Aardenburg, 125

Abbeville, 34, 42

Afferden, 213

Albert Canal, 37, 42, 923, 95, 978, 102

Allen, Major-Gen Terry de la M., 160

Almelo, 265

Alpen, 2457

Alter Rhein, 201

Alway, Lt-Col M., 131

Amersfooit, 2845, 289

Amiens, 33, 42

Amy, Lt-Col E.A.C., 239

Anderson, H/Capt J.M., 124

‘Angus’, Operation, 107, 109, 135

Antwerp, 17, 37, 403, 46, 48, 53, 813, 867, 903, 958, 1012, 111, 129, 132, 142, 147, 152, 1589, 1645

Antwerp-Tumhout Canal, 95, 98, 105

Apeldoorn, 170, 261, 2837, 289

Appeln, 102

Ardennes: German offensive, 1757, 184, 252

Armée Blanche, 40, 55

Amhem, 17, 401, 46, 61, 823, 86, 97, 112, 165, 1701, 173, 181, 257, 261, 264, 2816

Asperden, 186

‘Astonia’, Operation, (Le Havre), 56

Aurich, 2949


Baarle Nassau, 101

Bad Zwischenahn, 278, 2956, 299

BalbergerWald, 185, 2213, 238, 2401, 243, 2466

Barber, Major-Gen C.M., 194, 2012, 204

Barker, Major-Gen E.H., 95

Bameveld, 285

Battery Todt, 78

Beales, Capt Donald, 205

Beckhurst, Major V.W., 212

Bedburg, 210, 213

Beek, 248, 250

Belchem, Brig R.F.K., 298

Belgian Resistance – see Armée Blanche

Bell, Sgt Ross, 446

Belle Vue Ridge, 74

Bennett, Lt-Col P.W., 267

Bergen op Zoom, 92, 96, 104, 111, 113, 161, 165

Beveridge, Lt, 157

Bergues, 50, 52, 54

Bemay, 27

Beveland – see South Beveland

Beveland Canal, 83, 12930, 133

Bienen, 259

Bierville, 44

Biervliet, 123

Birten, 250

Blaskowitz, Col-Gen Johannes, 198200, 245, 299, photo

Bletchley Park, 37

‘Blockbuster’, Operation (Hochwald), 2212, 227

Bonninghardt, 2445, 247

Boulogne, 39, 42, 46, 489, 612, 64, 667, 713, 75, 78, 83, 867, 95, 149, 164

Bourbourg, 501

Braakman Inlet, 87, 90, 1156, 122, 1245

Bradbum, Lt-Col R.A., 236

Bradley, Gen Omar, 35, 111, 147, 166

Brasschaet, 102

Bray Dunes, 50

Brecht, 989, 105, 111

Breda, 423, 102, 1112, 161

Bremen, 278, 291, 295

Brereton, Lt-Gen Lewis H., 147

Breskens, 37, 43, 87, 90, 115, 1226, 12930, 144, 147, 1502, 155, 159, 166

Bresserberg, 2023

Brionne, 28

Brooke, Field Marshal Sir Alan, 19, 20, 223, 165

Bruges, 32, 489, 534, 61, 82

Brussels, 17, 41, 46, 97

Buchholt, 213

Byce, Sgt C.H., 242

Byng, Field Marshal the Viscount, 188


Cadzand, 127

Cabddu, Brig F.N., 130, 1334, 21920, 249

Calais, 39, 42, 46, 48, 50, 612, 725, 778, 82-3, 867, 116, 164

Calcar, 186, 202, 205, 209, 211, 213, 21720, 222, 2246, 2313, 235, 239, 248, 250

Canal de Dérivation de la Lys, 878, 90

Cap Blanc Nez, 62, 725, 778, 122

Carrière, Pte J.-C., 140

Casualties: Scheldt, 164; Rhineland, 251; comparison with Hrst Woild War, 18, 164, 318320; see also formations, units and operations by name

Caudebec-en-Caux, 29

Causeway, Walcheren, 1324, 1367, 13943, 146, 1578.

Chill, Lt-Gen Kurt, 97, 101

Churchill, Rt Hon W.S.C., 126, 150

Clarke, Major F.H., 1369, 292

Cleve, 186, 189, 1926, 2005, 207, 20910, 213, 2212

Coningham, Air Marshal Sir Arthur,

Coquelles, 745

Coibyn, Lt-Col J.E.L, 203

Cosens, Sgt Aubrey, VC, 227, 230

Crerar, Gen H.D.G.: 18, 27; relations with Montgomeiy, 1924, 336; with corps commanders, 246, 188; with Bomber Command, 149; at Channel ports, 379; at Le Havre, 56; at Boulogne, 61, 65, 71; at the Scheldt, 823, 867, 92, 95, 144, 1467, 166; sick, 96; returns from hospital, 170; promoted General, 170; Kapelsche Veer, 177; Operation ‘Veritable’ 171, 1756, 1846, 188, 190, 192, 198, 209, 216, 221, 245, 2512; congratulations from Eisenhower, 251; Rhine crossings, 259; operations in Holland, 261, 267, 278, 281, 284, 286; leaves command, 291; German surrender, 298; photo

Crocker, Lt-Gen Sir John, 234, 27, 567, 956, 989, 102, 1112, 161, 171, 177, 179; photo

Crockett, Sgt Clarence, 945

Crofton, Lt-Col Desmond, 197

Cuijk, 171

Cumming-Bruce, Brig H.C.T., 2001

Currie, Gen Sir Arthur, 20, 188


Dailley, Major G.D., 207

Dampier, Major J.L., 128

Daser, Lt-Gen Wilhelm, 144, 158

Deelen, 285

Delfzijl. 270, 291, 293

Delmenhorst, 292

de Merlis, Lt Guy, 140

Dempsey, Gen Sir Miles, 345, 82, 92, 111, 257

Den Heuvel, 193

Depot de Mendicité, 99, 101

Deventer, 261, 265, 270, 281

Die Hees Forest, 250

Die Leucht Forest, 246

Dieppe, xii, 326, 39, 46, 4850, 164

Dietrich, Col-Gen Sepp, 29

Doetinchem, 264

Doenitz, Grand Admiral Karl, 2978

Dollart, 270

Domburg, 155

Donsbrüggen, 207

Doomenburg, 283

Dore, Capt C., 104

Driel, 2813

Duclair, 29

Duffelward, 207

Dunkirk, 39, 42, 4850, 524, 61, 83, 87, 115, 164

Dutch Resistance, 120, 131, 265, 2678, 289

Dutch S. S., 2689


Eberding, Major-Gen Kurt, 1156, 1234, 1267

Ede, 286

Edmondson, Major W.S., 1723

Eeckeren, 102

Eindhoven, 97

Eisenhower, Gen of the Army

Dwight. D.: and escape of German 15th Army, 39; commands land operations, 41; and the Scheldt battles, 401, 813, 111, 142, 1489; neglect of Canadian operations, 1656; on shortage of infantry, 170; visits Canadians, Rhineland, 184, 251; other refs: 261, 298; photo

Elbeuf, 27, 31

Ellis, Lt-Col R.L., 53, 105, 1369, 1934, 235, 251

Emden, 270, 276, 279, 291, 2935, 298

Ems, R., 265, 270, 272, 276, 2945

Ems-Jade Canal, 2967

Emmerich, 186, 192, 202, 25961, 264, 284

Enschede, 264

Escalles, 74

Escaut Canal, 97

Eselsbeig, 205

Essame, Brig Hubert, 211

Esschen, 112

Ewing, Major W., 108


Falaise, 18, 23, 27, 29, 54

Fiebig, Major-Gen Heinz, 184, 203

Field, Pte, 53

Flushing, 423, 106, 1234, 138, 144, 148, 1502, 1558

Follingshof, 232

Fontaine, River, 59

Foibes, Lt Charles, 140

Foibes, Lt-Col D.F., 778, 259

Forêt de La Londe, 301

Forêt de Montgeon, 59

Forman, Major J., 174

Fort Cataraqui, S.S., 159

Fort de la Crèche, 62, 67, 69, 712

Fort de Toumeville, 59

Fort Frederik Hendrik, 125, 127, 150

Fort Lapin, 77

Fort Nieulay, 77

Fort Ste. Addresse, 59

Foster, Major-Gen H.W., 88, 2845

Foulkes, Major-Gen Charles: and Simonds, 26; at Seine, 30; Channel ports, 50; Antwerp, 93; ; temporary commander of 2nd Corps, 96, 141; commands 1st Corps in Italy, 170; in Holland, 257, 264, 2812, 2846, German surrender, 299; photo

Franks, Comd R.D., 130

Frasselt, 1956, 200, 206

French Resistance, ‘FFT, 46

Friesoythe, 273, 276, 278

Fumes, 534


Gauvreau, Brig J.G., 131

Gavin, Major-Gen James, 172

Geldern, 186, 221, 2445

Gennep, 96, 186, 205

Ghent, 489, 54, 61, 82, 878, 122

Gilsa, Gen Inf Wemer, Freiherr von und zu, 88

Ginderich, 251

Goch, 186, 189, 202, taken 213, 221, 2323, 236

Goch-Calcar Road, battle of, 211, 21720, 236

Gochfortz Berg, 240

Goes, 129, 132, 134

‘Goldflake’, Operation, 257

Grave, 97

Gravenpolder, 132

Grebbe Line, 284, 28991

Greenleaf, Major C.A., 239

‘Grenade’, Operation, 199, 251

Gri, Sgt Armando, 11920

Groesbeek, 1712, 185, 195

Groningen, 26770, 278, 286

Grüppenbühren, 2923


Haig, Field Marshal the Earl, 20, 166

Hakewill-Smith, Major-Gen E., 141

Hale, Major G.R., 232, 239

Halton, Matthew, 2878

Halvenboom, 213

Hammerbnich Spur, 246

Harderwijk, 289

Haren, 270

Haifleur, 59

Harper, Cpl John, VC, 1001

Harris, Marshal of the RAF Sir Arthur, 63, 149

Hasselt, 205, 213

Hau, 204, 210

Hayes, Commodore William, 23

Heaps, Lt David, 220

Hees, Major George, 139

Heim, Lt-Gen Ferdinand, 62, 71

Hekkens, 192, 2056

Herenthals, 92, 95

Heydte, Lt-Col Frederich von der, 102, 1056, 109, 210

Hillsman, Major J.B., 156

Hitler, Adolf, 37, 423, 612, 823, 97, 161, 163, 181, 2445, 252, 297

Hobart, Major-Gen Sir Percy, 75

Hoch Elten Ridge, 25960

Hochstrasse, 193

Hochwald, 1856, 190, 2212, 224, 2323, 235, 23745, 252

Hoedekenskeike, 130

Hoffmeister, Major-Gen B.M., 288; photo

Hoofdplaat, 123

Hoogerheide, 103, 1056

Horrocks, Lt-Gen Sir Brian, 24, 40, 97, 1868, 190, 192, 200, 202, 209, 221, 245; photo

Hulst Canal, 90

Humphrey, Sgt, 142


Ijssel, R., 170, 261, 2645, 2803, 285

Ijsselmeer, 270, 2856, 2889

‘Infatuate’, Operation, (Waldieren), 144, 152

Isabella, 115, 125

Issum, 245


Jahnke, Capt Reichsmarine, 2978

Jefferson, Brig J.C., 55, 237

Jefferson, Lt Kenneth, 55

Jodi, Col-Gen Alfred, 101

Johnston, Brig I.S., 293

Johnston, Major R.H.B, 158


Kamperland, 1312

Kapellen, 2456

Kapelsche Veer, 177, 17980, 216

Kastel Blijenbeek, 213

Keefler, Major-Gen R.H., 96, 105, 107, 1334, 224, 259, 265, 271, 294, 2967

Kekerdom, 196

Keller, Major-Gen R.F.L., 63

Keppeln, 222, 227, 2302

Kerfoot, Capt. R.J., 108

Kervenheim, 222, 240

Kevelaer, 209, 245

Kiggell, Lt-Gen S.E., 166

King, Capt, 74

Kitdüng, Brigadier George; photo

Kleffel, Gen Philipp, 286

Knight, Sgt Edward, 287

Knocke, 116, 127

Korteven, 105, 112

Krabbendijke, 130

Kranenburg, 1923, 195, 201, 208

Krefeld, 244

Küsten Canal, 276, 278, 2945


La Caucherie, 66

La Hève, 59

Laloge, Sgt EJ., 1389

Lamb, Capt H.S., 136

La Panne, 53

Larson, CSM H.O., 104, 235, photo

Lasher, Major Winfield, 104, 139

La Trésorerie, 62, 67, 69

Le Havre, 18, 32, 42, 46, 489, 567, 61, 712, 78, 86

Le Portel, 63, 702

Leda R., 277, 294

Leer, 277, 279, 2945

Leeuwarden, 270

LeFroy, Lt W., 136

Leicester, Brig B.W., 150, 1523, 155

Leigh-Mallory, Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford, 1489

Leopold Canal, 83, 878, 901, 93, 1156, 123

Leuth, 196

Lewis, Lt-Col T.A., 131

Liane, R., 62, 64, 667, 69, 70

Lipscomb, Lt-Col C.G., 211

Lisieux, 27

Lochtenberg, 95, 98, 102

Loga, 2945

Loon Plage, 502

Louisendorf, 214, 218

Lübeck, 298

Lüttwitz, Gen Heinrich Freiherr von, 205, 219, 224, 238

Lyster, Major W.L., 233


Maas, R., 1113, 1601, 1634, 169, 171, 1757, 1845, 18990, 199, 201, 206, 208, 213, 221, 240, 244, 261, 280

MacDonald, Pte, 53

MacIntyre, Major K.W., 220

MacKenzie, Major Bruce, 138

MacLauchlan, Lt-Col D.G., 51, 104

Maczek, Major-Gen Stanislaw, 90, 277; photo

Maldegem, 87

Mardick, 50, 52

Maren, 171

Marienbaum, 241, 244

Mark, River, 161

Marks, Major, 198

Materbom, 194, 2016

Matthews, Major-Gen A.B., 150, 170, 240; photo

McKibbin, Major H.A., 298

McLaren, Brig J.F.S., 1578

McNaughton, Gen A.G.L., xii, 201, 48

Megill, Brig W.J., 50, 93, 104, 1078, 133, 135, 137, 139, 141

Meindl, Gen Para Tps Eugen, 224

Melville, Lt-Col, 157

Menzelen, 247

Meppen, 265, 272

Merxem, 92, 102

Merxplas, 99

Meuse, R., 170, 176

Middelburg, 133, 140, 1578

Model, Field Marshal Walter, 29, 412

Moeibrugge, 54, 87

Moerdijk, 161, 163, 175

Moerketke, 88

Moershoofd, 118

Moffat, Lt John, 136

Moncel, Brig R.W., 241

Monpetit, Capt Camille, 140

Mont Lambert, 626, 69

Montgomery, Field Marshal Sir Bernard: record, 19; opinion of Canadians, 1921; of Crerar, 224, 336; of Simonds, 23; and Channel ports, 56, 61, 71 and Scheldt battles, 401, 46, 813, 86, 96, 98, 111, 144, 1489; failure of judgement on Antwerp, 142, 1656; and Rhineland battles, 170, 175, 181, 184, 199, 238; in final phases of war, 2601, 267, 278, 281, 284, 289; German surrender, 298

Montgomery, Major Donald, 19

Montivilliers, 59

Mook, 205

Mooshof, 227

Morgan-Deane, Lt R., 29

Moyland, 209, 2134, 2167, 220


Nauts, Doctor E.L., 158

Neder Rhine, 170

Netherlands: food relief, 28990

Newman, Capt Walter, 139

Niederlangen, 278

Niel, 197

Niers, R., 205, 213

Nieuport, 53

Nijkerk, 288

Nijmegen, 41, 968, 101, 16971, 1735, 190, 192, 194, 196, 202, 207, 261, 264, 281

Nixon, Major, 235

Nocquet, 62

Noires Mottes, 745

Nütterden, 201, 203


Octeville, 59

Oldenburg, 2723, 276, 2789, 296, 298

Oorderen, 92

Oost-Cappel, 52

Oostburg, 125, 127

Oosthoek, 119

Otbec, 278

Ossenberg, 248

Ossendrecht, 105

Ostend, 50, 534, 130, 1501, 154, 156, 164

Otteiloo, 285, ‘Battle of’, 2868

Outreau, 63, 70


Pangman, Lt-Col J.E.C., 219

Pannerdensdi Canal, 281

Passchendaele, 18, 20, 1646

Patton, Gen George S., 166, 184

Payan, Major C.R., 277

Pearson, Major H.J.S., 99, 269, 292, 299

Pfalzdorf, 211

Phelps, Lt Charles, 55

Pigott, Major J.M., 109, 219

Pont de L’Arche, 31

Pont Remy, 34

Pootmans, Capt, 297

Poperinghe, 54

Porteous, Major C.H.R., 131

Powell, Major J.W., 2301

Ptak, Capt Lew, 156

Pugsley, Capt A.F., 150, 1534

Putte, 102

Putten, 2889


Quer Damm, 1967


Ralston, Col J.L., xii

Ramsay, Admiral Sir Bertram, 81, 159

Rawlins, Major-Gen S.B., 282

Reed, Major L.M.K., 127

Reichswald, 1712, 181, 1846, 18992, 194, 199201, 2046, 20810, 244, 252, 257

Reinforcements, infantry: 301, 16970; NRMA (National Resources Mobilization Act) conscripts, 169

Renkum, 286,

Retranchement, 127

Rheinberg, 2468, 257

Rhine, R., 17, 41, 812, 129, 1701, 1735, 1846, 222, 2446, 2513, 257, 259, 282; crossing, 25760

Rhineland, Battles of, 175, 181253

Richardson, Lt-Col C.W.P., 195, 200

Rindern, 207

Ritchie, Lt-Col B.R., 108, 135

Roberts, Brig J.A., 545, 186, 198, 230, 265, 296300

Roberts, Major-Gen G.P.B., 40

Robinson, Lt-Col W.G.M., 273

Robinson, Major Sherwin, 235

Rockingham, Brig J.M., 31, 634, 69, 71, 77, 1223, 125, 207, 246, 259, 270, 294; photo

Rodgers, Major D.M., 2256

Roer, R., 184, 199, 205, 208, 2212, 240, 244, 252

Roesbrugge, 52

Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin, 52

Roosendaal, 92, 96, 112, 161

Roscoe, Lt R.W., 276

Rose, Major H., 157

Ross, Lt Alexander, 2878

Ross, Major J.A., 260

Rowley, Lt-Col J.W.H., 231

Rowley, Lt-Col R., 66, 70, 126, 174, 207

Ruhr, 111

Rundstedt, Field Marshal Gerd von, 101, 1112, 161, 1756, 189, 199, 200, 205

Russell, Brig J.D., 1412


St Cyr de Sáleme, 28

St. Etienne, 62

St. Germain-la-Campagne, 28

St Leonard, 98

St Martin, 62, 66

St Nicolas, 90

St Omer, 54, 62

St. Valéry-en-Caux, 57

Sander, Lt-Gen Erwin, 88

Sangatte Battery, 75

Sarantos, Major L.E., 277

Sas van Gent, 122

Schell, Sgt Henry, 278

Schipbeek Canal, 265

Schjelderup, Major J.R., 11920

Schlemm, Gen Alfred, 185, 190, 192, 1989, 201, 2045, 222, 224, 240, 2447, 252

Schlieffen Position, 221, 224, 233, 235, 240, 245

Schoondijke, 125, 127

Schouwen, 163, 175

Schroeder, Lt-Col Ludwig, 74, 77

Schwalbe, Lt-Gen Felix, 176

Sellar, Comdr K.S., 1534

Seyss-Inquart, Reichscommissar Arthur, 284, 289

s’Heitogenbosch, 96, 101, 161, 171

Sicily, xii

Siegfried Line or ‘West Wall’, 17, 41, 82, 170, 181, 185, 192, 192, 1946, 2001, 2057

Simonds, Lt-Gen G.G: relations with Crerar, 246; with Montgomery, 23; with Foulkes, 26; pursuit to Seine, 27; ULTRA, 37; escape of German 15th Army, 3741; south of the Scheldt, 48, 54; Boulogne, 634; at Scheldt, 87, 90, 95; acting Army Commander, 96, 111, 116, 129; Walcheren Island, 14650, 15961; returns to 2nd Corps, 170; in Rhineland, 186, 188, 209, 216, 221, 232, 239, 245, 251; in Germany, 261, 2645, 267, 276; commands Army, 291, 2956; German surrender, 299; photo

Simpson, Lt-Gen W.H., 199, 222, 244, 253

Slooe Channel, 142

Sluis, 125, 127

Smith, Cpl J.A.M., 52

Sogel, 2723

Somme, R. 18, 33, 412, 46

Sonsbeck, 243, 246, 24950

South Beveland, 40, 43, 83, 86, 92, 956, 103, 105, 107, 1113, 116, 129, 132, 134, 142, 144, 1467, 151, 159

Speldrop, 259

Spitzbergen, xii

Sponheimer, Gen Inf Otto, 95

Spoy Canal, 207

Spragge, Brig J.G., 77, 119, 2167

Spry, Major-Gen D.C., 489, 623, 75, 77, 115, 123, 127, 171, 207, 217

Spycker, 50

Stacey, Col C.P., 24

Standdaaibuiten, 161

Steenbergen, 161, 1634

Steenwijk, 267

Steinmuller, Lt Gen Walter, 29, 30

Stothait, Major J.G., 67

Straube, Gen Inf Erich von, 297300

Strooibrug, 121

Student, Gen Kurt, 171, 185

‘Switchback’, Operation, (Scheldt south), 114128, 206


Taschereau, Lt-Col G.O., 296

Tedder, Marshal of the RAF Sir Arthur, 150

Tennant, Major Mark, 28, 51, 99

Temeuzen, 43, 90, 1223, 130, 150

Temeuzen Ship Canal, 87, 122

Thomas, Major-Gen Ivor, 210, 249

Tilburg, 96, 101, 161, 1767

Tilston, Major F.A., VC, 240

Tipple, Pte H.A., 204

Trun, 27

Turner, Lt F., 142

Turnhout, 98, 101

Tuschen Wald, 2389, 241

Twente Canal, 2645


Üdem, 186, 202, 205, 209 222, 2245, 2312, 237, 23940

Uitwaterings Canal, 127

ULTRA, 37, 39, 40

‘Undergo’, Operation, (Calais), 738


Varel, 279, 296

Veen, 2447

Vegesack, 291

‘Veritable’, Operation, (Rhineland), 175, 181253

Vieux Coquelles, 745

Vimoutiers, 278

Visiting Forces Act, 21

‘Vitality’, Operation, (South Beveland), 129143

Vokes, Major-Gen Christopher, 26, 2378, 2723, 294, 296, photo

Vooithuisen, 2856, 288

Vossendaal, 193


Walcheren Island, 37, 39, 423, 83, 91, 97, 107, 111, 113, 1156, 123, 1256, 129, 1315, 1378, 1402, 144, 1468, 1502, 1589, 1645, 1701, 175

Walker, Bdr John, 152

Walsh, Brig Geoffrey, 148

Wardhausen, 207

Weeze, 186, 202, 209, 222, 224, 240

Welberg, 163

‘Wellhit’, Operation, (Boulogne), 6172

Wesel, 46, 82, 184, 192, 222, 233, 2447, 2513

Weser, R., 276, 291

West, Capt R.C., 148

Westervoort, 281, 283

Westkapelle, 1478, 1512, 1546

‘Weston’ (objective), 2389, 241

Whitaker, Lt-Col W.D., 10910, 21920

White, Lt-Col F.E., 230

Wigle, Lt-Col F.E., 232, 273, 276

Wildermuth, Col Eberhard, 57, 59

Wilhelmshaven, 276, 279, 291, 295, 298

Wilmarsdonck, 92

Wimereux, 62, 69

Wimille, 69

Winnenthal, 247

Winnenthaler Canal, 250

Woensdrecht, 83, 1023, 1057, 10910, 1123, 124, 129, 135, 142, 165, 210, 219

Wolfsberg, 201

Wouwsche Plantage, 112

Wrightman, Earl, 51

Wuestwezel, 1112

Wyler, 1924, 196

Wyneghem, 94


Xanten, 186, 222, 2323, 24350, 257


Ypres, 19, 52, 103, 252


Zandvoort, 103

Zand Kreek, 131

Zangen, Gen Inf Gustav von, 413, 86, 98

Zeebiugge, 87

Zijpe, 163

Zuider Zee (see also Ijsselmeer), 270

Zuidzande, 127

Zundert, 161

Zutphen, 265, 281, 284

Zyfflich, 1967

(see also ‘
Order of Battle’ in Appendix)
Canadian Forces


Air Force

Royal Canadian Air Force:

squadrons in RAF 83 Group, 18, 189



Army, First Canadian: Organization, xii, 18, (see also Order of Battle, 30417); Seine, 2732; Channel ports, 4878; Antwerp and the Scheldt, 81166; on the Maas, 169180; Rhineland, 181253; Eastern Holland and into Germany, 259279; Western Holland, 28090; Final operations, 2916


Brigades, Armoured -

1st: xii, 261, 284

2nd: 161, 199, 209, 295

4th: 31, 90, 112, 238, 2401, 264, 2956

5th: 2878

Brigades, Infantry -

1st: 2845

3rd: 2845

4th: 30, 53, 92, 1023, 105, 109, 113, 12932, 134, 2189, 224, 240, 242, 2489, 264, 268, 292

5th: 28, 50, 53, 93, 98, 1034, 129, 1315, 137, 1401, 192, 220, 224, 232, 240, 242, 248, 2501, 264, 269, 292

6th: 20, 28, 30, 53, 95, 102, 105, 112, 1301, 224, 232, 236, 2412, 268, 292

7th: 49, 73, 75, 77, 116, 11820, 12223, 125, 127, 197, 214, 216, 218, 260, 265, 2945

8th: 62, 667, 69, 1235, 127, 131, 187, 197, 227, 2301, 241, 265, 2956

9th: 31, 623, 69, 71, 77, 1215, 127, 2067, 2312, 246, 259, 265, 270, 2945

10th: 88, 1123, 163, 2378, 247, 295

11th: 293


Corps -

Canadian (1914–18): 20, 164, 188

1st: xii, 18, 202, 24, 26, 170, 257, 261, 264, -5, 2804, 28991

2nd: 18, 245, 27, 29, 48, 92, 956, 102, 141, 146, 150, 170, 173, 186, 206, 209, 214, 2212, 232, 240, 242, 257, 25960, 264, 267, 2712, 277, 286, 291, 293, 295, 299


Divisions, Armoured -

4th: 31, 34, 42, 489, 54, 82, 878, 92, 107, 1113, 1156, 125, 161, 163, 175, 179, 209, 2212, 224, 227, 231, 233, 238, 2467, 261, 264, 272, 276, 2789, 291, 2945, 319

5th: 245, 257, 261, 271, 281, 2846, 291, 2934


Divisions, Infantiy -

1st: xii, 245, 257, 2601, 265, 2812, 2846, 319

2nd: 27, 3031, 335, 4850, 61, 73, 87, 92, 956, 98, 102, 105, 107, 10913, 1323, 142, 144, 146, 1645, 170, 187, 189, 191, 199, 209, 217, 2202, 224, 227, 231, 233, 23940, 246, 250, 2601, 264, 267, 26970, 278, 281, 2912, 296, 319

3rd: 301, 33, 489, 61, 63, 723, 75, 78, 87, 1156, 1245, 127, 146, 150, 171, 187, 1912, 196, 199, 2067, 209, 214, 217, 2212, 227, 230, 237, 240, 246, 259, 2645, 270, 279, 291, 294, 319


Units, Armoured -

The British Columbia Dragoons (9th Armd Regt): 2856, 2889, 293

The British Columbia Regiment (28th Armd Regt): 121, 163, 247, 278

The Canadian Grenadier Guards (22nd Armd Regt): 239, 2412, 247, 296

8th Princess Louise’s (New Brunswick) Hussars (5th Armd. Regt.): 285, 2889, 293

1st Armd. Personnel Carrier Regt: 195

1st Hussars (6th Armd. Regt): 75, 227, 230, 284

The Fort Garry Horse (10th Armd. Regt.): 65, 75, 98, 106, 21820, 225

14th Canadian Hussars (8th Recce. Regt.): 51, 1312

The Governor General’s Foot Guards (21st Armd. Regt.): 232, 2412

Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians) (2nd Armd. Regt.): 285, 2889

The Ontario Regiment (11th Armd. Regt.): 283

The Royal Canadian Dragoons (1st Armd. Car Regt): 270, 295

17th Duke of York’s Royal Canadian Hussars (7th Recce. Regt): 285, 2889, 293

The Sherbrooke Fusiliers Regiment (27th Armd. Regt): 101, 217, 225, 240, 248, 260, 270

The South Alberta Regiment (29th Armd. Recce. Regt.): 54, 180, 233, 2367, 239, 2467

12th Manitoba Dragoons (18th Armd. Car Regt.): 46, 534, 175, 295

Units, Artillery -

Batteries : 18th Anti-Tank, 220; 60th Field, 287;

112th Light Anti-Aircraft, 151; 1st Rocket, 212


12th Field, 175

14th Field, 175

15th Field, 180

17th Field, 2878

3rd Medium, 734

4th Medium, 277


Units, Engineers -

Field Squadrons: 9th, 264, 278

Field Companies: 7th, 945; 12th, 283; 18th, 66


Units, Infantry -

The Algonquin Regiment: 88, 90, 93, 116, 163, 233, 2367, 2412, 247, 278

The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise’s): 54, 163, 180, 232, 2379, 246, 2723, 278

The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment of Canada): 28, 93, 989, 105, 1078, 110, 124, 1358, 237, 242, 250, 292, 319

The Calgary Highlanders: 28, 503, 935, 989, 1036, 108, 1123, 13440, 1924, 233, 2367, 250, 269, 292

The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa (M.G.): 123

The Canadian Scottish Regiment, 1st Bn: 77, 1167, 11920, 197, 214, 2178, 260, 270

The Cape Breton Highlanders: 293

The Essex Scottish Regiment: 102, 21820, 24041, 249

Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal: 28, 30, 13031, 225

The Highland Light Infantry of Canada: 31, 69, 70, 778, 1235, 127, 207, 259, 294

The Irish Regiment of Canada: 2878, 293

The Lake Superior Regiment (Motor): 163, 232, 239, 2412, 247, 264, 2723, 296

The Lincoln and Welland Regiment: 54, 17980, 239, 247, 264, 273, 278

The Loyal Edmonton Regiment: 2856

New Brunswick Rangers, 278

The North Nova Scotia Highlanders: 65, 70, 77, 1235, 127, 207, 259, 294

The North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment: 65, 75, 117, 198, 2301

The Perth Regiment: 281, 289, 293

Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry: 282, 2856, 319

The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada: 102, 1301, 21920, 225, 292

The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada: 67, 69, 127, 187, 227, 230, 260, 270

Le Régiment de la Chaudière: 67, 69, 75, 127, 198, 230, 241, 260, 296, 319

Le Régiment de Maisonneuve: 28, 30, 501, 95, 989, 1035, 135, 137, 13942, 250, 292

The Regina Rifle Regiment: 75, 77, 116, 11820, 196, 214, 216, 246, 260

The Royal Canadian Regiment: 284

The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry: 53, 63, 102, 10910, 21820, 2241, 24950, 268, 292

The Royal Montreal Regiment: 118

The Royal Regiment of Canada: 102, 107, 130, 133, 21820, 249, 264, 292

The Royal Winnipeg Rifles: 75, 77, 11920, 214, 2178, 260

The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada: 282, 285

The South Saskatchewan Regiment, 31, 102, 1301, 1723, 225, 250

The Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders: 657, 70, 123, 1257, 174, 207, 294

The Toronto Scottish Regiment (M.G.): 73, 109, 131, 218

The Westminster Regiment (Motor): 2889, 293


Units, Infantiy, First World War -

Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, 319

2nd Battalion (Toronto Regiment) 319.

10th (Canadians) Battalion,, 319

29th (Vancouver) Battalion, 19, 20

58th Battalion, 319

Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps: 156

Royal Canadian Army Service Corps: 289

British and Allied Forces


British Forces


Air Force

Royal Air Force: 63, 69, 75, 105, 124, 152, 270, 283

Bomber Command: 567, 77, 144, 14750, 153, 189, 289

2nd Tactical Air Force: 39, 150, 189, 252, 276

Groups -

No.2: 151

No.83: 18, 189

No.84: 18, 101, 131, 151, 154, 163, 189, 213, 217, 276

Squadron, No.183: 154



Armies -

Second: 18, 335, 46, 48, 61, 82, 86, 967, 111, 161, 184, 189, 199, 206, 257, 2601, 278

Eighth: 18, 19, 40, 114


Army Group, 21st: 19, 60, 86, 96, 111, 159, 175, 184, 252, 257, 261, 264, 298


Brigades, Armoured -

6th Guards: 191, 194

8th: 191

34th: 191


Brigades, Commando & Special Service-

4th Commando, 261

4th Special Service, 53, 146, 1501


Brigades, Infantry-

8th: 191

44th: 195, 2001, 212

46th: 195, 209, 2134, 220

56th: 57, 283

129th: 2034, 210, 248

130th: 210, 212

146th: 99, 281

152nd: 205

153rd: 205

154th: 206

155th: 151, 157

156th: 12931, 157

157th: 125, 1401, 157

159th, 40

160th, 192

214th: 204, 210, 212

227th: 195, 202, 204


Corps -

1st: 18, 234, 27, 29, 31, 49, 567, 59, 61, 71, 86, 92, 956, 1012, 111, 113, 1601, 165, 171, 1756, 179, 189, 261

30th: xii, 24, 97, 171, 1757, 1867, 190, 193, 196, 200, 2046, 2089, 2134, 221, 240, 245, 257, 260


Divisions, Airborne-,

1st, 97

6th: 27


Divisions, Armoured -

Guards: 97, 200, 209, 221, 2457 7th: xii, 27, 54, 102

11th: 34, 412, 812, 209, 2212, 240, 243

79th: 75, 125, 12930, 152, 195


Divisions, Infantry -

3rd: 2212, 240, 2456

15th (Scottish): 1914, 200, 202, 204, 207, 209, 2123, 2212, 240

43rd (Wessex): 200, 2025, 209, 213, 243, 246, 278, 291

49th (West Riding): 27, 567, 59, 86, 956, 99, 101, 1112, 161, 163, 174, 257, 261, 2816

50th (Northumbrian): 171, 173

51st (Highland): 57, 59, 86, 102, 166, 174, 1912, 199, 2056, 208, 2123, 221, 259

52nd (Lowland): 111, 125, 12930, 1324, 141, 146, 150, 152, 156, 175, 208, 213, 221, 240, 245, 247, 251

53rd (Welsh): 92, 191, 195, 199, 2056, 208, 2123, 2212, 240, 2457

Netherlands District: 261


Units, Armoured -

Coldstream Guards: 1st Bn, 247

Fife and Forfar Yeomanry: 260

4/7th Dragoon Guards: 211

Grenadier Guards: 1st Bn, 202; 4th Bn, 195

Royal Armoured Corps: 141st Regiment, 78

Royal Tank Regiment: 4th, 282; 7th: 59

Scots Guards, 3rd Bn: 214

13/18th Royal Hussars: 196

22nd Dragoons: 57


Units, Artillery -

3rd Medium Regiment, 287

452 Mountain Battery: 152


Units, Commando (See also Royal Marines)-

No. 4: 151, 155

No. 10 (Inter-Allied): 155


Units, Engineers -

Assault Regiment, 5th: 122

Assault Squadrons, 87th: 65

Field Company, 202nd: 142


Units, Infantry and Foot Guards-

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise’s): 2nd Bn, photograph

Black Watch: 5th Bn, 205; 7th Bn: 259

Cameronians: 6th Bn, 130, 142, 248; 7th Bn, 130; 9th Bn, 214

Coldstream Guards: 5th Bn, 247

Dorsetshire Regiment: 4th Bn, 210; 5th Bn, 211

Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry: 5th Bn, 211

East Lancashire Regiment: 1st Bn, 206

Essex Regiment: 2nd Bn, 57, 283

Glasgow Highlanders: 1st Bn, 1402;2nd Bn, 214

Gloucestershire Regiment: 2nd Bn, 57, 283

Gordon Highlanders: 2nd Bn, 195, 201, 207

Highland Light Infantry: 5th Bn, 142, 158

King’s Own Scottish Borderers: 4th Bn, 151, 158; 6th Bn, 195, 2002, 247

King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry: 1/4th Bn, 59

Lincolnshire Regiment: 4th Bn, 59

Royal Hampshire Regiment: 7th Bn, 210

Royal Scots:.7/9th Bn, 1578; 8th Bn, 195

Royal Scots Fusiliers: 4/5th Bn, 130; 6th Bn, 195

Royal Welch Fusiliers: 6th Bn, 206

Seaforth Highlanders: 7th Bn, 214

Somerset Light Infantry: 4th Bn, 203, 2103, 226, 2489; 7th Bn, 2112

South Wales Borderers: 2nd Bn, 57, 283

Welch Regiment: l/5th Bn, 206

Wiltshire Regiment: 4th Bn, 203, 210; 5th Bn, 210, 232, 249

Worcestershire Regiment: 1st Bn, 211

York and Lancashire Regiment: Hallamshire Bn, 59, 99


Special Air Service : 1st Regiment, 295; other ref. 267



Navy and Marines


Royal Navy: 18, 130, 159;

Force “T”, 150

H.M. Ships -

Erebus, 57, 153

Kingsmill, 154

Roberts, 153, 155

Warspite, 57, 153

Support Squadron, Eastern Flank: 1534


Royal Marines -

Brigades: 116th, 261


No.41, 152, 155

No.47, 152, 1556, 179

No.48, 152, 155


Allied Expeditionary Force


Allied Expeditionary Force, 17, 40

Supreme Headquarters (SHAEF), 59, 150, 159

1st Allied Airborne Army, 147


United States Forces


Air Force


8th Air Force: 144, 1489, 289

9th Air Force: 189



Army Groups: 12th, 111


First: 35, 46;.Third: 253;.Ninth: 184, 199, 205, 2089, 222, 240, 244, 251, 253, 257

Corps - 16th, 246

Divisions -

Airborne: 82nd, 1712; 101st, 171, 173

Infantry: 1st, 161; 104th, 111, 1601, 163


Belgian Forces


Belgian Special Air Service Regiment: 295

1st Belgian Infantry Brigade: 48

1st Belgian Parachute Battalion: 270


French Forces

2nd Régiment de Chasseurs Parachutistes 267

3rd Regiment de Chasseurs Parachutistes:


Netherlands Forces


Royal Netherlands Brigade (Princess Irene’s): 48


Polish Forces


10th Polish Armoured Brigade: 276

1st Polish Armoured Division: 18, 489, 82, 87, 90, 92, 956, 101, 111, 161, 163, 169, 175, 179, 270, 2769, 2945

3rd Polish Infantry Brigade: 90


Units -

9th Polish Infantry Battalion, 179, 276

10th Dragoons (10th Polish Motor Battalion): 90

German Forces


Air Force

“Hermann Goring" units and Parachute Divisions - see under ‘Army



Aimed Forces High Command

(Oberkommando der Wehrmachl - O.K.W.): 101, 114

Armies -

First Parachute: 97, 171, 224, 244; Fifth Parachute: 185, 198; Fifth Panzer: 29, 42, 175; Sixth Panzer: 175; Seventh: 29, 42, 82; Fifteenth: 403, 82, 86, 97, 1145, 161, 163, 171

Army Groups -”B”: 41; “H”: 171, 1767, 199

Battalions -

Infantry: 276th (Magen) Bn: 184

Parachute Army Assault Bn: 240, 247

12th Parachute Reconnaissance Bn: 218

Battle Groups - Chill: 97, 101, 105, 107; Hutze, 210

Corps -

Infantiy-30th: 286; 63rd: 224; 67th: 42, 95, 101; 86th: 42, 224; 88th: 176; 89th: 423, 88

Panzer - 47th: 199, 205, 219, 224

Parachute - 2nd: 224

Divisions, Infantry - 46th: 260; 64th: 62, 115, 1234, 158; 70th: 107, 123, 144; 84th: 1845, 18890, 201, 203, 205, 224; 85th: 101; 89th: 101; 180th: 192; 245th: 88, 112; 331st, 29;346th: 246, 285; 361st: 286; 719th: 101

Divisions, Panzer - 2nd SS: 30; 9th SS: 30; 116th: 30, 200, 216, 21920, 224, 238, 246; Lehr: 21920, 222

Divisions, Panzer Grenadier -15th: 200, 210, 259

Divisions, Parachute - 2nd: 190; 6th: 174, 17980, 203, 216, 222, 224, 246, 260, 262, 286; 7th: 199, 2012, 216, 224, 246, 295; 8th: 101, 216, 222, 224, 246

Divisions, Volksgrenadier - 361st: 284


Grenadier: 858th, 285

Parachute: 6th, 101, 1056, 113, 163; 7th, 224, 232; Hermann Goring Replacement

Training Regt: 101, 107, 163

Volksgrenadier: 952nd, 287


Navy and Marines


Ships: Köln, 295

Marine Infantry, 278, 295