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ABBA (music group), 51
Abramov, Alexander, 284
abuse. See bullying and abuse
acid. See LSD
addiction. See drugs/drug use
addictive behavior
aspiring for fame and recognition, 134–35
as avoidance technique, 2
brain chemistry and, 222–25
lies and distortions of reality, 108–9
rationalizing, 143–44
repetition compulsion and, 22–26
Aerosmith (music group), 46
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 229–31, 248–49
Aldrin, Eugene E., Jr. (“Buzz”), 407–8
alien abduction, 155–56, 202, 431
Aliens (movie), 326
alternate reality, 43, 57, 65, 184
Amalthea (moon of Jupiter), 400, 407
Ancient Aliens (TV program), 4, 192, 476
Ancient Builder Race (aka Progenitors)
about: origins of, 371–72
arrival on Earth, 381–82
building underground cities, 383–85
connection to the Law of One, 374–78
creation of interstellar defense grid, 385–86
departure from Earth, 386–87
designing the Death Star, 398–400
Face on Mars monument, 411–12
role in the ascension process, 101, 385
search for water sources, 382–83
See also Guardians
Andert, T. P., 407
Andrews-Hanna, Jeffrey, 405–6
Angel of Death, 174
anti-gravity, 246–48, 253, 324, 326, 353, 413, 421, 423, 425, 469
anti-periodic (medicinal properties), 314
anti-Semitism, 346
anti-war movement, 37, 74–75. See also Vietnam War
Apollo moon landings, 249–61, 278–80, 288–96
Apple IIc computer, 91–92, 111
Apollo moon landings. See also National Aeronautical and Space Administration
Argosy (magazine), 284
Arkaim, Russia (ancient city), 445
Arkani-Hmed, Nima, 9
Ark of the Covenant, 470
artificial intelligence (AI), 395–97, 409, 433
about: meaning of, 2
Ancient Builder Race and, 385
awareness of, developing, 232–33, 241, 461–63, 472–73
Biblical evidence, 21–22, 453–56
the Cabel involvement in, 278–79, 340–41
density, as higher plane of existence, 373, 380, 433, 459
dreams, role of, 54, 158–60, 169, 210
evolving to reach higher level, 2, 26, 265, 307–8, 349, 372–73
forgiveness, balancing self-protection with, 128
Great Pyramid and King’s Chamber as gateway, 450, 464, 469–70
Law of One and, 375–78
looking honestly at your problems, 175–76
lowering one’s readiness for, 115
moving ahead/staying behind, 271–72
overcoming repetition compulsion, 239–40
powers of the “Black Jesus,” 340–41
Tibetan teachings, 236
triggered by energy surge, 262
2010: The Movie, depiction in, 100–101
Assurbanipal (king of Nineveh), 262
asteroids, 70, 310, 371, 382–83, 388, 407, 415, 417–20
astral projection, 153, 174, 314
The Atlantic (magazine), 363
Atlantis, lost island of, 438
atomic structure/energy/weapons, 10–11, 17, 252. See also geometry/geometric patterns
The Avengers (movie series), 326, 409
Backster, Cleve (Dr.), 86–87
Baner [aka Shane] (childhood friend), 97, 109–11, 116–17, 131, 148, 150, 161, 174, 182, 190
Beatles (music group), 29–30, 35–36, 40, 46, 74–75, 146, 160, 165
Beggar’s Banquet (Rolling Stones album), 36
Bell, Art, 465
Ben (childhood friend), 144–45, 187, 209, 217
Beter, Peter David (Insider), 67–69
Beyond Belief (Gaiam TV program), 465
Beyond This Earth (Sherman), 252
apocalyptic scenarios, 265–67
Ark of the Covenant, 470
creating the “canonized” version, 470
ETs arrival on Earth, 32, 435–38
ETs as ancient gods, 438–41
excluding the Porphyry books, 467–70
law of karma, 388–89
link to Greco-Roman philosophy, 268
Lucifer and angels as ETs, 31, 438–39
prediction of Golden Age, 19, 450–51
references to Ancient Builder Race, 384
references to ascension, 21–22, 451–56
UFO phenomenon, 451
See also Christianity
Bilderbergers, 31. See also Cabal
Billy (SUNY delivery man), 198–200
black holes, 8–9
Blaine, Patrick, 421
Blair, William, 283
Blavatsky, Helen, 469
Bonham, John, 74
Bon Jovi (musical group), 134–35
Book of Genesis, 436
Borgs [cyborgs] (Star Trek movie beings), 395, 417–18
Boyajian, Tabetha, 363
Boy Scouts of America, 111, 116, 124
Brad (childhood friend), 102, 108–10, 139–42, 171, 174, 184, 190–91
Brady, James, 76
Brenda Fisher, 138–42, 151, 172
Brilliant Pebbles program, 392–94, 415
Bruce (an Insider), 33, 274, 280, 302–4, 309, 343, 346, 359–61, 364, 371–72, 384, 387–88, 390, 394–97, 400, 409–10, 415–16, 430, 433, 435–37, 443
Bruce, Robert, 439
bullying and abuse
author’s childhood experiences, 71–72, 73–74, 124–29
author’s drug experiences, 172
being a fat kid, 96–98, 109, 138–39
college dorm roommates, 196–208, 226
getting a “white wash,” 103–4, 107
Jonestown mass suicide, 66–69
junior high gym class, 110, 113–14, 117
learning to fight back, 117–23
posting disclosure-related materials, 259
sledding on Monkey Hill, 102–3, 107
See also sexual abuse
Bush, George H. W., 75, 129–30, 185
Byrd, William, 425
beliefs and powers, 31–34, 278–79, 338–39
conducting spiritual war, 356–58
“cone-head” links, 443–48
control of the government, 335–36, 338–39
control of the Internet, 321, 359, 378
creating “learned helplessness,” 193–94
creation of the Outer Barrier, 447
discrediting “the Rules,” 354
efforts to defeat, 320
financing horror films, 106
generating “loosh” for the Draco, 432–34
hiding secrets from public, 430
Insiders knowledge of, 106, 129, 194, 331–36, 352–54, 444
Luciferian symbolism/beliefs, 46, 101, 339–40
maintenance of power, 129, 243
the Olympians (aka Committee of 300), 346
practicing black magic, 354–56
pyramid as symbol of, 450
resisting disclosure, 330–31, 334, 353, 359–61, 373, 447
threats to prevent disclosure, 18, 76, 129, 259, 318, 335, 338, 343, 346, 354–55, 400–401, 447–48
ties to the Vatican, 391
war against religion, 157, 340, 356–58, 444
war and catastrophes, creating, 329, 333
See also conspiracies and cover-ups
Cannon, Gerry, 460
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (movie), 326, 330, 333
Carlotto, Mark (Dr.), 286–87
Carter, Jimmy, 74–75
Cayce, Edgar, 377
Ceres (dwarf planet), 7, 382–83, 400–405
Chatelain, Maurice, 249–57, 259–65, 275–77, 288
Chelyabinsk, Russia, 445
Cheney, Dick, 323
Cheng, Andy, 418
Childhood’s End (Clarke), 272, 273
Choi, Charles, 400
Chouinard, Patrick, 442–43
connection to the Great Pyramid, 450
Egyptian origins, 470
Law of One and, 450–53
reincarnation, 270
weakening the power of the Cabal, 453
See also Bible; religion
Chrysippus (Greek philosopher), 268
Cicchetti, Andrea, 407
about: origins/rise of, 4
Fermi paradox and the logic for, 5–7
“Civil War” (Wilcock), 201–7, 339
Clapton, Eric, 173
Clarke, Arthur C., 100–101, 247, 272–74, 385
cloaking/masking technology, 326–27, 333
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (movie), 63
Coast to Coast AM (radio program), 465
collective consciousness, 192, 348, 355, 433
Colvin, Andrew Z., 367
Communion (Strieber), 155–56
The Compulsion to Repeat the Trauma (van der Kolk), 23–24
Confederation of Planets, 374–75
Conscious Life Expo (Los Angeles), 400–401
conspiracies and cover-ups
Cabal proof of existence, 354–56
ETs and UFOs, 16–22, 244–49, 251, 303–4, 341, 426
Iran-Contra affair, 128–30, 214, 247
Jonestown mass suicide, 66–69, 247
Kennedy assassination, 28–29
military-industrial complex, 281
oil companies and the automobile, 212
PCB contamination, 209–11, 247
Reagan assassination attempt, 76
savings and loan scandal, 212–13
Snowden intelligence revelations, 14–15
supporting Hitler’s war machine, 213
vaccine controversy, 52–53
Constantine the Great (Roman emperor), 470
Constant of Nineveh, 262–65
Contact (movie), 309
Convergence (movie), 309
Cook, Billy, 37
Cooper, Gordon, 252–53
Coppolino, Eric Francis, 210
core trauma. See trauma
I Corinthians 15:51-53, 454
Corso, Philip, 304
Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia program), 359
cosmic intelligence, 466–67
“Cosmic Perspective on the Defeat of the Cabal” (Wilcock), 326
cosmic seed. See Universe
Cox, Don, 369
Cray, Robert, 173–74
creation theory, 8, 56, 268, 469, 472
the Creator (aka One Infinite Creator), 13, 374, 377, 466
Crick, Francis, 107–8
Crifo, Francoise (Dr.), 369
Crisis in American Institutions (college textbook), 212
Critias (Plato), 265
Cronkite, Walter, 45–46, 71, 75, 411
crystal obelisks/towers, 71, 184, 209, 303, 418–19, 422
crystals, energy/technology of, 59, 87, 281–82, 349, 379
C-SPAN (TV network), 407–8
Cuban Missile Crisis, 68
The Daily Mail (newspaper), 398, 408
Daniel (an Insider), 303–13
Daniel 12:2–3, 455
The Dark Crystal (movie), 207
Dark Mission (Hoagland and Bara), 290
Darwin, Charles, 381
David Bowman (2001 movie character), 100–101, 273, 276
d’Avignon, BridgeAnne, 446
da Vinci, Leonardo, 412–13
Dawn (U.S. spacecraft), 402–4
The Day After Roswell (Corso), 304
Deacon, Henry [pseudonym] (Insider), 16, 312–17, 324, 343, 360
Dean, Bob (Insider), 326, 328, 332, 345–47, 360, 369
Death Stars, 385–86, 397–401, 403, 408–9, 415
Dechend, Hertha von, 266
Dee, John, 447
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 310, 327
density/densities, higher planes of existence, 373, 380, 433, 459
D’Este (Italian princess), 446–47
Deunov, Peter, 268
Disclosure Project
elimination of witnesses, 329–30
ET ruins on the Moon, 253–54
identification of ET varieties, 16
revelation of DDT campaign, 257–58
secret space program, 345–46
See also Insiders; Project Camelot
Discover (magazine), 445–46
Disney’s Wonderful World of Color (TV program), 426
Divergent (movie series), 325
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
discovery of, 107–8
experiment in creating life, 13–14
rewriting the code of, 396–97
ribosomes and random mutation, 381
use by Genetic Farmers, 430–31
See also evolution
Dokken (musical group), 134
Dolby, Thomas, 89
Don [“Froggy”] (childhood friend), 131–32, 141–42, 146–52, 160–63, 171, 175, 178–82, 187, 190–91, 209, 217, 219, 237–39
Don Juan (Yaqui shaman), 43
The Doors of Perception (Huxley), 37
the Draco “master race” (aka Orion Confederation), 431–34, 446–47
drugs/drug use
denial, living in state of, 207–8
driving under the influence, 187
drug dealers, 214–15, 226–29, 231–32
hitting bottom and quitting, 219–30
opium, 181
rehab at “Connie” [Conifer Park], 180–82
starting AA and achieving sobriety, 229–36
supporting the habit, 178–80
yellow micro-dots (mescaline), 164, 188–89
See also LSD; marijuana; psychedelics
age and origins, 6–7, 13–14, 381–82
Ancient Builder Race, arrival, 381–82
Ancient Builder Race, departure, 386–87
ancient ruins, evidence of, 302
arrival of “fallen angels,” 32, 435–38
Cabal presence and influence, 31–34, 333, 354, 463
ET genetics programs, 430–31
ET presence, 16–18, 30–31, 245–49, 348–49, 388, 409–10
history and mysteries, 3–4
life, destruction of, 61–63, 76, 91, 164–66, 185, 329
life, transformations of, 19–22, 48, 55, 85, 160, 232, 271, 317, 451–52
manifestations of Lucifer, 157
part of interstellar community, 344–45
portal/stargate location, 309–11, 315
26,000-year cycle, 262–65, 271
underground bases, 91, 159, 328–30, 337–38, 350, 354, 447
underground cities, 383–85
we are not alone, 5–6, 10, 301
Earth-like planets, 5–7, 10–14, 362–63, 393
Ecclesiastes 2:22, 460
Einstein, Albert, 112
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 341
Ekpyrosis (Ekpurosis, Ecpyrosis), 267–68
electronic intelligence, 324–26
Elizabeth (queen of England), 447
From Elsewhere: The Subculture of Those Who Claim to Be of Non-Earthly Origin (Mandelker), 456–57
“Elvis-Marilyn Syndrome,” 135
the Empire
control of the Death Stars, 408–9
evolution of inhabitants of, 394–97
Mars and super-Earth merger, 397
survival and rebuilding, 417–20
survival on the Moon, 435
survivor migration to Earth, 435–36
the destruction of, 414–16
Enceladus (moon of Saturn), 405–6
enculturation, 19
Ender’s Game (movie), 325
The End of America (Wolf), 355–56
environmental hazards
nuclear weapons, 332
PCB contamination, 199–200, 209–11, 228
vinyl vapors, 217–18
equinoxes. See 26,000-year cycle
ESP (extra-sensory perception)
depiction in E.T. (movie), 88
developing the ability, 72–85, 92, 109, 228
learning through, 137, 153, 156–57
making prophesies based on, 199–200
as myth, 357
psychometry techniques, 457–59
Eternals #1 (Kirby, comic book), 430
ETs. See extraterrestrial beings (ETs)
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (movie), 87–88
European Space Agency (ESA), 406–8
Evans, Ronald, 275
ascension, reaching higher level through, 2, 26, 265, 307–8, 349, 372–73
Biblical references to human transformation, 21–22
creation of human beings, 365, 393
Darwin and random mutation theory, 381
DNA code, role of, 396
extraterrestrial technology leading to, 101, 160, 242
Fermi paradox, 5–7
humor, role of, 115
Nietzsche on, 273
reincarnation, reaching higher level through, 270
stargate and space travel, role of, 272–73, 471–72
See also DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid); spiritual evolution
evolutionary convergence, 362–63
Exploded Planet Theory, super-Earth, 388, 392–94, 415, 420–24, 430
extraterrestrial beings (ETs)
Aesir/Asgard, 310
as ancient “gods,” 4
“the Blues,” 341–42
the Draco “master race,” 431–34
elongated skulls, retention of, 444–48
genetics and interbreeding, 430–31, 440
as giants, 394, 410, 428–30, 436–38, 440–44
government cover-up, 16–22
the Guardians, 350, 372–74, 378–80, 409, 414, 437
hiding/ignoring advanced technology, 371–72
inhabitants of super-Earth, 394
Insiders knowledge of, 15–16, 341–42
interventions on Earth to prevent war, 331–35, 341, 350, 370, 373
learning they are real, 244–49
physical description, 155–56
pushing for full disclosure, 349–52
reptilian humanoid species, 431–34
telepathic contact with, 99
Titans, 409–10
the Wanderers, 456–60
the Watchers, 438–41
we are not alone, 5–7, 344–45, 362–65
See also Ancient Builder Race; UFOs
Eye of Horus (Egyptian symbol), 156–58, 165, 213, 247
Eye of the Devil (movie), 39
Eyes Wide Shut (movie), 63
“Face on Mars” (comic book series), 428–30
Face on Mars (monument), 408, 411–12, 423
Farnsworth, Audrey, 104–5
“The Fermi Paradox” (Urban), 5–7
Financial Tyranny (Wilcock), 36
Fingerprints of God (Hancock), 266
The First Fossil Hunters: Paleontology in Greek and Roman Times (Mayor), 410
Fisher, Ben, 428
Foerster, Brian, 445
Forbidden Planet (movie), 416–17
“Forbidden Planet Mars” (Hoagland), 428
Fort Huachuca, AZ, 328–29
433 Eros (asteroid), 417–21, 424
France, “cone-head” skulls, 445
Francis, Eric (aka Eric Coppolino), 210
Freemasonry, 61–63
Freud, Sigmund (Dr.), 22–23, 376
fundamentalism. See religious fundamentalism
Gaddafi, Faith, 436
Gaddafi, Muammar, 436
Gaia [formerly Gaiam TV] (online streaming video), 359, 465, 476
galactic halo, 369
defined, 5–6
formation, 374–75
habitable zones/worlds, 14, 362, 393
portals, 365
Ganymede (moon of Jupiter), 7, 382, 393
Geller, Uri, 73
Genesis Revisited (Sitchin), 400
Genetic Farmers (aka Super-Federation), 430–31
geometric seed. See Universe
geometry/geometric patterns, 10–12, 137, 284–87, 412–13. See also atomic structure/energy/weapons
Geophysical Research Letters (journal), 407
George I (king of England), 446
germ theory, 20
childhood fears, 73
communicating with, 49, 107, 464–65
guardian angels, 184
separation from physical form, 64–65, 78–79, 153
giants, ETs as, 394, 410, 428–30, 436–38, 440–44
Gigantomachy (Greek myth), 410
Gimme Shelter (movie), 40
Global Grid, 414
Glowing Pyramid of Ceres, 403–4
Gnosticism, 3
about: origins/role of, 4
Ancient Builder Race depictions, 384–85
the Cabal as “Voice of God,” 357
ETs as ancient, 4, 409–10, 436, 438–41
the Olympians, 346
U.S. government, 319–21
Golden Age, 19
Goldman, Jude (Insider), 132–34, 137, 143–44, 146–48, 150–54, 160, 219–20, 235, 241–43, 259–60
Gonzales (Lieutenant Colonel), 359, 416, 435–36, 446
Goode, Corey (Insider), 302, 310, 313, 325, 328, 335, 341, 343–45, 349, 352–54, 359–61, 365–74, 378, 385–88, 392–96, 400–401, 407–9, 416, 425, 430–33, 435–36, 446–47, 463, 471
Good Morning, Vietnam (movie), 39
government cover-ups. See conspiracies and cover-ups
Graham, W. L., 438
Grateful Dead (music group), 47, 161, 166–68, 174
The Great Pyramid Decoded (Lemesurier), 449–50
Great Pyramid of Giza, 378–80, 449–53, 464. See also pyramids
“The Great Revealing,” 32
“The Great Stone Face” (Kirby, comic book), 429
Green, Jim, 7
Greenwald, Glenn, 258
Greer, Steven (Dr.), 16, 256, 475
Guardian (magazine), 355
Ancient Builder Race connection, 372–74
building the Pyramids, 378–80
conflict with the “fallen angels,” 437
creating protective grid, 372, 374, 385–86, 409, 414
loss of Death Star to the Empire, 409
pushing for disclosure, 350
gun control, 355
Guy, Buddy, 173
Guyana, Jonestown mass suicide, 66–69
habitable zones/worlds, 5–6, 14, 282, 329, 362, 375, 392–93
Hain (ancient planet), 241–42
hallucinations, 69–70, 154–55, 162–68, 219, 345
Hammert, Kirk, 149
Hammond, Noah, 400
Hannibal (Carthaginian general), 376
Hare, Donna (pseudonym). See Tietze, Donna
Harrill, Albert James, 268
Harvey Comics, 428
Hawking, Stephen, 8
Hawks, John (Dr.), 396
Haze, Xaviant, 443
Healey, Jeff, 172
healing, 353
Henry (Mr.), 219
Henry Deacon (pseudonym, Insider), 16, 312–17, 324, 343, 360
Henry VIII (king of England), 30
Hetfield, James, 149
Hildebrand, Alan (Dr.), 408
Hinduism, 12–13, 19, 22, 267, 273
History Channel (TV network), 4, 507
Hitler, Adolf. See Nazi Germany
Hoagland, Richard C., 273–74, 288–94, 298, 302, 343, 392–93, 400, 406–7, 411–14, 420–24, 426, 428, 449
Homo Capensis, 444–48
Howard, Andrew, 362
How to Make ESP Work for You (Sherman), 73, 77
Hudes, Karen, 444
Hunter, Meredith, 40
Huxley, Aldous, 37
hyperventilation (self-induced hypocapnia), 152–54
hypnosis/hypnotic regression, 73, 158, 270. See also subliminal messages/manipulation
Iapetus (moon of Saturn), 399–400, 415
Ice Station Zebra (Neuberlin), 344–45, 425
Ida (asteroid), 415
Illuminati (“The Enlightened Ones”), 31–32, 339, 446. See also Cabal
Insiders, knowledge of
about: role of, 192, 257–59, 290, 342–43
Ancient Builder Race, 301, 361, 381–91
anti-gravity systems, 324
the Brain Drain, 426
Brilliant Pebbles program, 392, 415
Cabal, 106, 129, 194, 331–36, 352–54, 401, 444
cover-ups and reverse engineering, 280–82
Draco (aka Orion Confederation), 431–34
the Empire, 394–97
ETs, 15–16, 341–42, 344–45, 410
fearing for their lives, 257–58, 318, 329, 447–48
Genetic Farmers, 430–31
the Guardians, 372–74
identifying the pretenders, 17–18, 312
Jonestown massacre, 67–68
Law of One, 375–80
moon/planetary structures and bases, 253–56, 259–61, 271–77, 280, 302–4, 413–14
occult religious rites, 157
portals and time travel, 306–8, 347–48
preparing for disclosure, 101, 242, 352, 359–60
Project Looking Glass, 311–12
reason for the Manson murders, 40
revealing hidden truths, 19–22, 31–33, 37, 63, 82, 243
secret space program, 324–31, 337–40, 359–60, 426–28
stargate network, 308–11
UFOs, 370
wormholes, 368–71
See also Daniel; Dean, Bob; Goode, Corey; Henry Deacon; Jacob; Peterson, Pete
International Business Times, 437
International Journal of Astrobiology, 392
becoming means of communication, 247
development by ancient civilizations, 394–95
origins of IP address protocol, 309–11
potential for full disclosure, 359
Project Camelot, 312
as research resource, 25, 252, 348–49
sorting out fact from fiction, 16–17, 258, 378
video online streaming, 312, 322, 359
See also websites
Iran-Contra affair (1985-87), 128–30
Iran hostage crisis (1979), 71, 74, 75
Isaiah 26:1, 452
Isaiah 26:19, 451
Isis (Egyptian goddess), 278
Jacob [pseudonym] (Insider), 303, 336–61, 364, 375, 394–97, 404, 425, 430–33, 436, 443–47, 463, 475
Jacobsen, Steven (Dr.), 382
Jagger, Mick. See Rolling Stones
Jenny, Hans (Dr.), 12
“A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics” (Wolchover), 8
Jews/Judaism, 346, 444, 450–51
John (king of England), 446
John 14:35, 455
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 273
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 29
Johnson Space Center, 29, 276, 292
Johnston, Ken, 291–92
Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG), 258–59
Jones, Jim, 66
Jonestown, Guyana massacre, 66–69, 76
atmosphere and presence of water, 7, 383
circled by the Seeker, 330
dark spot, explained, 100–101
depiction in 2001 (movie), 272–73
ET presence, 420–21
explosion of super-Earth, 414
Solar Warden discoveries, 400
attracting “bad karma,” 89, 116
forgiveness stops the cycle, 128, 376–77
remain positive in face of evil, 358, 373
understanding the law of, 270–71
Kennedy, John F., 28–29, 36, 68
Kerberos (moon of Pluto), 404–5
Kevin (childhood friend), 111–12, 125–28
Key, Brian Wilson (Dr.), 321–23
King, Stephen, 106–7
King’s Chamber, Great Pyramid, 379, 469–70
Kirby, Jack, 428–29
La Berge, Stephen (Dr.), 168–70
Land of the Lost (TV program), 71
Lars (Totem hippie), 60, 161, 164
Law of One
Ancient Builder Race and, 386–87
Christianity and, 450–53
confirmation of ascension, 375–78, 473
defined, 14, 202, 373–75, 463–64
evolution and, 396
karma and, 269–70
role of extraterrestrials, 388–89
role of the Guardians, 373, 378–80
layered time, 306–7
Lazar, Bob, 253
“learned helplessness,” 193–94
LeBlanc, Ronnie, 117–21
Led Zeppelin (music group), 46–47, 74, 134, 145, 181
Lefranc, Philippe, 445
The Left Hand of Darkness (Le Guin), 241–42
Le Guin, Ursula K., 241–42
Lemesurier, Peter, 449–53
Lennon, John. See the Beatles
Leonello (Italian prince), 446–47
levitation, 1, 27–28, 50, 88, 168–70, 340, 349, 433, 461. See also out-of-body experiences
Lewis and Clark Expedition, 443
Ley, Willy, 424
Libya, excavation of ET artifacts, 436
Life with a Cosmos Clearance (Salter), 344–45
Lion-Headed God (leontocephalus), 384
Local Chimney, 368–71
Local Interstellar Neighborhood (aka Local Cluster), 365–67, 372, 374–75, 386–87, 415, 430, 432
Lorentzil/Loxopterygine, 314
Los Angeles Times (newspaper), 282, 285
Lost Race of the Giants (Chouinard), 442–43
Lovell, James, 251
Loxopterygium lorentzil (Red Quebracho tree), 314
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), 37–38, 60, 160–68, 175–76, 181, 183–86, 190–92, 211. See also psychedelics
Lucas, George, 385
Lucid Dreaming: How to Become Awake and Aware in Your Dreams (La Berge), 168–70
Luke 17:24-37, 454
Luke 19:40, 453
Macdonald, Sir John, 469
Mack, Eric, 403
Mandelker, Scott (Dr.), 456–57
The Man Who Saw Tomorrow (TV show), 77
Many Years from Now (McCartney), 36
becoming addicted to, 109, 139–45
being addicted to, 197–98, 200–201, 208–9, 215–25
being cool, 147–48
combined with LSD, 165, 168–71
financing habit, 151, 175, 201
living in a private hell, 176–87
reaching “bottom,” 225–30
returning to sobriety, 230–33
Mark 13:2-27, 454–55
atmosphere and presence of water, 7, 393
ET presence, 313, 337, 393–94, 420–21
ET structures, 412–14
Face on Mars, 408, 411–12, 423, 428–30
inhabitants merged with super-Earth, 397
monolith presence on Phobos, 407–8
moon of super-Earth, 392–94
Phobos (moon), 406–8
sandworms, 343
travel through “the Corridor” to, 313–15
Mars Express (ESA spacecraft), 406–7
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 322
materialization/materializer technology, 1, 203, 305, 319, 340–41, 353
Mathilde (asteroid), 407
The Matrix (movie), 325
Matthew 13:41-43, 455–56
Mayans, civilization/end-date calendar, 235, 247, 308, 315–16, 377. See also 26,000-year cycle
Mayor, Adrienne, 410
McCall, Robert T., 275–76
McCartney, Paul. See the Beatles
Mental Floss (magazine), 322
Metallica (music group), 148–49
metaphysics, 3
military-industrial complex
colonization of space, 312–13
hiding secrets from public, 430
interplanetary trade with ETs, 348
reverse-engineering ET technology, 353
as Shadow Government, 329
Milky Way galaxy, 5–6, 362, 368
Mimas (moon of Saturn), 7, 382, 398–400
mind-control programs, 319–20, 433–34
Minority Report (movie), 325
Miranda (moon of Uranus), 400–401
The Mirror (online magazine), 331
Mitchell, Edgar (Dr.), 293–94, 331–32, 369–70
Mithraism (Roman cult), 384–85
“Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreaming,” 168–70
depiction in 2001 (movie), 100–101, 272–73
discovery on the moon, 304, 371–72
existence on Phobos, 407–8
See also obelisks
Monroe, Marilyn, 135
Montagnier, Luc (Dr.), 13–14
The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time (Nichols and Moon), 305
The Monuments of Mars (Hoagland), 449
Moody Blues (music group), 46, 146, 160
as home for ET civilization, 387–91
evidence of structures, 252–56, 275–304
Frame 9279, 293
Frame 9301, 293–94
GRIN image 2000-001131, 293–96
hiding discoveries from public, 256–61, 272–75, 277, 291–96, 411
migration of Empire survivors, 435
photograph of obelisks, 278–80
Russian Zond 3 images, 297–301
taken over by the Empire, 408–9
the destruction of the Empire, 416–17
See also Apollo moon landings
Moon, Peter, 305
“The Moon Pyramid,” 422–23
Mootoo, C. Leslie (Dr.), 67
Mork and Mindy (TV program), 71
Morris, Simon Conway, 363, 393
Morrison, Jim, 37–38, 214, 225–26
Mr. Wizard’s World (TV program), 92–93
Mr. X (Insider), 341–42
mystical phenomena, 3, 46, 99, 145
nanites. See robots/robotic devices
Narcotics Anonymous, 236
Nathues, Andreas, 402
National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA)
about the founding and financing, 426–28
anti-gravity and free-energy propulsion, 248
belief in mass evolutionary event, 247, 274
DDT (disinformation) campaign, 257–59
discovery of 433 Eros craters, 417–20, 424
evidence of ET technology, 363–64
finding Earth-like planets, 5–7, 362–63, 365–68
finding water on other planets, 382–83, 393
GRIN website, 294–95
hiding secrets from public, 256–57, 259–61, 272–75, 277, 291–96, 411
Insiders at work in, 244–45, 274, 285, 316–17
Moon landings, 249–56, 278–80, 288–96
NEAR (spacecraft), 417–18, 424
New Horizons mission, 405
role in disclosure process, 334, 350–52
Roswell UFO crash-landing, 244–45
structures and water on Mars, 7, 411–13, 415–16
structures on Ceres, 400–404
structures on KIC 8462852, 404–6
structures on the Moon, 252–56, 275–86, 302–4, 390–91
National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC), 288, 290
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990, 442
Native Americans, 13, 44, 183, 441–43
Nature (magazine), 406
Nature Geoscience (journal), 350
The Nature of Personal Reality (Roberts), 49, 88–89
Nazi Germany
Draco agreement with, 432
Hitler and rise to power, 77, 376
Satanic connections, 36
scientific/aerospace advances, 253, 425–26
support from America, 213–15
near-death experience, 2, 165, 270, 377
Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (U.S. spacecraft), 417–18
negative forces in the universe, 2, 267, 370, 380, 439
neoconservatism (aka neocon), 323
New Horizons mission, 405
Newman, Hugh, 441
New York Times, 34, 67–68, 245, 291, 446
Nichols, Preston, 305
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 273
Niles, Edith, 138
9/11 terrorist attacks, 69, 200, 243–44, 330
Nixon, Richard M., 35, 41–42, 130
Nooty, George, 465
North, Oliver, 128–29
nuclear weapons/warfare
Cabal’s plans for, 329
ET interventions to prevent, 331–35, 341, 350, 370, 373
living in fear of apocalypse, 89, 91, 100, 103, 128–29, 131, 184–85, 208
Manhattan Project, 17
Nostradamus predictions, 77, 83
Soviet missile base in Guyana, 68–69
U.S.-Soviet arms race, 75–76, 193
numerical synchronicity, 60–61, 177, 186
obelisks, 71, 184, 278–84, 287, 334, 382–85, 394, 417–18. See also monoliths
O.B.I.T. (Outer Band Individuated Teletracer), 311
Obi-Wan Kenobi (movie character), 54–55
Odyssey (magazine), 70, 73, 76, 87
O’Leary, Brian, 316
the Olympians (aka Committee of 300), 346
Oracle of Delphi (Greek priestess), 410
Organized Noise (music album), 133–34
Orion Confederation (the Draco), 431–34
Osiris (Egyptian god), 278
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 28
Our Ancestors Came from Outer Space (Chatelain), 249, 256
The Outer Limits (TV program), 311
out-of-body experiences, 64–65, 103, 121, 153–54, 159–61, 244, 314. See also levitation
Palmistry (Niles), 138
particle-beam technology, 343
Penrose, (Sir) Roger, 8–9
personal reality, 49–50, 88–89
Peru, discovery of “cone-head” skulls, 445
Peterson, Pete (Insider), 16, 76, 299, 318–36, 342, 349, 360, 369, 371–72, 425–26, 435–36, 456, 475
The Philosophy from Oracles (Porphyry), 470
Phobos (moon of Mars), 406–8
Phoenix III (aka Montauk Project), 305–6
physical abuse. See bullying and abuse
Pine Gap (Australia), 329, 347–48, 447
Pink Floyd (music group), 46, 145
Pioneer II (US spacecraft), 398
Plato (Greek philosopher), 265–66, 268, 470
Pliny the Elder (Greek philosopher), 410
Plutarch (Greek historian), 268
Pogge, Richard W., 366
Poison (music group), 146
Polanski, Roman, 35
Popular Science (magazine), 403
porphyry (purple granite rock), 469
Porphyry (Roman philosopher), 470
creating altered time line, 306–7
depiction in TV, books, and movies, 71, 184, 206
dream experiences, 235–36
ET interactions via, 313–15, 348–52, 393
movement of the Moon through, 387–90
as part of “cosmic web,” 308, 343, 365
“the Seeker,” 330–31
travels by stargate network/system, 276, 347–48, 364–65
travels through Local Cluster, 365–67
travels through Solar Cylinder, 367–68
See also wormholes
Portugal, pyramid off coast of, 437
precession of the equinoxes. See 26,000-year cycle
Presley, Elvis, 135
PRIME (Phobos mission), 408
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (journal), 5, 7
Processed Release of Information (PRI), 19
Progenitors. See Ancient Builder Race
Project Camelot, 16, 312–13, 316, 323, 326–28, 332–33, 341, 345, 347–48, 475. See also Disclosure Project
Project High Jump, 425
Project Looking Glass, 311–12
ability of Nostradamus, 77
advances from alien technology, 245–48, 281–82
Biblical references to, 268, 470
dreams as source of, 207–8, 464–67
encoded in Great Pyramid, 450
ESP creates ability for, 199–200, 209
9/11 terrorist attacks, 200, 243–44
Tarot card readings, 182–83
psychedelics, 152–53, 160–68, 185–86, 188–89, 198–99, 231. See also LSD
psychometry, 457–59
PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), 18, 24, 131–32, 219, 322. See also trauma; Vietnam War
Putin, Vladimir, 335
Pyramid Program, 63–64, 84, 92, 98, 109–10
ancient Earth, 437–38
Biblical references to, 450–53
Glowing Pyramid of Ceres, 403–4
Great Pyramid of Giza, 378–80, 449–50, 464, 469–70
healing power of, 378–79
presence off coast of Portugal, 437
presence on Mars, 412–13
Pyramid of the Sun (Bosnia), 438
“The Moon Pyramid,” 422–23
Quanta (magazine), 8
Race for the Moon (comic book), 428–30
random mutation, 381
Randy (drug dealer), 214–15, 226–29, 231–32
Rathenau, Walter, 346
Reagan, Ronald, 74–76, 129–30, 151, 323, 330, 333
reality. See alternate reality; personal reality; virtual-reality
Red Quebracho (tree, Loxopterygium lorentzil), 314
reincarnation, reaching higher level by, 154, 269–70, 356, 375–76, 463
ancient origins, 3–4
Cabal as, 346
Cabal war against, 31–34, 157, 340, 356–58, 444, 453
ET spiritual message to, 20–21
Law of One and, 464–66
mirroring path to ascension, 308, 453
reincarnation and, 270
Zoroastrianism, 273
religious fundamentalism
bullying and abuse, 84–85
burning in lake of fire, 132–34
judgment and abuse, 49
Salem witch trials, 137–38
repetition compulsion
as addiction, described, 22–26, 376
becoming prisoner to, 95–96, 130–31, 152
breaking hold of, 236–40, 379, 470
subliminal messaging and, 321–22
See also trauma
repetition compulsion
breaking the hold of, 259
Revelations 21:4–11, 455
reverse-engineering, ET technology, 112, 246, 253, 281–82, 304, 327, 341, 353, 432
revolution, scientific/social
Cabal and “The Great Revealing,” 31–33
“Constant of Ninevah” and, 262–63
origins of universe, 7–10
rock-and-roll music as trigger for, 30, 35–36, 39
Russian Revolution of 1917, 36
video games, 51
Roberts, Jane and Robert, 49
robots/robotic devices, 158, 326, 364, 386, 395
Rockets, Missiles and Space Travel (Von Braun), 424
Rolling Stone (magazine), 36, 47, 180
Rolling Stones (music group), 30–37, 40–41, 46, 155
Rosemary’s Baby (movie), 32, 39–40, 62, 157, 213
Roswell UFO crash-landing, 244–48, 251, 303–4, 341, 426
Rules, the, 354, 359, 373, 448
Rumsfield, Donald, 323
The Runes of Evolution (Morris), 362–63
capture of U.S. satellite, 344
discovery of “cone-head” skulls, 445
ET communications, 335
space travel, 306–7
Zond 3 lunar images, 297–301
See also Soviet Union
Russian Revolution of 1917, 36
Russia Today (magazine), 445
Ryan, Bill, 312
Ryan, Leo, 66
Salem witch trials, 137–38
Salla, Michael (Dr.), 425, 432
Salter, Daniel M. (aka Daniel Morris), 329–30, 345–46, 353
Sanghera, Jas (Dr.), 280–81
Santillana, Giorgio de, 266
dark side of the Moon views, 299
remote sensing/digital imaging, 286
solar system entities, 7, 382, 415
television broadcasting, 29
atmosphere and presence of water, 7, 382
changing features on Titan, 350–52
Enceladus (moon), 405–6
explosion of super-Earth, 414
Mimas (moon), 398–400
presence of water on Titan, 393
Tethys (moon), 398–99
Savile, Jimmy, 33–34
Scarlet Letter: A Romance (Hawthorne), 137–38
Schaefer, Bradley, 364
Schauberger, Viktor, 253
Schenk, Paul, 403
Schmitt, Harrison [“Jack”] (Dr.), 275–77, 287, 295
Schneider, Phil, 329
Schottman (Professor), 92
Schrag, Paul, 443
secret space program, 16, 324–31, 337–40, 345–46, 386, 426–28, 442
Secret Space Program Alliance (SSP), 359–60, 381, 407, 409, 416, 430, 432, 446–47, 467, 471
Selected by Extraterrestrials (Tompkins), 251, 255–56, 389
Seth (ghost-like being), 49, 88–89
sexual abuse, 22–26, 32–34. See also bullying and abuse
sexual imaging, pervasiveness of. See subliminal messages/manipulation
shamanism, 43
Shane (childhood friend). See Baner
Sherman, Harold, 73, 75, 77–78, 80
Sherman, Sam, 252
Shirra, Walter (“Wally”), 251
Shoemaker NEAR (spacecraft), 417–18, 424
Showalter, Mark, 405
Shwanksville Delirium (band), 242–43
Siciliano, Rick, 135–36
Silva, Diocleciano, 437
Sitchin, Zecharia, 400
Skandakov, Igor, 445
Slick, Grace, 180
Smith, Barry, 369
Smith, Janet (Dame), 34
Smithsonian Institution, 442, 443
Snowden, Edward, intelligence disclosures, 14–15, 258–59, 352
Solar Cylinder, 367–68
Solar Warden, 327, 353, 400. See also secret space program
Soldier of Fortune (magazine), 132
Solon (Athenian statesman), 266–67
The Source Field Investigations (Wilcock), 4, 10–13, 20, 22, 87, 108, 253, 262, 265, 278–81, 300, 307–8, 334, 357, 374, 395, 414, 445–46, 476
South Africa, “cone-head” skulls, 446
Soviet Union (aka U.S.S.R.)
creating fear of post-nuclear apocalypse, 91
end to threat of nuclear war, 193–94
Iran-Contra affair, 128–29
secret Cuban missile base, 68
See also Russia
Space and Missile Defense Command, 326
space shuttle program, 16, 76, 114–15
Spilker, Linda (Dr.), 398–99
“Spirit of Protectiveness,” 117–23
spiritual consciousness, 160–61
spiritual evolution
arriving at the Golden Age, 19–22
law of karma and, 269–70
preparing for activating event, 308, 373
reaching higher consciousness, 206, 459
See also evolution
Stafford, Thomas P., 290
“Stairway to Heaven” (song), 269
Stand By Me (movie), 106
Stargate SG-1 (TV program), 304, 308–9, 314
stargate system, travels via
about: creation and role of, 308–9
depiction in 2001 (movie), 101, 273, 276
described, 309–11
within Local Cluster, 365–67, 374–75
transdimensional disorder, 311
travel to Mars by “the Corridor,” 313–15
See also portals
Star Trek (movie), 19, 395, 417–18
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (movie), 280
Star Wars (movie), 54–56, 58, 73, 83, 385–86, 394–95, 398
“star wars” (space-based weapons), 331
State University of New York (SUNY)
accepted as student, 180
college dorm roommates, 195–98
delivery job on campus, 198–99
drug use, 200–201
job at vinyl factory, 217–19
PCB disaster prophesy, 199–200, 209–11, 228
revelation of conspiracies and cover-ups, 211–15
science-fiction writing, 201–7
Statue of Liberty, 278–79
Steadman, Kent, 348–49
Stern, Allen, 405
Stevenson, Ian (Dr.), 270
Stonehenge (ancient site), 71, 87, 248, 275–77, 287, 382, 445
Stories from the Love Brothers (music album), 220–21
Strange Stories, Amazing Facts (ed., Reader’s Digest), 70
Strauss, Richard, 273
stress-induced analgesia, 24
Strieber, Whitley, 155
subliminal messages/manipulation, 186, 318–23. See also hypnosis/hypnotic regression
“suicide cult,” 76, 131, 165, 208
suicide/suicidal thought, 35, 66–68, 151–52, 224
super-Earth, 388, 392–94, 397, 415, 430
Super-Federation (aka “Genetic Farmers”), 430–31
Superman (movie), 70
The Suppressed History of America (Schrag and Xaviant), 443
numerical patterns, 60–61, 177
The Synchronicity Key (Wilcock), 4, 7–8, 13–14, 22, 29, 177, 237–39, 262, 269–70, 357, 373–76, 380–81, 395, 456, 476
Tangerine Dream (music group), 46, 58
Tarot card readings, 167, 182–83
Technology for Youth (magazine), 284
Technology Review (magazine), 322
telekinesis, 1, 73, 88, 169, 433
telepathy, 1, 72, 80, 99, 171, 206, 242, 305, 310, 340, 389, 410, 432–33
teleportation, 203, 340, 347, 353
The Terminator (movie), 309
Tesla, Nikola, 253
Tethys (moon of Saturn), 398–99
That’s Incredible (TV show), 73
“The Body” (King), 106–7
Their Satanic Majesties Request (Rolling Stones album), 30–33, 36
The Day After (TV movie), 91
The Doors (movie), 225–26
The Doors (music group), 37, 46
“The Venus Rite,” 63
They Live (movie), 319
Thompson, Lucy, 443
Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Strauss), 273
Tietze, Donna (aka Donna Hare), 253–54, 257, 277, 296
Timaeus (Plato), 265
time loops, 465–71
time-space continuum, 112
The Time Tunnel (TV program), 307
time vector generator (TVG), 306–7
Titan (moon of Saturn). See Saturn
Titanomachy (Greek myth), 410
Titans (ET beings), 409–10
Tom Corbett: Space Cadet, 395
Tompkins, William, 250–51, 255–56, 389–90, 417, 425, 432, 456
Totem (commune), 59–61, 139, 144, 161
To the American Indian (Thompson), 443
transdimensional disorder, 311, 314
transmigration, 204–5
transparent aluminum, 280–82, 288–89, 299–300, 382, 385–86, 394, 416–17, 422
achieving ascension through healing, 308
addiction to/victimization by, 22–26
the Cabal manipulation creates, 354–58
Charles Manson murders, 39–40
creating “morphine response,” 24–26, 28, 106, 131, 303
drugs can create, 164–65, 181, 230
drugs to numb the pain of, 194
effects of “celebrity” can create, 99
fighting against the power of, 29, 82
identifying the core cause, 94–96, 358
memories of super-Earth explosion, 463
saved from drowning, 136–37
“suicide cult,” 131
SUNY PCB disaster, 209–10, 214
See also bullying and abuse; PTSD; repetition compulsion
Trilateral Commission, 31. See also Cabal
Trnka, Jaroslav, 9
Tucker, Jim (Dr.), 270
26,000-year cycle, 262–68, 271, 273, 375–77, 379–80, 451
Twisted Sister (music group), 98–99, 112
2001: A Space Odyssey (movie), 100–101, 160, 272–73, 304, 313, 371–72, 385
2010: The Movie (movie), 100–101, 160, 247, 272–73
2012 Enigma (YouTube video), 309
UFOs (unidentified flying objects)
anti-gravity systems, 246–48, 253, 324, 326, 413, 421, 423, 425, 469
Apollo Moon mission interaction, 249–52
Biblical connections to, 451
cigar-shaped craft, 44, 327, 332
enhancing psychic abilities, 305–8, 311
government cover-up, 16–22
learning they are real, 244–49
reverse-engineered technology, 112
saucer-shaped craft, 248, 251, 425–26
See also extraterrestrial beings
Ulrich, Lars, 149
underground bases
Ceres, 402
Earth, 91, 159, 328–30, 337–38, 354, 447
the Moon, 285–86
removal/destruction, 350
Saturn, 405–6
teleportation to, 347–48
about: origins of, 5–7, 362, 381–82
Biblical references, 438–40
concept of vibrational energy, 10, 205–6
creating Rainbow Body, 473
creation of biological life, 13–14
geometric seed model, 9–14, 381, 393–94
negative/positive forces at work, 72, 105, 147, 229, 238, 354–58
opening of the Stargate, 471–72
presence of intelligence civilizations, 5–7, 344–45, 362–65
UFOs/ET presence, 245–49, 332, 370
Universe Today, 403
University of California, Berkeley, 368–69
USA Today, 362
U.S. government
Cabal control of, 335–36, 338–39
preparing for disclosure, 274
rejection of ET protection, 341–42
subliminal messages, 319–21
war and fearmongering, 184–86
See also secret space program
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, 280–81
U.S. Space Command, 326–27
U.S.S.R. (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). See Soviet Union
van der Kolk, Bessel A. (Dr.), 23–24, 131, 322
Van Flandern, Thomas (Dr.), 392, 415, 463
Cabal links to, 391
U.S. government links to, 436
Vaughan, Jimmie and Connie, 173
Vaughan, Stevie Ray, 173–74
Venus, 378
vibration/vibrational energy, 10, 205–6, 468. See also geometry/geometric patterns
video games, 32, 51–52, 75, 91–92, 95, 111, 132, 163
Vieria, Jim, 441
Vietnam War, 29, 34, 36, 38–42, 114. See also anti-war movement; PTSD
virtual-reality (VR), 325
Vitruvian Man (da Vinci), 412–14
Von Braun, Wernher, 424–27
War of the Worlds (radio program), 77, 245
Washington Monument, 278
The Watchmen (movie), 349
Watergate scandal, 41–42
websites, 321
CNET, 403
Comic Book Resources, 428
GRIN at NASA, 294–95
Internet Movie Database, 311, 416
On the Bible Reality Check, 438, 364
The Secret Sun, 428
Subliminal Manipulation, 321
Total Security Solutions, 281, 281, 280
Views of the Solar System, 417
Vigilant Citizen, 320, 5
See also Internet
Weinberger, Caspar, 129–30
Welch, Barry (Dr.), 369
White Album (Beatles recording), 35–36, 40
Wilcock, Michael (“Obi-Wan Kenobi”), 47–48, 54–55, 73, 88–96
Williams, Loren (Dr.), 381
Wired (magazine), 405
Wisdom Teachings (Gaia Internet program), 359
witchcraft, 137–38
Wolf, Naomi, 355
Woodstock hippie movement, 32, 39–40, 180
wormholes, 112, 307–11, 314, 368–71. See also portals
Wright, Jason, 363–64
X-Men (movie series), 305
yellow micro-dots (mescaline), 164, 188
Zener cards, 83