Dive-bomber aircraft, Italian, 77
German, combined with tanks, 240–1
in N. Africa, 423
attack Mediterranean convoys, 424
Japanese, in Pacific, 495
at Battle of Midway Island, 546–7
Djedeida, 642
Dniepropetrovsk, 717
Dneister, River, 810
Doenitz, Admiral, U-boat technique of, 401, 534
wants to attack U.S. ships, 403
recalls U-boats from N. Atlantic, 676, 680
in command in N. Germany, 924
organises surrender, 925, 927, 928
new U-boats of, 927
Dollar Problem, 367–70
Dollfuss, Chancellor, 45–6, 51, 113
Donetz Basin, 465
River, 659
Doolittle, Lieut.-General J. H. (U.S.) 540
Doric Star, S.S., sinking of, 179–80
Douai, 845
Douglas, Lewis, 405
Doumenc, General, 156
Doumergue, M., 52
Dover, arrangements for evacuation of B.E.F. made at, 248
light naval vessels at, 328
cross-Channel fire at, 335
plans for taking of, 336–7
air raids on, 344
batteries of, fire on German cruisers, 531
Dover, Straits of, invasion shipping passes through, 330
artillery and mine protection for invasion fleet in, 335–6
Scharnhorst and Gneisenau pass through, 531–2
Germans deceived as to landings across, 777–8, 787
Dowding, Air Chief Marshal Lord, on fighters needed for defence of Britain, 241–2, 287, 328
retains squadrons in N., 345–6
system of control centres of, 349
Downing Street, air raid damage in, 355–6
“Dragoon”, Operation, 800, 802, 861. See also “Anvil”
Drax, Admiral the Hon. Sir R. A. R., 156
Dresden, 898
Dreux, 794
D.U.K.W.s., 792
Duke of York, H.M.S., voyage to America on, 497–502
at Bermuda, 512–13
and sinking of Scharnhorst, 722–3
Dulles, Allen, 904
Dumbarton Oaks Conference, 851, 876
discussed at Yalta, 880
Dunbar, Michael, 572
Dungeness, submarine pipe-line from, 790 n.
Dunkirk, Gort considers retreat to, 248, 250
bridgehead around, 255, 258, 270
Germans ordered to discontinue attack on line of, 255–6
and defence of Calais, 257–8
evacuation from, 265–70, 272–3, 283
organisation of defences of, 265–6
air-attacks on beaches round, 266–7, 272–3
British capture of, 846
Dunkirk, Treaty of, 960
Dupuy, Pierre, Canadian representative at Vichy, 374
Düsseldorf, 893
Dutch East Indies, Japanese threat to, 478, 523
Japanese conquest of, 537, 823–4
supply oil to Japan, 835
achieve independence, 970
Dutch Harbour, 545
Dutch Navy, 218
“Dynamo”, Operation, 248, 265–73
coup d’état of, 764
Russian influence with, 812–13
signs Caserta Agreement, 866–7
and negotiations for disarming guerrillas, 868. See also E.L.A.S.
Eaker, Lieut.-General I.C. (U.S.), 915
East Prussia, 884–5
Eastbourne, 337
Eastern Front, German concentration of troops on, 447–51, 454
Russian victory on, 958–9
Ebert, Friedrich, 15
E-boat attacks on coastal shipping, 397
“Economic Blizzard”, 19–22
hits Germany, 30
effect on Japan, 42
Eden, Rt. Hon. Sir Anthony, visits Hitler, 47–8, 60, 63
Minister for League of Nations Affairs, 66
and Italian attack on Abyssinia, 74, 104
and German twenty-five year pact proposal, 86
and reoccupation of Rhineland, 88
his differences with Chamberlain, 104–10
foreign policy of, 104–6
his relations with Churchill, 106
at Nyon Conference, 106
and Roosevelt’s offer of U.S. assistance, 108–9
resignation of, 110–11
seeks agreement with Russia, 151
volunteers to go to Moscow, 155
as Dominions Secretary present at meetings of War Cabinet, 167
and defence of Calais, 257–8
proposes formation of Home Guards, 293
suggests Brooke for command of Home Forces, 325
Foreign Minister under Churchill, 373
and reinforcements to Egypt, 377
in Middle East, 381, 394, 407–9, 414
tells of intention to attack in Africa, 384
and help for Greece, 394, 408–9
warning of, to Russian Ambassador, 454
and campaign in Persia, 480
in Moscow, 493, 511, 608, 721–2, 728, 761, 852, 856–7
“Four-Power Plan” of, 622
puts pressure on de Gaulle, 645
and unconditional surrender, 647
at Algiers Conference, 667, 669, 671
on Turkey in relation to conquest of Italy, 669
at Quebec Conference, 696
and Arctic convoys, 718
conversations of, with Turks, 728–9, 750
at Teheran Conference, 731–2
and post-war Poland, 734, 943, 947
with Churchill in Cairo, 747, 751
and Yugoslav question, 761–3
seeks political arrangement with Russia on Balkans, 810, 812
in full knowledge of war direction, 907
and need for observers in Poland, 908
and San Francisco Conference, 912
and question of withdrawal to occupation zones, 923
mentioned, 142, 147, 307, 455, 468, 764
signs Caserta Agreement, 866–7
Eder Dam, 692
Edhessa, 413
Edward VIII, King, abdication of, 99–100
Egypt, concessions to, 19
Italian threat to, 375–8
Cape route for convoys to, 375, 378–80
Italian invasion of, 379–80
British drive Italians from, 384–6
“mass of manoeuvre” in, 395–6
shortage of tanks in, 423
troops from Crete brought to, 432–3
danger to, in German bases in Syria, 438
Harriman in, 473
importance of struggle for, 474
use made of British Division sent to, 482
lacks naval protection, 511, 531
British army driven back to, 568
Rommel’s threat to, 568–9, 577–8
Churchill in, 587–96, 614–18, 726–9, 746–51, 892
Eighth Army builds up in, 625
Air Force for defence of, and Rhodes, 708, 730
divisions sent to Italy from, 712–13
Roosevelt in, 726–9, 746–751, 891–2
mutiny in Greek forces in, 764–5
representative Greek Government in, 765
escape of Italian garrisons to, 768
protection of, 971
Eighth Army, 487
in “Crusader”, 487–9
losses of, in “Crusader”, 490
Rommel attacks, 559
retreats into Egypt, 578–9
counter-attacks of, 579–80
change in command of, 590–3, 625
astonished at its defeat, 591
Montgomery’s re-formation and disposition of, 614–16
victory of, at Alam Halfa, 619–21
victory of, at Alamein, 624–30
in pursuit across N. Africa, 629, 643–5, 654
Churchill visits in Tripoli, 654–5
in Tunisia, 660–1
in Sicily, 682–3
in Italy, 703–4, 706, 713, 738–9, 782–3, 806
achievement of, in Italy, 917
and Anzio landing, 755–7, 915, 917
Eindhoven, 846
Eisenhower, General Dwight, Churchill meets, 565–6
in London, 582
and changes in British command in “Torch”, 593–4
in command of “Torch”, 618–19, 642–3
Churchill’s weekly meetings with, 619
seeks to obtain Toulon Fleet, 638
at Casablanca, 644
in supreme command in N. Africa, 645, 654, 667
at Algiers Conference on future strategy, 667–71
on invasion of Italy, 668, 670, 681, 698–9
in supreme command in Sicily, 682
announces surrender of Italy, 703
in disagreement with Churchill on operations in Ægean, 707–714
likely to succeed Marshall, 729, 750
to command “Overlord”, 750
Churchill ill in villa of, 751–3
plans amphibious landing in Italy, 754–5, 758
wants assault in greater strength at “Overlord”, 775–6
delays date of “Overlord”, 776–777, 779–80
at final conference before D Day, 778
in Normandy, 793
takes over command in France, 795, 844
and entry into Paris, 795
on Anglo-Canadian part in Normandy victory, 796
insists on “Anvil”, 798, 800–1
threatens rear of Germans retreating before “Dragoon”, 802–3
strategy of drive into Germany, 844–5, 877, 897–9, 919
and crossing of Lower Rhine, 846
Churchill visits at front, 860, 896
and Rundstedt’s counter-offensive, 863–5
angered by Molotov’s letter, 905
question of surrender of troops to, 905
advances through Germany, 918–19, 922
and withdrawal of troops to occupation zone, 623, 932
German surrender to, 927
military government of, in Germany, 937
and SHAPE, 960
mentioned, 223
E.L.A.S., 763–4
Russian mission to, 813
breaks Caserta Agreement, 867–8
decree for demobilisation of, 868
tries to seize Athens, 868–9, 872
atrocities of, 873
represented at conference with Archbishop, 874
defeat of, 875
El Adem, 559
El Aouina airfield, 637
El Ruweisat, 591
Elizabeth, Queen of England, 365–6
Elliot, Rt. Hon. Walter, 576
Emden, the, 207
England, German Nazis in (1939), 160
Churchill visits threatened coasts of, 324–5
et seq.; torpedo planes sent to Egypt from, 511. See also Great Britain; Invasion.
English Channel, German invasion across, 328–31, 333–8
capital ships denied use of, 328
invasion shipping moves into, 330, 338–40
long-range guns on French coast of, 330
German need for air superiority over, 338–9, 343, 345
air attacks on convoys in, 344
Germans seek to mine, 345
air attacks on English coast of, 345
Scharnhorst and Gneisenau pass through, 531–2
U-boats prepared to meet invasion across, 680
preparations for Anglo-American invasion across, 693–5 (See also “Overlord”)
German minelaying in 779
Stalin on forcing of, 784
submarine pipe-lines across, 789, 790 n.
Allied advance up coast of, 844–5
need for harbours on, 845
Enterprise, H.M.S., 791
Enterprise, U.S.S., 540, 543–7
Enzeli, 598
Epirus, 763
Erebus, H.M.S., 848
Erfurt, 898
Eritrea, Italian garrison in, 376
Ernst, Karl, 49–50
Escort: Groups, 404
carriers, 536
Esmonde, Lieutenant-Commander, 531
Esteva, Admiral, 637
Esthonia, signs non-aggression pact with Germany, 152
in Russian sphere, 157
occupied by Russia, 195, 281. See also Baltic States
Etna, Mount, 683
Europe, German territorial claims in East, 103, 112
Roosevelt offers U.S. assistance to, 107–10
impossibility of British invasion of (1942), 463
Second Front in (1943), 501, 550–2, 641–2
landing in, postponed till 1944, 502, 642
attack on “soft belly” of, 603
Churchill’s hopes for future of, 622–3, 746, 957–8, 962
need for Anglo-American invasion of, in 1943, 641–2
victory in Atlantic needed before liberation of, 675–6
discussions at Teheran on post-war government of, 734–5
Russian menace to, 810, 851, 875, 876, 912–13, 922, 931–2, 953–6
Churchill’s efforts to allot responsibilities of Great Powers in, 810–13, 851–6, 876
importance of Western Armies forestalling Russian in, 898–900, 905, 912
Western Allies lose strength in, 931–2
Iron Curtain across, 932, 955, 958
U.S. help to, 960–2
Europe, Council of, 622–3, 962–3
Europe, United States of, 957–8
European Advisory Council, 921
European Movement, 962
Excess Profits Tax, 293
Exeter, H.M.S., 179–85
Faid, 660
Falaise, 793–5
Falkenhorst, General von, 199
Falmouth, 120
Far East, League in action in, 42–3
effect on, of recognition of Italian position in Abyssinia, 109
Britain forced to jeopardise defences of, 462, 474, 517
Anglo-American accord on, 478
need for change in command in, 696
Britain demands full share in war in, 698
post-war changes in, 966–71
Fascism, rise of, 10
propaganda of, in France, 191
end of régime of, 684–8
German attempts to revive, 689–90, 767
Fascist Grand Council, last meeting of, 685–7
Feltre, Rimini, 685
Feriana, 660
Fey, Major, 46
Fifth Army, U.S., in Italy, 705–6, 707, 713, 738–9, 782–3, 808, 915, 917
weakened for “Anvil”, 800, 804
achievement of, 917
Fifth Column, in Poland, 169
non-existent in Britain, 327
Fiji, Japanese threat to, 537
Fiji, H.M.S., 425
Finland, distrusts Russia, 145
refuses Russian guarantee, 149, 152
in Russian sphere, 157
Russian demands on, 195
Russian invasion of, 196–7, 279, 813
and invasion of Russia, 467–8
discussed at Teheran, 745
elections in, 911
Finland, Gulf of, 195–6
Fire Guards, 362–3
First Army, U.S., in liberation of Europe, 844, 860, 864, 893
meets Russian Army, 919
Fisher, Admiral Lord, 163
Fitch, Rear-Admiral A. W. (U.S.), 540–1
Flandin, Pierre-Etienne, 86–90
Fleet Air Arm, success of, at Taranto, 385
assists in evacuation from Greece, 419
in evacuation from Crete, 432
attacks Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, 531
aircraft of, takes Blida, 635
Fletcher, Rear-Admiral F. J. (U.S.) in Battle of Coral Sea, 540–3
in Battle of Midway Island, 545–6
Florina, 867
Flushing, 848–9
Flying bombs, 789
launching-sites of, 791, 844, 846
on Antwerp, 849
Focke-Wulf 200, attacks ocean shipping, 399
answer to, 404
Foggia airfields, 698
Folkestone, 337
Fondouk, 660
Forbes, Admiral Sir Charles, 171, 209
“Force H”, and French Fleet, 316–18
escorts “Tiger Convoy”, 425
convoyescort work of, 484
Formidable, H.M.S., 435
Formosa, 835–6
Chiang Kai-shek in, 968
Fort Dufferin, 831
Forth, Firth of, mines in, 176
Fortress bombers, 226
Fortune, Major-General Sir Victor, 285
“Four-Power Plan, The”, Eden’s, 622
Roosevelt’s, 734–5
Fourteenth Army, British-Indian, in Burma, 827–32
Anglo-American guarantee to, 7–8
occupies Ruhr, 8
British rift with, 9
maintains Army, 9
attempt to end enmity between Germany and, 16–18
pledges of, under Locarno, 17
dangers of disarmament of 17–18
“equality of armaments” for, 32, 36
Britain seeks disarmament of, 34, 46
weak governments of, 36–7
uneasy at German rearmament, 41, 53, 63–4
declaration of, on Austrian independence, 46
drawn to Italy by threat to Austria, 52–54
suggests Eastern Pact, 52
Communists in, 63, 65, 191, 213
and Anglo-German Naval Agreement, 68
incapable of drastic action, 71
and attack on Abyssinia, 74
agreements of, with Italy, 80
ratifies Franco-Soviet Pact, 85
suggests Franco-German understanding, 85
and re-occupation of Rhineland, 86–91
fails to call German bluffs, 91
and Spanish Civil War, 94
Chamberlain’s attitude towards relations with, 105
Eden seeks close understanding with, 106, 110
anti-submarine patrols of, 107
effect on Axis of cooperation of Britain and, 107
Services reluctant to combine with, 107
suggestion of air bases in, 107
Hitler determined on war with, 112–13
strikes in, 119
reassures Czechoslovakia of support, 123, 126–7
encourages Czechs to give way, 124
and Russian aid to Czechoslovakia, 128, 131
seeks British support in Czech crisis, 129–30
mobilises army, 132
forty-hour week in, 137
necessity for defeat of, before air attack in strength on Britain, 138
Polish guarantee of, 143
Italian claims against, 146
Russia offers alliance to Britain and, 148–9
brought closer to England, 152
acceptance of defensive by, 153, 186–8
Hitler on war strength of, 155
in talks with Russia, 155–6
asks for no air attack on Germany, 170
probabilities of German offensive against, 189
Communist propaganda in, 191, 213
Fascist propaganda in, 191, 201–2
capture of plan for invasion of, 192
reaction in, to attack on Finland, 196–7, 200, 279
defeatist attitude in, 201–2, 213, 288–90
agrees not to make separate peace, 202, 302
German break-through into, 238–243
Reynaud on defeat of, 242
possibility of separate peace for, 261–2, 288, 301–2, 308–9
rebuilding British forces in, 270, 284–5
appeals to Italy, 277–8
at war with Italy, 278–9
seeks armistice, 279, 307, 309–10, 339
Russian comments on defeat of, 280
last phase of battle in, 285–6, 302, 305–6
sufferings of, 288
appeals to Roosevelt, 302–4
American aid to, transferred to Britain, 308
is offered union with Britain, 308–310
Darlan’s lost opportunity to become Liberator of, 314
understanding in, of British action over French Fleet, 320
Government of, moves to Vichy, 321
possibility of war with, 321
danger of Britain losing all by aiding, 322
German bombers based on, 344
hopes and sympathies of people of, with Britain, 375
U-boats operate from ports of, 378, 397
Stalin demands Second Front in, 464, 468, 659
fortunate deferment of invasion of, 502
lost opportunity of, in 1940, 505
Second Front in (1943), 550–553, 600, 602, 641–2
Second Front in (1942), 551–3, 580–5, 600–1
possible reaction of, to “Torch”, 603–4, 631
Giraud leaves, 631
Giraud presses for landing in, 633
occupation of Unoccupied, 635, 638–9
plans for landing in, 693–5
inadequate harbours on Normandy coast of, 693–4, 785
landing in S., 729–30, 737, 739, 741, 745 (See also “Anvil”); German coastal defences of, 787
Resistance Movement in, 793, 795–796, 802
Anglo-American supply difficulties in, 794, 845
advance up, from Riviera, 802–3
Allied Armies’ advance through, 844–5
and United States of Europe, 957–8
in Western Union, 960
and N.A.T.O., 960
and rearming of Germany, 960–1
loses IndoChina, 970. See Vichy Government.
Franco-British Union, Declaration of, 308–310
Franco-Soviet Pact (1935), 65
ratification of, 85
Russia seeks means of implementing, 119
François-Poncet, M., 278
access to Berlin from, 937
Fraser, Admiral of the Fleet Sir B. A. (Baron Fraser of North Cape), 722–3
Free French, in Syrian operation, 441
not told of “Torch”, 631
need to unite with French of N. Africa, 645
from Equatorial Africa, join Eighth Army, 654
in Paris, 795–6
Freetown, convoys from, 171
U-boats near, 534–5
danger to ferry route through, 584
French, help Commandos at St. Nazaire, 533
French Air Force, reputed strength of, 11, 87
French Army, retention of regular, 9
strongest in Europe, 10–11
plans to reduce, 36–7
two-year military service in, 63, 65
Russian interest in, 65
alteration in relative strength of, 137–8
lost morale of, 138, 191, 203, 213
acceptance of defensive by, 153, 159, 170, 186–8
strength of (1939–40), 159, 239–40
prepares for last war, 188
armour of, 240
no strategic reserve in, 243–4, 287
finding reinforcements for, 244, 251–2
retreat of, 246–7
in retreat to Dunkirk, 258–60, 263
evacuated at Dunkirk, 267–70, 272
surrenders at Dunkirk, 272–3
Alpine units of, against Italy, 278–9
surrenders at St. Valery, 286
Churchill urges guerrilla action on, 288
at end of resistance, 290–1, 302
in last phases of battle, 305–6
final surrender of 305–7
in Syria, 438
resistance from, in N. Africa, 635–6
joins Allies in N. Africa, 642
in “Dragoon”, 802
First, 849
prepares attack, 859
reaches Rhine, 860
in occupied Germany, 931–2. See also Free French.
French Equatorial Africa, Free French from, 654
French Navy, and Anglo-German naval agreement, 69
strength of, under Darlan, 165, 639
in blockade of Germany, 173
Darlan’s promise regarding, 290–1, 314–15, 639
importance of, 303–4, 308, 315
Britain asks that it should sail for her ports, 309–10
Britain’s action to prevent German mastery of, 315–20, 375
resistance from, in N. Africa, 636–8
surrender of ships of, at Bizerta, 638
scuttling of, 639
French Zone of Germany, 922
Frère, General, 251–2
Freyberg, General Sir Bernard, in command in Crete, 428, 433
wounded, 578
Churchill visits, 616
at Cassino, 771
Fritsch, General von, 112–13, 118
Fuka, 629
Fulton, Churchill’s speech at, 954–6, 959
Furious, H.M.S., 723
Furnes, 260
Gamelin, General, invites Churchill to visit Rhine front, 152
and Battle of France, 241–6, 254
reports no strategic reserve, 243–4
Garda, Lake, Mussolini’s headquarters on, 767, 769, 918
“Garibaldi Divisions”, 768
Garigliano, River, 712–13, 774
Gas warfare, 474
Gaulle, General de, 646
book of, on armoured warfare, 187, 573
at meeting of Supreme Council, 287, 289–91
favours guerilla warfare, 290–1
“l’homme du destin”, 303
visits London with Monnet, 308
escapes from France, 311
understands British action at Oran, 320
British support for, 374–5
Vichy French antagonism to followers of, 603
not told of “Torch”, 631
at Casablanca, 634–6
enters Paris, 796
entertains Churchill, 859–60
Stalin on government of, 885, 888
General Election (1924), 14
(1929), 19
(1945) 934, 938, 944, 949–50, 953
Geneva Disarmament Conference (1932), 31–2
Genoa, bombing of, 270
Italian Fleet leaves, 704
surrender of Germans in, 917
Gensoul, Admiral, 317–18
George V, King of England, death of, 82
George VI, King of England, coronation of, 100
letter from, 101
asks Churchill to form Government, 219
and air raids on London, 365
Churchill’s relations with, 365–6
his grasp of affairs, 365–6
agrees to Churchill’s foreign visits, 493, 587
sends Sword of Honour to Russia, 735
at final conference before D Day, 778
George II, King of the Hellenes, 394
and Greek will to fight, 394, 408
and British evacuation, 417–18
evacuated to Egypt, 433
in exile, 763–4
forms representative government in Cairo, 765
Churchill’s support for, 813
and Regency of Damaskinos, 872, 874–5
George, Rt. Hon. David Lloyd (Earl Lloyd George), signs Treaty of Guarantee, 8
quarrels with Poincaré, 9
on Hindenburg, 16
failure of, 44
in Marrakesh, 82
on reoccupation of Rhineland, 87
seeks agreement with Russia, 151
attacks Chamberlain, 215
offered Ambassadorship to U.S., 372
Stalin on, 608
Georges, General, wounded at assassination of King Alexander, 53
shows Churchill round Rhine front, 152
on French and German armies, 159
and Battle of France, 241–2, 248
at meeting of Supreme Council, 287–8
German Air Corps, in Crete, 426, 429–30, 434, 441
could have been put to better use, 434, 440
German Air Force, prohibited, 10, 19
achieves parity with British, 60
official constitution announced, 63
improves its lead, 92
compared to British (1938–9), 138
Hitler speaks of immediate attack of, 155
in Poland, 168
in invasion of Norway, 210–11
in combination with tanks in France, 240–1
bombs Rotterdam, 241
possible effects of raids of, on Britain, 261–2, 339, 342, 344
defeated at Dunkirk, 266–7, 328
sinks Lancastria, 307
and invasion of England, 328, 336, 338–340, 342
losses of, in Battle of Britain, 343, 346, 352
period of recovery of, after Battle of France, 343–4
compared with British, 345
daylight raid of, on N. England, 345–6
fails to continue long enough on any one objective, 348, 353, 364, 390–1
night attacks of, on London, 348, 353–60, 391–2
heavy defeat of, in day attack, 348–52
use of delayed-action bombs by, 359
incendiary raids of, 362, 365, 391–2
bombs provincial cities, 364–365
bombs ports and harbours, 390–1
moves to East, 392
raids Malta, 392–3
blasts Belgrade, 415
in Greece and Ægean, 418–19, 428, 431–4, 438
in N. Africa, 423, 487, 626, 628, 642
attacks Suez Canal, 438
in Syria, 438
in Iraq, 440
in invasion of Russia, 448, 454, 484
withdrawn from Sicily, 484
sent back in force, 490
escorts Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, 531
in Tunisia, 637
in reinforcement of Tunisia, 661
in Sicily, 683
attacks Italian Fleet, 704
Russian mastery over, 715, 717
diverted to West, 717
in Italy, 782
powerless in France, 791
in Rundstedt’s counter-offensive, 864–5
jet-propelled fighters of, 893
German Armoured Divisions (Panzer), 69
in Poland, 168–9
in France (1940), 239–40, 242, 279, 285–6, 305, 307
halted before Dunkirk, 255–7, 285
in N. Africa, 424–5, 442–3, 487–8, 620, 626–8
movement of, on Eastern Front, 449–50
in invasion of Russia, 451, 466
dispersal of, in France (1944), 787
in Normandy, 793–4
in Ardennes counter-offensive, 863–5
German Army, after First World War, 10
re-creation of, 36–7, 55, 69–70
based on compulsory service, 63, 69
breakdown of heavy vehicles of, in invasion of Austria, 117–118
left on Western Front in attack on Czechoslovakia, 124, 137, 144
increase in relative strength of, 137, 153, 203
high morale in, 137–8
strength of (1939), 159
overruns Poland, 168
on Western Front (1940), 188, 239–40
capture of invasion plans of, 191–2
in invasion of Norway, 210–11
strikes in West, 217–18, 238–41
surrender of (1945), 223
breaks through at Sedan, 240–3, 247, 249
lost opportunity of, at Dunkirk, 255–7
of Invasion, 330
and date of invasion, 331
dislikes invasion plan, 335–7
triumph of, in Paris, 339
prestige of, 341
in Greece, 416–18
attempts invasion of Crete, 427, 430–1
massed for invasion of Russia, 447–8, 454
in Russia, 454–5, 465–6, 467, 657–8, 715–717, 740
clash between leaders on objective of, 465–6
held before Moscow, 471
escapes from Alamein, 628–9, 643
defeated in Russia, 656–9, 810, 815
surrenders in Tunisia, 661–2, 670
held in Balkans, 664–5, 689, 712–13, 735
diversion of, from Russia, 664–5, 688, 712–713
Hitler’s faulty use of, 689
in France, and “Overlord”, 693, 697, 735–6, 740, 787–8
in Italy, 698, 710, 712–13, 729, 735, 769–74, 798, 803, 808–9, 915, 917
enters Rome, 703–4
treatment of Italian forces by, 767–8
Hitler refuses to permit withdrawal of, 789, 794, 915
losses in, in Normandy, 790, 794, 796
reinforced in Normandy, 792, 796
in Brittany, 793–4
defeated in S. France, 802, 808
driven from Roumania, 815
and Warsaw rising, 816–17, 819–20, 822
stiffening resistance of, in West, 849, 861
counter-offensive of, in Ardennes, 863–865
seeks to negotiate surrender, 903–6
surrenders in Italy, 917
surrenders in Germany, 919, 925, 927
German High Command, realises difficulties of invading England, 323, 335–7, 339–41
urges caution on Rommel, 442, 484
German Navy, after First World War, 10, 19
rebuilding of, 55, 60, 67–9, 84
in 1939, 165
capital ships of, as commerce-destroyers, 178, 399
in invasion of Norway, 206–9, 212–13
practically destroyed, 213
plans invasion of Britain, 333, 335–8
postpones invasion, 339
Goering fails to co-operate in plans of, 345
ordered to attack U.S. ships, 495
ships of, withdrawn to Germany, 531–2
threatens Arctic convoys, 715, 718, 722
final defeat of, 722–3
German Parachute Division at Cassino, 774
German Workers’ Party, 25
Germany, defeat of (1918), 3, 24
attempt at democratisation of, 7
collapse of mark in, 8, 25, 30
Communist threat to, 10
rise of Nazism in, 10
infringes disarmament clauses of Treaty of Versailles, 11, 41, 63–5
crimes of, under Hitler, 12, 35
under Presidency of Hindenburg, 15–16
suggests non-aggression pacts, 16
enters League, 16–18
danger of rearmament of, 17–18
and Eastern frontier, 18
recovery of, 19
revolution in, 24
pillars of Hitler’s policy regarding, 26–7
increased hold of National Socialists in, 27–8, 34–5
“Economic Blizzard” hits, 30
Bruening’s policy for re-creation of, monarchy for, 31
equality of armaments for, 32
Hitler becomes Chancellor of, 34
Hitler granted emergency powers over, 35
rearming of, 35, 37, 41, 51, 53, 55–62
withdraws from Disarmament Conference, 36–7
sources of Churchill’s information about, 39, 95
clash of interests between Italy and, 45
divided about Hitler movement, 46
Roehm’s aims for, 48
Dictatorship based on terror in, 50
opposed to Eastern Pact, 52, 85
conscripted Work Battalions in, 69–70
growing strength and repute of, 82
inevitability of war with, 84–5, 90, T03
munitions production in, 85, 92, 136–7
suggests twenty-five-year pact, 85–6
re-occupies Rhineland, 86–9
question of colonies of, 88, 103, 105
Four Years’ Plan for, 92
and Spanish Civil War, 94
expenditure of, on armaments, 95–6, 137
seeks free hand in E. Europe, 103, 112, 148, 313
annexes Austria, 112–13, 116–18
threatens Czechoslovakia, 123–125, 127, 130
Russia turns against, 126
increase in comparative strength of, after Munich, 136–7, 155
increased population of (1938), 139
threatens Poland, 141, 145, 152
Czechoslovakia incorporated in, 142, 145–6
lost opportunities of opposing, 144–5
possible effect of Triple Alliance on, 149
Russia turns towards, 150–2, 156
Baltic States sign non-aggression pacts with, 152
“secret weapons” of, 154, 175, 918
Russian Non-Aggression Pact with, 157–8
British ultimatum to, 161
Blitzkrieg of, in Poland, 168–9
blockade of, 173
iron-ore supplies to, 193, 197–8, 201
invasion of Norway by, 193, 195, 199–200, 206–13
oil supplies to, 201
invades Denmark, 206–7
invades Holland and Belgium, 217–18
defeats France, 223
bombing of, 226, 262, 323, 353, 360, 469, 580, 602, 696, 713, 717, 849–50, 865
chances of success of invasion by, 261
French armistice with, 279
relations between Russia and, 279–80, 447–53
advises Roumania to yield to Russian demands, 281
raids planned on territories occupied by, 296–7
denial of French Navy to, 315–20, 638
Russian aid to, in raw materials, 321, 449, 452
air-raid shelters in, 360
Balkan adventure of, in relation to Russia, 393, 407, 448–51
and Yugoslavia, 409–12, 415, 449–51
declares war on Russia, 453–4
declares war on U.S., 495
priority given to defeat of, 500, 553, 581, 584–5, 650
loses opportunity in Atlantic, 530, 534—5
atom bomb experiments of, 563
occupies all France, 635, 638–9
need to step up air war against, 60
effect of loss of Italy on, 668
dangers of stalemate with, 675
deceived as to Allied intentions in Mediterranean, 682
loses last opportunity, 689
takes Ægean Islands, 709–11
bombing of, from Italy, 729, 797, 894
discussions on post-war treatment of. 732–3, 746, 879–80
partitioning of, 746
optimism about imminent collapse of, 751, 829
toughening resistance of, 829, 849, 861
Allies on frontier of, 849, 860
crippled industries of, 849–50, 893
question of E. frontier of, 884–5
transference of populations in, 884–5, 943, 945, 955
collapse of Western Front of, 897
possibility of last stand in, 897, 915, 919, 924
meeting of Western Allies and Russians in, 897–8, 900, 918–19, 925
makes secret approaches to Western Allies, 903–6
need for meeting of Big Three in, 912, 914
Russian occupation of, 912–13, 932, 934, 936, 955
zones of occupation of, 912–13, 919–23, 934–7, 946, 949
distribution of food in occupied, 923, refugees from E. in, 924, 927, 932, 949
building of U-boats in, 927
deprived of grain lands, 944, 947
coal of, 947
pro-Communist Russian zone in, 955
and United States of Europe, 957–8
meeting dangers of resurrected, 959–60
association of W., with Atlantic Treaty, 960–1
Russian-promoted Communist State in E., 961
Ghent, 846
Ghormley, Admiral (U.S.), 473–4
Gibraltar, British Fleet at, during Abyssinian War, 75
convoys from, 171
and concessions to Italy, 278
danger of Spanish demands on, 321
German need to strike at, 323
Admiralty on defensive at, 378
U-boats near, 534
Churchill’s flights to and from, 587–8, 618, 758
Eisenhower at, before “Torch”, 633–4
Churchill and Marshall at, 666–7
protective rock gallery at, 666–7
Gibraltar, Straits of, 604
Gibson, Wing-Commander Guy, 692
Giraud, General Henri, and “Torch”, 631, 633–4, 638, 645
fails to rally N. Africa, 637
orders execution of Darlan’s murderer, 639
at Casablanca, 644
and de Gaulle, 646–7, 650, 667
mentioned, 187
Givet, 189–90
Gladiator fighters, 138
Glasgow, air raids on, 364–5
Glorious, H.M.S., 212
Gloucester, H.R.H. the Duke of, 570, 575
Gneisenau, the, size of, 67, 165
sinks Rawalpindi, 176–7
at taking of Narvik, 207
sinks Glorious, 212
in N. Atlantic, 399
air attacks on, in Brest, 405–6
returns through Channel to Germany, 531
Goebbels, Joseph, organises 1933 election, 34
and “Night of Long Knives”, 49
propaganda of, in France, 191, 201
end of, 924–5
Goering, Hermann, in Putsch, 26
arrest of Communists by, 34
in “Night of Long Knives”, 49–50
Laval’s indiscretions to, 66
and occupation of Austria, 116
assurances of, on Czechoslovakia, 123
meets Mussolini and Ciano in Rome, 146
and lost invasion plans, 192
confident of defeating Britain by air, 338–9, 341–2, 344–5
fails to co-operate with other Services, 341, 345
faulty tactics of, 348, 353, 364
takes command of air battle over Britain, 353
expends his Air Corps on Crete, 429, 434
taken prisoner, 924
Gold Standard, abandonment of, 23
Gomel, 810
Gort, Field-Marshal Viscount, contemplates retreat to coast, 246, 248–9, 254
instructed to go south, 248–9, 252, 258
and visit of Weygand, 249
left without orders, 252
forms bridgehead round Dunkirk, 255, 259
withdraws to coast, 258–60, 263
told of capitulation of Belgians, 262
returns to England, 268–9
and return of B.E.F. to France, 274, 306
Gott, Lieut.-General W.H.E., 442, 590–1, 593
Gousev, M., Soviet Ambassador, 721–2, 921
Government of India Bill, 66
Graf Spee. See Admiral Graf Spee
Grandi, Count Dino, Chamberlain’s conversations with, 105, 110
and fall of Mussolini, 686–7
Grant tanks, 625
Grave, 846–7
waterline, 257–8
Gravesend, 337
Graziani, Marshal, 379–80
Great Britain, loans of, to Germany, 6
and Versailles, 7–8
changed attitude of, to Germany, 8–9, 16
disarmament by, 9–10, 17, 41, 55–6
ends alliance with Japan, 9, 43
recovery of (1924–9), 15
seeks end of Franco-German enmity, 16–18
at Locarno, 17–18
financial crisis in, 21–2
under Coalition government, 22–23, 33
puts pressure on France, 36, 41, 46
foreign belief in decadence of, 36, 41, 73, 78
ignores German rearmament, 41
and Japanese aggression in China, 42–3
ill-led (1931–33), 43–4
declaration of, on Austrian independence, 46
and Italian aims in Africa, 52, 64
in poor repute in France, 53
loses parity in air, 56–62
half-heartedly challenges German open rearmament, 63–4, 67
makes private naval agreement with Germany, 66–9, 84
Hitler determined on war with, 68, 112–13
incapable of drastic action, 71
and League action against Italy, 73–5, 80
reaction in, to attack on Abyssinia, 73, 75–7, 81
lost prestige of, 82
changed attitude in, 84
fails to support France over reoccupation of Rhineland, 87–9
fails to call German bluffs, 92
and Spanish Civil War, 94
air defences of, 98
movement in, towards rearmament, 99
asked to give Germany free hand in E. Europe, 103
position of Foreign Secretary of, 104
anti-submarine patrols of, 106–7
effect on Axis of French cooperation with, 107
Hitler confident of inaction of, 114
unable to give guarantee to Czechoslovakia, 119
renounces rights in Irish ports, 120–1
encourages Czechs to give way, 124, 127
reaction of, to Czech crises, 129–30, 132
help to be expected by France from, 130
mobilisation of Fleet of, 132, 135
unprepared at time of Munich, 135–6
munitions production in, 136–7
Polish guarantee of, 143–5, 148, 158
lost opportunities for making stand, 144–5
loses chance of Russian alliance, 148–52, 155–7
brought closer to France, 152
Hitler on war strength of, 155
proclaims treaty with Poland, 158
Fifth Column in, 160
ultimatum of, 161
reaction in, to attack on Finland, 196–8, 200–1, 279
agrees not to make separate peace, 202, 302
formless method of military co-ordination in, 204–6
mines channel to Narvik, 206
responds to Norway’s appeals, 210–13
scale of contribution to war effort, 223–7
American aid to, in munitions and ships, 226, 326–7, 499
shipping losses of, 227
ability of, “to go it alone”, 260–2, 312
morale of people of, 262, 293, 321–2
determined to fight on, 264, 271, 273–4, 312–13, 321–2
seeks to improve relations with Russia, 280
possibilities of German attack on, 292
system of Commands in defence of, 295–6
plans counter-offensive, 296–7
France offered union with, 308–10
gains command of sea, 320
stands alone, 321
German difficulties in invasion of, 323, 327–30, 335–7, 339–41
weakness of German Intelligence in, 323, 327
Hitler’s “Peace Offer” to, 323–4, 344
increasing strength of, 326–7, 330, 332
unity achieved by, in war direction, 235, 392
“invasion imminent” announced in, 340
system of control of fighter operations in, 341
triumph of Parliamentary Democracy in, 359
bombing of industrial centres of, 364–5
air-attacks on sea-borne trade of, 364, 390
Dollar problem of, 367–70
promises aid to Greece, 381
Italian air attack on, 385
position of, at end of 1940, 386–7
her most splendid year, 387
U-boat blockade of, 388, 390, 397–402
bombing of ports of, 390–1
Balkan policy of, 393, 395–6, 407–10, 415
ultimatum of, to Hungary, 412
treaty of, with Iraq, 437
help to Russia from, 456, 461–2, 464, 466–7, 470–2, 606
sacrifices of, to supply Russia, 462, 465, 467, 470, 499
U.S. misgivings about strategy of, 473–4
Japanese assets frozen in, 478
U.S. at war beside, 492–3
declares war on Japan, 492–3
period of military disasters for, 506, 515–16, 621
nakedness of, in Far East, 517
sends escort ships to U.S., 532
pools information on atom bomb with U.S., 564, 963
period of success before, 622, 630
need for Anglo-American build-up of troops in, 641
church bells rung in triumph in, 662
has preponderance of strength over Americans in N. Africa, 667
and command in Sicily and Italy, 681–2
discussions on post-war responsibilities of, 732–5
position of, with regard to Yugoslavia, 762–3
represented at Dumbarton Oaks, 851
feels responsibility for fate of Poland, 851, 882–3, 892, 908–9
loses unity in Government at moment of victory, 930
U.S. attitude towards, and Potsdam, 930–1, 933
recognises Polish Provisional Government, 933–4
General Election in, 934, 938, 944, 949–50, 953
supplies coal to liberated countries, 947
need for special relationship between, U.S. and, 959
signs treaty with France, 960
in Western Union, 960
and N.A.T.O., 960
and giving arms to Germany, 961
U.S. aircraft in, 961
U.S. economic aid to, 961–2
U.S. denies nuclear information to, 963–4
and Korean War, 969–70
and Arab countries of Middle East, 971
and Israel, 971–2. See also Air raids; Britain, Battle of; Invasion.
Greece, Italian threat to, 146
British guarantee to, 148, 381
Italian invasion of, 380–1, 384
German threat to, 392–3
British help for, 394–5, 407–9, 483
Yugoslavia in relation to German invasion of, 411
British expedition to, 413–14, 416–19
German invasion of, 416–18
British evacuation from, 417–19
invasion of Crete from, 427–8
Russia expels Legation of, 452
Bulgarian troops in, 728
anti-monarchal feeling in, 763
rival resistance movements in, 763
sabotage of German communications in, 763–4
civil war in, 764
German reinforcements drawn to, 764
representative government of, in Cairo, 765, 804
rumours of German evacuation of, 804
appeals for British aid, 804–805
Government of, in Italy, 805, 866
right of choice of government of, 805, 854
Russia agrees to British influence in, 810–13, 852–3, 867
British concern as to future of, 812–13, 851, 854–5
politics in, 866
liberation of, 866–7
agreement between factions in, 866–7
relief for, 867
civil war in, 868–72, 873–5, 958–9
formation of new government for, under Damas-kinos, 874–5
freed from threat of Communism, 875, 876, 902
withdrawal of troops from, 877
free of Russian yoke, 935, 955
Greek Army, defeats Italians, 381, 384, 419
fighting in Albania, 392, 414, 417–419
on Aliakhmon Line, 413–14
surrender of, 417–18
destruction of, 763
formation of new National, 868, 874
Greek Mountain Brigade, 868
Greenland, 401–3
Greenwood, Rt. Hon. Arthur, speaks “for England”, 161
and National Government (1940), 216, 219, 229
presides over Production Council, 293
Grenoble, 802
Grey, Earl, on potentialities of U.S.A., 493
Griffiths, Lieutenant P.M.K., 316 n.
Griz-Nez, heavy-gun batteries at, 335
Grodno, 815
Grozny oilfields, 657
Guam, 834
Guarantee, Treaty of, 7–8
Guderian, General, 471
Guernica, bombing of, 94
Guest, Captain F. E., 59
Guingand, General de, 895
Gustav Line, 769–71
“Gymnast”, Operation, 552, 580 n., 581, 585
Haakon II, King of Norway, 210
Hacha, Dr., 136
Hagelin, M., 195
Hague, The, 241
Halder, General von, and Hitler’s intentions towards Czechoslovakia, 123
on German weakness in W. at time of Munich, 137
on German weakness in E. in 1940, 239
on Hitler’s orders to halt armour, 255–6
and invasion plan, 336–337, 340–1
on Hitler’s orders on Russian prisoners, 454–5
dismissal of, 657
Halifax, Nova Scotia, convoys from, 171, 398, 401, 534
Churchill sails to and from, 696, 704
Halifax, Earl of, and Indian self-government, 20
receives deputation, 96
and Chamberlain, 105
Foreign Secretary, 111, 119, 220
believes no country seeks war, 127
reactions of, to Czech crisis, 128–30, 132
follows Chamberlain’s policy, 133
in War Cabinet, 166
at Allied Supreme Council (1939), 190
and Premiership, 216–17
present at last visit to France, 301–2
broadcasts on Hitler’s “Peace Offer”, 324
Ambassador to U.S., 372–373, 562
Halsey, Admiral F. W. (U.S.), 835–7, 841–843
Hamar, 210
Hamburg, 925
Hammam, 620
Hanfstaengl, Herr, 40
Hango, Russia demands lease of, 195
Hankey, Lord, 166
Hardy, H.M.S., 209–10
Harriman, Averell, Mission of, to Moscow, 467, 469–71
visits Egypt, 473
hears of attack on Pearl Harbour, 491
flies with Churchill to Moscow, 597, 599
and Trans-Persian railway, 597–8
in Moscow conferences, 600, 603, 605, 607–9
at Teheran, 734
mentioned, 567
Harrogate, 361
Hart, Admiral (U.S.), 494–5
Hartland, H.M.S., 636
Harwood, Admiral Sir H., at Battle of River Plate, 179–81, 184–5
on fall of Tobruk, 564–5
in conference with Churchill in Cairo, 589
Hastings, 337
Hatteras, Cape, 530
Havock, H.M.S., 209–10
Havre, 51st Highland Division near, 285–286
on fire, 290
invasion of Britain from, 337, 339
German naval reinforcements at, 779
capture of, 845–6
Hawaii, attack on shipping at, 491
“Heavy water”, 563
Hecla, H.M.S., 479
“Hedgehog”, the, 379
Helsingfors, air attacks on, 196
Hendaye, 938
Henderson, Admiral Sir Reginald, 164
Hereward, H.M.S., 432
Hermann Goering Division in Warsaw, 817
Hermes, H.M.S., at Dakar, 319
Plan of, 36
Hess, Rudolf, 26
Hesse, Prince Philip of, 116–17
Hillington, Glasgow, bombing of, 364
Himmler, Heinrich, S.S. under, 48, 52
on end of war, 323
end of, 924–5
Hindenburg, Marshal, President of Germany, 7, 15–16, 28, 30
re-election of, 31
dismisses Bruening, 32
and Hitler, 34
death of, 51
Hipper, the, 399
Hiryu, the, 547
Hitler, Adolf, fills void in Germany, 7, 31
hatred of, for Jews, 10, 24–6, 40
crimes of Germany under, 12, 35
early life of, 24–5
storm troopers of, 25, 28, 49, 52
failure of Putsch of, 26
outlines his policy in Mein Kampf, 26–7
progress of doctrine of, 27–8
compact between Reichswehr and, 29–30, 33
successor to Hindenburg, 29, 51
plots against, 30, 49, 132, 454 n.
defeated in election, 31
becomes Chancellor, 34
measures of, against Communists, 34–5
granted emergency powers, 35
fails to meet Churchill, 40
meets Mussolini, 46, 201, 279, 685, 767
disaffection in S.A. against, 47–8
and “Night of Long Knives”, 49–50
absolute dictatorship of, 52
claims to have reached parity in air, 60
openly challenges peace treaty, 63
on date of war with England, 68, 112
Army subordinated to, 69
reopens Staff College, 70
believes Britain degenerate, 78
opposes French pact with Russia, 85
reoccupies Rhineland, 86
in conflict with Generals, 87–8, 90, 112, 118, 124–5, 132, 134, 137
enhanced prestige of, 90–1, 134
territorial demands of, 103, 112, 132
Chamberlain prepared to offer colonial concessions to, 105
coerces Schuschnigg, no, 114–16
outlines policy, 112
determines to act now, 112–13
assumes direct military control, 113
Papen on charm of, 115
occupies Austria, 116
his gratitude to Mussolini, 116–17
his entry into Vienna, 117–18
calls for preparations to take Czechoslovakia, 124–5, 127
seeks guarantee of inaction from Beneš, 125
speeches of, attacking Czechs, 130, 131–2
Chamberlain’s visits to, 133–4
enters Prague, 142
fails to understand Chamberlain, 143
further breaches of faith of, 148
quandary of, if faced by war on two fronts, 149
Molotov and, 150
on war with England and France, 155
unnatural pact of, with Stalin, 157–8
postpones attack on Poland, 158
acquiesces in Italy’s neutrality, 159
enters Warsaw, 169
orders of, to Graf Spee, 185
captured invasion plans of, 191–2
and invasion of Norway, 193, 195, 199–200
and Russian defeat in Finland, 197
military initiative rests with, 254
orders halting of armoured formations, 255–6
prepares for war with Russia, 280–1, 352, 390, 407, 447–53
seeks free hand in Eastern Europe, 313
possible terms of, to Britain, 313
strategic mistakes of, 322, 329–30, 440, 689
and invasion of England, 323, 330, 333, 335, 337, 339, 341–2, 343–4, 352
triumph of, in France, 339
authorises intensification of air war on Britain, 345
reprisals against, 353–4
aims of, in Balkans, 392–3
lost opportunity of, in use of battleships, 399
anxious not to provoke U.S., 403
Yugoslav ministers sign pact with, 410
demands “annihilation” of Yugoslavia, 411–12
receives Schulenburg, 451
orders of, as to treatment of Russians, 454–5
Britain’s determination to destroy, 456–7
clashes with Generals on strategy on Russia, 465–6
reinforces Rommel in air, 490
surprised at Japanese attack, 495
orders attack on U.S. ships, 495
reinforces N. Africa, 502, 642, 660–1
advantage to, of “Overlord” in 1943, 502
and Baltic States, 511
believes attack will come in Norway, 530
clashes with Admirals on war in Atlantic, 530–1
prepares for attack on Azores or Madeira, 534
presses for attack on Egypt, 577, 579
postpones attack on Malta, 579
forbids retreat at Alamein, 628
and use of Tunisian ports, 635
squanders his strength, 642, 675, 689
demands of, on Armies in Russia, 657–8
and fall of Mussolini, 689–90
refuses to evacuate Ægean, 709
despises Mussolini, 768–9
orders holding of Gustav Line, 770
and Anzio, 772–3
believes attack will come in Normandy, 787
refuses to give ground in France, 789, 790 n., 794
attempt on life of, 790–791
orders counter-attack on Mortain, 794
plans counter-offensive through Ardennes, 864–5
possible last stand of, 897, 915, 919, 924
refuses to seek terms from Western Powers, 903
refuses to give ground in Italy, 915
successor to, 924–5
Hitler Youth, 69
Ho Chi Minh, 968
Hoare, Rt. Hon. Sir Samuel, Foreign Minister, 66
consultations of, over Abyssinia, 74
addresses League, 74–5
proposals of, on Abyssinia, 79–81, 275
resigns, 81
Lord Privy Seal in War Cabinet, 166
Hoare-Laval Pact, 80–1
Hobart, H.M.A.S., 540
Hogg, Major the Hon. Quintin, 357
Holland, possibility of German invasion through, 189–202
capture of plan for invasion of, 192
water obstacles of, 218, 240–1
capitulation of, 242
Japanese assets frozen by, 478
declares war on Japan, 494
operations in (1944), 846–9
surrender of Germans in, 925
joins Western Union and N.A.T.O., 960
Holland, Captain C. S., 317–18
Hollis, Colonel Sir Leslie, 234, 475, 500, 513
“Holy Trinity”, the, 360
fighter aircraft needed for, 240–2, 287, 289, 322
Churchill’s speech on, 274
anti-tank, 294–6
demolition of resources in, 296
assisted by rapidity of fall of France, 322
coastal defences in, 324–5, 331–2
arms for, 326–7
weakness in tanks for, 424
British confidence in (1941), 474. See also Invasion
Home Fleet, strength of (1940), 332
at “Overlord”, 781
Home Guards, 293–5
arming of, 326–7
ring church bells, 340
at approach of D Day, 778
Hopkins, Harry, 389–90
missions of, to London, 389, 473–4
flies to Moscow, 475
present at Churchill’s talks with Roosevelt, 503, 563–5, 665–6
in London to discuss Second Front, 550–2, 582, 585
greets Churchill at Staten Island, 664
at Quebec, 696
on British Constitution, 742
and commander for “Overlord”, 750
illness of, 903
in Moscow as Truman’s envoy, 933
mentioned, 370, 566–7, 645, 648, 650
Hore-Belisha, Rt. Hon. Leslie, War Minister, urges conscription, 146
in War Cabinet, 167
supports Vote of Censure, 569, 572–3
Horn Reef, scheme for artificial island in (1917), 298–9
Home, Rt. Hon. Sir Robert, 59 n.
Horrocks, Lieut.-General Sir B. G., 626
Hostile, H.M.S., 209
Hotspur, H.M.S., 209
Houffalize, 865
Hove, 325
Howard, Leslie, 671
Huals Fiord, 478–9
Hughes-Hallett, Rear-Admiral J., 694
Hull, air raids on, 391
“Hump”, air-lift over the, 823, 826–7
Hungary, Communism in, 10
signs Rome Protocols, 46
demands of, on Czechoslovakia, 133, 136, 142
in German camp, 145
attack on Yugoslavia through, 411–412
suicide of Premier of, 412
postwar, 733
and attack through Istria, 807
Russia on frontier of, 815, 858
Churchill-Stalin agreement on, 852–3, 856
Hunter, H.M.S., 209
Hurricane fighters, 62, 136, 138
in France (1940), 240
lost in Greece, 424
sent to Russia, 465
sent to Singapore, 524
“Husky”, Operation, 682–3
Hyde Park, President’s home, 562–3, 704
Hydrogen bomb, 963
Hyères, 802
Hythe, 337
Ibn Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, 971
Iceland, bases for escort groups and aircraft on, 401–3, 535
in U.S. Security Zone, 403
U.S. base in, 404
Churchill visits, 478–9
joins N.A.T.O., 960
Illustrious, H.M.S., 384–5
Ilmen, Lake, 870
Imphal, 825–7
Independent Labour Party, 518
India, self-government for, 19–20, 966–7
troops from, in Iraq, 437, 439
Wavell appointed to Command in, 445
threat to, through Persia, 480
danger of Germany and Japan joining hands in, 539, 551–2
threat to, from Japan, 551–2
planning for action from (1943), 663–4, 691, 695–6
assault shipping transferred from Mediterranean to, 708
Japanese thwarted in attempted invasion of, 824–7
Moslem-Hindu strife on interchange of population in, 967
Indian forces, in Middle East, 482
in N. Africa, 488, 578, 620, 626, 628
meet Americans in N. Africa, 661
trained for occupation of Rhodes, 708–9
in Burma, 826–7
in Greece, 868. See also Fourteenth Army
Indian Ocean, Graf Spee in, 179
British Fleet driven from, 548
Indo-China, Japanese occupation of, 478
French driven from, 970
Inglis, Major-General L. M., 578
Inönü, President of Turkey, 652–4, 750
Inskip, Sir Thomas, 33 n., 96–7
Invasion of England, her chances of withstanding, 261–2, 327–30
organisation of defence against, 274, 284, 293–6, 329–32
Weygand on, 288
German realisation of difficulties of, 323, 335–7, 339–41
conjectures on results of, 327
German plans for, 329–31, 333–42
gathering of forces for, 330, 338–40
factors influencing date of, 331–2
air superiority necessary for, 333, 336, 338–9, 343–4
formally called off, 352
U.S. doubtful of result of, 473
Stalin discusses with Churchill, 601–2
Invasion of France, landing-craft for, 328, 550, 601
need for air superiority in, 328, 601
planned for 1943, 550–3, 600, 602
requirements for, 550–1
choice of site for, 693, 695. See also “Anvil” “Overlord” “Sledgehammer”
Iraq, German assistance to, 437–8, 440
British troops sent to, 437, 445
Wavell reluctant to reinforce, 438–9, 444
victory in, 440–1
Russia recognises Rashid Ali’s Government in, 452
detached from Middle East Command, 592–3, 595
Ireland, Britain loses use of ports in S., 120–1, 171, 397–8, 401
shipping diverted round N. of, 397
“Iron Curtain”, 932, 955, 958–9, 965
Ironside, Field-Marshal Lord, on Polish Army, 159
reports on conditions in France, 250
becomes Commander-in-Chief of Home Forces, 252–3
and defence of Calais, 257
plans of, for Home Defence, 295
replaced by Brooke, 325
Irrawaddy, River, 830–1
Ismay, General Sir Hastings (Baron), Staff Officer to Churchill, 205–6
Deputy-Secretary (Military) to War Cabinet, 232–4, 236
in France (1940), 243, 245, 269, 286–8, 301
in Moscow talks, 470–1
in America, 561, 564, 566, 663
takes news to Eisenhower about changes in British command of “Torch”, 594
story of conversation with Montgomery, 594
and “unconditional surrender”, 648
at Algiers Conference, 668
in Turkey, 728
at Teheran Conference, 731
in Cairo, 749
and postponement of D Day, 779–80
mentioned, 296–7, 324, 384, 423–4, 521
Isonzo River, 913
Israel, State of, 972
Istria, attack through, to support “Overlord”, 730, 745, 798–800
Tito promises help in, 802, 807
attack through, in place of “Anvil”, 800, 807
Italia, the, 704
Italian Air Force, in attack on England, 323, 385
and control of Mediterranean, 378, 384
in Syria, 438
in Iraq, 440
in N. Africa, 487
Italian Armistice Commission, in Syria, 438
Italian Armoured Division, in N. Africa, 425, 620–1, 626
Italian Army, in Abyssinia, 74–8
in Spain, 110
attacks France, 278–9
in N. Africa, 375–7, 379, 385–7, 393, 487
in E. Africa, 376
casualties and prisoners in N. Africa, 377, 380, 385–6, 628–9
invades Egypt, 379–80
military formations of, 379
defeated by Greeks, 381–4
Yugoslav chance to attack, in Albania, 411, 414
stranded by Germans after Alamein, 628
in Tunisia, 637
in Balkans, 668, 684, 689, 767–8
demoralised in face of German occupation of Italy, 703
garrisoning Ægean Islands, 708–9, 768
in Yugoslavia joins Partisans, 761
Italian Navy, and control of Mediterranean, 77, 378
disabled at Taranto, 384–5
submarine of, cripples battleships, 490
oil shortage in, 660
German plans to seize, 689
escapes to Malta, 704
Italy, Communist threat to, 10
rise of Fascism in, 10
at Locarno, 17
clash of interest between Germany and, 45
supports Austrian independence, 46, 51–3, 113
aims of, in Mediterranean and Africa, 52, 54
French concessions to, 53–4
uneasy at German rearmament, 53, 63–4
threatens Abyssinia, 63–4, 72–74
defeated at Adowa, 72
sanctions against, 74, 76–7, 80, 113
attacks and conquers Abyssinia, 75–8, 82, 84
French agreements with, 80
and Spanish Civil War, 94, 105
Chamberlain seeks settlement with, 105, 110, 123, 140–1
Eden’s view of settlement with, 106, 110
and German action in Czechoslovakia, 127
claims of, on France, 146
annexes Albania, 146
Roosevelt approaches, 146
resolved to keep out of war, 154–5, 158–9
waits upon events, 165, 275, 277
British friendship with, 275
French attempts to buy off, 277–8
offers help in attack on Britain, 323, 385
prepares to invade Egypt, 375
invades Egypt, 379–80
Iraq retains relations with, 437
question of attack on, after conquest of N. Africa, 603–4, 664–6, 683–4, 710, 712
question of exclusion of, from “unconditional surrender”, 647
intensifying pressure on, 650
need to drive out of war, 663–4
collapse of, 684
King restored to command in, 684–8
Hitler tries to hold, 689–90
under Mussolini’s dictatorship, 688
German troops held in, 689, 698, 735, 754, 773–4, 798, 803, 809, 861
decision taken about invasion of, 698–9
invasion of, 701–6
escape of King and Government of, 703
German reinforcements to, 710, 712–13, 798, 803, 808
declares war on Germany, 712
British reinforcements needed in, 712–14, 729
Allied troops diverted from, for “Overlord”, 713, 731, 738, 797
campaign in, hampered by shortage of landing-craft, 714, 738, 745, 754–6
holding Pisa-Rimini Line in, 729, 797, 799
battle impending in, 739, 782, 801, 804
amphibious landing in, 739, 754 (see also Anzio); importance to “Overlord” of campaign in, 753–4, 774
President agrees to holding landing-craft in, 757–8
effect of surrender of, on Yugoslavia, 761
resistance movement in, 767–8, 917–18
civil war in, 768
help to British prisoners in, 768
weather prevents advance in, 773–4, 808, 861
enemy communications attacked in, 782, 915
Allies break through in, 783, 797, 917
Allied troops diverted from, for “Anvil”, 797, 799–800, 803–4, 861, 918
Churchill in, 801–7
Churchill meets political leaders of, 805
German troops withdrawn from, 807
troops sent to Greece from, 868, 872
withdrawal of troops from, for N.W. Europe, 877
need to follow up surrender in, 877
elections in, 889
preliminary talks on surrender of Germans in, 903–6, 915
last German stand in, 915
joins N.A.T.O., 960
Jacob, Hon. Major-General Sir Ian, 234, 475
tells of Gott’s death, 593
carries letter to Auchinleck, 594–5
on Churchill’s attitude to defeat of Rommel, 595–6
Jajce, Bosnia, 762
Jamaica, H.M.S., 722
Japan, Britain ends alliance with, 9
invasion of China by, 42–3
withdraws from League, 43
and failure to oppose Italy, 78
harmful effect on, of recognising Italian position in Abyssinia, 109
Russian promise to attack, 151, 738–9, 745, 748–9, 857, 941
demands closure of Burma Road, 321
possibility of war with, 378, 387, 462, 474–5, 517
aggression of, in Indo-China, 478
Anglo-American-Dutch action against, 478
attacks Pearl Harbour, 491
Britain at war with, 491–3, 515
captures Hong Kong, 498
success of, in Malaya, 498, 579
possibility that U.S. will concentrate on war against, 499–500, 581, 584–5
British disasters due to, 515
seeks to expand her successes, 537–9, 544
under-estimates her opponents, 537, 539
and German victory, 539
loses command of Pacific, 549, 675
defeated by German defeat, 584
keeping up pressure on, 650
tide turns against, 675
Britain’s part in defeat of, 691, 698, 929
U.S. naval tactics against, 833
America breaches outlying defences of, 834, 843
desire in, to end war, 835
cut off from supplies, 843
use of atomic bomb in defeat of, 940–3
in state of collapse, 941–3
Japanese Air Force, in Malaya, 519, 524
in battles in Pacific, 548
broken in Formosa, 836
suicide bombers of, 841
Japanese Army, in Burma, 824–5, 827, 830–32
advances in China, 829–30, 861
ordered to fight to finish, 835
at Pearl Harbour, 494
attacks in Philippines, 495
in Battle of Coral Sea, 541–3
in Battle of Midway Island, 544–9
strikes at Western Aleutians, 544–5, 548
loses cruisers in collision, 548
dependence of, on air-power, 548
weaknesses of, 834–6
attempts to defend Marianas, 834
fuel shortage in, 835
in Battle of Leyte Gulf, 836–42
loses opportunity of success, 842
suicide bombers of, 841–3
ceases to exist, 941
Java, 823
Jeanneney, Jules, 303
Jefferis, Major-General Sir M. R., 294
Jehol, 42
Jellicoe, Admiral of the Fleet Sir John (Earl), 171
Jews, Hitler’s hatred of, 10, 24–6
persecution of, in Germany, 28
political-mindedness of, 866
in Israel, 972
Jibuti-Addis-Ababa Railway, 54
“Jim Crows”, 358
Jinnah, Mr., 967
Joad, C. E. M., 41
Jodl, General, 137
extract from Diary of, 115
and invasion of Norway, 199
and invasion of England, 339, 341
on news of Pearl Harbour, 495
and German surrender, 925
Joint Intelligence Committee, and German attack on Russia, 449
on voyage to Washington, 663
Joint Planning Committee, and follow-up of “Torch”, 641, 645
on voyage to Washington, 663
Jomard Passage, 541–2
Jösing Fiord, 198
“Jupiter”, Operation, 552–3, 580 n., 585
Kaga, the, 547
Kalamata, 418
Kalinin, 471
Karelian Isthmus, 195–7
Karlsbad, 919
Kassala, 376
Kassel, 897
Keitel, General von, plans invasion of Norway, 199
and halting of German armour, 256
on invasion of England, 323, 339
on invasion of Yugoslavia, 411
on Hitler’s orders as to treatment of Russians, 455
hears news of Pearl Harbour, 495
signs ratification of German surrender, 927
Kelvin, H.M.S., 785
Kennedy. Captain, of Rawalpindi, 177
Kennedy, J. P., U.S. Ambassador, 303–4
Kent, Canadian Division in, 324
likelihood of invasion in, 331
German attacks on airfields of, 338, 347–8, 353
air raids on, 345
air cover of, 348
simulated troop concentrations in, 777
Kenya, Italian threat to, 376
Kersun, 810
Kesselring, Field Marshal, moves Air Force to East, 392