Page numbers in italics indicate tables.
Add-On Solar Greenhouses and Sunspaces (Shapiro), 93, 154
A-frame greenhouse design, 111
agriculture. See commercial greenhouses
Agrilab Technologies, 233
air infiltration, 70
aluminum frame construction, 124, 130–131
angle, 62
aquaculture, in parabolic greenhouse, 66–67
Aquaponic Gardening (Bernstein), 284, 285
in geodesic dome greenhouse, 120–121
greenhouse design and, 284–286
solar hot water system and, 38, 215–218
temperature regulation, 289–292
arched greenhouse design, 115–117
architects, 127
argon-gas-filled windows, 56
Avis, Rob and Michelle, 25, 223
azimuth, 34
backfill materials, 205
Ball Redbook: Crop Production, 46
Barnhart, Earle, 18
bees, 261
Benson Institute, 162
Berman, Sara, 216
Bigelow Brook Farm, 120–121, 223
biomass heating systems. See compost heat recovery; rocket mass heaters
blown-in insulation, 84
Brace Institute, 8
Bright Agrotech, 283
Brock, Adam, 290
Brown, Gaelan, 233
building materials, volumetric heat capacity, 174
carbon dioxide, 103
caulk, 140
cedar, 140
Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute, 196
Cheyenne Botanic Gardens, 189
China, greenhouse food production, 14
Chinese greenhouse design, 115–117
glazing angle and, 62
glazing-to-insulation ratio, 48
greenhouse design and, 22
orientation and, 31
types of light, 47
Climate Batteries, 196
Colley, Tim, 143
dimensions, 31
DLI levels, 45
hydroponics, 280
orientation, 30
commercial soils, 264
compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), 297–298
compost heat recovery, 38–39, 225–228, 232–233, 234
Compost Power Network, 229
compost water heaters, 229–230, 234
blocks, 167
piers, 136
retaining walls, 166
walls and footer, 136
caulk and vapor barriers, 140
steel frame, 131
summary, 124
containers for thermal mass, 176–178
contractors, 128
controlled environment agriculture (CEA), 15–17
convection, 70
about, 88
for passive solar greenhouses, 239
See also ventilation
Cornell University, 9
Cruickshank, John, 196
daily light integral (DLI), 22, 36, 44
DC (direct current) electricity production, 244
dehumidifiers, 102
density, 173
climate and, 22
integration of other uses, 259–261
See also greenhouse geometries
dimensions, orientation and, 30–31
drainage, 168
drywall, 138
earth, as heat storage. See ground-to-air heat transfer system
earth tubes, 196
earth-sheltered greenhouses, 162–168
See also underground greenhouses
The Earth-Sheltered Solar Greenhouse Book (Oehler), 164
See also power
engineers, 127
ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene) glazing, 57–58
exhaust fans, 88, 96–101, 152–153
expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam board, 83
extruded polystyrene (XPS) foam board, 81
options, 88
fiberglass glazing, 54
fiberglass insulation, 82
Fisher, Rick, 106
The Food and Heat Producing Solar Greenhouse (Yanda, Fisher), 106
foot-candles, 43
The Forest Garden Greenhouse (Osentowski), 196, 267–268
gable roof greenhouse design, 113–114
galvanized steel frames, 124, 131
Garden Pool, 160
geodesic dome greenhouse design, 117–119, 120–121
geothermal heat pumps, 192
light spectrum and, 42
comparison, 50
glazing-to-insulation ratio, 47–48, 74, 110
Golden Hoof Farm, 230, 252–253
Gould, Coby, 290
caulk and vapor barriers, 140
glazing angle and, 62
glazing minimization, 74
See also commercial greenhouses
grid-tied PV systems, 243, 245
grid-tied with battery backup PV systems, 243, 246
ground-source heat pumps, 192
ground-to-air heat transfer (GAHT) systems
history of, 196
humidity and, 102
summary, 234
Growing Zone map, 22
heat capacity, 173
heat control, in attached greenhouse, 153–154
heat recovery ventilators (HRVs), 88, 101–102, 155
heat storage. See ground-to-air heat transfer system; thermal mass
for aquaponics, 286–288, 289–290
for passive solar greenhouses, 239
summary, 234
using solar panels, 241
See also compost heat recovery; ground-to-air heat transfer system; rocket mass heaters; solar hot water; thermal mass
high intensity discharge (HID) lights, 298
hillside sites, 37
horizontal underground insulation, 80–81
hothouses, 21
How to Build Your Own Greenhouse (Marshall), 228, 240, 275
humidistats, 154
infrared light, 42
insects, 261, 266–267, 272–274
Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs), 137–138, 167
Insulated Glazing Units (IGUs), 55
minimum levels, 85
for thermal mass function, 175
of thermal mass materials, 173
intake shutters, 96–101, 152–153
integrated pest management, 266–267
Jackson, Leslie, 224
kilowatt hours (kWh), 250
hydroponic systems, 281
lead-acid batteries, 248
LEDs (light-emitting diodes), 298
greenhouse design and, 22
low light growing strategies, 45–46
types of, 47
light spectrum use by plants, 41–42
light-emitting diodes (LEDs), 298
for passive solar greenhouses, 239
use of, 297
LightScout DLI meter, 36
lithium-ion batteries, 248–249
living areas, 261
magnesium oxide (MgO) boards, 139
magnesium oxide (MgO) SIPs, 133
magnetic field calculators, 32
Maingay, Hilde, 18
marine-grade plywood, 140
Marshall, Roger, 228, 240, 275
masonry, as thermal mass, 178–179
McLung, Dennis, 160
Mediterranean greenhouses, 21
mineral wool batt insulation, 82
motorized window openers, 96
natural building methods, 124, 133–135
New Alchemy Institute, 18, 179–180
north wall, reflection, 110
Oehler, Mike, 164
off-grid PV systems, 243, 246–249
oriented strand board (OSB), 138
Osentowski, Jerome, 196, 267–268
Pain, Jean, 229
Parmenter, Penn and Cord, 92–93, 106–107, 177
passive air exchange, 151
passive solar greenhouses, 5, 237–239
passive thermal mass. See thermal mass
Patrick, Jesse, 163
permits, 40
pest management, 266–267, 272–274
phase change material (PCM), 181–188, 234
photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) light, 41–42
photovoltaic panels. See solar photovoltaic (PV) panels
pipes, in GAHT system, 198–204
pitch, 62
low light growing strategies, 45–46
measuring light for, 44
Plexiglas, 54
pole barn construction, 124, 128–130, 165–166
polycarbonate glazing, 50, 52–54
polyethylene glazing, 50, 56–57
polyisocyanurate rigid foam board, 83
pop-in shutters, 75
post and beam construction, 124, 128–130, 165–166
aquaponic greenhouses, 291–292
options, 237
passive solar greenhouses and, 237–239
pressure-treated wood, 139
PV panels. See solar photovoltaic (PV) panels
R&H Unlimited, 214
Raeven, Susanna, 163
rainwater collection, 274
Raven Crest Botanicals, 163
resistive heating, 241
rigid foam board insulation, 81, 82–84
Robinson, Jeremiah, 287
rocket mass heaters, 219–224, 234
Rocket Mass Heaters (Jackson), 224
glazing materials, 64
as overhang, 153
Roper, L. David, 143
row covers, 20
salt box roof greenhouse design, 114–115
Sawyer, JD and Tawnya, 280, 290
screens, 272
shed roof greenhouse design, 111–113
single-pane glass, 55
sitting areas, 261
slab on grade, 136
sloped sites, 37
Smith, Henry Gordon, 281
Smith, Shane, 189
snow loads, glazing angle and, 63
See also greenhouse geometries; greenhouses
collectors, 213
pros and cons, 211
summary, 234
Solar Path Finder, 37
solar photovoltaic (PV) panels
grid-tied, 245
grid-tied with battery backup, 246
summary, 243
solar vent openers, 88, 89, 93–94
solar-powered exhaust fans, 88, 100–101
south orientation, variations, 31–32
Starek, Alice and Karel, 230, 252–253
stick frame construction, 124, 125–126, 128
straw bale greenhouses, 133–135
structural engineers, 127
structurally insulated panels (SIPs), 124, 131–133
Subterranean Heating and Cooling Systems (SHCS), 196
glazing angle and, 62
glazing materials, 64
Sustainable Business Industry Council, 178
swimming pool greenhouse, 160
regulation in aquaponics, 289–292
thermal expansion, 51
phase change material, 181–188
pros and cons, 181
summary, 234
thermostats, 100, 152, 197, 206
Thompson, Michael, 196
Tower Garden, 283
translucency, 51
transparency, 51
transpiration, 103
tropical greenhouses, 21
ultraviolet light, 42
underground greenhouses, 159–162
urban food production, 16
US Environmental Protection Agency, 139
for attached greenhouse, 150–153
motorized window openers, 96
for passive solar greenhouses, 106–107, 238–239
season-specific strategies, 101–103
vertical growing systems, 17, 282–283
vertical underground insulation, 80
volumetric heat capacity, 173, 174
walipinis, 162
supplying the greenhouse, 274–275
collectors, 213
pros and cons, 211
summary, 234
water heaters, compost, 229–230, 243
WindowFarms, 281
winter growing, low light strategies, 45–46
The Winter Harvest Handbook (Coleman), 270
wood frame construction, 124, 125–126, 128
worms, 260
YMCA/Roper greenhouse, 143
ZipGrow Towers, 283