- Aalto, Alvar
- Age, The, RVIA Small Homes Service
- Albers, Josef
- Allen Jack + Cottier
- Allen, John
- Ancher, Sydney
- Ansett, Sir Reginald
- apartments
- Architectural Beauty in Japan
- architecture
- in 1950s
- diversity in 1960s-70s
- experimentation
- geometric
- organic
- overseas influences
- Palladian
- postwar era
- war years (1939-45)
- Japanese architecture
- Architecture Australia
- Art & Australia
- Art of Architecture, The
- Associated Chamber of Manufacturers Conference Centre
- Audette, Bob
- Audette House, Castlecrag
- model
- repetition/rhythm
- Australian Architecture 1901-51 (Johnson)
- Australian Home Beautiful
- Australian Identity, An (Taylor)
- Australian Journal of Architecture and Arts
- Australian Style (Hayes/Hersey)
- Australian Ugliness, The (Boyd)
- Australian War Memorial Repository
- Australian Women’s Weekly, The
- Australia’s Home (Boyd)
- Baldwinson, Arthur
- Barnes, Edward Larrabee
- bathrooms
- battleaxe blocks
- Bauhaus movement
- Bay Area Modern
- beach shacks
- Beaufort House
- Becchi, Alessandro
- Bell, Guilford
- Bennett, Alan
- Best, Marion Hall
- Bilu, Asher
- Black, Richard
- Blake, Peter
- Board of Architects
- Borland, Kevin
- Boss, Adrian
- Boyd, Arthur
- Boyd, Patricia
- Boyd, Penleigh Jr
- Boyd, Penleigh Sr
- Boyd, Robin
- Walsh Street House
- Brack, John
- Breuer, Marcel
- Browell, Anthony
- Buchan, John
- Buhrich, Eva
- Buhrich House II, Sugarloaf Point
- red bathroom
- wave ceiling
- Buhrich, Hugh
- Buhrich, Neil
- bungalows
- Bunning, Walter
- Burke, David
- Burke, Joseph
- bushland settings
- Butterfly chairs (Hardoy)
- Butterfly House, Kew
- Calvino, Italo
- Canberra
- Lake Burley Griffin
- Canberra Houses (Metcalf)
- Carlingford Homes Fair (Lend Lease)
- celery top pine
- Chadwick House, Forestville
- Chambers, Bill
- Cherrybrook Estate
- Christie, Agatha
- Clerehan, Neil
- 3130 house
- Cohen, Dione
- Collins House, Mosman Bay
- Collins, Ian
- Collins, Rosanne
- concrete
- precast blocks
- Connor, Kevin
- Cottier, Keith
- Cox, Philip
- Crawford, Ilse
- Fairbairn House, Toorak
- Fairfax, James
- Fairfax Pavilion, Bowral
- Fallingwater (Wright)
- Farley, Mervyn
- Farnsworth House
- Farrelly, Elizabeth
- Featherston, Grant
- Featherston House
- Featherston, Mary
- fibreglass
- Finhaven Court
- Fisher, Graham
- flat roofs
- flats
- floor plans
- Fontana, Lucio
- Foskett, Harry
- Fox, E Phillips
- Freymuth, Emil
- Fuller, Buckminster
- Fulton, Don
- Fulton, Simon
- Gill, Brendan
- Glass House, Castlecrag
- Goad, Professor Philip
- Gordon, Douglas
- Gordon Curve
- Griffin, Walter Burley
- Grimwade House, Rye
- Victorian Architecture Medal
- Gropius, Walter
- Grounds House
- restored
- RVIA Architecture Award
- Grounds, Lady Betty
- Grounds and Mewton
- Grounds Romberg & Boyd
- Grounds, Sir Roy
- apartments
- Gruzman, Laurence
- Gruzman, Neville
- Darling Point home
- Rosenburg/Hills House
- Hall, Peter
- Hardie’s Fibrolite
- Haskell, John
- Hassell and McConnell
- Hayes, Babette
- Hayes and Scott
- Hayman Island resort
- Heide II, Bulleen
- Henderson, George
- Henty House I, Frankston
- Henty House II
- Hersey, April
- Hessing, Leonard
- Hills, Kerrie
- Hills, Michael
- Hiscock, Dr Martin
- holiday houses
- Lobster Bay House
- Holland House, Middle Cove
- Home Plan Service Bureau
- House & Garden
- housing crisis
- Howard, Harry
- Hunter, Eric
- Kafka, Paul
- Kahn, Louis
- Katsura Imperial Villa, Kyoto
- Kenny, Barbara
- Kenny House, Kew
- Kenny, John
- Kessell, Dr & Mrs
- Kessell House, Perth
- concrete blocks
- kitchens
- Klippel, Robert
- Krantz, Harold
- Krantz and Sheldon
- Lake, Bret
- Langer, Dr Karl
- Laycock, Don
- Le Corbusier
- Lend Lease
- Leplastrier, Richard
- Leppington Boys’ Home
- Lewis, Brian
- Leyser House, Kew
- lifestyle marketing
- Living in Landscape (Trimble)
- Lloyd House, Brighton
- Lobster Bay House
- siting
- Lucas, Bill
- Lucas, Ruth
- Lymburner, Francis
- Lyncroft, Shoreham
- Lyndon, Turnbull and Whitaker
- Magistretti, Vico
- Maloney, Phillip
- Mangiarotti, Angelo
- Marr, Virginia
- Marshall, Greg
- Marshall House
- lighting
- Marshall, Penny
- Marx, Roberto Burle
- McConnell, Jack
- McGlashan, David, Grimwade House
- McGlashan and Everist
- McIntyre, Peter
- Butterfly House
- McKay, Ian
- Lobster Bay House
- Meadmore, Clement
- Meier, Richard
- Melbourne
- Olympic Swimming Stadium
- Melbourne City Council
- Metcalf, Andrew
- Mewton, Geoffrey
- Millard, Alice
- modernism
- Mollino, Carlo
- Molnar, George
- Molyneaux, Ian
- Moore, Charles
- Moore, David
- Moore, John D
- Moore, Lisa
- Moore, Michael
- Moore, Tony
- Muller, Peter
- Audette House
- Whale Beach house
- Murphy, John
- Murphy, Phyllis
- Mussen, Norman
- Myer Emporium, Melbourne
- Myers, Peter
- Ramsay House, Mount Eliza
- Reed, John & Sunday
- Rees, Lloyd
- Reichl, Fritz
- Rembert, Harry
- Rice House (Borland)
- Richards, Duncan
- Richardson House, Toorak
- Rickard, Bruce
- Marshall House
- Wahroonga home
- Riley-Newsum houses
- Roach, WR
- Romberg, Frederick
- Rose Seidler House, Wahroonga
- colour scheme
- furniture
- kitchen
- mural
- Sulman Medal
- Rosenburg, Sam
- Rosenburg/Hills House, Turramurra
- privacy
- Royal Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA)
- Gold Medal
- Royal Victorian Institute of Architects (RVIA)
- Small Homes Service
- Ryoan-ji sand garden, Kyoto
- Saarinen, Eero
- Womb chair
- Salz House, Mosman
- sandstock bricks
- scale, of homes
- Schenberg, Esther & David
- Schuchard House, Seaforth
- Sea Ranch development
- Seccull House, Brighton
- Sectionist house
- Seidler, Harry
- at Harvard
- Rose Seidler House
- Sharp, Edna
- siting
- Snelleman, Hans & Pam
- Snodgrass, Adrian
- snotted brickwork
- steel-framed houses
- Stirling, James
- Stooke House
- Stramit
- Sub-tropical Housing (Langer)
- Sulman Medal
- sun charts
- Sydney
- Sydney Opera House
- Sydney School
- Symonds, Stan