A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
- Abbott, Eugene, 273
- Abbott, Rhoda, 273, 279
- Abbott, Rossmore, 273
- Abdul Hamid II, Ottoman Sultan, 140, 185
- Abelseth, Karen, 223
- Abelseth, Olaus Jørgensen, 223–24, 301–302
- Abercorn, James Hamilton, 2nd Duke of, 291
- Abernethy, Bessie, 333n8
- Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen, Queen of the United Kingdom, 24
- Albert I, King of the Belgians, 7
- Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, 157–58
- Alexander III, Emperor of Russia, 157–159
- Alexandra of Denmark, Queen of the United Kingdom, 7–8, 297
- Alfonso XIII, King of Spain, 7, 307
- Algerine (trawler), 281
- Alice (ship), 151
- Allen, Elisabeth, 86, 251
- Allison family, 360n55
- America (tender), 81
- American Line, 46
- Americanisation of the World, The (book), 128
- Amerika (liner), 142–43, 163
- Anderson, Harry, 179, 190, 199
- Andrews, Elizabeth (“Elba”), 25, 191, 298
- Andrews, Helen, 25, 27, 298
- Andrews, James, 26, 298
- Andrews, John, 26, 298
- Andrews, Kornelia, 230
- Andrews, Thomas, Jr. (“Tommy”)
- ancestry, 27–28
- beekeeping, 234
- biography, 233–34, 291
- childhood, 26, 27
- cinematic portrayals, 238
- conversations with Mary Sloan, 113–17, 205, 234
- conversations with the Thayers, 311–12
- death, 247, 268
- describes Titanic as unsinkable, 166–67, 199
- during evacuation, 205–6, 221, 232–34, 240
- education, 27
- and employees, 103, 205–6, 291, 292
- as father, 25, 191
- friendship with Dr. O’Loughlin, 113–14
- friendship with the Dicks, 198
- helps load lifeboats, 212–13, 234
- household in Belfast, 23–25
- inspects damage from iceberg, 198–201
- memorials, 291
- oversees Titanic’s sea trials, 38, 43
- political views, 32–33, 35–36, 41
- receives gifts from crew, 105
- religious views, 138
- rumored last sighting, 232–34, 238
- sporting interests, 27, 234
- suffers from homesickness, 114
- as symbol of Ulster unionism, 292
- at Titanic’s launch, 15
- wedding, 38
- work in Southampton (1912), 45–46
- work on Oceanic, 47, 280
- work on Olympic, 31, 103
- Andrews, Thomas, Sr., 28, 113, 291
- Andrews, William (Andrews’s brother), 26
- Andrews, William (Andrews’s uncle), 28
- Anichkov Palace, 292
- Animated Weekly (newsreel), 301
- Anna Karenina (novel), 158
- Anne, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, 11
- Aquitania (liner), 71, 292
- Arnaud, Étienne, 303
- Asquith, Cynthia, 116
- Asquith, Herbert, 1st Earl of Oxford and, 6, 7, 11–12
- Assassination of the Grand Duke Sergius (movie), 304
- Astor, Caroline, 64
- Astor, John Jacob, IV, 88, 134–36, 169, 178, 182, 211, 212, 230–31, 274
- Astor, Madeleine, 64, 134–36, 178, 182, 211, 212, 263, 268, 279, 287
- Atlanta Constitution (newspaper), 157
- Atlantic (movie), xvii
- Aubart, Léontine, 130–31
- Audacious (warship), 112
- Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein, German Empress, 30–31
- Awakening, The (movie), 96
- Aylmer, Gerald, 69–70, 175
- B’nai Jeshurun, Manhattan (synagogue), 161
- Badenoch, John A., 270
- Ballard, Robert, xv
- Balmoral Castle, 24
- Baltic (liner), 163, 168, 263
- Bankers’ Crisis (1907), 180
- Barbareschi, Giovanni, 308–9
- Barkworth, Algernon, 134, 266, 275
- Baron von Hirsch (cemetery), 282
- Barrett, Frederick, 164
- Battier, George, 91, 95, 304
- Baxter, Hélène, 349n4
- Baxter, Quigg, 130
- Bayford, Robert Sanders, 1st Baron, 17
- Beaton, David Cardinal, 20
- Beattie, Thomson, 349n4
- Bébé (dog), 211
- Becker, Nellie, 253
- Beerbohm, Sir Henry (“Max”), 123
- Beesley, Lawrence, 251, 345n32
- Behe, George, 187, 242
- Behr, Karl, 128, 213, 268
- Belfast and County Down Railway Company, 28
- Belfast Chamber of Commerce, 29
- Belfast City Hall, 29, 30, 31, 42
- Belfast Dock Riots (1907), 32
- Belfast News-Letter, 16
- Bell, Gavin, 134
- Benedictines, 3, 315
- Berengaria (liner), 300. See also Imperator
- Beresford, Charles de la Poer, 1st Baron, 237–38
- Beresford, Lily, 30
- Bessborough, Blanche Ponsonby, Countess of, 291
- Bessborough, Edward Ponsonby, 8th Earl of, 291
- Beveridge, Bruce, 112
- Bigham, Randy Bryan, 90, 273, 307, 309
- Billboard (magazine), 301
- Bird, Ellen, 57, 78, 202, 219, 270, 299
- Bishop, Dickinson, 211
- Bismarck (liner), 300
- Björnström-Steffansson, Mauritz Håkan, 132
- Blair, David, 83
- Blood Libel, myth of, 159
- Blue Riband, 68, 71, 170–71, 274
- Bobrikov, Nicholas, 359n32
- Bonnell, Caroline, 251
- Boris Vladimirovich, Grand Duke of Russia, 306–7
- Boxhall, Joseph, 198, 251, 252
- Boyne, Battle of the, 39
- Brandywine, Battle of, 94
- Braunschweiger, Art, 112
- Bremen (liner), 281
- Bresci, Gaetano, 359n29
- Brewster, Hugh, 187
- Bride, Harold, 264, 265, 266, 277
- Brideshead Revisited (novel), 123
- Bridge (movie), 96
- Britannic (liner), 31, 71–72, 125, 226, 292, 294–95, 300, 334n31, 342n39, 364n19
- British Miners’ Federation, 46
- British Seafarers’ Trade Union, 321
- Brooms and Dustpans (movie), 96
- Brown, Jim, 136
- Brown, John, 90
- Brown, Margaret (“Maggie”), 135–36, 212, 274, 275–76
- Browne, Francis, 338n26
- Brulatour, Clara, 96, 301, 305
- Brulatour, Claude, 95
- Brulatour, Jules, 95–97, 245, 277, 301–5, 307
- Brulatour, Marie, 95
- Brulatour, Ruth, 95
- Buchanan Cassatt, Lois. See Thayer
- Buckingham Palace, 3, 4, 6, 41
- Buckley, Daniel, 218, 222–24
- Buggery Act (1533), 129
- Bullock, Shan, 244, 291, 292
- Burbidge, Lilian, 55, 56, 59
- Burbidge, Richard, 55
- Bureik, Hamad Hassam, 129
- Burr, Ewart, 75, 191
- Bute, John Crichton-Stuart, 4th Marquess of, 19
- Butt, Archibald, 64, 182–89, 229, 230, 231, 274, 277, 287
- Byles, Thomas, 242–43
- Bystander (magazine), 5
- Caesar (dog), 7
- Caldwell, Sylvia, 269
- Californian (ship), 216, 257, 283, 296
- Cambridge, University of, 133
- Cameron, James, 125, 252
- Campbell, Henry, 26
- Campbell College, Belfast, 26–27
- Candee, Helen Churchill, 88–89, 132, 207
- Cap Arcona (liner), xvii
- Cardeza, Charlotte Drake, 131–32, 284
- Carlisle, Alexander, 298
- Carlos I, King of Portugal, 359n32
- Carnarvon, George Herbert, 5th Earl of, 124
- Carnegie Steel Company, 18, 63
- Carnot, Marie François Sadi, 359n32
- Caronia (liner), 57
- Carpathia (ship), xv, 260–61, 262–70, 272–79, 282, 284, 285, 287, 295, 303, 316, 319
- Carruthers, Francis, 38, 43
- Carson, Edward, 39, 41, 42
- Carter, Lucile, 179
- Carter, William, 179
- Case, Howard Brown, 230
- Cassebeer, Eleanor, 190–91, 198–99, 206, 212, 213
- Castillo, Antonio Cánovas del, 359n32
- Castlereagh, Edith Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Viscountess, 12
- Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Denver), 136
- Cecilia of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Duchess, 69
- Cedric (liner), 284
- Chadwick, French Ensor, 318
- Charles I, King of England, Scotland and Ireland, 21
- Charles II, King of England, Scotland and Ireland, 21
- Charles X, King of France, 331n54
- Chasse de Guise (tapestry), 74
- Château de Rétival, 50
- Château Laurier, 88
- Chelsea Flower Show, 289
- Cherry, Charles, 50, 279
- Cherry, Gladys, 49–50, 118, 192, 219, 224, 257, 259, 271, 273, 319
- Chickamauga, Battle of, 144
- Children’s Guild, 5
- Chirnside, Mark, 108
- Chotek, Countess Sophie, 341n19
- “Christ’s Kirk on the Green” (poem), 2
- Church of the Most Holy Redeemer (Belfast), 34
- Citizen Kane (movie), 307
- Clara de Hirsch Home for Working Girls, 157
- Clark, James Beauchamp (“Champ”), 179
- Cleopatra, xv
- Cleveland, Grover, 144, 155, 162
- Coast Guard, U.S., 140, 283
- Collins, John, 264
- Collyer, Charlotte, 269
- Collyer, Marjorie, 269
- Connellan, Marguerite, 291
- Corkey, William, 37
- Cosmopolitan (magazine), 93
- Countess of Rothes Voluntary Aid Detachment, 5
- Craig, James, 41
- Criminal Law Amendment Act (1885), 129
- Crosby, Harriette, 134
- Croÿ, Karl, 13th Prince von, 66–67
- Croÿ, Nancy, Princess von, 66–67
- Crundall, Alexander, 297
- Cunard Line, 53, 57, 70, 260, 263, 265
- Cunard-White Star Line, 314
- Curzon of Kedleston, George Curzon, 1st Marquess, 290
- Cusani Confalonieri, Luigi, Marquis of, 239–40
- Czolgosz, Leon, 184
- D’Alba, Antonio (anarchist), 183
- Daily Express, 44, 315n
- Daily Mail, 283, 285
- Daily Telegraph, 299
- Dairymaids, The (play), 90–91
- Dante Alighieri, 64, 207
- Davenport-Hines, Richard, 187
- David, King, 299
- Davies, Marion, 307
- Davis Cup, 128
- Deacon, Gladys, 19
- Debs, Eugene, 179
- De La Warr, Constance Sackville, Countess of, 6
- Deligiannis, Theodoros, 359n32
- Delta Psi (fraternity), 289
- Der Fuchs von Glenarvon (movie), xvii
- Deramore, Thomas Bateson, 1st Baron, 24
- Dettingen, Battle of, 21
- Deutschland (liner), 69, 171
- Devlin, Joseph, 33
- Devonian (liner), 313
- Devonshire, Evelyn Cavendish, Duchess of, 6
- Devonshire, William Cavendish, 7th Duke of, 123
- Dick, Vera and Albert, 198
- Dillon, Thomas, 251
- Divine Comedy, The (poem), 64
- Divorcons (movie), 96
- Dobbin, James, 14–15
- Dolan, Pauline Thayer, 279
- Donegall, marquesses of, 24, 28
- Donoughmore, Elena Hely-Hutchinson, Countess of, 291
- Donoughmore, Richard Hely-Hutchinson, 6th Earl of, 291
- Doria-Pamphilj, Prince Alfonso, 18
- Douglas, Mahala, 284
- Down County Council, 28
- Doyle, Arthur Conan, 218–19
- Draga, Queen of Serbia, 359n32
- Dramatic Mirror (magazine), 96
- Drennan, William, 81
- Drexel, Elizabeth Wharton, 134
- Dublin Mean Time, 80
- Duff Gordon, Lucy, Lady, 127, 128, 130, 177, 178–79, 217, 218, 306
- Duff Gordon, Sir Cosmo, 127, 128, 130, 177, 217, 255–56
- Dufferin and Ava, Hariot Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Marchioness of, 30
- Dyer-Edwardes, Clementina, 3, 50, 74, 315
- Dyer-Edwardes, Lucy Noëlle, See Rothes, Lucy Noëlle Martha Leslie, Countess of
- Dyer-Edwardes, Thomas, 50, 74, 315
- Easter Bonnet, The (movie), 97
- Easter Rising (1916), 80n
- Eastman Kodak Company, 95
- Éclair, 93–96, 302, 305
- Educational Alliance, 157
- Edward I (Edward Longshanks), King of England, 20
- Edward III, King of England, 20
- Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom, 5, 6–7, 9, 11, 28, 68
- Edward VIII, King of the United Kingdom, 55n
- Elena of Montenegro, Queen of Italy, 183
- Elisabeth of Bavaria, Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary, 1, 359n32
- Elisabeth of Bavaria, Queen of the Belgians, 331n54
- Elizabeth, Queen, the Queen Mother, 329n18, 351n35
- Elizabeth I, Queen of England and Ireland, xvii, 78, 122
- Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, 121
- Empress of Ireland (liner), xvi
- “Erin’s Lament” (song), 85
- Etches, Harry, 205–6
- “Eternal Father, Strong to Save” (hymn), 139–40
- Eton College, Berkshire, 64, 121, 297
- Eustis, Elizabeth, 192, 207, 227
- Fairview (cemetery), 282
- Farley, John Cardinal, 298
- Farquharson, Robert, 117
- Farthing, John, 57, 78, 203, 270
- Fayre Court, Gloucestershire, 315
- Federation of Jewish Farmers of America, 156
- Ferdinand I, Tsar of Bulgaria, 7
- Festival of Empire (1911), 14
- Fife, Louise, Duchess of, 6
- Finnegans Wake (novel), 82
- First Assembly Ball, 175
- First Baptist Church, Hoboken, 139, 278
- Fitch, Tad, xx
- Fitzpatrick, Cecil, 246–47
- Fleet, Frederick, 84
- Fleming, Margaret, 207, 227
- Fletcher, Percy, 118
- Fletcher, Richard, 48, 102
- Flodden, Battle of, 20
- Florida (ship), 167
- Foreman, Benjamin, 190–91
- Fossoli (internment camp), 308
- Francatelli, Laura, 177
- France (liner), 71
- Franco, Francisco, 307
- Franco, Nicolás, 307
- François II, King of France, 20
- Franklin, Benjamin, 94
- Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria-Este, 8, 19, 63, 293
- Franz Josef, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, 18
- Frauenthal, Henry, 213, 275
- Frederick VIII, King of Denmark, 7
- Friedrich II, King of Prussia, 24
- Frohman, Charles, 90–91
- Frölicher, Hedwig, 349n4
- Frölicher-Stehli, Margaretha, 349n4
- Frost, Archibald, 168
- Froude, James Anthony, 70
- Fry, Richard, 285
- Futility (novel), 170
- Futrelle, Jacques, 128, 135, 178, 217
- Futrelle, Lily (“May”), 135, 178, 217, 219
- Gaelic Revival, 35
- Gailor, Thomas, 147
- Gardiner, Robin, 106, 107, 110–12
- Gee, Arthur, 88
- General Order No. 11 (1863), 153
- Geological Society of America, 165
- George I, King of the Hellenes, 7
- George II, King of Great Britain and Ireland, 21
- George III, King of the United Kingdom, 19, 24n
- George V, King of the United Kingdom, xx, 7, 11, 14, 42, 122, 313
- George VI, King of the United Kingdom, 298
- Gestapo, xviii, 308, 309
- Getting Dad Married (movie), 96
- Gettysburg, Battle of, 151–52
- Gibson, Dorothy
- accommodation on Titanic, 98, 125
- acting career, 90–97
- affair with Jules Brulatour, 95–96, 301
- appearance, 88
- arrested by Nazis, 308
- attitude to fascism, 301, 307, 310
- begins affair with Emilio Ramos, 307
- behavior in lifeboats, 211–12, 245, 255
- boards Titanic, 98
- on Carpathia, 277
- conversation with Thomas Andrews, 198
- death and burial, 310
- discrepancies in testimonies, 192–93, 255, 301–2
- during collision, 197–98
- early life, 89–90
- fear during evacuation, 201, 210
- films Saved from the Titanic, 302–4
- first divorce, 304
- first marriage, 91
- imprisoned in Italy, 308
- inspiration for Il generale Della Rovere, 310
- involved in hit and run, 305
- later life (1920s and 1930s), 306–7
- leaves Titanic, 209–12
- mocked in Citizen Kane, 307
- modeling career, 92–93
- movements on Sunday, April 14, 192–93
- moves to Europe, 305–6
- musical career, 91, 305
- religious views, 139, 308–9
- return to New York (1912), 278–79, 301
- reviews, 91, 96, 305
- salary, 89, 98
- second divorce, 305
- shopping trip in Paris (1912), 98, 117
- stepfather and, 90, 306
- suffers exhaustion (1912), 96–97
- taste in fashion, 116–17
- travels on La Provence (1912), 305
- visit to Genoa (1912), 97–98
- will, 310
- Gibson, Leonard, 90, 99, 278–79, 306
- Gibson, Pauline, 88, 90, 95, 97–99, 139, 210, 278–79, 305–7, 310
- Giovanna of Savoy, Tsaritsa of Bulgaria, 358n26
- Glyn, Elinor, 128
- Goebbels, Josef, xvii–xix
- Gone with the Wind (novel), 145
- Government of Ireland Act (Third Home Rule Bill), 13, 43
- Gowan, Philip, 307
- Gracie, Archibald, III, 56, 144
- Gracie, Archibald, IV, 56, 126, 127, 143–44, 154, 163, 216, 230, 231, 240–41, 247, 251, 261, 264–66, 275
- Grand Opera House, Belfast, 29
- Grand Trianon, Versailles, 63
- Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, 88
- Grant, Ulysses S., 153
- Great Eastern (liner), 152
- Guardian Angel, The (movie), 96
- Guggenheim, Benjamin, 131
- Haakon VII, King of Norway, 7
- Haddon Hall, Derbyshire, 75, 188
- Haldane, Richard, 1st Viscount, 11
- Hall, Steve, 112
- Hamburg-Amerika Line, 47, 60, 69, 176n
- Hamilton, Thompson, 46
- Hampton Court Palace, 19
- Hands Across the Sea (movie), 93–95
- Harald Hardrada, King of Norway, 319
- Harcourt, William, 129
- Hardy, Thomas, 86
- Harland and Wolff, 14–15, 24, 27, 28, 31–34, 38, 47, 65, 72, 103, 106, 142, 165, 167, 291, 292, 298
- Harland, Henry Pierson, 298
- Harper, Henry, 129, 207
- Harper’s Bazaar (magazine), 92
- Harris, Irene, 178, 269, 275
- Harrison, William, 285
- Harrods, 30, 55
- Harrow School, 64
- Hartley, Wallace, 127
- Hatfield Palace, 75
- Hawke (warship), 45, 106, 107, 112
- Hays, Charles, 88, 169
- Hays, Margaret, 211
- Hearst, William Randolph, 283, 284, 307
- Heart of the Antarctic (book), 192
- Hebrew Ladies’ Memorial Association for Confederate Dead, 150
- Hebrew Orphans Society, 156
- Hendrickson, Charles, 164
- Henley Royal Regatta, 290
- Henry VI, King of England, 121
- Henry VIII, King of England and Ireland, 20, 129, 315
- Hess, Sara Straus, 155, 299
- Hitchcock, Alfred, xvii
- Hitchens, Robert, 195
- Hitler, Adolf, 307
- Hogg, George, 244–45, 255
- Hohenberg, Duchess of. See Sophie
- Hohenberg, Maximilian, Duke of, 293
- Hohenberg, Prince Ernst von, 293
- Hohenberg, Princess Sophie von, 293
- Home Rule Bills, 13, 43
- Hook, Knowles & Co., 117
- House of Commons from Within, and Other Memories, The (memoir), 117
- House of Lords Act (Parliament Bill), 11–14, 181
- How Women May Earn a Living (book), 132
- Hoyt, Frederick, 236–37
- Hoyt, William, 267
- Hyde Park, 7
- Il Generale Della Rovere (novel and movie), 310
- Il Vittoriano, Rome, 182
- Île de France (liner), 102
- Imperator (liner), 47, 60, 71, 72, 300
- Independent (newspaper), 165
- Independent Motion Picture Company, 93
- Industries of Ireland, The (Crawford), 28
- International Ice Patrol, 107, 283
- International Mercantile Marine, 15, 68, 70, 289
- Ireland (tender), 81
- Irish Rebellion of 1641, 40
- Irving, Washington, 97
- Isabella (née von Croÿ), Archduchess of Austria, 66
- Isham, Ann, 104
- Ismay, Florence, 15, 173–74, 286, 288
- Ismay, J. Bruce, xviii, 15, 72–73, 79, 168, 19, 173–74, 177, 187, 198, 212, 213, 275–76, 283–89, 312
- It Pays to Be Kind (movie), 96
- Jaffe, Otto, 32
- James, Henry, 138
- James II, King of Scots, 20
- James IV, King of Scots, 20
- James V, King of Scots, 2, 20
- James VI & I, King of England, Scotland and Ireland, 21
- Jenny (cat), 104
- “Jerusalem” (hymn), 241
- Jessop, Violet, xx, 58, 105, 131, 135, 268
- John XXII, Pope, 20
- John Bull (magazine), 285
- Johnstown Flood (1889), 320
- Jones, Thomas (sailor), 257–59, 261, 316
- Joyce, James, 82
- Kaiser Wilhelm der Große (liner), 68, 90, 112, 170–71, 295
- Kaiser Wilhelm II (liner), 69
- Karl I, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, 18
- Katherine Parr, Queen of England and Ireland, 14
- Kensington Palace, 19
- Kiev pogroms, 159
- Kitab-ı Bahriye (book), 164
- Knickerbocker Crisis (1907), 180
- Kodak Contest, The (movie), 96
- Korn, Betram, 147–48
- Kronprinz Wilhelm (liner), 68
- Kronprinzessin Cecilie (liner), 60, 69
- La Provence (liner), 305
- La Touraine (liner), 101
- Labouchère Amendment, 129
- Labouchère, Henry, 129
- Lady Rothes (lifeboat), 296
- “Land of Hope and Glory” (song), 241
- Larkin, James, 33
- Layton, J. Kent, xx
- “Lead, Kindly Light” (hymn), 261
- Lee, Robert E., 152
- Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The (1912 movie), 97
- Leishman, John, 66–67
- Leopard, The (novel), 115, 123
- Leslie, Bartholomew, 19, 332n60
- Leslie, John (d. 1991), 5, 121
- Leslie, Malcolm (d. c. 1176), 20
- Leslie House, Fife, 2, 5, 14, 19–22, 121, 296, 297, 315
- Leslie Town Hall, Fife, 5
- Leviathan (liner), 300. See also Vaterland
- Lightoller, Charles, 83–84, 211, 214–15, 217, 229–30, 234, 240–41, 247, 251, 263, 264, 266, 273, 274–76, 280, 282–83, 311, 312
- Lincoln, Abraham, 61, 153
- Lincoln Memorial, 61, 182
- Living Memory, A (movie), 96
- Locke, John, 77
- Lloyd’s of London, 107
- Londonderry, Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of, 12
- Londonderry, Edith Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Marchioness of, 12
- Londonderry, Theresa Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Marchioness of, 290
- Long, Milton, 193, 207–9, 227, 245, 247–48
- Lonsdale, Hugh Lowther, 5th Earl of, 122
- Lord, Stanley, 216
- Lord, Walter, 267, 314, 315–16
- Lord Jim (Conrad), 300
- Lords Act (Parliament Bill), 11–14, 181
- Loss of the S. S. Titanic, The (memoir), 251
- Lost Cause, myth of (US), 155
- Louis Seize (style), 176–77
- Louis XV, King of France, 102
- Louis XVI, King of France, 93, 94, 176, 177
- Louise, Princess Royal and Duchess of Fife, 6
- Love Finds a Way (movie), 96
- Lowe, Harold, 213, 228, 239–40
- Lubin Studios, 93
- Lucky Holdup, The (movie), 88, 97
- Ludwig I, King of Bavaria, 146
- Luís Filipe, Prince Royal of Portugal, 359n32
- Lusitania (liner), xv, xvi, 49, 60, 70, 75–76, 171, 235, 289, 295
- Luxemburg, Rosa, 18
- LV-117 (lightship), 112
- Macfie, Claud, 315, 317
- Mackay-Bennett (trawler), 281
- MacNeice, Louis, 23, 114
- Macy’s, 18, 55, 142, 155, 270
- Mafalda of Savoy, Landgravine of Hesse, 358n26
- Magnes, Judah, 161
- Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 287
- “Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon, The” (articles), 128–29
- Maioni, Cissy, 50, 53, 59, 78, 116, 117, 315n
- Maison Lucille, 127
- Majestic (liner, 1889), 46
- Majestic (liner, 1922), 300
- Malcolm III, King of Scots, 20
- Mamie Bolton (movie), 96
- Manhattan Hospital, 156
- Manuel II, King of Portugal, 7
- Maréchal, Pierre, 211
- Margaret of Connaught, Crown Princess of Sweden, 127
- Margaret of Wessex (St. Margaret, Queen of Scots), 19–20, 260
- Marie Antoinette of Austria, Queen of France 94, 177
- Marie de Guise, Queen of Scots, 20
- Marie Feodorovna (of Denmark), Empress of Russia, 8, 157, 292
- Marion Cricket Club, 64, 289
- Marlborough, Charles Spencer-Churchill, 9th Duke of, 19
- Marlborough, Consuelo Spencer-Churchill, Duchess of, 6
- Marlborough, Gladys Spencer-Churchill, Duchess of, 19
- Marlborough College, 133
- Martin, Nicholas, 60
- Mary, Queen of Scots, xvii, 20
- Mary of Modena, Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland, 21
- Mary of Teck, Queen consort of the United Kingdom, xx, 6, 14
- Matthias, Paul, 199–200
- Maud of Wales, Queen of Norway, 8
- Mauretania (liner), xvi, 16, 60, 70, 71, 75, 171, 172, 175, 295
- Maximilian II, King of Bavaria, 146
- Maxtone-Graham, John, xx
- Mayflower (ship), xv
- Mayné, Berthe, 130
- Mayor and the Manicure, The (play), 91
- McCann case (1910), 36–37
- McElroy, Hugh, 54, 75, 87, 190, 315
- McGee, Frank, 276, 287
- McKelway, Virginia, 156
- McKinley, William, 184
- Mein Leben für Irland (movie), xvii
- Mersey, John Bigham, 1st Viscount, 251, 282–83, 284, 285
- Methodist College, Belfast, 26
- Metropolitan Comic Opera Company, 91
- Meyer, Leila, 177
- Miguel I, King of Portugal, 331n54
- Millet, Francis (“Frank”), 182, 187–89, 229, 231
- Minahan, Ida (“Daisy”), 189–90
- Miners’ strike (1912), 46, 142
- Minia (trawler), 281
- Miss Masquerader (movie), 95
- Miss Spence’s School, New York, 134
- Monmouth, Battle of, 94
- Montanelli, Indro, 308, 310
- Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids, Bronx, 156
- Montgamny (trawler), 281
- Moody, James, 195, 242
- Moore, Clarence, 130
- Morgan, John Pierpont, 15, 70, 71, 107, 180–81
- Mornington, Anne Wellesley, Countess of, 24
- Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, 28
- Motion Picture Distributing and Sales Company, 95
- Motion Picture News, 94
- Mount Olivet (cemetery), 282
- Mount Vernon (plantation), 94
- Moving Picture News, 99, 301, 304
- Murdoch, William, 83, 194, 195, 200, 209, 211, 217, 234, 244–45, 274
- Musician’s Daughter, The (movie), 96
- Mussolini, Benito, 308
- National Mercantile Marine Fund, 289
- National Milk Hostels, 6
- “Nation Once More, A” (song), 85
- “Nearer, My God, to Thee” (hymn), 241–42
- Nelson, Horatio, 1st Viscount, 238
- Nesbitt, Evelyn, 133
- Ne Temere (decree), 36–37
- New York (liner), 46, 58–59, 60, 77, 144, 280
- New York American, 283
- New York Dramatic Mirror, 96, 301, 302
- New York Evening Post, 318
- New York Sun, 301
- New York Telegraph, 193
- New York Times, 91, 125, 157, 160, 212
- New York World, 192
- Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, 158, 160
- Nieuw Amsterdam (liner), 98
- Night to Remember, A (movie), 252, 316–17
- Night to Remember, A (novel), 314, 316–17
- Noah (patriarch), xv, 151
- Nomadic (tender), 60–62, 65, 72, 73, 88
- Norddeutscher Lloyd, 68–69
- Norfolk, dukes of, 139
- Normandie (liner), 113
- Nourney, Alfred, 130, 275, 277
- Nripendra Narayan, Maharajah of Cooch-Behar, 30
- Nuremberg Rally (1937), 307
- O God, Our Help in Ages Past (hymn), 139–40
- O’Brien, Thomas J., 183–84
- O’Loughlin, William, 113–14, 116, 177, 178, 190, 268, 275
- Objectivist movement, 154
- Oceanic (liner), 46–47, 171, 280, 281, 282, 311
- Odessa pogroms, 159
- Offenbach, Jacques, 192
- Ohio State University, 165
- Ohm Krüger (movie), xvii
- Olga Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess of Russia, 17
- Olympic (liner), xvi, 15–17, 31, 32, 45, 47, 55, 56, 58, 60, 65, 66, 71, 75, 79, 83, 87, 101, 102, 103, 105–13, 118–19, 125, 131, 142, 143, 171, 173, 192, 206, 209, 254, 294, 301, 314
- On a Sea of Glass (book), xx
- Orange Order, 39–40, 41
- Orange Riots, New York (1871), 155
- Osborne House, 24
- Ostriche, Muriel, 278
- Our Future Lies Upon the Water (painting), 68
- Pains of Youth (play), 123
- Pankhurst, Charles, 317–18
- Paris (liner), 113
- Parliament Bill (1911), 11–14, 181
- Parrish, Lutie, 348n17
- Parsons, Alfred, 188, 189
- Parsons, Louella, 307
- Pathé, 298–99
- Pearl Harbor attack, 307–8
- Pearse, Pádraig, 42
- Peñaranda, Hernando Fitz-James Stuart, 14th Duke of, 290
- Peñasco, María-Josefa de, 130, 215, 219, 225, 231, 260, 271, 279, 316
- Peñasco, Victor de, 130, 215, 219, 225
- Pennsylvania, University of, 289, 311, 313
- Pennsylvania Railroad, 18, 62, 168, 230, 289
- Pennsylvania Senate Railroad Committee, 168–70
- Peruschitz, Joseph, 242
- Peskett, Leonard, 75–76
- Petersburg, siege of, 56
- Petit Trianon, Versailles, 63
- Petkov, Dimikar, 359n32
- Peuchen, Arthur, 217, 274–75
- Philadelphia (liner), 46
- Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 311
- Pickford, Mary, 89, 96
- Pirrie, Margaret, Viscountess, 15, 284
- Pirrie, William, 1st Viscount, 14–15, 25–26, 28, 33, 103
- Pitcher, Molly, 94
- Pitman, Herbert, 213, 251, 252, 270
- Pius VI, Pope, 36
- Pius X, Pope, 36, 37, 185
- Plehve, Vyacheslav von, 359n32
- Plunkett, Horace, 233–34, 291
- Plymouth Harbour (painting), 232
- Pobedonostsev, Constantine, 158
- Poiret, Paul, 116
- Polk, James, 179
- Poppe, Johann, 68
- Port Hudson, siege of, 152
- Portland, Winifred Cavendish-Bentinck, Duchess of, 291
- Princeton University, 65, 289
- Prinknash Abbey (previously Park), 3, 315
- Puccini, Giacomo, 177
- “Pull for the Shore” (hymn), 261
- Queen Mary (liner), 75, 313
- Queen Victoria School, Dunblane, 5
- Quirinal Palace, 183
- Ramos, Emilio Antonio, 307, 310
- Randolph Wemyss Memorial Hospital, Fife, 5
- Raphall, Morris J., 151
- Rasmussen, Rita, 92
- Raver, Harry, 93, 95, 97, 303
- Reconciliationist historiography, 154
- Recreation Rooms and Settlement, Brooklyn, 156
- Red Cross, 5, 123, 271, 278, 297, 315
- Redgrave, H. H., 299
- Redmond, John, 41
- Rembrandt, 21
- Republic (liner), 167, 171, 200, 209
- Republican National Convention (1912), 182
- Revenge of the Silk Masks, The (movie), 97
- Reynolds, Debbie, 136
- Reynolds, Joshua, 21
- Richman, Julia, 156
- Riddle of the Titanic, The (book), 106, 107, 111
- “Roast Beef of Old England, The” (song), 118
- Robertson, Morgan, 170
- Robert the Bruce, 20
- Robinson, Annie, 205, 221, 313
- Robinson and Cleaver, 30–31
- Roosevelt, Ethel, 86
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 309
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 8, 86, 132, 140, 179, 182, 183
- Rosebery, Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of, 290
- Rosenbaum, Edith, 65, 279
- Rosenkrantz, Baroness Rebecca, 185
- Rose Tree Fox Hunt, 311
- Rostron, Arthur, 263, 266–67, 276, 287, 295
- Rothes, Andrew Leslie, 5th Earl of, 20
- Rothes, George Leslie, 4th Earl of, 20, 74
- Rothes, Ian Leslie, 21st Earl of, 296, 317
- Rothes, John Leslie, 1st Duke and 7th Earl of, 21
- Rothes, John Leslie, 10th Earl of, 21
- Rothes, Lucy Noëlle Martha Leslie, Countess of
- accommodation on board, 51, 53–54, 118–19
- appearance, 3, 5
- aristocratic friendships, 5, 19, 122
- attends 1914 London Season, 289–90
- behavior in lifeboats, 231, 241n, 253, 259–61
- boards Titanic, 49–51, 53
- on Carpathia, 261, 271–74, 316
- Catholicism as viewed by, 297
- correspondence with Walter Lord, 315–16
- as debutante, 3–4
- death and burial, 316–17
- dinners on board, 74–75, 125, 191
- during First World War, 295–97
- early life, 3
- as employer, 120
- in evacuation, 204, 206, 214–16
- interviews on the Titanic, 295–96
- jewelry, 124
- leaves Titanic, 216, 219
- life at Leslie House, 2, 19, 22, 296
- loss of Leslie House, 297
- loss of Prinknash Park, 315
- manners, 53
- and María-Josefa de Peñasco, 215, 219, 231, 260, 270–71, 279
- as mother, 5, 121, 315
- as nurse, 5, 123, 271, 296–97
- philanthropy, 5, 289, 297
- political views, 12, 122, 296
- racial views, 239
- reaction to collision, 192, 196, 201
- relationship with Lord Rothes, 3–4, 295–97
- religious faith, 139, 261, 317
- remembers last concert on the Titanic (1913), 192, 290
- rescue, 261
- and Rhoda Abbott, 273
- second marriage, 315
- social life, 4–6, 14, 19, 289–90
- struggles to find life belt, 204
- taste in fashion, 49, 124
- and Thomas Jones, 257, 261, 316
- warned by Captain Smith, 201
- wedding, 2–4
- widowhood, 314–15
- Rothes, Malcolm Leslie, 20th Earl of, 5, 121, 270, 297, 315
- Rothes, Norman Leslie, 19th Earl of, 2, 3–4, 11, 22, 49, 121, 124, 295–97, 314–15
- Rothes, William Leslie, 3rd Earl of, 20
- Roxburghe, Mary Innes-Ker, Duchess of, 290
- Royal Academy Private View, 289
- Royal Air Force, xix
- Royal Ascot, 290
- Royal Belfast Academical Institute, 26
- Royal Caledonian Ball, 5, 290
- Royal Caledonian Educational Trust, 5
- Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, 113
- Royal Cork Yacht Club, 84
- Royal Hospital, Chelsea, 289
- Royal Irish Constabulary, 43
- Royal Navy, 70, 100–101, 140, 170, 235, 295
- Royal Opera House, London, 289
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, 291
- Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, 14
- Ryerson, Arthur, Jr., 73, 172
- Ryerson, Arthur, Sr., 73, 172–73, 229–30
- Ryerson, Emily (Arthur Sr.’s daughter), 73, 229–30
- Ryerson, Emily (Arthur Sr.’s wife), 73, 174, 229–30, 286
- Ryerson, John (“Jack”), 73, 229
- Ryerson, Suzette, 73, 229
- SS, German, xix, 308
- Saale (liner), 113
- Saint-Germain-en-Laye (cemetery), 310
- Saks, Andrew, 177–78
- Salvation Army, 129, 273, 278, 279
- Samos, Andreas Kopasis, Prince of, 184
- Sanders, Robert, 17
- San Francisco Earthquake (1906), 320
- Sans Souci Park, 24
- San Vittore prison, 308–10
- “Sash, The” (song), 40
- Saturday Evening Post, 92
- Saved from the Titanic (movie), xvi, 302–5
- Scheftel, Vivian Straus, 57n, 155
- Schuster, Ildefonso Cardinal, 308
- Scots Peerage, The, 20
- Scotsman (newspaper), 5
- Segregation, racial, 155
- Selpin, Herbert, xviii
- Selznick, David O., xvii
- Sergei Alexandrovich, Grand Duke of Russia, 159, 359n32
- Seward, Frederic, 190, 192, 197, 209, 211
- Shackleton, Ernest, 192
- Shaw, George Bernard, 218–19, 238–39
- Shelley, Imanita, 220–21
- Shipbuilder, 16–17, 166
- Shubert Brothers (agency), 91
- Sinking of the S. S. Titanic, The (memoir), 311
- Sipyagin, Dmitri, 359n32
- Sixteenth Amendment, 181
- Sloan, Mary, 113–14, 116, 190, 205, 221, 234
- Sloper, William, 192, 197–98, 209–12, 245
- Smith, Captain Edward, 83, 100–101, 107, 125–26, 140, 157, 166–67, 168n, 172, 174, 175, 189–90, 196, 198, 200–201, 209, 213, 216, 223, 224, 236–41, 245, 246, 247, 252, 259, 264, 274, 285, 286, 301, 312, 318
- Smith, James, 133, 231
- Smith, William Alden, 282
- Société Française des Films et Cinématographes Éclair, 93–96, 302, 305
- Soldiers and Sailors Fund, 297
- Solly-Flood, Richard, 291
- Solway Moss, Battle of, 20
- Somme, Battle of the, 298
- “Songe d’Automne” (waltz), 241
- Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, 293
- Spectator, 304
- Spencer, Marie-Eugenie, 134
- Spencer, William, 134
- Sporting Days (play), 91
- St. Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, 29
- St. Bernard’s Academy, New York, 141
- St. Colman’s Cathedral, Cóbh, 81
- St. Louis (liner), 46
- St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, 172
- St. Mary Abbots Church, Kensington, 2
- St. Mary’s Church, Fairford, 317
- Stanwyck, Barbara, 314
- Stead, William T., 128–29, 190, 221
- Steffansson, Erik, 132
- Stephenson, Martha, 192, 207, 227
- Stewart, John, 232–33
- Stimson, Henry, 132
- Stoddard, Charles Warren, 187
- Stolypin, Pytor, 359n32
- Strathmore and Kinghorne, Cecilia Bowes-Lyon, Countess of, 100, 290
- Straus, Beatrice, 142
- Straus, Clarence, 155
- Straus, Herbert, 140, 155
- Straus, Hermine, 146
- Straus, Ida (Rosalie)
- accommodation on board, 55, 57, 78–79
- appearance, 56
- criticism of Tsar Nicholas II, 160
- death confirmed, 270
- death of second son, 155–56
- dinners on board, 124–25, 178
- during collision, 192–93, 202
- during evacuation, 202–3, 216, 219
- early life, 56, 151
- experiences anti-Semitism, 140
- gift to Ellen Bird, 219
- as grandmother, 141
- health, 144, 216, 258
- later sightings, 220, 241
- letter to Lilian Burbidge, 59
- love of Paris, 56
- memorials, 299
- as mother, 15–56, 163
- philanthropy, 157, 299
- religious views, 161
- stays at Claridge’s (1912), 78
- telegrams son from Titanic, 163
- travels on Caronia, 57, 79
- trips to France, 18–19, 57, 142
- troubles with maids, 57, 78
- wedding, 155
- Straus, Irma, 142
- Straus, Isidor
- accommodation on board, 57, 57, 78–79
- as co-owner of Macy’s, 55, 142
- death, 247
- death confirmed, 270
- dinners on board, 124–25, 178
- during collision, 192–93, 202
- during evacuation, 202–3, 216, 219
- early life, 56, 144–49
- emigrates to USA, 147
- experiences anti-Semitism, 140–41, 154
- as father, 142, 163
- friendship with Col. Gracie, 56–57, 143–44
- friendship with President Cleveland, 144, 162
- as grandfather, 141
- later sightings, 220–21, 241, 247
- love of London, 56
- memorials, 299
- opposition to Zionism, 161–62
- patriotism, 162
- philanthropy, 157, 299
- political career, 55
- recovery of body, 282, 299
- religious views, 140, 161
- service to the Confederacy, 56, 151
- stays at Claridge’s (1912), 78, 299
- travel on Caronia, 57, 79
- views on slavery, 148
- visit to New York (1863), 56, 151–52
- wealth, 57, 157
- wedding, 155
- witnesses New York incident, 58–59
- writes memoirs, 144
- Straus, Jakob, 146
- Straus, Jesse, 142, 144, 155, 163, 300–301
- Straus, Karolina, 146
- Straus, Lazarus, 145–49, 154
- Straus, Lina, 57n
- Straus, Minnie, 57, 155
- Straus, Nathan, 57n, 140, 146, 149, 160–61, 162
- Straus, Oscar, 140, 142, 145, 146, 147–49, 155
- Straus, Percy, 155, 156, 270
- Straus, Sara (Isidor’s daughter), 155, 299
- Straus, Sara (Isidor’s mother), 146, 147, 149
- Straus, Vivian, 57n, 155
- Suevic (liner), 171
- Sun Yat-sen (dog), 129–30, 207
- Sutherland, Cromartie Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 4th Duke of, 12
- Sutherland, Millicent Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, Duchess of, 6, 290
- Taft, Helen (“Nellie”), 187
- Taft, William, xx, 179, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185
- Talbot, Edward, 318
- Talbott, Margaret Thayer, 279, 314
- Tales of Hoffmann, The (opera), 192, 290
- Tatiana Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess of Russia, 292
- Taylor, Elmer, 126–28
- Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich, 177
- Temple Emanu-El, 161
- Teutonic (liner), 68
- Thaw, Harry, 133
- Thayer, Alexander, 311
- Thayer, Edward, 311, 313
- Thayer, John Borland
- Anglophile sympathies, 64
- appearance, 2
- athleticism, 64
- boards Titanic, 74
- career, 62, 169
- conversations with Ismay, 168, 173
- conversations with Thomas Andrews, 168, 311–12
- cricketing, 64
- death, 251
- during collision, 194
- during evacuation, 196, 207–8, 227
- education, 64
- friendship with Arthur Ryerson, 73, 172–73
- helps load lifeboats, 229–31
- marriage, 64
- and Martha Stephenson and Elizabeth Eustis, 192, 207
- mental health, 169, 186
- political views, 169
- religious views, 139
- visit to Berlin (1912), 18, 67
- visit to Switzerland (1911–12), 169
- wealth, 62
- at Wideners’ dinner party, 178–79
- Thayer, John Borland, III (“Jack”)
- appearance, 64
- article on Titanic (1932), 311
- athleticism, 64
- attends Sunday concert, 193
- career, 310–11
- on Carpathia, 266–68, 275
- conversations with Charles Lightoller, 280, 312
- conversations with Ismay, 168, 275
- conversations with Thomas Andrews, 168, 311–12
- discrepancies in testimonies, 311–12
- during collision, 194
- during evacuation, 196, 207, 226–27, 245
- education, 65, 289
- eulogizes Edwardian era, 319
- experience in lifeboats, 250–51, 254, 264–66
- explores Titanic, 101
- leaves the Titanic, 248–49
- loses sight of parents, 227
- marriage, 310
- mental health, 312–14
- military service, 310
- and Milton Long, 193, 207–8, 226–27, 245, 248
- rescue, 263–66
- son’s death, 313
- suicide, 313–14
- testimonies on Titanic, 311
- trip to Europe (1914), 280–81, 282, 289
- writes memoir, 311
- Thayer, John, IV, 311
- Thayer, Julie, 311, 313
- Thayer, Lois (Jack’s daughter), 311
- Thayer, Lois (Jack’s wife), 289, 310
- Thayer, Margaret, 279, 314
- Thayer, Marian
- ancestry, 64
- on Carpathia, 262–63, 275, 279
- death, 313
- defends Smith and Ismay, 189–90, 286–87
- during collision, 194
- during evacuation, 207, 227
- experience in lifeboat, 267
- files insurance claim, 288
- friendship with Archibald Butt, 182–83, 186–87, 189, 287
- friendship with Emily Ryerson, 73, 174, 286
- friendship with Ismay, 174, 286–89
- friendship with Lady Duff Gordon, 127
- grief at widowhood, 279, 287
- interest in homeopathy, 186
- later life, 313
- leaves Titanic, 229–30
- notices Titanic’s list, 197
- Protestantism, 139
- racism, 239
- social life in Philadelphia, 64
- spiritualist beliefs, 186, 313
- travels on Lusitania (1914), 289
- visit to Berlin (1912), 67
- visit to Switzerland (1911–12), 169
- wedding, 64
- Thayer, Pauline (Jack’s daughter), 311
- Thayer, Pauline (Jack’s sister), 279
- Thomas Andrews: Shipbuilder (biography), 244
- Thomas Andrews Memorial Hall, Comber, 291
- Times, 3
- Titanic (liner)
- Construction and voyage
- Board of Trade inspections, 38, 43, 44–45
- collision with iceberg, xv, 194–96, 199–200
- deaths during construction, 14
- departure from Southampton, 58–59
- design flaws, 165, 226
- fire on board, 37, 43, 46, 164–65
- lack of binoculars on board, 83–84
- lack of preparedness for maiden voyage, 45
- launch, 14–16
- mail contract, 81
- quality of steel, 165–66
- rivets, 165
- rudder, 165–66
- sea trials, 38–39, 42
- speed, xv, 77, 79, 101, 164, 168
- stay in Cherbourg, 60–61, 66
- stay in Queenstown, 81–86
- stay in Southampton, 44–46
- strength of, 16, 166, 246
- symbol of Anglo-American cooperation, xvii, xx, 16
- On board
- accommodation for crew, 105
- Café Parisian, 45–46, 109, 110, 192
- differences from Britannic, 226
- differences from Olympic, 109
- Dining Saloons, 74–77, 80, 82, 104, 113–15, 117, 124, 127, 138, 139, 143, 164, 176, 178, 190, 191, 196, 198, 222, 227, 253, 264, 277
- electric baths, 102
- First Class cabins, 46, 52–55, 78–79
- Grand Staircase, 125, 127, 173, 178, 197–99, 201, 210, 221, 227, 228, 240, 247, 311
- Gymnasium, 52, 188, 212
- lifeboats, 44–45, 208–9
- Lounge, 77, 102, 110, 118, 126, 143, 163, 192, 193, 197, 206–8, 212, 227, 228, 240, 241, 253, 255, 283, 311
- Purser’s Office, 53, 54, 74–75, 104, 118, 124, 130, 142
- Reading and Writing Room, 101–2, 110, 118, 143, 247
- Restaurant, 109, 110, 176, 177, 178–79, 189, 190, 268, 286–87
- Second Class cabins, xvi, 104
- Second Class public rooms, 222
- Smoking Room, 101, 110, 118, 143, 178, 188, 199, 222, 224, 232–34, 238, 253
- Squash Court, 52, 188, 201, 209, 214
- Swimming Pool, 52, 102, 312
- Third Class cabins, 105, 223
- Third Class public rooms, 225
- Turkish Bath, 52, 102, 110, 111, 188, 317
- Verandah Cafés, 84–85, 102, 232, 254
- watertight compartments, 83, 164, 167, 195, 282
- Sinking
- casualty figures, xv
- collapse of funnels, 248–49
- disappearance, 254
- distress rockets, 208, 215
- music during evacuation, 207, 241–42
- order given to evacuate, 201
- splits apart, 251–54
- treatment of third-class passengers, 222–26
- After 1912
- centenary of sinking, xx
- cinematic portrayals, xvi, 251–52, 302–5, 317
- inquiries into, xv, 282–83
- theory of switch with Olympic, 108–13
- use in Nazi propaganda, xvii–xix
- wreck, xv, 251, 253–54
- Titanic (1943 movie), xvii–xix
- Titanic (1953 movie), 252, 314
- Titanic (1997 movie), 73, 125, 252
- Titanic and Other Ships (memoir), 312
- Titanic: The Ship That Never Sank? (book), 107
- “To the Tsar” (poem), 160
- Tolstoy, Count Leo, 158
- Traffic (tender), 61
- Tranby House, East Riding, 134
- Travelling Palaces (book), 102–3
- Treaty of London (1839), 294
- Trent (ship), 151
- Trinity College, Dublin, 113
- Trip to Japan, A (play), 91
- Triton Fish and Game Club, 140–41
- Truth about Chickamauga, The (book), 144
- Truth about the Titanic, The (memoir), 251
- Turing, Alan, 129
- Tutankhamen, 124
- Twain, Mark, 66, 187
- Two Nations Theory (Irish), 35
- U-20 (submarine), xvi, 235
- Ulster Covenant, 42
- Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 35
- Ulster Liberal Unionist Association, 28
- Ulster Volunteer Force, 40–41
- Umberto I, King of Italy, 184
- Umberto II, King of Italy, 358n26
- United States Coast Guard, 140, 283
- United States Institute of Statistics and Technology, 166
- United States Line, 300
- United States Marine Corps, 140
- University of Pennsylvania, 289, 311, 313
- Unsinkable Molly Brown, The (musical), 135–36
- Vacani’s School of Dancing, Knightsbridge, 290
- “Valediction” (poem), 23
- Van der Vat, Dan, 106, 110, 111, 112
- Vanity Fair (magazine), 123
- Variety (magazine), 301
- Vaterland (liner), 72, 292, 300
- Vernon, Anne, 310
- Versailles, Palace of, 19, 62, 94, 143
- Vespucci, Amerigo, 177
- Vicksburg, siege of, 152
- Victor Emmanuel II, King of Italy, 182
- Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy, 183
- Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom, 6, 24, 28, 29, 30, 81
- Victoria College, Belfast, 26
- Victoria-Eugenia of Battenberg, Queen of Spain, 127
- Vienna Bank Employees’ Club Ball, 293
- Vienna Derby, 18
- Village Clubs Association, 5
- Vogue (American), 127, 305
- Washington Post, 4
- Washington, George, 94
- Weil, Minnie Straus, 57, 155
- Welles, Orson, 307
- Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of, 24
- Wellington, Katherine Wellesley, Duchess of, 6
- Wellington College, Belfast, 24
- Wennerström, August, 243
- Westminster Confession of Faith (1646), 138
- Wharton, Edith, 18
- Wharton, Edward, 18
- “When Erin First Rose” (poem), 81
- White, Ella, 73, 86–87, 259
- White, Stanford, 133
- White Aprons, The (movie), 96, 303
- Whitehaven Pit Disaster (1910), 122
- White Star Line, xvii, xviii, xxi, 15, 17, 31, 32, 47, 53, 60, 65–66, 68, 70, 71, 72, 107, 112, 125, 166–68, 170–71, 221, 225, 278, 280, 281, 286, 288, 289
- Whiting, Richard (martyr), 315
- Widener, Eleanor, 175, 176, 178–79, 182, 183, 263, 268, 286
- Widener, George, 88, 175, 176, 178–79, 182, 183, 230, 231, 240, 274, 286
- Widener, Harry, 179
- Widener, Peter, 88
- Wilde, Henry, 83–84, 274, 285
- Wilde, Oscar, 41, 129
- Wilding, Edward, 38, 43, 46
- Wilhelm II, German Emperor, 7, 30, 67–68
- Wilkinson, Norman, 232
- William III, King of England, Scotland and Ireland, 19, 39
- William IV, King of the United Kingdom, 24
- Williams, Richard Norris, 268–69
- Wilson, Frances, 286
- Wilson, Woodrow, 63, 179–80
- Wimbledon Championships, 128, 289–90
- Winchester College, Hampshire, 64
- Windsor Castle, 7, 23, 64
- Wi´sniewska, Faustina, 63
- Women’s Unionist Association, Fife, 296
- Women’s Wear Daily, 175
- Woodlawn, Bronx (cemetery), 299
- Woolner, Hugh, 132–33, 220, 251
- Woolner, Thomas (sculptor), 133
- World of Yesterday, The: Memoirs of a European (memoir), 280
- Wormstedt, Bill, xx
- Wrong Bottle, The (movie), 96
- Yale Daily News, 172
- Yale University, 73
- Yat-sen, Sun, President, 129
- Yolanda of Savoy, Countess of Bergolo, 358n26
- Yorktown, Battle of, 94
- Young Men’s Christian Association, 5
- Young, Marie, 86
- Zita of Bourbon-Parma, Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary, 18
- Zuleika Dobson (novel), 123
- Zweig, Stefan, 280
- Zyrot en Cie, 49