Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Abel, Othenio, 315
abelisaurs, 71, 228, 247–248
Abelisaurus, 247
Abernethy, John, 37
Abiquiu, New Mexico, 175, 180
Abrictosaurus, 322
Abysinnia, 362
Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 51, 54, 96, 240
Achelousaurus, 445
Acrocanthosaurus, 245
Adam (biblical figure), 12
Adventuress (ship), 274
Aegyptosaurus, 208
aeolosaurs, 166–167
Africa, 34, 132–144, 166, 167, 175
African lungfish, 39
Afrovenator, 14
Agathaumas, 426–428
Agustinia, 71
air sac, 147, 159, 288
Ajkaceratops, 443
Alabama, U.S., 388
Alamosaurus, 167
Albania, 334–336
Alberta, Canada, 167, 168, 202, 293, 369, 373–384, 388–389
Albertasaurus, 202, 354, 374
Alberti, Friedrich von, 84
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 175
Alexandria, Egypt, 206
Allops, 110
Allosaurus, 14, 118, 127, 138, 194, 243, 340
Altai Mountains, 406–409
Alvarez, Walter, 178
Alxa Desert, 266
Alxasaurus, 265–266
Amargasaurus, 71, 162–165
Amazon warriors, 3
Ameghino brothers, 435
American Museum of Natural History, New York, 60, 74, 106, 118, 121, 153–155, 161, 174–186, 220–224, 255, 257, 271–280, 293, 335, 348–350, 355–369, 373–384, 398, 409–421, 431–432, 435, 442
American Museum-Mongolian Academy of Sciences expeditions, 255
American Rockies, 389
Amphicoelias, 109, 161–162
Amur region, Siberia, 389
Amurosaurus, 389
Anchiceratops, 202, 444–445
Anchiornis, 307
Andes Mountains, 239
Andesaurus, 71, 163–166
Andrews, Charles W., 276–277
Andrews, Roy Chapman, 223, 272–278, 406–414
Anglo American Oil Company, 362–363
Animantarx, 369
Ankylosauridae, 350–360
Ankylosaurus, 348, 350–354, 359, 364
Anning, Mary, 8, 10, 20, 21
Anoplosaurus, 369
Antarctica, 167, 175, 187–199, 364, 369
Antarctopelta, 201, 369
Antarctosaurus, 150, 165
antelopes, 3
Anthodon, 333
antorbital fenestra, 65–67
Apatosaurus, 44, 95, 106–120, 141–149, 161, 276
Arabia, 362
Aral Sea, 389
Aralosaurus, 389
Araucaria, 184, 200
Arbour, Victoria, 348, 354
Archaeoceratops, 423
Archaeopteryx, 39, 40, 86, 294–304, 307, 315
“Archaeoraptor,” 304–306
archosaurs, 65–67, 298
Archueleta family (Ghost Ranch), 176
Arctic, 200–203
Arctic Ocean, 378
Argentina, 68, 70–73, 140, 146, 150, 153–168, 182, 236–253, 346, 389, 416, 443
Argentinosaurus, 71, 156–160, 165, 238
Argyrosauridae, 167
Argyrosaurus, 161, 165
Arizona, U.S., 173–179
Army Corps of Engineers, U.S., 100
Artiodactyla, 39
Artsa Bogdo Basin, 418
Ashdown Sand, 17–19
Ashile Formation, 418
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 5
Asiatic Zoological Expeditions, 274
Asilisaurus, 70
Assyria, 133
asteroid impact extinction hypothesis, 445
Atlascopcosaurus, 201
Attenborough, David, 153
Auca Mahuevo, Argentina, 164–165, 247, 416
Aucasaurus, 247, 250, 252
Audubon, John James, 48
Augustana College, 187, 194
Auroraceratops, 423
Austin, Texas, 17
Australia, 167, 197, 200, 201, 245, 443
Australian Museum, Sydney, 240
Australovenator, 245
Austria, 367
Austro-Hungarian Empire, 334–336
Avemetatarsalia, 67–68
Aves, 64
Babylonia, 133
Baer, Karl Ernst von, 133
Bagaceratops, 258
Bahamas, 37
Bahariya Formation, 209
Bahariya Oasis, 206–208
Bahariyasaurus, 208
Bakker, Robert, 60, 71, 73, 284–287, 321
bald cypress, 202
Baldwin, David, 180–181
Balfour, Francis, 221
Ball, John, 206
Ballou, William Hosea, 117
Balochisaurus, 166
Baluchitherium, 110
bandits, 274
Bannister, Henry Martyn, 426
Barapasaurus, 46
Barbour, Edwin, 174
Barlow, Caleb, 333, 366
Barnum, P. T., 357
Baron, Matthew, 60, 65, 78, 312
Barosaurus, 109
Barrett, Paul, 60, 65, 78, 312, 332
Barsbold, Rinchen, 264, 416–418
Baryonyx, 214–216
Basutoland, 318
Battle of Little Bighorn, 100, 378, 427
battleships, 158
Baur, Georg, 181
Bavaria, Germany, 294–297
Bayn Dzak, 410
Beagle voyage, 39
Beardmore Glacier, 191
Beijing, 277
Beijing National Museum, 293
Beipiaosaurus, 265–267, 303
Beishanlong, 262
Belgium, 17, 29–34, 133
Bell Lab, 178
Beloit, Wisconsin, 274
Beloit College, 274, 280
Benson, Roger B. J., 109, 111
Benton, Michael, 78
Berkey, Charles P., 272, 411
Berlin, 86, 133
“Berlin” specimen, 296–298
Berman, David, 78, 112
Bernissart, 29–34, 86
Berry Creek, Alberta, 392–393
Beurlen, Karl, 207
Big Badlands, 51, 110, 426
Big Bang, 178
Big Bend, Texas, 167, 360
Bighorn Basin, 358
Binney, Amos, 50
Bird, Roland T., 355–356, 360
birds, 60; as saurischians, 313
“birds are dinosaurs,” 295–305, 336
“birds are not dinosaurs” (BAND), 294, 300–303, 306
Bismarck, Otto von, 133
bison, 51, 428
Bitter Creek, 426
Black Hills Institute for Geologic Research, South Dakota, 232
Black Butte, Wyoming, 426
Black Forest, Germany, 86
Blanchard, Alphonse, 29
Blasisaurus, 389
Bletchingdon, England, 43–45
“blind man and the elephant,” 425–428
Blisworth, Northampton, 36
blue whale, 124
Boers, 132
Bonaparte, José, 71–77, 238, 247, 250, 325
Bone Cabin Quarry, 223, 276
“Bone Wars,” 95–101, 328, 425
Borealpelta, 370–371
Boulenger, George Albert, 31
Boulonnais region, France, 19
Bowerbank, James Scott, 314–315
Bozeman, Montana, 230
Brachiosaurus, 109, 141, 140–150, 155
Brachylophosaurus, 55
Bradbury, S. M., 141
brain of stegosaurs, 339
Branca, Wilhelm von, 135, 141
Brancatherulum, 140
Brassey, Charlotte, 159–160
Brazil, 70, 88, 167, 216
Brazilian National Museum, Rio de Janeiro, 208
Brigham Young University, 112, 144–145
Brighton, England, 22–26
Brinkman, Don, 74
British Museum (Natural History Museum), London, 26, 38–39, 123–124, 214–216, 226, 276, 295, 314, 319, 332, 366, 378, 383
Brittania, 6
Brontops, 110
Brontosaurus, 95, 106–113, 119, 161
Brontotheres, 51, 110
Brontotherium, 110
Bronze Age, 407
Brookes, Richard, 6–7
Brooklyn College, 280
Broom, Robert, 333
Brown, Barnum, 174, 223, 279, 281, 348–369, 373–384, 391, 397–398, 432, 435, 438
Brown, Fred, 106
Brown, Lilian McLaughlin, 360–361
Bruhathkayosaurus, 161
Brusatte, Steve, 261, 334
Brush, Alan, 294
Brush, George Jarvis, 432
Buch, Leopold von, 133
Buckland, William, 7–15, 20, 21, 24
Buddhist mythology, 262
Buffalo, Kansas, 378
Buffetaut, Eric, 216
Buntsandstein, 84
Bunzel, Emmanuel, 367
Burian, Zdenek, 146, 359, 361, 362
Butler, Richard J., 319
C-130 Hercules airplane, 191
C-17 Globemaster airplane, 188
Cactus Park Quarry, 112
Cadbury, Deborah, 39
Cairo, Egypt, 206
California, U.S., 426
Camarasaurus, 109, 112, 127, 145, 149
Cambridge, England, 20, 33–34
camel, 51, 272, 285–286
Cameroon, 133
Camp, Charles L., 197
Camposaurus, 185
Camptosaurus, 318
Canada, 361, 362
Canadian balsam, 366
Canadian Bone Rush, 373–384
Canadian Geological Survey, 373–376, 382–383
Canadian Pacific Railroad, 392
Cañadón del Gato, 243
Canardia, 389
Cannon, George M., 428
Cañon City, Colorado, 100–101
Carballido, José, 154–159
Carbondale, Kansas, 357
Carboniferous, 357
Carcharodon, 244
Carcharodontosaurus, 208, 213, 240, 244–246
Carlin, William Edwards, 101–108
Carnegie, Andrew, 121–124, 127
Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, 112, 121–129, 380, 436
Carnegie Quarry, 124–129
Carnegie Steel, 121
Carnotaurus, 71, 230, 247–251
Carolini, Ruben, 239
Carpathian Mountains, 409
Carpenter, Ken, 161
Casamiquela, R. M., 324
Case, Ermine Cowles, 181
cassowary, 385
CAT scan, 305
cattle, 3
Caudipteryx, 307
CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps), 360
Cedar Mountain Formation, 268, 354, 369
Cedarpelta, 354
Central Asiatic Expeditions, 223, 255, 272–278, 411–418
Central Powers, 338
Centrosaurinae, 443–44
Centrosaurus, 343, 357, 395, 427, 443–445
Ceratops, 428
Ceratopsia, 392–399
Ceratosaurus, 138
Cetiosaurus, 36, 41–46, 95, 106, 119, 311–312
chalk, 17–18, 20, 25
chambered nautilus, 39
Chañares Formation, 68–70
Channel Islands, 166
Chaoyangsaurus, 423, 443
Charig, Alan, 74, 214–216, 319
Charonosaurus, 389
Chasmosaurinae, 443–44
Chasmosaurus, 357, 382, 395, 444–445
Chebsaurus, 46
cheeks, 313, 319
Chen Pei Ji, 293
Cheyenne warriors, 427
Chialongosaurus, 343
Chiappe, Luis, 247, 416
chickens, 300
chimera, 145
China, 166, 235, 245, 254–260, 266–268, 272–278, 291–299, 303–305, 343–344, 354, 369, 388, 389, 400, 402, 405, 407–409, 420–423
Chindesaurus, 185
Chinle Formation, 176, 184
Chipping North, 36
Chlamydosaurus, 197
Chuanqilong, 354
Chubut Province, Argentina, 243, 322
chukar partridges, 300
Chungkingosaurus, 344, 346
Chure, Daniel J., 420
Cifelli, Richard, 222
Cincinnati Museum, Cincinnati, 112
Cionodon, 384
Citipati, 416–418
cladistics, 64–65
Claosaurus, 384
Clapham, England, 26–27
Clarinda, Iowa, 174
Clark, James, 268, 418
clavicles, 298
Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry, 243, 287
Clift, William, 364
Cloverly Formation, 281
Coahuilaceratops, 445
coal, 357, 367
coccolithophorids, 17
Coelophysis, 68, 173–186, 251, 318
Coelurus, 181
Coggeshall, Arthur, 121–123
Colbert, Edwin, 64, 74, 132, 173–187, 280, 361, 363, 375, 378, 400
Colbert, Matthew, 175
Colbert Report, The (tv show), 186
“cold blooded” metabolism, 285
Cold War, 254–255
Colgate, Col. Austin, 415
Colgate College, 415
collar bones, 182, 298
collection bias, 286
Coloradisaurus, 71, 93
Colorado, 44
Colorado National Monument, 144
coloration of dinosaurs, 307–308
“Colossosaurus,” 42
Columbia University, 74, 174, 222, 274, 280
Columbus, Christopher, 51
Colville River, Alaska, 201
Como Bluff, 101–106, 121, 328, 436
Como Station, 102
Comotherium richi, 106
Compsognathus, 13, 297–298, 302–303, 307, 312
Compton, Spencer, 332
Conan Doyle, Arthur, 217, 226
Concavenator, 245
Confuciusornis, 307
Congo, 133
conifers, 148–149, 184
Conybeare, William, 10, 24
Cooper River, 52
Cooperstown, Illinois, 432
Cope, Edward Drinker, 52, 60, 65, 71, 95–120, 133, 161, 174–181, 221–224, 311–312, 332, 376–378, 381, 384, 391, 425–433
Cope’s Nipple, 332
Copeia, 119
coprolites, 57
Coria, Rodolfo, 239, 242–247
Corythosaurus, 55, 58, 357, 373, 380–389
Cosgriff, John, 187
cosmic microwave background radiation, 178
Cow Creek, Montana, 428
Craspedodon, 443
creationists, 306
Cretaceous, 17–18, 55
Cretaceous Chalk, 377–378
Cretaceous extinctions, 168
Crete, 166
Créture, Jules, 29
Crichton, Michael, 196, 227, 283, 354. See also Jurassic Park
Crichtonpelta, 354, 364
Cristatusaurus, 216
Croatia, 388
crocodiles, 65, 395, 445
crocodylomorphs, 67
Crompton, A. W. “Fuzz,” 319
Crow Indians, 427
Crow Reservation, 361
crurotarsi, 67
Cryolophosaurus, 187, 194–198
Crystal Palace, 12–13, 26–30, 41, 53
Cuba, 362
Cuckfield, Sussex, 19–22, 364
Cultural Revolution, 254, 291–292
Currie, Phil, 78, 243, 260–261, 293, 305
Custer, George Armstrong, 100, 378
Cuvier, Georges, 4, 10, 24
cycads, 149, 184, 200, 202, 438
cyclopes, 3
Cyprus, 166
Czerkas, Steve, 305
Czerkas, Sylvia, 305
Dacentrurus, 333–334, 342, 346
Daemonosaurus, 185
Dakota Sandstone, 377
“Daptosaurus,” 361
Darwin, Charles, 37–40, 175, 221, 295, 357, 435
Darwinius, 306
Davies, Richard, 333
DeBlieux, Don, 268
Deccan lavas, 445
Deinocheirus, 254, 258–266, 314
Deinonychus, 196, 227, 281–285, 298–299, 362, 356, 360
Denmark, 17
dental battery, 56–57, 346, 438
Denver, Colorado, 428
Denver Basin, 263
Department of Vertebrate Paleontology (DVP), American Museum of Natural History, 222–225
Depéret, Charles, 244
Devon, 8
Diabloceratops, 443, 445
Dial, Kenneth, 300
Diamantinasaurus, 167
Diclonius, 384
Dicraeosaurus, 138–140, 149
Dicynonodonts, 185
Dilong, 231
Dilophosaurus, 89, 194, 196–200
Dimetrodon, 59, 286, 378
Dingus, Lowell, 247, 357–363
Dinheirosaurus, 71
“Dinomania,” 219
Dinosaur Artist, The (P. Williams), 235
dinosaur eggs, 164–165, 411–417
dinosaur feathers, 294–299
Dinosaur National Monument, 112, 127–129, 420
“Dinosaur Renaissance,” 147, 227, 283–288, 300, 321, 340
Dinosaur Train (tv show), 247, 268
“Dinosauria,” 41
Diplodocine, 328
Diplodocoid, 138, 162–163
Diplodocus, 109, 113, 115–125, 138, 149, 162, 358, 362, 436
diprotodonts, 39
“Diracodon,” 329
dire wolf, 51, 287
Disney, Walt, 232, 363
Dinosaur (2000 film), 247
Divine Comedy (Dante), 407
Djadokhta Formation, 410, 442
Doda, Bajazid Elma, 338
dodo, 39
Dodson, Peter, 73, 280, 284, 386, 412
Dollo, Louis, 31–34
Dong Zhiming, 266, 344
Dongyangopelta, 369
Dorset, England, 20–21
Douglass, Earl, 112, 123–129
Dracorex, 402–403
“dragon bones,” 255, 407
Dragon, Utah, 126
dragons, 3–5
Dravidosaurus, 344
“dreadnoughts,” 158
Dreadnoughtus, 158–160, 165
dromaeosaurs, 279–282, 307–308
Dromaeosaurus, 202, 279, 354
Drumheller, Alberta, 370, 380, 383
“drumstick,” 298
Drusilasaurus, 166
Dry Mesa Quarry, 144
dryolestoids, 72
Dryosaurus, 138, 318
duckbilled dinosaurs, 53–58, 167; mummified, 379–380
Duriavenator, 14
dwarf hippos, 166
Dyke, Gareth, 338
dynamite, 178
Dynamosaurus, 224
Dysalotosaurus, 138
dysentery, 135
Dystylosaurus, 145
Dzik, Jerzy, 70
Echinodon, 315, 322
ectotherms, 285–288
“Edentata,” 313
Edmonton beds, 369
Edmontonia, 357, 367–369
Edmontosaurus, 55, 202, 380, 384, 389, 395
Effigia, 186
“Egg Mountain,” 415
Egypt, 133, 166–167, 204–217, 276, 359, 361, 362
Egyptian art, 407
Egyptology, 133
Einiosaurus, 443, 445
“Einstein” (Diplodocus specimen), 112
Ekalaka Hills, 397
Ekrixinatosaurus, 247
Elaphrosaurus, 140
Elasmosaurus, 97
elephant, 3, 287–288, 388
elephant bird, 39
Elgin, Scotland, 88
Elgin Formation, 68
Elliot, David, 193
Ellsworth, Kansas, 377
Elrhaz Formation, 216
Emry, Robert, 222
endothermic metabolism, 147
endotherms, 285–288
endothermy, 92
Engelhardt, Johann Friedrich, 84
England, 166, 213–216, 362, 369, 402
English Channel, 17
entelodonts, 51
Eoceratops, 395
Eodromeus, 78
Eoraptor, 59, 76–79, 182, 318, 324
Eotrachodon, 388
Erickson, Bruce, 438
Eryops, 378
erythrosuchians, 67
Escuillé, Francois, 260
Ethiopia, 359–362
“Euacanthus vectianus,” 366
Eucnemesaurus, 93
Eucoelophysis, 70
Euooplocephalus, 351–352, 357, 364, 395
Europelta, 369
Euskelosaurus, 93
Eustreptospondylus, 13–14
Eutitanosauria, 166–167
Evans, David, 354
evolution, 40
Explorer’s Club, 275
Fabre, Jean, 318
Fabrosaurus, 318, 321
Fairfield, Connecticut, 221
Falcarius, 267–268, 287
Falls of the Ohio, 425
Fantasia (1940 film), 363, 442
“Far Side” (cartoon series), 341
Farlow, James, 340
Fastovsky, David, 301
Fayûm Depression, Egypt, 206, 276
feathers, 300–303; evolution of, 302–304
Feduccia, Alan, 301
Felch, Marshal P., 328
Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, 240
ferns, 149, 184, 202, 438
Ferris Formation, 352
Field, Daniel, 440
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 108, 121, 141–144, 154–155, 222, 227, 232
“fighting dinosaurs,” 277–279
fjord, 146
Flagstaff, Arizona, 175
Flaming Cliffs, 406, 409–414
Flavius Philostratus, 407
flight, origins of: “gliding down” theory, 300–301; “ground up” theory, 300
flowering plants, 57
Flynn, John, 222
Forbes, Edward, 16
forensic medicine, 51
Forster, Cathy, 76
Fort McMurray, Alberta, 369
Foster, John, 161
Foulke, William Parker, 52, 97
Fox Hills Formation, 56
Fox, Rev. William, 314–315, 366
Fraas, Eberhard, 135
France, 17, 166, 362, 366, 389
Freeman, Richard Brooke, 39
Freiburg Mining Academy, 83
Frenchman Formation, 352
Frick, Switzerland, 87
Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, 134
frilled dragon lizard, 197
frogs, 445
Frontier Formation, 367
Fruita, Colorado, 141m 322
Fruitadens, 322
Fuller, Peter, 43
Funk, Shawn, 370
furcula, 182
Futalognkosaurus, 166
Gainesville, Florida, 234
Galeamopus, 109
Galesburg, Illinois, 187
Gallimimus, 258, 260–262
Galton, Peter, 60, 318, 321
Gansu Province, China, 262
Garden Park, Colorado, 328
Garden Park Quarry, 332
Gargoyleosaurus, 369
Garrison, New York, 220
Garsington, 36
Garuda bird, 262
Garudimimus, 262
Gastonia, 354, 364, 369
gastroliths, 262
Gault Formation, 18–19
Gauthier, Jacques, 64–65, 300, 312, 321
Geological Society of London, 36, 41
Geological Survey of Canada, 392
Geranosaurus, 322
German East Africa, 135, 138, 205
Germany, 83–88, 204–212, 294–297, 338, 366
Ghost Castle site, 262
Ghost of Slumber Mountain (1918 film), 226
Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, 175–185
Ghostbusters, 354
Giganotosaurus, 166, 213, 238–245
Gigantosaurus, 135, 138, 239
Gigantospinosaurus, 344, 346
gigantothermy, 92, 148, 287–288
Gilbert Creek, Montana, 348
Gilded Age, 219
Gilmore, Charles W., 122, 127, 167, 397–398
Gingerich, Philip, 284
ginkgo, 200, 202
Ginsburg, Leonard, 318
Giraffatitan, 86, 138–150, 155, 157
giraffes, 3, 111, 359
Gizeh Plateau, 206
gizzard stones, 262
Glacialisaurus, 93, 200–201
Glen Rose, Texas, 360
“gliding down” origin of flight, 300
Glossopteris, 200
glycogen body, 339
Glyptodontopelta, 369
Gobi Desert, 255–266, 271–278, 409–416
Gobititan, 166
Goddard, Paul, 50
Godefroit, Pascal, 260
Gojirasaurus, 185
Golden, Colorado, 224
gondwanatheres, 71–72
“Goniopoda,” 311–312
Goodrich, George “Dad,” 125
Goodwin, Mark, 400
Gorgosaurus, 230, 382, 383, 395
Gould, Stephen Jay, 226
Goyocephale, 400
Grady, Owen, 247
Grand Canyon, 116
Grand Junction, Colorado, 141, 144
Granger, Charles H., 275
Granger, Walter, 108, 122, 272, 275–278, 391, 409–416
Gratton, Mike, 370
Gray, Asa, 39
great auk, 39
Great Depression, 255, 275, 360
Great Exhibition of 1854, 12
Great Pyramids, 206
Great Wall of China, 272
great white shark, 244–245
Greece, 133, 359, 362
“greenhouse” climate, 200–202
Gregory, William King, 174, 175, 223, 411–412
griffin, 3, 406–409
Grinnell College, 432
ground sloths, 28
“ground up” origin of flight, 300–301
Gryposaurus, 55, 384, 395
Guatemala, 361
Gubbio, Italy, 178
Gulf of Mexico, 378
Gurney, Charles, 429
Haddonfield, New Jersey, 52–54, 97
Hades, 402
Hadrosauridae, 53–58
hadrosaurs, 383–389
Hadrosaurus, 48–58, 383–384, 388, 438
Haeckel, Ernst, 133, 175
Hagryphus, 416–418
Halberstadt, Germany, 86
Hall, Herman, 178–180
Hall, James, 426
Halstead, L. Beverly, 6–7
Hammer, Bill, 187–190, 193–194, 200–201
Haplocanthosaurus, 109
Hare, Augustus, 9
Harries, Peter, 236
Harry Potter, 407
Harvard University, 284
harvester ants, 434
Hastings Group, 18–19
Hatcher, John Bell, 122–123, 224, 395, 428–438
Hateg Basin, 335
Haverford College, 96
Haversian canals, 286
Hawkins, Benjamin Waterhouse, 12, 29–30, 53–54, 366
Hayden, Ferdinand Vandiveer, 426
Hayden Survey, 96, 99–101, 116–117, 426
Hays, Kansas, 378
Heilmann, Gerhard, 298
Helioceratops, 423
Hell Creek Formation, 56, 167, 224, 348–350, 352, 354, 359, 374, 393, 397, 399, 432, 438, 442
Henderson, Donald, 370
Hendrikson, Sue, 227
Hennig, Willi, 64
Henning, Edward, 135–137, 342
Henrici, Amy, 78
Herbert, Hilary, 117
Hernandez, Aurelio, 155
herpetology, 119
Herrera, Victorino, 74
Herrerasaurus, 74–79, 182, 185, 318, 324
Hesperornis, 117
Hesperosaurus, 340, 346
Heterodontosaurus, 319–322
High Weald, 18–19
Hindu Kush Mountains, 409
Hindu mythology, 262
hippocampus, 40
hippos, 24
Hitler, Adolf, 256
Hogwarts, 402, 407
Holland, William J., 112, 118, 121–128, 380, 436
Holtz, Thomas, 230, 261
Homalocephale, 258, 399–402
homeotherms, 147, 285–288
Homo diluvii testis, 4
Hooker, Joseph, 40
Hopkins, John E., 52
Hoplitosaurus, 369, 400, 415, 418, 440
horses, 51, 359
horsetails, 202, 339
“hot-blooded dinosaurs,” 284–288
Howe Ranch, Wyoming, 359–362
Huayangosaurus, 332, 344–345
Huene, Friedrich von, 68, 86–92, 134, 181, 206, 213
Huincul Formation, 243
Hulke, John Whitaker, 367
Humboldt, Alexander von, 84, 133
Hungarosaurus, 369
Hungary, 335, 369, 443
Hunt, Robert, 222
Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, 24, 37, 39
Hutton, James, 20
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 40, 175, 221, 291, 295–299, 300, 311, 314–315, 366
hyenas, 3, 198, 228
Hylaeosaurus, 25, 28, 42, 364–366, 369
Hypacrosaurus, 357
Hypselosaurus, 166
Hypsibema, 384
Hypsilophodon, 314–316
Hypsilophus, 315, 332
Hyracodon, 110
I Ching, 407
I Married a Dinosaur (L. Brown), 360–361
Ibrahim, Nizar, 210
Ice Age mammals, 361
Ice Ages, 166
ichthyology, 119
Ichthyornis, 117
ichthyosaurs, 59
Ichthyosaurus, 28
Ichthyovenator, 216
Ierardi, Tom, 176
iguanas, 23–24, 315
Iguanodon, 13, 16–35, 41, 42, 84, 86, 214, 311–314, 332, 364
Illustrated London News, 366
Ilokelesia, 247
India, 161, 166, 167, 175, 344, 359, 361, 362
Indiana Jones, 223, 236, 273–274
Indricotherium, 110
inertial homeothermy, 92, 148, 287–288
Inner Mongolia, 255
Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Beijing, 291–293
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 108, 342–344
International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature, 7, 43, 181, 183, 331
Interpol, 233
Iowa, U.S., 377, 425
Irish elk, 218
Irritator, 216, 306
Isaberrysaura, 346
Ischigualasto Formation, 74–77
ischium, 312
Isisaurus, 166, 167
island dwarfing, 166, 335–336
Isle of Wight, 17, 34, 314, 332, 366
Italy, 388
IVPP, 305
jackhammer, portable, 191–192
Jackson, Peter, 226
Jaekel, Otto, 89
Jaklapallisaurus, 93
James Ross Island, 201, 369
Janensch, Werner, 134, 141, 143, 146, 205
Janenschia, 135
Japan, 275
“Java man,” 271
jaw mechanics, 336
Jaxartosaurus, 389
Jebel el Diest, 207
Jefferson, Thomas, 48
Jehol biota, 292, 301
Jensen, James “Dinosaur Jim,” 112, 144–145
Jewett, Ezekiel, 97
Ji Qiang, 293
Jiangjungosaurus, 344, 346
Jiangshanosaurus, 93, 166
Jintaosaurus, 388
Jiutaisaurus, 166
John Day beds, 378
John Wesley Powell, 116–118
Johns Hopkins University, 388
Judith River badlands, 378
junior synonym, 108
Jurassic Park (1993 film), 141, 148, 149, 196, 226, 227, 231, 250, 258, 262, 283, 287, 297, 354, 442
Jurassic Park III (2001 film), 211, 213
Jurassic World (2016 film), 59, 214, 226, 247
Kaatedocus, 109
Kaisen, Peter, 277, 348–360, 374
Kansas, U.S., 17, 97, 117, 357–359, 369, 375–380, 383, 434, 435
Kansas State Agricultural College, 377
Kayenta Formation, 197
Kazakhstan, 389
Kem Kem beds, 210–212, 216, 244
Kent, England, 17–22
Kentrosaurus, 138, 342–346
Kenya, 247
keratinous sheath, 340–341
Kerberosaurus, 389
Keuper, 84, 87, 91
Khetranisaurus, 166
Khrushchev, Nikita, 255
Kidd, John, 8
Kielan-Jaworowska, Zofia, 254–260
Kimmeridge Clay, 333
King George IV, 22, 26
King Kong, 226, 340
Kingdom, Jonathan, 36
Kingston, Ontario, 392
Kirkland, James, 265
Knight, Charles R., 223, 226, 442
Knight, Wilbur C., 118–121
Knossos, Crete, 407
Knox College, 187
Korea, 145
Koreaceratops, 423
Korean-Mongolian expedition, 260
Kosmoceratops, 445
Kripchak, Kristopher, 301
Kritosaurus, 168, 202, 336, 357, 384, 389
La Brea tar pits, 286
La Flecha ranch, 155
Labyrinthodon, 84
Lacovara, Ken, 158, 208
Lagerpeton, 70
Lagerstätten, 292
Lagosuchus, 68–70
Lakes, Arthur, 100–108, 224, 328
Lakota Formation, 369
Lakota people, 98, 427
Lambe, Lawrence, 230, 373–374, 380, 382, 391–395
Lambeosaurinae, 384–389
Lambeosaurus, 55, 58, 202, 336, 387–388, 395
Lance Creek, 436
Lance Formation, 56, 167, 223–224, 351, 352, 378, 393–399, 428–432, 442
Land Before Time, The (1988 film), 226, 442
Langer, Max, 61
Laos, 216
Lapparentosaurus, 71
Laramie, Wyoming, 276
Laramie Formation, 426, 428
Larson, Gary, 341–342
Larson, Peter, 232
Leaellynsaura, 201
Leicester City Museum, Leicester City, 45
Leidy, Joseph, 48–55, 96, 97, 118–119, 221, 333, 369, 376, 397, 426
Leidy, Phillip, 50
Leidysuchus, 395
Lepsius, Karl Richard, 133
Leptoceratops, 357, 423, 443
Lesotho, 318
Lesothosaurus, 318–319, 321, 324
Lessem, Don, 72, 239
Levoxisaurus, 334, 346
Lewes, England, 19–22, 26, 27
Lewisuchus, 70
Li Yumin, 292
Liaoceratops, 423
Liaoning Province, China, 266, 291–295, 304, 307, 421
Liaoningosaurus, 354
Libya, 206–207
Libypithecus, 206
Ligabueino, 71
Ligabuesaurus, 71
Liliensternus, 89
Lindi, Tanzania, 135–137
Linnaeus, Carl, 6
lions, 198, 228
lithography, 294–295
Lithostrotia, 167
Lognkosauria, 166
Loheucotitan, 166
London, 26, 38, 200
“London” specimen, 295–297
Long Island Rhino Quarry, 434
Longrich, Nick, 440
Loomis, Frederic, 340
Loricatosaurus, 334, 346
Lossiemouth Quarries, 68
Lost World, 217, 226
Louisville, Kentucky, 425
Lower Greensand, 18–19, 25
Lucas, Frederick, 333
Lucas, George, 274
Lucas, O. W., 100–103, 332
Lufengosaurus, 93
Lull, Richard Swann, 122, 428, 438
“lumpers,” 107; vs. “splitters,” 107
Lusk, Wyoming, 378, 428
Lycorhinus, 322
Lydekker, Richard, 332
Lyell, Charles, 24
Lyme Regis, 8, 10, 20, 21
Lystrosaurus, 175
MacFadden, Bruce, 222
Macrurosaurus, 166
Madagascar, 71, 166, 167, 402
magnetrons, 178
Magyarosaurus, 166, 335
Maiasaura, 384, 418
Maidment, Suzanne, 334
Majungasaurus, 252
Majungatholus, 402
Makovicky, Peter, 194, 260
malaria, 116
Malawi, 166
Malawisaurus, 167
Maleev, Evgeny, 264
Mamenchisaurus, 46
mammoths, 24
mandarin, 262
mandibular fenestra, 65–67
Manidens, 322
Manospondylus, 224
Mantell, Gideon, 10, 19–35, 37, 42–45, 39, 214, 314–315, 332, 364–366
Mantell, Mary Ann Woodhouse, 21–26
Mantellisaurus, 25
Mapuche, Argentina, 243
Mapusaurus, 243–245
Marasuchus, 69–70
Marco Polo, 409
Marginocephalia, 395, 404–405, 421
marine crocodiles, 28
marine reptiles, 378
Marisaurus, 166
Markgraf, Richard, 206
marl, 52–54, 383
Marsh, Othniel Charles, 52, 60, 88, 95–115–120, 133, 174, 175, 180–181, 221, 223, 263, 280, 311–313, 318, 328–333, 339, 367, 376–377, 381, 384, 391, 425, 428–433, 438
Martill, David, 216
Martin, Larry, 294, 302
Martinez, Ricardo, 76, 78
Maryańska, Teresa, 257–259, 399–402
Maryland, 369
Massospondylus, 93
Mastodonsaurus, 84, 87
Mateus, Octavio, 109, 111
Matthew, Margaret, 174
Matthew, William Diller, 122, 174–175, 223, 369, 391
“Maximo” (Patagotitan replica), 155
Mayor, Adrienne, 407
Mayr, F. X., 297
Mbemkure River, 135
McClintock, James, 50
McIntosh, Jack, 112
McKenna, Malcolm, 255, 360
McKittrick tar pits, 376, 383
McMurdo Station, Antarctica, 188, 191
Mecklenburg, Duke of, Johann Albrecht, 135
Medicine Bow, Wyoming, 101, 121, 358, 436
Medicine Hat, Alberta, 392
medullary tissue, 231
Medusaceratops, 443
Meek, Fielding Bradford, 425–426
Megacerops, 110
Megalonyx jeffersoni, 48
Megalosaurus, 3–15, 24–28, 41, 46, 84, 88, 198, 244, 311–312, 335, 364
Megapnosaurus, 183
Melanorosaurus, 93
Melville, Alexander, 42–43
Mendozasaurus, 166
Menke, H. W., 141
Menodus, 110
Menops, 110
Mesohippus, 51
Mesosaurus, 88
mesotarsal joint, 298
mesozoic mammals, 257
Mexico, 362
Meyer, Christian E. H. von, 133
Meyer, Erich Hermann von, 84–88, 295
Meyer, Grant, 281
Microraptor, 235, 307
microwave oven, 178
Middle Ages, 407
Middlebury College, 277
Milner, Angela, 214–216
Minoan Civilization, 407
Miocene, 174, 359, 434
Miragaia, 333, 346
Mitchell, Mark, 371
moas, 26, 39
Mojoceratops, 443
Moloch, 402
Moneto, A., 76
Mongolia, 34, 166–167, 233–235, 255–266, 271–278, 283, 293, 335, 344, 399–400, 406–423, 409–420
Mongolian Academy of Sciences, 412
monkey puzzle tree, 184, 200
Monoclonius, 380, 426–428
Monolophosaurus, 196
Montana, U.S., 55, 123, 167–168, 202, 224, 348–350, 378, 393, 397, 416, 428, 434
Montreal, Canada, 392
Mook, Kim Han, 145
Moore, James, 20
Mooreville Chalk, 388
Moorland, Mary, 8
Morgan, J. Pierpont, 121, 435
Morocco, 210, 211, 244
Morosaurus, 112
Morris, Frederick K, 272
Morrison Formation, 124–129, 138–141, 148, 181, 322, 340, 358–360, 369, 374, 436
Morrison, Colorado, 100–103, 328
Mortimer, Mickey, 183
mosasaurs, 28, 59
mosses, 339
Mt. Kirkpatrick, 193
Mudge, Benjamin, 100–103, 115, 377
Munich, Germany, 206–208
Muschelkalk, 84
Museo Carmen Funes, Plaza Huincul, 156, 239–240
Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, 86, 134, 139, 298
Museum of Northern Arizona, 175
Museum of Paleontology Egidio Feruglio, 155
Museum of the Rockies, 230
Mussasaurus, 71
Mycenae, 133, 205
Mymooorapelta, 369
Naish, Darren, 43
Namibia, 133
Nash, Ogden, 81
Nasutoceratops, 445
National Geographic, 76, 284, 305–306
National Museum of Natural Sciences, Buenos Aires, 72
National Museum of Science and Nature, Tokyo, 398–399
National Park Service, U.S., 173–175
National Science Foundation, U.S., 188
Natural History Museum of Comohue, 239
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 194, 261
Natural History of Oxfordshire (Plot), 5
Naturkunde Stuttgart, 87
Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt, 240
Navajo Reservation, 197
Nebraska, U.S., 428, 434, 436
Nebraska State Museum, 174
Nehden, 34
Nemegtosaurus, 167, 258
Neosauropoda, 46
Nerdy, Dennis, 196
Nesbitt, Sterling, 78, 185–186
Neuquén Province, Argentina, 239
Neuquensaurus, 167
New Conquest of Central Asia (R. C. Andrews), 406, 410–411
New Jersey, U.S., 383, 388
New Mexico, U.S., 70, 167, 168, 174–185, 369, 389
New Walk Museum, Leicester, 45
New York, U.S., 153–155, 425–426
New York Herald, 117, 119
New Zealand, 167, 188, 200
Ngwebasaurus, 263
Niger, 216
Nile River, 206
Noah’s flood, 4
Noasaurus, 71
Nobel, Alfred, 178
nodosaurs, 364–371
Nodosaurus, 367, 369
Nomen dubium, 331
Nopcsa, Baron Franz, 331, 333–340, 350, 367, 388
Norell, Mark, 60, 186, 301, 357–358, 362, 363, 416–417
Norfolk Island pine, 184, 200
Norman, David, 31, 60, 65, 78, 312, 319
North American Paleontological Convention, 284–285
North Horn Formation, 167
Nothronychus, 265–268
Notoceratops, 443
Novacek, Michael, 416–417
Novas, Fernando, 74, 243, 247
nuchal ligament, 182
O’Connor, Jingmai, 292
O’Keefe, Georgia, 175, 186
Ockley, England, 214
Odontornithes, 117–118
Ohio State University, 193
Ojo Alamo Sandstone, 167
Oklahoma, U.S., 245
Olduvai Gorge, 137
Oligocene, 199, 378
Olorotitan, 389
Olsen, George, 413–416
Olshevsky, George, 73, 143, 332
Omeisaurus, 46
Omosaurus, 333
On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 295
oolites, 37, 42
Opisthcoelicaudia, 258
“Opisthocoelia,” 312
Oregon, U.S., 378
oreodonts, 51
Ornithischia, 60–63, 302, 312–320
ornithomimids, 246, 260–265
Ornithomimosauria, 260–263
Ornithomimus, 224, 260, 263
Ornithopoda, 311–314
“Ornithoscelidia,” 313
Ornithosuchia, 67–68
Ornithotarsus, 384
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 50, 108–109, 118, 125, 133, 161, 174, 175, 181, 219–224, 263, 271–277, 355–358, 363, 373–374, 391–393, 415–420, 435–438
Osborn, William Henry, 219
Osmólska, Halszka, 257–259, 399–402, 418
Ostafrikasaurus, 216
osteoderms, 350, 354, 367
Ostrom, John, 43, 260, 279–285, 294, 298–300, 321, 340, 361–362
Otsego County, New York, 377
Ottawa, Canada, 380
Ottoman Empire, 336–338
Ouranosaurus, 209, 213, 262
Outer Mongolia, 255
Oviraptor, 416–410
Owen, Richard, 12–13, 25–31, 36–46, 60, 84, 86, 295, 311, 314, 315, 322, 332, 333, 364, 366
Oxalaia, 216
Oxford, England, 20, 21, 34, 41
Oxford Clay, 13
Oxford Museum, 37
Oxford University, 5
Pachycephalosauria, 399
Pachycephalosauridae, 398–399
pachycephalosaurs, 395–399
Pachycephalosaurus, 397–402
Pachypoda, 84
Pachyrhinosaurus, 202, 443, 445
Pakisaurus, 166
Pakistan, 166, 174, 359, 361, 445
Palaeoscincus, 333, 369
Paläontologische Gesellschaft, 134
Paläontologisches Museum München, Munich, 206–208
paleobiology, 336
“paleophysiology,” 336
palms, 438
palpebral bone, 313, 319
Paludititan, 166
Pangea, 140
Panoplosaurus, 369, 395
Paraceratherium, 110, 288
Paralititan, 166, 208
Paranthodon, 333, 344, 346
Pararhabdodon, 389
Parasaurolophus, 55, 336, 357, 386–389
parasitology, 51
Parker, Neave, 315–317
Parkinson, James, 10
Parks, W. A., 395
“Parson’s nose,” 262
Patagonia, Argentina, 155, 238–239, 243, 346, 358–359, 362, 435
Patagopteryx, 71
Patagosaurus, 46
Patagotitan, 143, 153–160, 165, 238
Paul, Greg, 143, 213, 216, 283
Pawpawsaurus, 369
Peabody, George, 97
Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, 97, 121, 352
Pegge, Christopher, 7
Pegomastax, 322
“Peking man,” 271, 277
Peloroplites, 369
Pelorosaurus, 25, 42–45, 95
Pentaceratops, 443
perforate hip socket, 63–65
Pergamon Museum, 133
Perissodactyla, 39
Perle, Antangerel, 266, 400
Permian, 200, 378
Peterson, Olof A., 122, 223, 434–438
Petrified Forest, Arizona, 173–179, 184, 360
Philadelphia, 95–96
Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, 50
Phillips, John, 44
phylogenetic systematics, 64–66
“Phytodinosauria,” 313
phytosaurs, 333
Piatnitzkysaurus, 71
“Piltdown man,” 271, 304
Pinacosaurus, 364
Pisano, Arnaldo, 325
Pisanosaurus, 324–325
plankton, 17
Plateosauravus, 93
Plateosaurus, 85–91, 206, 208, 318
platypus, 285
Plaza Huincul, 156, 240
Pleistocene, 428
plesiosaurs, 28, 59, 370
Plesiosaurus, 10
Pliocene, 428
Plot, Robert, 5–7
plunging anticline, 17–18
poachers, 231–235, 260, 306, 377
podocarps, 200
Poebrotherium, 51
poikilotherms, 285–288
Pol, Diego, 155
Polacanthus, 335, 366–369
Poland, 70, 255–259, 409
Polish-Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions, 257–266, 277, 399–402, 412
Portugal, 71, 216
Pouech, Jean-Jacques, 414
Prahdania, 93
predator/prey ratios, 286–287
predentary bone, 325
“Predentata,” 313
Prenocephale, 258, 399–402
Prestosuchus, 88
Priconodon, 369
primates, 64
Princeton Expedition, 358–359
Princeton University, 221, 435–436
Proceratops, 428
Procheneosaurus, 386
Professor Challenger, 217
Proganochelys, 86
Prokopi, Eric, 234–235
pronghorns, 101
Propanoplosaurus, 369
Prosaurolophus, 336, 357, 384, 389
Prosauropoda, 68, 89–90
Protiguanodon, 420
Protoceratops, 3, 277–279, 361, 406–423, 442–445
protomammals, 59, 175, 185, 286, 378
protozoology, 51
Provence, France, 414
Prussian Academy of Sciences, 134
Psalisauridae, 395
pseudonares, 385
Pseudosuchia, 67
Psittacosaurus, 322, 404–405, 418–423, 442
Pterodactylus, 84, 140
Pterodaustro, 71
Pteroplex, 384
pterosaurs (pterodactyls), 28, 60, 65, 71, 84, 88, 295
pubic bone, 61–63, 312, 315
Puertasaurus, 166
Purbeck Beds, 17–18, 315
PVC tubes, 388
pygmy elephants, 166, 335–336
pygostyle, 262
pythons, 285
Qingxiusaurus, 166
Quarry 9, 106
Quenstedt, Friedrich von, 87
Quetecsaurus, 166
Rapetosaurus, 167
rauisuchians, 67
Rayososaurus, 71
Reck, Hans, 137–138
Red Cloud, 98–99
Red Deer River badlands, 55, 279, 351–352, 359, 373–384, 391–395
Red Rock Canyon, California, 283
Reed, William Harlow, 101–108, 118–122, 328
Regnosaurus, 25, 332–333, 342
Reig, Osvaldo, 74
Repenomamus, 423
Reptilia, 64
Rhamphocephalus, 14
Rhamphorhynchus, 84, 140
rhinoceros, 24, 51, 52, 110, 288, 359
rhizopods, 48, 50
Rich, Lea Ellyn, 201
Rich, Pat, 201, 243
Rich, Thomas, 106, 201, 243
Rich, Tim, 201
Ricqlés, Armand de, 286
Riggs, Elmer, 95, 108–111, 118, 141–146
Rioarribasaurus, 181
Riojasaurus, 71, 93
Ritgen, Ferdinand von, 10
River Styx, 402
“Road Kill” (stegosaur specimen), 329, 340
“robber barons,” 220
Robber’s Roost, 328
rock saw, 191–192
Rockefeller, John D., 362–363
Rocky Mountains, 52, 352
Rogers, Ray, 76
Romania, 166, 335, 338, 366, 388
Romans, 6
Romer, Alfred Sherwood, 68–74
Roniewicz, Eva, 259
Rosario, Argentina, 72
Ross Ice Shelf, 188
rostral bone, 405, 412, 438
Rowe, Tim, 305
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, 31, 260
Royal College of Surgeons, 20, 26, 37, 364
Royal Museum of Natural History, 31
Royal Ontario Museum, 359, 378
Royal Tyrrell Museum, 243, 260, 293, 305, 370–384
Rozhdestvensky, Anatoly, 264
Ruehlia, 93
Rukwatitan, 166
Russell, Dale, 210, 266
Russia, 389
Rutland, 45
Ruyangosaurus, 166
Rwanda, 133
saber-toothed cats, 287
Sacisaurus, 70
Sahara Desert, 216, 244
salamanders, 445
Salgado, Leonard, 239, 346
Saltasaurus, 68–70, 162–167
Saltopus, 68–70, 88
Samos, 3, 359
Samotherium, 359
Sampson, Scott, 268
San Antonio, Texas, 167
San Diego Museum of Natural History, 383
San Juan Basin, New Mexico, 167, 175, 288, 358
Sander, Martin, 288
“Sandy” (Pachycephalosaurus specimen), 398–399
Saskatchewan River, 392
Sattler, Bernhard Wilhelm, 134
Saurischia, 60–63, 312–320
Saurolophinae, 384–389
Saurolophus, 258, 336, 357, 384, 389
Sauropelta, 369
sauropod paleobiology, 145–148
sauropods, 287, 312, 328
Saurornitholestes, 202
Savannasaurus, 166
Saxony-Anhalt district, Germany, 86
Scaglia, Galileo Juan, 324
Scannella, John, 438, 440
Scarborough Museum, 37
Scheuchzer, Johann, 3–4
Schlaikjer, Erich Maren, 355–356, 397–398
Schliemann, Heinrich, 133
Schoch, Rainer, 87
Schoch, Robert, 280
Schwäbischer Lindwurm, Der (Plateosaurus specimen), 86–87
sclerotic ring, 262, 411–412, 421
scoliosis, 26
Scollard Formation, 351, 352
Scotland, 68
Scott, Robert Falcon, 200
Scott, William Berryman, 118–119, 133, 221–222, 374–377, 435–436
scow, 380
“Scrotum humanum,” 5–8, 15
Scythians, 409
sea monsters, 3
sea turtles, 285
Secernosaurus, 389
Seeley, Harry Govier, 60–63, 135, 298, 311–313
Seemann, Reinhold, 86
Segnosaurus, 265–266
semilunate carpal, 298–299
Serendipaceratops, 443
serendipity, 178
Sereno, Paul, 74–78, 211, 216, 231, 244, 319, 322
sexual dimorphism, 336
Seymour, Texas, 286
Shabarakh Usu, Mongolia, 410
Shantungosaurus, 389
Shaochilong, 245
shared derived characters, 64
sharks, 285
“sharptooths,” 226
Sheep Creek Diplodocus Quarry, 121–123, 436
Shopland, James, 333
Shor, Elizabeth N., 117
short-faced bear, 51
Shunosaurus, 46
Siamosaurus, 216
Siberia, 389, 420
siderite, 370
Siemens, Wilhelm, 298
Sigilmassasaurus, 210, 216
Silesaurus, 69–70
Silvisaurus, 369
Simpson, Bill, 76
Simpson, George Gaylord, 73–74, 107, 176–178, 220, 279
Sinclair Oil, 95, 362
Sinornithosaurus, 307
Sinosauropteryx, 291–294, 300–303, 307–308
Siwalik Hills, 174, 359–361
skin impressions, 380–382
Skorpiovenator, 247
sloths, 285
Smith, Joshua, 209
Smith, Nathan, 194, 200–201
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 127, 167, 222, 377, 436
Smoky Hill River, 377–378
snorkels, 386
Snowbird, Utah, 305
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP), 239, 260, 292–294, 302, 305
Sokolow Podlanski, Poland, 255
Solnhofen Limestone, 13, 84, 140, 294–297
Somalia, 362
Sorenson, Carl, 178
South Africa, 132, 319–322, 333
South America, 175
South Dakota, U.S., 51, 34, 232, 358, 369, 399, 426
South Pole, 193, 200
Southwestern Africa, 133
Soviet Union, 254
Soviet-Mongolian expedition, 264, 266
Sowerby, James, 21
Spain, 166, 216, 245, 366, 369, 389
Speier, Francis, 221
sphenosuchians, 67
Spielberg, Steven, 227, 274, 283
spinosaurs, 246–247
Spinosaurus, 204–217, 244, 262
spitting cobra, 197
“splitters,” 107; vs. “lumpers,” 107
SS Mount Temple, 383
Stalin, Josef, 255
Standard Oil Company, 363
Stanford University, 407
Staple Hill, 36
Star 66 trucks, 258
Stegoceras, 391, 394–403
Stegopelta, 350, 369
stegosaur plate function, 339–340
Stegosauria, 327–347, 350
Stegosaurus, 129, 138, 276, 327–347
Sternberg, Charles Hazelius, 375–383426, 433–434, 440
Sternberg, Charles Mortram, 369, 375–383, 397–399
Sternberg, George F., 375–383, 395
Sternberg, Levi, 376–383
Sternberg family, 359, 375–384, 391
Sternberg Museum, Hays, 378
Steveville, Alberta, 392
Stomatosuchus, 208
Stonesfield Slate Quarry, 6–7, 10, 21
Stovall Museum, 222
Straits of Dover, 19
Stromer, Erich von Reichenbach, 134, 204–216, 244
Stromer, Wolfgang, 208
“Stromer’s Riddle,” 208
Struthiomimus, 260, 263, 354, 374
Struthiosaurus, 335, 367, 369
Stutchbury, Samuel, 24
Stuttgart, Germany, 135
Stygimoloch, 400–403
Styracosaurus, 382, 395, 427, 443–445
Subhyracodon, 51, 110
Suchomimus, 216
“Sue” (T. rex specimen), 143, 155, 227–228, 232–233, 242
Sues, Hans-Dieter, 74, 78, 216
Sulaimanisaurus, 166
Summertown Brick Pit, 13
Suncor Energy strip mine, 369–371
Supersaurus, 109, 144–145
surface area/volume ratio, 287
Sussex, England, 16–35, 332
Suuwassea, 109
Swarthmore, 50
Swindon, Wiltshire, 333
Switek, Brian, 153, 158–159
Sydenham Park, 29–30
“Symphopoda,” 311
Syntarsus, 183
tail club, 354
Tammany Hall, 117
Tanganyika, 138, 140
Tanke, Darren, 370
Tanystropheus, 181
Tanzania, 70, 133, 135–140, 216
taphonomy, 90
Tapuiasaurus, 167
tar sands, 369–371
Tarbosaurus, 233–234, 258, 260
Tatankacephalus, 369
taxidermy, 274–276
Taylor, Mike, 43, 143
Taynton Limestone, 6
Teleoceras, 52, 434
Telmatosaurus, 335, 388
Tendaguru, 86, 132–141, 149, 205, 208, 216, 342
tendon trusswork, 386
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 171, 366
Teratosaurus, 88
Tethyshadros, 388
Tetragonosaurus, 386
tetrapods, 64
Texas, 167–168, 369, 378, 389
Texasetes, 369
“thagomizer,” 341
Thailand, 216, 420
thecodont teeth, 65
“Thecodontia,” 65–67, 298
therizinosaurs, 264–269, 303, 314
Therizinosaurus, 264–267
Theropoda, 312
Thescelosaurus, 202
Thomson, Albert “Bill,” 122, 380
Thylacoleo, 39
Thyreophora, 395
Tianyulong, 322–323
Tibetan Buddhism, 418
Tien Shan Mountains, 409
Tilgate Forest, 364; strata of, 21–24
Tilgate Quarry, 21–25
Timimus, 201
titanosaurs, 140, 146, 150, 153–168, 209, 246–247
Titanosaurus, 163–166
Titanotherium, 110
Togoland, 133
Tornieria, 135, 138
Toronto Raptors (basketball team), 283
Torosaurus, 168, 434, 440–443
Torvosaurus, 14
Trachodon, 55, 380, 384, 388
Transantarctic Mountain Range, 191
Transylvania, 334, 338
Traukutitan, 166
Trelew, Argentina, 155
Triassic, 84–88
Triceratops, 357, 378–380, 394, 411, 425–445
trichinosis, 51
Trigonias, 110
Trinisaura santamartensis, 201
trochanter, fourth, 65–67
Troodon, 202, 397
Troodontidae, 398
Trossingen, Germany, 86, 88
Troy, 133, 205
Troy, Gil, 357
Tschopp, Emanuel, 109, 111
Tsintaosaurus, 58, 389
Tsuihiji, Taka, 399
Tsungaritherium, 110
Tuba City, Arizona, 197
Tübingen, Germany, 88
tuna, 285
Tunbridge Wells Sand Formation, 18–19
Tuojiangosaurus, 344, 346
Turkey, 336–338, 359, 362
turtles, 445
Tylocephale, 399–402
Type 1 feathers, 302
type specimen, 116
typhoid fever, 392
tyrannosaurs, 246
Tyrannosaurus rex, 12, 56, 143, 155, 194, 198, 211, 219–224, 238–244, 247, 259, 287, 303, 342, 348, 351, 354, 359, 421, 432, 440, 442
Tyrannotitan, 243–245
Tyrrell, Joseph B., 373–374, 391
U.S. Army, 427
U.S. Cavalry, 98
U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey, 425
U.S. Geological Survey, 116–120, 428, 436
Ugrunaaluk, 202
Uinta Range, 123
uintatheres, 100
Ulaanbataar, Mongolia, 257–260
Ultrasauros, 144–145
Ultrasaurus, 145
Unaysaurus, 93
Unearthing the Dragon (Norell), 301
“unicorn dinosaur,” 394
Union Pacific Railroad, 101–102
University of Alaska, 201
University of Alberta, 395–396
University of California Berkeley, 173, 175, 197–198
University of Chicago, 74, 76
University of Edinburgh, 37, 261
University of Kansas, 101, 358, 435
University of Maryland, 261
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 174
University of Nebraska State Museum, 222
University of Pennsylvania, 50
University of Texas, 305
University of Tucuman, 72
University of Utah, 127
University of Vienna, 335
University of Warsaw, 255–256
University of Wyoming, 118–121
Upchurch, Paul, 332
Upper Greensand, 18–19
USS Albatross, 274
Utah, 34, 167, 287, 369
Utah Museum of Natural History, Salt Lake City, 445
Valais, Silvina de, 243
Valley of the Moon, 59, 70–79
Velociraptor, 196, 271, 277–280, 283, 299–300, 414
Velocisaurus, 71
Vernal, Utah, 126
Villa Chocon, Argentina, 239
Virchow, Rudolf, 138
Volkheimeria, 71
Wadhurst Clay Formation, 18–19
Wadi el Natrun, 206
Wagner Free Institute, 50
Wagner, Johann, 297
Walcott, Charles Doolittle, 118, 127
Walker, Alick, 74
Walker, William, 214
Walking with Dinosaurs (tv show), 59, 141, 202, 442, 443
Wallace, David Rains, 96
Wallach Orientation Center, 155
“Wankel Rex” (T. rex specimen), 230
Wannanosaurus, 400, 402, 405
“warm-blooded” metabolism, 285
Warren, Leonard, 50
Warsaw, Poland, 255–258
Weald Clay, 18–19
Weald-Artois Anticline, 17–19
Wealden, 16–20, 214, 364
Wealden beds, 332
“webbed” feet, 386
Weishampel, David, 301, 388
Welles, Samuel P., 198
Wellnhofer, Peter, 294
Werner, Abraham Gottlob, 83, 133
Western Interior Seaway, 378
Weston, Thomas C., 373–374, 391
Wetherill, John, 197
Whitaker Quarry, 176–185
Whitaker, George, 176–185
White Cliffs of Dover, 17
White Mountains, 262
Whiteaves, J. F., 392
Whiteman’s Green, Cuckfield, England, 21
Wiehenvenator, 14
Wilberforce, Archbishop Sam, 40
Williams, Jesse, 197
Williams, Paige, 235
Willinakaque, 389
Williston, Samuel Wendell, 60, 65, 100–105, 115, 181, 328, 350, 358, 435
Wilson, Woodrow, 127
Wisconsin, U.S., 425
wishbone, 182, 298
Wolfe, Doug, 265
World War I, 133, 158, 207, 255, 271, 338, 359, 382
World War II, 26, 127, 140, 174, 178, 204, 244, 255–257, 275, 342, 363
World’s Fair (New York, 1964), 352, 363
Wortman, Jacob, 120–122, 223, 436
Wuerhesaurus, 344, 346
Wulangasaurus, 389
Württemberg, Germany, 86
Wyoming, U.S., 44, 55, 119–123, 223–224, 351, 358, 362, 367, 393, 426, 436
Xiasanjiazi, China, 304
Xu Xing, 305
Xuanhuaceratops, 423, 443
Yale Sheffield Scientific School, 432
Yale University, 97–100, 106–109, 121, 221, 280, 284, 352, 362, 377, 428, 432, 434, 436
Yamaceratops, 423
Yang Zhongjian, 343
Yaverlandia, 402
Yimenosaurus, 93
Yinlong, 402–405, 412, 423, 443
Yixian Formation, 291, 421
Yorkshire, England, 36, 41
Young, C.C., 343
Yucatán, 445
Yunnan Province, China, 274
Yunnanosaurus, 93
Yutyrannus, 231, 303
Zalambdalestes, 257
Zallinger, Rudolph, 68, 352
Zalmoxes, 335
Zanno, Lindsay, 268
Zehjiangosaurus, 369
Zhoukoudian caves, 277
Zimbabwe, 183–184
Zittel, Karl von, 133
zoophage, 8–10
Zuchengsaurus, 166
Zuni Basin, 265
Zuniceratops, 443–445
Zuul, 354