LEVELS 15–20

Myths and Legends

71 Towers of Terror

You just moved into your dream neighborhood only to find your most hated rival has purchased a tower right next to yours. Open conflict would destroy the universe, so you settle the score by building a house designed to annoy him.

72 Monuments

One of your character’s deeds has permanently shaped his or her world. How does he or she feel looking at it? This helps create a physical element of a setting tied to the reader’s character through writing prompts.

73 Classifying Villains

When creating or combating villains, it’s important to know how to classify them. Understanding aspects of their personalities, behavior, and aesthetics might tell you more than their alignment.

74 Home Heraldry

Create your own coat of arms to reflect who you and your family are.

75 “It Is My Distinct Pleasure to Announce . . . ”

You were invited to a royal gala. The page sent over to confirm your attendance bashfully informs you that the name you have provided is not sufficient, and he requires greater detail.

76 God, No

In recognition of your great deeds, a prominent deity has announced he or she will attend a feast you are throwing. It may be the god in question, the plans you had for your feast, or the company you already invited, but you know this is going to be a disaster.

77 Five Commandments

There are five rules observed by creatures in your service. They are the first lessons you teach and the foundation of any world shaped in your image.

78 Pocket Dimension

The weird, wonderful place to which you escape in order to be yourself. How does it reflect your interests?

79 For the Myth That Has Everything

Your allies have the power to split mountains, part seas, and walk between raindrops. What gift could be worthy of them?

80 Inventory

Create a list of things your character refuses to throw away.

81 Art of Facts

Legends of your deeds have spread far and wide. Accompanying those tales are stories about the items you carry, which are myths in their own right.

82 Terror of Wisdom

There are five things mortals do not fear. Your experience has taught you to fear them. A lot.

83 A Cutlass Carol

Three ghosts visit you to show you visions of the past, present, and future in hope of teaching you a lesson. The problem is the lesson isn’t really worth learning.

84 Private Secrets

Create a mystery your character has left in his or her wake, one that adventurers and scholars will be pondering for years to come.

85 It Sounds Good on Paper

Create artifacts that hold caveats making them significantly less attractive in practice.

86 I Knew Them Well

Pick a mythic figure or deity in the setting and detail information your character knows about him or her (or it).

87 Alive Only in Memory

You know of a place that no longer exists.

88 Collecting Dust

In your home you have objects on your mantel that many believe are lost to time and that some would be shocked to learn exist at all. What are these things, and how do you treat them?

89 Sign of a Legend

There is a symbol or mark that has become associated with your name. This exercise tells you what it is, where it appears, and the truths/falsehoods that circulate about it.

90 Hobby

In addition to the skills you picked up as a heroic adventurer, you also mastered a mundane craft and honed it to legendary perfection. This will tell you what that is and what impact it had on yourself and the world.

91 Five Lives

Your deeds have touched five individuals. Who are they, and what became of them?

92 You Made It Weird

The chimera, the owlbear, the gibbering mouther: beloved monsters created by powerful beings as a bizarre form of competition. This exercise will help you take an existing monster and make it into something truly strange.

93 In the Eyes of Mortals

What do different people see when they look at you? You will see yourself through the eyes of a watchman, a bartender, a pickpocket, a king, and a child.

94 Hangover

At some point last night, you lost a powerful artifact. Now if you could just remember last night. Retrace your steps to reclaim what is yours.

95 Apprentice

A priority-based aspect creator that works like the mentor game: talent, ego, reliability, studiousness, morality.

96 Five Enemies

A look at some of the foes you have faced in your past.

97 Impossible Trial

You are inundated with requests from potential students clearly unworthy of your knowledge. What tasks do you set for them, expecting them to fail?

98 Not Looking to Get Merlined

When do you decide that your apprentice doesn’t have your best interests at heart?

99 Crisis of Faith

Faith works differently in a world where gods routinely grant miraculous power, speak to their followers, and occasionally appear in the mortal realm. Believers do not question their existence, only their intentions.

100 Your Kind of King

Your life of adventuring has ended with you sitting on the throne. A hero becoming a ruler is always a unique story. Fill in this chart to see what kind of ruler you would be.