and withdrawal of forces from Italy, 774
defeat of forces of, 782–3
counterattacks of, 808
question of surrender of, 905–6, 915
in command in S. Germany, 924
Key West, 534
Keyes, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Roger, 214
supports Vote of Censure, 569–71
Kharkov, 715
Khartoum, 376
Khurramshahr, 480
Kidney Ridge, 626–8
Kiel, 898
Kiev, Russian defeat at, 467
Killearn, Lady, 617
Killearn, Lord (Sir Miles Lampson), 446, 590, 652
Kimberley, H.M.S., 802
Kincaid, Admiral (U.S.), 837, 841–2
King, Fleet Admiral E. J. (U.S.), Chief of Naval Staff, 235
wants to concentrate on Pacific war, 581–2
in London to discuss Second Front, 582, 585
at Teheran Conference, 731
visits Normandy front, 784, 786
King, Rear-Admiral, 430–1, 433
King, W. L. Mackenzie, 505
represented at Vichy, 374
and Quebec Conference, 691
Churchill made Privy Counsellor of Canadian Cabinet at instance of, 700
King George V, H.M.S., 497, 758
“King-pin”, 631
Kirk, A. C., U.S. Ambassador to Egypt, 726
Kittyhawk aircraft, 661
Kluge, General von, 256, 790, 794
“Knightsbridge”, battle for, 559
Kohima, 826
Kondo, Admiral, 548
Korean War, 968–70
Kovno, 815
Kremenchug, 717
Kremlin, the, Churchill in consultations in, 600–4, 605–7
official dinner in, 608–9
Stalin’s home in, 610–13
Kristiansand, 207
Kulaks, fate of, 612
Kurile Islands, Japanese Fleet in, 494
Kursk, 715
La Maddalena, 767
Laborde, Admiral de, 638–9
Labour, organisation of, 292
Labour Government, in 1929, 19–22
and McMahon Act, 963–4
atomic research initiated by, 964
and India, 967
and Korean War, 969
Labour Party, Ramsay MacDonald as head of, 14
fails to cope with economic crisis, 21–2
and National Government (1931–3), 22–3, 33, 161
fatuity and fecklessness of, 43–4
opposes rearmament, 57, 78, 84
hatred of, for MacDonald, 66
change in leadership of, 76
divided on Abyssinian War, 78
changed attitude of, 84
opposes conscription, 146–7, 215
attacks Chamberlain, 214–15, 228
and National Government (1940), 216, 219–220, 228–9
supports Churchill, 320
Labour Supply, Director of, 293
Laconia, the, 535
Lamlash, 120
Lampson, Sir Miles and Lady. See Killearn, Lord and Lady
Lancastria, S.S., sinking of, 307
Lance, H.M.S., 485
Landemare, Mrs., 356
Landing Ship Tank (L.S.T.), 299–300
Landing-craft, 297–300
German need for, 328–9
need for armada of, before invasion of Europe, 463, 550
Japanese, at Singapore, 525
shortage of, for “Sledgehammer”, 601
for “Husky”, 681–2
Churchill wants, for Ægean operation, 708–11, 714, 728
for “Overlord”, 710, 714, 728, 737, 748, 755, 775–6
and amphibious operation in Bay of Bengal, 727, 737–8, 747–9, 755
in Pacific, 738–9
for landing in S. France, 745, 749, 775–6, 798
and amphibious operation in Italy, 754–8, 773
returned from India to Mediterranean, 755
rapidity of landing tanks from, 791–2
for Burma campaign, 829
at Walcheren, 848
Landing-craft Tank (L.C.T.), 299–300
Langsdorff, Captain, of Admiral Graf Spee, 179–82, 185
prisoners released by, 198
Lansbury, Rt. Hon. George, leader of Labour Party, 33, 56
resigns leadership, 76
Laos, 970
Lashio, 831
Lattre de Tassigny, General de, 859
Latvia, signs non-aggression pact with Germany, 152
in Russian sphere, 157
occupied by Russia, 195, 281. See also Baltic States
Lauder, Sir Harry, 505
Laval, 794
Laval, Pierre, Foreign Secretary (1934), 53–4
visits Russia, 65
and Goering, 66
and Sanctions, 76
and Abyssinian War, 79–81
against Franco-Soviet Pact, 85
demands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 310–11
Foreign Minister of Vichy Government, 311, 375
mentioned, 638
Laycock, Major-General R. E., 776
Le Mans, 794–5
Leach, Captain John, 475
Leads, Norwegian, question of prevention of German iron ore traffic through, 193, 197–8
League of Nations, President Wilson and, 3
America abandons, 9
potential strength of, 11–12, 37, 46, 59, 70–1, 85
Germany enters, 16–18
disarmament efforts of, 36–7
Germany withdraws from, 37, 55
and Japanese aggression in China, 42–3
Japan withdraws from, 43
Russia enters, 52–3
examines German treaty violations, 63–5
Abyssinia appeals to, 63
powerlessness of, 65
Baldwin appoints Minister for Affairs of, 66
Anglo-German Naval Agreement a blow to, 68
Abyssinian membership of, 72–3
action in, over attack on Abyssinia, 73–8, 75–6
Baldwin fights election on, 78
and reoccupation of Rhineland, 86–8
and occupation of Czechoslovakia, 128
Litvinov’s warning at Assembly of, 131
and Russo-Finnish War, 881
Leahy, Admiral W. D. (U.S.), Ambassador to Vichy, 374, 603, 631
at Teheran Conference, 731
confers about atomic bomb, 940
L.C.T., 299–300
Leclerc, Major-General P. E., 654, 795–6
Ledo, 823–4
Lee, Brigadier-General (U.S.), 473
Leeds, air raids on, 365
Leeper, Sir R. W. A., and threat to Czechoslovakia, 132
and Caserta Agreement, 867
and Greek civil war, 869, 872, 875
meets Churchill in Athens, 891
Leese, Lieut.-General Sir Oliver, at Alamein, 626
succeeds Montgomery in Italy, 755, 782
Churchill visits front of, 806–7
Leipzig, 897–8
Lend-Lease, 370–1
effect of, 226
and aid to Russia, 473
schedule of deliveries temporarily stopped, 499
Leningrad, protection of, 195
retreat of Russian Army S. of, 461
Hitler orders capture of, 465–6, 657
threat to, 467
railway from Murmansk to, 813
Leopold, King of the Belgians, clings to neutrality, 152, 192
Weygand confers with, 249
Levant, the, French Army of, 438
German propaganda in, 438
Lewis, Lieut.-Commander R. C., 175
Leyte Gulf, Battle of, 836–42
Liberal Party, and disarmament, 19, 55
break-up of, 22
fatuity and fecklessness of, 43–4
opposes rearmament, 57
changed attitude of, 84
supports rearmament, 99
opposes conscription, 146–7
and National Government (1939), 161
Liberation, Committee of, in Rome, 767
Liberator aircraft, in U-boat war, 536
Liberia, danger to ferry route through, 584
Liberty Ships, 226
Libya, French concede to Italy territory on border of, 54
action against Italians in, 377, 386–7
Rommel in command of Germans in, 421
Auchinleck’s campaign in, 499, 502. See also Western Desert
“Lightfoot”, Operation, 625–7
Lille, 258
German pincer movement round, 260, 263
British in, 845
Lindemann, Frederick. See Cherwell, Baron
Lindsay, Sir Robert, 108–9
Lindsell, Lieut.-General Sir W. G., 654
Lisbon, 671
List, Field-Marshal von, 657
Lithuania, German claim to port in, 141, 145
in German sphere, 157
occupied by Russia, 195, 281. See also Baltic States
Littorio, the, 385
Litvinov, M., 52–3
on Russian action to support Czechoslovakia, 128, 131
talks between British Ambassador and, 148–9
superseded by Molotov, 149–50
signs United NationsPact, 507–8
Lively, H.M.S., 485
Liverpool, convoys from, 171
Combined Headquarters in, 404
Ljubljana Gap, 730, 745, 798, 800, 858
Lloyd, Lord, 74
Local Defence Volunteers, 293
Locarno Conference, 16–17
and French guarantee to Czechoslovakia, 126–7
Loire, River, Germans reach (1940), 305
destruction of bridges over (1944), 789
London, Flandin in, 88–9
possibility of air raids on, 138
first air-raid warning in, 161–2
air attacks on, 339, 344–5, 353–65
daylight raids on, 344, 347–8, 354, 358
air raids on Port of, 346, 348
fighter groups covering approaches to, 347–51
night raids on, 348, 353–60, 362–5, 391
anti-aircraft defences of, 354
taking precautions in, 355, 358, 360
incidents in raids on, 355–7
delayed-action bombs in, 359–60
preparations for evacuation of, by Government, 361
problems of government of, during Blitz, 362–3
incendiary bombs on, 362–3, 365, 391–2
raid on City of, 365
“Baby Blitz” on, 392
flying bombs on, 789
London, H.M.S., 470
London Conference (1942), 582–5
Longmore, Air Chief Marshal Sir A. M., 424
Lorient, 793
Lothian, Marquess of, on reoccupation of Rhineland, 88–9
death of, 371–2
Louisiade Archipelago, 541–2
L.S.T., 299–300
Lublin Committee (Polish Committee of National Liberation), Russian support for, 818, 821, 856–7
attempts to combine with Polish Government in London, 820, 857, 876, 886
Churchill meets members of, 852, 856–7
recognised as Government by Russia, 876
antagonism between London Polish Government and, 882, 885
unrepresentative of Poland, 886
“enlarged”, 886
“reorganised”, 889
and Polish Home Army, 889
Lublin Provisional Government, Molotov obstructs widening of, 901–2, 908
and San Francisco Conference, 902
Russian treaty with, 908
Stalin on, 911–12
gains complete control of Poland, 934
Lucas, Lieut.-General J. P. (U.S.), 769–70, 772
Ludendorff, General von, 26
Luftwaffe. See German Air Force
Luleâ. iron ore from, 193, 202
Lumsden, Major-General Sir Herbert, 626
Luneberg Heath, 925
Bradley’s H.Q. in, 864
joins Western Union and N.A.T.O., 960
Lyme Regis, 336
Lyons, 802
Lys, retreat to, 249, 258, 260
Lyttelton, Rt. Hon. Oliver, War Cabinet Minister in Middle East, 446
lends Churchill Captain Hornblower R.N., 476
endorses replacement of Cunningham, 489
Minister of Production, 571
mentioned, 356
Lytton Report on Japanese aggression in China, 43
MacArthur, General D. (U.S.), in Corregidor, 268–9
in command in Philippines, 494
in New Guinea, 834
in Morotai, 835
and capture of Leyte, 836–7, 841–3
and command of final operations, 843
takes Philippines, 843
and Korean War, 969–70
MacDonald, Rt. Hon. Ramsay, Leader of Labour Party, 14
Prime Minister, 19–20
National Government under, 22–3, 33
at Disarmament Conference, 32
works for disarmament, 36, 41, 46
pacifism of, 57
on loss of air parity, 60
resigns from Premiership, 66
mentioned, 38
“MacDonald Plan”, 36
Maclean, Major-General Fitzroy, 761, 801
McLean, Lieut-General K. G., 693
McMahon Act, 963–4
Macmillan, Rt. Hon. Harold, 866–7, 872
MacVeagh, Lincoln, U.S. Ambassador to Athens, 874
Madagascar, 631
Maddalena, 377
Madeira, Hitler expects attack on, 534
Madrid, 93
Magdeburg, 919
turning of, 189
deficiencies of, in 1940, 191
and strategic reserve, 244
penetration of, 305
Maikop oilfields, 657
Mainz, 893
Maisky, M., approaches Churchill on Russian attitude to Czech crisis, 127–8
and aid to Russia, 467–8
and campaign in Persia, 480
as interpreter, 554
successor to, 721
Malaya, Britain forced to jeopardise defence of, 462, 474
Japanese threat to, 478
Japanese invasion of, 495, 498, 519, 524, 537
Communism in, 968
Malaya, H.M.S., 425
Malcolm, H.M.S., 635
Maldon by-election, 567
Malmedy, 864
Malta, reinforcements for, 378, 380, 385, 393, 425
an advanced base, 379
aircraft based on, 424, 487, 625
danger of seaborne attack on, 484
Axis abandons intention to take, 577–9
re-victualled and rearmed, 660
“Husky” shipping converge near, 682
Italian Navy escapes to, 704
conference between Churchill and Roosevelt at, 876–7
Manchester, air raids on, 365, 391
Manchester Guardian, demands National Government, 147
censures strong action in Greece, 870
Manchukuo, puppet State of, 42–3
Manchuria, Japanese invasion of, 42–3
League report on, 43
Japan finds reinforcements in, 835
Mandalay, 830–1
Mandel, Georges, 201, 301–2, 310
“Manna”, Operation, 866
Mannerheim Line, 196–7, 200, 813
Manston airfield, 348
Mantes, 795
Marche, 865
Margerie, Captain de, 269, 271
Margesson, Captain David (Viscount), in air-raid incident, 357
Margival, 789
Mariana Islands, 833–4
Marlborough, ist Duke of, 896
Marne, River, 305
Marrakesh, Lloyd George in, 82
Beneš in, 125
Churchill and Roosevelt in, 650–1
Churchill’s convalescence in, 756–7
Marseilles, assassination of Alexander of Yugoslavia in, 53
bombing Italy from, 279
bombers prevented from starting from, 289
landing aimed at seizure of, 729
Marshall, Dr. Geoffrey, 655–6
Marshall, General G. C. (U.S.), 235
his relations with Dill, 234, 510
supplies arms to Britain, 283–4
agrees on priority of war against Germany, 512, 553
in London to discuss Second Front, 550–2, 582, 584–5
sends Shermans to Egypt, 565
takes Churchill to Army camp, 566
in disagreement with Admiral King, 581–2
to command “Round-up”, 618
flies with Churchill to Algiers, 666–7
at Algiers Conference, 667–70, 710
and command of “Overlord”, 725, 729, 742, 750–1
Roosevelt cannot spare, 750–1
supports Anzio idea, 758
visits Normandy front, 784, 786
responds for President, 899
frames answer to Stalin’s charge of bad faith, 906
confers about atomic bomb, 940
and economic help to Europe, 962
mentioned, 561–2
Marshall Plan, 962
Martin, John, private secretary, 351–2, 877–8
Martini, General, 531
Martinique, French naval vessels at, 316, 319
Marx, Herr, 15
“Mass of manoeuvre”, French Army lacks, 243–4, 287, 330
British, in Home Defence, 329–30
in Egypt, 395–6
Massachusetts, U.S.S., 636
Massicault, 661
Matapan, Battle of, 434
“Matilda” tanks, in N. Africa, 386
Maxton, Rt. Hon. James, 518
Mayfield, 337
Mechili, 422
Mediterranean, piracy by submarines in, 106–7
question of naval command of, 165, 378–9, 385
French Navy in, 173
suggested concessions to Italy in, 277–8
elimination of French Fleet in, 316–18
Italian aims in, 375
dangerous to military convoys, 375, 378–9, 424, 484–5
danger of German intervention in, 392
naval risk of help to Greece in, 407
convoy of tanks sails through, 423–5
naval position in, after Battle of Crete, 434–5, 484
German losses of ships crossing, 484–5, 620, 625–7
“Force K” brought to, 485
naval disasters in E., 490, 516
minefield in, 490
German air-power in, 516
shortening sea-route through, 604
“Torch” convoys in, 633
operation in, to follow “Torch”, 641, 643, 645, 650
campaign in, discussed at Quebec Conference, 691, 697–9
British commander of operations in, 698, 729
decision reached on operation in, 699
need for subsidiary enterprises in, 707–8, 728, 730–1
German troops held in area, 712–13
need to retain landing-craft in, 714, 728, 737–8, 749, 755–9
Americans opposed to operations in, 641, 684, 708–12, 714, 728
Allied command of air over, 660–1, 670
Allied strength in area of, 668, 681, 731, 739
opened to Allied convoys, 680
Germans deceived as to Allied intentions in, 682
preponderance of British forces in, 725, 738
making full use of forces in, 730, 738
appointment of Supreme Commander for, 752
Anglo-American differences about strategy in, 797–804
Mediterranean Fleet, during Abyssinian War, 75–7
dispersal of, before Albanian crisis, 146, 163
and untested Italian Fleet, 378
at Battle of Taranto, 384–5
escorts “Tiger” convoy, 425
and battle for Crete, 430–3
hindered by loss of Crete, 484
Eastern, sent south of Canal for safety, 565
Medway, the, Italian air attack on, 385
Megara, 867
Meiktila, 830–1
Melos, 430
Mentone, 279
Menzies, Rt. Hon. L. R. G., 409
Merchant Navy, and menace of mine, 146
losses in, 224
helps evacuate troops from Greece, 419
valiance of, 676. See also Shipping
Merchant ships, sinking of, 170
arming of, 173
sunk by magnetic mines, 174–5
degaussing of, 176
in Narvik harbour, 209
carry American arms to Britain, 284
delayed by U-boat precautions, 399
awaiting repair, 399
repaired in U.S. shipyards, 402
fighter aircraft launched from, 404
lost in Arctic convoys, 723–4
U.S. submarines attack Japanese, 834. See also Shipping
Merchant-cruisers, armed, 176
Mercier, Captain, 637
Mersa Matruh, railhead at, 376
defensive battle expected at, 380, 384
British driven back to, 568, 578
retreat from, 578–9
attempt to cut off Germans at, 629
Mers-el-Kebir, 316
Mersey, protection for approaches of, 120, 398
shipping to, 397
invasion across, 683, 699, 703–4
Metauro, River, 806
Metz, 849
Meuse, River, and Maginot Line, 187
German break-through over, 421
U.S. advance to, 844
Germans driven back over, 860
German drive for, 864–5
flooded, 893
Meuse-Antwerp line, 190
Mexico, votes in protest against German rearmament, 64
Mézières, 247
Michael, King of Roumania, 815, 901
Middle East, German threat to, 392–3, 438–40
Germans lose opportunity in, 440
improved British position in, 441–442
War Cabinet Minister resident in, 446
U.S. suggests abandonment of, 473–4
Auchinleck disproportionately concerned with N. front of, 482–3
U-boat attacks on supplies for, 535, 565
danger of Japan and Germany joining hands in, 539, 551–2
Sherman tanks sent to, 565
Roosevelt on effects of loss of, 583–4
means of sending aid to, 584
Churchill’s flight to, 587–9
wrongly named, 591
shortened route for convoys to, 680
divergencies of opinion regarding operations in, 707–14
nationalist ferment in, 971
Jewish nation in, 971–2
Middle East Command, problems of, 377
fails to fortify Suda Bay, 381, 427
overloaded organisation of, 427, 442, 445–6
member of War Cabinet to assist, 446
increase in strength of, 469
too wide responsibilities of, 560
need for change in High Command of, 587, 589–93
offered to Brooke, 589–90
changes in structure and nomenclature of, 591–3, 595–6
Alexander in command of, 592
plans capture of Rhodes, 708–9
Midway Island, Battle of, 537, 544–9
Mihailović, General Draga, resistance movement of, 759
relations of, with Germans, 759–60
Allied assistance to, 760, 762
dismissal of, 762–3
Mikolajczyk, M., in Moscow, 818, 852, 856–7, 885, 933
proposes political settlement with Lublin Committee, 820, 885
announces surrender of Warsaw, 822
and future Polish frontiers, 857, 883–4
rejected by Polish Government in London, 876, 885
and Polish elections, 890
Molotov vetoes inclusion of, 902
accepts Yalta decision on Poland, 908
and new Provisional Government, 933
Milan, bombing of, 270, 278–9, 289
Partisans take control of, 917
body of Mussolini displayed in, 918
Military Co-ordination Committee, 204–6
Mindanao, 835–6
Mindoro, 843
Mines, in Straits of Dover to protect invasion fleet, 335
menace coastal trade, 397
air-laid, damage Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, 532
in Cherbourg harbour, 791. See Magnetic mines
in Scheldt estuary, 849
Minqa Qaim, 578
Missouri, U.S.S., 942
Mogami, the, 548
Moldau, River, 919
Molinié, General, 263
Moll Flanders, 655–6
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 150–1
and Japanese Ambassador, 151
negotiates pact with Germany, 157
denounces pact with Finland, 196
praises German exploits, 279–80
on rumours of German attack on Russia, 453
receives German declaration of war, 453–4
at Chequers, 554–5
Churchill’s aide-mémoire to, on “Sledgehammer”, 555–6, 607
greets Churchill in Moscow, 599, 852
at conferences in Kremlin, 600, 604, 605
at Kremlin dinners, 608, 610–11
sees Churchill off, 613
on resumption of convoys, 717, 722
and British sailors in Russia, 718, 720
not present at Cairo talks, 726
at Teheran Conference, 731, 734, 743
and division of responsibilities in Balkans, 812
at Yalta Conference. 878, 886–7, 889–90
suggests meeting of Poles in Moscow, 886–7, 890
obstructs widening of Lublin Provisional Government, 901–902
refuses to attend San Francisco Conference, 902
accuses Western Allies of bad faith, 904–5
refuses information on Poland, 909
on missing Poles, 910
at San Francisco Conference, 910, 912
“Molotov Cocktail”, 196
Monastir, 415
“Monday Cabinet Parade”, 233
Monnet, Jean, 308
Mons, 849
Montecorvino, 698
Montélimar, 802
Montenegro, Italians join Partisans in, 768
Montevideo, Admiral Graf Spee in, 184–5, 198
Montgomery, Field-Marshal Sir Bernard (Viscount), in France (1940), 255, 590
in Home Defence, 324–5
to take Alexander’s place in “Torch”, 592–4
in command, Eighth Army, 593–5, 614–16
story of conversation of, about Rommel, 594
Churchill with, in Egypt, 614–16
prepared for Rommel’s attack, 614–15, 620
austerity of, 616
and Alamein, 626–9
use of artillery by, 629
supply difficulties of, in pursuit, 643–4
and invasion of Italy, 667, 706, 707, 739
Churchill intends visit to, 751, 754
commands “Overlord” invasion force, 752, 793
succeeded in Italy by Leese, 755
wants assault in greater strength for “Overlord”, 775
final conference at H.Q. of, 778
Churchill visits, in France, 784–5, 792–3
dangerously situated H.Q. of, 785
strategic plans of, 788, 844–5, 861
offensive of, 791
advances up Channel coast 844–5
and Arnhem landings, 846–7
in Battle of Ardennes, 864–5
in battles W. of Rhine, 893
Churchill visits, on Rhine, 894–7
his methods of conducting battle, 895–6
drive of, for German coast, 898–9
receives German surrender, 925
frustrates Russian dart for Denmark, 934
military government of, in Germany, 937
and taking of Berlin, 953
and Western Union military organisation, 960
Monthermé, 240
Moore-Brabazon, J. T. C. (Baron), 356
Moran, Lord, accompanies Churchill to U.S., 497, 513
to Cairo and Moscow, 588
and Churchill’s illness, 655, 752, 756–7
at Yalta, 878
Moray Firth, 776
Morgan, Lieut.-General F. E., plans for “Overlord”, 691, 693, 697, 775
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 369–70
Morocco, Churchill in, 82
U.S. landings in, 636. See also Casablanca
Morotai Island, 835
Morrison, Rt. Hon. Herbert, at Vote of Censure on Chamberlain, 214
in War Cabinet, 219
Home Secretary and Minister for Home Security, 362, starts National Fire Service, 363
Morrison shelters, 363
Morshead, Lieut.-General Sir L. J., 627
Mortain, 794
Morton, Major Sir Desmond, 38–9, 449
Moscow, German threat to, 461, 466, 610
Russian Army defending, 465, 471
Harriman-Beaverbrook Mission to, 467, 469–71
Churchill’s visit to, 588, 599–613
Churchill’s villa near, 599–600, 605–6
military conferences in, 607, 610
Germans driven from, 659
German prisoners marched through, 815
Polish Prime Minister in, 818
Polish Underground leaders disappear in, 909–910. See also Kremlin
Moslems, strife between Hindus and, in India, 967
nationalist ferment among, 971
Mosul, 440
Mountbatten, Vice-Admiral Lord Louis (Earl), and “Sledgehammer”, 580
presses for attack on Sardinia, 645
advises landings in Normandy, 693
and “Mulberry” harbours, 694
appointed to Supreme Command in Far East, 696
plans amphibious operation in Andamans, 747–9
Chief of Combined Operations, 776
Marshall’s telegram to, 786
and Burma campaign, 826–7, 829–831, 861
Moyne, Lord, 867
Mozambique Channel, Graf Spee in, 179
Mukden, Japanese occupation of, 42
“Mulberry” harbours, 694–5, 786, 789, 845
schematic forerunners of, 298–9
gale damage to, 790
Churchill visits, 791–2
German Workers’ Party meeting in, 25
Putsch in, 26
Churchill in, 40
“Night of Long Knives” in, 49–50
Chamberlain with Hitler in, 133–4, 142, 148
Mussolini brought to, 767–8
Ciano in, 768
Munich Agreement, 133–4
debate on, 135–6
“breathing-space” gained by, 136–9
Hitler’s breach of, 142–3, 148
Munitions: production in Germany, 85, 92, 136–7
production in Britain, 327, 499–500
division of American output of, 368, 499
payment for, 369–71
British shortage of, 470, 499–500
U.S. production of, 510
Murmansk, Russian concentrations at, 198
British aircraft sent to, 465
railway from Leningrad to, 813
Murphy, Robert, 634
Musashi, the, 837
Mussolini, Benito, rise of, 10
and rise of Hitler, 45
supports Austrian independence, 45–6, 51, 73, 113
meets Hitler, 46, 201, 279, 685, 767, 918
African Empire envisaged by, 52, 72–3
invidious speech of, at Stresa, 64
and Anglo-German Naval Agreement, 68
in alliance with Hitler, 72, 80, 113–14
need to strike down, over Abyssinia, 73
invades Abyssinia, 75
estranged over sanctions, 76, 275, 277
bluffs successfully, 76–8
would welcome compromise, 80
Chamberlain’s conciliatory approaches to, 105, 123–4, 275
supports Hitler in Austria, 115–17
and German action in Czechoslovakia, 124, 127, 146
on Chamberlain and Halifax, 140
Chamberlain’s speech submitted to, 140–1
asserts claims against France, 146
on Roosevelt, 146
seeks to avoid taking part in war, 154–5, 158–9
wiser to have remained out of war, 275–6, 688
Churchill’s letter to, 76–7
intends war against France and Britain, 277–8, 324
French approaches to, 277–8
prepares to attack Egypt, 375
demands attack on Egypt, 379–80
attacks Greece, 380–1, 384, 395
lowered prestige of, 384
orders bombing of Britain, 385
prepared to enter Egypt in triumph, 569, 577
Italy loses faith in, 684
fall of, 685–8
career of, 688
“Hundred Days” of, 767–9
vengeance of, 769
Mustafa Kemal, 705
Mutual Guarantee, Treaty of, 17
Myers, Colonel E. C. W., 763
Myitkyina, 827
Nagumo, Admiral, commands at attack on Pearl Harbour, 494
at Battle of Midway Island, 544–8
Naiad, H.M.S., 425
Nairn, Mrs., 938
Nairobi, 376
Namsos, 211
Nancy, 849
Naples, air raids on, 660
question of attack on, 664, 683
need to gain port of, 698–9
Tito and Subašić in, 763, 801–2
Narvik, Swedish iron ore to Germany from, 193
as base for help to Finland, 197–8
British plan to land at, 200, 202–203
British mine channel to, 206
Navy attacks German ships at, 209–10
attempts to take, 210–11
Auchinleck at, 445
National Coalition Government (1931–33), 22–3, 33
fecklessness of, 43–4
disregards German rearmament, 56–62
under Baldwin, 66
agitation for (1939), 147
(1940–45) Chamberlain on need for, 216–17
Churchill forms, 219–20, 227–230
machinery of war direction under, 231–2
strength and unity of, 568
country’s need for stable, 574–6
National Democratic Army. See E.D.E.S.
National Fire Service, 363
National Liberation Front. See E.A.M.
National Socialist Party, following of, 8, 25
Putsch of, 26
progress of, in Reichstag, 27
military and para-military formations of, 28
loses ground in 1932 election, 34
supreme in Germany, 35, 50. See also Nazism
Nauplion, 418
Naval disarmament (1921), 9–10
Italian view of, 45
in Austria, 45, 51, 110, 113–15
in conflict with Communism, 454–5. See also National Socialist Party
Nehru, Mr., 967
Neisse River, Eastern or Western, 745–6, 884–5, 943–4, 947–9
Nelson, Donald, 510
New Britain, 539
New Caledonia, Japanese threat to, 537
New Guinea, Japanese threat to, 537, 539, 541
U.S. conquest of, 834
New York, U-boats off, 533
convoys from, 534
story of Molotov in, 611
Churchill makes speech in, 956
New Zealand, and Locarno, 16
Achilles a ship of, 179
and defeat of Japan, 929
New Zealand forces, in Greece, 413
Freyberg in command of, 428
in N. Africa, 487–9, 560–1, 616, 643
break through at Mersa Matruh, 578–9
at Alam Halfa, 620–1
at Alamein, 627–8
in pursuit, 629
Newall, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir C. L. N. (Baron), Chief of Air Staff, 234, 262
Newcastle, H.M.S., 177
Newfoundland, base for escort forces on, 401–2
U.S. patrols operating from, 402
Churchill and Roosevelt meet off, 474–478
air cover from, 535
Newman, Lieut.-Colonel A. C, 533
Nice, 279
Niemen, River, 815
“Night of the Long Knives”, 50
Nijmegen, 846–7
Nile, Army of the, 394, 396, 407
Nimitz, Admiral C. W. (U.S.), and Battle of Coral Sea, 540, 543
and Battle of Midway Island, 544–5
Intelligence of, 548–9
approaches Philippines, 834
urges invasion of Leyte, 835–6
and command of final operations, 843
Noble, Admiral Sir Percy, 404
Noguès, General, 636
Non-aggression pacts, Germany suggests, 85, 87–8
between Germany and Esthonia and Latvia, 152
Russo-German, 157–8
Non-Intervention in Spain, 94
Nore, the, 328
Norfolk, H.M.S., 722
Normandy, invasion preparations in, 330
as site for “Overlord”, 693, 695
Churchill visits front in, 784–5
harbours on coast of, 785
German forces in, 787
difficult country for fighting in, 787–8
Allied strategic plan in, 788, 796
Allies consolidate strength in, 789
artificial harbours on coast of, 789–90
submarine pipe-lines to, 789, 790 n.; victory in, 794–6
front line sustained from, 845. See also “Overlord”
North Africa, French concessions to Italy in, 54
possibility of France fighting from, 271, 288, 302–3, 309
French encouraged to escape to, 374
Italian Army in, 375–6
coast road in Italian, 376
importance of maintaining Desert Flank in, 421
Second Front in (1942), 501–2, 512, 552–4, 557, 580–2, 584–6 (see also “Torch”); control achieved of whole of, 502, 641, 652, 662, 675
setback to campaign in, 516
danger of German occupation of, 584
advantages to Russia in conquest of, 603
Darlan orders “Cease fire” in French, 637–8
Churchill tours, 670–1. See also Western Desert
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, 960–961
North Foreland, 336
North Sea, naval base on, 171
search for Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in, 177
possibility of invasion from across, 331
shipping attacked in, 397
Norway, concerned about naval balance in Baltic, 65
German iron ore traffic along coast of, 193, 197–8, 202
German plan to invade, 193, 195, 199–200
Nationalist Party in, 195
and passage of supplies to Finland, 197–8, 200–1
possible Russian designs on, 198
capture of Altmark in waters of, 198–9
German concentration against, 202–3
invasion of, 206–10
Britain attempts to help, 210–13
Russian comments on attack on, 280
German aircraft transferred from, 340
long-range aircraft refuelled in, 399
Russia expels representative of, 452
Hitler prepares for attack on, 530
Churchill wants Second Front in N., 552–4, 557, 581, 611
German Fleet concentrated in N., 715, 722
joins N.A.T.O., 960
Nova Scotia, U.S. patrols operating from, 402
Nuclear weapons, 963–5. See also Atomic bomb
Nuri es-Said, 971
Nyon Conference, 106–7
O’Connor, Captain R. C., 490
Oder, River, Polish frontier on, 734, 745, 884, 943, 949
German defences on, 919
Oil pipe-line, to supply “Overlord”, 789, 790 n.; to Burma, 827
Oilfields, German threat to Persian, 438, 440
loss of, with loss of Middle East, 583
German drive for Russian, 657
Oise, River, 305
Okinawa Island, 940
Oklahoma, U.S.S., 494
Okulicki, General Leopold, 910–11
Olav Tryggvason, the, 207
Oran, action with French Fleet at, 316–18
Anglo-U.S. landing at, 636
Organisation for European and Economic Co-operation (O.E.E.C.), 962
Orkneys, blockade line north of, 176
Orzel, Polish submarine, 206
Oslo, 206–7
Osóbka-Morawski, M., 857
Ostend, 339
Ottawa, Churchill in, 503, 505–6
Ouistreham, 785
Ouvry, Lieut.-Commander, 175
“Overall Strategic Objective”, 95
“Overlord”, Operation, question of Command in, 326, 697–8, 725, 729, 742, 750–2
fortunate postponement of, 502
U.S. fears that action in Mediterranean may prejudice, 641, 684, 710, 714, 728
choice of site for, 693–5
synthetic harbours for, 694, 786, 789–90
dominating assumptions for, 693, 697, 735–6
to hold first priority over resources, 697
preponderance of U.S. troops in, 697
landing-craft for, 710, 714, 728, 737, 748, 755, 775–6
divisions withdrawn from Italy for, 713, 731, 738, 797
German forces facing, 713, 787–8
Churchill asks for easement in date of, 714, 757
need for Anglo-U.S. accord on policy regarding, 725
Churchill’s aims regarding, 729–30
subsidiary landings to support, 730–1, 737, 739, 745, 748, 773, 797
forces for use in, 731, 739, 798
Stalin suspects British sincerity regarding, 736, 737
choice of date for, 737–8, 740, 748, 757
importance of campaign in Italy to, 753–4, 774
difficulties to be overcome in, 775
postponed date of, 776–7, 779–80
training of forces for, 776
timing of, 777
deception measures for, 777–8, 787
concentration of troops for, 778
final conference before, 778
Stalin’s congratulations about, 784
air support for, 789
gale hinders consolidation of, 790
“Anvil” too late to be of value to, 797–8, 803
joins hands with “Anvil” (“Dragoon”), 802, 808
Oxford Union resolution, 41, 74
Pacific, American naval successes in, 224, 539–49
shipping losses in, 227
Americans lose mastery of, 494
measures to gain command of, 501
America regains command of, 549, 675
landing-craft in, 738
American touchiness about, 739
Japanese island defences in, 833
Pacific Fleet, U.S., destruction of, 494
idea for rapid build-up of, 496
dispersed carriers of, 539–40
gathers for battle, 540
at Battle of Coral Sea, 541–4
at Battle of Midway Island, 544–9
Page, Sir Earle, 523
Paget, General Sir Bernard, 764
Pakistan, 967
Pakokku, 830
Palau Islands, 835
Palermo, 660
Palestine, threat to, 438
troops from, in Iraq, 438–40
defensive works in, 482–3
post-war strife in, 971–2
Palm Beach, 511
Papagos, General, 381, 414, 417
Papandreou, M., Prime Minister, 765
meets Churchill in Italy, 801, 804–5
signs Caserta Agreement, 866–7
in Athens, 867–9
Papen, Franz von, Chancellor, 33–4
supports Hitler, 34
spared in “Night of Long Knives”, 50
Minister in Vienna, 51, 113–14
presents ultimatum to Schuschnigg, 115
Parachute troops, German, in Crete, 429–430
U.S., in “Torch”, 636
Polish, 847. See also Airborne landings
Paris, Peace Conference in (1918), 3
Churchill visits (1940), 243–6, 250–2, 269–72
preparations for evacuation of, 244
seat of Government moves from, 286
Churchill urges defence of, 287
Armée de, 305
German triumph in, 339
air raid on, 355
liberating troops enter, 795–6
Churchill visits (1944), 859
Park, Air Chief Marshal Sir K. R., 348–51
Parliament, functioning of, in Blitz, 358–9. See also Commons, House of
Partisans of Yugoslavia, 759–60
British missions to, 760–1
seize Italian equipment, 761
Russian mission to, 762. See also Resistance movements
Pas de Calais, invasion preparations in, 330
German dive-bombers in area of, 340
as site for “Overlord”, 693
Germans deceived about landing on, 776–8
cleared of enemy, 846
Patras, 867
Patton, General G. S. (U.S.), in Sicily, 681
Third Army of, in France, 793–5, 849, 860
in Battle of Ardennes, 865
at Trier, 893
Paul, Prince, Regent of Yugoslavia, 409–11
Paulus, Field-Marshal, 658
Pavlov, M., interpreter, 599, 608–9, 611, 731, 744, 852
Pearl Harbour, Japanese attack on, 491, 494–5
carriers recalled to, 543
Peck, Mr., 567
Pegu, 831–2
Peipus, Lake, 810
Peirse, Air Chief Marshal Sir R. E. C., Vice-Chief of Air Staff, 262
at Washington Conference, 663
Pembroke Dock, 120
Penelope, H.M.S., 485
Penney, Major-General W. R. C., 770
Pennsylvania, U.S.S., 494
People’s Liberation Army. See E.L.A.S.
Percival, General A. E., 521, 524–6
Pereyaslav, 717
Persia, German threat to oilfields of, 438, 440, 480
preparations for defence of, 461, 481
passage of aid to Russia through, 468–9, 480–1, 583
German influence in, 480
Russo-British operations in, 480–1
detached from Middle East Command, 592–3, 595
Russian pressure on, 955. See also Trans-Persian Railway
Perth, Lord, 140
Perugia, 769
Pescara, 703
Petacci, Signorina, 918
Pétain, Marshal, influence of, on French military thought, 187
appointed Vice-President of Council, 246
at meeting of Supreme War Council, 269, 286
defeatist attitude of, 271–2, 290, 309
on defence of Paris, 287
paper of, on need for armistice, 289–90
against union with Britain, 309–10
Government of, 310–11, 374, 639
and supplies to Rommel, 635
Darlan’s communications to, during “Torch”, 635–6, 638
Darlan the heir of, 640. See also Vichy Government
Peter, King of Yugoslavia, 411
escapes to England, 759
forbidden to return to Yugoslavia, 762
dismisses Mihailović, 762–3
attempts to heal breach between Tito and, 801–2, 813
Peters, Captain F. T., 636
Petersfield, 337
Petsamo, Russia demands lease of, 195
Philippines, Japanese threat to, 478
Japanese plan naval battle near, 494
Japanese invasion of, 495, 537
U.S. forces approach, 834–6
Japanese ordered to fight to finish in, 835
naval battle in, 837–42
taking of, 843
Phillips, Admiral Sir Tom, Vice-Chief of Naval Staff, 262
death of, 496
Phillips, Sir Frederick, 370
Phipps, Sir Eric, 129
Pile, General Sir Frederick, 352, 354
Pilsen, 919
Pim, Captain Richard, 265, 503, 949
Piræus, guerrillas hamper Germans at, 763–4
British land at, 867
E.L.A.S. ordered to evacuate, 868
Ajax at, 873
Pisa-Rimini Line, 729, 797, 799
Place, Lieutenant B. C. G., 718
Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, 474–8
Plan D of Gamelin, 189 n., 254
Plastiras, General, 875
Ploesti oil-wells, 728
“Pluto” submarine pipe-line, 789, 790 n.
Plymouth, French naval vessels at, 316
ships to repel invasion at, 332
Po, River, Allied drive for, 797
advance into valley of, 798, 804
waterlogged valley of, 861
German defensive position on, 915
Allies cross, 917
Poincaré, Raymond, 8–9
Poland, Soviet armies defeated in, 10
Arbitration Treaty with Germany, 17, 148
France pledges support to, 17
German territorial claims on, 18, 103, 112
opposed to Eastern Pact, 52
votes in protest against German rearmament, 64
British guarantee to, 120
and Russian aid to Czechoslovakia, 128
demands Teschen from Czechs, 133, 136, 144–5
German threat to, 141, 145, 152, 155
in sympathy with Slovaks, 141
Anglo-French guarantee to, 143–5, 148, 152
refuses to allow transit to Russian troops, 145, 148–9, 156
refuses Russian guarantee, 152
Russian attitude towards, 156
partition of, between Germany and Russia, 157, 168–9
British treaty with, 158
attacked by Germany, 159, 161, 240
ruin and subjugation of, 168–9
German film of conquest of, 206
concentration of German troops in, 449–50
discussions on post-war frontiers of, 733–4, 745–6, 818, 856–7, 883–5, 908, 943–5, 947, 949
post-war position of, 746, 810
Germans driven back to, 810
discussions on Government for, 818, 857, 876, 882–3, 885–91, 908–9, 911–12, 933
British interest in fate of, 851, 882–3, 892, 908
Russian occupation of, 876, 882, 913
Russia recognises Lublin Committee as Government of, 876, 882
Russia complains of sabotage to Red Army in, 882
Western Powers denied access to, 882, 887–90, 901, 908–9, 934
elections in, 883, 887–90, 911, 934
question of Ambassadors to, 890–1
Russian violations of agreement concerning, 901
Russian treaty with, 908
arrests and deportations in, 909–12, 933–4
Stalin on need for friendly, 911
Britain and U.S. recognise Provisional Government of, 933–4
a Russian satellite, 934–5, 947, 953, 955, 958
occupies land to Western Neisse, 943–4, 947, 949, 955
holds German grain-lands, 944, 947. See also Lublin Committee
Polish Armoured Division, 845 n., 846
Polish Army, Ironside on, 159
defeated in German blitzkrieg, 168
evacuated from France, 307
in Greece, 413
at Cassino, 783
fighting with Western Powers, 882, 887
Polish Committee of National Liberation. See Lublin Committee
Polish Government in London, and Warsaw rising, 815–17
attempts made to combine Lublin Committee with, 820, 857, 876, 886
members of, in Moscow, 852, 856–7
repudiate Mikolajczyk’s proposals, 876, 885
antagonism between Lublin Government and, 882, 885
Churchill on transference of recognition from, 886–7
and missing Poles, 910
Polish Parachute Brigade, 847
Polish Provisional Government, recognition of, 933–4. See also Lublin Government
Polish Underground Army, rising of, 815–22
discusses political settlement, 820
surrender of, 822
accused of sabotage to Red Army, 882, 911–12
and Lublin Government, 886, 889
leaders of, held in Russia, 909–12, 933
Ponza, Mussolini imprisoned on, 688, 767
Port Darwin, 495
Port Moresby, Japanese threat to, 537, 539, 541
invasion force turned back from, 542–3
Portal, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Charles (Viscount), Chief of Air Staff, 234
and Operation “Tiger”, 424
on increasing strength of R.A.F., 474
accompanies Churchill to Washington, 497, 500
flies back with Churchill, 512–14
and flight to Middle East, 587
and heating of “Commando”, 643–4
fishes in Canada, 700–1
at Yalta, 879
Portland, Anti-Submarine School at, 164
light naval vessels at, 328
Portsmouth, French naval vessels taken at, 316
light naval vessels at, 328
air raids on, 391
midget submarines from, at “Overlord”, 779
Churchill watches embarkation from, 779
Eisenhower’s H.Q. near, 800
Portugal, votes in protest against German rearmament, 64
possible German use of, 584
shooting down of passenger plane from, 671
joins N.A.T.O., 960
Posen, 392
Potsdam Conference, 943–9
Chiefs of Staff meetings at, 509
discussion of Polish frontiers at, 745–6
Churchill suggests, 912, 914, 922, 930–1
Truman’s suggestion regarding, 332–3
date for, 934–5
Churchill’s unfinished work at, 947, 949
Pound, Admiral Dudley, First Sea Lord, 163, 262
afternoon sleep of, 168
gives news of loss of Courageous, 172
reports on magnetic mines, 175
and boarding of Altmark, 199
agrees to send tanks through Mediterranean, 424
with Churchill on Prince of Wales, 475
announces loss of Prince of Wales and Repulse, 496
accompanies Churchill to Washington, 497–8, 500
flies back with Churchill, 512–13
at Casablanca, 644
and “Husky”, 682
in Quebec, 700
resigns, 701
mentioned, 400
Prague, Russian-German link in, 125
Runciman’s mission to, 127
German troops march into, 142
Russians allowed to take, 919, 922, 953
behind Iron Curtain, 955
Pravda, on Fulton speech, 956
Press, British, and German suggestion of non-aggression pact, 88
demands a National Government, 147
critical of conduct of war, 515, 518, 568
censures action in Greece, 870
Press, U.S., and fall of Tobruk, 566
censures action in Greece, 870–1
Press Conference, at Casablanca, 647
Pride and Prejudice, 753
Primauguet, the, 636–7
Prince of Wales, H.M.S., carries Churchill to Placentia Bay, 474–6, 478–9
at Singapore, 495
loss of, 496
Princeton, U.S.S., 837
Prisoners-of-war, British, on Altmark, 198–9
Italian, in Western Desert, 385–6
British, taken in Syria, 441
German orders as to treatment of Russian, 454–5
U-boat attack on ship carrying Italian, 535
Italian, taken at Alamein, 628
British, helped by Italian Resistance, 768
German, in Russia, 815
taken in clearing Scheldt estuary, 848
German, in Italy, 917
in Germany, 919
Stalin on use of German, 947
Production Council, 293
Prome, 831–2
Provence, the, 318
Prussia, post-war treatment of, 623, 733, 746
Punch cartoon (1939), 141
“Punishment”, Operation, 415
Purvis, Arthur, 368
Qattara Depression, 577
“Quadrant”, Operation, 691
Quebec Conference, First, 691, 696–9, 700
decisions reached at, 698–9, 708, 725, 963
Queen Elizabeth, H.M.S., 425
crippled by time-bomb, 490, 511, 565
Queen Mary, the, 663–4, 691, 693
Queenstown, 120–1
Quinan, General, 481
Quisling, Major Vidkun, 195, 210
Rabaul, Japanese naval base at, 539, 541
Radar, 164
warns of aircraft approaching coasts, 349
development of, against U-boats, 400
German jamming of, 531
aircraft carrying, 536
in Battle of Coral Sea, 542
enemy, driven back from frontier, 849
Raeder, Admiral, appeals to Hitler against war, 132
plans invasion of Normandy, 193, 195
and invasion of England, 333, 335, 340–1, 343, 352
wants to attack U.S. ships, 403
dismissal of, 715
Ragil Depression, 620
Ramillies, H.M.S., 479
Ramsay, Admiral (U.S.), 800
Ramsay, Admiral Sir B. H., organises evacuation from Dunkirk, 248, 265, 269, 272
Ramsgate, in German invasion plans, 336–337
air raid on, 357
Rangoon, 824
amphibious landing at, 829–32
advance on by land, 830–1, 861
taking of, 832
Rauenfels, the, 210
Rawalpindi, loss of, 176–7
Rawlings, Rear-Admiral, 432
Rearmament, German, 35, 37, 41, 51, 53, 55–62, 84–5
Labour opposition to British, 78
German expenditure on, 95–6
deputation to Prime Minister on need for, 96–7
“Arms and the Covenant” movement towards, 99–100
Chamberlain’s attitude to, 105, 107, 140
British, after Munich, 140
Red Army. See Russian Army
Regensburg, 898
Reggio, 704
Reibel, Charles, 310
Reichenau, General von, 117
burning of, 34
Reichswehr, power of, 28
joins with Hitler, 29–30, 33, 35
merging of Brownshirts with, 47
Reigate, 337
Remagen, 893
Rennes, 306
Churchill’s voyages on, 701, 704, 706, 726
Reparations (1918), 5–6
extorted by U.S. from their own loans, 11
easement of, 30
question of cancelling, 32
Repulse, H.M.S., 495–6
Resistance movements, in Greece, 763–4
in Belgium, 845
Dutch, 847
vengeance of, on Mussolini, 918
in Yugoslavia see Chetniks; Partisans
Resolution, H.M.S., at Oran, 316
Rethel, 305
“Retribution”, Operation, 662
Revenge, H.M.S., 332
Reykjavik, U.S. convoys to, 404
Churchill in, 478–9
Reynaud, Paul, replaces Daladier, 201
agrees to mining the Leads, 202
sends news of German attack, 241
on French defeat, 242–3
Churchill visits, in Paris, 243, 245, 250, 269
makes changes in Cabinet and High Command, 246, 250
informed of evacuation of B.E.F., 260
at Supreme War Council meetings (May/June, 1940), 269–71, 286–92, 301–302, 306
in England, appeals for concessions to Italy, 277–8
determined to fight on, 290
Roosevelt’s message to, 303–4
and Union with Britain, 308–10
resignation of, 310
Rhine, River, French seek frontier on, 5
Germany suggests guaranteeing status on, 16
Germany suggests demilitarizing, 85
Churchill visits French front on (1939), 152–3
Eisenhower’s plan for crossing, 845
crossing of Lower, 846–7
weather prevents advance on, 860–1
French Army reaches, 860
objectives not reached on, 861
Roosevelt on terrain near, 863
Germans driven back across, 892
Allied bridgeheads over, 893, 895, 897
Churchill crosses, 896–7
Rhineland, Allied evacuation of, 18, 30
“demilitarised zone” of, 86
German reoccupation of, 86–9
Rhodes, desirability of taking, 408, 707–8, 747
Italian fortress of, 427
failure to occupy, 709–11, 730
Rhone, Valley, German armour in, 279
projected Anglo-American advance up, 729
Allied advance up, 802–3. See “Anvil”
Ribbentrop, Frau von, 118
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, Churchill’s conversation with, on Anglo-German relations, 102–3
presents ultimatum to Schuschnigg, 115
Chamberlain’s farewell party to, 118–19
puts pressure on Poland, 141, 145
in Moscow to sign Non-Aggression Pact, 157
on British defences, 327
delivers declaration of war on Russia, 453
mentioned, 140
Riggs, H. C., 265
Rimini, 804
Rintelen, Anton von, 51
Rio Claro, S.S., 170
Rio de Janeiro, the, 206
Ritchie, General Sir N. M., G.O.C. Eighth Army, 489, 516
defensive position of, 559
position of, in relation to Auchinleck, 560, 573
orders to, regarding Tobruk, 560–1
River Plate, Battle of, 179–85
Riviera, war with Italy in, 279
projected landing in, 729, See also “Anvil”
Roberts, Major-General G. P. B., 615
Roberts, H.M.S., 848
Robertson, General Sir Brian H., 654, 758
Rodney, H.M.S., 636
plots against Hitler, 30, 33, 49
leads disaffection in S.A., 47–8
arrest and death of, 49–50
Rogers, Captain Kelly, 512–14, 562
Rokossovsky, Marshal, 822
Roma, the, 704
Rome, Laval in, 53–4
bombing of, 684–5
German occupation of, 689, 703–4
Allies seek to capture airfields near, 698–9, 703, 796
need to capture, 710–11, 728–9, 797
amphibious landing to help capture of, 754–5
Committee of Liberation in, 767
Allies capture, 781, 783, 798, 803
Churchill in, 804–5
Rome Protocols, 46
Romer, M., 852
Rommel, Marshal Erwin, 421–2
in France (1940), 252, 286, 307, 421
in command of Afrika Korps, 421–2
Churchill’s tribute to, 422
victories of, 422–3, 442–4, 516, 568
reinforcements for, 424, 442, 484
supply difficulties of, 442, 482, 484, 561, 579, 620–1
German High Command’s orders to, 442, 484
in “Crusader”, 488–9
refitting of army of, 490
attacks Eighth Army (May 1942), 559–60
determines to take Egypt, 577–9
on attack of New Zealanders, 578–9
counter-attacks on, 579
need for defeat of, before “Torch”, 592, 595–6
story of Montgomery on subject of, 594
Montgomery prepared for attack of, 614–15, 620
attacks and is repulsed at Alam Halfa, 619–21
handicapped by shipping losses, 626–7
at Alamein, 626
on British artillery, 629
supplied through Tunisia, 635
in command in Tunisia, 660
in Italy, 698
in conference with Hitler, 789
disabled in air attack, 790
Roosevelt, Elliott, 476
Roosevelt, Mrs. Elinor, 503
Roosevelt, President Franklin D., helps Flandin, 90
suggests use of American influence to bring settlement in Europe, 107–10, 144
personal message of, to Dictators, 146
and atomic bombs, 154, 564, 963
correspondence of, with Churchill, 173–4, 235–7, 469, 518, 710, 753. 761, 786, 807–8, 853, 861, 863, 898–900, 902–3, 906
Chiefs of Staff of, 235
and MacArthur at Corregidor, 268–9
approaches Mussolini for Allies, 277–8
speech of, on Italian declaration of war, 279
initiates supply of arms to Britain, 283–4, 321
French appeals to, 302–4
Churchill’s relations with, 367
reelection of, 367
Lend-Lease scheme of, 370–1
and appointment of Halifax, 372
Harry Hopkins and, 389–90
extends U.S. Security Zone and patrol areas in Atlantic, 402–3
declares Unlimited National Emergency, 403
believes that Russian front will hold, 461
doubts wisdom of holding Middle East, 473
Churchill meets, in Newfoundland, 474–8
and Atlantic Charter, 476–8
and attack on Pearl Harbour, 491
Churchill gives papers on future course of war to, 501
supports idea of landing in N. Africa, 501–2, 512, 557, 580
Churchill visits, 503–4, 507–12, 562–7, 663–6
draws up Declaration of United Nations, 507–8
talks of, with Litvinov, 506
sets munitions schedule, 510
on escape of Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, 532
sends radar-carrying aircraft, 536
and Second Front, 550, 553, 581–5, 665
drives Churchill in car, 562–3
receives news of fall of Tobruk, 564
sends Sherman tanks to Egypt, 565
memorandum of, on war policy, 582–4
and preparations for “Torch”, 585–6, 631
and “unconditional surrender”, 647–9
at Marrakesh, 650–1
holds exaggerated idea of Chinese importance, 644, 726–7
doubtful of Italian invasion plan, 665–6
at first Quebec Conference, 691, 696–9, 963
and command of “Overlord”, 697–698, 725, 729, 750–2
against operation in Ægean, 710, 731
and Anglo-American talks before Teheran, 725–6
promises amphibious operation in Burma to Chiang Kai-shek, 727, 737–8, 747–9
suggests attack through Istria, 730, 745, 799
at Teheran Conference, 731–2, 734–5, 737, 740
avoids private meeting with Churchill, 734, 737
private talks of, with Stalin, 734–5, 737
plan of, for post-war world, 734–5
misrepresents Churchill’s views, 735, 737
and date of “Overlord”, 737, 740
at dinner at British Legation, 741–4
proposals of, for treatment of Germany, 746
cannot part with Marshall, 750–1
visits Sphinx, 751
sanctions use of landing-craft at “Anzio”, 756–8
insists on “Anvil” (“Dragoon”), 799–801
fears “spheres of influence” in Balkans, 811–13
appeals to Stalin, on help to Warsaw, 819
correspondence of, with Stalin, on Polish question, 876
at Malta Conference, 876–7
at Yalta Conference, 878, 880, 882, 884–6, 888–91, 943
suggests working out plan for treatment of Germany, 880
agrees about Curzon Line, 884
failing health of, 899–900, 902–3
accused by Stalin of bad faith, 905–6, 922
death of, 906–7
fails to bring Truman into decisions, 907
and German occupation zones, 921, 937
“four freedoms” of, 958
and independence of Korea, 968
Roosevelt, Franklin D., junior, 478–9
Roper, U.S.S., 533
Rostock, 202
Rothermere, Lord, 82
Rotterdam, destruction of, 241
invasion of Britain from, 337
Rouen, retreat to (1940), 285–6
advance to (1944), 794–5
Roumania, uneasy at German rearmament, 41
and Russian help to Czechoslovakia, 128
refuses to allow entry of Russian troops, 145, 149
British guarantee to, 148, 152
refuses Russian guarantee, 152
oil supplies to Germany from, 201–2
Russian demands from, 281
German troop concentrations in, 448, 450
Russians on frontiers of, 764, 810
Russia and, 810, 812, 852, 855, 913
coup d’état of King Michael in, 815
Russian occupation of, 815, 851, 876
Communist Government forced on, 901–2
a Russian satellite, 935, 953, 958
“Round-up”, Operation, 551, 566, 580 n.
jeopardised by “Sledgehammer”, 580–1
Roosevelt on, 583
Rowan, Sir Leslie, private secretary, 877
Royal Air Force, loses parity with German Air Force, 56–62
excels in quality but not quantity, 62, 266
Churchill on need to develop, 97
strengthened after Munich, 136, 138
in help for Norway, 210–11
bombing of Germany by, 206, 262, 323, 353, 360, 469, 580, 602, 696, 713, 717, 849–50, 865
French demands on, 241, 245–6, 287, 289, 308, 322
required for Home Defence, 241–2, 287, 322
prowess of, at Dunkirk, 266–7, 273, 327–8
part of, in stemming invasion, 261
prevented from taking off at Marseilles, 289
Keitel on, 323
attacks invasion fleet, 330, 338–9, 352
invasion hinges on destruction of, 343
Goering fails to destroy, 344–5, 352
compared to German Air Force, 345
Dowding’s disposition of fighters in England, 346
in danger from German air raids, 347–8
losses in, over Britain, 348, 352
organisation of, during battle, 348–51
wins Battle of Britain, 352
night fighters of, 354
bombs Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, 405–6
in evacuation from Greece and Crete, 419, 432–3
weakness of, in Crete, 432–3
in Malaya and Singapore, 524
destroys Möhne and Eder dams, 692
sinks Tirpitz, 723
bombs flying-bomb sites, 789
tries to aid Warsaw, 817–20
Russia refuses permission for landing of planes of, 818
in battle for Beveland and Walcheren, 848
effects on Germany of bombing of, 849–50
in Battle of Ardennes, 865
at crossing of Rhine, 894–5. See also Allied Air Force; Western Desert Air Force
Royal Marine Commandos, 848–9
Royal Navy, German navy in relation to, 67, 69
in Mediterranean during Abyssinian War, 75–7
and use of Irish ports, 120
mobilisation of, in Czech crisis, 132, 135
dispersal of, in Mediterranean, before Albanian crisis, 146, 163
Churchill’s knowledge and experience of, 163–4
overwhelming superiority of, 165
base for North Sea Fleet of, 171, 174
hunting groups of, seek for Graf Spee, 178
attacks German ships at Narvik, 209–10
and evacuation of B.E.F., 248, 259, 263, 265, 267
part of, in stemming invasion, 261, 378
safety of, essential to U.S., 304
in action with French Fleet, 316–19
repair of ships of, in U.S. yards, 402
Escort Groups of, 404
evacuates troops from Greece, 418–19
prevents sea landing at Crete, 430–1
evacuates troops from Crete, 431–3
attacks Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, 532
and “Torch”, 633
harries enemy ships in Mediterranean, 660–1
at Battle of Salerno, 705
lands troops at Taranto, 706
losses in, in Ægean, 711–12
and Arctic convoys, 715, 718–22, 724
sinks Scharnhorst, 722–3
and “Overlord”, 739
part of, at Walcheren, 848. See also Home Fleet; Mediterranean Fleet
Royal Oak, H.M.S., sinking of, 174
Royal Sceptre, S.S., 170
Ruhr, French occupation of, 8, 25
Allied thrust for, 844–5
encirclement of, 897–898
food for miners of, 947
Runciman, Lord, 133
his mission to Prague, 127
Rundstedt, Marshal von, in Battle of France, 240
and halting of German armour before Dunkirk, 255–7
in command of invasion force, 337
in invasion of Russia, 451, 466
deceived as to site of “Overlord”, 778, 787
in command of Atlantic Wall, 787
urges withdrawal to Seine, 789
advises making peace, 790 n.
superseded by von Kluge, 790
counter-offensive of, in Ardennes, 862–5
Russia, Soviet, opposition to, in Europe, 10, 18
Hitler’s policy regarding, 27
French approach to, 52–3, 65–6
enters League, 52
votes in protest against German rearmament, 64
and Spanish Civil War, 94
British relations with, 103, 104
Services view of military strength of, 107
seeks consultations with France and England, 119, 128
relations of, with Czechoslovakia, 125–6, 155–6
purge and trials in (1937), 126
attitude of, to Czech crisis, 128, 131–2, 144
Western states ignore offer of, 131, 144
proposes Six-Power Conference, 145–6
talks with, 148
offers alliance to Britain and France, 148–9
turns towards Germany, 150–2, 156
Strang’s mission to, 155–7
attitude of, to Poland (1939), 156
makes pact with Germany, 157–8, 321, 464–5
occupies Baltic States, 158, 195, 281, 511
demands of, on Finland, 195
invades Finland, 196–7, 200–1, 279, 881
weakness of German forces on frontier of, 239
watches destruction of “Second Front”, 239, 280–1, 446, 462
praises German exploits, 279–80
British Ambassador to, 280
Hitler’s plan to conquer, 280–1, 352, 390, 407, 447–53
ultimatum of, to Roumania, 281
aid to Germany from, 321, 449, 452, 462
strengthening of, 387
possible effects of German conquests in Middle East on, 393, 720
effects of Balkan lack of unity on, 407, 447, 450
unprepared for German attack, 447, 450–4, 461
massing of troops on frontier of, 447–51, 454
plans division of British Empire with Germany, 449, 462
concessions of, to Germany, 451–2
Germany declares war on, 453–4
warnings to, 454
German invasion of, 454–7, 460, 465, 467–8
German barbarities in, 454–5
British aid to, 456, 464, 583, 649
for a year a hindrance not a help to Britain, 461–2
strength and patriotism of people of, 461
Churchill’s visits to, 461, 509, 587–8, 597–613, 850–858, 878–81, 882–91
demands of, on Britain, 462–3, 466, 467–8, 499
demands “Second Front”, 463, 467–9, 471, 555, 610
Anglo-American Supply Mission to, 467, 469–71
Persian route for aid to, 468–9, 480
Government leaves Moscow, 471
medical aid to, 471–2
American aid to, 499, 583, 649
not represented on Combined Chiefs of Staff Committee, 509
suggested emergency invasion for averting collapse of, 551, 583
disaster of collapse of, 552, 583
aid to, through N. Norway, 552
advantages to, from “Torch”, 603
technique of conferences in, 608
Collective Farm policy in, 611–12
in Four-Power Plan, 622
Churchill’s doubts on post-war, 622
diversion of German pressure on, 650, 664–5, 668, 713, 717
attempt to get route to, through Turkey, 652
Turkish fear of, 653–4
route to, through Ægean and Dardanelles, 708, 730–1
Germans retreat in, 715–17
treatment of British seamen in N., 718–21
American wish to gain confidence of, 725
discussions on post-war responsibilities of, 732–5
Western frontiers of, 733–4
promises aid against Japan, 738–9, 745, 748–9, 857, 941
out-let of, by sea, 740–1, 913, 945
Stalin’s position in, 743
attitude of, to civil war in Yugoslavia, 761–2
need for political arrangement with, about states of E. Europe, 810–13, 851–7
urges Poles to rise, 816
withholds aid to Warsaw, 817–22
Allied aircraft refused permission to land in, 818, 821
seeks liquidation of non-Communist Poles, 821–2
represented at Dumbarton Oaks, 851
recognises Lublin Committee, 876
changed attitude of, with loss of common enemy, 900, 902, 922, 934
accuses Western Powers of bad faith, 903–6
signs treaty with Lublin Government, 908
replaces Nazi Germany as menace to world peace, 930, 958–60
preponderating military strength of, 931–2, 964
draws Iron Curtain across Europe, 932, 955, 958–9, 965
need to keep bargaining counter for, 935, 953
occupation line of, in Europe, after eight years, 935
established in heart of Europe, 937, 949, 953, 955
not needed in defeat of Japan, 940–1
declares war on Japan, 943–4
advances frontier to Curzon Line, 943
German labour in, 947
Western goodwill for people of, 954, 958, 965
reaction in, to Fulton speech, 955–6
stemming spread of sphere of, 959
denies Western Allies access to Berlin, 961
nuclear weapons of, 963–5
effect of Stalin’s death on relations with, 965–6
actions of, in Far East, 968
and Korea, 969–70
reason for hope in situation in, 973
Russian Air Force, bombs Finland, 196
largely destroyed on ground, 451, 454–5, 461
superiority of, over German, 715, 717
bombs Germans in Warsaw, 816
drops supplies on Warsaw, 821
Russian Army, purged of pro-German elements, 129, 150
and aid to Czechoslovakia, 132
Eastern states refuse entry to, 145, 148–9, 156
strength of (1939), 157
defeated in Finland, 196–7
unprepared for German attack, 454, 461
guerrilla warfare of, 461, 466
initial retreat of, 461
offered for “Second Front”, 463
defeated at Kiev, 466
courage and resistance of, 466, 606, 656–8
victories of, 658–9, 715–17, 810, 813–15
depends on “Overlord”, 739–740
summer offensive of, 740–1, 784, 813–15
deception plans of, 741
Brooke accused of not liking, 743–4
on outskirts of Warsaw, 817, 819, 821
enters Warsaw, 822
women in, 878
Russia complains of sabotage to, in Poland, 882, 885–6, 911–12
joining hands with, in Germany, 897–8, 919
allowed to capture capital cities, 898, 918–19, 922, 953
in Berlin, 924
Russian Military Mission, 463
Russian Zone of Germany, 921
question of withdrawal of Western Allied armies from, 912–13, 932, 934–7
food supplies of, 923
flight of refugees from, 932, 937
pro-Communist, 955
Ryder, Commander R. E. D., 533
Rye, 337
S.A. (Brownshirts), 28–9
disaffection in, 47–8
arrest and death of leaders of, 49–50
reduced to obedience, 51–2
conscription into, 69
Saar, the, thrust for, 844–5
Saarbrucken, 305
Saigon, 843
St. Germain, Treaty of, 6
St. John, Order of, and “Aid to Russia”, 471–2
St. John’s, Newfoundland, 401
St. Lawrence River, U-boats in, 534
St. Lô, 792
St. Malo, 793
Saipan, 834
Salerno, Battle of, 704–6
Salerno, Gulf of, 683
Salford, air raids on, 391
Salisbury, Marquess of, 96
“Salo, Republic of”, 767–9
Salonika, 867
Samar Island, 837
Samoa, Japanese threat to, 537
San Bernadino Strait, 836–7, 841–2
San Francisco Conference, 902, 912
Sanctions, barred in Stresa Conference, 64
half-hearted application of, 76–7
Sangro, River, 712–13
Saratoga, U.S.S., 544
Sardinia, plans for occupation of, 641, 645, 665, 668–9, 684, 699
Eisenhower on value of, 681
air attacks on airfields of, 682
Sbeitla, 660
Scandinavia, uneasy at German rearmament, 41
and naval balance in Baltic, 65, 68
German plans for, 195
Scapa Flow, Churchill visits, 171–2
U-boat sinks Royal Oak in, 174
Churchill sails in Prince of Wales from, 475
Scharnhorst, the, size of, 67, 165
sinks Rawalpindi, 176–7
at taking of Narvik, 207
sinks Glorious, 212
in N. Atlantic, 399
air attacks on, in Brest, 405–6
returns through Channel to Germany, 531–2
sinking of, 722–3
Scheldt River, line of the, 189
retreat to, 246–7
clearing estuary of, 845–9
Schleicher, General Kurt von, 29–30
plots against Hitler, 30, 33, 48–9
intrigues against Bruening, 32
Chancellor, 34
death of, 50
Schlieffen plan, 218
Schmidt, Guido, 114–15
Schulenburg, Count, 279–80, 454 n.
Ambassador to Russia, 451–2
presents declaration of war to Molotov, 453
Schuschnigg, Dr., Chancellor of Austria, 51
submits to German demands, no, 114–15
attempts plebiscite, 115–16
retires, 116
Scobie, Lieut.-General Sir R. M., in Greece, 867–9, 891
Scones, General Sir Geoffrey, 825
Scorza, Signor, 686
“Sea Lion”, Operation. See Invasion of England
Sebastopol, 810
Second Army, British, in France, 793, 795, 860
Second Front, Russia watches destruction of, 239, 280, 447
Russian demands for, 281, 463, 467–9, 471, 555, 610, 659
demand for immediate, 463, 495
vital necessities for, 463, 550, 695–7
in Balkans, 467–8
in Persia, 469
hoped for, in 1942, 469
in N. Africa, 501–2, 552–4, 557, 580–2, 584–6 (see also “Torch”)
in France, postponed till 1944, 502, 641–2
probable disaster of, in 1943, 502
U.S. Joint Staff paper on, 550–1
U.S. suggests emergency (1942), 551–3
in France, planned for 1943, 551–3, 557, 600
discussions in Moscow about, 600–4, 605–6. See also “Overlord”; “Sledgehammer”
Security Council, voting rights in, 880–1
and Korean War, 969
Sedan, German break-through at, 240–3, 247