of New Garden, 360; at Battle of Weitzel’s Mill, 348; at Bruce’s Crossroads, 363; at Charlotte, 185, 195, 201; at Cowpens, 245, 254, 256; dramatized, 214; at Halifax, 37, 4142, 4445; in Iredell County, 29596; in Lincoln County, 264, 274, 276; in Orange County, 402; respect for Nathanael Greene, 370; in Rowan County, 309, 313, 316; at Swift Creek, 51; visits Slocumb residence, 8687

Tarleton’s Tea Table, 276

Tatom, Absalom, 449

Tavern Museum. See Salem Tavern

Taylors Creek, 82

Teardrops, 420

Terrell, 247

Texaco Beach, 7

Third Creek Presbyterian Church, 3068

Thompson, James, 179

Thompson, John, 306

Thompson, Robert, 404

Thyatira Heritage Museum, 304

Thyatira Presbyterian Church, 300305

Timberlake, Bob, 322

Toe River, 217

Toil of the Brave, 91

Tool’s Ford, 174, 267

Torrence’s Tavern, skirmish at, 247, 29596

Tory Hill, 160

Tory Hole, 123

Tory Hole Park, 123

“Tory Oak, the,” 20910, 216

Tory’s Den and Falls, 336

Townsville, 431

Trading Ford, 314, 31517, 320

Transylvania Company, The, 416, 435, 437

Tranters Creek, 62

Trollinger, Adam, 407

Trollinger cemetery, 407

Trollinger, Henry, 407

Trollinger, Jacob Henry, 407

Trollinger, John, 407

Troublesome Creek, 345

Troublesome Iron Works, 345

Tryon, 264

Tryon County, 264, 265, 270

Tryon County Committee of Safety, 264

Tryon County Courthouse, 264

Tryon, Margaret Wake, 446, 451

Tryon Palace, 17, 6871, 72, 78, 79

Tryon Palace Commission, 71

Tryon Resolves, 26465, 267

Tryon, William: approves college at Charlotte, 192; at Battle of Alamance, 79, 373, 376, 394, 399, 402, 4036, 439; at Brunswick Town, 1013; builds Tryon Palace, 6870, 71; camps at Stinking Quarter Creek, 348; county named for, 264; departure from North Carolina, 43, 412; executes Regulators, 319, 41314; home in Wilmington, 9798; visits Bethania, 333; visits Salem, 331

Tuckaseegee Ford, 267, 268, 284

Turner, James, 426, 43637, 440

Turner, Kerenhappuch Norman, 366

Twelve Mile Creek, 147

Twitty, William, 227, 228, 252

Tyaquin, 408, 410

Tyson, Cornelius, 59, 60

Umberger, Randolph, 89

Union County, 14547, 15253

Union County Courthouse, 153

Union Point Park, 65

United States Military Academy, 334

United States Monument, 259

University of North Carolina, 127, 128, 293, 302, 305, 339, 42123

Unto These Hills, 214

Upper Fort, 220

Utzman-Chambers House, 312

Uwharrie Mountains, 156

Vance County, 43140

Vance, David, 223

Vaughan, 440

Vesuvius, 277

Vesuvius Iron Furnace, 278

Village Green, 1216

Vio, Romano, 456

Virginia Gazette, 102

Virginia Paul, 262

Virginia Sal, 262

Wachovia, 328, 333, 335

Wachovia Museum, 331, 333

Waddell, Hugh, 289, 297, 403

Wade, 132, 133

Wade, Thomas, 138, 139, 140, 153, 154, 158

Wadesboro, 153

Wake County, 44656

Wakefield. See Joel Lane House

Walker, Henderson, 19

Walker, John (New Hanover County), 94

Walker, John (Rutherford County), 233

Walnut Cove, 335

Walnut Grove, 124, 125

Walters Mill, 340

Warlick Monument, 272

Warlick, Nicholas, 273

Warlick, Phillip, 273

Warren County, 436, 44045

Warren, Joseph, 440, 443

Warrenton, 443

Warsaw, 89

Washington, 49, 61, 6265

Washington County (N.C.), 21

Washington County (Tenn.), 231

Washington, George: affinity for Nathanael Greene, 188, 370; attends funeral of Francis Nash, 416; baptism of, 318; city named for, 63; county named for, 21; portrait of, 455; sculpture of, 455; spared by Patrick Ferguson, 261; statue of, 454; visits Cabarrus County, 16364, 16869; visits Caswell County, 340; visits Charlotte, 183, 187; visits Great Dismal Swamp, 4; visits Guilford Courthouse, 366; visits Halifax, 29, 37, 42, 44; visits Hertford, 9; visits Lancaster County, S.C., 15152; visits New Bern, 66, 7071, 74, 79; visits Onslow County, 110; visits Pitt County, 59, 61; visits Salem, 330; visits Tarboro, 50; visits Troublesome Creek, 346; visits Wilmington, 99

Washington Iron Furnace, 264

Washington Oak, 110

Washington, William, 42, 44, 87, 283, 313, 367, 379

Watauga County, 212, 213, 215

Watauga settlement, 21213

Waterfront Park, 104

Waterman, Thomas T., 433

Waters, Elizabeth Hooper, 119

Watson-Wentworth, Charles, 338

Wauchope, James, 152

Waxhaw, 145, 146

Waxhaws, Battle of the, 152

“Waxhaws, the,” 146, 147, 149, 150

Wayne, Anthony, 86

Wayne County, 86, 117

Webster, James W., 347, 348, 365

Weidner, Henry, 244, 245, 249

Weidner Oak, 244, 245

Weitzel’s Mill, skirmish at, 34748

Welch, Nicholas, 271

West Custom House, 18

Weyman Methodist Church, 118, 119

Wheeler House, 26

Wheeler, John, 26

Wheeler, John Hill, 26, 91, 162, 184, 270

White Hall. See Glen Ivy

White, James, 162, 163

White, John, 162

White, William, 162, 168

Wilfong, George, 244, 245

Wilfong, John, Sr., 243, 245

Wilkes County, 205, 206, 211, 213, 231

Wilkes County Courthouse, 209

Wilkes, John, 210

Wilkesboro, 209, 242

Williams, Benjamin, 391

Williams, Eliza Jones, 391

Williams, John (Davie County), 325

Williams, John (Granville County), 74, 159, 432, 434, 435, 437, 439, 440

Williams, Joseph, 325

Williams, Kermit, 214

Williams, Lewis, 325

Williams, Maxville Burt, 36

Williams, Otho Holland, 34143, 347, 348

Williams, Robert, 325

Williams, Thomas, 325

Williams, Willis, 19

Williamsboro, 43136

Williamsburg, 345

Williams-Flury-Burton House, 19

Williamson, Hugh, 5, 6, 14, 20

Willowside, 269

Wilmington: British occupation of, 91, 100, 103, 113, 119, 121, 136, 139, 140, 280; importance during Revolution, 85; site of Stamp Act protests, 89, 96, 98, 113; visited by George Washington, 63

Wilmington National Cemetery, 91

Wilson, David, 175, 271

Wilson, Eleanor, 19596

Wilson, James, 21

Wilson, Joseph, 268

Wilson, Lewis F., 291

Wilson, Robert, 19596

Wilson, Susan, 200201

Wilson, Zaccheus, 166, 19596

Wind in the Forest, The, 416

Windsor, 2223

Winston, Anthony, 368

Winston, Joseph, 231, 237, 335, 367

Winston-Salem, 32832, 335

Winterville, 59

Winton, 2324

Wise, Daniel, 245

Wise, Isaac, 245, 246, 274

Witherspoon, James, 415

Witherspoon, John, 290, 302

Wolf’s Den, 21516

Wright, Gideon, 334

Wright, Isaac, 362

Wright, Thomas H., 97

Wyanoke Ferry, 24

Wynns, Benjamin, 24

Yadkin County, 32425, 334

Yadkin River Access Area, 334

Yanceyville, 345

Yellow Mountain Road, 217

Yoder, Conrad, 244

Young, Samuel, 19697, 3078

Young, Thomas, 29192

Young’s Fort, 28586

Young’s Mountain, 306