
absolutist pronouncements, 122

active voice, 52

affect labeling, 37

ambiguity, 33. See also certainty.

amygdala, 2829, 31, 33, 34, 74, 215

amygdala hijack, 2829, 30

approach-reward reflex, 31, 32

assumptions, 22, 85, 98, 103, 109, 122

attitudes, 148, 149. See also biased


attributional bias, 19

autonomy, as a SCARF Driver, 33, 46, 202

auto-pilot, 31

avoid-threat reflex, 31, 32,

and mediation, 3639, 4357, 192

balance, 117, 147, 148

Bandler, Richard, 15, 56

Bannink, Fredrike, 135

BATNA questions, 223224

behavior readjustment, 93, 117

beliefs, 98, 110, 149

definition of, 204

formation of, 205

and questions, 206

Benjamin, Robert, 27

biased assimilation, 18

Biological Hardwiring, 3032

Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, The, 77

blame, 39, 49, 52, 121, 138, 140, 172, 216, 217

Bogacz, Francois, 29, 31, 36

brain functions, and mediation, 2740

Brown, Jac, 138

certainty, as a SCARF Driver, 33, 46, 202

Chabris, Christopher, 1718

Change Blindness, 17

clarification, of existing information, 79

Clean Language, in communication, 81

Clean Language questions, 8587

Clean Language: Revealing Metaphors and Opening Minds, 82, 85

Cloke, Kenneth, 38, 99

closed questions, 7172

cognition, definition of, 147

cognitive consonance, 147148, 150, 155, 157

cognitive dissonance, 135, 146, 147165

cognitive elements, 149

cognitive thinking, 28, 29, 37, 74, 181

communication, of information, 22.

See also words, choice of.

communication model. See NLP model of communication.

comparisons, and Distinction and Difference questions, 133

concerns and worries, questions about, 68, 195, 200, 207

conclusions, 98, 110

conflict. See also conflict triggers; interpersonal cycles of conflict.

and impact on parties, 195

parts of, 131

conflict observers, perspective of, 174

conflict triggers, 68, 84, 104, 198, 199200, 206

conscious underlying interests, 193197

contexts, and Distinction and Difference questions, 132

Covey, Stephen R., 1314, 21

C-system, 31

cultural norms, and perspective, 69, 168, 175

current paradigms, and perspective, 176177

Damasio, Antonio, 35

decision-making analysis, 224

deep structure language, 2324

default mode, 31

defense mechanisms, 74

deletions, of information, 1620, 22, 119120

Delgado, Mauricio R., 33

developing questions, 86, 87

Dilts, Robert, 15, 117

distortions, of information, 1620, 22, 119, 121122

Door Study, 1718

emotional intelligence, 31

emotional memories, 2728

emotional reactions, 2829, 37

emotional self-regulation, 29


and conflict, 36, 195

expression of, 187

and information processing, 19, 2728, 31

in mediation, 37, 83, 200

and underlying interests, 182

empathy, 34, 169


and Seeking Information Dimension of questions, 79, 80

and Subject Matter Dimension of questions, 69

fairness, as a SCARF Driver, 34, 46, 203

false consensus bias, 18

fearful responses, 2829, 36

Festinger, Leon, 147, 148, 157

five senses, 27, 29, 56

frontal brain, 27, 28

gems, in parties’ communication, 48

generalizations, of information, 1920, 22, 119, 123124

generic questions, and conscious

underlying interests, 194196

Grinder, John, 15, 56

Grove, David, 85

Gunn, Jane, 44

hippocampus, 28

hormones, 29.

See also stress hormones.

hot button stimulus, 199

hypothalamus, 29

hypothetical questions, 171173, 176177

imagined future, 219220

impartial questions, 51

impasses, breaking of, 223224

information, processing of, 1525

intention questions, 86, 87

internal consistency, 148

interpersonal cycles of conflict, 140142

interpretations, 98, 99, 103, 108109, 122

issue, definition, 180

joint meetings, 3, 9, 37

and S Questions Model, 64

Knight, Sue, 24, 119

Lack, Jeremy, 19, 29, 31, 36

language structures, 2324

last words, use of, 188

lead-in questions, 135, 217

Leotti, Lauren A., 33

Lepper, Mark R., 18

Lieberman, Matthew D., 31

limbic system. See midbrain.

listening effectively, 3, 37, 83

Lord, Charles G., 18

loss aversion, 55

McCluskey, Una, 36

measurement and ranking, and Distinction and Difference questions, 135

mediation framework, 4344

mediation questions,

and avoid-threat reflex, 4357

and hypotheses, 7778

and paradigm shift, 24

preparation of, 5964

purpose of, 1214, 117

mediation skills and techniques, 4757


See also mediation questions;

mediation skills and techniques;

reflections, by mediators.

assumptions by, 85

and body language, 44, 45, 74, 83, 169, 186

preparation by, 59, 7778

role of, 14, 19, 24, 29, 3738, 4546, 48, 107, 159, 193, 198

and tone of voice, 44, 74, 83, 169

Mehrabian, Albert, 44

memories, 13, 15, 19, 24, 2728, 94

metaphors, in communication, 8184, 87

midbrain, 2729. See also amygdala.

MLATNA questions, 223224

modes of functioning, 31

mutual understanding, 49, 10

narratives, and Journey of Inference questions, 107113

negative narratives, 39, 50, 123, 192, 217

negative social stimuli, 32

neocortex. See frontal brain.

neuroleadership, 30

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), 15, 116

new information, gathering of, 80, 107

NLP at Work, 24, 119

NLP model of communication, 1920

NLP Meta Model, 20, 117, 119

NLP Workbook, 22, 23

Norretranders, Torr, 16

O’Connor, Joseph, 22, 23

open questions, 7274, 75, 84

opposites, and Distinction and Difference questions, 132

pain avoidance, 31

paradigms. See also world maps. formation of, 12, 21, 93

paradigm shifts,

definitions of, 1, 1314

in both parties, 38, 9394, 106, 112

parasympathetic nervous system, 29

parties, in mediation.

See also avoid-threat reflex;

SCARF Drivers.

and commonalities, 209

and Distinction and Difference questions, 131

empowerment of, 46

needs of, 196, 200, 208

and Seeking Information Dimension of questions, 79, 80

and Subject Matter Dimension of questions, 6869

underlying interests of, 38, 68

understanding between, 12, 2324, 48, 83, 104, 112, 173, 209, 210

and vulnerability, 37, 44, 83, 159, 199

passive voice, 52


focus on, 39, 192, 211

and links to future, 219, 221

past trauma, 9

people. See parties.

PEP Interaction,

and Seeking Information Dimension of questions, 79, 80

and Subject Matter Dimension of questions, 70

perceptions of reality, 110, 117.

See also subjective realities.

personal control. See autonomy.

perspectives, formation of, 13, 17, 24, 93.

See also S4: Other People

questions; spatial perspective.

position, definition of, 180

Positional Dispute Resolution Processes, 36

positional statements, 188189, 194

positive narratives, 50, 215

post-decision cognitive consonance, 157

predictions, making of, 33

primary reward circuitry, 32

primary threat circuitry, 32

principles of mediation, 45


and Seeking Information Dimension of questions, 79, 80

and Subject Matter Dimension of questions, 69

progress, review of, 113, 135

rapport, with mediator, 56, 83

reactive devaluation, 18

reality test, of options, 220

Rees, Judy, 82, 85

reflections, by mediators, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 56, 63, 83, 187, 191

reflective mode, 31

reflexive mode, 31

regret, 36, 48, 83, 104, 112, 113, 216

relatedness, as a SCARF Driver, 34, 46, 203

reporting verbs, 51

reptilian brain, 27

reward maximization, 31

risk aversion, 55

Rock, David, 30, 32. See also SCARF Drivers.

Ross, Lee, 18

S1: Subject Matter Dimension of

questions, 6770

introduction to, 7, 6263

purpose of, 6770

S2: Structure Dimension of

questions, 7175

introduction to, 7, 6263

and types of questions, 7175

S3: Seeking Information Dimension

of questions, 7787

examples of, 7980

introduction to, 8, 6263

and techniques, 7787

S4: Cognitive Elements-based

questions, 145165

background to, 147158

and case studies, 150, 152, 154, 157, 161

and links with other S4 questions, 164

and methodology, 159164

and types of questions, 162164

S4: Distinction and Difference

questions, 127136

and methodology, 130

and sub-elements, 130135

S4: Future Focus questions, 192, 210, 213225

and conditional questions, 218, 219, 221

and consequential questions, 218, 219, 222224

and hypothetical questions, 218, 219220

and methodology, 217224

and question structure, 218219

S4: Journey of Inference questions, 98114, 222

background to, 102

and case studies, 100102, 107112

and guidelines, 105

steps in, 106113

S4: Neuro-linguistic Programming-based questions, 115125

and background, 116117

and methodology, 119124

S4: Other People questions, 167178

and case study, 169

and methodology, 169

and types of questions, 169, 170177, 209, 224

S4: Reflective Connecting questions, 137143

and case study, 139

and methodology, 139

S4: Shift Thinking Dimension of

questions, 9195

eight types of, 9195

introduction to, 8, 6263

and purpose, 92

S4: Underlying Interests questions, 179212

and background, 180182

and case studies, 183, 197

and methodology, 185211

Schwartz, Geoffrey, 215

Schwartz, S.H., 204

Selective Attention Test, 17

self-determination, 24, 45.

See also autonomy.

self-regulation, 29, 31

separate private meetings, 9, 37, 4344, 59, 63, 83, 159, 190

sequence and source questions, 86, 87

7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, The, 1314, 21

SCARF Drivers, 30, 32, 3335

and empowering questions, 46

and unconscious underlying interests, 198, 201203

signposting, 47, 51, 186, 217218

Simons, Daniel, 1718

social groups, 34

social neuroscience theory, 30

social rejection, 33

spatial perspectives, and Distinction and Difference questions, 133

S Questions Model,

introduction to, 1, 711

and joint meetings, 64

premise of, 9

and mediation process, 5964

status, as a SCARF Driver, 33, 46, 201

strategies, for the future, 220

stress hormones, 28, 29

stress response, 29

subjective realities, 13, 24, 93, 94, 117

Sullivan, Wendy, 82, 85

surface structure language, 23, 56

sustainable resolutions, 38, 180

sympathetic nervous system, 29, 31

systemic processes, 117

systems, and conflict, 141142

Taleb, Nassim Nicholas, 77

Ten neuro-commandments, 3032, 36

thinking, and questions, 94.

See also cognitive thinking;

paradigm shift; S4: Shift Thinking

Dimension of questions.

third-party perspective, 110.

See also S4: Other People questions

time span, and Distinction and Difference questions, 134

threat responses, 33

toxic expressions, reframing of, 5355

Train Your Brain, 21

triune brain, 2728

trust, 34, 43, 83, 192, 203

unconscious underlying interests, 193, 198208

underlying interest, definition of, 181

underlying interest statements, 188190

universal statements, 123

User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down to Size, The, 16

value-based conflicts, 208210

values, 149, 198199

definition of, 204

formation of, 205

and questions, 206, 207210

verbal, versus nonverbal messages, 44

Vogt, Eric E., 103

WATNA questions, 223224

Werber, Bernard, 24

why questions, 7475

Wilde, Dana, 21

words, choice of, 44, 52, 5355, 120, 188.

See also Clean Language;

generalizations; metaphors;

reporting verbs.

world maps, 19

X-system, 31

Zimmermann, Manfred, 16