Table of contents



How to train safely

Rep speed and control

The four main hand grips

A primer on anatomy

How to master exercise technique

1. Back extension basic back extension
45-degree back extension
spinal extension
machine back extension
2. Bench press barbell bench press
dumbbell bench press
close-grip bench press
incline barbell bench press
incline dumbbell bench press
3. Calf raise standing two-legged calf raise
standing one-legged calf raise
4. Chin-up (and pull-up)
5. Crunch basic crunch
modified basic crunch
machine crunch
reverse crunch
twisting crunch
6. Curl seated dumbbell curl
incline dumbbell curl
barbell curl
hammer curl
7. Deadlift deadlift (basic, or conventional deadlift)
parallel-grip deadlift
partial deadlift
sumo deadlift
8. Finger extension
9. Hand-gripper work torsion-spring gripper
Ivanko super gripper
10. Lateral raise dumbbell lateral raise
machine lateral raise
11. Leg curl
12. Leg press
13. L-fly
14. Neck work manual resistance neck work
four-way neck machine
15. Parallel bar dip
16. Press seated barbell press
seated dumbbell press
17. Pulldown
18. Pullover machine pullover
breathing pullover
19. Pushdown
20. Rotary torso
21. Row one-arm dumbbell row
cable row
seated machine row
prone low-incline dumbbell row
22. Shrug
23. Side bend dumbbell side bend
pulley side bend
24. Squat squat (conventional or back squat)
front squat
ball squat
hip-belt squat
25. Timed hold

Supplementary exercises

26. Grip machine training

27. Lever bar work

28. Overhead lockout

29. Pinch-grip lifting

30. Rader chest pull

31. Wrist roller training


How to handle weights between exercises

How to compose exercise technique checklists

Video recordings: the acid test of correct exercise technique

How to become flexible

About the author