

Accuracy International 178, 199, 200, 212

     Arctic Warfare sniper system rifle see SR-98

     Precision Marksman (PM) sniper rifle 178

Afghanistan 175, 178, 191–206, 220, 223

     training Afghan soldiers 205, 205

Ahmelman, Private 170

AK-47 assault rifle 169

Al-Kadesih sniper rifle 189

Al Muthanna 187

Al Rumaythah 190

Alberts, Private 142, 142

Ambon 117

American Civil War (1861–65) 7, 9

American long rifle 2

American War of Independence (1775–83) 2

ammunition 215

     .303 inch Mk. VI 19, 19, 59

     .303 inch S.A. (Small Arms) Ball Mk. VII 19, 19, 61, 78, 87

     .30-06 Springfield 130

     .338 inch Lapua Magnum 201, 215

     12.7 mm MP NM140F2 Grade A 192

     armour-piercing 68–9, 79, 87, 93, 115

     M118 159, 203

     Match Grade 159 metallic 10

     Minié ball 5, 5, 7

     NATO 5.56 mm 209, 215

     NATO 7.62 mm 158, 166, 168, 170, 200, 215

Anschütz rifles 66

anti-materiel rifles 199

     AW50F 186, 199, 200

     Barrett M82A1 186, 192, 192, 199

aperture sights 25–7, 26, 48, 99–101, 131, 214 see also sights

     Central 100

     Motty 100

     Mues 100

AR-15 203

Argent, Lieutenant Alfred ‘Alf’ 142, 144


     Type 38 135

     Type 97 sniper rifle 133–5, 134

     Type 99 sniper rifles 134–5, 136

attacks, using snipers during 92–3, 136, 147

August Offensive 41

Australia and New Zealand Mounted Division 54–5

Australian-Afghan National Army (ANA) 194–5, 198

     training Afghan soldiers 205, 205

Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC)

     Gallipoli 29–53

     Western Front 71

Australian Army (For First World War see Australian

Imperial Force (AIF) below)

     1st Combat Engineer Regiment 191

     1st Independent Company 118

     2nd Commando Regiment 192, 196

     2/1st Battalion 102, 107, 113, 125–6

     2/2nd Battalion 110, 221

     2/2nd Independent Company 117, 119–20, 119

     2/3rd Battalion 136

     2/4th Independent Company 108, 117, 139

     2/5th Field Regiment 129

     2/5th Independent Company 100

     2/6th Armoured Regiment 129

     2/6th Independent Company 120, 128, 130

     2/7th Independent Company 121

     2/11th Battalion 114, 128

     2/13th Battalion 102, 104

     2/15th Battalion 107, 111, 137

     2/17th Battalion 112

     2/18th Battalion 124

     2/19th Battalion 124

     2/23rd Battalion 112

     2/25th Battalion 129, 136

     2/29th Battalion 124

     2/30th Battalion 102–3, 107, 124, 126, 137

     2/31st Battalion 137

     6th Division 108–10, 113–14

     8th Division 103, 117, 118, 123–5, 123

     9th Division 104, 108, 111, 113, 131

     18th Brigade 126

     53rd Battalion 128

     55th Battalion 128

     commando squadrons see independent companies independent companies 118–19, 138

     Infantry Battalion (Tropical Scale) 105–6

     Royal Australian Regiment see Royal Australian

     Regiment (RAR)

Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM) 166, 222, 223

Australian Imperial Force (AIF) 14–15, 71

     1st Battalion 50

     1st Brigade 32

     1st Division 33, 71

     1st Field Ambulance 33

     2nd Division 71, 94

     3rd Battalion 34

     3rd Brigade 37

     4th Battalion 75

     4th Division 71

     4th Infantry Brigade 29

     5th Battalion 31

     5th Division 71

     6th Brigade 93, 94

     7th Brigade 94

     8th Battalion 36, 49

     9th Battalion 37, 93

     10th Battalion 37, 77

     11th Battalion 33, 37, 39

     12th Battalion 32, 37

     14th Battalion 29

     16th Battalion 36

     17th Battalion 97

     18th Battalion 36

     20th Battalion 49

     21st Battalion 91, 107

     22nd Battalion 49

     25th Battalion 93

     28th Battalion 75

     31st Infantry Battalion 48

     46th Battalion 77

     47th Battalion 74

     Light Horse see Light Horse

     rifles 15–17

     training15, 29, 31

Australian Light Armoured Vehicles (ASLAVs) 182, 185, 187, 190, 191

Australian School of Infantry ix, xi

Avery, Corporal Ryan 198, 199


Baghdad 187, 188, 191, 203

Baidoa 171–2, 174

Baillon, Lieutenant Colonel J.C.W. 101, 106

Baker, Private 39

Baker rifle viii, 3–4, 3

Bardia 108–10

Bean, C.E.W. 14, 27, 29, 34, 36, 39, 41–3, 49, 50, 72, 74, 87, 93–4

Beasley, Corporal Scott 184

Beech, Lance Corporal 42–3

Belgian FN FAL rifle 165

Bellchambers, Private 142, 142

Belmer, Captain Rossall Stuart 128

Bennet, Private George 75

Bennett, Major General Gordon 124

Berdan, Colonel Hiram viii, 7

Berdan’s Sharpshooters 7

Bersaglieri 110

Best, Private 150

Birdwood, Lieutenant General William 29, 30, 47–8, 47, 71

Blamey, Major 42

Blaser Jagwaffen GmbH 201

     .338 Lapua Magnum Surgeon XL 212

     .338 Tactical 2 Sniper Rifle 186, 198

     R93 LRSR 2 .338 Lapua Magnum sniper rifle 199, 201, 201

Blumer, Major Adrian 172–3

body armour 200

Boer War (1899–1902)vii, 9, 10–16, 54, 69, 212

Boers 10–13, 11, 12, 194, 212

Bond, Corporal Cliff 160

Bond, Lieutenant General Lionel 123

Borneo xi, 134, 155, 220

Bostock, Sergeant Harry 37, 57, 57, 59, 61

Boys anti-tank rifle 113, 128, 148

breastworks 82–6

Breen, Bob 169, 183, 184

Bren guns 105, 119, 124, 126

Brennan, Sergeant 51

Bridges, Major General William Throsby 32, 33

British Army viii, 3–4, 9, 13

     1st Battalion, 95th Rifles 3

     Boer War 10–12, 11, 12

     Commonwealth Brigade 143

     German snipers, response to 69–71

     Lovatt Scouts 86

     sniper training ix, 61, 71, 71

British Commonwealth Occupation Forces (BCOF) 140

British Small Arms Committee 15, 16

Brophy, Captain William S. 148

Brown, Corporal Shane 202

Brown, Lieutenant Colonel E.S. 34

Brown, Sergeant Stephen 182, 183

Brown Bess musket viii, 2–4, 2

Buna 124, 126, 128–30

Burns, Lieutenant Colonel Paul 196–7

Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicles 190, 194, 199, 200

Bussell, Private Kenneth 107

Button, Private ‘Mick’ 128


Cairns, Private 112

calculations 88–90, 89

Camden, Private 33

Cameron, Sergeant William 41

camouflage vii, ix, xi, 4, 13, 45, 69, 82–6, 88, 105, 106, 132, 137, 143, 146

Campbell, Private Jim 49

Campbell, Trooper Alan 38

Canadian Ross sniper rifles 126

canister shot 4

Carcano M91 rifle and M38 carbine 109

Carrion, Sergeant 160, 160

Carson, Sergeant 129

Casey, Major Richard 36

Castles, Private 112

casualties 97, 111, 113, 127

Chapman, Captain 110

Charley, Major 46

‘Charley’s Wallaby Rest’ 46

Chatham’s Post 44, 47–8

Chauvel, Major General Harry 33, 37, 54, 55

Chen, Corporal D.L. 223

Chenartu 196–7

Chinese snipers 133

     Korean War 143, 146, 148–51, 150, 153–4, 219

Christie, Captain 137

Cilas 213

Citizen Forces 140

Clarke, Lieutenant Colonel Lancelot 32

Clerke, Sir Francis 2

Clune, Frank 220

Clunies-Ross, Lieutenant Colonel Adrian 161

Coffman, Private B. 154

Colbert, General 3

Colt .45 sidearm 146

Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force–West 187

concealment vii, 194

Confederate Army (America) 7–9

     Alabama Brigade 7

Connolly, Lieutenant Colonel Peter 195–6, 205

Coral Sea, Battle of 124

Corley, Captain 33

Cottesloe, Lieutenant Colonel Lord 23

counter-sniping 24, 27, 68

     acoustic systems 213

     Gallipoli 37–46, 45, 52–3

     Korean War 148

     Pacific war 126–9, 138–9

     Western Front 73, 85, 92

Courtney’s Post 37

Craig, Trooper 120

Crete 105, 108, 113–14, 138

Cridland, Private 170

Crimean War (1853–56) 4–5

Crum, Major 76

Curnow, Private William 36


Derapet 198

Derna 109–10

Desert Mounted Corps 55

Devlin, Private Errol 36

Dhi Qar province 187, 191

Dili 179, 182, 185

Doig, Lieutenant 120

Dragunov 189

dummies, using 83, 85

Dunshea, Lieutenant Pat 121

Dynamic Image Gunsight Optic (DInGO) 213, 215


East Timor xii, 108, 162, 175, 178, 202, 220, 223

     Operation Astute (1999–2001) 179–86

Eather, Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth 102

Edwards, Bill 220–1

El Alamein 113, 131

electronic aids 212–14

Elliott, Private Clary 122

emotional stability 216

Enfield rifles 7

     Pattern 1853 rifle-musket 5–7, 6, 8, 10

     Pattern 1914 see Pattern 1914

equipment 163, 186, 192, 207

     Afghanistan 199, 204

     ammunitionsee ammunition

     East Timor 185

     electronic aids 212–14

     First World War 17, 18, 27, 40, 51, 61, 66, 70–1, 73, 79, 80, 96

     Korean War 146, 146

     optics 214–15, 218

     riflessee by name and type

     Second World War 101–6, 109, 133, 137

     sightssee sights

     Somalia 170–1, 177

     telescopessee telescopes

Evans scopes 81


F88 Austeyr rifle 165, 170, 171, 173, 179, 180, 184, 185, 208

facial recognition software 207

fieldcraft vii, x, xi, 13, 107, 164, 216, 223

Finschhafen 129, 137

First World War (1914–18) vii, ix, 9, 13, 220

     Gallipoli see Gallipoli

     preparation for war 14–17

     units see Australian Imperial Force (AIF)

     Western Front see Western Front

flame-throwers 93

FN rifle 16

foresight blade 24

Franco-Prussian War (1870–71) 9

Fraser, General Simon 2

Freame, Sergeant Wykeham Henry ‘Harry’ 50, 50


Galleghan, Lieutenant Colonel ‘Black Jack’ 102

Gallipoli vii, 1, 17, 24, 29–53, 54

     counter-sniping 37–46, 45, 52–3

     scouts 37, 50

     Turkish snipers 31–6

Garand see M1 Garand

Gaza 57, 59–60

German Army 9, 13, 20

     Fallschirmjäger (paratroopers) 114

     Scharfschützen (snipers) 64–9, 71, 75–7, 80, 93–6, 96, 207

     training 67, 75, 207

     Western Desert campaign 111–13, 117

Gettysburg, Battle of 7, 9

ghillie suits 86, 88, 132, 133

Gilbert, Russell 128

Global Positioning System (GPS) 175, 205, 207

Godlee, Sergeant Frances 34

Godley, Lieutenant General Sir Alexander 71

Godwin, Ray 152


     ANPAS 5 171

Gona 124, 137

Goodall, Corporal Ron 160

Grace, Lieutenant Tom 37, 39

Grace, Sergeant 9

Graham, Private Ron 156

Greece 105, 108, 113–14, 138

Green, Lieutenant Colonel Charles 144

Greener 70

Greenwood, Private Arthur 49

Greenwood, Private William 36

Grey, Major General R.A. 161, 162

guerrilla (GR) platoons 125–6

Guerrilla Warfare School 92, 107, 118, 121

Gull Force 117

Gullett, Sir Henry Somer 54, 59

Gully, Private Lance 142–6, 142, 144


Hall, Private Bill 138, 146

Ham, Corporal ‘Stewie’ 150

Hamilton, General Sir Ian 41

Harpman, Lieutenant 137

Harris bipod 201, 203

Hathcock, Carlos 158, 158, 219

Hayden, Sergeant Cal 49

Häyhä, Simo 219

Heckler and Koch

     G3 165, 166

     HK417 Marksman Rifle System 200, 208

Helmand province 192, 196

Hesketh-Pritchard, Major 81, 83, 96

Hetzenauer, Matthäus 219

hides 32, 37, 39, 46, 48, 50, 51, 59, 69, 76, 86, 90, 107, 133, 136, 143, 153, 157, 161, 164, 186, 192, 195, 198, 202–4

high energy weapons 211

Hitch, Corporal Herbert 39

Hook, Battle of the 150

Horne, General Lord 63

Howard, Corporal Alex 223

Hurley, Lieutenant Colonel Dave 174, 175

Hutton, Private 142, 142


Idriess, Trooper Ion 31, 34, 43, 44, 48, 57–8, 61, 62, 220

Ilett, Private Reg 49

Imlay, Lieutenant Colonel 74

improvised explosive devices (IEDs) 188–9, 191, 194–6, 206

Indonesian Confrontation (1950–66) 154–5

infrared 148, 157

intelligence gathering 91–2, 93, 95, 199, 205–6

     Somalia (HUMINT) 172, 174

     wireless technology 213

International Force East Timor (INTERFET) 179

Iraq 175, 178, 187–91, 200, 220

     insurgents 188–9, 190

Irvine, Major 32

Italian Army

     Bersaglieri 110

Blackshirts 110

     snipers 109–10


Jacoby, Captain 112

Jäger rifles 1, 2, 3, 66

Japanese Army 117–39, 125, 127, 220, 221

Jerome, Corporal Steve 182, 183

John Rigby Mauser-Oberndorf rifle 70, 70

Johnson M1941 rifle 129, 130

Joint Fires Observer 198

Jones, Charlie 59

Joshua, Major 112

Jungle Training School 107, 121

jungle warfare ix, 108, 125, 137, 138–9, 165


Kandahar 196

Kapyong, Battle of 146

Kentucky rifle viii, 2

Kestrel 450 NV 214

King, Major Gordon 120

King, Sergeant Trevor 128

King, Warrant Officer Class 2 Steve 207

Kippenberger, Colonel 114

Kitchener, Lord 29, 47

Kokoda 124–5, 126, 212

Korean War (1950–53) x–xi, 18, 130, 139, 140–54, 186, 220

     counter-sniping 148

Krag-Jorgensen rifle

     Model 1892 10

Krithia, Second Battle of 41

Kyle, Chris 219


L1A1 SLR (rifle) 16, 18, 155, 156, 156, 159, 165, 165

Lake, Private Harry 100

Lark Force 117

laser target designators 213

laser weapons 211

Latimer, Private Don 121–3

Lee-Enfield rifles 107

     Cavalry Carbine Mk. I* 15

     Mk. I see SMLE rifle

     Mk. I* (MLE or ‘Long Lee’) 10, 15–16, 19, 100

     short-magazine see SMLE rifle

Lee-Metford rifle 10, 15, 16, 19

Lewis, Captain R.J. 93

Lewis gunners 73, 93

Light Horse 54–6, 56, 62, 63

     1st Brigade 55

     2nd Brigade 29

     2nd Regiment 38

     2/14th Regiment 190

     3rd Brigade 37, 41, 57

     5th Regiment 44, 46–8, 62, 166, 220

     6th Regiment 46

     7th Regiment 51

     8th Regiment 57

     9th Regiment 57

     10th Regiment 57

Linwood, Lieutenant Colonel Russell 49, 113, 159, 163, 220

Lockheed Martin 213

Loftus, Lance Corporal 170, 172

Lomus, Captain 160, 160

Long Land Pattern Brown Bess see Brown Bess musket

Long Lee see Lee-Enfield rifles

loopholes 33, 39, 43, 44, 46, 46, 69–71, 80, 82–7, 107, 113

Lowerson, Lance Corporal Albert ‘Alby’ 91–2, 92, 97, 107


M1 Garand rifle 106, 130, 131, 146, 148, 159

     M1C 130

     M1D 130

M4A1 Modular Weapon System 186

M14 158, 159, 160

M14 Mod 0 Enhanced Battle Rifle (EBR) 200, 204

M16A1 rifle 167, 203

M24 Sniper Weapon System 159

McCowan, Private 51

MacDougal, Lieutenant 136

McGregor, Sergeant Col 146

machine guns 31, 93, 182, 191, 196, 198

     Browning M2 .50 calibre 148

     crews, elimination of 87, 111, 113

     subsee sub machine guns

MacLaurin, Colonel Henry 32

McMahon, Ed 152

Magdhaba 57, 59

Mahomet, Private Cassim 77

Maitland, Sergeant Major Robert 170–2, 175

Malaya xi

     Malayan Emergency 154–5, 165

     Second World War 102–3, 107, 118, 123–5

Malaysia 168

Malone, Lieutenant Colonel William 37

Mannlicher rifle 51, 66

Manns, Sergeant Brian 164, 177

marksmanship vii, x, 1, 13, 163–4, 216

     snipers, compared 208

     training 21–4, 29

Martini-Henry rifle 6, 10

Mastin Sniper Special (MSS) 170–1

Maughan, Barton 112

Mauser rifles 17, 20, 20, 24, 32, 37, 39, 51, 58, 66, 79, 81, 100, 109, 115, 134–6

     anti-tank T-Gewwhr 85

     K98b 115

     K98k 112, 114, 115, 116, 116, 149, 170

     Model 66 SP 165, 166

     Model 1893 (M93) 58, 58, 80

     Model 1898 (M98) 10, 10, 11, 80, 170, 171

     Scharfschützen Gewehr 98 (Gew 98) 65, 66–7, 67, 80, 112, 115, 116

Mawhinney, Charles ‘Chuck’ 158, 219

Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force (MRTF) 191, 194–5, 205

Mentoring Task Force (MTF) 191, 205

Midway, Battle of 124

military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) 175

Mitchell, Private George 36

Mitchell, Warrant Officer C.W. 114

Mk 11 Mod 0 Rifle 186

MLE rifle see Lee-Enfield rifles

Mogadishu, Battle of 169

Monash Valley 34, 37, 39, 94

Mont St Quentin 91, 92, 97

Moon, Lieutenant Colonel Mick 183

Moore, Private Jamie 182, 183

Morshead, Major General Leslie 111

Mortimer, Corporal Darren 170, 172

Mortimer, Sergeant David 29, 72, 76–7, 87, 89, 91, 209, 218, 223

Mosin Nagant M1891/30 sniper rifle 148–9, 149, 157, 157

Mulgrave, Private Andrew 114

The Musketry Handbook 22–3


Napoleonic War (1792–1815) 3–4

Nathan, Lieutenant ‘Mac’ 126

navigation ix, 164, 216

Nayda, Sergeant Lance 170, 172, 175, 186

The Nek 34, 38, 41

Nelson, Admiral Lord 4

New Guinea ix, 100, 107, 108, 120–6, 121, 128, 130, 134–7, 212, 220–1

New Zealand Army

     Wellington Battalion 37

Nichols, Corporal 183–4

North Africa 105

North Koreans 144, 148, 149

North Vietnamese 149, 157, 158

Nui Dat 156–7, 160

Nui Dinh 157–8, 160, 161


observation vii, ix, 88, 107, 147, 164, 216

     scoutssee scouts

Ogle, Lieutenant Colonel 112

O’Grady, Frank 220

Operation Astute 179–86

Operation Baz Panje (Falcon’s Talon) 194–6

Operation Catalyst 187

Operation Compass 108

Operation Falconer 187

Operation Iraqi Freedom 187

Operation Slipper 191

Operation Solace 168, 169–75, 177

optics 214–15, 218 see also sights

Overwatch Battle Group (West) 187, 203


Pacific theatre 123–33, 138

     counter-sniping 126–9, 138–9

Palestine 54, 56–61, 62

Parer, Damien 119

Parker Hale

     Model 1982 (M82) sniper rifle (L2) 141, 165, 166, 167, 168, 168, 170, 173, 174, 175–7, 176, 178, 210

     Sniper System 166, 170, 177

Passchendaele 74, 97

Pattern 1914 (P14) rifle x, 26, 79, 79, 98, 99, 99, 101–3, 103, 105, 119–20, 121, 122, 124, 130, 138, 138, 141

     No. 3Mk.I* 79, 99, 141

     No. 3 Mk. I (T) 111, 98, 99, 99, 103

Peck, Major Mal 161

Pegahmagabow, Francis 219

Pennsylvanian rifle 2

Percival, Lieutenant General Arthur Ernest 123

Periscope Prism Company (PPCo) 81

     telescope81, 98

periscope sight/rifle 39, 41–3, 42, 43, 112

Picatinny-Weaver long-rail system 173, 177, 178, 203, 204, 212

Plunkett, Rifleman Thomas 3

Pope’s Post 38

Port Moresby 107, 124

Pozières 72, 77, 91–3

Project NINOX 186

Purdey 70


Quick Reaction Force 199

Quinn’s Post 34, 41, 42–3


Rabaul 117

Rabey, Private Walter October 97

Rafa 57

railguns 211

range cards 90–1

Rankin, Major David 161

Ray, Private ‘Frenchy’ 147, 148, 150–4, 152

Reconstruction Task Force (RTF) 191

Reid, Jim 220

Reid, Private J.J. 113

Remington Arms Company 79

     M40 166

     M700 rifle 157, 205

reputation 61–3, 154, 220–4

revolvers 95

     Webley and Scott Mk. VI 95

Reynolds, Private Herbert 33


     evolution 209–12

rifle clubs/associations 14, 100–1, 166

     competitions 166

rifle No. 4 Mk. I (British Army) 119, 131, 131

rifling 1

Rigby 70, 70, 81

Roach, Private Wally 120–1

Robbins, Private Grant 198

Roberts, Field Marshall Lord 21

Roberts-Smith, Corporal Benjamin 204, 204

Robertson, Private ‘Robbie’ 142–7, 154

Robinson, Sergeant Garry 196

rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) 190, 191, 196, 198

Romani 57–9

Rommel, General Erwin 111

Rosecrans, General 9

Royal Australian Regiment (RAR) 140

     1 RAR 154, 155, 158, 168, 169–70, 172, 173, 175, 180, 186, 194, 195

     2 RAR 143, 147, 152–3, 154, 179, 179, 180, 182, 187, 188, 190, 200

     3 RAR 140, 142–6, 148, 150, 152, 157, 177, 179, 185, 179, 185

     4 RAR 179–80, 187

     5 RAR 165, 198, 199

     5/7 RAR 179, 187

     6 RAR 164, 180, 182, 183, 184, 201

     7 RAR 156

     8 RAR 158, 159, 160, 161

     9 RAR 158

Rules of Engagement 172, 174

Ryan, Sergeant Gary 49

Ryrie, Brigadier Granville 47


Sailly, Sergeant 137

Sauer 115

Sauer & Sohn 116

Scarr, Private Bob 111

School of Infantry ix, xi, 164, 207, 223


     Gallipoli 37, 50

     intelligence gathering 91–2, 93, 95

     Sinai and Palestine 56–8, 62

     training ix, 61, 91

     Western Front 72–3, 86, 87, 89, 91–2

Seath, Private 170

SECDET 187–8, 191, 203

Second Afghan War (1878–80) 9

Second World War ix–x, 220

     Greece and Crete 108, 113–14, 138

     Pacific theatre 123–33, 138

     Western Desert campaign 108–13, 109, 117, 138

Sedgwick, General 9

Self Loading Rifle see L1A1 SLR

semi-automatic rifles 116, 211

     G41 116

     G43 116

Seven Years War – Prussia (1756–63) 1

Shah Wali Kot offensive 196, 197, 198

Shang, Private Caleb ‘Charlie’ 50, 74, 74

Sharps, Christian viii

Sharps rifle viii, 7

sharpshooters viii, 1

Sheehan, Trooper Tom 48

Shelley, Lieutenant 128

Shore, Captain 3

short magazine Lee-Enfield (SMLE) rifle see SMLE rifle

Shout, Lieutenant A.J. 52

Shrapnel Gully 33, 37

sights 25–8, 78–9, 133, 214–15

     aperturesee aperture sights

     Galilean 27, 28, 78

     Gibbs, 28, 70, 81

     Lattey 27, 28, 78

     Martin 27, 78

     Neill (Barnett or Ulster) 27, 78

     periscopesee periscope sight/rifle

     SMLE 25–7, 25, 26, 100

     telescopicsee telescopic sights

silencers 49, 51, 116, 159, 160, 211

Sinai 54, 56–61, 62

Sing, Private W.E. (Billy) 47–9, 47, 50, 61, 73, 74, 96, 166, 219, 220, 223

Singapore 108, 117, 123–4

Sionics suppressor 159

SLD 500 Sniper Detector 213

Small, William 36

Small Arms Factory (Lithgow) 15–18, 18, 99–100, 133, 141, 165

Small Arms School Randwick 106–7

Smith, Private Gary 164

SMLE rifle ix–x, 15–21, 20, 24, 69, 81, 98–101, 109, 113, 121, 155

     ‘H’ models 100–1, 104, 104

     Mk. I (No. 1 Mk. I) 16–18, 16, 19, 25, 26, 59

     Mk. II 16

     Mk. III (No. 1 Mk. III) 16–19, 26, 48, 59, 78–9, 80, 80, 81, 81, 100, 101, 119

     Mk. III* 16–17, 26, 61, 78–9, 81, 100, 102, 131, 133, 141, 210

     Mk. III* (H) 104, 106

     Mk. III* HT (Aust) xi, 101, 133, 138, 139, 141–3, 141, 142, 146, 147, 163–5, 168, 168, 175, 177

smokeless powder 9

snap shooting 43, 51, 73, 107, 108, 126, 133, 143

Snider-Enfield rifle 6

Snider mechanism 6

sniper web 137

snipers 216

     doctrine 162

     marksmen, compared 208

     origins vii, 1

     psychological impact 87

Somalia (1992–93) 162, 168, 169–75, 177, 180, 186, 203, 220, 222

Soult, Marshal 3

Sparrow Force 117

Special Air Service (SAS) 179

     Regiment (SASR) 196–7, 222

Special Forces 106, 179, 186, 187, 191, 196–8, 200, 202, 204, 208

Special Operations Task Group (SOTG) 194, 196–7, 198

Spion Kop (Spioenkop) 13

Springfield M1903 rifle 130

SR-25 rifle 198, 199, 200, 203, 203, 211

SR-98 sniper rifle 168, 177, 177, 178, 178, 180, 184, 185, 188, 200, 203, 210

stalking vii, ix, xi, 163–4, 216

Stark, Corporal 142

Steyr 115

     AUG 165

     F88 Austeyr rifle 165, 170, 171, 173, 179, 180, 184, 185, 208

Steyr-Mannlicher Model SSG 69 165, 166

Stillman, Lance Corporal Clarence 31

Stopford, General 41

sub machine guns

     Owen Machine Carbine 118, 119, 121, 155

     PPSh 41 ‘Burb gun’ 145, 145

     Schmeisser MP38 130

     Thomson (Tommy gun) 118, 119, 124

Super Resolution Vision Systems 215

Symien suit 86, 133


Taliban 195–7

Tallil 187

tanks 111, 129, 133

Taofang, Zhang 148, 150, 219

targets (training) 21–2, 22

     1st and 2nd Class 17

Taylor, Private Graham 157

Taylor, Sergeant x

technology 1, 9–10, 218, 223

     electronic aids 212–14

     Industrial Revolution and 3, 4

     rifle evolution 209–12

     wireless 213

telescopessee also sights

     Automatic Ranging (ART) 158, 159, 160

     infrared 148, 157

     M81 130

     M82 130

     M84 130

     Nikon Fieldscope ED II 40

     Scout Regiment 40, 40, 146, 147, 163, 164

     Signaller 40–40, 88, 105, 214

     Swift 40

     Trench 88

telescopic sight 5, 8–9, 13, 20, 51, 61, 81–2, 126 see also sights

     Ajack 115

     Aldis Bros. 49, 80, 81–2, 98, 141

     AN/PVS-2 Starlight Scope 159

     Goerz 67, 81

     Hensoldt 67, 116

     Hensoldt-Wetzler 20, 82, 166

     Kahles Helia Super 39 166

     Kahles Wien Helia Super ZF69 166, 168, 170–1

     Leupold 192

     Leupold Vari-X 203

     Luxor 67

     No. 32 131, 131

     Pattern 1918 (P18) 20, 81, 98, 99, 99, 101, 121, 124, 130, 130, 133, 138, 139, 141, 143, 146

     PU (3.5x) 149, 157

     PV (4x) 149

     Redfield/Leatherwood 159

     Schmidt and Bender 177, 178, 180, 192, 199, 201, 203

     Trilux optical 165

     Voightlander 81

     Watts and Son 81

     Zeiss 67, 81, 116

     Zeiss Diavari – DA 166

     Zeiss Diavari – ZA 166

     Zeiss Zielsech 116

     Zeiss Zielvier 114

     Zielfernrohr 43 (ZF 43) 116

Templeton’s Crossing 136–7

terrorism 222

Thales Australia 18, 177, 178

thermal imagers 186

Thorogood, Sergeant Jim 142, 143

Thurlow, Sergeant Percy 49

Timms, E.V. 220

Timor 99, 107, 117, 119–21

     East see East Timor

Tobruk 102, 104, 108, 110–13, 117

Tongs, Sergeant Bede 126, 137, 212

TrackingPoint precision-guided firearm 211–12, 212

training ix–xi, 162–4, 167, 175, 192, 218, 223

     Afghanistan 192, 205

     British Army ix, 61, 71, 71

     East Timor 186

     First World War 20, 21–4, 75–7, 91

     German Army 67, 75, 115

     Korean War 139, 142–3, 152–3

     marksmanship 21–4, 29

     Middle East Weapons Training School 102

     military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) 175

     School of Scouting, Observation and Sniping (SOS) ix, 61, 72, 75–7, 96, 107, 108, 207, 209, 223

     scouts ix, 61, 91

     Second World War 101, 104–5, 106–8

     Small Arms School (British) 105

     Somalia (1992–93) 169–70

     Vietnam War 156, 158, 161


     Gallipoli 34, 36–9, 41–4, 46, 50–1, 53

     Korea 147, 150–1, 153

     Second World War 128

     Sinai and Palestine 60

     Western Front 64, 68–72, 75, 79–89, 84, 86, 91–5

Tupper, Kevin 143, 148, 150–4, 152, 221

Turkish snipers 75

     Gallipoli 31–6, 33, 35, 36

     Sinai and Palestine 58–9, 60, 62

Turton, Lieutenant 119


Unified Task Force (UNITAF) 169, 174

Union Army (America) 7, 9

     1st Regiment of Sharpshooters 7

United States Army 117, 163, 165–6, 169, 203

     Iraq 187–9, 194

     Korean War 148

     Vietnam War 158

Universal Military Training Scheme 14

Universal Night Sight – Long Range 203

Uruzgan province 193, 194, 196, 202


Vecchio, Warrant Officer Class 2 223

Vickers machine guns 93, 128, 163

Viet Cong 157, 158

Vietnam War (1962–75) xi, 18, 155–61, 165, 202


Walther rifles 66

Ward, Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth 128

Washington, George 2

weapons technology see technology

Weatley, Private Doug 120

Webley and Scott Mk. VI revolver 95

Western Desert 108–13, 109, 117, 138

Western Front 71, 218, 220

     counter-sniping 73, 85, 92

     scouts 72–3, 86, 87, 90, 91–2

     sniper positions 89–90, 93

     trenches 64, 68–72, 75, 79–89, 84, 86, 91–5

Weston, Lance Corporal Troy 184

White, Lieutenant 93

Whitworth, Joseph 8

Whitworth rifle 7, 8, 8, 9

Willey, Private Laurence 77

Winchester 79, 98, 99

     M1917 99

     scopes 81–2

Wright, Trooper Leslie 108


XM21 sniper rifle 158, 159, 159, 160, 161


Yowie suits 163, 164, 174, 217


Zaitsev, Vassili 219

Zhang, Captain W. 223