Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

Abruzzi, Italy, ref1

Abstract Expressionism, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Acropolis of Athens, ref1

Agnes Grey (A. Brontë), ref1

Agnes Martin and Me (Woodman), ref1

Akins, Zoe, ref1

Albee, Edward, ref1, ref2

Albers, Anni and Josef, ref1

Albers, Patricia, ref1, ref2

Alcott, Louisa May, ref1, ref2

Aldrich, Richard, ref1

Alfred Hitchcock Presents (TV show), ref1

Allende, Isabel, ref1

All the Works of Epictetus, Which Are Now Extant (Carter), ref1

American University, ref1

Anderson, Marian, ref1, ref2

Angel at My Table (film), ref1, ref2

Angelou, Maya, ref1

Anthracite Fields (Wolfe composition), ref1

Antin, Eleanor, ref1

Antiphon, The (Barnes), ref1

Arbus, Diane, ref1

Arbus, Howard, ref1

Argonauts, The (Nelson), ref1

Art Deco, ref1

Art of Cruelty, The (Nelson), ref1

Art Students League, ref1

Asawa, Ruth, ref1

Ashbery, John, ref1

At Fault (Chopin), ref1

Athill, Diana, ref1, ref2

Atlantic Monthly, ref1

Aurora Leigh (Barrett Browning), ref1

Autobiography (A. Trollope), ref1

Awakening, The (Chopin), ref1

A–Z West, ref1

Bach, Johann Sebastian, ref1

Backward Glance, A (Wharton), ref1

Bagehot, Walter, ref1

Baker, Josephine, ref1, ref2

Balanchine, George, ref1

Ballets Russes, ref1, ref2

Bambara, Toni Cade, ref1

Bang on a Can (music collective), ref1, ref2

Bankhead, Tallulah, ref1

Banton, Travis, ref1

Barnard, A. M. (Alcott’s pseudonym), ref1

Barnes, Djuna, ref1, ref2, ref3

Barney, Natalie Clifford, ref1

Barrett Browning, Elizabeth, ref1

Bashkirtseff, Marie, ref1, ref2

Batten, Mabel “Ladye,” ref1

“Battle Hymn of the Republic” (Howe), ref1

Bausch, Pina, ref1

BBC, ref1, ref2, ref3

Beach, Sylvia, ref1

Bechet, Sidney, ref1

Becquerel, Henri, ref1

Beethoven, Ludwig van, ref1

Bell, Clive, ref1, ref2

Bell, Quentin, ref1

Bell, Vanessa, ref1, ref2, ref3

Bells Are Ringing (musical), ref1

Benefactor, The (Sontag), ref1, ref2

Bernhardt, Sarah, ref1, ref2

Bewitched (TV show), ref1

Bidart, Frank, ref1

Bishop, Elizabeth, ref1

Bishop, Isabel, ref1, ref2

Black Feeling, Black Talk (Giavanni), ref1

Black Judgement (Giovanni), ref1

Black Mountain College, ref1

Bloch, Lucienne, ref1

Blood Memory (Graham), ref1, ref2

Bloombury group, ref1

Blue Angel, The (film), ref1

Blue Flowers, The (Fitzgerald), ref1

Blue Stockings Society, ref1

Bluets (Nelson), ref1

Boissevain, Eugen, ref1

Bolshevik Revolution, ref1

Bonheur, Le (film), ref1

Bonheur, Rosa, ref1, ref2

Bonjour Tristesse (Sagan), ref1

Book of the Month Club, ref1

Boonville, Calif., ref1

Bourke-White, Margaret, ref1

Bowen, Elizabeth, ref1

Bowen, Stella, ref1

Bradstreet, Anne, ref1

Bray, Charlotte, ref1

Brent, Linda. See Jacobs, Harriet

Bring Up the Bodies (Mantel), ref1

Britten, Benjamin, ref1

Brontë, Anne, ref1, ref2

Brontë, Charlotte, ref1, ref2

Brontë, Emily, ref1, ref2

Brooklyn College, ref1

Brooks, Gwendolyn, ref1

Brooks, Romaine, ref1, ref2

Brown, Jared, ref1

Browning, Pen, ref1

Browning, Robert, ref1, ref2

Burne-Jones, Edward, ref1

Butler, Octavia, ref1

California, University of, at Los Angeles (UCLA), ref1, ref2

Cameron, Alan, ref1

Campbell, Mrs. Patrick, ref1

Campion, Jane, ref1, ref2

Capote, Truman, ref1

Carr, Cornelia, ref1

Carter, Elizabeth, ref1

Casa Guidi (Browning apartment), ref1

Cézanne, Paul, ref1

Chanel, Coco, ref1, ref2

Chanel No. 5, ref1

Charleston (Bell’s estate), ref1

Chéri (Colette), ref1

Chicago, University of, ref1

Children’s Hour, The (Hellman), ref1

Chopin, Felix, ref1

Chopin, Kate, ref1

Chorley, Henry, ref1

Cimarron (Ferber), ref1

Claridge, Laura, ref1

Claudine à l’école (Colette), ref1

Cleo from 5 to 7 (film), ref1

Cocteau, Jean, ref1

Coleman, Emily, ref1

Colette, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Color Purple, The (Walker), ref1

Columbia University, ref1

Comden, Betty, ref1

Commentary, ref1

Connecticut, ref1

Connolly, Cyril, ref1

Constant, Benjamin, ref1

Coppet, Switzerland, ref1

Cordelier de la Noue, Amélie, ref1

Cornwall, England, ref1, ref2

Coronation Street (TV show), ref1

Coward, Noël, ref1, ref2

Cox, Renee, ref1

Coyne, Petah, ref1

Cromwell, Thomas, ref1

Cunningham, Merce, ref1

Curie, Irene, ref1

Curie, Marie, ref1, ref2

Curie, Pierre, ref1

Daguerréotypes (documentary), ref1

Daily Rituals: How Artists Work (Currey), ref1, ref2

Dalí, Salvador, ref1

Damia, Marisa, ref1

Dance to the Piper (de Mille), ref1

Dandré, Victor, ref1

Daniel Deronda (Eliot), ref1

Dany, Louise, ref1

Darien, Conn., ref1

David (Michelangelo), ref1

Death of the Heart, The (Bowen), ref1

Deerbrook (Martineau), ref1

Deffand, Marie de Vichy-Chamrond, Marquise du, ref1

de Kooning, Willem, ref1

de Mille, Agnes, ref1, ref2

DeMille, Cecil B., ref1

de Mille, William C., ref1

Deutsche Oper (Berlin), ref1

Devil Girl from Mars (film), ref1 Devon countryside, England, ref2

Diaghilev, Serge, ref1, ref2

Dickinson, Emily, ref1, ref2

Didion, Joan, ref1

Dietrich, Marlene, ref1, ref2

Dillard, Annie, ref1

Dinesen, Isak, ref1, ref2, ref3

Domain of Perfect Affection (Bonheur’s estate), ref1

Domestic Manners of the Americans (F. Trollope), ref1

Donati, William, ref1

Drawn from Life (Bowen), ref1

Duncan, Isadora, ref1, ref2

Dunham, Hayden, ref1

Duras, Marguerite, ref1

East Essex, England, ref1

Easton, Carol, ref1

East Village, N.Y., ref1, ref2

École des Beaux-Arts (Paris), ref1, ref2

Einstein, Albert, ref1

Elements of Style, The (Strunk), ref1

El Greco, ref1

Eliot, George (Mary Anne Evans), ref1

Epictetus, ref1

Escobar, María Sol. See Marisol

Esquire, ref1, ref2

Ethan Frome (Wharton), ref1

Etiquette (Post), ref1

Evans, Mary Anne. See Eliot, George

Everest, Louie, ref1

Evergreens (Dickinson’s brother’s house), ref1

“Excuses” column (Frame), ref1

Fabulous Lunts, The (Brown), ref1

Farrell, Eileen, ref1

“Fatal Interview” (Millay), ref1

Feldman, Morton, ref1

Felix Holt (Eliot), ref1

Ferber, Edna, ref1

Ferrante, Elena, ref1

First Bad Man, The (July), ref1

Fisk University, ref1

Fitzgerald, Maria, ref1

Fitzgerald, Penelope, ref1

Flanner, Janet, ref1

Flaubert, Gustave, ref1

Florence, Italy, ref1

Flowering Judas (Porter), ref1

Folies Bergère (Paris), ref1

Fontanne, Lynn, ref1, ref2

Ford, Ford Madox, ref1

For My People (Walker), ref1

Forster, E. M., ref1, ref2

Fox, Charles, ref1

Frame, Janet, ref1

Frankenstein (Shelley), ref1

Frankenthaler, Helen, ref1, ref2

Franklin, Ruth, ref1

French Enlightenment, ref1

Fry, Roger, ref1

Fuller, Buckminster, ref1

Fuller, Margaret, ref1

Garelick, Rhonda K., ref1

Garnett, David “Bunny,” ref1

Gaskell, Elizabeth, ref1

Gauthier-Villars, Bernard, ref1

Gauthier-Villars, Henry (Willy), ref1, ref2

Gentleman’s Quarterly, ref1

Geoffrin, Marie-Thérèse Rodet, ref1, ref2

Giant (Ferber), ref1

Gigi (Colette), ref1

Gilligan’s Island (TV show), ref1

Ginzburg, Leone, ref1

Ginzburg, Liza, ref1

Ginzburg, Natalia, ref1

Giovanni, Nikki, ref1

Givner, Joan, ref1

Godwin, William, ref1

Goldman Sachs building (New York), ref1

Gone with the Wind (Mitchell), ref1

Goodman, Dena, ref1

Good Morning, Midnight (Rhys), ref1

Good Soldier, The (Ford), ref1

Gordon, Charlotte, ref1, ref2

Gordon, Michael, ref1

Gorilla, My Love (Bambara), ref1

Graham, Martha, ref1, ref2

Grant, Duncan, ref1

Grass Is Singing, The (Lessing), ref1

Gray, Eileen, ref1

Green, Adolph, ref1

Greenwich Village, N.Y., ref1, ref2

Gruen, John, ref1

Guardian, ref1

Guggenheim, Peggy, ref1, ref2, ref3

Hall, Radclyffe, ref1, ref2, ref3

Hambling, Maggi, ref1

Hammett, Dashiell, ref1

Hansberry, Lorraine, ref1, ref2

Hardscrabble Farm (Hellman’s property), ref1

Harper’s Bazaar, ref1

Hartigan, Grace, ref1, ref2, ref3

Haworth Parsonage (Brontë family home), ref1

Hayford Hall (Guggenheim’s rented home), ref1

Head, Edith, ref1, ref2, ref3

Heat of the Day, The (Bowen), ref1, ref2

Hellman, Lillian, ref1

Hepburn, Katharine, ref1

Hepworth, Barbara, ref1, ref2

Herald Tribune, ref1

Herold, J. Christopher, ref1

Herrera, Hayden, ref1

Herring, Phillip, ref1

Heti, Sheila, ref1

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, ref1

High Sierra (film), ref1

High Times, ref1

Historie de ma vie (Sand), ref1n

History Portraits (Sherman), ref1

Hitch-Hiker, The (film), ref1

Holms, John Ferrar, ref1, ref2

Homestead (Dickinson’s house), ref1, ref2

Horse Fair, The (Bonheur), ref1

Hosmer, Harriet, ref1

House (Whiteread), ref1

House in Paris, The (Bowen), ref1

House of Mirth, The (Wharton), ref1

House of the Spirits, The (Allende), ref1, ref2

Howe, Julia Ward, ref1, ref2

Howe, Maud, ref1, ref2, ref3

Hurst, Fannie, ref1

Hurston, Zora Neale, ref1, ref2

Hyphenated Villa (Villa Trait d’Union; Barney’s house), ref1

Idlewild (Willis estate), ref1

Imperial Russian Ballet, ref1

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (Jacobs), ref1

Infinity Net (Kusama), ref1

Iowa, University of, ref1

I Put a Spell on You (Simone), ref1

Jackson, Shirley, ref1

Jacobs, Harriet, ref1

Jamaica, ref1

James, Henry, ref1

James, William, ref1

Jane Eyre (C. Brontë), ref1

Johnson, Samuel, ref1

Jonas, Joan, ref1

Joshua Tree, Calif., ref1

Jubilee (Walker), ref1, ref2

Juilliard School of Music (New York), ref1

July, Miranda, ref1

Kafka, Franz, ref1

Kahlo, Frida, ref1, ref2

Kalamazoo College, ref1

Katzen, Lila, ref1

Kay, Ronald, ref1

Kearns, Martha, ref1

Kenya, ref1

Keynes, John Maynard, ref1

Kind of Magic, A (Ferber), ref1

Kindred (Butler), ref1

King, Carole, ref1

Kiss, The (film), ref1

Klein, Carole, ref1

Kligman, Ruth, ref1

Klumpke, Anna, ref1, ref2, ref3

Kollwitz, Hans, ref1

Kollwitz, Käthe, ref1

Kramer, Hilton, ref1

Krasner, Lee, ref1

Kurth, Peter, ref1

Kusama, Yayoi, ref1

La Casa Azul (Kahlo family home), ref1

Ladies Whose Bright Eyes (Ford), ref1

Lagoon and Other Stories, The (Frame), ref1

L’Aiglon (Rostand), ref1

Lang, David, ref1

Lanier, Albert, ref1

Lapsley, Gaillard, ref1

Lawrence, Gertrude, ref1

Leaning Tower and Other Stories, The (Porter), ref1

Lee, Hermione, ref1

Leen, Nina, ref1

Lempicka, Kizette, ref1, ref2

Lempicka, Tadeusz, ref1

Lempicka, Tamara de, ref1, ref2

Lenglet, Ella. See Rhys, Jean

Lespinasse, Julie de, ref1

Lessing, Doris, ref1, ref2

Lessing, Peter, ref1, ref2

Lewes, George Henry, ref1

Life, ref1, ref2

Lincoln Memorial (Washington, D.C.), ref1

Little Foxes, The (Hellman), ref1

Little Image series (Krasner), ref1

Little Women (Alcott), ref1, ref2, ref3

London, England, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

“Lottery, The” (Jackson), ref1

Louis XVI, King of France, ref1

Louvre (Paris), ref1

Lover, The (Duras), ref1

Lowell, Robert, ref1

Lubow, Arthur, ref1

Lunt, Alfred, ref1, ref2

Lupino, Ida, ref1, ref2

Lyon, Hugh Lee, ref1

MacDowell Colony (New Hampshire), ref1

“Maniac Bride, The” (Alcott), ref1

Mansfield, Katherine, ref1

Mantel, Hilary, ref1

Marías, Javier, ref1

Marisol (María Sol Escobar), ref1, ref2

Markus, Julia, ref1

Maroons, ref1

Marouzé, Marie-Hélène, ref1

Martin, Agnes, ref1

Martineau, Harriet, ref1, ref2

Mathews, Harry, ref1

Matisse, Henri, ref1

Matteson, John, ref1

McCall’s, ref1

Meade, Marion, ref1

Meckseper, Josephine, ref1

Mehretu, Julie, ref1

Men and Women (Browning), ref1

Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), ref1, ref2, ref3

Metropolitan Opera (New York), ref1, ref2, ref3

Mexico City, Mexico, ref1, ref2, ref3

Micas, Natalie, ref1, ref2, ref3

Michelangelo, ref1

Middlemarch (Eliot), ref1

“Middle Years, The” (James), ref1

Millay, Edna St. Vincent, ref1, ref2

Mills, Mike, ref1, ref2

Minter, Marilyn, ref1

Mitchell, Joan, ref1, ref2, ref3

Mitchell, Margaret, ref1

Modeling My Life (Scudder), ref1, ref2

Monet, Claude, ref1

Monk, Meredith, ref1

Monk’s House (Woolfs’ country retreat), ref1, ref2

Montagu, Elizabeth, ref1

Montesquieu, ref1

Moods (Alcott), ref1, ref2

Moore, George, ref1

Moore, Marianne, ref1

“Moose, The” (Bishop), ref1

Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, ref1, ref2

the Mount (Wharton’s estate), ref1, ref2

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, ref1

M Train (Smith), ref1

Mural (Mehretu), ref1

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA; New York), ref1, ref2

Mussolini, Benito, ref1

“My Day” column (Roosevelt), ref1, ref2

“My Vocation” (Ginzburg), ref1

Napoleon I, Emperor of France, ref1

Natural Woman, A (King), ref1

Naylor, Gloria, ref1

Necker, Suzanne, ref1

Neel, Alice, ref1, ref2

Nelson, Maggie, ref1

Nemser, Cindy, ref1

Nevelson, Louise, ref1, ref2

New Mexico, ref1, ref2, ref3

New Wave cinema, ref1

New York, ref1

New York, N.Y., ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19, ref20, ref21, ref22, ref23, ref24, ref25

New York Bar Association, ref1

New Yorker, ref1, ref2

New York Post, ref1

New York Times, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

New York University, Steinhardt School at, ref1

New Zealand, ref1, ref2

Nietzsche, Friedrich, ref1

Nightwood (Barnes), ref1, ref2

Niki de Saint Phalle (perfume), ref1

Nilsson, Birgit, ref1

Norman, Jessye, ref1

Northwestern University, ref1

Nunez, Sigrid, ref1

NW (Smith), ref1

O’Casey, Sean, ref1

Offshore (Fitzgerald), ref1

Off Stage (Comden), ref1

O’Gorman, Juan, ref1

O’Hara, Frank, ref1

Oklahoma! (musical), ref1, ref2

Old Maid, The (Wharton), ref1

On Photography (Sontag), ref1

“On the Record” column (Thompson), ref1

On the Town (musical), ref1

Opie, Catherine, ref1

Out of Africa (Dinesen), ref1

Owls Do Cry (Frame), ref1

Oxford University, ref1

Pale Horse, Pale Rider (Porter), ref1

Paley, Grace, ref1

Paramount Studios, ref1

Paris, France, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11

Paris Match, ref1

Paris Review, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Parker, Dorothy, ref1, ref2

Passion-Flowers (Howe), ref1

Patternmaster (Butler), ref1

“Pauline’s Passion and Punishment” (Alcott), ref1

Pavlova, Anna, ref1

Peter Pan (musical), ref1

Peters, Margot, ref1

Piano, The (film), ref1

Picasso, Pablo, ref1

Poems (Barrett), ref1

Pointe Courte, La (film), ref1

Pollock, Jackson, ref1, ref2

Pop art, ref1

Porter, Katherine Anne, ref1, ref2

Portrait of Myself (Bourke-White), ref1

Post, Amy, ref1

Post, Emily, ref1

Post, Ned, ref1

Pound, Ezra, ref1

Price, Leontyne, ref1, ref2

Private Lives (Coward), ref1

Radio 4 (BBC), ref1

Raisin in the Sun, A (Hansberry), ref1

Rambler, ref1

Rauschenberg, Robert, ref1

Red Shoes, The (fairy tale), ref1

Regina Coeli prison (Rome), ref1

Reich, Nancy B., ref1

Rhode Island School of Design, ref1

Rhys, Jean (Ella Lenglet), ref1, ref2

Richmond, George, ref1

Rieff, David, ref1, ref2, ref3

Riley, Bridget, ref1, ref2

Riopelle, Jean-Paul, ref1, ref2, ref3

Ritchie, Charles, ref1

Ritz hotel (Paris), ref1

Rivera, Diego, ref1, ref2

Rizzo, Willy, ref1

Road to the City, The (Ginzburg), ref1

Robeson, Paul, ref1

Rockefeller, John D., ref1

Rodeo (ballet), ref1

Roosevelt, Anna, ref1

Roosevelt, Eleanor, ref1

Rossetti, Christina, ref1

Rossetti, William, ref1

Rostand, Edmond, ref1, ref2

Royal Academy of Music (Stockholm), ref1

Rubens, Peter Paul, ref1

Sagan, Françoise, ref1, ref2

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, ref1

Saint Phalle, Niki de, ref1, ref2

Salt Eaters, The (Bambara), ref1

San Ángel, Mexico City, ref1, ref2

Sand, George, ref1, ref2, ref2n

San Francisco Art Institute, ref1

Sargeson, Frank, ref1, ref2

Sarton, May, ref1

Saturday Evening Post, ref1

Scallop (Hambling), ref1

Schiaparelli, Elsa, ref1, ref2

Schneemann, Carolee, ref1

Schopenhauer, Arthur, ref1

Schumaker, Lulu, ref1

Schumann, Clara, ref1

Schumann, Robert, ref1

Scudder, Janet, ref1, ref2

Sea Birds Are Still Alive, The (Bambara), ref1

Seacliff Lunatic Asylum, ref1, ref2

Seattle Times, ref1

Sea Wall, The (Duras), ref1

Sea Wolf, The (film), ref1

Seven Gothic Tales (Dinesen), ref1

Seyersted, Per, ref1

Shange, Ntozake, ref1

Shelley, Mary, ref1

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, ref1

Sherman, Cindy, ref1

Ship of Fools (Porter), ref1, ref2

Shirley (C. Brontë), ref1

Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life (Franklin), ref1

Show Boat (Ferber), ref1

Sills, Beverly, ref1

Simone, Nina, ref1, ref2

Singer, Paris, ref1, ref2

Singin’ in the Rain (film), ref1

Smetana, Bedřich, ref1

Smile Please (Rhys), ref1

Smith, Patti, ref1

Smith, Zadie, ref1

Soares, Lota de Macedo, ref1

So Big (Ferber), ref1

“soft Cubism,” ref1

Sontag, Susan, ref1, ref2, ref3

Sorbonne, ref1

Souhami, Diana, ref1

Southern California, University of, ref1

Souvenirs Indiscrets (Barney), ref1

Springs, N.Y., ref1

Squab Farm, The (theater production), ref1

Staël, Germaine de, ref1

Steepletop (Millay’s berry farm), ref1, ref2

Stein, Gertrude, ref1

Sternberg, Josef von, ref1

Stevenson, Robert Louis, ref1

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, ref1

Strauss, Richard, ref1

Svendsen, Clara, ref1, ref2

Tapestry (album), ref1

Tarot Garden (monument sculpture garden), ref1

Taylor, Elizabeth, ref1

Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The (A. Brontë), ref1

Tencin, Madame de, ref1

Their Eyes Were Watching God (Hurston), ref1

They Drive by Night (film), ref1

Thin Man, The (Hammett), ref1

13 Beautiful Women (film), ref1

Thomas, Alma, ref1, ref2

Thompson, Dorothy, ref1

Thompson, Malvina “Tommy,” ref1

Thurman, Judith, ref1

Times (London), ref1

Tinguely, Jean, ref1

Toklas, Alice B., ref1

Top of the Lake (TV series), ref1

Toscanini, Arturo, ref1

Transatlantic Review, ref1

Trollope, Anthony, ref1, ref2

Trollope, Fanny, ref1

Trollope, Thomas Adolphus, ref1

Trotsky, Leon, ref1

Troubridge, Una, ref1, ref2

Turbeville, Deborah, ref1

Twilight Zone, The (TV show), ref1

Tyrell, George, ref1

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), ref1

UN Commission on Human Rights, ref1

United Nations, ref1

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), ref1

“Upon a Fit of Sickness” (Bradstreet), ref1

Valéry, Paul, ref1

Vanity Fair, ref1

Varda, Agnès, ref1

Vétheuil, France, ref1, ref2

Villa Trait d’Union (Hyphenated Villa; Barney’s house), ref1

Villette (C. Brontë), ref1

Vindication of the Rights of Woman, A (Wollstonecraft), ref1

Virginia Tech, ref1

Vogeler, Heinrich, ref1

Vogue, ref1, ref2

Voltaire, ref1

Wagner, Richard, ref1

Walker, Alice, ref1

Walker, Margaret, ref1

Walker, Rebecca, ref1

Walpole, Horace, ref1

Warhol, Andy, ref1, ref2

Watch on the Rhine (Hellman), ref1

Well of Loneliness, The (Hall), ref1

Welty, Eudora, ref1, ref2

West, Rebecca, ref1

Wharton, Edith, ref1, ref2, ref3

White, Antonia, ref1, ref2

White, Palmer, ref1

White, Stanford, ref1

Whiteread, Rachel, ref1

Whitney Museum of American Art (New York), ref1

Wide Sargasso Sea (Rhys), ref1, ref2

Wilde, Dolly, ref1

Wilde, Oscar, ref1

Willis, Cornelia, ref1

Wolfe, Julia, ref1

Wolff, Harold George, ref1

Wolf Hall (Mantel), ref1, ref2

Wollstonecraft, Mary, ref1

Women of Brewster Place, The (Naylor), ref1

Women’s School of Art (Munich), ref1

Wonderful Town (musical), ref1

Wood, Thelma, ref1, ref2

Woodman, Donald, ref1

Woolf, Leonard, ref1, ref2, ref3

Woolf, Virginia, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

Works Progress Administration, ref1

World Review, ref1

Worpswede, Germany, ref1

Written Lives (Marías), ref1

Wuthering Heights (E. Brontë), ref1

You Learn by Living (Roosevelt), ref1

Zittel, Andrea, ref1