A Grand Day Out 283
Achilles 149
Affordable Care Act 55
all lives matter 249
American Airlines 268
An Inspector Calls 91
Asian people 67
Australia 217
barber 158
Battenberg 161
bedtime 193
beliefs 186
best before date 191
bestiality 231
Bible 287
bigot 42
billionnaire 120
binary operations 211
bisexual 65
black lives matter 250
black people 53, 63, 66, 73, 86, 103, 111, 214, 233, 252, 274
Boast, Will 258
boat race 5
Body Mass Index 197
boring math lessons 105
Brahms 117
braid 14
bribe 45
broccoli 44
Battenberg 161
Cambridge 222
prostate 281
Cantonese 166
Carroll, Lewis 149
cave 293
charisma 270
cheese 283
chess 173
Chicken Run 115
Chinese 77
Cinderella 191
Cipolla, Carlos 293
cisgendered 72
clickbait 266
climate change 61, 177, 271, 287
Clinton, Hillary 218
clothes 239
commutative law 140
complement 68
computers 262
congruent 237
connectives 83
consistent 280
contrapositive 75
converse 44
errors 54
Darcy 191
deductive closure 279
dieting 247
dinosaurs 72
discrimination 184
divorce 91
Duhigg, Charles 31
echo chamber 138
economics 173
higher 257
Eggerichs, Dr. Emerson 103
emergencies 170
equations 235
logical 56
Escher 156
etymology 166
EU 60
Euclid 184
Everest, Mount 129
evidence 77
external 184
fake news 286
false dichotomy 245
false equivalence 239
fat shaming 241
fear 271
feminism 114
Finkel, Daniel 8
flying 269
football 10
fractal 131
Fragile Lives 165
French 149
game theory 177
Gödel, Escher, Bach 156
guns 272
Hawking, Stephen 38
heterosexual 65
David 154
Hotel 154
Hofstadter, Douglas 149
homeopathy 118
homophobia 261
homosexual 65
horror movies 266
illogical 280
illumination 139
induction, mathematical 199
insanity 14
insults 59
insurance 281
intermediate value theorem 202
internal 183
intersection 86
intimidation 59
jazz 241
Jenkins, Simon 94
jetlag 27
joke 120
jury 133
Kerr, Jessica 91
language 166
Latin 166
Latinx people 67
Law of the Excluded Middle 63, 192
London Underground 15
losing weight 269
Love and Respect 103
macarons 117
Macbeth 284
MacDonald, Kyle 29
Macduff 284
mansplaining 255
marketing 270
maternity 281 math phobia 93, 124
memes 143
memorization 142
Metamagical Themas 149
Mexippino 204
mic drop 298
milk 191
landings 281
National Health Service 145
Native American people 67
Needham, Tristan 49
Nessun Dorma 135
Numberphile 153
Obama, Barack 61, 73, 137, 218
O’Neill, Paul 31
open-mindedness 160
opposite 60
oppression 114
optimism 59
Carroll’s 149
falsidical 152
Gödel’s 155
Hilbert’s 154
liar 148
Russell’s 158
veridical 152
Zeno’s 151
patriotic 260
pedantry 19
Peebles, Gregory 228
peer pressure 270
peer review 133
playdough 238
Poincaré Conjecture 238
police brutality 103
power 273
pregnant 184
Pride and Prejudice 191
Pristley, J. B. 91
privilege 25, 43, 72, 109, 222, 233
white 73
quantifiers 119
race 63
racism 233
structural 276
rape 268
refugee 42
refugees 272
Russell, Bertrand 158
Schoenberg 168
School of the Art Institute of
Chicago 203
scientific method 22
sexism 218
sexual harassment 163, 184, 196, 215, 222, 274
Sheba, Queen of 120
sliding scale 191
social services 26, 189, 206, 215
Solnit, Rebecca 255
Spanish 166
sport 172
STEM 249
straight white men 214
straw man 249
sugar 61
superstar 288
sweeping statements 116
sympathy 263
taste 283
tax 173
taxation 189
tidying 105
times tables 143
to do list 147
toast 283
tolerance 160
toys 239
transphobia 261
triangles 237
trust 178
truth value 70
turtles 38
union 86
universe 72
US citizen 42
vicious cycles 101
voter suppression 217
Wallace and Gromit 283
weather 173
Westaby, Stephen 165
white men 46
white privilege 73
Winfrey, Oprah 73
yelling 59