
Cover    1

Do any of these sound familiar?    2

Half Title Page    4

Title Page    5

Copyright Page    6

Dedication    7

Acknowledgments    11

Introduction: Why Your Kids Work You    13

Your kids can read you like a book, and they’re master readers.

1. Why Your Kids Do What They Do    19

Everything has a beginning, and so does misbehavior.

2. Why You—and Only You—Will Do    35

Why your child wants your attention, needs your attention, and was programmed to fall in love with you.

3. Why You Do What You Do    45

How your background and experiences influence your parenting more than you know.

4. Programming Misbehavior    63

How you unwittingly pave the way for your child to misbehave.

5. The Only Way to Rear a Child    77

Why being in healthy authority over your kid is the best way to fly.

6. Getting behind Your Child’s Eyes    91

What your child’s life mantra is, how it developed, and how it affects his or her behavior.

7. The Four Stages of Misbehavior    117

What they are, how they start, and how to identify where your child is on the spectrum.

8. “Look at Me”    131

What an attention getter is and how to get one to pay attention to you in the right way.

9. “There’s a New Sheriff in Town”    143

What a power-driven child is and how to turn that drive for power in a positive direction.

10. Discipline 101    151

What it is (and isn’t), why punishment never works, and why RD is the way to roll.

11. Time-Tested Strategies That Really Work    169

Practice may not make perfect, but it leads to behavioral change.

Conclusion: Transformation Guaranteed    185

You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to have a perfect kid. You just need to walk the road of life together.

Bonus Section #1: Ask the Expert    191

What would Dr. Leman have done in those situations in chapter 1? Find out here.

Bonus Section #2: Q&A with Dr. Kevin Leman: Thinking and Acting Your Way to Behavioral Change    211

The hottest questions parents ask . . . and expert, practical advice you can live by.

Notes    257

About Dr. Kevin Leman    259

Resources by Dr. Kevin Leman    261

Back Ads    265

Cover Flaps    271

Back Cover    272