A1.1The sociolinguistic pyramid
A2.1Phoneme, syllable and word
A4.1Divisions of the speech mechanism
A4.2Simplified model of the larynx
A4.3Glottal setting: voiceless
A4.5Glottal setting: glottal stop
A4.7Glottal setting: creaky voice
A4.9Glottal setting: breathy voice
A4.10Chain relationship of glottal settings
A4.12Articulation of /ŋ/ showing velar closure but absence of velic closure
A4.13Articulation of /g/ showing both velar closure and velic closure
A4.15Tongue body raised, with tip and blade lowered, as for vowel articulations
A4.16Exercise on speech mechanism
A5.1English consonants: places of articulation
A5.2Plosive [t] showing complete closure
A5.3Affricates [t∫] and [ʤ] showing palato-alveolar closure
A5.4Affricates [t∫] and [ʤ] showing release with homorganic friction
A5.7Fricative [s] showing narrowing at alveolar ridge
A5.8Overview of English consonant system
A5.9Approximant [] showing post-alveolar open approximation
A5.12Secondary articulation locations
A6.1Relative sizes of oral and pharynx cavities in vowel production
A6.6Tongue arches for [i u a ɑ] superimposed
A6.9Primary cardinal vowels shown on a vowel diagram
A6.10Lip shape of primary cardinal vowels
A6.11Front rounded cardinal vowels
A6.13Vowel diagram representing English /aı/ as in price
A6.14Areas of the vowel diagram
B1.1Chief allophones of English /l/
B1.2Distribution of allophones of /l/
B1.3Structure of a syllable (strands)
B1.5Prominence in vowels and consonants
B2.1English /p/ and /b/ (hold stage)
B2.2English /t/ and /d/ (hold stage)
B2.3English /k/ and /g/ (hold stage)
B2.4Articulation timing diagram showing the stages of a stop
B2.5Interpreting the articulation timing diagrams
B2.6Delayed voice onset time (aspiration) in English /p/, as in pea
B2.7Pre-glottalisation in English /p/ as in laptop
B2.16English clear l showing palatalised tongue shape, and dark l showing velarised tongue shape
B2.17English /r/. Compare English post-alveolar affricates [ d
] as in train, drain: hold stage
B2.18English /j/: sequence /jæ/ as in yam
B2.19English /w/: sequence /wD/ as in watt
B2.20Articulation of /k/ showing advanced [k+], as in key, compared with retracted [k−], as in corn
B3.1Overview of English (NRP) vowel system
B3.2English (NRP) checked vowels and /ә/
B3.3English (NRP) front vowels before dark l in pill, bell, pal
B3.4English (NRP) free steady-state vowels
B3.5English (NRP) closing diphthongs
B3.6English (NRP) centring diphthongs
C2.1Approximate accent areas of Britain and Ireland
C2.4Map of British and Irish accent locations
C4.1Map showing locations of world accent varieties
C6.2Frequent Spanish diphthongs
C6.4French front rounded vowels
C6.7Frequent Italian diphthongs