Page numbers refer to the print edition.
Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.
abattoirs, 21, 69, 188, 223. See also slaughterhouses
Abrams, Celia Sternrich, xiii
Adler, Simon L., 59–60
Allied Butchers Association of Brooklyn, 68, 70
Allied Conference for Cheap Kosher Meat, xxii–xxiii, xxvii; butchers and, 173–75, 185, 207; cooperatives and, 187–88, 196; end of, 208; formation of, 163; goals of, 163, 174–75; men in, 242; press on, 177, 186–87; wholesalers and, 186
America, x, 6, 8, 13, 15, 38, 49, 110, 240
Americanization, 8, 13–14, 40, 101, 125
Andron, Jacob, 67
antisemitism, xxiv, 8, 104, 198–201
Appeal to Reason, 222
Arbeiter Zeitung, 94, 176, 186–87, 201
arbitrators, 136, 138, 139, 180, 182
Armour, Philip Danforth, 21, 22
Armour & Company: evidence against, 57, 137–38, 179; holding company and, 209; legal proceedings against, 53, 74; press on, 51, 137–38; supply control by, 58; witnesses against, 136, 181–82
Armour Refrigerator Line, 22
Association of American Orthodox Hebrew Congregations, 39, 40–41, 45–46
Azwolonsky, Barnett, 167
Bacharach, Jacob, 63
Barondess, Joseph, xxi, xxvii, 127; background of, 93, 94, 108; as organizer, 94–95, 126, 147, 158, 161, 215, 240; press on, 158; speeches of, 128–29, 202, 215
Bartholomew, Charles L., 54
Basucky, Ida, 114–15
beef: city-dressed, 25–26, 30–32, 55; cost of, 51, 52, 58–59, 137, 223; substitutes for, 64, 65, 74, 76, 146, 224, 232–33; western-dressed, 25. See also kosher meat
Beef Trust, x, xix–xx, xxi–xxii, xxiii, xxiv, xxvii, 21, 54, 90, 116; actions against, 52–53, 73–74, 135–39, 142, 179–84, 208, 221, 226, 237–38; Allied Conference and, 173–75; background of, 22; butchers and, 66–67, 70, 72, 131, 185, 225, 227, 230; as contentious organization, 153, 221; denials by, 53, 55, 183–84, 188; housewives on, 92, 157, 193; market forces and, 207–8; methods of, 23–24, 25, 57–58, 222, 223; membership of, 22, 55, 73-74; missing managers of, 136–37, 138, 179; perceptions of, 106; press on, 100, 101–3, 118, 119, 121, 130, 149–51, 165–66, 176; reorganization of, 208–9, 229; speeches against, 157; unions and, 148
Beef Trust Case. See United States v. Swift & Co. et al.
Beis Hamidrash HaGadol Synagogue, 3, 39, 43, 44, 124
Bernstein, Raphael, 131
Bethea, Solomon H., xx, xxii, 73, 135, 139
Big Six: background of, 22; cooperatives and, 188; legal proceedings against, 73–74, 77, 135–36, 179, 181, 182–83; members of, 55; price-fixing by, 151; reorganization of, 208–9. See also Beef Trust
blacklisting, 52, 136, 153, 180, 181, 182, 211
Blaustein, David, xxvii, 161, 163, 164, 173–74, 177, 185–87, 188, 215
Blumenthal, Isaac, xxvii, 66, 75, 77
Board of Aldermen (New York City), 52, 201
Board of United Building Trades, 52
Boston, MA, xxii, xxv, 52–53, 133, 159, 160, 168, 170, 232
Boston Globe, 170
Boston Tea Party (1773), xxxii, 100–101
boxcars, refrigerated. See refrigerated boxcars
boycotts, ix, xi, xx–xxi, xxii–xxiii, xxv, xxvii–xxviii, xxxii, 169; butchers and, 68–70, 74–75, 81–82, 95–96, 112, 152–53, 183, 195, 223–24, 226–27, 229–30, 232; delicatessens and, 115; in Jewish history, 106–7; need for, 70; opposition to, 125–26; Orthodox Jews and, 176; overview of, 239–44; planning for, 94–95, 144, 226, 237; price issues in, 186–87, 195; as rent strike model, 212, 218, 220; results of, 69, 78, 101, 185, 192–93, 207–8; rumors of, 47; Sabbath services and, 123–24; socialists and, 156–57; strikes compared to, 107, 109, 148; union support for, 148; wholesalers and, 75, 77; women important to, 110, 235
Brechner, Abraham, 223–24
Breckstein, Mrs., 163
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 100–101, 170
Brooklyn NY, xxiv, xxv, 68, 130–31, 132, 133, 170, 219
Brooklyn Standard Union. See Standard Union
butchers, kosher, xix–xxiii, xxv, xxxi–xxxii, 35, 71, 97, 160; Beef Trust and, 66–68, 181, 183–84; boycotts and, 68–70, 74–75, 81–82, 95–96, 112, 152–53, 183, 195, 223–24, 226–27, 229–30, 232; buying by, 32–33, 52; conscience of, 34; cooperatives and, 191, 192–93; discord among, 150; fraud by, 38–39; housewives protesting, 79, 81–83, 105–6, 112–14, 117, 223–24, 227; housewives trusting, 36; low sales of, 63; in negotiations, 156–57, 173–74; organizing, 224–25; oversight of, 37–38, 43, 46–47, 48, 49; post-boycott, 207, 208; press on, 118–19, 149, 177; price increases and, 51, 223; religious schedules and, 33, 59–60, 62, 143; reopening by, 170, 175, 186, 235; role of, 33; Samuel Solomont & Son and, 168, 170; slaughterhouses and, 38–39, 64, 66, 72; Theodore Roosevelt and, 225–26; wholesalers and, 77–78, 233, 235
butchers, non-Jewish, 60, 66, 75
butcher shops, 34–36, 35, 71, 87, 97, 132, 145. See also cooperatives
Cahan, Abraham, xxvii, 102, 119–21, 120, 165–66, 202, 215
Carnegie, Andrew, 17–18
cattle: for cooperatives, 187-88; price of, 55, 75, 77, 137, 149; purchase of, 57–58; shipment of, 20, 21, 26, 182; slaughter of, 28, 30–31; supply of, 157, 183
Central Federated Union, 147–48
Central Labor Union, 52–53
certificates, of kosher preparation, 48
certificates, of price reduction, 174, 175, 187, 207
Cherry Street (Manhattan), 85–86
Chester, Alden, xxiii, 135, 136, 137, 138, 179, 182
Chicago: butchering in, 25, 26; demonstrations in, 232; legal proceedings in, 73, 136; as livestock market, 20–21, 24, 137, 209, 222; strikes in, 108
Chicago Livestock World, 227
Chicago Tribune, xxi, 137, 153
chicken, 34, 45, 46, 74. See also poultry
Children’s Jacket Makers’ Union, 147
Cigar Makers’ Union, 147
circulars, 109, 144, 153, 173, 189, 213, 240
city-dressed beef, 25–26, 30–32, 55
coal miner strikes, 108
Cohn, Sarah Zucker, xxiii, xxvii, xxxii, 188–93
Cohn, Tobias, 189
collusion, xxi, 55, 64, 139, 150, 179, 181, 229
Committee of Fifteen (Allied Conference for Cheap Kosher Meat), 187–88, 196
Committee of Fifty (Allied Conference for Cheap Kosher Meat), 163, 174, 185–86, 242
Communipaw Stockyards, 27
Congregation Rodeph Sholom, 197
Congregation Shaare Zedek, xxviii, 177
Congregation Shearith Israel, 157
Congressional Record, 57
cooperatives, xxiii, xxvii; butchers and, 192–93, 195; end of, 208; kosher preparation in, 195–96; planning for, 68, 153, 187–88, 191–92; press on, 193; success of, 188–90
Cornell, Robert C., 91–93, 113–14, 114–15, 117, 126
credit, 33, 36, 67, 150, 180, 182
Cross, Adam A., 199, 201, 202–3
Cudahy, Edward, 74
Cudahy, Patrick, 74
Cudahy Packing Company, 53, 57, 74, 136, 209
Daily People, 55, 57, 156, 157–58, 177, 222
Darwin, Charles, 18
Davies, John C., xxi, xxvii, 52, 74, 135, 136–37, 179–80, 182
Davis, George, 170
Delancey Street police station, 96
delicatessens, 74–75, 111, 115
demonstration permits, 117, 126, 129, 143, 147, 175, 197, 202, 211, 216
Devine, James J., 115
Dolobofsky, Esther, 223–24, 226
Dolobofsky, Max, 223
East Broadway (Manhattan), 3, 67, 236
East River, 29
East Side (Manhattan), 231; boycott and, 89, 100–101; food supply in, 59, 64, 106, 227, 232–33; housing in, 210–13, 217, 219; Jewish community in, 10, 39; William Travers Jerome living in, 98. See also Lower East Side
East Side Hebrew Retail Butchers’ Kosher Guarantee and Benevolent Association, xix, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxviii; boycott and, 129, 175, 185, 195; end of, 224–25; on local slaughterhouses, 64, 66; planning by, 67–70, 143–44; predictions of, 63
Edelman, Rosa, 114
Edelson, Joel, 1–2
Edelson, Sarah Zimmerman, xx, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxvii, xxxii; in antitrust associations, 144, 151–52, 163; arrest of, 93; background of, 1–3; comparisons to, 216, 223, 243; cooperative of, 191; as organizer, 78–79, 115, 129, 161, 173; press and, 82, 112, 158
Edelson family, 80
Edelstein, Samuel, 217
Educational Alliance, xxi, xxvii, xxviii, 125, 161, 162, 201
Egyes, Mendel, 159
Ehrenfeld, William, 223
Eldridge Street Police Station, 69, 96, 117
Eldridge Street Synagogue, 124
Essex Market Police Court, 45, 86, 91, 117, 200, 224
Essex Street (Manhattan), 64, 68, 69, 86, 94, 95, 130
Europe, Eastern, xxxi, 8, 39, 105, 156
evictions, 210, 212, 214, 215, 216–17, 218–20
Farber, Abraham, 35
Farber, Max, 35
Federal Trade Commission, 229
Finkel, Paulina Wachs, xxi, xxvii, xxxiii; as activist, 81–82, 115, 125, 128; in antitrust associations, 144, 173; background of, 78; press on, 212
Fleischhauer’s slaughterhouse, 45
flyers, 213. See also circulars
Forward, xxvii, 116, 169; on boycott, 82, 100–101, 102–3, 123–24; on butchers, 129; Carolyn Schatzberg and, 187, 242; on court proceedings, 114; on Jewish quarter, 9; on Joseph Zeff, 94; on Ladies’ Anti-Beef Trust Association, 144, 165–66, 202; opinion of, 119, 129–30, 149–51; on rent strike, 212; socialist leanings of, 10; on violence, 89, 111, 114; on William Travers Jerome, 98
Freie Arbeiter Shtime, 10
Galitzianer Jews, 9, 49, 79, 89
garment industry, 11, 16, 107–8, 187, 237, 243
Genesis, 31
Gerlach, Andrew W., 135–36
G. H. Hammond Company, 22, 51, 53, 74, 136, 180, 209
Glazman, Louis, 86
Goldberg, Julius, 131
Goldman, Joseph, xxviii; background of, 66–67; on butchers, 89; as organizer, 67, 68, 69–70, 75, 77, 185; press and, 70; Sarah Zimmerman Edelson on, 112; on speculators, 89, 91; women and, 129
Goldstein, Annie, 126
Golubkin, Mrs., 92–93
Grand Street (Manhattan), 144, 176, 198, 200, 204–5, 218
Great Depression, xxv, 235, 243
Grosscup, Peter Stenger, xxii, xxviii, 139, 141, 179, 208
Halpern, Julius, 200–201
Hantcharow, Joseph, 86
Harlem NY, xxiv–xxv, 133, 158, 219, 226, 230, 235
Hebrew Educational Alliance. See Educational Alliance
Hebrew Poultry Dealers’ Protective Benevolent Association, 47
Hebrew Retail Kosher Butchers’ Protective Association, 225, 230
Heller, Max, 204–5
Henry Street (Manhattan), 41, 66, 126, 197
Herzl, Theodore, 93
Hirsch, Maurice de, and Hirsch Fund, 172–73
Hirschberg, Yetta, 133
Hoe, Robert, 200
holding companies, 17, 209, 221
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 221
housewives. See Jewish women
Hudson County NJ, 52
Hunter, Robert, 103
immigrants, ix–x, xiii, xxxi, xxxiii; Americanization of, 125; characteristics of, 2; clothing industry and, 107; diversity of, 15; early Jewish, 6, 8; greater freedom obtained by, 12, 13; housing of, 5–6, 210; in literature, 222; socialism and, 11, 107
injunction, permanent, 208, 209–10
injunction, temporary, 135, 138, 139, 142, 179, 181, 182–83, 207
International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union, 94, 144, 147, 218, 243
Interstate Commerce Act (1887), 19
Interstate Commerce Commission, 19
jailings, xxi, xxxii, 89, 98, 117
Jerome, William Travers, xxviii, 79, 81, 98, 128, 201, 202, 203
Jeselowitz, Louis, 224
Jewish Beef Trust (New York City), 174, 175
Jewish Exponent, 10
Jewish men, 234, 236; as organizers, 144, 147, 155–56, 161, 163, 165, 175, 218; women activists and, 123–25, 129, 241–42, 244; working needs of, 64
Jewish Messenger, 10, 37–38, 48, 49, 172–73
Jewish quarter (Manhattan), xx, 6, 102, 109, 111, 114, 129, 144, 153, 240
Jewish women, ix–xiii, xx–xxi, xxii, xxiv, xxv, xxxi–xxxii, xxxiii, 76, 87, 90, 169, 231, 234, 236; Adolph Moses Radin insulting, 146–47; background of, 47, 105, 106–7; butchers and, 36, 226; as consumers, 34, 36, 59, 63–64, 105–6, 111–12; cooperatives formed by, 193; in court, 91–93, 112–15, 117; demonstrations by, 130–31, 133, 223–24, 229–30, 232–33; expanded role of, 12, 13–14; Jacob Joseph addressing, 43, 45; Joseph Goldman and, 129; men cooperating with, 155–56, 161, 163, 165–66, 241–42; as organizers, 78–79, 81–83, 110, 115, 117, 128, 143–44, 152–53, 191–92, 223, 235, 239–44; piety of, 2-3, 43-44; press on, 100–104, 118–19, 130, 171–72; in rent strikes, 212–13, 218; as speakers, 123–26; traditions of, 3, 13; union support for, 147–48; violence against, 88–89, 95, 103, 168; violence by, 85–86, 114–15, 151, 159, 167, 227, 232
Jews, x–xi, 116; city-dressed beef and, 26; discord among, 150–51, 155, 170–71, 172, 211, 241; occupations of, 108; press on, 102–3; strikes of, 109–10; treatment of, 88, 106–7
Jews, Eastern European, 6, 8, 13, 125. See also Jews, Russian
Jews, German: Americanization by, 125; Beef Trust as, xxxii, 28, 66, 150; food costs and, 82, 119; as immigrants, 8; meat taxes and, 48; as Reform Jews, 8, 40
Jews, Russian, 1–2, 6, 8–13, 171, 202, 205. See also Jews, Eastern European
Joseph, Frederick, xxviii, 75, 209
Joseph, Jacob, xi, xix, xxiii–xxiv, xxviii, xxxii, 42; accusations against, 119; arrival in America, 41; background of, 40–41; cortege of, 197–200; death of, 196–97; dietary oversight by, 45–50, 150; limited power of, 41, 43, 196; recruitment of, 40-41; post-death treatment of, 197–98, 203–5; women and, 43, 45
Joseph, Mr. (Jacob Joseph’s son), 119
Joseph Stern & Sons, xxviii, 28, 66
The Jungle (Sinclair), xxiv, 222–23
Kalinsky, Jacob, 85–86
karobke (tax), 47, 49, 119, 149–50
Karpf, Anna, 114
kashering (kosher soaking and salting), 26, 33, 36, 111
kerosene, xxxii, 95, 114, 167, 227, 232
Kesper, David, 68–69
kickbacks, x, 23. See also rebates
Kirsch, Louis, 225
Kirschberg, Jacob, 144, 146, 147
knives, in kosher butchering, 30, 45
Knox, Philander C., xxviii, 53, 72, 73, 74, 136, 210, 226
kohol (governing body) system, 10, 39, 47, 150, 174
kosher meat, ix, xxiii, xxxi; cost of, compared to unkosher, 31–32, 59; cost of, discussed, 132, 231; cost of, lowering, 111, 185–86, 193, 207; cost of, negotiating, 195; cost of, rising, 14, 78, 79, 105, 204, 223, 225, 227, 232, 234, 236; cost of, varying, 170, 229; description of, 2–3, 26; distribution of, 32–34, 77–78, 188; home preparation of, 36; importance of, 34, 116; low sales of, 63; non-kosher suppliers of, 75, 77; oversight lacking for, 37–39, 45–46, 119, 176; for Passover, 230; press on, 69; slaughter method for, 28, 30–31; slaughter timing for, 33, 121; taxes on, 46–48, 149–50
Krieger, Abram, 167–68
Krieger, Mrs., 168
labor unions, xxii, xxvii, 11, 13, 19, 52–53, 107–9, 147–48, 165, 240, 241
Ladies’ Anti-Beef Trust Association, xxi–xxii, xxiii, xxvii; accomplishments of, 155; Adolph Moses Radin and, 146–47; boycotts and, 159; comparisons to, 215, 216; cooperatives of, 188–90, 191–93; discord within, 151–52; end of, 208; establishment of, 143–44; goals of, 144, 146, 152–53, 156–57; leadership of, 144-47, 151-52; legacy of, 235, 242; men and, 144, 155–56; methods of, 175–76; other organizations and, 147–48, 156, 163, 165, 195–96; press on, 157–58
landlords, 6, 210, 211, 212–13, 215, 216–19, 220
Landon, Judson H., 135–36, 179, 180
landsmanshaftn (mutual aid societies), 10, 156
League of Jewish Workingmen, 107
Leibman, Isaac, 168
Lemlich, Clara, xxv, 237, 243–44
Levine, Albert, 199
Levy, Fanny, xxviii, 78, 81, 82
Liebson, Bertha E., 212–13, 216
Lipis, Lena, 195
Low, Seth, xxi, 60, 61, 115, 201, 216
Lower East Side (Manhattan), ix, 4, 8–9, 33, 50, 225. See also East Side
Lustgarten, Goldie, 97
Lustgarten, Israel, 97
Madison Street Synagogue, 125
Malkowitz, M., 156
Manitowoc Pilot, 238
mashgiach (kosher supervisor), 28, 196
mashgichim (kosher supervisors), 45, 46, 47, 49, 119, 150, 166, 196–97, 232
McAdoo, William, 216
McClellan, George B., 216
meat, kosher. See kosher meat
Meat Consumers’ Protective Association, 226
Meat Inspection Act (1906), 223
meat packers, xix, xxiv, 21, 57–58, 222, 238. See also Beef Trust; Big Six
Meat Trust. See Beef Trust
Mendelson, M.: The Power of Women, 169
Mendes, Henry Pereira, 157
Menzen, Rebecca, 224
Meredith, Daniel W., 136, 139, 181–82
Meyer, M., 75
Miller, Louis, 201–2
Mitchel, John P., 233
M. Meyer & Son, 75
Monroe Palace, 2, 78, 80, 112, 115
Monroe Street (Manhattan), 2, 78, 80, 86, 93, 114, 191
Moody, William Henry, 210
Morgan, J. Pierpont, 17
Morgen Journal, 10
Morris, Nelson, 22. See also Nelson Morris & Company
Morton Street (Boston), 159, 160
Mothers’ Anti-High Price League, 233
mutual aid societies (landsmanshaftn), 10, 156
National Packing Company, xxiv, xxv, 209, 221, 227, 229
National Provisioner, 53, 183–84, 188, 196
Nelson Morris & Company, 51, 53, 74, 136, 139, 180, 209
Newark NJ, xx, xxiv, 52, 74, 133, 158–59, 172, 219
New England Dressed Meat Company, 159
New Irving Hall, 67, 69, 72, 77, 93, 98, 99, 113, 129
New York Central Federated Union, 147
New York Central Railroad, 26
New York Herald, xxi; on Beef Trust, 57, 74, 137, 138, 149, 181; on boycotts, 103, 125–26; on Jewish rabbis, 41, 43; on boycott meeting attendees, 93
New York NY, xix, xxiii, 2, 4, 5-6, 8-10, 15–16, 21, 25-26, 28, 33, 37-39, 49, 59, 66, 79, 88, 103, 107, 109-10, 171-72, 210, 214, 240
New York Press, 78, 81, 121, 182–83
New York Rent Protective Association, xxiv, 212–13, 215, 216–17
New York shirtwaist strike, xxiv, xxv, 237, 243
New York State, 52, 74, 179, 181, 240
New York State Supreme Court, xx, xxiii, 135
New York Sun: on Beef Trust, 51, 181; on boycotts, 69, 70, 118–19, 177, 188; distrust of, 157; on Esther Dolobofsky, 224; on Lower East Side, 8–9; on rabbis, 43; on rent strikes, 213; Samuel Pincus and, 47; on strikes, 109–10; on tenements, 6; untruths in, 158
New York Times: Beef Trust and, 75; on butchers, 70; demonstrators and, 216; German-Jewish leadership of, 170; on police, 88; rent strikes and, 215, 217; on riots, 100, 113, 170–72, 200; on William Travers Jerome, 98
New York Tribune: on Beef Trust, 209; on cooperatives, 189, 191–92; on housewives, 115, 223; meat issues and, 34, 51, 63–64, 111–12, 193; on police, 103; on rent strikes, 217; on riots, 113
New York World. See World
Norfolk Street, 44
Ochs, Adolph, 170
Odell, Benjamin, 52
Orthodox Jews, xii, xix, xxiii; in Allied Conference for Cheap Kosher Meat, 176–77; boycotts and, 125–26; chief rabbi of, 39–40, 43, 49; funeral customs of, 197–98; kosher food and, 26, 28, 31, 34, 36, 37–38, 48; and opposition to boycott, 125-26, 176-77; Sabbath and, 59, 123
Ostlander, Minnie, 114
Pale of Settlement, Russian, 1, 2
Palmer, A. Mitchell, 238
Panic of 1907, 217
Partridge, John Nelson, xxi, xxviii; butchers and, 175; cortege of Jacob Joseph and, 201; demonstrators and, 112–13, 128, 202–3; permit denied by, 126, 143, 147, 202; Sunday closure laws and, 60
People’s Synagogue of the Educational Alliance, xxi, 125
Perlman, Abraham, 67
Perlmutter, Mrs., 132
permits. See demonstration permits
petroleum industry, 17
Philadelphia PA, 232
Pike, Hyman, 170
Pincus, Samuel, 47
plombe (kosher certification seal), 46–49
police, xxi, xxiv, xxxii; anti-Semitic behavior of, 200–202, 203; butchers and, 69, 75, 175; cortege of Jacob Joseph and, 197, 198, 200; demonstrators and, 86, 88–89, 91, 95, 112–14, 117, 126, 130, 131, 133, 143, 151, 167–68, 227, 230; meetings and, 129–30, 157, 161; press on, 149; rent strikes and, 219, 224; speakers on, 128; Sunday closure laws and, 59–60; violence against, 96, 114–15, 129, 151, 167–68, 170; violence by, 96, 98, 103–4, 129, 167–68, 199, 239; women speakers and, 124–25, 126
poultry, xxv, 34, 35, 45–46, 47, 48, 58, 70, 130, 232–33
The Power of Women (Mendelson), 169
price-fixing: by arbitrators, 136; by Beef Trust, 23, 151, 207–8, 222; credit and, 180; denial of, 55, 183; evidence of, 137–38; legal proceedings against, 53, 142; slaughterhouses accused of, 66; timing of, 57
Pure Food and Drug Act (1906), 223
rabbis, xix, xxviii; corporate interests of, 66, 121, 176; kosher food and, 28, 37–38, 157, 173–74, 185, 196; need for, 39–40; as organizers, 161, 163, 176; unity encouraged by, 205. See also Joseph, Jacob; Radin, Adolph Moses
Radin, Adolph Moses, xxviii, 125, 126, 146–47
Radinsky, Matilda, 95
railroads, x, 16–17, 19, 20–21, 22, 23, 26, 77
rebates, 17, 23, 25, 57, 77. See also kickbacks
Reform Jews, 8, 9, 12, 40, 82, 204
refrigerated boxcars, xix, 20–21, 22, 23, 58
Reich, Sarah, 117
rent strikes, xxiv, 212–13, 215–20, 243
Republicans, 52
Reznick, Rebecca, 223–24
R. Hoe & Company, 198–200, 202–3
riots, ix, xxv, 100, 118, 158–59, 170–72, 230, 239, 241. See also violence
Rockefeller, John D., 17
Rodeph Sholom. See Congregation Rodeph Sholom
Roosevelt, Theodore, x, xxxii, 53, 54, 73, 108, 223, 225–26, 227
Rosen, Max, 63
Rubin, Ida, 92
Russell, Charles Edward, 24
Russia, xxxi, 1, 2, 8, 47, 105, 107, 149–50, 156
Rutgers Park, 157
Rutgers Street (Manhattan), 98, 236
Sabbath, Jewish: activism during, 123, 170; civil law and, 59–60; expressions based on, 166; forbidden activities on, 33, 41; importance of, 2; quiet during, 121, 239; traditions of, 12–13, 34
Samuel Solomont & Son, 159, 168, 170
Sarasohn, Abraham, 201
Schatzberg, Caroline Zeisler, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxviii, xxxii; activism of, 146; Adolph Moses Radin insulting, 125; in Allied Conference, 163, 173–74; background of, 3, 5; Beef Trust and, 157; disappointments of, 187, 242; family of, 3; in Ladies’ Anti-Beef Trust Association, 144; legacy of, 243–44; as organizer, 115, 146–47, 156; press and, 148; Sarah Zimmerman Edelson and, 151–52; as speaker, 128
Schipper, Joseph, 96
Schlessel, Nathan, 187
Schumacher, Henry, 70
Schwartz, Abraham, 114
Schwartz, Mrs., 114
Schwarzschild, Joseph, 75
Schwarzschild & Sulzberger, xxviii, 29; history of, 22, 28, 55; housewives and, 106; legal proceedings against, 53, 74, 75, 77, 136, 180; and National Packing Company, 209; press and, 66, 209, 227
Seligman, Gussie Rudbart, xiii
Serinsky, Joseph, 131
Shaare Zedek. See Congregation Shaare Zedek
Shabbos. See Sabbath, Jewish
Shearith Israel. See Congregation Shearith Israel
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), xix, xxi, 19–20, 53, 73, 137, 138, 208
shirtwaist strike. See New York shirtwaist strike
shoychtim (kosher slaughterers), 116; boycotts and, 232; definition of, 28; guarantee of, 32; press on, 150; slaughterhouses and, 75, 166; supervision of, 37–38, 40, 45, 48; suspected of corruption, 119; work of, 30, 31, 33. See also butchers, kosher
shtieblach (tiny congregations), 40, 123
Siegel, Bertha, 133
Silver, Mrs., 123–25
Simon Brothers, 131
Sinclair, Upton: The Jungle, xxiv, 222–23
slaughterhouses, xxxi, 29; Beef Trust and, 24, 67, 72, 166; butchers and, 33, 60, 64, 66, 75, 230; cooperatives and, 190; German Jews running, 82; investigation of, 227; kosher requirements and, 25, 28, 32, 37–38, 45–46, 48; refrigerator cars and, 22–23. See also abattoirs
Smaller, Samuel, 151
social Darwinism, 18
Social Democratic Club, 157
Social Democratic Party, 94, 215
socialism and socialists, xxv, 11, 94, 107, 108, 157, 176–77, 217–18, 220, 222
Socialist Labor Party of America, 55, 156, 204, 218, 220, 233, 235
Solomon, Joseph, 151
Solomont, Samuel, 159, 168, 170
Sonnenschein, Annie, 114
speculators (middlemen), 32–33, 77, 89, 91, 150, 211
Spiegel, Adolph, xxviii, 177, 185, 186, 187
Standard Oil Trust, 17
Stanton Street (Manhattan), 188, 189, 191, 208
steel industry, 17
Steinert, Henry, 224
Stern, Joseph L., xxviii, 66, 77
Sternrich, Mollie Zimmerman, xiii
St. Louis Republic, 53
Stokes, James G. Phelps, 219
Stokes, Rose Pastor, xxv, 219, 230
strikes, xxiv, 11, 19, 81, 88, 107–10, 148, 224, 237, 243. See also boycotts; rent strikes
Sulzberger, Ferdinand, xxviii, 55–57, 56, 66, 70, 74, 75, 77, 180
Swift, Edward, 74
Swift, Louis, 74
Swift & Company, xxviii; defense of, 183; in holding company, 209; lawsuits against, 53, 74, 139, 229; power of, 51; practices of, 58; witnesses on, 57, 136
synagogues, xxi, 44; meetings in, 161, 201; Orthodox, 39, 43; Reform, 8, 9, 41; women activists and, 123–25; in women’s lives, 3
tenants, 5, 211, 212–13, 214, 215, 217–19, 220
Tenement House Act (1901), 6, 210–11, 218
Thompson, William, 86, 88, 200
tickers (electronic network), 181
treyf (nonkosher food), 30, 31, 34, 47, 77–78, 86, 119
UHC (United Hebrew Community), 155–57, 195–96
Union Stockyards, 21
United Beef Company, 173
United Council for Working-Class Women, 237
United Dressed Beef Company, xxvii, 28, 29, 66, 75, 106, 161, 209, 227
United Hebrew Community. See UHC (United Hebrew Community)
United States v. Swift & Co. et al., xxviii, 139, 140, 229
University Settlement, 103
Uprising of the Twenty Thousand. See shirtwaist strike
Uptown Butchers’ Association, 161
U.S. Circuit Courts, xxiv, 73, 136, 221
U.S. Court of Appeals, xx, xxviii, 73
U.S. Justice Department, xxv, xxxii, 72, 73, 136, 137–38, 209–10, 229, 238
U.S. Supreme Court, xxiv, 183, 209, 221, 229
violence, xx–xxi, xxii, xxiii–xxiv, xxv, xxxii; anti-Jewish, 198–200; butchers and, 69, 224; consumers and, 195; discouraged, 94, 130, 148, 174–75, 203, 213, 216; food prices and, 233; history of, 8, 88; housewives and, 85–86, 115, 133, 167–68, 232; landlords and, 216; police and, 88–89, 95, 96, 98, 151, 168; press on, 103–4, 171–72; recurrent, 237; threats of, 131. See also riots
Wallace, Henry, 237
Walsh, Richard, 98, 104, 114, 117
Wasserman, Sarah, 117
Weekly People, 204
Weil, Samuel, 183
Weinberg, Israel, 126
Weinberg, Rebecca, 92
Weinberger, Moses, 38
Weinstein, Bernard, 109
Weinstein, Samuel, 86
Weisberger, Isaac, 117
western-dressed beef, 25
Wexelman, Mrs., 211
Whitman, Charles, 223
wholesalers, xix, xx, xxii, xxiii, xxv, xxviii; agreements by, 207; boycotts against, 69–70; butchers and, 75, 77–78, 82, 89, 91, 156–57, 170, 225, 230, 232, 233; Clara Lemlich and, 244; cooperatives and, 190; credit policy of, 180; Great Depression and, 235; independent, 153; meat withheld by, 237; of poultry, 34; press investigating, 227; religious authorities and, 185–86; speculators and, 32–33; threats by, 69
Wigdorowitz, Morris, 151
Willett Street (Manhattan), 214
Williamsburg NY, xxii, 151, 167–68, 170, 233
Wilson, Woodrow, 237–38
Wolf, Charles, 45
women’s suffrage movement, 109, 242, 243
Worker, 215
working conditions, 11, 18–19, 107–8, 222–23
World: on Beef Trust, 52, 57, 101, 137, 138; on boycotts, 70; on Carolyn Schatzberg, 148; on food costs, 58–59, 64, 66, 149; on police, 88, 96; on riots, 100, 118–19; on Sarah Edelson, 112; women activists and, 81, 112, 148, 151–52, 189–90
Wurtzel, Annie, 192
Yiddish language, 9–10
Yidishes Tageblatt: on Beef Trust, 66; on boycotts, 101–2, 150, 176, 177, 185; on court proceedings, 91; Orthodox perspective of, 10; on police, 103–4, 168; on protests, 130; on women’s meetings, 79, 81, 165