Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 51, 54, 96, 240
Adam (biblical figure), 12
Alberti, Friedrich von, 84
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 175
American Museum of Natural History, New York, 60, 74, 106, 118, 121, 153–155, 161, 174–186, 220–224, 255, 257, 271–280, 293, 335, 348–350, 355–369, 373–384, 398, 409–421, 431–432, 435, 442
American Museum-Mongolian Academy of Sciences expeditions, 255
Amur region, Siberia, 389
Anglo American Oil Company, 362–363
antorbital fenestra, 65–67
Archueleta family (Ghost Ranch), 176
Argentina, 68, 70–73, 140, 146, 150, 153–168, 182, 236–253, 346, 389, 416, 443
Army Corps of Engineers, U.S., 100
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 5
Asiatic Zoological Expeditions, 274
asteroid impact extinction hypothesis, 445
Australian Museum, Sydney, 240
Baer, Karl Ernst von, 133
Ballou, William Hosea, 117
Bannister, Henry Martyn, 426
Beijing National Museum, 293
birds, 60; as saurischians, 313
Black Hills Institute for Geologic Research, South Dakota, 232
Black Butte, Wyoming, 426
Black Forest, Germany, 86
Bletchingdon, England, 43–45
“blind man and the elephant,” 425–428
Blisworth, Northampton, 36
Boulenger, George Albert, 31
Boulonnais region, France, 19
Brazilian National Museum, Rio de Janeiro, 208
British Museum (Natural History Museum), London, 26, 38–39, 123–124, 214–216, 226, 276, 295, 314, 319, 332, 366, 378, 383
Brown, Barnum, 174, 223, 279, 281, 348–369, 373–384, 391, 397–398, 432, 435, 438
Brush, George Jarvis, 432
C-130 Hercules airplane, 191
C-17 Globemaster airplane, 188
Canadian Pacific Railroad, 392
Carpathian Mountains, 409
CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps), 360
Chañares Formation, 68–70
China, 166, 235, 245, 254–260, 266–268, 272–278, 291–299, 303–305, 343–344, 354, 369, 388, 389, 400, 402, 405, 407–409, 420–423
Chubut Province, Argentina, 243, 322
Cincinnati Museum, Cincinnati, 112
Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry, 243, 287
Colbert, Edwin, 64, 74, 132, 173–187, 280, 361, 363, 375, 378, 400
Colbert Report, The (tv show), 186
“cold blooded” metabolism, 285
Colgate, Col. Austin, 415
Colorado National Monument, 144
Columbus, Christopher, 51
Colville River, Alaska, 201
Conybeare, William, 10, 24
Cooperstown, Illinois, 432
Cope, Edward Drinker, 52, 60, 65, 71, 95–120, 133, 161, 174–181, 221–224, 311–312, 332, 376–378, 381, 384, 391, 425–433
cosmic microwave background radiation, 178
Cretaceous extinctions, 168
Crompton, A. W. “Fuzz,” 319
Custer, George Armstrong, 100, 378
Cuvier, Georges, 4, 10, 24
Department of Vertebrate Paleontology (DVP), American Museum of Natural History, 222–225
Dinosaur Artist, The (P. Williams), 235
Dinosaur Train (tv show), 247, 268
Dinosaur (2000 film), 247
Divine Comedy (Dante), 407
“Einstein” (Diplodocus specimen), 112
endothermic metabolism, 147
Engelhardt, Johann Friedrich, 84
“Euacanthus vectianus,” 366
Eustreptospondylus, 13–14
Fairfield, Connecticut, 221
Fantasia (1940 film), 363, 442
“Far Side” (cartoon series), 341
Fayûm Depression, Egypt, 206, 276
Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, 240
Flavius Philostratus, 407
flight, origins of: “gliding down” theory, 300–301; “ground up” theory, 300
Fort McMurray, Alberta, 369
Foulke, William Parker, 52, 97
Freeman, Richard Brooke, 39
Freiburg Mining Academy, 83
Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, 134
frilled dragon lizard, 197
Gainesville, Florida, 234
Gansu Province, China, 262
Garden Park, Colorado, 328
Geological Society of London, 36, 41
Geological Survey of Canada, 392
Ghost of Slumber Mountain (1918 film), 226
Gilbert Creek, Montana, 348
“gliding down” origin of flight, 300
Goodrich, George “Dad,” 125
Grand Junction, Colorado, 141, 144
Great Exhibition of 1854, 12
“ground up” origin of flight, 300–301
Halstead, L. Beverly, 6–7
Hayden, Ferdinand Vandiveer, 426
Hell Creek Formation, 56, 167, 224, 348–350, 352, 354, 359, 374, 393, 397, 399, 432, 438, 442
Hindu Kush Mountains, 409
Hulke, John Whitaker, 367
Humboldt, Alexander von, 84, 133
Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, 24, 37, 39
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 40, 175, 221, 291, 295–299, 300, 311, 314–315, 366
I Married a Dinosaur (L. Brown), 360–361
Iguanodon, 13, 16–35, 41, 42, 84, 86, 214, 311–314, 332, 364
Illustrated London News, 366
Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Beijing, 291–293
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 108, 342–344
International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature, 7, 43, 181, 183, 331
Ischigualasto Formation, 74–77
Jiangshanosaurus, 93, 166
Johns Hopkins University, 388
Judith River badlands, 378
Jurassic Park (1993 film), 141, 148, 149, 196, 226, 227, 231, 250, 258, 262, 283, 287, 297, 354, 442
Jurassic Park III (2001 film), 211, 213
Kansas, U.S., 17, 97, 117, 357–359, 369, 375–380, 383, 434, 435
Kansas State Agricultural College, 377
Korean-Mongolian expedition, 260
Kripchak, Kristopher, 301
Land Before Time, The (1988 film), 226, 442
Leicester City Museum, Leicester City, 45
Leidy, Joseph, 48–55, 96, 97, 118–119, 221, 333, 369, 376, 397, 426
Lepsius, Karl Richard, 133
Long Island Rhino Quarry, 434
Louisville, Kentucky, 425
“lumpers,” 107; vs. “splitters,” 107
mandibular fenestra, 65–67
Mantell, Gideon, 10, 19–35, 37, 42–45, 39, 214, 314–315, 332, 364–366
Mantell, Mary Ann Woodhouse, 21–26
Marsh, Othniel Charles, 52, 60, 88, 95–115–120, 133, 174, 175, 180–181, 221, 223, 263, 280, 311–313, 318, 328–333, 339, 367, 376–377, 381, 384, 391, 425, 428–433, 438
Martinez, Ricardo, 76, 78
“Maximo” (Patagotitan replica), 155
McMurdo Station, Antarctica, 188, 191
Mecklenburg, Duke of, Johann Albrecht, 135
Medicine Hat, Alberta, 392
Megalosaurus, 3–15, 24–28, 41, 46, 84, 88, 198, 244, 311–312, 335, 364
Melville, Alexander, 42–43
Meyer, Christian E. H. von, 133
Mongolia, 34, 166–167, 233–235, 255–266, 271–278, 283, 293, 335, 344, 399–400, 406–423, 409–420
Mongolian Academy of Sciences, 412
Montana, U.S., 55, 123, 167–168, 202, 224, 348–350, 378, 393, 397, 416, 428, 434
Morrison Formation, 124–129, 138–141, 148, 181, 322, 340, 358–360, 369, 374, 436
Museum of Northern Arizona, 175
Museum of Paleontology Egidio Feruglio, 155
Museum of the Rockies, 230
National Museum of Natural Sciences, Buenos Aires, 72
National Museum of Science and Nature, Tokyo, 398–399
National Park Service, U.S., 173–175
National Science Foundation, U.S., 188
Natural History Museum of Comohue, 239
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 194, 261
Natural History of Oxfordshire (Plot), 5
Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt, 240
Nebraska State Museum, 174
Neuquén Province, Argentina, 239
New Conquest of Central Asia (R. C. Andrews), 406, 410–411
New Walk Museum, Leicester, 45
North American Paleontological Convention, 284–285
North Horn Formation, 167
Ohio State University, 193
On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 295
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 50, 108–109, 118, 125, 133, 161, 174, 175, 181, 219–224, 263, 271–277, 355–358, 363, 373–374, 391–393, 415–420, 435–438
Osborn, William Henry, 219
Otsego County, New York, 377
Owen, Richard, 12–13, 25–31, 36–46, 60, 84, 86, 295, 311, 314, 315, 322, 332, 333, 364, 366
Paläontologische Gesellschaft, 134
Paläontologisches Museum München, Munich, 206–208
Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, 97, 121, 352
perforate hip socket, 63–65
Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, 50
phylogenetic systematics, 64–66
plunging anticline, 17–18
Pouech, Jean-Jacques, 414
Professor Challenger, 217
Prussian Academy of Sciences, 134
Quenstedt, Friedrich von, 87
Red Rock Canyon, California, 283
Ritgen, Ferdinand von, 10
“Road Kill” (stegosaur specimen), 329, 340
Romer, Alfred Sherwood, 68–74
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, 31, 260
Royal Museum of Natural History, 31
Royal Ontario Museum, 359, 378
Rozhdestvensky, Anatoly, 264
San Diego Museum of Natural History, 383
“Sandy” (Pachycephalosaurus specimen), 398–399
Sattler, Bernhard Wilhelm, 134
Saxony-Anhalt district, Germany, 86
Scaglia, Galileo Juan, 324
Schliemann, Heinrich, 133
Schwäbischer Lindwurm, Der (Plateosaurus specimen), 86–87
Scott, Robert Falcon, 200
“Scrotum humanum,” 5–8, 15
Shabarakh Usu, Mongolia, 410
shared derived characters, 64
Sokolow Podlanski, Poland, 255
Soviet-Mongolian expedition, 264, 266
“splitters,” 107; vs. “lumpers,” 107
Standard Oil Company, 363
Sternberg Museum, Hays, 378
Stonesfield Slate Quarry, 6–7, 10, 21
surface area/volume ratio, 287
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 171, 366
Thomson, Albert “Bill,” 122, 380
Toronto Raptors (basketball team), 283
Transantarctic Mountain Range, 191
Trinisaura santamartensis, 201
trochanter, fourth, 65–67
Trossingen, Germany, 86, 88
Tunbridge Wells Sand Formation, 18–19
Tyrannosaurus rex, 12, 56, 143, 155, 194, 198, 211, 219–224, 238–244, 247, 259, 287, 303, 342, 348, 351, 354, 359, 421, 432, 440, 442
U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey, 425
Unearthing the Dragon (Norell), 301
University of Alaska, 201
University of Chicago, 74, 76
University of Edinburgh, 37, 261
University of Maryland, 261
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 174
University of Nebraska State Museum, 222
University of Pennsylvania, 50
University of Tucuman, 72
University of Vienna, 335
Utah Museum of Natural History, Salt Lake City, 445
Villa Chocon, Argentina, 239
Wadhurst Clay Formation, 18–19
Wagner Free Institute, 50
Walcott, Charles Doolittle, 118, 127
Wallach Orientation Center, 155
“Wankel Rex” (T. rex specimen), 230
“warm-blooded” metabolism, 285
Weald-Artois Anticline, 17–19
Werner, Abraham Gottlob, 83, 133
Western Interior Seaway, 378
White Cliffs of Dover, 17
Whiteman’s Green, Cuckfield, England, 21
Wilberforce, Archbishop Sam, 40
Williston, Samuel Wendell, 60, 65, 100–105, 115, 181, 328, 350, 358, 435
World War II, 26, 127, 140, 174, 178, 204, 244, 255–257, 275, 342, 363
World’s Fair (New York, 1964), 352, 363
Wyoming, U.S., 44, 55, 119–123, 223–224, 351, 358, 362, 367, 393, 426, 436
Yale Sheffield Scientific School, 432
Yale University, 97–100, 106–109, 121, 221, 280, 284, 352, 362, 377, 428, 432, 434, 436
Yorkshire, England, 36, 41
Yunnan Province, China, 274
Zallinger, Rudolph, 68, 352