absolutes, 40
acid mantle, 176
active ingredients, 23
additives, 24
adjustment agents, 24
aesthetic ingredients, 23
aging, 185
alcohol, 255
organic, resources for, 289
organic high proof, 134–135
rubbing, 145
almond meal, 116–117
almond oil, 70–71
aloe, 195
added, 42
preservatives vs., 150
as recipe ingredients, 133
resources for, 289
types of, 151
antiperspirants, 249
apple, 130–131
apricot kernel oil, 70–71
apron, 145
argan oil, 72–73
aromatic ingredients
extracting, 38–41 (See also hydrosols)
from plants, 270
atlas cedarwood essential oil, 54–55
avocado oil, 72–73
baking trays, 146–147
balms, salves vs., 267
baobab oil, 74–75
baobab tree, 267
base ingredients, 23
beakers, 146
beauty, 17
conscious, 17
holistic, 15
beauty labels
ingredients on, 21–25
“natural” on, 27
“organic” on, 28
beeswax, 105–107
bentonite clay, 112–113
berries, dehydrating, 166–167
beta-carotene, 185
black pepper essential oil, 276–277
bleached butters, 104
blended oils. See synergies
blender, 142
blueberry, 130–131
body butters, 231
body creams, ingredients for, 25
body oils
synergies for, 52
using, 235
body scrubs, synergies for, 51
borage oil, 74–75
botanical powders, 166–168
defined, 22
in plant-based beauty products, 24
bottle brushes, 147
bottles, 289
glass, 142–143
plastic, 144
and recipe yield, 153
butters, 237–238
body, 231
chart of, 106–108
processing of, 103–104
resources for, 290
uses of, 102
calendula, 120–121
calendula flowers infusion, 88–89
calendula hydrosol, 96–97
candelilla wax, 108–109
cannabidiol. See CBD
carnauba wax, 108–109
carrier oils
for CBD, 274
chart of, 69–85
for herbal infusions, 91
resources for, 289
carrot, 130–131
carrot seed essential oil, 54–55
carrot seeds, 38
castile soap, 213
castor seed oil, 74–75
CBD (cannabidiol), 270–271
absorption of, 275
and endocannabinoid system, 271–272
entourage effect for, 275–276
essential oil blends with, 275–277
extraction types and methods for, 272–273
oil measurements, 274
potency of extracts, 274–275
recipes using, 278–288
regulation of, 276
resources for, 277
chamomile, 270. See also German chamomile
chickpea flour, 126–127
chlorophyll, 183
cinnamon leaf essential oil, 245
clary sage essential oil, 54–55
chart of, 112–113
resources for, 290
uses of, 111
cleansers, synergies for, 50
cocoa butter, 199
coconut oil, 190
CO2 extracts, 41
cold expression, 39
comfrey, 120–121
comfrey leaves and roots infusion, 88–89
copaiba essential oil, 276–277
CO2 supercritical extraction, 41
creams, 237–238
cutting board, 145
cypress essential oil, 56–57
Davis, Mia, 272
decanting herbal infusions, 91, 94
decoction, 42
dehydrating botanicals, 166–167
dehydrator, 146
Demeter, 28
deodorants, 249
deodorized butters, 103
dermis, 33
diluents, 23
double boiler, 141
Douglas fir hydrosol, 96–97
dried plant materials, as exfoliants, 115–117
dropper bottles, 142
drops, dispensing, 50
dry skin, 34
Ecocert, 28
ECS (endocannabinoid system), 271–272
education resources, 289
emollients, 237–238
emotional brain, 262
endocannabinoid system (ECS), 271–272
energetic components of plants, 42–43
enfleurage, 41
entourage effect, 275–276
enzymes, 175
equipment, 289
essential oils, 47–48
and alcohol, 255
authentic, 40
defined, 47
to enhance CBD effects, 275–277
extracting, 39
extraction and therapeutic actions of, 54–65
for pain relief, 251
precautions when using, 50
resources for, 289
synergies of, 48–53
eucalyptus essential oil, 56–57
evening primrose oil, 76–77
exfoliants, 115–117
chart of, 116–117
uses of, 115
expeller-pressing, 39–40
extraction processes, 38–43
for CBD, 272–273
cold expression, 39
CO2 supercritical extraction, 41
decoction, 42
enfleurage, 41
expeller-pressing, 39–40
for flower essences, 42–43
for individual essential oils, 54–65
infusion, 41–42
solvent extraction, 40
steam distillation, 38–39
of CBD, 272–275
face oils, 281
face serums, synergies for, 52
facial scrubs, synergies for, 51
fennel, 120–121
fennel seed essential oil, 56–57
fillers, 23
chart of, 126–127
as exfoliants, 115
uses of, 125
flower essences, extracting, 270
flowers, dehydrating, 167
following recipes, 29
categories of ingredients in, 22–23
role of ingredients in, 22
formulating recipes, 29–30
foundation ingredients, 23
fragrance, on beauty labels, 22
frankincense essential oil, 56–57
French green clay, 112–113
fruits, 129–131
chart of, 130–131
dehydrating, 167
uses of, 129
functional ingredients, 23–24
geranium essential oil, 56–57
German chamomile, 120–121
German chamomile essential oil, 54–55
German chamomile hydrosol, 96–97
ginger, 120–121
ginger essential oil, 58–59
glass bottles, 142–143
glycerites, 42
chart of, 126–127
uses of, 125
grapefruit essential oil, 58–59
grapefruit seed extract, 151
grinding ingredients, 167
gum disease, 245
hair, 207
harmonizers, 24
hemlock spruce essential oil, 58–59
hemp. See CBD (cannabidiol)
hemp cloth, 147
hemp seed oil, 78–79
hemp seeds, 221
herbal infusions, 87–94
chart of, 88–89
making, 91–93
herbal medicine
evolution and development of, 37–38
key to practice of, 270–271
herbs and spices, 119–123
chart of, 120–123
dehydrating, 167
resources for, 290
uses of, 119
hexane, 40
holism, 15
honey, 134–135
horny layer (skin), 32–33
Hudson Hemp, 274
chart of, 96–99
resources for, 290
uses of, 95
hypercritical extraction, 41
infusions, 41–42. See also herbal infusions
absorption of, 32
aromatic, 38
on beauty labels, 21–25
botanicals, 22
carrier oils, 69–85
categories of, 22–23
charts of, 68–137
clays, 111–113
combining, 30
defined, 21
essential oils, 47–65
exfoliants, 115–117
flours and grains, 125–127
in formulating recipes, 30
fruits and vegetables, 129–131
function on skin, 22
helpful vs. harmful, 15
herbs and spices, 119–123
hydrosols, 95–99
knowledge of, 30
lack of FDA regulation of, 27
medicinal, 38
for mind-body balancing, 268
plant-based, 37–43
resources for, 289–290
roles of, 22
self-preserving, 149
synthetic, 22
waxes, 105–109
inhalers, 262
integumentary system, 31. see also skin
jars, 142–143
jojoba oil, 253
juniper essential oil, 276
equipment and supplies for, 141–147
microbe-free, 148–151
lavender, 122–123
lavender essential oil
with CBD, 276
extraction and actions of, 58–59
for pain relief, 251
lavender hydrosol, 96–97
lemon balm hydrosol, 96–97
lemon essential oil, 276
lemongrass essential oil, 60–61
lipid matrix, 32–34
lipids, extracting, 39–40
lotions, 237–238
maceration, 87
mandarin essential oil, 60–61
mango butter, 106–107
marijuana. See CBD (cannabidiol)
marjoram essential oil
extraction and actions of, 60–61
for pain relief, 251
making powders for, 166–168
synergies for, 51
mason jars, 146
massage, 241
matcha, 122–123
mature skin, 34
measuring cups and spoons, 141
measuring pitcher, 141
medicinal ingredients, 38, 270
evolution and development of, 37–38
using plants for, 270–271
menstruum, 41–42
microbe-free kitchen, 148–151
mind-body balancing ingredients, 268
mint, 270
mixer, 142
mixing tools, 144–145
moisturizers, 237–238
molds, silicon, 233
mortar and pestle, 146
mustard, 122–123
natural (term), 27
natural gums, 160
natural preservatives, 161
neroli hydrosol, 98–99
nutmeg essential oil, 60–61
oat flour, 126–127
“oiling” skin, 237–238
oils, 237–238
carrier (See carrier oils)
CBD in, 283
essential (See essential oils)
extraction of, 39–41
face, 281
herbal infusions, 91–93
infusing, 91
lipids, 39–40
massage, 241
for types of skin, 34
oily skin, 34
olive oil, 78–79
orange essential oil, 62–63
organic (term), 28
organic alcohol, 289
organic high proof alcohol, 134–135
organic sugar, 116–117
packaging, 150
pain relief
CBD for, 284
essential oils for, 251
palmarosa essential oil, 62–63
patchouli essential oil, 62–63
peppermint essential oil, 47–48
extraction and actions of, 62–63
for pain relief, 251
peppermint hydrosol, 98–99
petitgrain essential oil, 62–63
physiological actions
in endocannabinoid system, 271–272
of essential oils, 47–48
of phytochemicals, 271
phytochemicals, 270–271
pink kaolin clay, 112–113
pipettes, 142
plantain leaves infusion, 88–89
plant-based ingredients, 37–43
whole plant parts, 37
plant extracts, 37–43, 270–271 See also extraction processes
plants, 270
plant wax, 105
plastic bottles, 144
pomegranate oil, 80–81
powders, botanical, 166–168
preservatives, 161
added, 42
antioxidants vs., 150
psychospiritual actions
of essential oils, 47–48
of phytochemicals, 271
raspberry, 130–131
RBD butters, 103
reactive skin, 34
recipes. See also Recipe Index
for CBD care, 278–288
following vs. formulating, 29–30
for synergies, 49–53
red raspberry seed oil, 80–81
refined butters, 103
regulation of products, 27, 276
retinoids, 185
rice bran powder, 126–127
rose clay, 112–113
rose geranium hydrosol, 98–99
rosehip seed oil, 80–81
rose hydrosol, 98–99
rosemary essential oil, 47–48, 64–65
rosemary extract, 151
rosemary hydrosol, 98–99
salicylic acid, 178
salts, 223
as exfoliants, 115–117
resources for, 290
sanitation, 148–151
making powders for, 166–168
synergies for, 51
sea buckthorn oil, 82–83
sensitive skin, 34
sesame oil, 82–83
sesame seed oil, 253
silicone molds, 233
skin, 31–35
chlorophyll and health of, 183
endocannabinoid system in, 272
function of ingredients on, 22
functions of, 31–32
layers of, 32–33
lipid matrix, 32–34
“oiling,” 237–238
types of, 34
Soil Association, 28
solvent extraction, 40
spatula, 145
spice grinder, 146
spices (term), 119. See also herbs and spices
steam distillation, 38–39
of oils, 142
of raw materials, 149
of synergies, 49
strawberry, 130–131
sugars, 219
sunflower oil, 84–85
supporting ingredients, 23
surfactants, 133
sweet birch essential oil, 251
synergies, 48–53
cleansers, 50
defined, 48
face serums and body oils, 52
facial and body scrubs, 51
masks, 51
recipes for, 49–53
storing, 49
wellness, 53
synthetic ingredients, 22
gums, 160
preservatives, 161
tamanu oil, 282
tapioca starch, 126–127
tea tree essential oil, 64–65
terpenes, 275
textural ingredients, 23
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), 270, 276
therapeutic actions of essential oils, 54–65
therapeutic ingredients, 23, 270
thyme essential oil, 64–65
tinctures, 42
tomato seed oil, 84–85
transepidermal water loss (TWL), 32
turmeric, 122–123
USDA-certified products, 28
USDA National Organic Program, 28
vanilla beans infusion, 88–89
vegetables, 129–131
chart of, 130–131
dehydrating, 167
uses of, 129
vibrational components of plants, 42–43
vitamin A, 185
vitamin E (tocopherol), 151
volume measurements, 152
water-based products, CBD in, 283
waxes, 105–109
chart of, 106–109
resources for, 290
uses of, 105
weight measurements, 152
wellness, synergies for, 53
wheat grass, 130–131
whisk, 145
witch hazel extract, 136–137
xanthum gum, 136–137
ylang-ylang essential oil, 64–65
yuzu essential oil, 64–65