Page numbers in italics refer to images.
Allouez, Claude-Jean, 15
American water spaniel, 92, 93–96
Amory, Cleveland, 46
Anderson, Oscar, 110
Armistice Day Storm, 98, 99–107
badgers, 145
Badwater Indian village, 31–32
Barry, John, 9
Barth, Ellen, 95
Barth, John, 95
Barth, Mary, 95
beaver trapping, 137–138, 145, 150
“Black Sox” scandal, 164
boats: awaiting fishermen, vi; Beaver Dick, 118, 123; Bounty, 19; Buccaneer, 18; lost in Armistice Day Storm, 106–107; Pelican, 128, 129–130, 132; Rhinelander Boat Company, 76, 77–78; Viking, 14, 17–18
Boeder, George, 104
Boeder, Lawrence, 104
Boeder, Paul, 104
Bois Brule River, 5, 118, 119–126
Bortz, Dean, 3
Bostron, Herman, 44
Bounty, 19
Bradley, Lawrence, 114
Brand, William H., 103
Brogden, Thomas, 94
Bruss, Dale, 9
Bryan, Billy, 111
Buccaneer, 18
Bufe, Bancroft, 110
Butte des Mortes, Lake 103–104
Caille Liberty outboard, 36, 37–38
Caille Perfection Motor Company, 38
Carlson, Rudolph, 131
Cedar Island Lodge, 120
Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, 1
Civilian Conservation Corps, 21, 142
Civil War, 167
Cobb, Ty, 161
Cochran, Rebekah Knight, 123, 126
Collins, Steve, 145
Comiskey, Charles, 160, 161–165
Comiskey, J. Louis, 165
Conservation Commission, 141–145
Coolidge, Calvin, 6, 118, 119–126
Coolidge, Grace, 119, 120–121, 122
Copper Culture State Park, 15
Crowley, Keith, 5
deer hunting, 3–4, 62–63, 154, 156–158
Derleth, August, 42
Dickey's trading station, 31
duck hunting, 80, 81–84, 86, 87–91, 99–107
Duke Montgomery Antique Outboard Motor and Boat Museum, 73, 75
Eagin, LeRoy, 114
“Early Madisonian,” 156
Eck, Ken, 59
Edwards, Laurel, 19
Edwards, Megan, 19
Ehlers, Sonny, 100
Eisenhower, Arthur, 112, 113–115
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 6, 112, 113–117
Eisenhower, Earl, 112, 113–115
Eisenhower, Edgar, 112, 113–115
Eisenhower, Milton, 112, 113–115
Enterprise, Wisconsin, 129–132
Evinrude, Ole, 73
Experimental Game and Fur Farm, 141–145
exploration, of Wisconsin, 149–151
Farrell, Joe, 162
fires, prairie, 156
fishing: on Bois Brule River, 26, 27–34; Caille Liberty outboard and, 36, 37–38; Coolidge and, 118, 119–126; Duke's Outboards and, 73–75; Eisenhower and, 112, 113–117; fish stories, 9–12; Andrew Jackson and, 155–156; in Madison, 156; Mel's Trading Post and, 63; Mepps fishing lures and, 21–24; Northernaire Hotel and, 47; Pastika's Sport Shop and, 67–70; Reed family and, 15–19; Teal Lake Lodge and, 8, 58–59; Vern Frechette and, 108, 109–111
Fondrie, Sunny, 53
Forkner, Mrs. Austin, 11
Fox Wars, 151
Fox-Wisconsin portage, 147–152
Frasch, Norbert, 18
French and Indian Wars, 150
Fromm ranch, 142
fur: farming, 141–145; Mepps fishing lures and, 23; trading, 147–152; trapping, 135–139
Gale, Abram, 16
Gale, Harriet, 16
Gale, Jane, 16
Goldsworthy, Doris, 46
Goldsworthy, Walt, 46
Gould's turkey, 2
Gorman, Leon, 10
Graas, Frank, 113
Great Britain, fur trade and, 150, 151
Great Depression, 21–22, 68, 73, 126, 134–137
Halverson, Jacqueline “Jackie,” 115–116
Hartman, Carl, 103
Haufe, Walter, 103
Hayden, Al., 162
Hazen, Harvey, 53
Hettrick, Harold, 100
Ho-Chunk Indians (Winnebago), 148
Holmes, Eva Reed, 17
Hoover, Herbert, 122
Hope, Bob, 47
hunting: American water spaniel and, 93–96; Armistice Day Storm and, 99–107; Comiskey and, 161–165; deer hunting, 3–4, 154; Mel's Trading Post and, 62–63; pioneer memories of, 156–158; waterfowl, 80, 81–84, 86, 87–91, 170. See also trapping
Indian Agency House, 146, 147–149, 152
Jackson, Russell “Jack,” 87, 89–90
Jackson, “Shoeless” Joe, 161
Johnson, B. B., 162
Johnson, Ban, 161
Johnson, Edith Lassen, 45
Johnson, Florence May, 17
Jones, Robert, 15
Kaukl, Marv “Koke,” 140, 141, 143, 144–145
Keeler, Clifton, 130
Keeler, Edwin, 130
Keeler, George, 129
Kieckhefer, Walter, 103
King, Tom, 32
Kinzie, Juliette, 148–149, 152
Kirkwood, Irwin R., 122
Kling, Eveline, 155
Knapp-Stout, 169
Kramer, Robert, 11
Kulpa, John, 19
Lacey Act (1900), 88
Lamler, Pete, 162
Land Grant College Act (1862), 167–168
LaRock, George, 111
LaRock, John, 123, 124, 125, 126
Larson, Leonard, 108
Lawler, Attley, 163
Lawler, Basil, 163
Lawler, Ted, 163
Lenroot, Irvine L., 120
Lincoln, Abraham, 57
Lindblad, Lester, 110
Loftus, Tom, 161
logging, 28, 30, 138. See also white pine logging
Long Lake Lodge, ii, 50, 51–54
Mackenzie, Harley, 141
MacQuarrie, Gordon, 5–6, 82, 101–102
Madison, Wisconsin, 87, 90, 156
Marty, Bob, 43
Marty, Carl Sr., 43
McAleer, James, 162
McCarthy, P. F., 162
McLain, Jimmy, 162
McTauge, Jas., 162
Mereness, Elizabeth Kling, 155–156
Metcalf brothers, 59
Michele, Tom, 47
Miller, Tom, 162
Mills, Kenny, 141
“Minnie the Moocher” (MacQuarrie), 82
Minocqua, Lake, 12
Mississippi River, 100–101, 150
Mitchell, Harry, 11
Montgomery, Jim, 75
Montgomery, Vernon “Duke,” 72, 73–75
Morrill, Justin Smith, 167
Munninghoff, Paul, 46
murder, of Edward Keeler, 129–132
musky/muskies: Eisenhower and, 114–115; in fish stories, 9, 10–11, 12, 45, 47; Louis Spray and, viii, 67; Pastika's Sport Shop and, 69–70; Teal Lake Lodge and, 58
Nation, Carrie, 51
Newhouse, John, 145
North, Sterling, 46
northern Wisconsin, 3–4, 27–34, 129–132
northwoods, 73–75, 113–117, 161–165
Novadoc, 107
O'Konski, Alvin E., 46
Old Duck Hunters Association, Inc., 5–6
O'Leary, John J., 114
Olson, Sigurd, 46
Oneida Boat Company, 79
Osburn, Bill, 141
outboards: Caille Liberty outboard, 36, 37–38; Duke's Outboards, 73–75
Pastika's Sport Shop, 66, 67–70
Peck, Al, 5
Pecor, Fred, 10
Perrot, Nicolas, 15
Pickerel Lake, 37
prairie fires, 156
presidential visit(s): of Calvin Coolidge, 118, 119–126; of Dwight D. Eisenhower, 112, 113–117
Putnam, Henry C., 168
Quail, Paul, 59
Quick, Edward, 106
raccoon farming, 144
“Red” (moose), 163
Red Bird, 148
Red Bird Uprising, 148
Reed, Donald “Ducky,” 15, 16–19
Reed, Florence May Johnson, 17, 19
The Relay House, 29
resorts: Hazen's Long Lake Lodge, ii, 50, 51–54; Northernaire Hotel, 41–48; Teal Lake Lodge, 8, 56, 57–59
Rhinelander, Wisconsin, 61–64, 73–75
Rhinelander Boat Company, 76, 77–79
Ross, Ishbel, 122
Ross, Ossian, 57
Ross, Prudence, 57
Ross, Victoria, 59
Ross, Walter, 57
Ross' Teal Lake Lodge, 8, 56, 57–59
Rusty (dog), 45
Sage, Henry W., 169
Sandstrom, Ole, 111
Sayner, Frank, 78
Sayner, Orrin, 78
Schilling Fish, 19
Schlagel, Fred, 47
Schlegelmilch, Mr. Sr., 158
Scofield, John, 94
“The Scout,” 76
Sheldon, A. L. “Todd,” 20, 21–24
Sheldon, J. M. “Mike,” 21, 22, 23
Shepard, Gene, 78
Sheridan, Jack, 162
silver foxes, 142
Simons, Pat, 157
Sleight, Shirley, 37
Smith, David, 102
Smith, John, 9
Sousa, John Philip, 51
Spink, C. C., 162
sport shops: Mel's Trading Post, 61–64; Pastika's Sport Shop, 66, 67–70
Spray, Louis, viii, 67, 68, 70
Springstead, Wisconsin, 161, 162
squirrel tails, 23
Starling, Edmund W., 122
Stengl, Del, 61
Stephenson's logging camp, 30
Superior Central High School, 121
Swaer, Art, 19
Swampland Grant, 16
Thompson, George, 162
Thorn, Mrs. M. C., 11
Three Lakes, Wisconsin, 9, 40–48
Turnbell, Bud, 59
Turnbell, Emory “Muskrat,” 59
Twiggs, David E., 148
Upper Great Lakes, 149
Upper Midwest, 41, 67, 94–95, 99
Uthe, Dorothy, 37
Veeck, Bill Sr., 160
Velak, Frank, 22
Waggoner, William, 114
Walsh, Bob, 162
waterfowl: American water spaniel and, 93–96; hunting, 81–84, 86, 87–91, 99–107, 170
Weeks-McLean Act (1913), 88
Welsh, Eddie, 162
Weyerhaeuser, 169
White, R. J., 103
white pine logging, 147, 157–158, 166, 167–169
White Pines Camp on Osgood Lake, 122
William B. Davock, 106
Winnebago Indians (Ho-Chunk), 148
Wisconsin Conservation Department, 141–145
Wodalski, Ed, 12
Wolf River Mink and Fur Farm, 136
women, fish stories from, 11–12
Woodward, William A., 168
YMCA camp at Boulder Junction, 115
Young, Cy, 161 Young, Howard, 117
Zastrow, Harry, 102
Zastrow, LeRoy, 102
Zielinski, Ignatius, 106