

Abbot, Geoffrey 6, 51

Aikenhead, William 58

Allen, Harry 143, 151-152

Allen, Peter 159

Andersen, Hans Christian 4

Anderson, Robert 91

Armstrong, George 137

Arnet, Richard 30-32

Askern, Thomas 35, 40-43

Atkinson, Mattew 41

Austwick, Constable 75

Barratt, Percy 124

Bateman, Mary 39

Benson, Benjamin 122

Benson, G 42

Bentley, David 6, 142

Bentley, Derek 126

Berry, James 71-80

Biggs, Richard 4

Billington, James 97-101

Billington, John 102, 117

Billington, William 103-105, 107

Binns, Batholomew 72, 81-90, 12

Blake, David 128

Blakemore, Rev 103

Blanchard, Peter 70

Bland, James 29

Bonaparte, Napoleon 9, 20

Borrow, George 43

Bousfield, William 51

Brady, Joeph 64

Bramley, Tom 144

Bright, John 60

Brougham, Alfred 149

Brown, Beresford 134

Browne, Sir Thomas 1

Brownrigg, Elizabeth 18

Bryant, Charlotte 120

Bubb, Dr 76

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward 43

Burke, Harry 64

Burnet, Gilbert 22

Burrows, Samuel 52-58

Calcraft, Sarah 48

Calcraft, William 10, 44-51, 91

Cardwell, George 124

Carr, John 57

Casement, Roger 107, 112

Casey, Patrick 63

Cavendish, Lord Frederick 64, 82

Chamfort, Sebastien, 159

Charles II 22

Cheshire, Mr 46

Christie, John 126, 133-134

Clitherow, Margaret 16

Cocksworth, James 150

Cook, John 93

Cooper, William Henry 137

Coulson, John 119

Coulton, Jane 130

Courvoisier, Henry 4, 48-49

Cratwell, George 4

Crippen, Dr. 107, 109-110

Crosby, Nicholas 148

Curry, William 35-37, 53

Davies, Owen 41

Davis, David 1

Delasalle, Sydney 130

Dernley, Syd 147-150

Derrick, John 1

Desfarges, Madame 156

Dew, Walter 110

Dickens, Charles 5, 26, 49

Dougal, Samuel 102-103

Doughty, Jack 57, 107

Dove, William 41

Duff, Charles 16, 135

Dutton, Henry 86-87

Dyson, Arthur 67

Dyson, Katherine 67

Eddlestone, John 6

Edwards, Christopher 95

Edwards, William 127

Ekirch, E Roger 11

Elenstreng, John 7

Ellis, John 57, 106-114, 115, 122

Ellis, Ralph 55

Ellis, Ruth 126, 135, 157

Ellwood, John 116-117

Elmore, Belle 109

Evans, Gwynne 159

Evans, Stewart 74

Evans, Timothy 135, 148

Farrell, Maureen 145

Fenning, Elzabeth 47

Fielding, Steve 6, 98, 126

Flanagan, Catherine 88

Fletcher, Alice 101

Foxton, Henry 45

Fry, Margery 155

Gerry, Elbridge 125

Gilligan, Flora 134

Goodair, John 54

Grantham, Judge 104

Habron, William 67

Hackett, Mary 153

Hadfield, Thomas 3

Hale, Leslie 2

Hall, Albert 153

Hardy, Gathorne 60

Harrison, Henry 41

Hayes, Catherine 32

Heath, Charles 88

Heath, Samuel 90

Heffernan, Richard 118

Henry, Philip 134

Henshall, John 56

Higgins, Margaret 89

Hodgson, Louisa 70

Hooper, John 32

Hughes, William 101-102

Inglis, James 149-150

Innes, William 74

Jagger, P C 144

Jaquette, Richard 22

Jeffreys, Judge 24

Jermy, Isaac 49

Jervis, Mr Justice 56

Johnson, John 41-42

Joyce, Myles 63

Kadri, Sadkat 133

Ketch, Jack 20-25

Kirk, Harry 141

Klein, Leonora 126, 133

Koestler, Arthur 157

‘Lady Betty’, Irish executioner 159

Lansbury, George 125

Lawson, Steven 2

Laycock, Joseph 99

Lefley, Mary 75–77

Leggett, Major 87-88

Levine, Abraham 143

Lister, Thomas 46

Lister, William 77

Lofty, Margaret 113

Lord Haw Haw (William Joyce) 131-132

Lord Lovat 155

Lowther, Christopher 125

Lubina, William 151

Lusk, Andrew 89

Lyttleton, Sir Charles 22

MacDermott, Patrick 127

MacLeod, Neil 140

McCarroll, Father 112

McEwen, Mervyn 140-141

Machyn, George 2

Macaulay, Lord 20

Mackay, Alexander 92

Major, Ethel 120, 158

Mander, P R 112

Mancini, Antonio 128

Mann, Tommy 126

Marwood, William 5, 59-70, 71, 72, 84

Maseey, Ruth 148

Mayne, Annie 122

Midlington, Mr 63

Miller, John Robert 107

Montgomery, Captain 14

Monmouth, Duke of 8, 22

Moore, Alfred 2, 143-144

Morgan, Alice 149

Morrey, Edith 54-55

Minday, Beatrice 113

Murphy, James (Barnsley) 75

Murphy, James (Ireland) 81

Newell, Susan 106

Oates, Titus 22, 24

O’Brien, Mr Justice 64

O’Donnell, Patrick 85

Ormiston, John 14-15

Orwell, George 3

Palmer, William 91, 93-94

Pankotia, Zsiga 151

Pascoe, Russell 151

Payne, Sarah 1

Peace, Charles 65-68

Peel, Sir Robert 43

Pennington, Alice 98

Perruchon 159

Philpott, Harry 141

Pierrepoint, Albert 3, 126-131, 137-138, 148, 150

Pierrepoint, Henry 115-119

Pierrepoint, Thomas 120-125, 136

Poulson, Professor 152

Price, John 26-29

Rede, Leman 12

Richter, Karel 137-139

Rickington, William 55

Riley, Alex 132

Rose, Pascha 21, 25

Rush, James Bloomfield 44,

Russell, Lord William 4, 22, 48, 49-51

Sabin, Albert 150-141

Savile, George 10

Scott, Chief Warder 107

Scott, Sir Walter 43

Scott, Thomas Henry 146

Selwyn, George 155

Shakespeare, William 87

Shearman, Mr Justice 109

Sheppard, Jack 31

Sheward, William 12

Simmonite, Edith 141

Smedley, William 141

Smith, George ‘Throttler’ 91-96

Smith, George 106

Smith, George Joseph 119

Smith, William 36

Spall, Timothy 126

Spilsbury, Sir Bernard 110

Stanley, Lord 60

Stewart, Robert 151

Sullivan, John 103-104

Swann, Emily 107-108

Taylor, Edward 114

Taylor, William 88

Temple, John 54

Tennyson, Alfred Lord 5

Thomas, Julia 65

Thomson, Thomas 130

Thompson, Arthur 130

Thompson, Edith 106, 155, 158

Thompson, Joseph 54

Thurtell, John 43

True, Ronald 124

Turpin, Dick 3, 17, 34

Tussaud, John Theodore 62

Tussaud, Madame 1, 18, 62, 72

Twigg, Samuel 92

Van der Elst, Violet 104

Vickers, Robert 74

Wade, Steve 128, 129, 134, 136-139

Walker, Mary 118

Walpole, Spencer 60

Walters, Harry 115

Walton, Mary 92

‘Warbrick’ 105

Ward, Snowden 79

Webster, Kate 65

Weare, William 43

Wells, Thomas 92

West, Nigel 139

White, Elizabeth 27

Whitely, Thomas 90

Widdecombe, Anne 1

Wild, Jonathan 30

Wilde, Oscar 101

Wilkinson, Alec 145

Wilkinson, Tom 116

Withers, James 73

Wontner, Mr 14

Wooldridge, Thomas 101

Woolfe, George 104

Yarwood, Derek 55


Albion Street 143

Armley 99, 140

Armley Gaol 33, 143

Athol Street 85

Banner Cross 67

Barnsley 75, 151

Bath 113

Bedford Arms 41

Beeston (Leeds) 128

Berlin 131

Bethnel Green 113

Birmingham 91

Bolton (Bradford) 80

Bolton (Lancs) 98

Boothtown 133

Bow Street 20

Bradford 41, 73, 78, 116, 127

Bristol 49, 151

Bruntsfields Links 15

Bunhill Fields 26

Burma 3

Cambridge 63

Cambridge Street 149

Chelmsford 102, 118

Cheshire 52

Chester 55

Clayton Heights 130

Clerkenwell 20

Cobb Hall 17

Coddington 55

Cripplegate Church 30

Dalkeith 14

Dalmeny Avenue 155

Denbigh 102

Deptford Green 32

Derby Arms 101

Devizes Street, 46

Devon 1

Dewsbury 83, 84

Dodsworth 75

Doncaster 136, 137, 146

Doncaster Royal Infirmary 146

Dover 91

Dublin 64, 81, 112

Durham 103

Edinburgh 73

Essex 44

Exeter 120

Farnworth 98

Galway 63, 131

Glasneven cemetery 112

Grassmarket (Edinburgh) 14

Great Passage Street 150

Halifax 38, 124, 133, 153

Harleton 11

Harrogate 145

Hatfield Peveril 48

Haworth 54

Heckmondwike 72

Help the Poor Struggler 148

Hertford 43

Hertfordfshire 24

Hilldrop Crescent 109

Holloway 29, 155, 157

Holyhead 118

Horncastle 59, 70

House of Lords 132

Huddersfield 2, 38, 84, 122, 144

Huddersfield Mission 119

Hunslet 122

Islington 46

Killane 65

Kilmainham Gaol 64

Kirkdale gaol 85

Knavesmire (York) 4, 17, 33

Lancashire 97

Leeds 41, 43, 67, 116, 141

Leeds University 152

Limerick 64

Lime Street Station 147

Lincoln 45, 76-77, 104

Lincoln Castle 70

Lincolnshire 5, 42, 125

Lincoln’s Inn Fields 22

Lister Lane 153

Liverpool 6, 85

London 8, 65, 107

London Colney 138

Londonderry 146

London Dungeons 34

Lydford 1

Maltby 42

Marble Arch 2

Manchester 6, 67, 109, 149, 151, 159

Mansfield 148

Marlow 2

Middlesex Theatre 81

Middleton Woods 128

Millsands 67

Moat House Farm 102

Mold Green 146

Moorfields 27

Moorfield Street 140

Morley 140

Mountjoy prison 127, 140

Nag’s Head Hotel 130

Newgate 11, 14, 28, 51, 99, 107

Newgate Press Yard 31

Newmarket 24

New York 131

Norfolk 12, 44

Northallerton 36

Northamptonshire 11

North Country Camp 130

North Nottionghamshire 148

Northolt (RAF) 133

Norwich Castle 50

Nottingham 72, 80

Nuremburg 126

Old Bailey 18, 51, 65, 110, 132, 137

Oxford Street 17

Pentonville 104, 117

Phoenix Park 69, 81-82

Pontefract 124

Pudsey 141

Putney Bridge 134

Richmond 65

Rillington Place 133

Rising Sun Hotel 89

Rochdale 104, 106

Rochdale Infirmary 114

Roscommon 159

Rotherham 41

Rugeley 93

Ruthin 102

Rye House 24

St Albans 138

St Nicholas, Church of 32

Savile Park 140

Scotland Yard 3

Sedgemoor 8

Sheffield 67, 141

Southport, 143

Spread Eagle Alley 20

Springfield Street 151

Stafford 92, 95

Strangeways 126, 148

Swaledale 144

Thirsk Parish Workhouse 40

Thorne Road 146

Tower Hill 24

Tyburn (London) 4, 13, 22, 25, 26, 31

Waddingham 121

Wakefield 88, 115

Walnut Tree Farm 80

Wakefield Road 42

Wandsworth 137

Wapping 32

Warwick 96

Westminster 56

Westwood Hospital 130

Whalley Edge 67

White Croft 99

Winchester 115

Witham Union Workhouse 48

Wombwell (Barnsley) 145

Woolwich 36

Wrangle 76

Wrenn’s Tavern 64

Wrexham 101

York 7, 33-38, 57, 99, 134

York Castle 12, 39

Yorkshire 54

York Tyburn 16