

abandon-ship bag, 349–51

abandon ship procedures, 357–59

ABCDE, 428–29

abdominal illness, 443–44

abdominal injury, 431, 444

acacia, 105

acclimatization, 449

achenes, 83

aches, 125

acorns, 84, 107–8, 122–23

acute mountain sickness, 449–50

A-frame, 244–45, 251

agave, 105

aggregate fruits, 84

airway obstruction, 428

Alabama black cherry, 92

Alaskan brown bear, 35

Albright knot, 473

allergic reactions, 442

alligators, 453

Altair, 390

alternating track pattern, 8

altimeter, 286, 411

altitude, 271, 449–51

amanita, 149

amaranth, 105, 126

ambush hunting, 205

amphibians, 168–69

anabatic wind, 382

analog method, 379

anaphylactic shock, 74, 442

anchor, 362, 256

Andromeda, 390–91


avoiding, 41–44

birds, 47–57, 207, 211

bites, 447–48, 453

calling, 205–7

communication, 206–7

dangerous, 65, 69–74

desert, 262

fish, 70–73

as food, 167–72, 454

frogs, 57–61

glue, 473

insects, 73–74

mammals, 11–47

snakes, 65–69

soap, 474

tracking, 7–11, 203–6

trapping, 191–98

turtles, 61–65

water and, 176, 184

wounded, 212–13

See also hunting; tracking; specific animals

ankle, sprained, 437–38

antelope, pronghorn, 32–33

anthrax, 465

antifungal wash, 125

antihemmorhagics, 125

antiseptics, 125

ants, 447

anxiety, 457

Apache foot snare, 194

appendicitis, 444

apple tree, 87, 93

aquatic mammals, 21–23

Aquila, 390

arachnids, 73


edible animals in, 170–71

edible plants in, 125

foxes, 27

shelter in, 250–54

travel in, 283–306

water in, 184–87

See also cold weather

Arcturus, 391

armadillos, 40

arrow, handmade, 201–2

arrowhead, 126

arrowroot, 105

arrow-wood, 92, 97

ash trees, 91–92, 96–98

asparagus, 105

aspen, 87, 95–96, 98, 127

asthma, 443

A-tent, 244

athletic injury, 437–38

atlatl, 202–3


bear, 36–37

shark, 70

Auriga, 394

Australian poncho raft, 312–13

avalanches, 271, 306–11

avalanche transceiver, 285, 308

AvaLung, 285

ax, 240, 285, 290–92


backpack, 315, 471. See also pack

bacteria, 178

badgers, 20

bait, 192, 227–28

Baked Potato Chips, 166

baking, 154, 157, 173

balsam fir, 93

bamboo, 105

bamboo fire saw, 237

Banana Chips, 163

banana tree, 105, 177–78

baobab tree, 188

bark, 85–86, 97–98, 106, 473

barnacles, 172

barometric pressure, 377–78

barracuda, 70–71, 169, 172, 453

Basic Biscuits, 160

basswood, 88, 96

bats, 44–47

battery, 239

bay trees, 88–89, 92

bayberry, 87, 92

beach shade shelter, 249

Bean and Pasta Soup, 163

Bearpaw snowshoes, 298

bears, 34–41

Beaufort wind scale, 377

beavers, 21–23, 41

Beavertail snowshoes, 298

beech, 88, 96, 98

beechnut, 105

Beef Jerky, 163

bees, 73–74, 447

berries, 84, 106

Betelgeuse, 390, 393

big brown bats, 45–46

Big Dipper, 388, 390–92, 395

bighorn sheep, 33–34

bilge pump, 351

binoculars, 412

birch, 87, 93, 97, 98, 108, 126–28

birch bark torch, 242


birding, 47–52

calling, 207

as food, 169, 171

hunting, 211

identification of, 51–52

nests, 53

predicting weather, 380, 384

preparing, 215

tracks, 55–57

trapping, 194, 197

water and, 176, 184

in winter, 53–54

bivouac bag, 255

black ash, 98

black bear, American, 34–35, 37–39, 42

blackberries, 105, 128

black gum tree, 87, 90, 95

blackhaw, 92, 97

black locust, 90, 93, 98

black walnut, 97

black widow, 73, 447–48

black willow, 97

blanket, 256, 422

Blast Match, 233

bleeding, 125, 426, 428

blindness, 441, 451, 453

blisters, 441–42

blood, 175, 212–13

blood knot, 472

blood sausage, 174

blowfish, 169

blueberries, 105

blue grouse, 55

blue-ringed octopus, 71

bobcats, 24

body signals, 423–24

boiling, 173, 178, 180, 466

boils, 440, 453

bola, 202–3

bone collecting, 462–67

boning fish, 215

bone tools, 467, 469

Böotes, 391

bottle purifier, 179

bottle trap, 195

botulism, 464

bouldering, 277–83

bow and drill, 234, 239

bow, handmade, 198–201

bow trap, 195

bowl, improvised, 174

bowline knot, 472

box trap, 194

box turtle, eastern, 63–64

boxing the needle, 407

brace strokes, 333–34

bracken fern, 101–2

brain injury, 431–33

breadfruit, 105

breakfast, 153, 163, 165–66

broiling, 173

brown recluse spider, 73, 447–48

brush raft, 312

bubonic plague, 465

buckeye, 92, 97

buckwheat tree, 89, 90, 92

buds, 85

buffalo, 34

bulk rationing, 151–53, 158

bullfrog, 58–59

bullheads, 230

bully tree, 90, 93

bulrush, 129

buoyant apparatus, 348

buoys, 355

burdock, 105, 108–9, 130

burning glass, 234, 239

burns, 441

bushmaster, 68

butane, 316

butchering game, 213–15

buttercup, 79

butternut, 109


cactus, 105, 177, 441

California thrasher, 49

California towhee, 49–50

CamelBak, 186

camellia, 88, 90, 95

campfires, 241–42

camphor tree, 89, 92

candle, 235

canines, 25–28

Canis Major, 392–93

Canis Minor, 392–94

canoeing, 329–34, 339–42, 345–46

canyons, 265

capsules, 84

carbohydrates, 157, 167

carbon dioxide poisoning, 252

carbon monoxide poisoning, 442

cardinal, 53

caribou, 32–33

Carolina false buckthorn, 88, 94–95

Carolina ground cricket, 74

carpopedal spasms, 442–43

cars, 266

cashew nut, 105

Cassiopeia, 390, 392–93, 395

castor bean, 145

catalpa, 91, 96

catawba rosebay, 92

catfish, 230

catholes, 461

cats, 23–26

cattail, 105, 109–10, 127, 129, 123, 125, 314, 469

cattail torch, 242

cave, 246, 251

cedar, 86, 93–94, 125

cellular phones, 421

centipedes, 73, 447

century plant, 122

Cepheus, 393–94

cervical collar, 433

Chappaties, 160

cheese, 154

Cheesy Biscuits, 160

chemical water treatment, 178–80

cherry tree, 87, 92, 94

chest injuries, 426–27, 431, 435–36

chest pain, 443

chestnut tree, 88, 105

chicken of the woods, 146

chickweed, 129

chicory, 105, 129–30

chinaberry, 91, 95, 145

Chinese parasol tree, 87, 94

Chinese tallow tree, 90, 95

chipmunks, 11

chlorine, 178–79

chokecherry, 110

choking, 441

cholera, 189

chop fishing, 218

Christmas fern, 101–2

chronic mountain sickness, 450

chufa, 105, 110–11

cigutera, 169, 172

cinnamon fern, 101

circumpolar stars, 391

cleaning fish, 229–30

climatology method, 379

climbing, 273–77

clinch knot, 472

clinometer, 285, 399

cloth filter, 178


cold-weather, 286–88

desert, 266–68

at sea, 346–48

clouds, 365–69, 378, 382, 384

clover, 111, 139–40

club, weighted, 202–3

coati, 16

cobra, 67, 446

coconut, 105, 178, 188

codes, 423


cold diuresis, 452

colds, 125

cold weather

ailments, 451–53

clothing, 286–88

gear, 285–86, 290–92

shelter, 250–54, 257–59

travel in, 289–306

colubridae, 67

Columbia blacktail deer, 29, 31

columbine, 79

common polypody, 101–2

common sweetleaf, 92, 95

compass, 396–401, 407, 410–12

compass rose, 414

concealment, 208

condensation, 177

cone shells, 72, 453

constellations, 388, 390–95

constipation, 125, 441, 452–53

contact dermatitis, 144

contagious diseases, 464–65

containers, improvised, 473


equipment, 156

fires, 156–57

fish, 174

meat, 173

See also recipes

Cooper’s hawk, 50–51

copperheads, 66–68

coral, 72, 453

coral fungus, 150

coral snake, 67–68, 446

cordage, 469–71

corkwood, 90, 96

Corona Borealis, 391

cottonmouths, 66, 68

cottontail rabbits, 17–18, 208–9

counter-current heat exchange, 54

cowhage, 145

cowslip, 111

coyotes, 27, 41

crab, 172

crabapple, 87

crampons, 290–92

cramps, 125, 449

cranes, sandhill, 57

crape myrtle, 90, 95

crayfish, 171, 227

creeper, 47–48

crevasses, 289, 295–97

crickets, 74, 380

cross-country skis, 299–304

cross-through move, 278–79

crotalids, 66

Crowns à La Sierra, 160

crows, 57

cruiser compass, 397–98

crustaceans, edible, 168, 171–72

Cryptosporidium, 179

C-stroke, 332

C-to-C Roll, 328

cumuliform clouds, 365–66

curly grass fern, 101

cypress, 86, 94


Dall sheep, 33–34

damping, 399

dandelion, 105, 111–12

darts, 202

date palm, 105, 122

Davenport, Greg, 460

day markers, 355

daylily, 105

death angel, 150

declination, 399, 407

decoction, 125

deer, 28–31

dehydrating food, 152, 161–65

dehydration, 451, 453–54

deliberate offset, 410, 414

depression, 457

derecho, 374

desalting tablets, 180

desert, 261–63

clothing, 266–68

edible plants in, 122–23

hazards, 263–64, 266

shelter in, 249, 254

travel in, 264–66

water in, 181–83, 187

desert amaranth, 105, 122

desserts, 155

destroying angel, 149

devil’s walking stick, 90, 93

devilwood, 91–92

dew, 177, 181

diabetes, 445

diarrhea, 125, 441

digloo, 253

dislocations, 427, 436

distemper, 465

dogs, 26–28

dogwood, 89, 90–91, 94, 97

domestic animals, 25

Donna Orr’s Gado-Gado Spaghetti, 159

double sheet bend, 471

downbursts, 373

dowsing, 176

Draco, 392–93

drag noose, 194

drinks, powdered fruit, 154

driving, 205

drownproofing, 356, 359

drupes, 84

dry suits, 346–47

ducks, 57

dulse, 106

duo-process clouds, 367

dwarf arctic birch, 125

dye, plant, 125

dynamic moves, 278

dysentery, 189


eastern cottonwood, 87

eastern diamondback rattlesnake, 68

eastern hop-hornbeam, 96

eastern redbud, 89, 94–95

eastern spadefoot toad, 58–59

eastern wood frog, 58–59

eddies, 337–39

edible plants

arctic, 125

berry rule, 106

desert, 122–23

ferns, 103

fungi, 150

identification of, 104

mushrooms, 146–50

parts, 107

preparation of, 106–7

selection of, 107–24

Universal Edibility Test, 106

in various zones, 105–6

eggs, 155

Eggs McGulch, 158

elapidae, 66–67

Elbroch, Mark, 39

elderberry, 130–31

electric eel, 72

elk, 31–32, 204

elm, 89, 96–97

emberizids, 49–50

epilepsy, 445–46

EpiPen, 442


cooking, 156

fishing, 216–18

hunting, 198–203

sea, 348–51

snow, 285–88, 290–91, 297–99

Eskimo rescue, 325

Eskimo roll, 326–27

eve’s necklace pod, 91, 94

evening bat, 45–46

exposure, 385

eyelash pit viper, 68


fat, 157, 167, 242, 474

fear, 457

felines, 23–26

fer-de-lance, 68

ferns, 99–104

ferrying, 338–39

fevers, 125

fevertree, 91, 96

fiddleback spider, 73

fiddleheads, 102–3

field bearing, 410

field dressing, 212–15

field guides, 48–49, 51, 78

figure H trigger, 196

figure-four mangle snare, 193

filleting, 229

filtering water, 176, 178, 190


basic principles, 231, 237

bed, 237

building, 231, 235, 238

campfire, 241–42

cooking, 156–57

fuel, 231–32

maintaining, 235

in a shelter, 252, 260

as a signal, 421

site selection, 237

starting, 232–37, 239

wood, 235, 238, 240

fireboard, 234, 236, 239

firepan, 241–42

fire-plow, 239

fire reflector, 235

firestorm, 374

fire thong, 237

first aid

abdominal illness, 441, 443–44

abdominal injury, 431, 444

allergic reactions, 442

altitude sickness, 449–51

athletic injuries, 437–38

bites and stings, 446–47, 453–54

burns, 441, 449

carbon monoxide poisoning, 442

cardiac emergencies, 443

chest injuries, 426–27, 431, 435–36

choking, 441

cold-related ailments, 451–53

cramps, 449

diabetes, 445

dislocations 427, 436–37

fractures, 427, 436

head injuries, 431–33

immediate steps, 425–26

medical kit, 458–59

patient assessment, 427–31, 435, 444

psychological problems, 455–57

respiratory distress, 436, 442–43

sea-related ailments, 453

seizures, 445–46

shock, 426–27

skin ailments, 440–42, 448–49, 454

spine injury, 431, 433–35

staying healthy, 453–54

stress, 455–57

sun blindness, 441

unresponsive state, 446

wounds, 426–40

fish, 70–73

cleaning, 229–30

as food, 168–70, 172, 174

glue, 474

poison, 125

scaler, homemade, 230

fisherman’s bend, 472

fishers, 20

fishhooks, 216, 218, 442


bait, 227–28

barehanded, 218

best places, 222–27

best times, 218–21

cleaning, 229–30

ice fishing, 227

improvised devices, 216–18

knots, 472–73

landing the fish, 229

life raft, 228–29

poisoning, 217

ponds, lakes, and reservoirs, 225–26

streams and rivers, 226–27

structure, 222–25

fixed dial compass, 397

flail chest, 427, 435

flares, 420

flash floods, 266, 373

fletching, 201–2

flint, 233, 239

flint knapping, 467

floating, 360

floating dial compass, 397

Florida anise tree, 89, 92

Florida nutmeg, 92–93

flotation devices, 313–14

flowering dogwood, 97

flowers, 75–80, 82–84, 107

flukes, 190

fly agaric, 150

fly line loop, 472–73

flycatchers, 51

flying foxes, 44

fog, 368–69

follicles, 84


animals, 167–72, 454

cooking, 156–57, 173–74

dehydrating, 161–65

equipment, 156

nutrition, 157–58, 167

outdoor kitchen cleanup, 166

packaging, 155–56, 162

plants, 103–24, 146–50, 172

rationing, 151–53, 158

recipes, 158–60, 163–66

shopping list, 153–55

storage, 167

utensils, 174

winter, 158, 171

Foolproof Five edible mushrooms, 146, 148–50

forked stick trigger, 196

four-print track pattern, 9

foxes, 26–27

fractures, 427, 435–36

Franklin tree, 89, 94

fringe tree, 92, 96–97

frogs, 57–61, 176, 227

fronts, 376–77, 383–84

frostbite, 451–52

fruit, 83–84, 107

fruit leather, 163

Fry Bread, 160

frying, 173

fuel, 156, 231–32, 316

fungal infections, 440

fungi, 145–50

funnelweb spiders, 73


gaffing, 229

gaiters, 288

garbage, 461–62

garlic, 125

gas, 125

Gaston, 279

geese, 57, 211

Gemini, 394

Georgia plume, 90, 95

Giardia, 179

Gila monster, 69, 447

gill net, 216

glaciers, 289, 293–97

glissading, 292

glue, 473–74

goats, mountain, 33

gophers, 15

GPS, 414–16

Granola Bars, 165

grasshoppers, 74

gray birch, 97

gray foxes, 27

gray tree frog, 58–59

Great Bear, 390, 392–93

green frog, 58–59

green seaweed, 106

grizzly bear, 35–39, 41

ground squirrels, 15

ground-to-air signals, 417, 421–24

groundwater, 176, 182

grouse, 55

guilt, 457

gulls, 57

gums, 107

gunpowder, 239

gust fronts, 373


hackberry, 88, 90, 95

hafting, 469

hail, 372

half hitch, 472

hammock, 248

hares, 17–18, 204, 208–9

Hartford climbing fern, 101

Hash Browns with Cheese, 158

Hash Browns with Eggs and Sausage, 163

hats, 267, 288, 347

hawksbill turtle, 169

hawthorn, 87, 93, 112–13

head injury, 431–33

headlamp, 316

heart disease, 443

heart rate, 429

heat exhaustion, 449

heat gain, 263

heat index, 385

heatstroke, 449

helicopter rescue, 422

hemlock, 93, 113

hemorrhoids, 125, 444

hemothorax, 435

hemotoxic envenomization, 446

Hercules’ club, 90, 93

hermit thrush, 49

heron, great blue, 57

Herrero, Stephen, 36–38

hibernation, 7

hickory, 91, 94, 96–98, 113

hide glue, 473–74

high-altitude illness, 449–51

hip snap, 320, 327

hoary bat, 45–46

hobo shelter, 245–46

holly, 88–89, 92, 94–95

Honey Nut Granola, 165

hop tree, 91, 94

hornbeam, 89, 96, 98

hornets, 73

horse chestnut, 92

horseshoe pack, 471

human waste, 461–62

humidity, 380, 383, 385


birds, 211

butchering and meat care, 213–15

calling, 205–7

concealment, 208

driving, 205

handmade tools, 198–203

Indian secrets, 205–12

scent, 207–8

shot placement, 211–12

small game, 208–11

stand, 205

tracking, 7–11, 203–6

wounded game, 212–13

hygiene, 454–55

hyperglycemia, 445

hyperventilation, 442–43

hypoglycemia, 445

hyponatremia, 449

hypothermia, 355, 451–52


ice, 177, 181, 184–86

climates, 283

fishing, 227

travel on, 290–97, 304

ice ax, 285, 290–92


birds, 51–52

ferns, 100–1

edible plants, 104

mushrooms, 147–48

trees, 97–99

igloo, 252

immersion foot, 451–53

immersion suit, 347


backpack, 471

compass, 396

containers, 473

cordage, 469–71

fishing devices, 216–18

glue, 473–74

hunting tools, 198–203

snowshoes, 299

soap, 474

Indian fig, 132

Indian Heaven Snacks, 165

Indian hunting secrets, 205–12

infection, 440

inflorescences, 76–77

infusion, 124

injury. See first aid

insects, 73–74

bites, 447

as fish bait, 227

as food, 167–68, 170

predicting weather, 380, 384

repellent, 125

water and, 176, 184

insulation, 125, 247, 252, 255

intestinal parasites, 125

invertebrates, 71–72

iodine, 178–79

Irish moss, 106

itching, 125


jack-in-the-pulpit, 113–14

jackrabbits, 17–18, 204, 208–9

jellyfish, 71, 453

Jerusalem artichoke, 114–15

J-stroke, 331

jumping viper, 68

jungle, 183, 268–70

juniper, 115


kangaroo rats, 14

Karen’s Oatmeal Breakfast Cake, 166

katabatic wind, 382

katydids, 74, 380

kayaking, 317–28, 337–41, 344–46

kelp, 106, 112

Kentucky coffee tree, 91, 94, 115

Kermode bear, 34

kerosene, 316

kestrel, American, 51

kick-stepping, 265, 289

kidney stones, 443–44

kindling, 232, 238

kissing bug, 447

kit foxes, 27

kit, survival, 458–59

kitchen, outdoor, 166

kite, 421

knives, 315–16

knots, 471–73

Kodiak bear, 35

komodo dragon, 70

kraits, 67, 446


lady fern, 101–2

lake fishing, 225

lake turnovers, 221

lamb’s quarter, 115

lamps, 242

landing fish, 229

larch, 86, 94

lashing, 470

latitude, 406

latrines, 461–62

laurel, 89, 92

lava beds, 265

laver, 106

Lazy Lasagna, 164

leaf baking, 173

lean-to, 244–45, 248

Leave No Trace

backcountry travel, 314–15

campsite selection, 259

fire, 156–57, 240–41

leaves, 77, 81–83, 104, 107

leeches, 190, 228, 448

legumes, 84

lemmings, 13

Leo, 390

Libra, 391

lichen, 125

lieback, 276, 279

life jackets, 345–46, 356–57

life raft, 228, 245, 348–49, 357–58, 361–64

light behavior chart symbols, 413–14

lighters, 233

lighthouses, 355

lightning, 370–72

linden, 125

line of position, 410–11, 413

lining, 334

lion, mountain, 26, 42

Lisagna Whiznut Variation, 159

Little Bear, 390, 392

little brown bats, 45–46

Little Dipper, 390, 392–93

lizards, 69–70, 447

loblolly bay, 88, 92

lobster, 171–72

locust, 90, 93, 98

log cabins, 259–60

log raft, 313

longitude, 406–7

lost, 417–423

lotus, 105

lung injury, 426–27, 431, 435–36

lye soap, 474

Lyme disease, 74

lynx, 24, 26

Lyra, 390


maceration, 466

maggot therapy, 440

magnetic bearing, 414

magnetic variation, 406

magnolia, 89, 92–93

magpies, 57

maidenhair tree, 86, 94

mambas, 67, 446


avoiding, 41–43

as food, 169–70

North American, 11–41

sounds of, 41

tracking, 204

water and, 176, 184

man overboard, 355–57

mango, 105

mangrove, 91–92

mantling, 276, 279

maple, 91–92, 97–98, 132–33

maps, 401–9

margin of safety, 274

marginal wood fern, 101–2

marine compass, 398, 413–14

marine weather terminology, 381

marmots, 15

marsh fern, 101

Mary Howley Ryan’s Fantastic Bulgur Pilaf, 159

matches, 233, 239

May apple, 115–16

Mayday, 357, 423

Meal-in-a-Mug, 159

meat, 155, 215, 454

medicinal plants

remedies, 125

selection of, 126–43

terms, 124–25

megabats, 44

menu planning, 162

mesquite, 90, 93

Mexican beaded lizard, 69–70, 447

Mexican freetail bats, 45–46

Mexican Grits and Cheese Casserole, 159

mice, 12–13

microbats, 44

microbursts, 373

migration, birds, 53–54

milk, 155

milkweed, 116, 125

millipedes, 73, 447

minerals, 167

minks, 19

minnows, 227–28

mint, 133

mirages, 264, 266

mojaban, 106

Mojave rattlesnake, 68–69

molded dome shelter, 252

mollusks, 168, 171

moon, 351, 395

moose, 31–32, 43, 204

moray eel, 70–71, 453

morels, 146, 148, 150

mosquitos, 447–48

mountain goats, 33

mountain laurel, 89, 92

mountain lion, 26, 42

mountain sorrel, 116–17

mountaineering poles, 285


travel in, 270–73

water in, 183–84

weather, 382–84

mourning dove, 49

mud baking, 173

mulberry, 87, 91, 95–97

mule deer, 28–31

mullein, 133–34

Multigrain Sunflower Rolls, 166

mushrooms, 104, 145–50

muskrat, 23

musk turtle, 65

mussels, 170

mustard, 117


nautical charts, 405–6, 413–14


compass, 396–401

determining position, 409–14

getting lost, 417–23

GPS, 414–16

maps, 401–9

nautical charts, 405–6, 413–14

preparation, 387–88

signaling, 419–24

stars, 388–96

without a map and compass, 394–96

nesting pots, 156

nests, bird, 53

nettle, 105, 117–18, 125, 138

neurotoxic envenomization, 446

nighthawk, 46

night vision, 461

No-Bake Eskimo Cookies, 160

No-Bake Powerhouse Cookies, 160

NOLS, 151–58, 437

NOLS Picante Sauce, 160

nonfreezing cold injury, 452–53

noosing wand, 194–95

North Star, 388, 390–92, 395, 408–9

northern leopard frog, 58–59

northern mole cricket, 74

numerical weather prediction, 379

nuthatch, 47–48

nutlets, 84

nutmeg, 86, 92–93

nutria, 23

nutrition, 157–58

nuts, 83, 107


oak, 87–88, 90, 92, 94, 96–97, 98, 105, 107–8, 134–35

Ohio buckeye, 91

Ojibwa bird pole, 194

one-pot dehydrated meals, 161–65

onion, 105, 125, 140–41

opossums, 16–17, 170


orienteering compass, 398

orienting a map, 407–9

Orion, 388, 390, 392–95

osage orange, 86, 90, 93

ostrich fern, 101, 103

otters, 23, 41

Our Famous Fried Macs, 158

overhand fixed loop, 472

owl eye, 461

oyster mushroom, 146–47


Pacific tree frog, 58


how to carry, 265

improvised, 471

skiing with, 303

packaging food, 155, 162

packed water, 180–81

painted turtle, 63

Paiute deadfall mangle snare, 193

pallid bat, 46

palmetto, 92

palm trees, 105, 183, 188

Palomar knot, 472

panel signals, 423–24

panfish, 229

pangi, 145

papain, 127

papaw, 118

papaya, 105, 127

parachute tepee, 247–48

paraffin stove, 242

pasta, 164

pasture brake, 103

Pawlata roll, 328

pawpaw, 89, 94

peach tree, 87

pecking, 468–69

peel-outs, 338

Pegasus, 390–91

pemmican, 174

percussion flaking, 467–68

perfection loop, 472

peritonitis, 444

Perseus, 391

persimmon, 90, 95, 105

persistence methods, 379

PFDs, 345–46

pheasants, 55–56

photography, tracking, 9–11

physic nut, 145

pigeon, 55

pig spear shaft, 195

pike, 229

pine, 86, 93, 125, 135

pine marten, 19–20

pine sawyer, 74

pin oak, 97

piñon, 118–19

piranha, 70–72

pitch glue, 474

pitfall trap, 191

pit viper, 66–67

planer tree, 88, 96

plankton, 172

plantain, 105, 119–20, 127


edible, 103–24, 146–50, 172

ferns, 99–104

as food, 454

flowers, 75–80

fungi, 145–50

medicinal, 102, 124–43

miscellaneous uses, 125

poisonous, 104, 143–45

scientific names, 80–81

soap, 474

trees, 81–98

as a water source, 177–78, 182–84, 186, 188–89

platypus, 72, 170

Pleiades, 390, 392–93

plum tree, 87, 93–94

plunge-stepping, 265, 289

pneumonia, 443

pneumothorax, 435–36

pocket chain saw, 240

poison ivy, 144, 448

poison oak, 144, 448

poison sumac, 91, 95, 144, 448

poisoning fish, 218


animals, 169

fish, 168–69, 172

mushrooms, 147–48, 149

plants, 104, 143–45

pokeweed, 105, 120, 135–36

polar bears, 40–41, 169–70

polar easterlies, 376, 382

pomes, 84

poncho, 256

poncho donut raft, 313

pond fishing, 225

poplar, 87–88, 95–96, 98, 120–21

porcupines, 17, 41, 210, 448

portaging, 334

Potato Soup Parmesan, 165

pots, improvised, 174

poultice, 124

prairie dogs, 14–15

precipitation, 177, 181–82

preserving food, 161–65, 174, 215

pressure flaking, 468

pressure systems, 376

prevailing westerlies, 376, 382

prickly pear cactus, 105, 121–22, 132

princess tree, 91, 96

probe, 285

Procyon, 390

pronghorn antelope, 32–33

propane, 316

protein, 157–58, 167

proteroglypha, 66

protozoans, 178

Prusik knot, 295, 297

psychology of survival, 455–60

ptarmigan, 55

puffballs, 146, 149

pulmonary embolism, 443

puma, 26, 42

Puma Bars, 166

pump drill, 236

pump purifiers, 179

purifying water, 178–80, 189–90

purslane, 105, 121, 136–37

pusley, 136–37


quail, 55, 211

Quick Beef Stew, 163

Quick Clam Chowder, 163

quinzhee, 253–54


rabbitfish, 71

rabbits, 17–18, 204, 208–9

rabbit stick, 203

rabies, 465

raccoons, 16, 41

rafts, 312–13

rain, 177, 181–82

rain forest, 268–69

rapids, 311–12, 337, 340, 343

rashes, 440, 448

raspberry, 128

rationing, 151–53, 158, 181, 186

rats, 13–14

rattlesnakes, 66–69, 446

ravens, 57


Backpack Gourmet, 165–66

NOLS, 158–60

one-pot dehydrated meals, 163–65

red bat, 45–46

red fox, 26–27

red maple, 98

red-tailed hawk, 50–51

red tide, 171

Regulus, 390

rehydrating food, 162

ReliefBand, 351

reptiles, 169


avalanche, 309–10

lost person, 418–19, 422

river, 342–45

at sea, 364

resection, 411

reservoir fishing, 225

resins, edible, 107

respiration, 430

respiratory distress, 436–43

responsiveness, 429

reverse osmosis water maker, 181

rhododendron, 380

ribs, fractured, 427, 435

RICES, 427, 437

rime, 283

ringtails, 16

rivers, 311–12, 335–45

rocks, as weapons, 202

Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 74

rodents, 11–16, 204

rodent skewer, 203

roof, 247

roots, 105, 107, 183

rope, 469–71

rose, 105, 121, 123

rough-legged hawk, 53

rucksack, 471

ruffed grouse, 55

Russian olive, 89, 93

Rutschblock test, 307


Sagittarius, 391

salicylic acid, 127

salt water, 175

saltwater sores, 453

samaras, 83


sandhill cranes, 57

sandpipers, 57

sandstorms, 264, 266

sanitation, 461

sapling hafting, 469

sassafras, 87, 89, 105, 123, 125, 137

satellite EPIRBs, 423

Saucy Tuna, 164

savannah, 269

saws, 240

scarlet pimpernel, 379

scat, bear, 38

scavenger birds, 57

scent, concealing, 191–92, 207–8

scientific names, plants, 80–81

SCOLD, 316

scoop nets, 219, 229

Scorpio, 391

scorpion fish, 71

scorpions, 73, 447–48

Scrambled Brownies or Gingerbread, 160


abandon ship, 357–59

ailments, 453

anchor, 362

animals, edible, 171–72

bass, 70–71

clothing at, 346–48

cucumbers, 172

drinking water, 180–81

gear, 348–51

ice, 177, 181, 184–85

kayaks, 318–20

land, 363–63

life raft, 348–49, 357–58, 361–63

lost at, 419, 422–23

man overboard, 355–57

markers, 423

rescue, 364

safety markers, 355

safety regulations, 352–53

signals, 422–23

snakes, 67, 72

survival, 359–61

tides, 351, 353–55

urchins, 172

seasickness, 453

seaweed, 105–6, 380

second generation, 279

sedatives, 125

seeds, 99, 107

seepage basin, 176, 178

seizures, 445–46

self-arrest technique, 293

self-rescue, 344–45

sensitive fern, 101

serviceberry, 89, 96

shadows, for navigation, 394–95

shagbark hickory, 97–98

shaggy mane mushroom, 146, 148

sharks, 70, 453

sharptail grouse, 55

sheep sorrel, 105

sheep, wild, 33–34

shells, 72, 453


bivouac bags, 255

campsites, 255, 257

cold-weather, 250–54, 257–59

construction, 247–49

desert, 249, 254

log cabin, 259–260

natural, 243–47, 249

site selection, 243, 254–55, 257, 259

sleeping bag, 256

sod, 260

tarps, 244–45, 252, 256, 258

tents, 255

shepherd’s purse, 123

shock, 426–27

shooting, 211–12

shopping list, 153–55

shore birds, 57

Shrimp Jambalaya, 164

shrubs, 81

Sierra Spaghetti, 164

siganus fish, 71

signal mirror, 420–21

signals, 345, 417, 419–24

silhouettes, 50–51, 97

silhouette vision, 461

silk tree, 91, 95

silverbells, 88, 94

silver-haired bat, 46

simple loop snare, 192

sinew glue, 473

Sirius, 390

skin, 430, 440–41


fish, 230

game, 214–15

skis, 299–304

skunks, 20–21, 43–44

sled, 300, 303

sleeping bag, 256

sleeping pad, 257

sling, 203

slingshot, 203

slippery elm, 124, 137–38

smoke, 384, 420–21

smoke tree, 89–90, 94

smoking meat, 173

snakebite, 446


as food, 170, 215

poisonous, 65–69, 446

snapping turtle, 64, 197–98

snaring, 191–98

snipe, 57


blindness, 451

building a fire in, 235

characteristics of, 283–85

climates, 283

as shelter, 250–54

tracks in, 7–11

walking in, 272, 290

as a water source, 177, 184–85

snowshoe hare, 18

snowshoes, 297–99

snowy owl, 53

snowy tree cricket, 74

soap, 166, 474

sod shelters, 260

solar stills, 177, 180, 182, 188–90

solenoglypha, 66

songbird anatomy, 51

sore throat, 125

SOS, 423

S.O.S. Strike Force, 233

sotol, 122

soup, 154, 163, 165

sourwood, 88, 94–95

Southern Cross, 395–96, 409

space blanket, 422

spadefoot toads, 58–60

Spark-Lite, 233

sparrows, 51

spearfishing, 217

spear, handmade, 198

SPF, 266, 288, 386

Spiced Mixed Nuts, 165

spices, 155

spiders, 73, 447

spine injury, 431, 433–35

splice, 472

splint, 436

sponge mushrooms, 146, 148

spotted turtle, 63

spotting, 273, 282–83

sprains, 427, 437–38

spring, 183, 182

spring peeper, 58–59

spring release trigger, 196–97

Spring Strawberry Leather, 163

spruce, 93, 125

spruce grouse, 55

squall lines, 373

square knot, 471

square lash, 244

square pack, 471

squaw wood, 235

squirrel pole, 192

squirrels, 11–12, 15, 209–10

St. Elmo’s fire, 371

stakeout, 216

stalking, 205

stand hunting, 205

stars, 388–95, 408–9

Sterno, 231

stillhunting, 209

stills, solar, 177, 180, 182, 188–90

stinging nettle, 138

stingrays, 71, 73, 453

stonefish, 71

stone tools, 467–69

storage, food, 167

storms, 369–76

stove, backpacking, 156, 231, 242, 316

strainers, 336

strains, 438

stratiform clouds, 366–67

strawberries, 105

stress, 455–56

strobe light, 421

structure fishing, 222–25

subnivean environment, 8

suckers, 228

sucking chest wound, 426–27

sugar, 154

sugarcane, 105

sugar maple, 97

sugar wrack, 106

sulphur shelf mushrooms, 146, 149

sumac, 90–91, 95, 124, 144

Summer Triangle, 390

sun, 388, 394, 408

sun blindness, 441

sunburn, 449, 451–53

sun drying foods, 173

supercell thunderstorms, 374–75

surface water, 176, 182

surgeonfish, 71

Sven saw, 240

swallow, 46, 380

swamp, 269

swamp bed, 249

swamp titi, 89–90, 93, 95

swans, 57

sweet birch, 87

sweet fern, 103

sweet gum tree, 87, 96, 98

Sweet Morning Granola, 165

swimming, 360

sword-bearing cone-headed grasshopper, 74

sycamore, 87, 95, 98


tang, 71

tannin, 127

tansy, 138–39

tarantula, 73, 447

taro, 105

tarps, 244–45, 252, 256, 258

Tarter’s Tasty Taters, 159

Taurus, 390, 394

temperature, 379–80, 383, 430

tendinitis, 437–38

tents, 255, 257

tepee, 247–48

tetanus, 465

thirst, 175

thistle, 105

thorns, 441

three-tiered tripod filter, 178

throwing stick, 202

thunderstorms, 370, 374

ticks, 74, 447

tides, 351, 353–55

tillering, 199–200

time, 389, 413

tinder, 125, 232, 235, 238

toad, 58–61

toadfish, 71

toggle triggers, 195–96

tools, handmade, 467

topographic maps, 401–5

torch, 242

tornados, 374–75

Tortilla Chip Casserole, 164

tortoises, 62

tourniquet, 426, 439


animals, 7–11, 203–6

birds, 55–57

GPS, 415

wounded, 212–13

trade winds, 376, 382

trail food, 154, 163, 165–66

transpiration bag, 177


animals, 191–98

fish, 216–17

trash, 461–62


basic techniques, 265, 272, 289

bouldering, 277–83

canoeing, 329–34, 339–42, 345–46

climbing, 273–77, 293

desert, 264–66

gear, 285–88, 290–91, 297–99, 315–16

kayaking, 317–28, 337–41, 344

Leave No Trace, 314–15

mountains, 270–73

rivers, 335–45

sea, 346–64

snow and ice, 283–85, 289–311

tropics, 268–70

water crossing, 311–14

traveler’s tree, 188

traversing, 165, 289

treadle spring snare, 195

tree frogs, 58–59

tree of heaven, 91, 94

tree sparkle-berry, 88, 90, 92, 95


composition of, 81

felling, 240

identification, 81–88, 97–99

key, summer, 86–92

key, winter, 92–97

shelter, 245

winter, 97–99

trench foot, 451–53

trends method, 379

triangulating, 409–10

triggerfish, 169

triggers, snare, 195–97

tropical hut, 246

tropical rattlesnake, 69

tropics, travel in, 268–70

trumpet vine, 145

tulip tree, 87, 93, 98

tung-oil tree, 87, 89, 96

tupelo, 87, 90, 95

turbulence, 369

Turkey Chili, 164

turkeys, 56–57, 211

turtle knot, 472

turtles, 61–65, 72, 169, 172, 197–98, 453

twigs, 84–85, 98–99

twitch-up strangle snare, 192–93

two-fold open-eye end, 472

two-print track pattern, 8–9

typhoid, 189


ulcers, 444

ultraviolet, 266, 288, 385–86

ultraviolet purification, 180

umbrella tree, 188

undercling, 276, 279

underground baking, 173

Universal Edibility Test, 105–6

upside down figure four trigger, 196

urine, 175

USGS quads, 402–4

utensils, 174


Vega, 390

vegetables, 155

vegetation bag, 177

VHF radio, 423

vinegarroon, 73

vines, water, 178, 183

vipers, 66–67, 446

Virginia pine, 86

viruses, 178

vital signs, 429

vitamins, 167

voles, 13


walking fern, 101

walnut tree, 91, 94, 96–97, 125, 139

warblers, 51

wasps, 73, 447

waste disposal, 461–62

watch, for navigation, 394


cold regions, 184–87

conservation, 186

crossing, 311–14

desert, 181–82, 187

filtering, 176, 178, 190

finding, 176–78, 182–84, 186–89

jungle, 183

man-made sources, 182–83

mountains, 183–84

myths about, 175

physical requirements, 175, 181, 184, 453–54

purifying, 178–80, 189–90

solar stills, 177, 180, 182, 188–90

storage, 186

washing, 461

water bottles, improvised, 174

waterdogs, 228

waterfowl, 57

water hemlock, 145

water lily, 105

water vines, 178, 183

waterspout, 375–76

waves, 336, 341

wax, ski, 300–1

waypoints, 415

weapons, handmade, 198–203

weasels, 19–21


clouds, 365–69, 378, 380, 382, 384

cold climates, 384

forecasting, 377–81

formation, 376–77

health effects, 385

mountains, 382–84

storms, 369–76

terminology, 381

weeping willow, 97

weever fish, 71

western diamondback rattlesnake, 69

Western snowshoes, 298

wet exit, 324, 326

wet suits, 346

whippoorwills, 46

whistle, 421

white gas, 316

white oak, 86, 97

whitetail deer, 28–31, 41, 204, 212

whitewater, 337, 340, 343

wickiup, 246

wigwam, 246–47

wild clover, 139–40

wildflowers, 78–80

wild onion, 105, 125, 140–41

wild rose, 105, 121, 123

willow, 87–88, 90, 95, 97, 127, 141

wind, 341–42, 376–78, 380–82, 384

windchill, 384

windmills, 182–83

Winter Triangle, 390


birds and, 53–54

cooking in, 158, 171

shelter in, 250–52, 257–59

tracking in, 7–11

trees in, 84, 97–99

witch hazel, 87–88, 95, 141–42

wolf, 27–28, 42

wolverine, 20

woodchuck, 15–16, 210–11

woodcock, 57

woodpecker, 47–48

woodrats, 13

wood sorrel, 105

wood turtle, 64–65

worms, 125, 168, 171

wounds, 426–40

wrentit, 49


yarrow, 142–43

YDS classes, 270–71

yellow jackets, 73

yellow poplar, 98

yellow wood, 91, 94

yucca, 122, 125, 143, 469

Yukon snowshoes, 297


zebra fish, 71

Z-pulley hauling system, 297