

Accommodations: See Paradores; Sleeping; and specific destinations

Admiral’s Hall (Sevilla): 701–703

Adolfo Suárez Barajas Airport (Madrid): 405, 512–513

Ainhoa (Ainhoa): 263

Airbnb: 24, 972–973, 975–976

Air-conditioning, in hotels: 20, 27, 973, 978

Airfares (airlines): 23, 1005–1006

Airports: Barcelona, 39, 153–154; Biarritz, 258; Bilbao, 223; Gibraltar, 884; Granada, 610, 664; Madrid, 405, 512–513; Málaga, 859; Pamplona, 282; St-Jean-de-Luz, 240; San Sebastián, 191; Santiago, 349; Sevilla, 672; Tangier, 914; VAT refunds, 966

Alameda del Tajo Park (Ronda): 809

Al-Andalus Life, Museum of (Córdoba): 771

Albayzín (Granada): 608, 613, 645–650; eating, 659–660; map, 646–647; safety, 610, 650; sleeping, 657–658

Alcaicería (Granada): 615–616

Alcazaba (Granada): 622, 623, 628

Alcázar (Segovia): 540–542

Alcázar (Sevilla): 668, 699–708; guided tours, 676–677, 699–700; map, 700; orientation, 674, 699–700; self-guided tour, 700–708

Alcázar (Toledo): 567; Army Museum, 574–577; history of, 575

Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos (Córdoba): 776

Algeciras: 898–899

Alhambra (Granada): 621–638; eating, 626–627; grounds, 636–639; guided tours, 612, 627; helpful hints, 623–627; maps, 624–625, 629; orientation, 613, 623–627; planning tips, 623; reservations, 624–625; self-guided tour, 627–638; sleeping, 658; tickets, 622, 623–625; traveling to, 622

Alhambra Museum (Granada): 622, 627–628

Alhóndiga Bilbao: 230

Almanac: Morocco, 902; Spain, 943

Almonacid: 605

Almudena Cathedral (Madrid): 424–425

Altamira Caves: 337–338

Ambasmestas: 278

American Embassy (Madrid): 479, 960

American Legation Museum (Tangier): 928–930

Americas, Museum of the (Madrid): 413, 476

Andalucía: at a glance, 794; cuisine, 8, 988; itineraries, 791; southern, map, 792–793; white hill towns, 17, 790–839. See also Córdoba; Granada; Sevilla

Anglican Church (Tangier): 922

Antigua Chapel (Sevilla): 694

Apartment rentals: 972–973, 975–978; Barcelona, 137

Apes of Gibraltar: 877–878

Apple (Madrid): 416–417

Apps: 26, 990; Barcelona, 41; maps and navigation tools, 967, 1002; messaging, 991; sightseeing, 968; Toledo, 561; user reviews, 973

April Fair (Sevilla): 673, 728–729, 1010

Aquariums: Barcelona, 63; Biarritz, 260; San Sebastián, 201

Aqueducts, Roman: 68; Segovia, 532, 533, 534–535

Arab Baths (Granada): 644

Arab Baths (Ronda): 816

Arabic language: 902, 909

Archaeological sites: Altamira Caves, 337–338; Pileta Cave, 817–818. See also Romans, ancient

Architecture: churches, 954; overview, 952–955. See also Modernisme; and specific architects and buildings

Archivo General de Indias (Sevilla): 708–710

Arco del Toro (Salamanca): 380

Arco de Santa María (Burgos): 308

Arcos de la Frontera: 791–805; eating, 804–805; helpful hints, 795–796; maps, 795, 797; nightlife, 802; self-guided walk, 796–802; sleeping, 802–804; tourist information, 791, 794; transportation, 794–795, 805

Arenal Market (Sevilla): 730, 750

Armory (Madrid): 445–446

Army Museum (Toledo): 560, 567, 574–577

Arnéguy: 273

Art (artists): overview, 953; timeline, 950–951. See also specific artists and art museums

Artisan Market (Córdoba): 774

Art Nouveau: See Modernisme

Art Nouveau Museum (Salamanca): 384, 389–390

Artxanda Funicular (Bilbao): 230–231

Ascain: 262

Assassination Attempt Memorial (Madrid): 424

Association of San Miguel (Arcos): 800

Astorga: 269, 325–327

Astorga Cathedral: 326–327

Astrolabe Tapestry: 585

Asturias: cuisine, 7, 988

Atapuerca Archaeological Site: 309

Atlas Mountains (Morocco): 940

ATMs: 962–965

Atocha Station (Madrid): 403, 508–510

Audio Europe, Rick Steves: 26, 1007

Auritz: 278

Automobile History Museum (Salamanca): 384, 390

AVE: See Train travel

Ave Maria Path (Montserrat): 164

Avenida de la Constitución (Sevilla): 668, 710, 737

Averroes: 775

Ávila: 548–555; eating, 554–555; map, 552–553; sights/activities, 550–554; sleeping, 554

Ávila Cathedral: 552

Ávila Wall: 550–551

Avinguda del Portal de l’Angel (Barcelona): 64, 65, 125

Azabache: 349–350

Azkuna Zentroa (Bilbao): 230

Aznar, José María: 949


Baiona: See Bayonne

Balcony of Europe (Nerja): 841, 847–848; beaches, 850–851; eating, 859; sleeping, 854–855

Bandit Museum (Ronda): 814

Banks: alerting to travel, 26. See also Money

Baños Árabes (Granada): 644

Baños Árabes (Ronda): 816

Baños del Alcázar Califal (Córdoba): 776

Barajas Airport (Madrid): 405, 512–513

Barcelona: 12, 29–157; at a glance, 48–49; arrival in, 38–39; beaches, 49, 122–123; eating, 138–152; excursion areas, 15, 158–180; helpful hints, 39–41; itineraries, 30–32; layout of, 32–35; neighborhoods, 32–35; nightlife, 127–131; self-guided walks, 51–76; shopping, 125–127; sights, 76–123; sleeping, 131–137; tourist information, 35, 38; tours, 46–47, 50–51; transportation, 38–39, 41–46, 153–157. See also specific neighborhoods

Barcelona Card: 38

Barcelona Cathedral: 49, 69–70, 80–82

Barcelona City Hall: 74

Barcelona Head (Lichtenstein): 63

Barcelona History Museum: 49, 76, 84–85

Barcelona Maritime Museum: 48, 77, 80

Barcelona waterfront: 34, 62–63, 122–123; eating, 151–152; map, 124

Barceloneta: 35, 116, 122–123; eating, 151–152; map, 124; nightlife, 130; sleeping, 137

Bar de los Jubilados (Guernica): 220

Barri Gòtic (Barcelona): 34, 63–76, 80–85; eating, 145–147; guided tours, 46; map, 66–67; nightlife, 128–129; self-guided walk, 63–76; shopping, 126; sights, 80–85; tapas, 147

Barrio del Cid (León): 318

Barrio Húmedo (León): 318

Barrio San Basilio (Córdoba), eating: 783, 786

Barrio Santa Cruz (Sevilla): 668, 678–687, 713–714; eating, 746–748; Jews of Sevilla, 684; map, 680; self-guided walk, 678–687; sleeping, 738–742

Barri Xines (Barcelona): 61

Basílica de la Macarena (Sevilla): 674, 721–723

Basilicas: See Churches and cathedrals

Basques: overview, 186–187

Basque Country: 15, 181–264; at a glance, 182; cuisine, 8, 184–185, 188, 988; French, 238–264; itineraries, 182–183; language, 181–182, 183, 186, 947; map, 184–185; Spanish, 188–237; transportation, 183. See also specific destinations

Basque Country Museum (Guernica): 217–219

Basque Culture, Museum of (Bayonne): 253–255

Basque Museum (Bilbao): 231–232

Baths: Córdoba, 776; Granada, 620–621, 644; Ronda, 816

Battle of Trafalgar: 839, 871, 873

Bay of Biscay: 214–216

Bayonne: 182, 251–259; map, 254

Bayonne Ramparts: 256

Bazar Tindouf (Tangier): 916

Beaches: Barcelona, 49, 122–123; Biarritz, 260, 261; Cadaqués, 174; Comillas, 338, 339; Fuengirola, 864; Guéthary, 251; Lequeitio, 215–216; Marbella, 864–865; Nerja, 849–851; St-Jean-de-Luz, 243–244; San Pedro de Alcántara, 865; San Sebastián, 202–203; Sitges, 180; Tangier, 932; Tarifa, 892; Torremolinos, 864; Valdevaqueros, 892; Vejer de la Frontera, 839

Beer: 988–989

Belén Artístico (Arcos): 801

Bernabéu Stadium (Madrid): 430, 479, 482

Betlem Church (Barcelona): 57

Beverages: 987–989

Biarritz: 182, 259–261

Biarritz-Anglet-Bayonne Airport: 240, 258

Biarritz Fishermen’s Wharf: 261

Bidart: 251

Biking (bike rentals): Barcelona, 40–41, 50–51, 123; Bayonne, 253; Bilbao, 227; Salamanca, 376; San Sebastián, 193–194; Sevilla, 673; Tarifa, 887

Bilbao: 182, 221–237; eating, 235–237; helpful hints, 226; itineraries, 221; maps, 224–225, 233; sights, 227–232; sleeping, 232–235; tourist information, 222; tours, 226–227; transportation, 222–223, 226, 237

Bilbao, Guggenheim: 227–230; eating near, 235; sleeping near, 232, 234

Bilbao Fine Arts Museum: 230

Bilbo: See Bilbao

Bisagra Gate (Toledo): 595–596

Bishop’s Palace (Astorga): 326

Bishop’s Prison (St-Jean-de-Luz): 272

Black Virgin of Montserrat: 163–164

Block of Discord (Barcelona): 95, 98, 100

Boabdil: 446, 628, 631, 638–639, 641

Boat travel and cruises: Barcelona, 62–63, 80, 157; Bilbao, 226; ferries to Morocco, 899–900, 905–906, 913–914; map, 994–995; St-Jean-de-Luz, 242; San Sebastián, 201

Bocadillos de calamares: 421, 504–505, 823

Bodegas Rey Fernando de Castilla (Jerez): 836–837

Bodegas Tradición (Jerez): 835–836

Books, recommended: 1011–1013; for children, 1014–1015

Boquería Market (Barcelona): 48, 58–59, 145

Bosch, Hieronymus: 451, 454

Boulevard Pasteur (Tangier): 923

Bourbon Palace (El Escorial): 527

Breakfast: overview, 980

Bretxa Market (San Sebastián): 197, 200, 211

“Bridge of the Queen” (Puente La Reina): 296–297

Budget tips: 23–24. See also Money-saving tips

Bullfighting (bullfights): 955–958; history of, 957; Madrid, 412, 481–482; Pamplona, 283, 284–286; Ronda, 809–811; Sevilla, 674, 727–728; Tarifa, 891

Bullfighting museum: Córdoba, 775–776; Madrid, 482; Ronda, 810–811; Sevilla, 674, 728

Bulls, Running of the (Pamplona): See Running of the Bulls

Buñuel, Luis: 168, 472, 953, 1014

Burgos: 269, 301–314; eating, 310–311; map, 302; sights, 303–309; sleeping, 309–310; tourist information, 302–303; transportation, 303, 311, 314

Burgos Cathedral: 303–306

Burgos Museum: 307

Burguete: 278

Burial of the Count of Orgaz (El Greco): 560, 587–589

Burriana Beach (Nerja): 851, 859

Buses (bus travel): 999; budgeting, 23; map, 994–995. See also specific destinations

Business hours: 961


Caballerizas Reales de Córdoba: 780

Cable cars: See Funiculars

Cabs: 999–1000; tipping, 965. See also specific destinations

Cadaqués: 171–179; eating, 179; maps, 172, 175; self-guided walk, 174–176; sleeping, 178

Cadaqués Casino: 174

Cadaqués City Hall: 176

Café Granja Viader (Barcelona): 57, 144–145

Café Iruña (Pamplona): 287, 294

CaixaForum (Barcelona): 49, 121–122

CaixaForum (Madrid): 474–475

Calahonda Beach (Nerja): 850

Calahorra Tower (Córdoba): 771

Calatrava, Santiago: 118, 223, 230, 299, 479, 955

Caliphate Alcázar, Baths of the (Córdoba): 776

Calle Agua (Sevilla): 683, 685

Calle Agua de Albayzín (Granada): 649

Calle Almirante Ferrándiz (Nerja): 856–857

Calle Ancha (León): 317

Calle Cava Baja (Madrid): 499, 502–503

Calle Correo (Bilbao): 236

Calle Cuna (Sevilla): 734–735

Calle de Cervantes (Segovia): 535

Calle de Comercio (Toledo): 568

Calle de Gloria (Sevilla): 687

Calle de Infanta Isabel (Segovia): 546–547

Calle de Jesús (Madrid): 498–499

Calle de Joaquín Herrera (Nerja): 852

Calle de la Estafeta (Pamplona): 284, 293

Calle de la Montera (Madrid): 416–417, 432

Calle del Arenal (Bilbao): 237

Calle del Arenal (Madrid): 427–430, 485

Calle del Codo (Madrid): 422–423

Calle del Perro (Bilbao): 236

Calle de Postas (Madrid): 418

Calle Ermita (Granada): 615

Calle Hernando de Carabeo (Nerja): 848–849

Calle Herrera Oria (Nerja): 857–859

Calleja de las Flores (Córdoba): 771, 773

Calle Jardines (Bilbao): 236–237

Calle Mayor (Madrid): 418, 424

Calle Mayor (Puente La Reina): 296

Calle Nueva (Ronda): 821

Calle Pintada (Nerja): 849

Calle Pureza (Sevilla): 726

Calle Real (Gibraltar): 884

Calle Reinoso (Sevilla): 686

Calle Reyes Católicos (Granada): 615, 619

Calle Rúa Mayor (Salamanca): 381, 396

Calle Sagasta (Sevilla): 734

Calle San Jacinto (Sevilla): 726, 751–752

Calle San Lorenzo (Burgos): 310–311

Calle Santa María (Bilbao): 236

Calle Santa Teresa (Sevilla): 686

Calle Santo Tomé (Toledo): 570

Calle Sierpes (Sevilla): 730–731, 734

Calle Sombrerería (Burgos): 310

Calle Tetuán (Sevilla): 730–731

Calle Van Dyck (Salamanca): 396–397

Camarmeña: 343

Camino de Santiago: 15, 17, 265–343; at a glance, 268–269; hiking, 278, 312–313; history of, 274–275; itineraries, 267; maps, 270–271, 276–277, 328–329; symbols, 285; tourist information, 267–268; tours, 268; transportation, 266–267. See also Santiago de Compostela; and specific destinations

Camper (Madrid), 484; (Sevilla), 731

Campillos: 818

Canaletes Fountain (Barcelona): 55

Cantabria: 336–343

Cantarriján Beach (Nerja): 851

Cap de Creus: 173–174

Capilla del Carmen (Sevilla): 725

Capilla de los Marineros (Sevilla): 726

Capilla Real: See Royal Chapel

Carabeillo Beach (Nerja): 850–851

Carabeo Beach (Nerja): 850–851

Cares Gorge: 341, 343

Car insurance: 1001–1002

Carmens, in Granada: 660–661

Car navigation: 1002–1003

Carranza Collection (Toledo): 574

Carre Ample (Barcelona): 130

Carrefour (Barcelona): 56, 145

Car rentals: 23, 1000–1001

Carrer Ample (Barcelona): 126

Carrer Curós (Cadaqués): 176

Carrer de Bonsuccés (Barcelona): 126

Carrer de la Mercè (Barcelona): 130, 147

Carrer de la Palla (Barcelona): 69, 126

Carrer de la Portaferrissa (Barcelona): 56, 126

Carrer del Bisbe (Barcelona): 70, 71, 73

Carrer del Bisbe Bridge (Barcelona): 73–74

Carrer de l’Esparteria (Barcelona): 126

Carrer del Paradís (Barcelona): 75

Carrer del Rec (Barcelona): 126

Carrer dels Banys Nous (Barcelona): 126

Carrer dels Escudellers (Barcelona): 130

Carrer de Petritxol (Barcelona): 126

Carrer de Sant Felip Neri (Barcelona): 73

Carrión de los Condes: 314

Carthusian Monastery (Burgos): 308–309

Carthusian Monastery (near Granada): 652–653

Car travel (driving): 25, 1004–1005; mileage and time, 1002–1003; whirlwind three-week tour, 20–21. See also specific destinations

Cartuja de Miraflores (Burgos): 308–309

Casa Batlló (Barcelona): 49, 98

Casa de Botines (León): 317

Casa de la Historia (San Sebastián): 201–202

Casa de l’Ardiaca (Barcelona): 70–72

Casa de las Conchas (Salamanca): 381

Casa de los Picos (Segovia): 535

Casa de Murillo (Sevilla): 686

Casa de Pilatos (Sevilla): 716

Casa de Sefarad (Córdoba): 773

Casa Lleó Morera (Barcelona): 49, 100

Casa Milà (Barcelona): 48, 100–101

Casa Museu Amatller (Barcelona): 98

Casa Salvador Dalí (Port Lligat): 176–178

Casas rurales: overview, 975

Casemates Square (Gibraltar): 867, 873–874, 880, 883

Castell: 83

Castile: 301–302

Castillo de San Jorge (Sevilla): 725

Castle of Montjuïc (Barcelona): 116–117

Castrojeriz: 314

Catalan Art Museum (Barcelona): 48, 118–120

Catalan College of Architects (Barcelona): 68–69

Catalan language: 44, 141, 947; essential phrases, 45

Catalan Music, Palace of (Barcelona): 48, 93, 128

Catalunya: cuisine, 7, 138–140, 988; overview, 44–45, 70–71. See also Barcelona

Catedral de Barcelona: 48, 69–70, 80–82

Catedral de Granada: 613, 617, 642–644

Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Almudena (Madrid): 424–425

Catedral de Segovia: 538–540

Cathedrals: See Churches and cathedrals

Cave Museum of Sacromonte (Granada): 651–652

Cell phones: See Smartphones

Cenicero: 299

Centro de Arte Caja Burgos: 307

Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid): 412, 466–474

Ceramic Museum (Sevilla): 725

Cervantes, Miguel de: 360, 377, 566–567, 605, 690, 945, 1013

Chamartín Station (Madrid): 403, 508

Chapelle de Notre-Dame d’Aranazau (Ainhoa): 263

Chapel of Saint Agatha (Barcelona): 76, 85

Chapel of Saint Anthony (Sevilla): 693

Chapel of the Mariners (Sevilla): 726

Chapel of the New Kings (Toledo): 583

Chapter House (Toledo): 582

Chapter Rooms (El Escorial): 523

Charles III: 283–284, 287, 415, 429, 474, 527; biographical sketch, 439; Royal Palace (Madrid), 434–446

Charles V: 65, 382, 428, 446, 457–458, 519, 521, 523, 524, 525–526, 535, 556, 566, 572, 576, 583, 596, 639, 640, 641–642, 704, 705, 769, 945, 946; Alhambra (Granada), 627–628; Wall (Gibraltar), 873

Chefchaouen (Morocco): 939

Chillida, Eduardo: 204, 230

Chiringuitos: 122–123, 130, 152, 180, 849

Chocolate: 256, 295, 327, 427, 489, 507–508, 663. See also Churros con chocolate

Chocolate Museum (Astorga): 327

Chueca (Madrid): 506–507

Churches and cathedrals: architecture, 954; Almudena Cathedral (Madrid), 424–425; Astorga Cathedral, 326–327; Ávila Cathedral, 552; Barcelona Cathedral, 49, 69–70, 80–82; Betlem Church (Barcelona), 57; Burgos Cathedral, 303–306; Church of the Crucifixion (Puente La Reina), 296; Church of the Savior (Sevilla), 714–716; Granada Cathedral, 613, 617, 642–644; León Cathedral, 318–321; Lugo Cathedral, 335; Montserrat Basilica, 162–164; Pamplona Cathedral, 287, 290; St. Andrew’s Anglican Church (Tangier), 922; Ste. Marie Cathédrale (Bayonne), 255–256; St. Ginès (Madrid), 427; St. Jean-Baptiste (St-Jean-de-Luz), 246–248; St. Matthew (Tarifa), 887, 890; Salamanca Cathedral, 383, 386–388; San Antonio of Padua Church (Frigiliana), 862; San Esteban Church (Salamanca), 388–389; San Gregorio Church (Granada), 647; San Isidoro Church (León), 316–317; San Lorenzo Church (Pamplona), 291; San Nicolás Church (Burgos), 307; San Pedro (Arcos), 800–801; San Salvador Church (Nerja), 848; San Saturnino Church (Pamplona), 290–291; Santa Ana Church (Granada), 619; Santa Ana Church (Sevilla), 726; Santa Anna Church (Barcelona), 64–65; Santa María Church (Arcos), 797–799; Santa Maria Church (Cadaqués), 175–176; Santa Maria del Mar Church (Barcelona), 49, 94; Santa Maria del Pi (Barcelona), 59, 129; Santa María la Mayor (Ronda), 812–813; Santa María la Real (O Cebreiro), 332–333; Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla (Sitges), 180; Sant Felip Neri (Barcelona), 72; Santiago Cathedral (Bilbao), 231; Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, 350–356; Santo Tomé (Toledo), 560, 567, 570; San Vicente Basilica (Ávila), 552–553; Segovia Cathedral, 538–540; Sevilla Cathedral, 674, 688–698; Toledo Cathedral, 560, 578–585; Vera Cruz Church (near Segovia), 452–543

Church of the Crucifixion (Puente La Reina): 296

Church of the Savior (Sevilla): 674, 714–716

Churriguera brothers: 376–377, 388

Churros con chocolate: 126, 212, 295, 489, 495, 507–508, 663, 898, 980

Cibeles CentroCentro of Culture and Citizenship (Madrid): 475

Ciboure: 239, 242, 250

Cinema Rif (Tangier): 922, 933

Circulo de Bellas Artes (Madrid): 431

Circulo del Arte (Toledo): 561

Citadel Park (Barcelona): 123

City Under Siege (Gibraltar): 879–880

Classroom Europe, Rick Steves: 26, 1007

Clerecía Towers (Salamanca): 385

Climate: 27–28, 1017

Clothing Museum (Madrid): 413, 476

Clothing sizes: 1016

Colegio de Infantes (Toledo): 585

Columbus, Christopher: 75–76, 76, 186–187, 381, 442, 479, 580, 618, 631–632, 641, 702–703, 709, 711, 942, 945; biographical sketch, 708; Monument (Barcelona), 62; tomb (Sevilla), 694–695

Comillas: 338–340

Concurso Popular de Patios Cordobeses (Córdoba): 778

Consuegra: 605

Convent Guard Room (Gibraltar): 873

Convento de las Dueñas (Salamanca): 389

Convento de San Bernardo (Granada): 621

Convent of St. Teresa (Ávila): 552–554

Cooking classes: Barcelona, 51; San Sebastián, 195; Sevilla, 747

Córdoba: 17, 756–789; arrival in, 760–761; eating, 782–788; entertainment, 780–781; helpful hints, 761; history of, 766–767; itineraries, 756–757; maps, 757, 758–759, 784–785; orientation, 757, 760; sights, 761–780; sleeping, 781–782; tourist information, 760; transportation, 760–761, 789

Córdoba City Walls: 774

Córdoba Synagogue: 773–774

Corpus Christi: 568, 584, 585, 727–728, 1010

Corpus Christi Church and Convent (Madrid): 422

Corpus Christi Convent (Segovia): 537–538

Corral del Carbón (Granada): 614–615

Cortés, Hernán: 945

Costa del Sol: 17–18, 840–900; history, 843; itineraries, 841; map, 841. See also specific destinations

Costs of trip: 23

Court of the Orange Trees (Córdoba): 763

Court of the Orange Trees (Sevilla): 697–698

Courtyard of the Dolls (Sevilla): 705

Courtyard of the Hunt (Sevilla): 701

Courtyard of the Lions (Granada): 632

Courtyard of the Maidens (Sevilla): 703–704

Courtyard of the Myrtles (Granada): 630

Credit cards: 26, 962–965

Cruises: See Boat travel and cruises

Cruz de Ferro (Mount Irago): 328–329

Cuatro Postes (Ávila): 551

Cuesta de Gomérez (Granada): 655

Cueva de Altamira: 337–338

Cueva de la Pileta: 817–818

Cueva de Nerja: 852

Cuisine: 7–8, 978–987; Andalucía, 7–8, 988; Ávila, 554; Basque Country, 8, 184–185, 188, 988; Catalan, 7, 138–140, 988; Córdoba, 782–783; Galician, 8, 370, 988; Granada, 658–659; Madrid, 495, 496; Moroccan, 936; Ronda, 821; Salamanca, 394; Segovia, 545; Sevilla, 743, 746; Toledo, 601–602. See also Markets; Tapas; and specific destinations

Currency and exchange: 962–964; Gibraltar, 870–871; Morocco, 902, 915

Customs regulations: 966


Dalí, Salvador: 50, 68, 125, 166, 171, 174, 471–472, 1014; biographical sketch, 168, 953; House and Garden (Port Lligat), 176–178; Theater-Museum (Figueres), 167–171

Damascene, shopping for: 596–597

Dance: See Flamenco; Sardana dances; Zambra dance

Deba: 214–215

Debit cards: 26, 962–965

Del Salón Beach (Nerja): 850, 859

Descalzas Royal Monastery (Madrid): 447

Discounts: 961. See also Money-saving tips

Domènech i Montaner, Lluís: 48, 70–72, 93, 99, 100, 339

Donibane Lohizune: See St-Jean-de-Luz

Donostia: See San Sebastián

Don Quixote (Cervantes): 566–567, 605, 945, 1013

Drinks: 987–989. See also Wine and vineyards

Driving: See Car travel

Dürer, Albrecht: 455


Eating: 7–8, 978–987; in Morocco, 916; restaurant pricing, 979; Spanish restaurant phrases, 1022; Spanish schedule, 8, 979; tipping, 965, 981–982. See also Cuisine; Markets; Tapas; and specific destinations

Economy of Spain: 943, 949

Eixample (Barcelona): 35, 95–109; eating, 149–151; maps, 96–97, 138–139; nightlife, 130–131; shopping, 126–127; sleeping, 136–137; tapas, 151

El Alma de Córdoba: 780–781

El Born (Barcelona): 34, 70, 85–94; eating, 148–149; nightlife, 129; shopping, 126; sights, 85–94

El Capricho (Comillas): 339

El Cid: 301, 305–308, 944, 1014

Elciego: 299

El Cielo (Nerja): 852

El Corte Inglés (Barcelona), 64, 127, 145; (Granada), 611, 619; (Madrid), 408, 417, 482–483, 489, 506; (Sevilla), 730

Electricity: 961; Gibraltar, 871

El Escorial: 516–528, 955; maps, 517, 520

El Escorial Gardens: 527

El Greco: 20, 196, 230, 465, 523, 551, 556, 566, 583–584, 718, 835; biographical sketch, 589, 953; Museum (Toledo), 560, 571, 589–590; Prado Museum (Madrid), 458–459; Santa Cruz Museum (Toledo), 560, 572–574; Santo Tomé (Toledo), 560, 570, 587–589

El Martes (Toledo): 597

El País Vasco: See Spanish Basque Country

El Playazo (Nerja): 850

El Postigo Market (Sevilla): 730

El Prat de Llobregat Airport (Barcelona): 39, 153–154

El Rastro Flea Market (Madrid): 413, 483–484

Els Quatre Gats (Barcelona): 65, 68, 146

El Torno Pastelería de Conventos (Sevilla): 698

Embassies: Madrid, 479, 960; Morocco, 902

Emergencies: 960; Morocco, 902

Entertainment: budgeting, 23. See also specific destinations

Environmental footprint (going green): 961

Equestrian shows: 780, 811, 834–835

Ermita de San Antonio de la Florida (Madrid): 413, 476–477

Espacio Fundación Telefónica (Madrid): 433

Espadrilles, shopping for: 125

Espelette (Ezpeleta): 263–264

Estadi Olímpic (Barcelona): 117

Estella: 278, 297

ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorization System): 25, 960

Euro currency: 963

Europa Point (Gibraltar): 870

Euskal Herria: See Basque Country

Euskal Herria Museoa (Guernica): 217–219

Euskal Museoa (Bilbao): 231–232

Euskara: 181, 183, 186, 947

Events: See Festivals

Exchange rate: 963


Fabrica Zamorano (Toledo): 569–570, 596

Federico García Lorca Granada-Jaén Airport: 610, 664

Ferdinand: 351–352, 382, 398, 423, 428, 437, 442, 522, 535, 541, 571, 572, 580, 591, 593, 594, 618, 619, 631–632, 643, 684, 701, 709, 796, 942, 944–945; Royal Chapel (Granada), 613, 618, 638

Feria de Abril (Sevilla): 673, 728–729, 1010

Ferpal (Madrid): 428

Ferries to Morocco: 899–900, 905–906, 913–914

Fès (Morocco): 939–940

Festivals: 1009–1011. See also specific festivals

Fiesta de San Fermín (Pamplona): See Running of the Bulls

Figueres: 166–171

Films, recommended: 1013–1014

Fishermen’s Wharf (Biarritz): 261

Flamenco: Arcos, 802; Barcelona, 128–129; Córdoba, 780; Granada, 652; Madrid, 413, 488; Nerja, 853; Sevilla, 674, 717–718, 729, 735–737

Flamenco Dance Museum (Sevilla): 674, 717–718, 736

Foncebadón: 329

Font Màgica (Barcelona): 49, 121

Food: See Cooking classes; Cuisine; Eating; Jamón; Markets; Marzipan; Mazapán; Nun goodies; Percebes; Piments d’Espelette; Pintxos; Roast suckling pig; Serrano ham; Tapas; Tarta de Santiago; and specific destinations

Food tours: Barcelona, 51; Granada, 612–613; San Sebastián, 195; Sevilla, 747

Fort of San Bartolomé (Pamplona): 291

Fórum (Barcelona): 34, 122–123

Fountain of Canaletes (Barcelona): 55

France: hotel tips, 240; overview, 240; restaurant tips, 240–241; survival phrases, 241

Franco, Francisco: 44, 83, 93, 116, 181, 186, 188, 216, 218, 231, 239, 275, 348, 380, 415, 420, 425–426, 429, 438, 469–472, 477, 524–525, 528, 567, 575, 577, 640, 710, 843, 874, 942, 945, 948

Frederic Marès Museum (Barcelona): 49, 84

French Basque Country: 238–264; cuisine, 185, 188; map, 184–185

Frigiliana: 860–862

Frigiliana Archaeological Museum: 860

Frómista: 314

Fuengirola: 864

Fuente Dé Cable Car: 342–343

Fulton, John: 739

Fundació Joan Miró (Barcelona): 49, 117

Fundador Pedro Domecq (Jerez): 837

Funiculars (cable cars): Barcelona, 113, 116, 117; Bilbao, 230–231; Fuente Dé, 342–343; Gibraltar, 875–876; Montserrat, 160–161, 165; San Sebastián, 203

Futbol: See Soccer


Galego language: 348, 947

Galería de Arte San Pedro (Arcos): 801

Galicia: 265–266, 325–328, 344–372; cuisine, 7–8, 370, 988; language, 348. See also Santiago de Compostela

Galician Contemporary Art Museum (Santiago): 364

Galician folk-music concerts, in Santiago: 364–365

Galician People, Museum of the (Santiago): 363–364

Game of Thrones (TV series): 676, 727

Garden of Earthly Delights (Bosch): 451, 454

Gares: 296–297

Garganta del Cares: 341, 343

Gasparini Room (Madrid): 440

Gaudí, Antonio: 165, 317, 326, 339; in Barcelona, 98–113, 955; Exhibition Center, 49, 82–83; guided tours, 46; Museum, 108–109; Palau Güell, 48, 61, 77; Park Güell, 48, 109–113; Sagrada Família, 48, 102–109

Gay community, in Sitges: 179

Gehry, Frank: 227–230, 299

Gelmírez Palace (Santiago): 360

General Archives of the Indies (Sevilla): 708–710

Generalife Palace and Gardens (Granada): 622, 623, 635–636

Gernika: See Guernica

Gernika Assembly House (Guernica): 219–220

Gernika Oak Tree (Guernica): 219–220

Gernika Peace Museum (Guernica): 217

Getaria: 215

Gibraltar: 865–884; arrival in, 868–870; eating, 882–884; helpful hints, 870–871; itineraries, 867–868; maps, 866, 872; nightlife, 880–881; self-guided walk, 871–874; sights, 874–880; sleeping, 881–882; vs. Spain, 869; tourist information, 868; transportation, 869–870, 884

Gibraltar Moorish Castle: 880

Gibraltar Museum: 874

Gimeno (Barcelona): 57–58

Giralda Bell Tower (Sevilla): 674, 680–681, 688, 697, 698

Girona-Costa Brava Airport: 39, 154

Golden Age: overview, 945–946

Gold Tower (Sevilla): 713

Golondrinas, in Barcelona: 62–63, 80

Gothic Quarter (Barcelona): See Barri Gòtic

Government of Spain: 943, 949

Governor’s Residence (Gibraltar): 873

Goya, Francisco de: 120, 230, 283, 417, 440, 467–468, 478, 522, 527, 576, 583, 584, 696, 718, 811, 835, 947, 953; Prado Museum (Madrid), 460–463; tomb (Madrid), 413, 476–477

Gràcia (Barcelona): 35

Granada: 12, 606–665; at a glance, 613; arrival in, 608–610; eating, 658–664; helpful hints, 610–611; itineraries, 607; maps, 609, 614, 646–647, 656; nightlife, 652, 661; self-guided walk, 613–621; sights, 621–653; sleeping, 654–658; tourist information, 608; tours, 612–613; transportation, 608–610, 611, 664–665

Granada Airport: 610, 664

Granada Card: 608

Granada Cathedral: 613, 617, 642–644

Granada Fine Arts Museum: 628

Granada Great Mosque: 613, 648

Granada International Festival of Music and Dance: 610, 627, 1010

Granada San Francisco Parador: 636–637, 658

Grand Hall of the Ambassadors (Granada): 631–632

Grand Socco (Tangier): 919–922

Gran Teatre del Liceu (Barcelona): 60, 128

Gran Vía (Madrid): 402, 430–434; map, 432–433; sleeping near, 490–491

Gran Vía de Colón (Granada): 608, 617, 618–619

Grazalema: 794, 829–832; eating, 831–832; map, 830–831; sleeping, 830–831

Grazalema Natural Park: 828

Great Mosque of Granada: 613, 648

Great Siege Tunnels (Gibraltar): 879

Gros (San Sebastián): 190, 204–205; eating, 210–211, 212; nightlife, 210–211; sleeping, 206

Guadalquivir River: 668, 724–725, 757, 770–771

Güell Park (Barcelona): 48, 109–113; map, 110–111

Guernica (Picasso): 216, 217, 218, 469–471

Guernica (town; Gernika): 216–221

Guéthary: 251

Guggenheim Bilbao: 227–230; eating near, 235; sleeping near, 232, 234

Guía del Ocio: 127, 403, 490

Guidebooks, Rick Steves: 1006–1007

Guitar, Spanish: See Spanish guitars

Guzmán el Bueno Castle (Tarifa): 890–891

Gypsies (Roma), of Granada: 653


Habsburgs Palace (El Escorial): 525–526

Hadrian: 727, 944

Hall of Tapestries (Sevilla): 706

Hall of the Abencerrajes (Granada): 632–633

Hall of the Ambassadors (Sevilla): 704–705

Hall of the Kings (Granada): 633

Hall of Two Sisters (Granada): 634

Hammam al Andalus (Granada): 644

Hammam El Bañuelo (Granada): 620–621

Hemingway, Ernest: 278, 530, 958, 1013; in Madrid, 411, 431, 497; in Pamplona, 279, 285–286, 287, 292, 294

Hen and Stag parties: 611

Hendaye: 213, 239, 250–251

Hermida Gorge: 340, 341

Hermitage of San Antonio de la Florida (Madrid): 413, 476–477

Hiking (walking): Ainhoa, 263; Ávila, 550–551; Bayonne, 256; Cadaqués, 173–174; Camino de Santiago, 278, 312–313; Cares Gorge, 343; Frigiliana, 861–862; Gibraltar, 876; Granada, 623, 644–649; Montserrat, 165; Nerja, 848–849, 852–853; Picos de Europa, 342–343; Ronda, 815–816; San Sebastián, 203; Segovia, 533

Historic inns: See Paradores

History: 941–948; timeline, 950–951

Holidays: 1009–1011. See also Festivals

Holy Door (Santiago): 356

Holy Week: 890, 969, 1010; Sevilla, 672–673, 678–679, 722, 1010

Holy Year: 268, 355, 356

Hondarribia: 191

Horses, of Jerez: 834–835

Horse shows: 780, 811, 834–835

Hospital de la Caridad (Sevilla): 674, 710–712

Hospital de los Venerables (Sevilla): 686–687, 713–714

Hospital of the Catholic Monarchs (Santiago): 351–352

Hostales: overview, 974

Hostels: overview, 977–978. See also specific destinations

Hotels: overview, 971–974; rates and deals, 970–971; reservations, 24, 976–977. See also Sleeping; and specific destinations

House of Louis XIV (St-Jean-de-Luz): 243

House of Siglo XV (Segovia): 536

House of the Moorish King (Ronda): 815

Huelgas Monastery (Burgos): 308

Human Evolution, Museum of (Burgos): 306–307

Hustlers, in Morocco: 914–915


Iglesia del Salvador (Sevilla): 674, 714–716

Ignatius of Loyola: 187, 945

Immaculate Conception, doctrine of: 695

International Festival of Music and Dance (Granada): 610, 627, 1010

Internet security: 991

Irache Monastery: 268, 297

Iron Cross (Mount Irago): 328–329

Iruña: See Pamplona

Irving, Washington: 615, 637, 684, 686, 944, 1013; Room (Granada), 634

Isabel: 351–352, 382, 398, 423, 428, 437, 442, 522, 535, 541, 571, 572, 580, 591, 593, 594, 618, 619, 631–632, 643, 684, 701, 702, 709, 796, 942, 944–945; Royal Chapel (Granada), 613, 618, 638

Isla de las Palomas (Tarifa): 892

Isla de Santa Clara (San Sebastián): 201

Islam: overview, 908–909, 929

Islamic art: overview, 633

Islamic Córdoba: overview, 766–767

Itálica: 727

Itineraries: Andalucía, 791; Barcelona, 30–32; Basque Country, 182–183; Camino de Santiago, 267; Córdoba, 756–757; Costa del Sol, 841; designing your own, 19–22; Gibraltar, 867–868; Granada, 607; Madrid, 399; Morocco, 904–905, 911; Salamanca, 373–374; Santiago, 345; Sevilla, 668; Toledo, 556–557; whirlwind three-week tour, 20–21


James, Saint: 74, 265, 274–275, 285, 305, 352–353, 359; biographical sketch, 357; tomb, 356. See also Camino de Santiago

Jamón (ham): 7, 59, 139–140, 503, 663, 982

Jardin del Convento (Madrid): 424

Jerez de la Frontera: 794, 832–838; map, 833; sights/activities, 834–837; transportation, 832–834, 837–838

Jewish museums: Córdoba, 773; Toledo, 560, 571, 590–592

Jewish Quarter (Barcelona): 73

Jewish Quarter (Cadaqués): 174–175

Jewish Quarter (Córdoba): 771–776; eating, 786–787; map, 758–759; scavenger hunt, 772

Jewish Quarter (Segovia): 538

Jewish Quarter (Sevilla): See Barrio Santa Cruz

Jewish Quarter (Toledo): 571, 595; sleeping, 600

Jews of Sevilla: 684

Joaquín Peinado Museum (Ronda): 814–815

John Mackintosh Hall (Gibraltar): 871, 873

Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat Airport (Barcelona): 39, 153–154

Joy Eslava (Madrid): 427–428

Juan Carlos I: 377, 380, 429, 438, 439, 444, 525, 942, 948, 952

Juan de Austria (Barcelona): 80


Kasbah (Tangier): 911, 930–931; sleeping, 933–935

Kasbah Museum of Mediterranean Cultures (Tangier): 930–931

King Ferdinand: See Ferdinand

King Pedro I’s Palace (Sevilla): 703–706

King’s Bastion Leisure Centre (Gibraltar): 871, 881

Knives, shopping for: 569–570, 596

Kubo-Kutxa Gallery (San Sebastián): 204

Kursaal Conference Center (San Sebastián): 204


La Boquería Market (Barcelona): 48, 58–59, 145

La Cartuja (near Granada): 652–653

La Clerecía Church (Salamanca): 381

La Concha Beach and Promenade (San Sebastián): 189, 190, 202

La Granja de San Ildefonso Palace (near Segovia): 543–544

Laguardia: 298–299

La Hermida Gorge: 340, 341

La Línea (Gibraltar): 881–882, 884

La Macarena (Sevilla): 674, 722–723

La Mallorquina (Madrid): 418, 505

La Mancha: 605

La Mariblanca (Madrid): 430

La Media Luna (Granada): 647–648

La Moreneta (Montserrat): 163–164

Language: 28, 947; Arabic, 902, 909; Basque, 181–182, 183, 186, 947; beer terms, 989; beverage terms, 989; breakfast terms, 980; Catalan, 45, 141, 947; dessert terms, 986–987; French, 241; Galego, 348, 947; online translation tips, 961; restaurant phrases, 1022; survival phrases, 1021; tapas terms, 984–985

Language barrier: 990

La Pedrera (Barcelona): 48, 100–101

La Perla Spa (San Sebastián): 203

La Rhune (Larrun): 262

La Ribera (Barcelona): See El Born

La Ribera Market (Bilbao): 232

La Rioja: 268, 298–299, 300

Las Arenas (Barcelona): 49, 122

Las Meninas (Velázquez): 456

L’Atelier du Chocolat (Bayonne): 256

La Torre del Oro Bar Andalú (Madrid): 420–421

Lavapiés (Madrid): 479–481

Lekeitio: 215–216

León: 269, 301–302, 314–325; eating, 324–325; map, 316; sights, 315–323; sleeping, 323–324; tourist information, 315; transportation, 315, 325

León Cathedral: 318–321

León City Hall: 315–316

Le Pays Basque: See French Basque Country

Lequeitio (Lekeitio): 215–216

Liceu Opera House (Barcelona): 60, 128

Lichtenstein, Roy: 63

Lizarra: 297

Logroño: 298, 299, 300

Lonja Palace (Sevilla): 708–710

Lugo: 269, 334–336

Lugo Cathedral: 335


Macarena (Sevilla): 723

Macarena, Basílica de la (Sevilla): 674, 721–723

Macho (Victorio) Museum (Toledo): 560, 571, 592–593

Madinat Al-Zahra: 779–780

Madrid: 12, 398–513; at a glance, 412–413; arrival in, 403, 405; eating, 496–508; excursion areas, 17, 514–555; experiences, 478–482; helpful hints, 405, 408; itineraries, 399; nightlife, 485–490; orientation, 402; self-guided walks, 414–434; shopping, 482–484; sights, 434–478; sleeping, 490–496; tapas, 498–504; tourist information, 402–403; tours, 411–414; transportation, 403, 405, 408–411, 508–513

Madrid History Museum: 413, 478

Madrid Tower: 425

Madrid Town Hall: 423

Magic Fountains (Barcelona): 49, 121

Maids of Honor, The (Velázquez): 456

Mail: 993. See also specific destinations

Maimonides: 775

Málaga: 859, 862–864

Málaga Airport: 859

Mantillas: 734

Maps: See Map Index

Marbella: 864–865

Marès (Frederic) Museum (Barcelona): 49, 84

Mariano Zamorano (Toledo): 569–570, 596

Marijuana: 194, 902

Marine Museum (Biarritz): 260–261

Maritime Museum (Barcelona): 48, 77, 80

Markets: Ávila, 554; Barcelona, 48, 58–59, 69–70, 93–94, 94, 145; Bayonne, 261; Bilbao, 232; Chefchaouen, 939; Córdoba, 774; Gibraltar, 874; Granada, 649, 662–663; León, 318; Madrid, 419, 421–422, 483–484, 505, 507; Marrakech, 940; Pamplona, 283; Rabat, 939; St-Jean-de-Luz, 240–241; Salamanca, 380, 395; San Sebastián, 197, 200, 211; Santiago, 362–363; Segovia, 533, 547; Sevilla, 725, 730, 749–750; Tangier, 921, 922, 925–927; bargaining, 926; Tarifa, 898; Toledo, 597, 603

Markina: 214–215

Marks & Spencer (Gibraltar): 873, 883

Marqués de Riscal (Elciego): 299

Marrakech (Morocco): 940

Martorell i Montells, Joan: 339

Marzipan: 250, 256, 538, 547

Matisse, Henri: 932

Mazapán: 567, 568, 570, 603–604

Medical help: 960

Medina (Tangier): 911, 924–931; eating, 936–937; guided tours, 916–917, 919; map, 918; nightlife, 932–933; sleeping, 933–935

Medina Sidonia: 838–839

Mediterranean Steps (Gibraltar): 878

Mendoubia Gardens (Tangier): 921, 922–923

Mercado de la Bretxa (San Sebastián): 197, 200, 211

Mercado de San Miguel (Madrid): 421–422, 505

Mercados: See Markets

Mercury Pond (Sevilla): 707

Mesones: 421, 488–489, 534–535, 546

Metric system: 1016

Metro: Barcelona, 41–45; Madrid, 408–409; map, 410; Sevilla, 675

Mezquita (Córdoba): 760, 761–770; eating, 783; entertainment, 780–781; map, 762; sleeping, 781–782

Mezquita del Cristo de la Luz (Toledo): 577–578

Mezquita Mayor de Granada: 613, 648

Mihrab (Córdoba): 765–766

Military Heritage Centre (Gibraltar): 879

Mirador de San Cristóbal (Granada): 649

Mirador de San Nicolás (Granada): 613, 645–648

Miramar Palace and Park (San Sebastián): 203

Miró, Joan: 60, 122, 472, 953; Museum (Barcelona), 49, 117

Mobile phones: See Smartphones

Modernisme: 99, 955; about, 99; Barcelona, 35, 38, 95–113; guided tours, 46; map, 96–97. See also specific architects

Moll Adossat (Barcelona): 157

Monasterio de Irache: 268, 297

Monasterio de la Cartuja (near Granada): 652–653

Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales (Madrid): 447

Monasterio de las Huelgas (Burgos): 308

Monasterio de San José del Carmen (Sevilla): 686

Monasterio de San Juan de los Reyes (Toledo): 560, 571, 593–595

Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial: 516–528, 955; maps, 517, 520

Mondragón Palace (Ronda): 813–814

Money: 962–966; average daily expenses, 23; budget tips, 23–24; Gibraltar, 870–871; Morocco, 902, 915

Money belts: 27, 39, 915, 961, 962, 964

Money-saving tips: 23–24, 961; Barcelona, 38, 144; Bilbao, 226; Granada, 608; Ronda, 808; San Sebastián, 190–191; sleeping, 970–971

Monistrol de Montserrat Station: 160–161

Monkeys of Gibraltar: 871, 877–878

Monte Igueldo (San Sebastián): 203

Monte Urgull (San Sebastián): 201–202

Montjuïc (Barcelona): 35, 63, 113–120; map, 114–115; nightlife, 130

Montjuïc Castle (Barcelona): 116–117

Montjuïc Communications Tower (Barcelona): 118

Montserrat: 158–166; eating, 166; history of, 164; map, 163; sights, 162–166; tourist information, 162; transportation, 160–162

Montserrat, Museum of: 165

Montserrat-Aeri Station: 160

Montserrat Basilica: 162–164

Montserrat’s Escolania: 166

Monument a Colóm (Barcelona): 62

Monumento al Encierro (Pamplona): 286

Monument to the Martyrs of Independence (Barcelona): 72

Moorish Baths (Granada): 620–621

Moorish Castle (Gibraltar): 880

Moors: 274, 275, 942; architecture, 952–953; cuisine, 7. See also specific sights

Morocco: 903–940; almanac, 902; ferries, 899–900, 905–906, 913–914; health concerns, 902; itineraries, 904–905; map, 904; time zones, 902, 906; tourist information, 902; tours, 904–907, 910; women in, 920. See also Tangier

Moshe Nahon Synagogue (Tangier): 924–925

Mosteiro de San Martiño Pinario (Santiago): 360

Mosteiro San Paio (Santiago): 361

Mount Irago: 328–329

Movies, recommended: 1013–1014

Mozarabic Chapel (Toledo): 585

Muelle Adosado (Barcelona): 157

Murillo, Bartolomé: 230, 666, 682, 685, 690–691, 693–696, 711, 712, 719–720, 835, 953; biographical sketch, 692; House (Sevilla), 686; Prado Museum (Madrid), 457

Musée Basque (Bayonne): 253–255

Museo Arqueológico Nacional/MAN (Madrid): 412, 475

Museo Art Nouveau y Art Deco (Salamanca): 389–390

Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga: 863

Museo Cuevas del Sacromonte (Granada): 651–652

Museo da Catedral (Santiago): 357–360

Museo das Peregrinacións e de Santiago: 363

Museo de América (Madrid): 413, 476

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Esteban Vicente (Segovia): 542

Museo de Bellas Artes (Bilbao): 230

Museo de Bellas Artes (Granada): 628

Museo de Bellas Artes (Sevilla): 674, 718–721

Museo de Burgos: 307

Museo de Història de la Automoción (Salamanca): 390

Museo de Historia de Madrid: 413, 478

Museo de la Alhambra (Granada): 622, 627–628

Museo de la Cerámica de Triana (Sevilla): 725

Museo del Arte Thyssen-Bornemisza (Madrid): 412, 463–466

Museo del Baile Flamenco (Sevilla): 674, 717–718, 736

Museo del Bandolero (Ronda): 814

Museo del Ejército (Toledo): 560, 574–577

Museo del Greco (Toledo): 560, 571, 589–590

Museo del Jamón (Madrid): 503

Museo de los Concilios y de la Cultura Visigoda (Toledo): 560, 585–587

Museo del Traje (Madrid): 413, 476

Museo de Nerja: 848

Museo de San Isidoro (León): 322–323

Museo de Santa Cruz (Toledo): 560, 567, 572–574

Museo do Pobo Galego (Santiago): 363–364

Museo Joaquín Peinado (Ronda): 814–815

Museo Julio Romero de Torres (Córdoba): 777

Museo Nacional del Prado (Madrid): See Prado Museum

Museo Naval (Madrid), 413, 474; (San Sebastián), 201; (Sevilla), 713

Museo Palacio de la Condesa de Lebrija (Sevilla): 674, 716–717

Museo Picasso Málaga: 863

Museo Sefardí (Toledo): 560, 590–592

Museo Sorolla (Madrid): 412, 477

Museo Taurino (Córdoba), 775–776; (Madrid), 482; (Sevilla), 674, 728

Museo Victorio Macho (Toledo): 560, 571, 592–593

Museo Vivo de Al-Andalus (Córdoba): 771

Museu Cau Ferrat (Sitges): 180

Museu d’História de Barcelona: 49, 76, 84–85

Museu Frederic Marès (Barcelona): 49, 84

Museu Maricel (Sitges): 180

Museu Marítim (Barcelona): 48, 77, 80

Museum of Al-Andalus Life (Córdoba): 771

Museum of Basque Culture (Bayonne): 253–255

Museum of Contemporary Art (Barcelona): 94–95

Museum of Human Evolution (Burgos): 306–307

Museum of Montserrat: 165

Museum of Navarre (Pamplona): 283

Museum of San Telmo (San Sebastián): 196–197

Museum of the Americas (Madrid): 413, 476

Museum of the Galician People (Santiago): 363–364

Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (Barcelona): 48, 118–120

Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport (Barcelona): 118

Museu Picasso (Barcelona): 48, 85–93; eating near, 148–149; map, 86

Mutriku: 214–215


National Archaeological Museum (Madrid): 412, 475

Naval Museum (Madrid), 413, 474; (San Sebastián), 201; (Sevilla), 713

Navarre, Museum of (Pamplona): 283

Nerja: 841–860; eating, 855–859; helpful hints, 846; map, 844–845; nightlife, 853; sights/activities, 847–853; sleeping, 853–855; tourist information, 842; tours, 846; transportation, 842–843, 846, 859–860

Nerja Caves: 852

Nerja Museum: 848

New Bridge (Ronda): 806, 811–812

Nightlife: budgeting, 23. See also specific destinations

Notre-Dame d’Aranazau Chapel (Ainhoa): 263

Notre-Dame Gate (St-Jean-de-Luz): 272

Nuestra Señora de la Almudena (Madrid): 424–425

Nun goodies: 682


Ocean Village (Gibraltar): 874, 880, 883

O Cebreiro: 269, 278, 331–334

O’Hara’s Battery (Gibraltar): 878

Old Bridge (Ronda): 816

Old City (Barcelona): 33–34, 76–85; eating, 141–147; maps, 53, 78–79, 134–135, 142–143; nightlife, 129–130; self-guided walks, 51–76; sights, 76–85; sleeping, 132–136

Old Maro Bridge (Nerja): 853

Old Town (Arcos): 791, 796–802; eating, 804–805; maps, 797; nightlife, 802; sleeping, 802–803

Old Town (Bilbao): 221, 231–232; eating, 236–237; map, 233; sleeping, 234–235

Old Town (Granada): 613–621; eating, 661–664; map, 614; self-guided walk, 613–621; sights, 638–645; sleeping, 654–655

Old Town (Ronda): 806, 812–817; eating, 821, 823–824; sleeping, 818–820

Old Town (San Sebastián): 190, 195–200; eating, 207–209; map, 198–199; sleeping, 205–206

Old Town (Tangier): See Medina

Olive oil tour, around Granada: 612–613

Olympic and Sports Museum (Barcelona): 118

Olympic Stadium (Barcelona): 117

Orreaga: 276–277


Packing tips and checklist: 26, 1019

Paella feast, in Nerja: 859

Palace del Mayorazgo (Arcos): 800

Palace of Catalan Music (Barcelona): 48, 93, 128

Palace of the Marquis of Salvatierra (Ronda): 815

Palacio de Cibeles (Madrid): 475

Palacio de Dar al-Horra (Granada): 650

Palacio de la Condesa de Lebrija (Sevilla): 674, 716–717

Palacio de la Madrassa (Granada): 617–618

Palacio del Marqués de Salvatierra (Ronda): 815

Palacio de Mondragón (Ronda): 813–814

Palacio de Sobrellano (Comillas): 339

Palacio de Viana (Córdoba): 777–779

Palacio Real: See Royal Palace

Palacios Nazaríes (Granada): 621, 629–635; map, 629

Palau de la Generalitat (Barcelona): 74

Palau de la Música Catalana (Barcelona): 48, 93

Palau de la Virreina (Barcelona): 127

Palau del Lloctinent (Barcelona): 76

Palau Güell (Barcelona): 48, 61, 77

Palau Maricel (Sitges): 180

Palau Reial Major (Barcelona): 75–76

Pallozas: 331–332

Pamplona: 268, 279–295; eating, 293–295; festivals, 279, 288–289; helpful hints, 282; map, 280–281; self-guided walk, 283–287; sights, 287–291; sleeping, 292–293; tourist information, 279; transportation, 282, 295

Pamplona Airport: 282

Pamplona Cathedral: 287, 290

Pamplona City Hall: 283–284

Pamplona Running of the Bulls: See Running of the Bulls

Pantéon Real (León): 322–323

Paradores: 971, 974–975; Arcos de la Frontera, 803, 804; Granada, 601, 636–637, 658; Santiago de Compostela, 365, 370–371; Santillana, 337; Toledo, 601

Parc de la Ciutadella (Barcelona): 123

Pariès (Bayonne): 256

Park Güell (Barcelona): 35, 48, 109–113; map, 110–111

Parque del Buen Retiro (Madrid): 413, 474

Partal Gardens (Granada): 635

Parte Vieja (San Sebastián): See Old Town

Paseo de la Alameda (Tarifa): 893

Paseo de la Castellana (Madrid): 478–479

Paseo de los Carabineros (Nerja): 850

Paseo de los Tristes (Granada): 619–620, 661

Paseo Marítimo (Tarifa): 892, 896

Passeig de Gràcia (Barcelona): 35, 38, 42–43, 54, 126–127; eating, 150–151; sleeping, 136–137

Passeig del Born (Barcelona): 126, 129

Passports: 25, 870, 960, 966

Pastas Caseras Beatriz (Pamplona): 284, 295

Patios: overview, 778

Patio de Arrayanes (Granada): 630

Patio de Banderas (Sevilla): 682–683, 708

Patio de la Montería (Sevilla): 701

Patio de las Doncellas (Sevilla): 703–704

Patio de las Muñecas (Sevilla): 705

Patio de los Leones (Granada): 632

Patio de los Naranjos (Córdoba): 763

Patio de los Naranjos (Sevilla): 697–698

Patio de los Reyes (El Escorial): 519–520

Pazo de Xelmírez (Santiago): 360

Pedrafita: 330

Pedro I’s Palace (Sevilla): 703–706

Peinado (Joaquín) Museum (Ronda): 814–815

Peine del Viento (San Sebastián): 204

Pelota: 246, 251, 255, 263, 270

Pensiones: overview, 974

Percebes: 8, 362, 363, 370

Petit Socco (Tangier): 924

Philip’s Seat: 527–528

Phones: See Telephones

Picasso, Pablo: 65, 68–69, 165, 230, 465–466, 953; biographical sketch, 90–91; Guernica, 216, 217, 218, 469–471; guided tours, in Barcelona, 46; Museo Picasso Málaga, 863; Museum (Barcelona), 48, 85–93; Reina Sofía (Madrid), 468–471

Picasso Tower (Madrid): 479

Pickpockets: 27, 39–40, 52, 405, 610, 650, 964–965

Picos de Europa: 340–343

Pieros: 278

Pileta Cave: 817–818

Pilgrimage and Santiago Museum: 363

Pilgrimage to Saint James: See Camino de Santiago

Pilgrim Friends Office (St-Jean-de-Luz): 271–272

Pilgrims, Office for (Santiago): 352

Piments d’Espelette: 185, 256, 263

Pintxos: 140–141, 144, 146–149, 151, 207–211, 235–237; glossary of terms, 211

Plaça de Catalunya (Barcelona): 32–33, 39, 54, 131; eating, 144; sleeping near, 131–132

Plaça del Pi (Barcelona): 126

Plaça del Rei (Barcelona): 75–76

Plaça de Sant Jaume (Barcelona): 74

Plaça Nova (Barcelona): 68–69

Plaça Reial (Barcelona): 60–61, 128, 129–130

Plaça Sant Felip Neri (Barcelona): 72–73

Place de la Kasbah (Tangier): 931–932

Place Louis XIV (St-Jean-de-Luz): 242–243

Placeta de San Gregorio (Granada): 646–647

Placeta de San Miguel Bajo (Granada): 650, 659–660

Plage de Corniche (Tangier): 932

Plague Monument (Córdoba): 771

Planelles Donat (Barcelona): 64

Playa Calahonda (Nerja): 850

Playa Carabeillo (Nerja): 850–851

Playa Carabeo (Nerja): 850–851

Playa Chica (Tarifa): 892

Playa de Burriana (Nerja): 851, 859

Playa de la Concha (San Sebastián): 189, 190, 202, 206–207

Playa del Cantarriján (Nerja): 851

Playa del Salón (Nerja): 850, 859

Playa el Chucho (Nerja): 850

Playa la Torrecilla (Nerja): 850

Playas Laga (Lequeitio): 215

Plaza de Anaya (Salamanca): 383

Plaza de Bib-Rambla (Granada): 616–617

Plaza de Castilla (Madrid): 479

Plaza de Colon (Madrid): 479

Plaza de Doña Elvira (Sevilla): 687

Plaza de España (Arcos): 802

Plaza de España (Madrid): 434

Plaza de España (Medina Sidonia): 838–839

Plaza de España (Sevilla): 668, 724, 737

Plaza de Isabel II (Madrid): 426–427, 485

Plaza de la Alianza (Sevilla): 687

Plaza de la Constitución (San Sebastián): 196

Plaza de la Encarnación (Sevilla): 717

Plaza de las Tendillas (Córdoba): 776–777

Plaza de la Trinidad (Granada): 657

Plaza de la Virgen de los Reyes (Sevilla): 680–681

Plaza del Ayuntamiento (Toledo): 569

Plaza del Azogüejo (Segovia): 534–535

Plaza del Cabildo (Arcos): 796–797

Plaza del Carmen (Madrid): 494

Plaza del Castillo (Pamplona): 279, 286–287, 293

Plaza del Conde (Toledo): 570, 595

Plaza del Corillo (Salamanca): 380

Plaza del Ingenio (Frigiliana): 860

Plaza del Mío Cid (Burgos): 308

Plaza de los Venerables (Sevilla): 686–687

Plaza del Salvador (Sevilla): 716, 734

Plaza del Socorro (Ronda): 821

Plaza del Triunfo (Sevilla): 682

Plaza de Oriente (Madrid): 426, 505

Plaza de San Martín (León): 324–325

Plaza de San Martín (Segovia): 535–537

Plaza de Santa Cruz (Sevilla): 685

Plaza de Toros (Madrid): 481–482

Plaza de Toros (Pamplona): 284–286

Plaza de Toros (Sevilla): 728

Plaza de Zocodover (Toledo): 557, 565–568, 572, 595; eating, 602–603; sleeping, 597, 600

Plaza Isabel La Católica (Granada): 618–619

Plaza Larga (Granada): 649, 659

Plaza Mayor (Burgos): 307–308

Plaza Mayor (León): 318

Plaza Mayor (Madrid): 413, 418–420; eating, 504–506; map, 416–417; shopping, 483–484; sleeping, 494, 495–496

Plaza Mayor (Salamanca): 374, 376–377, 380; eating, 395–396

Plaza Mayor (Segovia): 533, 538; eating, 546; nightlife, 547; sleeping near, 544

Plaza Nueva (Bilbao): 237

Plaza Nueva (Granada): 607–608, 619; eating, 661–663; sleeping, 654–655

Plaza Nueva (Sevilla): 668, 714, 731; eating near, 749–750

Plaza San Isidoro (León): 316–317

Plaza San Marcelo (León): 315–316

Ponce de León, Juan: 944

Port Lligat: 176–178

Portomarín: 278, 333–334

Port Vell (Barcelona): 34, 63

Post offices: 993. See also specific destinations

Potes: 341–342

Pound sterling: 870–871

Prado Museum (Madrid): 447–463; eating near, 498–499; map, 452–453; orientation, 412, 449–450; self-guided tour, 450–463; sights near, 474–476; sleeping near, 494

Praza da Inmaculada (Santiago): 360

Praza da Quintana (Santiago): 361

Praza das Praterías (Santiago): 361–362

Praza do Obradoiro (Santiago): 351–352, 360

Pronovias (Madrid): 430

Pronunciation guide: 1020

Prostitution: 405, 408

Puente de Isabel II (Sevilla): 724–725

Puente del Carbón (Granada): 615

Puente la Reina: 268, 278, 296–297

Puente Nuevo (Ronda): 806, 811–812

Puente Viejo (Ronda): 816

Puerta del Perdón (Sevilla): 698

Puerta del Sol (Madrid): 402, 412, 415–418; eating, 505–506; map, 416–417; sleeping near, 490–491, 494–495

Puerta del Vino (Granada): 637

Puerta Nueva (Granada): 650

Puerto Banús: 865

Puerto de Ibañeta: 273, 276

Puig i Cadafalch, Josep: 65, 68, 98, 100, 121–122, 146, 165

Pyrenees: 279


Quadrat d’Or (Barcelona): 35, 126–127

Queen Isabella: See Isabel

Queensway Quay Marina (Gibraltar): 880–881, 884


Rabat (Morocco): 939

Rail passes: 23, 25, 994, 996–997, 998, 1006

Rail travel: See Train travel

Ramadan: 902, 929

Rambla of Flowers (Barcelona): 57–58

Rambla of the Little Birds (Barcelona): 56

Ramblas (Barcelona): 34, 48, 52, 54–55, 60, 77; eating, 141–145; guided tours, 46; map, 53; self-guided walk, 52–63; sights, 77, 80; sleeping, 132–133

Ratón Pérez (Madrid): 429–430

Raval (Barcelona): 34, 61, 94–95; eating, 95; nightlife, 95

Real Fábrica de Tapices (Madrid): 475–476

Real Jardín Botánico (Madrid): 413, 463

Real Madrid: 430, 479, 482

Real Maestranza de Caballería de Ronda: 809–811

Reconquista: overview, 943–945

Reial Cercle Artistic Museum (Barcelona): 68

Reina Sofía (Madrid): 412, 466–474

Renaixença: 99. See also Modernisme

RENFE: See Train travel

Rental properties: 972–973, 975–978; Barcelona, 137

ReservaTauro: 818

Reservations: sights, 25–26; sleeping, 24, 976–977

Resources from Rick Steves: 1006–1007

Restaurants: See Eating; and specific destinations

Retiro Park (Madrid): 413, 474

Ribera (Barcelona): See El Born

Rif Cinema (Tangier): 922, 933

Rio Chillar (Nerja): 852

Rioja: 268, 298–299, 300

Roast suckling pig: 311, 394, 497, 535, 545–546, 988

Rock of Gibraltar: 865, 874–880

Roma (Gypsies), of Granada: 653

Roman aqueducts: See Aqueducts, Roman

Roman Bridge (Córdoba): 771

Roman Bridge (Salamanca): 384

Romans, ancient (Roman sites): 314, 628, 941–942; Arcos, 798, 800; Barcelona, 56, 63, 68, 69, 70, 74, 75; Córdoba, 771, 774–775, 777; Itálica, 727; Lugo, 334, 335; Salmanca, 384; Segovia, 532, 533, 534–535

Roman Temple (Córdoba): 777

Romero de Torres (Julio) Museum (Córdoba): 777

Roncesvalles: 268, 276–277, 278

Roncesvalles Pass: 273, 276

Ronda: 794, 805–827; eating, 821–825; helpful hints, 808; maps, 807, 822; sights, 809–818; sleeping, 818–821; tourist information, 806, 808; tours, 809; transportation, 808, 825–827

Ronda Gorge: 806, 811–812, 816

Ronda Guitar House: 816–817

Rosemary scam, in Sevilla: 673

Route of the White Hill Towns: 790; map, 826–827

Royal Academy of Science and Arts (Barcelona): 56

Royal Alcázar (Sevilla): 668, 699–708; guided tours, 676–677, 699–700; map, 700; orientation, 674, 699–700; self-guided tour, 700–708

Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art (Jerez): 834–835

Royal Botanical Garden (Madrid): 413, 463

Royal Chapel (Córdoba): 767–768

Royal Chapel (Granada): 613, 618, 638–642

Royal Chapel (Madrid): 443

Royal Chapel (Sevilla): 697

Royal Chapel Square (Granada): 617–618

Royal families of Spain: 428–429

Royal Library (El Escorial): 520–521

Royal Palace (Barcelona): 75–76

Royal Palace (Madrid): 425, 434–446; map, 436; orientation, 412, 435; self-guided tour, 437–446

Royal Pantheon (El Escorial): 524–525

Royal Pantheon (León): 322–323

Royal St. Mary’s Church (O Cebreiro): 332–333

Royal Tapestry Factory (Madrid): 475–476

Royal Theater (Madrid): 426

Rúa do Franco (Santiago): 350, 369

Rubens, Peter Paul: 196, 360, 447, 459, 465

Rue de la République (St-Jean-de-Luz): 243, 249

Rue d’Espagne (St-Jean-de-Luz): 272

Rue Gambetta (St-Jean-de-Luz): 245–246

Running of the Bulls (Pamplona): 279, 283, 288–289, 1010; Monument, 286

Rusiñol, Santiago: 180


Sabater Hermanos (Barcelona): 73

Sacred Art Museum (Santiago): 361

Sacred Cave (Montserrat): 165–166

Sacromonte (Granada): 621, 651–652

Safety: See Theft alerts

Sagrada Família (Barcelona): 102–109; map, 103; orientation, 48, 102–104; self-guided tour, 104–109

Sahagún: 314

St. Andrew’s Anglican Church (Tangier): 922

Ste. Marie Cathédrale (Bayonne): 255–256

St. Ginès Church (Madrid): 427

St. Jean-Baptiste Church (St-Jean-de-Luz): 246–248

St-Jean-de-Luz: 182, 238–251; eating, 249–250; helpful hints, 240–241; map, 244–245; self-guided walk, 242–248; sleeping, 248–249; tourist information, 239; tours, 241–242; transportation, 240, 250–251

St-Jean-Pied-de-Port: 268, 269–273

“St. John of the Monarchs” (Toledo): 560, 571, 593–595

St. Martin’s Monastery (Santiago): 360

St. Matthew Church (Tarifa): 887, 890

St. Michael’s Cave (Gibraltar): 878–879

St. Pelayo Monastery (Santiago): 361

Salamanca: 17, 373–397; eating, 394–397; helpful hints, 376; itineraries, 373–374; maps, 374, 378–379, 392–393; self-guided walk, 376–385; sights, 376–390; sleeping, 391–394; tourist information, 375; transportation, 375–376, 397

Salamanca Art Nouveau Museum: 389–390

Salamanca Cathedral: 383, 386–388

Salamanca Town Hall: 377

Salamanca University: 381–383, 385–386

Samos: 333

San Agustín Market (Granada): 662–663

San Antonio de la Florida Hermitage (Madrid): 413, 476–477

San Antonio of Padua Church (Frigiliana): 862

San Antón Market (Madrid): 507

San Bartolomé Church (Granada): 649

San Bartolomé Fort (Pamplona): 291

San Cristóbal Viewpoint (Granada): 649

Sandeman (Jerez): 837

San Esteban Church (Salamanca): 385, 388–389

San Fermín Txikito (Pamplona): 279, 282

San Gregorio Church (Granada): 647

San Ildefonso Palace (near Segovia): 543–544

San Isidoro Church (León): 316–317

San Isidoro Museum (León): 322–323

San Juan de los Reyes Monasterio (Toledo): 560, 571, 593–595

San Lorenzo Church (Pamplona): 291

San Lorenzo de El Escorial: 516–528, 955; maps, 517, 520

San Miguel Market (Madrid): 421–422, 505

San Nicolás Church (Burgos): 307

San Nicolás Island: 215

San Nicolás Viewpoint (Granada): 613, 645–648

San Pablo Airport (Sevilla): 672

San Pedro Church (Granada): 621

San Pedro de Alcántara: 865

San Pedro’s Church (Arcos): 800–801

San Román Church (Toledo): 585–587

San Salvador Church (Nerja): 848

San Saturnino Church (Pamplona): 290–291

San Sebastián: 182, 189–214; eating, 207–213; helpful hints, 192–194; itineraries, 189–190; maps, 192–193, 198–199; nightlife, 210–211; sights, 195–205; sleeping, 205–207; tourist information, 190–191; tours, 194–195; transportation, 191–192, 194, 213–214

San Sebastián Airport: 191

San Sebastián Aquarium: 201

San Sebastián Card: 190–191

San Sebastián Port: 200–202

Santa Ana Church (Granada): 619

Santa Ana Church (Sevilla): 726

Santa Anna Church (Barcelona): 64–65

Santa Catalina de Zafra (Granada): 621

Santa Caterina Market (Barcelona): 49, 69–70, 93–94, 149

Santa Cova (Montserrat): 165–166

Santa Cruz (Sevilla): See Barrio Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz Museum (Toledo): 560, 567, 572–574

Santa Eulàlia (Barcelona): 63, 80

Santa Isabel Convent (Granada): 650

Santa María Church (Arcos): 797–799

Santa María Church (Cadaqués): 175–176

Santa María del Mar Church (Barcelona): 49, 94

Santa María del Pi (Barcelona): 59, 129

Santa María la Blanca Synagogue (Toledo): 571, 593

Santa María la Mayor Church (Ronda): 812–813

Santa María la Real (O Cebreiro): 332–333

Sant Antoni Market (Barcelona): 94

Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla Church (Sitges): 180

San Telmo Museoa (San Sebastián): 196–197

Sant Felip Neri Church (Barcelona): 72

Santiago Cathedral (Bilbao): 231

Santiago de Compostela: 15, 17, 269, 344–372; eating, 369–372; festivals, 349; helpful hints, 349–350; itineraries, 345; maps, 346–347, 366–367; shopping, 349–350; sights, 350–365; sleeping, 365–368; tourist information, 345, 348; transportation, 348–349, 372

Santiago de Compostela Cathedral: 350–356; Museum, 357–360

Santiago de Compostela City Hall: 352

Santiago de Compostela University: 352

Santillana del Mar: 336–337

Santiponce: 727

Sant Joan Chapel (Montserrat): 165

Sant Joan Funicular (Montserrat): 165

Santo Domingo de la Calzada: 269, 300

Santo Domingo de Silos: 309

Santo Tomé (Toledo): 560, 567, 570, 587–589, 603–604

Sants Train Station (Barcelona): 38, 154–156

San Vicente Basilica (Ávila): 552–553

Sardana dances: 49, 82, 83

Sare (Sara): 262–263

Sarria: 278, 333

Sartre, Jean-Paul: 336

Scala Coeli (Salamanca): 385

Schweppes (Madrid): 433–434

Seasons: 19–20, 27–28

Segovia: 531–548; eating, 545–547; helpful hints, 533; map, 536–537; nightlife, 547; self-guided walk, 534–538; sights, 538–544; sleeping, 544–545; tourist information, 532; transportation, 532–533, 547–548

Segovia Cathedral: 538–540

Semana Santa: See Holy Week

Seneca: 774–775

Sephardic Jewish Museum (Toledo): 560, 571, 590–592

Serrano, Juan: 776–777

Serrano ham: 59, 394, 982

Sevilla: 14, 666–755; at a glance, 674; arrival in, 669, 672; eating, 743–752; experiences, 727–729; festivals, 672–673, 678–679, 728–729, 1010; helpful hints, 672–673; itineraries, 668; maps, 667, 670–671, 680, 732–733, 740–741, 744–745; nightlife, 735–738; orientation, 668; self-guided walk, 678–687; shopping, 730–735; sights, 688–727; sleeping, 738–743; tourist information, 669; tours, 676–677; transportation, 669, 673, 675, 752–755

Sevilla April Fair: 673, 728–729, 1010

Sevilla Cathedral: 688–698; map, 689; orientation, 674, 688–689; self-guided tour, 690–698

Sevilla City Hall: 714

Sevilla Fine Arts Museum: 674, 718–721

Sevilla University: 724

Sherry: 835–837, 987

Ship Room (Granada): 630

Shopping: clothing sizes, 1016; hours, 961; VAT refunds, 966. See also Markets; and specific destinations

Siege Tunnels (Gibraltar): 879

Sierra de Atapuerca Mountains: 309

Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park: 828, 829

Sierra-Pambley Museum (León): 321–322

Sightseeing (sights): budgeting, 23; general tips, 967–969; maps and navigation tools, 967; reservations, 25–26; top destinations, 11–18; whirlwind three-week tour, 20–21. See also Itineraries; specific sights and destinations

Silla de Felipe II: 527–528

SIM cards: 989–990, 991

Sinagoga del Tránsito (Toledo): 560, 571, 590–592

Sinagoga de Santa María la Blanca (Toledo): 571, 593

Sitges: 179–180

Sleep code: 970

Sleeping: 969–978; online resources, 972–973; rates and deals, 970–971; reservations, 24, 976–977; types of accommodations, 971–978. See also Paradores; and specific destinations

Smartphones: 26, 989–991. See also Apps

Sobrino del Botín (Madrid): 497

Soccer: 943; Barcelona, 55, 126; Madrid, 430, 479, 482

Solbes (San Sebastián): 212

Sorolla (Joaquín) Museum (Madrid): 412, 477

South Coast: See Costa del Sol

Spanish Basque Country: 188–237; cuisine, 8, 184–185, 207; map, 184–185

Spanish Civil War: 301; guided tours, in Barcelona, 51; overview, 530, 942, 948

Spanish guitars: concerts, 129, 485, 776–777, 802, 816–817; shopping for, 484, 655

Spanish Inquisition: about, 419; overview, 522, 955

Spanish language: See Language

Spanish restaurant phrases: 1022

Spanish survival phrases: 1021

Special events: See Festivals

Stairway to Heaven (Salamanca): 385

Stradivarius (Antonius) Room (Madrid): 443

Subway: See Metro


Tabakalera International Culture Center (San Sebastián): 204–205

Tajo River Gorge: 592, 601, 806, 811–812, 816

Tales of the Alhambra (Irving): 634 1013

TALGO: See Train travel

Tangier (Morocco): 18, 910–938; arrival in, 913–914; eating, 936–938; excursions from Tarifa, 886–887; ferries, 899–900, 905–906, 913–914; helpful hints, 914–916; itineraries, 911; maps, 912, 918; nightlife, 932–933; orientation, 911–913; sights/activities, 919–932; sleeping, 933–935; tourist information, 913; tours, 916–919; transportation, 913–914

Tangier American Legation Museum (Morocco): 928–930

Tangier Anglican Church (Morocco): 922

Tangier Beach and Marina (Morocco): 932

Tangier Ibn Battuta Airport (Morocco): 914

Tapas: 982–986; glossary of terms, 211, 984–985. See also Pintxos; and specific destinations

Tarifa: 885–900; eating, 895–898; ferries, 899–900, 905–906, 913–914; helpful hints, 886–887; map, 888–889; nightlife, 893; sights/activities, 887–892; sleeping, 893–895; tourist information, 886; transportation, 886, 898–900

Tarta de Santiago: 361, 370

Taverna Basca Irati (Barcelona): 59, 141

Taxes, VAT refunds: 966

Taxis: 999–1000; tipping, 965. See also specific destinations

Teatre-Museu Dalí (Figueres): 167–171

Teleféricos: See Funiculars

Telefónica (Madrid): 432–433

Telephones: 989–992; France, 240; Gibraltar, 871; Morocco, 902

Temperatures, average monthly: 1017

Temple of Augustus (Barcelona): 75

Temple of Debod (Madrid): 477

Teresa of Ávila, Saint: 548, 552–554, 686, 944

Terrorism Memorial (Madrid): 509–510

Theft alerts: 27, 960, 964–965; Barcelona, 39–40, 52; Granada, 610, 650; Madrid, 405

Third of May, 1808 (Goya): 72, 461–462

Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum (Madrid): 412, 463–466

Tiepolo, Giambattista: 438, 439, 441, 444, 445

Time zones: 960–961; Morocco, 902, 906

Tinell Hall (Barcelona): 85

Tío Pepe González Byass (Jerez): 837

Tipping: 965, 981–982; Morocco, 902

Titian: 120, 457–458, 460, 523, 524, 583, 584

Toledo: 17, 556–605; at a glance, 560; arrival in, 559–561; eating, 601–604; helpful hints, 561; history of, 566; itineraries, 556–557; maps, 558, 562–563, 598–599; nightlife, 561; self-guided walks, 564–571; shopping, 596–597; sights, 572–596; sleeping, 597–601; tourist information, 558–559; tours, 564; transportation, 559–561, 604–605

Toledo Bell Tower: 585

Toledo Cathedral: 560, 569, 578–585; map, 579

Toledo City Hall: 569

Tormes River: 384

Torre del Oro (Sevilla): 713

Torre del Oro Bar Andalú (Madrid): 420–421

Torremolinos: 864

Torres de La Clerecía (Salamanca): 385

Tour guides: tipping, 965. See also specific destinations

Tourist information: 959–960. See also specific destinations

Tourist trains: Cadaqués, 173–174; Granada, 612, 846; San Sebastián, 195; St-Jean-de-Luz, 241; Toledo, 564

Tours: Rick Steves, 1006. See also specific destinations

Trafalgar cemetery (Gibraltar): 871, 873

Train travel: 993–999; budgeting, 23; map, 994–995; tickets, 997–999; types of trains, 993–996. See also specific destinations

Tránsito Synagogue (Toledo): 560, 571, 590–592

Transparente (Toledo): 582–583

Transportation: 993–1006; budgeting, 23; map, 994–995; pre-booking, 25. See also Boat travel and cruises; and specific destinations

Travel advisories, in Morocco: 902

Travel insurance: 26, 1001–1002

Travel smarts: 27–28

Travel tips: 960–961

Treasury (Córdoba): 768

Treasury (Sevilla): 696–697, 722–723

Treasury (Toledo): 584–585

Triana (Sevilla): 674, 724–727; eating, 751–752

Trip costs: 23

Triumphal Arch (Córdoba): 771

Tuna music, in Salamanca: 377, 380

Txikiteo: 184, 210–211


Uber: 409, 411, 1000

Universidad Pontificia (Comillas): 339

University of Salamanca: 381–383, 385–386

University of Sevilla: 724


Valdevaqueros: 892

Valley of the Fallen (Valle de los Caídos): 528–531

VAT refunds: 966

Vejer de la Frontera: 839

Velázquez, Diego: 88, 92, 120, 583, 713–714, 719, 835, 953, 1015; Prado Museum (Madrid), 456–457

Vera Cruz Church (near Segovia): 452–543

Vicente (Esteban) Museum (Segovia): 542

Viceroy’s Palace (Barcelona): 76

Victorio Macho Museum (Toledo): 560, 571, 592–593

Villafranca del Bierzo: 269, 278, 329–331

Villa Lucía (La Rioja): 299

Villaviciosa Chapel (Córdoba): 766–767

Virgen de la Antigua (Sevilla): 694

Virgin Mary’s Gate (Burgos): 308

Virgin of Dolores (Zahara): 828

Virgin of the Rock (Biarritz): 261

Visigothic Mosaic (Córdoba): 765

Visigothic Museum (Toledo): 560, 585–587

Visigothic Ruins (Toledo): 765

Visitor information: 959–960. See also specific destinations


Walking trails: See Hiking

Washington Irving Room (Granada): 634

Weather: 19–20, 27–28, 1017

Weeping Virgin (Sevilla): 674, 722–723

Whale watching, in Tarifa: 891

White hill towns of Andalucía: 17, 790–839; at a glance, 794; maps, 792–793, 826–827

Windsurfing: 839, 892; Tarifa, 885, 892, 898

Wine and vineyards: Rioja, 268, 298–299. See also Sherry

Wine Gate (Granada): 637

Women in Morocco: 920

World Expo Fairgrounds (Barcelona): 35, 121–122

World Trade Center (Barcelona): 157

World War II Tunnels (Gibraltar): 880


Yeguada de la Cartuja: 838

Yemas: 554

Ysios: 299


Zahara de la Sierra: 794, 828–829

Zambra dance, in Granada: 652

Zapatero, José Luis Rodríguez: 949

Zarautz: 215

Zarzuela, in Madrid: 413, 485

Zoco Municipal (Córdoba): 774

Zubiri: 278

Zumaia: 215

Zurbarán, Francisco de: 120, 230, 719, 720–721, 863

Zurriola Beach (San Sebastián): 204, 206