

1. Old Norse cosmology as an archaeological challenge

Cosmological aspects of Old Norse religion

The chronological and spatial horizons of Old Norse cosmology

Archaeology and Old Norse cosmology

Three archaeological studies

2. In the shadow of Yggdrasill

Mythological trees

Real trees

Representations of trees

The archaeology of ‘tree settings’

The semiotics of the ‘tree settings’

The world from the view-point of ‘tree settings’

The tree in Old Norse religion

3. A world of stone

A biography of Ismantorp

Ölandic comparisons

Scandinavian forts

Outlines of an early Scandinavian martial culture

War as ritualized action

War and cosmology

Models and parallels

Back to Ismantorp

Ismantorp and Old Norse cosmology

4. Whirls, horses, and ships

Early picture stones on Gotland

New contexts

An initial pictorial analysis

A return trip to Bronze Age iconography

Bridging the gap between Eskelhem and Sanda

Bronze Age perspectives on early Gotlandic picture stones

Metalwork in the Iron Age

A special case: the gold bracteates

Iron Age perspectives on early Gotlandic picture stones

The sun in later mythological contexts

Tracing sun rituals

The disappearance of solar symbols and sun rituals in the sixth century

Solar traditions through time

5. Placing Old Norse cosmology in time and space

Different trajectories

The Migration Period as a cluster of changes

The Huns

The dust veil

The disappearance of the sun-oriented traditions in the sixth century

A golden age

Outlines of a new context


Primary Old Norse sources

Other primary sources and secondary literature