A True Account of the Jena Tragedy of Christmas Eve, 255
Abd al-Mualib, 114
Abd Allh, 114
Abiram, 61
Absolute Consciousness, 350
Ab al-Qsim Muammad ibn Abd Allh ibn Abd al-Mualib ibn Hshim. See Muhammad
Ab lib, 115
Adam, Sigmund, 327
Aelius Aristides, 77; Hieroi Logoi, 77
Aesculapius. See Asclepios
Agadir Crisis, 210
Agrippa, Cornelius, 142, 147, 148; Occult Philosophy, 142
Agrouchada-Parikchai, 90
Ahnenerbe, 14
al-Amn. See Muhammad
al-ir, 116
alastor, 80
Albert, Prince, 205–6
Algonquin Indians, 226
Almadel, 335
almanac, 131–33
Almedingen, E. M., 172–73
Altotas, 164
Alva, Duke of, 164
minah, 114
Amityville Horror, 262
Anael, 141
Annales Fuldenses, 323
Anubis, 51, 52, 58, 264, 265, 269, 376
“appeasing the liver,” 40
apports, 309
Apuleius, 72; Metamorphoses, 72
Arabian Nights, 171
Arata of Laconia, 76
Ark of the Covenant, 66
Art Pauline, 334–35
Asclepios, 76, 77, 85, 106; statue of, 79; temple of, 74, 75
Asclepius (text), 15
Ashcroft-Nowicki, Dolores, 263–66, 358
Ashmole, Elias, 153
Asterius of Amasea, 73
Astral Plane, 340–43
Astrum Argentinum, 245–46
Atharvaveda, 91
Athenodorus, 67–68
Atrahasis, 42
Atwood, Ken, 364
Augustine, Saint, 252
Augustulus Romulus, 105
Aurelius, Marcus, Meditations, 15
automatic writing, 207, 242, 310
“auto-start,” 353
Ave (angel), 147
ayahuasca, 28
Azoth, 170
Aztecs, and statues, 39–40
Balsamo, Guiseppe, 163–72, 312; Letter to the French People, 168
Ban Gu, 95
Bander, Peter, 363
Barberini, Maffeo. See Urban VIII (pope)
Barbor, Mr., 222
Barfield, Lawrence, 304
Barret, William, 329
Batcheldor, Kenneth J., 343–46, 370, 372; “Report on a Case of Table Levitation and Associated Phenomena,” 343
Bathory, Stephen, 152
Beaulme, Anne Ponsart, 131
Bekhten, Princess of, 53–54
Bell Witch, 331–32
Bell, John, 332
Benedict XV (pope), 129
Bismarck, Otto von, 210
Bithiah, 63
Blake, William, 349
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 199, 203, 238–44, 255; Isis Unveiled, 203; Secret Doctrine, 204
Boas, Franz, 26
Boddington, Annie, 239
Boedromion, 72
Boehme, Jakob, 371
Bogoras, Waldemar, 27
Bohr, Niels, 356
Bolingbroke, Roger, 223
Bön, 101
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 181–87
Bond, James, 143
Bonhomme, Macé, 133
Boniface VIII (pope), 224–226
Book of Changes. See I Ching
Book of Enoch, 274
Book of the Dead, 54
Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage, 336
Bormann, Martin, 11
Bosse, Marie, 229
Box of Delights Séance Kit, 281
Branchus of Miletus, 139–40
Brandon, Ruth, 271
BREAKTHROUGH (Raudive), 363
Brookes-Smith, Colin, 344
“Brotherhood of Adepts,” 240
Browning, Robert, 272; Mr. Sludge the Medium, 272
Brunton, Paul, 187
Buckingham, Duke of, 222
Bugishu people, 338
Bulow, Bernard Furst von, 210
Burckhardt, Carl, 14
Burgess, Jacquie, 278
Burgundy, Duke of, 127
Butler, Elizabeth M., 261–62, 314–15, 333
Butler, Walter Ernest, 263–66, 336, 337
Butts, Robert F., Jr., 241
Caetini, Benedict. See Boniface VIII (pope)
Cagliostro, Alessandro di. See Balsamo, Guiseppe
cahoiun, 24
Calixtus III (pope), 129
Callichoron (well), 71
Campanella, Tommaso, 227–28
Campo Formio, 181
Caprivi, Leo Graf von, 210
Captain Wynne, 269
caput iecoris, 83
Cardan, Jerome, 143
de Rohan (cardinal), 166–68, 171
Caribo, 24
Carr, A. H. Z., 184
cartwheel, 352
Casanova, Giovanni Jacopo, 164
Castel William, 156
Castleruddery Stone Circle, 317
Castle of Quinezonasium, 109
Çatal Hüyük, 300
Catherine, Saint, 126
Cauchon, Pierre, 128
Cavendish, Richard, 328–29
Celestine V (pope), 224
Cellini, Benvenuto, 253–55, 261, 262, 314–15
cemí, 25
Centuries and Presages (Nostradame), 133
Chaldean Oracles, 15
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 211–13, 215, 221; Gundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (Foundations of the Nineteenth Century), 211, 212, 221
Chapman, John, 157
Charcot, Jean-Martin, 310
Charles I, 222
Charles IX, 141
Charles VII, 121, 124, 127, 129
Charles XII, 154
Chase, P. J., 321
Chastenet, Amand-Marie-Jacques de (Marquis de Puységur), 309–10
Chasteuil, Francois Calaup de, 229
Châtaigneraie, François Vivonne la, 134
Chavigny, Jean-Aymes de, 133
Chelpan, Chot, 231
Chessman, Carl, 360
chilans, 37
Choronzon, 246
Christopher, Milbourne, 286
Chrysippus, 15
Chukchee, 27
Church of Christ, 192–93
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 194
Churton, Tobias, 248
Cicero, 84, De Divinatione, 84
circumsessio, 159
Clavicula Salomonis, 111–12, 255
Clement of Alexandria, 16
Clements, Forest E., 31
Clement V (pope), 225
Clement VIII (pope), 227–28
Clinatas of Thebes, 76
Clinton, Hillary, 232–33
Clottes, Jean, 32
Clowes, John, 157
Coming Race, The (Lytton), 204
Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI), 280
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), 280
Commodus (emperor), 84
Concorde, La, 160
Confucius, 98
“cone of power,” 181
Constant, Alphonse Louis. See Lévi, Eliphas
Conway, Lady Anne, 222
Cooke, Grace, 199, 239–40, 242, 244
Corpus collosum, 297, 298, 371
Cosmic Void, 350
Cotton, Abbe, 230
Courier de L’Europe, 168
Cowan, C., 354
Crookes, William, 269, 272, 273, 284–85
Crowder, T. R., 301
Crowley, Aleister, 245–53, 262
d’Estouteville, Guillaume, 129
daemon, 371. See also demons
Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mande, 185
daimōn, 15
daimons. See demons
Dalit, 90
Danites, 193
Dathan, 61
Davenport, Ira and William, 281
Davidson, Randal, 207
Davis, Andrew Jackson, 197–99
Davot, Father, 230
de Baudricourt, Robert, 122, 123
De Demonibus, 138
De Divinatione (Cicero), 84
de Florinville, Seigneur, 135
De Mysteriis Egyptiorum, 137–38
de Oviedo, Gonzalo Fernández, 25
Decalogue. See Ten Commandments
deiknymena, 73
Delphic Oracle, 79–80
Demandros of Gortyn, 75
Demeter, 68–73
demons, 253; and Bonniface VIII, 225–26; and Cellini, 254, 314, 333; and Chamberlain, 210–13; and Crowley, Aleister, 246–48; definitions of, 14–17, 350–52, 368–69, 371; and Eliade, 31; evocation and manifestation of, 335–36; and grimoires, 110; and Grof, 350–52; and Hitler, 221; and Jena, tragedy at, 255–58; and Muhammad, 116; and Peake, Anthony, 371; and possession, 53–54, 101, 159; and Rasputin, 178; and the Church, 108, 112; and Tomás, 29
Deshayes, Abbe, 230
Deshayes, Catherine (“La Voisin”), 229
Destroying Angel, 16
Dharmasastra, 91
“Diamond Necklace Affair,” 167–68
Didyma, oracular temple of, 80, 139
Diodorus, 79–80
Dionysus, 70
Dispersion, 248
Disraeli, Benjamin, 204
djinns, 114, 116, 171, 233. See also genii and demons
d’Oberkirch (Baroness), 166
Dodge, Silone, 197
Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell, The (Huxley), 175, 348
Drake, Francis151
dream incubation, 75–79
Dreamland, 321
Drepana, Battle of, 83
dromena, 73
Drury, William, 325
Dubrovine, Praskovie Fedorovna, 175
Ducos, Pierre–Roger, 184
Dunraven, Earl of, 269
Duplessis, 164
Dysart, William, 208
Eagle, Georgiana, 205
Eblis (angel), 275
Echedorus, 76
Edgehill, Battle of, 319–21
Edmonds, John Worth, 272
Edward VI, 143
Edward VII, 208
Edward, Prince of Wales, 204–5
Einstein, Albert, 355–58
Eleusinian Mysteries. See Greek Mysteries
Eleusis, 69–73
Elizabeth, Queen, 143
Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural (Randi), 279, 283
Enlil (god), 49
epopteia, 72
Eros, 68
ESP, 240
Etemenanki ziggurat, 47
Euhippus, 76
Euripides, 80, 83; Elektra, 80, 83
Everett, Hugh, III, 357
Ezekiel (temple priest), 86; vision of, 86–89
Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science (Gardner), 280
Falkenhayne, Eric von, 215
Faraday, Michael, 364
Featley, Daniel, 153
Feliciani, Lorenza, 164
Ferguson, J. B., 281
figurines, and Aztecs, 39–40; in graves, 38; and Old Testament, 39
Filastre, La, 230
Flamsteed, John, 154
Flanders Fields, 215
Fleming, Alexander, 186
Flint, Leslie, 208
Flournoy, Theodore, 311–15, 337, 338, 368–70; From India to the Planet Mars, 311
Forbes, Allen, Jr., 301
Fortune, Dion, 342
Foundation for Shamanic Studies, 28
Foundations of the Nineteenth Century (Chamberlain), 211–12, 221
Fox Sisters (Kate, Margaret, Leah), 198, 238, 271, 283–86, 332
Francis II, 141
François, Duke of Alençon, 140
Frazer, James, 31
From India to the Planet Mars (Flournoy), 311
Fromond, Jane, 144
Fu Xi, 94–98
Fuller, Jean Overton, 246, 248
Gabriel (archangel), 62, 63, 116, 117, 118, 149, 274
Gardiner, Lambert, 293; Psychology: A Study of a Search, 293
Gardner, Martin, 280; Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, 280
Gassner, Johann Joseph, 159
Gauld, Alan, 160–61, 324, 332; History of Hypnotism, 160
Gauric, Luc, 133–34
Gebelin, Count de, 168
Gematria, 248
General Conference of the New Church, 157
genii, 114, 169–171. See also demons and djinns
George VI, 208
Geotia, 333–34
German Workers Party, 216
Gerringong, 305
Gespräche mit Hitler (“Conversations with Hitler”) ”) (Rauschning), 218
Gessner (peasant), 255–58
Ghost Dance, 200–1
Gmelin, Johann Georg, 26
Goddard, Victor, 322
Goetia, 153
Golden Dawn, 147, 153, 239, 245, 247, 249, 342
Grand Grimoire, 336
Greek Mysteries, 67–89
“Grey Lady,” 315, 318–22
Grof, Stanislav, 347–53
Grundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (Foundations of the Nineteenth Century) (Chamberlain), 211
Guderian, Heinz, 14
Guibourg, Abbe, 231
Guidonis, Bernardus, 108
Gummer, John Selwyn, 157
Habiru, 60
Hacilar, 301
Haggard, Rider, 21
Hale, A. P., 364
Hales, Edward, 164
al mah, 116
Hall, John and Mary, 263
Hall, Judy, 186
Halley, Edmund, 154
Halls of Judgment, 58
Hammurabi, 45
Hanussen, Erik Jan, 217–18
Hapgood, Charles, 301–5
Hare, Robert, 272
Harijan, 90
Harris, Martin, 192
haruspex, 83
Hauffe, Friedericke, 161
Haunters and the Haunted, The (Lytton), 204
Hebrew (term), 60
Heichler (tailor), 255–58
Heinrich the Fowler, 11, 12, 14
Heisenberg, Werner, 356
Helldorf, Wolf-Heinrich von, Count, 218
Henri III, 140
Henry of Navarre, 140
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. See Golden Dawn
Hermetic Students of the Golden Dawn. See Golden Dawn
Herodotus, 47
Hertz, Heinrich, 184–85
Hesiod, 15
Hickman, Bartholomew, 150
Hidden Masters, 275
Hieroi Logoi (Aelius Aristides), 77
Himmler, Heinrich, 11–14, 18, 216
Hippolytus of Rome, 73
History of Hypnotism, 160
History of Magic (Lévi), 342
History of Rome (Livy), 83
Hitler, Adolf, 215–21
Hitler Speaks (Rauschning), 218
Hodder, Mike, 304
Hogue, John, 140
Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst, Chlodwig, 210
Höhne, Heinz, 13–14
holotropic, 349–52
Home, Daniel Dunglas, 203, 269–73, 279
Homo erectus, 304
Homo habilis, 304
Hone, William, 286
Honorius III (pope), 228
“Horus-Kings,” 303
Hossbach, Friedrich, 14
Houdini, Harry, 281
houngan, 268
Houston, Jean, 233
Howard of Effingham, Lady, 144
Hughes, Robert, 81
Huichol, 29
Human Potential Movement, 233
Hundred Years War, 121
Hutchings, Emily G., 237
Huxley, Aldous, 175, 348–49; The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell, 175, 348
hypnosis, 75, 160, 294, 309, 310; self-hypnosis, 52, 368
Iacchus Procession, 72
iamata, 75–76
ilani, 38
Illiodor (monk), 178
Imhotep, 79
Imouthes, 79
Incas, 40
indwelling, 265, 266, 268, 269, 359
Inner Light Society, 264
Innocent IV, 108
Isis Unveiled (Blavatsky), 203
Islam, adherents, number of, 118
Ivanov (artist), 174
Jabal al-N r, 116
Jackson, Thomas, 320
Jacobins, 183
Jacolliot, Louis, 90–94
Jarnac, Guy Chabot, 134
jati, 90
Jaynes, Julian, 33–49, 265–66, 289–306, 371, 372; Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, The, 34
Jehanne la Pucelle. See Joan of Arc
Jencken, Henry D., 269–71, 272–73
Jethro, 62
JHVH, 16
Jinmium, 305
Jívaro, 28
Joan of Arc, 121–29
Jochebed, 60
Johnson, James, 331
Jou Tsung Hwa, 98
Jung, Carl Gustav, 10, 42–43, 307–9; in Africa, 338–39; Collected Works, 100; and the collective unconscious, 340–45, 369–70; 372–73, 376; and Flournoy, 313–15; and holotropic reports, 351; and I Ching, 99–100; On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena, 307; and spirits, physical manifestation of, 369, 372–73
Jürgenson, Friedrich, 360–61; Rösterna från Rymden, 360
karma, 275–76
katoche, 79
Kekule, August, 185
Kelley, Edward, 145–52, 252, 369
Kelly, Gerald, 248
Kelly, Rose, 248–51
kenaimas, 21–23
Kerner, Justinus, 307, 310, 314; Klecksographien, 310; Seeress of Prevorst, The, 307
Kersten, Felix, 13
Key to Faust’s Threefold Harrowing of Hell, The, 255, 257–58
Khad jah bint al-Khuwaylid, 116
Khan, Samir, 233
Khonsu, 53–55
Kicking Bear, Chief, 201
King Camara, 145
King, W. L. Mackenzie, 232
King’s Chamber, 249
Klecksographien (Kerner), 310
klecksographien, 310
Knight, Gareth, 263
Ko, 100
Kirke, Lewis, 320
Kshatriyas, 90
Kubizek, August, 218
Kung Kung, 95
Kunkel, Fritz, 100
Kuntze, Otto, 211
Kurtz, Paul, 280
Kyteler, Alice, 224
Lafitau, Joseph-François, 26
Lamanites, 191
Lamb, Dr., 222
Lasalle, Marquis de, 166
Lascaux, caves of, 32
Lassois, Durand, 123
Leary, Timothy, 348
Lebena Asclepion, 75
Lees, Robert James, 206–8
Leeuwenhoek, Anton van, 154
legomena, 73
Leiden Papyrus, 51
Lemaître, Jean, 128
Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis, 153, 333–36
leo, 84–85
leontocephaline, 85
Lepere, La, 229
Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, 247
“Lesser Key of Solomon, The.” See Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis
Lesser Mysteries, 71–72
Lethbridge, Tom, 319
Letter to the French People (Balsamo), 168
Levi (tribe), 62
Levi, Eliphas, 169–71, 204, 258, 262, 341–42; History of Magic, 342
Levingston, William, 197
Lex, Barbara, 368–69
Ley, Robert, 11
Lindsay, Lord, 269–71
Loa, 268
Lobsang Palden, Drag Trang-Go-Wa, 102
Loge Elue et Chérie, 160
Logue, Lionel, 208
Loyola, Ignatius, 171
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), 347–49
Lucan, 80
Lucifuge Rofocale, 336
lucus cacumen, 83
Luria, Isaac (rabbi), 71
Lusignan, Madame de, 230
Macusi, 21–22
Magda, 99–100
Magida, Arthur J., 217
Magische: Geschichte/Theorie/Praxis (Schertel), 221
Makary (hermit), 175–76
mambo, 268
Manava Dharma Shastra (Laws of Manu), 91
mandragore, 256
Manetho, 303
Maple, Eric, 320
Marbe, Karl, 292
Marche, La, 304
Marchese Pelegrini. See Balsamo, Guiseppe
Marconi, Guglielmo, 184–85
Mariette, Abbe, 230
Marshal, Samuel, 319
Marsoulas, Grotte de, 304
Mary, Queen, 143
Maskelyne, John Nevil, 281
Maspero, Gaston, 57
Master of the Triangle, 247–48
Mathers, S. L. MacGregor, 239, 242, 244
“matrix mechanics,” 356
Maurina, Zenta, 361
McLuhan, Robert, 285–87
Mead, Richard, 158
Meath, Petronilla de, 224
Meditations (Aurelius), 15
mediumship, 199, 242–43, 307, 311
Mellaart, James, 300
Melton, John Gordon, 281
Menzel, Birgit, 232
Mercator, Gerardus, 143
Merkava mystics, 64, 88, 89, 110
Mesmer, Franz Anton, 158–62, 197–98, 308–9
mesmerism. See Mesmer, Franz Anton
Metamorphoses (Apuleius), 72
Metatron, 64
Michael (archangel), 63, 122, 148, 274
Midian, 62
mikvah, 71
Militsa, Grand Duchess, 177
mind at large, 349, 351, 352, 354
Mithra (Mithras), 84
Mithraic Mysteries, 84–85
Mompesson, John, 325–26
Montespan, Madame de, 231
Montpelier Medical School, 130
Mormon, 189–94
Motte Valois, Countess de la, 166–68
Moses, 59–66
Moyer, Ian, 106
Mr. Sludge the Medium (Browning), 272
“Mrs. Brown,” 205
Mrs. Brown, 208
mudra chakra, 246
Muhammad, 114–18
Muller, Catherine, 311–13, 337
Muller, Rolf, 303
Myerhoff, Barbara, 29–30
Myring, Lynn, 320
nachal, 71
Nari, 93
Nathael (spirit), 257
National socialist German Workers Party, 216
Natufians, 296
Nauvoo, 193
Nebuchadnezzar, 86
Nechepso, 106
Nechung Monastery, 102
Nelson, Horatio, 183
Nephites, 191
Neuburg, Victor, 245–48, 253, 262
New Church movement, 157–58
Nicholas I (pope), 214
Nicholas II (tsar), 172–73
Nogaret, Guillaume de, 225
Noll, Richard, 340
Nostradame, Michel de, 130–141; Propheties, Les, 133; Centuries and Presages, 133
Nostradamus. See Nostradame, Michel de
Nüwa, 95–96
O’Key sisters, 162
O’Neill, Jane, 322
Obama (president), 232
obsessio, 159
Occult Causes of the Present War, The, 209
Occult Philosophy (Agrippa), 142
Odic force, 219
Odovacar, 105
Oeillets, Mademoiselle des, 231
Old Kate Batts, 331–32
Oliver, K., 185
Olmec, 37–39
On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena (Jung), 307
Opener, the (spirit), 264, 266, 268
Opera Mineralia (Swedenborg), 154
oracles, 80, 289–90, 306. See also Chaldean Oracles, Delphic Oracle
Order of Egyptian Masonry, 165
Order of the Silver Star, 252
Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, The (Jaynes), 34, 299
Orleans, Duke of, 224
Ostia Antica, 85
Ouija board, 232, 237, 241, 242
Oupanayana, 92
Padmasambhava, Guru, 102
pagé, 24–25
pagé, 56
Paiute, 199–200
Pandarus of Thessaly, 76
pannychis, 71
Paracelsus, 170
Paranormal Channel, 199
Pasteur, Louis, 186
Patay, 127
“pathworking,” 343
Paudler, Maria, 218
Pauli, Wolfgang, 354–55
peaiman, 21–23
Peake, Anthony, 371
Pehar, 102
Penicillium notatum, 186
Penston, Thomas Josiah, 320
Peretti, Felice, 135
Petrautzki, Margaret, 361
Petrovich, Avvakum, 26
Philemon, 339, 340, 341, 369, 371, 373
Philip IV, 224–25
Philip the Good, 121
Philospher’s Stone, 164
Planck, Max, 356
Plato, 84
Pliny the Younger, 67
Podmore, Frank, 272
Poemandres, 276
Poincaré, Jules-Henri, 292
poison, 228–30
Polar Brotherhood, 275
Polignac, Madame de, 229
Ponsonby, Henry, 207
Posnansky, Arthur, 303
Pratt, J. G., 328
Preiswerk, Helene, 307–9, 313–14, 369
Preiswerk, Samuel, 307
Pretzsche, Ernst, 219–20
Prie, Marquis de, 164
probability waves, 357
Prodi, Romano, 232
Propheties, Les (Nostradame), 133
Psellus, Michael, 138–39
Psychology: A Study of a Search (Gardiner), 293
Pulcher, 83
Pye Laboratories, 364
Pyramid Texts, 57–58
Pythagoras, 69
pythia, 80
quanta, 356
Quantum Foam, 97
quantum mechanics, 356
quantum tunneling, 358
Quedlinburg Cathedral, 11–12, 14, 18
Queen of Sheba, 266–67
Qumran, 16
Qur’n. See Koran
Rabelais, 252
Race, Victor, 309
Randi, James, 279–80, 283; Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural, 279
Rasputin, Grigory Efimovitch, 172–80
Raudive, Konstantin, 360–65, 373, 376; Breakthrough, 363; Unhörbares Wird Hörbar, 363
Rauschning, Hermann, 218; Gespräche mit Hitler (“Conversations with Hitler”) (Voice of Destruction) (Hitler Speaks), 218
Ravenscroft, Trevor, 219–20
readiness wave, 353
“recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis” (RSPK), 328
Regan, Nancy, 232–33
Reichenbach, Karl von, 219
Reines, F., 354
“Report on a Case of Table Levitation and Associated Phenomena” (Batcheldor), 343
Reynie, Nicholas de la, 229
Richardson, Allan, 27–28
“ritual trance,” 368–69
Roberts, Jane, 240, 242, 244, 277
Robinson, Ann, 286
Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 185
Roff, W. G., 328
Roman Mysteries. See Mithraic Mysteries
Romanov, Michael, 172
Romoli, Vincentio, 253–54, 314
Romulus and Remus, 81
Rorschach, Hermann, 310
Rosen-Bizberg, Fran, 199
Rosenberg, Wilhelm, Count, 149, 152
Rosenheim poltergeist case, 327–29, 332, 370
Rösterna från Rymden (Voices from Space) (Jürgenson), 360
Royer, Henri le 123
Rudd, Thomas, 153; Goetia, 153
Rudolf II, 152
Ryback, Timothy W., 220–21
Sabina, Maria, 27–28
Saisset, Bernard, 224
saman. See shaman
Sands, Miles, 222
Saqqara, 57
Satan, 15, 16, 29, 40, 274, 275
Saul, Barnabas, 145
Schaberl, Anne-Marie, 327–28
Schertel, Ernst, 221; Magische: Geschichte/Theorie/Praxis, 221
Schoch, Robert, 304
Schostak, Betty, 217
Schrödinger, Erwin, 356
Schwyzer, E., 340
Scot, Michael, 113
Seabrook, William, 99
Second Great Awakening, 188
Secret Doctrine (Blavatsky), 204
Secret Sermon on the Mountain, The, 276
“Seer of Poughkeepsie.” See Davis, Andrew Jackson
Seeress of Prevorst, The (Kerner), 307, 314
Seeress of Prevorst. See Hauffe, Friedericke
Sekhmet, 85
Selassie, Haile, 267
Selene, 68
seleteni, 338
sem-priest, 56
Sepher Yetzirah, 110
Serapis, 77–79
Sergeieff, John, 177
Servants of the Light, 263–66
Seth. See Withers, Frank
Sextus V (pope), 135
Shaking Tent Ceremony, 226
shaman, 13, 17, 19, 26, 27–32, 37, 47–48, 367; and augurs, 84–85; and Brahminic Hinduism, 94; and China, 101; and Egypt, 55–59, 63; and epilepsy, 174; and the I Ching, 99; and Jung, 341; and medieval Europe, 109, 111, 226; and Moses, 64; and North America, 199; and Orphic tradition, 68, 71, 73; and the Paiute, 200; and South America, 188; and spirit world, 376; and trickery, 217
Shermer, Michael, 280
Shinto, 101
Shirer, William, 212
Shubshi-Meshre–Shakkan, 45
Sieyes, Emmanuel, 183–84
Sigillum Dei Aemeth, 147
“signal learning,” 293
sikya, 75
Silva, Ramón Medina, 29
Skeptic (magazine), 280
Skeptical Inquirer (magazine), 280
Skeptics Society, 280
Slade, Patricia (Paddy), 182
Smith, Joseph, Jr., 188–94
Société Harmonique, 160
Society for Printing, Publishing and Circulating the Writings of the Hon. Emanuel Swedenborg, 157
Society for Psychical Research, 100, 203, 238, 282, 310, 329, 343, 368
Society of the Inner Light, 263, 342
Solar Phallus Man, 340
somnambulists, 160
Sophiel (angel), 336
Sotscheck, Jochem, 363
Soubise, Prince de, 166
Spanish Armada, 151
Speer, Albert, 14
Spence, Lewis, 209
Sperry, Roger, 371
spirit, definition of, 14–15
Spiritualism, 160, 198–200, 239, 275, 283, 284, 288, 310, 368, 369
St. Clair, Sheila, 318
St. Michel d’Arudy, 304
Star Wars, 275
statues. See figurines
Steele, Tommy, 242
Stein, Walter Johannes, 219, 220
Steiner, Rudolph, 213
Steinschneider, Hermann. See Hanussen, Erik Jan
Strabo, 75
strappado, 109
Strieber, Whitley, 321
Study of History (Toynbee), 321
Sudras, 90
Sumerians, 33, 36–37, 42, 49, 291
Surgat, 336
Swaffer, Hannen, 208
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 154–58; Opera Mineralia, 154
Swedenborgian Exegetical and Philanthropic Society of Stockholm, 160
Sworn Book of Honorius, 147
tachyon, 355
Tai Chi, 97–98
Talbot, Edward. See Kelley, Edward
Tavibo, 200
Teichmanis, Atis, 363
telesterion, 70
Ten Commandments, 65–66
Thelemites, 252
Theodor, Karl, 159
Theosophical Society, 238, 239
Theosophia Pneumatica, 255
Theosophy, 203–4
Thera, 44
Thermutis, 60
Thessalos of Tralles, 105–6
Tholos, 74
Thurn, Everard Im, 21–23
Thutmosis III, 59
Tiahuanaco, 302–4
Tibetan State Oracle, 101–2
Tiglath-Pileser, 44
“time slip,” 321–22
Todi, Iacopone da, 224
Tomás (shaman), 28
Tompson, Jo., 153
Tournet (Father), 230
Toynbee, Arnold, 321; Study of History, 321
trabea, 82
Tree of Life, 29
Trikka, 75
Trisong Detsen (king), 101
Tukulti-Ninurta I, 45–47
Tullus Hostilius, 83
Tungus, 25–26
Tupinamba, 24–25
Turin Papyrus, 303–4
tzenu’im, 88
Ubaidian, 33
Unas, 58–59
“uncertainty principle,” 356
Unhörbares Wird Hörbar (Raudive), 363
United Order of Enoch, 193
Universal Medicine, 170
Universal Mind, 351
Untouchables, 90
Upanishads, 91
Urban VIII (pope), 226–28
“urban shaman,” 30
Uriel (archangel), 145
Vaishyas, 90
Vallin, Pierre, 108–9
Valours, Madame de, 308–9
varnas, 90
Varney, Edmund, 320
Vasiliev, Leonid, 182–83
Vigoreux, La Dame, 229
Voice of Destruction (Rauschning), 218
“Voisin, La.” See Deshayes, Catherine
von Moltke, Helmuth, 213–15
vril, 204
Wagener, Otto, 219
Wagner, Richard, 211
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 185
Walsingham, Francis, 143
Walter, W. Grey, 353–54, 358, 360, 373–74
Waraqah, 116
Warren, Ed and Lorraine, 262
Wasson, R. Gordon, 27–28
Watt, H. J., 292
Weber (magician), 255–58
Wernicke’s Area, 297, 298, 299
White Bull, 242–44, 277, 278, 358
White Eagle Lodge, 199, 240, 275
White Eagle, 199, 240, 241, 277, 278
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 208–13, 221
Wilson, Colin, 175, 321, 323, 326
Wilson, Jack, 200–201
Winddrum, Shakmah (Anna Branche), 266, 268
Wise, Thomas, 153
Witch of Endor, 107
witch, 23, 107, 110, 181, 182, 224
witch doctor, 21, 24, 31, 338, 367
Withers, Frank, 241
Wodziwob, Hawthorne, 200
Wolf, Fred Alan, 358
Wolfegg, Maria Bernadine von, 159
Wood, William, 319
Woolongong, 305
Worth, Patience, 237–38
Wounded Knee, 201
Wovoka. See Wilson, Jack
Wriedt, Etta, 205
Wu Chi, 97–98
Wynants, Eric, 219
Xerxes, 139
Yarrow Stalk Ritual, 100–101
Yathrib, 118
Young, Brigham, 193
Yusupov, Felix, 179–80
Zen Buddhism, 295
Zenner, 256–58
Zeus, 68
Zipporah, 62