

1. They Call Me Bruce?
2. The Seasonal Breakthrough
3. A Golden Harvest
4. The Three Kung-fu-teers: Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, and Yuen Biao
5. The Jackie Chan Genre
6. The Tong Collaboration
7. Jackie’s Other Children
8. The Personal Side
9. Man of Action
10. “Bruce Lee Kick High, I Do Everything”: Jackie Chan’s Ten Best Fight Scenes
11. Jackie’s Sensational Seven
  images Project A II images Police Story images Project A images Mr. Canton and Lady Rose images Dragons Forever images Drunken Master II images Armour of God II: Operation Condor
12. From Cult Hero to Mainstream Icon
  images Jackie Chan Filmography images Jackie Chan Films Nominated for or Winning Hong Kong Film Awards images Mr. Nice Guy Script Excerpt images Finding Videos and Understanding Chinese Names and Characters images Martial Arts Glossary images Jackie Chan and Hong Kong Cinema Sources images Martial Arts Sources