
Aaronson, Scott, 136

Ablation studies, 2

Accelerated rTMS, 2728

Acoustic changes, 34

Adolescent populations, TMS for, 27

Adverse effects. See also Safety

acoustic trauma, 34

autonomic, 3637

cognitive, 35

loss of consciousness, 107108

migraine, 34

monitoring for, 4445

pain, 34

seizures, 3233

syncope, 45

tinnitus, 38

Aldini, Giovanni, 1

Alzheimer’s disease, 109, 126127

Antidepressant therapies

advantages and disadvantages of, 5556

as standard treatment, viii

TMS versus, 2223, 58

Antidepressant treatment history form (ATHF), 54

Anxiety, viii, 35

Aphasia, 127

Assessment of patients, 5253. See also Patient selection

Auditory hallucinations, treatment of, 38, 125, 147

Autonomic adverse effects, 3637

Avery, D. H., 23

Bae, E., 63

Barker, Anthony, vii, 3, 8, 17, 98

Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), 89

Beer, Berthold, 3

Berger, Hans, 103

Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro model of plasticity, 38

Bilateral rTMS, 120

Bipolar disorder, 26, 35, 61, 122123

Blumberger, Daniel M., 98

Borderline personality disorder, 53

Brain stem regions, viii

Brainsway, Inc., 28, 70

Burt, T., 22

Buzsaki, G., 100

Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia, 124

Capacitor, Leyden jar as, 1

Carcot, Jean-Martin, 2

Carpenter, L. L., 2526, 58

Casarotto, S., 108109

Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CESD), 90

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 60, 79

Children and adolescents, TMS for, 34, 37

Children’s Depression Rating Scale-Revised (CDRS-R), 27, 91

Chronic pain, 125126

Chronic TMS exposure, 4041

Cingulate gyrus, viii

Clinical efficacy of TMS in depression, 1731

combination trial, 21

electroconvulsive therapy versus, 2324

future directions for, 2728

geriatric depression, 27, 83

large-scale RCT results, 1820

low frequency right sided rTMS, 119120

metaanalyses of, 2122

in Parkinson’s disease, 128

pharmacotherapy versus, 2223

post stroke depression, 61, 139

priming approach, 121

response predictors, 2425

special populations, 27

TMS rationale for, viiiix, 145146

treatment-resistant depression, 4, 18

Clinical trial design, limitations in, 157159

Cochlear implants, 40

Cochrane reviews, 125

Cognitive behavioral therapy, 28

Coil configuration

“deep” TMS device, 70

estimation of TMS intensity and effect, 1315

future directions for, 164

H-shaped, 42

overview, 1012

patient selection and, 62

Combination TMS, efficacy for depression, 3740

Connectivity-guided coil placement, 164

Connolly, R. K., 23, 26, 57

Consent, 7275

Contraindications and precautions, 4546

Cortical pathways, stimulation of, vii

Cortical silent period (CSP), 99100

Cristancho, Mario A., 17

Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes, 79

d’Arsonval, Jacques-Arsène, 3

Daskalakis, Zafiris J., 98, 100, 106

Deep brain stimulation (DBS), 3940, 143145

“Deep” TMS device, 70

Dementia, 126127

Deng, Z. D., 10, 12

Depression. See Clinical efficacy of TMS in depression

Descartes, René, 1

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR), 87

Diffusion MRI, 33

Discontinuation rates, 23

Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC)

depression and abnormal activity in, viiiix

locating, 11

pain perception by, 126

Education of patients, 7275

Effect, estimation of, 1315

Efficacy. See Clinical efficacy of TMS in depression

Elderly populations, TMS for, 83

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

in depression treatment, viii

efficacy, 54, 57, 136137

side effects and tolerability, 137138

speed of response, 138

technique evolution, 159162

TMS versus, 2324, 5860, 119, 138

Electrodynamics, 2

Electroencephalography (EEG)

brain rhythms measured by, 105106

monitoring by, 4445

paired-pulse TMS combined with, 106107

single-pulse TMS combined with, 106

sleep affected by TMS with, 107

TMS combined with, 4, 103105, 108109

Electromagnetism, laws of, 8

Electromyography (EMG), 41, 44, 98

Electrophysiology, 17

Epstein, Charles M., 8

Excitatory TMS paradigms, 100101

Faraday, Michael, 23, 99

Farzan, F., 100, 106, 108

Ferrarelli, F., 107

Ferreri, F., 107

Ferrier, David, 2

Fibromyalgia, 126

Fiducials (skull landmarks), 11

Figiel, G. S., 27

Fitzgerald, Paul, 107, 117

Food and Drug Administration (FDA). See U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Fox, M. D., 12

Frantseva, M., 108

Freud, Sigmund, 3

Fritz, Gustav, 2

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 4

Functions of the Brain (Ferrier), 2

Galen of Pergamum, 1

Galvani, Luigi, 1

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) inhibitory neurotransmission, 99100

George, Mark S., 1, 3, 17, 22

Geriatric depression scale (GDS), 9192

Geriatric population, 27, 83

Hadley, D., 28, 42

Hallucinations, 38, 47, 125, 147

Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD), 18, 23, 84, 8788

Harvey, William, 1

Hearing loss, 34. See also Auditory hallucinations

Hebbian plasticity, 4

Hitzig, Eduard, 2

Holtzheimer, Paul E., vii, 21, 27, 136

Hoppenbrouwers, S., 108

ICF paired-pulse paradigm, 101, 107

Ilmoniemi, R., 104

Implantable pulse generator (IPG), 40

Infrared neuronavigation, 11

Inhibitory TMS paradigms, 99100

Insular cortex, viii

Insurance reimbursement, 60, 7879

Intensity, estimation of, 1315

Interhemispheric signal propagation, 4

Internal pulse generator (IPG), 40

International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN), 32

International Society for ECT and Neurostimulation (ISEN), 71

Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (IDS) and Quick IDS (QIDS) measurement, 8990

Jackson, Hughlings, 2

Janicak, P. G., 22

Jorge, R., 154

Kaptsan, A., 61

Keel, J. C., 72

Kicic, D., 104

Kimbrell, T., 37

Kozel, F. A., 22

Landy, Michelle, 17

Lefaucheur, Jean-Pascal, 32

Levels of evidence, 21

Leyden jar (as capacitor), 1

Lisanby, Sarah H., 152

Localisation of Cerebral Disease, The (Ferrier), 2

Long-interval cortical inhibition (LICI), 99100, 106108

Long-term potentiation (LTP), 4

Loo, Colleen, 27, 136

Low frequency right sided rTMS, 119120

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 11, 20, 44

Magnetic seizure therapy (MST), 138139

Magstim, Inc., 70

MagVenture, Inc., 70

Maintenance TMS, 153

Maixner, Daniel F., 69

Major depressive disorder (MDD). See Clinical efficacy of TMS in depression

Mania, 3536, 61, 122123

Mantovani, A., 22

Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database, FDA, 155156

Massimini, M., 107

Matsumiya, Y., 33

Maxwell, James Clerk, 23, 8

McCall, W. Vaughn, 52

McClintock, Shawn M., 82

McDonald, William M., vii

McNamara, B., 21

Measurement-based care, 8297

Beck Depression Inventory-II, 89

Center for Epidemiologic Studies depression scale (CESD), 90

Children’s Depression Rating Scale-Revised (CDRS-R), 91

Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), 9192

Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (IDS) and Quick IDS measurement, 8990

Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), 8889

neuropsychologic function screening, 9294

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), 9091

psychometric considerations, 83

Medial prefrontal cortex, viii

Medial temporal lobe regions, viii

Medicare, 7879

Mesmer, Franz, 1

Metaplasticity concept, 38

Midbrain, viii

Mindfulness therapy, 28

Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE/MMSE-2) screening, 9293

Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), 1819, 84, 8889

Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) measure of cognitive function, 9394

Mood-regulation circuit, of brain, ix

Motor cortex stimulation, 101103, 125126

Motor-evoked potential (MEP), 4142, 98

Motor-evoked potential (MEP) amplitude, 100101

Motor threshold, 1314. See also Resting motor threshold (RMT)

Multimodal paradigms for TMS, 166

National Institutes of Health (NIH). See U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Negative symptoms, in schizophrenia, 124

Neosync, Inc., 70

Neuroimaging, viii, 44

Neurological disorders. See Psychiatric and neurological disorders, TMS for

Neuronetics, Inc., 70

Neurophysiological measure of TMS, 98116

cortical excitability, 101103

electroencephalography (EEG)

brain rhythms measured by, 105106

paired-pulse TMS combined with, 106107

single-pulse TMS combined with, 106

sleep affected by TMS measured by, 107

TMS combined with, 103105, 108109

excitatory TMS paradigms, 100101

future directions, 110

inhibitory TMS paradigms, 99100

loss of consciousness studies, 107108

Neuroplasticity, 45, 158

Neuropsychiatric disorders. See Psychiatric and neurological disorders

Neuropsychological screening, 9294

Neurostar rTMS device (Neuronetics), 1819, 47

Neurostimlation intervention development, 136151

deep brain stimulation, 143145

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 136138

magnetic seizure therapy (MST), 138139

repetitive TMS (rTMS), 145147

transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), 139140

vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) implantable device, 140143

Neurostimulation practitioners, 60

Noninvasive brain stimulation, 2

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 123, 143

Optimization of TMS trial (OPT-TMS), 20

Orbitofrontal cortex, viii

O’Reardon, John P., 17, 25

Outcome predicting and influencing, 6064

Pain, chronic, 125126

Pain, from TMS, 34, 38

Paired-pulse TMS, 106107

Panic disorder, 123124

Parietal cortex, viii

Parkinson’s disease, 36, 128

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), 9091

Patient selection, 5268

consultation, 5254

evaluation and monitoring, 7172

limitations in methods of, 154

measurement-based care, 8384

outcome prediction, 6064

TMS versus ECT, 5960

treatment planning, 5459

Patterned stimulation, 121

Pharmacotherapy, TMS versus, 2223

Policies, TMS, 7578

Pollacsek, Adrian, 3

Post-stroke depression, 61, 139

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 123

Potter, Guy, 82

Pregnancy, 27, 37

Priming approach, 38, 43, 121

Psychiatric and neurological disorders, TMS for, 117135

Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, 109, 126127

anxiety, viii, 35, 109

aphasia, 127

bipolar disorder, 26, 3536, 61, 122123

borderline personality disorder, 53

chronic pain, 125126

obsessive compulsive disorder, 123

panic disorder, 123124

Parkinson disease, 128

post-stroke depression, 61, 128, 139

posttraumatic stress disorder treatment, 123

schizophrenia and psychosis, 124125

stroke-related neurological impairment, 127128

suicidal ideation, viii, 35

Psychometric considerations, in measurement-based care, 83, 87

Psychotherapy, viii, 59

Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (QIDS) and IDS measurement, 8990

Radhu, Natasha, 98

Regulatory aspects, 4647

Reimbursement, insurance, 60, 7879

Relapse, in depression, viii

Repeatable battery for the assessment of neuropsychological status (RBANS), 94

Repetitive TMS (rTMS). See also Psychiatric and neurological disorders, TMS for

accelerated, 2728

cortical excitability from, vii

developmental stages of, 17

in neurostimulation intervention development, 145147

single-pulse TMS enhanced by, 3

standard approaches, 117119

Research methodology, limitations in, 157159

Resting motor threshold (RMT), 1314, 41, 99101

Rosenquist, Peter B., 52

Rosonova, M., 107

Rossi, Simone, 3233, 42

Safety, 3251. See also Seizures

children and adolescents, 34, 37

chronic TMS exposure, 4041

cochlear implants, 40

coil, effects of, 1213

concurrent diseases and, 3740

contraindications and precautions, 4546

epilepsy, 3233

geriatrics, 27, 83

Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database, 155156

monitoring for, 4445

neuropsychological screening, 9294

patient selection and, 6364

pregnancy, 27, 37

stimulation parameters and, 4144

tissue toxicity, 3334

TMS limitations based on, 155157

Transcranial magnetic stimulation Adult Safety Screen (TASS), 63

Schizophrenia, 38, 47, 124125

Schutter, D., 22, 119

Screening, 72, 9294


management of, 45

risk of, 15, 154, 156

as TMS acute adverse event, 3233

Self-report inventories, 89

Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) trial, 23, 5859

Sham/masking, in clinical trials, viii, 157158

Shelly, Mary, 1

Short-interval cortical inhibition (SICI), 100, 107

Short latency afferent inhibition, 4

Single-pulse TMS, 106

Sleep, TMS and, 6364, 107

Slotema, C. W., 22, 24

Speed of response, 153

Stroke-related neurological impairment, treatment of, 127128

Suicidal ideation, viii, 35

Swammerdam, Jan, 1

“Synchronized” TMS, 70

Syncope, 45

Taylor, Joseph J., 1

Thalamus, viii

Theta burst stimulation (TBS), 4, 14, 43, 121

Tinnitus, 38

Tissue toxicity, 3334

TMS, administration of, 6981

basic equipment, 6970

insurance reimbursement, 7879


education and consent, 7275

selection and monitoring, 7172

personnel and training, 71

standard operating procedures and policies, 7578

TMS devices, 70

TMS, efficacy of. See Clinical efficacy of TMS in depression

TMS, future directions for, 162166

TMS development, 816

coil configuration, 1012

core TMS circuit, 810

intensity and effect estimation, 1315

safety considerations, 1213

TMS limitations, 152170

clinical trial design and research, 157159

ECT technique, 159162

patient selection methods, 154

potency, speed of response, and maintenance, 153

safety, 155157

TMS theoretical basis, 17

history, 13

modern, 34

neuroplasticity and, 45

Transcallosal inhibition (TCI), 100

Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), 139140

Transcranial magnetic stimulation adult safety screen (TASS), 63

Treatment-resistant depression (TRD), 4, 18

Turner, E. H., 22

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database, 155156

Neuronetics Neurostar rTMS device approved by, 47

rTMS device approved by, viiviii, 3, 17

TMS devices approved by, 70

vagus nerve stimulation approved by, 141

U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), 14, 18, 20, 57

Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS)

developmental difficulties, 143

efficacy, 141142

implantable devices for, 141

insurance coverage for, 60

overview, 141

side effects and tolerability, 142

for treatment-resistant patients, 54, 57

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of, 141

Validity of measurement instruments, 83, 87

Visual hallucinations, 38

Voineskos, A., 109

Volta, Alessandro, 1

Wall, C. A., 27

Wang, X., 100

Zanjani, Anosha, 98

Ziemann, U., 100