- Aaker, Jennifer (social psychologist), 246
- A/B testing, 111–112
- Abel, Scott (Content Wrangler), 267
- account-level attribution, of metrics, 102–106
- accounts, engaging, 110–111
- acknowledgement, as an attention trigger, 35–36
- acquiring new leads and customers, 68
- Acquisition campaigns, 72–73
- activation, 68, 452
- Activation campaigns, 73
- ad fatigue, 388
- Adestra (website), 345
- advanced customer engagement
- Facebook Live, 630–640
- Facebook Messenger, 617–630
- improving customer experience, 619–630
- advertising
- enhancing WOM with, 504–505
- with Facebook Messenger, 628–630
- on YouTube, 683–684
- advertorials, 342
- advocacy, building, 68–69
- Advocate stage, of buyer journey in Engagement campaigns, 75
- affiliate marketing, 520
- affiliate model, 49
- agencies, 543–547
- aggregated visual content, 198, 199, 207–208
- aggregation model, for content curation, 202
- agile, being, 529–530
- AgoraPulse, 334
- Ahrefs, 160
- Airbnb, 48, 304
- Alexa, 322
- Alltop, 498–499
- <alt> tag, 414
- Altruist persona, 430
- Amazon, 58, 97, 169, 418–419
- ambassador program, 501–502
- American Express, 61
- Anderson, Chris (author), 52
- annual promotional plan, creating, 449–450
- anomalies, 326
- anticipating future needs, 737
- antisocial, as a term used for Millennials, 310
- API (application programming interface), 102
- Apple, 46–47, 58, 495
- Apple Music, 56
- application programming interface (API), 102
- applications (Facebook Pages), 558
- ascension, planning for, 236
- ascension campaigns, 456–457
- assessment, as gated offers, 89
- assets
- discoverability of, 375
- optimizing for specific channels, 411–422
- uniqueness of, 373
- assigning writers, 258–260
- Association for Talent Development, 179, 180
- attention minutes, 435
- attention spans, short, 30–31
- attention triggers, 35–36
- 'attention web' movement, 30–34
- attitudinal data, 120–121
- attracting subscribers to YouTube, 675–676
- attributing advertising spend to revenue, 114–115
- audience retention, 416
- audiences
- connecting with, 504
- distributing content to, 236–239
- education, in B2B content marketing, 17
- engagement, encouraging on Facebook, 572–575
- engaging using storytelling, 241–248
- expanding, 109–110
- Facebook, 563–565
- identifying touchpoints for your, 365–366
- knowing your, 527–528
- participation, encouraging, 356–357
- audio/podcasts, for content, 212, 213, 225
- authority, as a principle of persuasion, 491
- Authorstream, 212
- “automaticity,” as an attention trigger, 35–36
- avatar, considerations for, 61
- avoiding common mistakes with buyer personas, 142–143
- awareness
- in marketing funnel, 222
- as a stage in buyer journey, 165, 167
- B2B (business to business) content marketing
- about, 16–17, 731–732
- audience, 269–291
- campaign, 101–115
- ongoing account maintenance, 732–736
- balancing marketing campaign calendar, 76–77
- banner blindness, 388
- BarkBox (blog), 40, 41
- Beats Music, 56
- behavioral data, 120–121
- benchmarks, creating, 577
- beneficiaries, as content creators, 281
- benefit, 237
- benefit subject lines, in emails, 461–462
- Berger, Jonah (author), 196
- Bhargava, Rohit (author), 150
- big data
- about, 119–124, 129, 320–321
- Internet of Things (IoT), 124–128
- problems with, 121–122
- role of in content marketing, 122–124
- types of, 120–121
- visualizing, 129
- Biggerplate, 213, 216
- “The Big Marketing Activity Coloring Book,” 395
- Birchbox, 99
- Bit.ly (website), 274, 376
- black hats, 403
- blacklist, 291, 467
- Blanchard, Marc (Global Head of Experience Design), 65–66
- blocking people on Twitter, 667
- Blog Talk Radio, 213
- blogs
- as a distribution channel, 653
- as influencer platform, 473–474
- leveraging Facebook presence via, 596
- posts, 224, 274, 289
- Sales Enablement, 179–180
- using for brand experience strategy, 365
- boards (Pinterest), 686, 692–695
- BOFU (bottom of the funnel), 223, 228–230
- books
- as deep-discount offers, 92
- as TOFU content, 225
- Boomerang persona, 430
- boosting, in Facebook, 584
- Botisfy, 628
- bottom of the funnel (BOFU), 223, 228–230
- Brafton (website), 259
- brain, 242
- Brainshark, 212
- brainstorming content assets, 235–236
- brand. See also business model
- about, 45
- clarity of, 366
- defined, 566
- developing success measures for your, 64–65
- discovering your, 57–60
- importance of branding, 58
- knowing your current reality, 59–60
- positioning around sharing, 349–351
- producing branded content, 65–66
- promoting on Instagram, 608
- protecting your, 516–517
- reexamining, 716
- reviewing status, 717–722
- separating from your business model, 46–56
- solidifying your, 60–64
- brand advocacy, of Millennials, 296–297
- brand advocates, creating, 75
- brand ambassador, 512
- brand awareness
- in B2B content marketing, 17
- building using Facebook, 566–567
- driving, 379
- influencers and, 493
- as a success measure, 65
- suggested metrics for increasing, 18
- surveying about, 720–721
- brand channel ads, 684
- brand engagement, increasing, 378–379
- brand experience
- about, 361
- checking off elements for each touchpoint, 366–367
- creating a strategy, 361–365
- developing customer relationships, 367–369
- identifying touchpoints, 365–366
- integrating for omni-channel strategy, 373–375
- nurturing relationships via, 302
- running campaigns, 377–381
- segmenting content, 369–373
- tracking across different media, 375–377
- brand identity, developing, 284–286
- Brand Keys, 59
- brand loyalty, as a success measure, 65
- brand mentions (Facebook Pages), 579
- brand profile data, 319–320
- branded queries, 404
- Brandwatch, 334–335
- breaking news, for consumers, 128
- BriteVerify, 468
- broadcast emails, 447
- broadcasts, creating on Facebook Live, 638–640
- bubble.us, 213
- budgeting, 114, 580–581
- Budweiser, 245
- bullet lists, considerations for, 39
- bulletins, promoting videos on YouTube with, 678–679
- bundles, as monetization offers, 98
- business case, for content strategy, 192
- business model. See also brand
- about, 45, 713–714
- affiliate, 49
- analyzing, 56–57
- enhancing, 716–717
- freemium, 53–55
- long-tail, 52
- membership, 49–50
- online retail, 50–52
- peer-to-peer e-commerce site, 50
- reviewing brand status, 717–722
- separating from your brand, 46–56
- service, 52
- subscription, 53
- validating, 714–717
- Business Model Canvas tool, 56–57, 715–716
- Business Model Generation (Osterwalder and Pigneur), 56
- business news, 209–210
- business story, for content strategy, 193
- business to business (B2B) content marketing. See B2B (business to business) content marketing
- Business Wire, 651
- Butow, Eric (author), 604
- buyer journey
- about, 151–152
- commercial intent, 156–158
- competitors, 159–164
- in content audit worksheet, 189
- for content strategy, 193
- customer experience, 152–156
- defined, 362
- displaying engagement in, 115
- personalizing content, 169–170
- stages of, 164–168
- Buyer Persona Institute (website), 143
- buyer personas
- about, 131
- avoiding common mistakes, 142–143
- basing content on, 278–282
- choosing, 235
- collecting information, 136–142
- as component of journey map, 166–167
- in content audit worksheet, 189
- for content strategy, 193
- development of, 131–135
- generational differences, 143–146
- identifying prospect's emotions, 146–147
- keeping up with trends, 147–150
- buyer's stage/goal, as component of journey map, 166
- buying process, 164–166
- buzz, compared to impact, 33, 34
- BuzzFeed (website), 427
- BuzzStream, 431, 651
- BuzzSumo, 162, 322, 323, 431, 433, 496–497
- BuzzSumo Trends, 148, 150
- Cadbury, 369
- calendar, marketing campaign, 76–77
- call to action (CTA), 69, 189, 287, 367, 371, 680
- Calm the Ham (website), 552
- Cameron, Todd (author), 186
- campaign title, repeating on all media, 374
- campaign-level attribution, of metrics, 106–107
- campaigns. See digital marketing campaigns
- Campbell, Joseph (author), 249
- Camtasia, 212, 213
- CAN-SPAM Act (2003), 366, 444
- Canva, 212, 214, 415, 428–429
- Captivology: The Science of Capturing People's Attention (Parr), 35–36
- capturing leads through search marketing, 237
- Careerist persona, 430
- case studies, in content library, 272–273
- cataloging products/services, 448–450
- categories, content, 197–199
- categorizing clips for YouTube, 677–678
- cause alignment, nurturing relationships via, 302
- Cause customers to ascend stage, of buyer journey in Monetization campaigns, 74
- celebrities, as an influencer type, 495
- Cemper, Christoph C. (CEO), 32–33
- centralized model, 257
- Ceros, 42, 43
- CFO (Chief Financial Officer), 281
- Chaiffetz, Dina (author), 26–27
- Champions Program, 502
- channel promotions, as one of the Five C's, 10
- channels
- on Business Model Canvas, 56
- choosing, 236
- creating customized, 676
- delivering content on correct, 289
- integrating Instagram into other, 601–604
- optimizing assets for specific, 411–422
- promoting offers with, 589–590
- unifying content across every, 372–373
- Chartbeat, 30, 434
- chatbots, 628
- ChatFuel, 628
- cheat sheet
- as gated offers, 88
- website, 3
- check-back analysis, as one of the Five C's, 10–11
- checking links, 751
- Chernov, Joe (content marketing guru), 277
- Chief Financial Officer (CFO), 281
- Chief Information Officer (CIO), 281
- Chief Marketing Officer Council World Wide (website), 184
- Christensen, Clayton (businessman), 47–48, 720
- chronology model, for content curation, 202
- chunking method, of writing emails, 462
- Cialdini, Robert (author), 490, 492
- CIO (Chief Information Officer), 281
- click performance, calculating influencer payments with, 520
- Click to Tweet, 429
- ClickBank, 49
- ClickPress, 651
- clicks, 30, 106, 578
- click-through rates, for email, 346
- cloud-based content database, as component of Sales Enablement, 172
- CLV (customer lifetime value), 23–24, 301
- coaching sales reps, 178
- CoC (culture of content), 19–21, 426
- Coca Cola, 58
- cold emails, 366
- collaboration, as one of four sales enablement success pillars, 175
- colleagues, acquiring stories from, 246
- collecting information for buyer personas, 136–142
- color, considerations for, 62
- combining offers, 113
- comments
- commercial intent, 156–158
- commitment and consistency, as a principle of persuasion, 491
- communicating
- with detractors, 301
- influencer marketing and, 510–514
- with Millennials, 303–304
- community
- building, 68–69, 568–569
- Pinterest, 706–709
- community forum, 350
- company strategy, as one of the Five C's, 8
- comparing cost per click (CPC), 107–108
- comparison/spec sheets, as BOFU content, 229
- compensating influencer marketing and, 517–522
- competitive advantage, 172–173
- competitive data, 322–324
- competitors
- analyzing content of, 161–164
- researching, 159–161
- studying links of, 423
- concerns about status, as an emotion influencing buyers, 147
- confirmation, as a reason for visualizing data, 129
- connecting with audiences, 504
- Connector persona, 430
- consideration, as a stage in buyer journey, 165, 167
- Constant Contact (website), 346, 646
- consumer brand, influencer marketing for, 482–487
- consumers, how IoT benefits, 125
- contact points, 152
- content
- assessing, 187–190
- basing on personas, 278–282
- conversational, 367–368
- creating experience-specific, 370–372
- creating for YouTube, 677
- cross-linking, 422–423
- cross-promoting, 289–290
- customizing, 234
- delivering on correct channels, 289
- demonstrating thought leadership through, 283
- distributing to attract audiences, 236–239
- emphasizing in press releases, 653–654
- evaluating, 183–187
- evergreen, 194–195
- finding for e-newsletters, 647–648
- focusing on, 167–168
- humanizing, 282–286
- making easy to consume, 36–41
- managing formats, 212–217
- measuring effectiveness of, 290–291
- as one of the Five C's, 9–10
- personalizing, 169–170
- producing engaging branded, 65–66
- real-time, 123–124
- segmenting, 369–373
- segmenting marketing with, 232–233
- sharing with e-newsletters, 647–648
- specialized, 194–196
- structuring using stories, 249–251
- trying new, 112–113
- unifying across every channel, 372–373
- viral, 196
- content assets, brainstorming, 235–236
- content audits, 188–190, 193
- Content Campaign Plan template, 234–236
- content ecosystem, mapping, 190–191
- content libraries, creating, 270–282
- content manager, 258, 264, 265
- content marketing
- about, 219
- dynamics of, 220
- improving, 123
- marketing funnel, 222–230
- path to the next step, 231–232
- “perfect,” 221–234
- prospect's intent, 230–231
- role of big data in, 122–124
- “Content marketing: a customer-centric manifesto” (De Clerk), 23
- Content Marketing Institute, 12
- content maturity, 185–186, 726–727
- content plan
- benefits of, 184–186
- creating, 192–194
- evaluating content, 183–190
- specialized content, 194–196
- visualizing your sites, 190–192
- content process, organizing, 253–257
- content strategy
- creating, 352–354
- developing for Facebook, 570–572
- employing, 286–288
- content system administrators, 258, 264, 266
- content types
- categories, 197–199
- curation, 201–203
- extending business news, 209–210
- live video content, 208–209
- managing content formats, 212–217
- online courses, 210–211
- repurposing content to add value, 205–207
- short- and long-form content, 199–201
- user-generated content, 204–205
- viewing aggregated visual content, 207–208
- Content Wrangler, 267
- Contently (blog), 40, 41
- Contently (website), 259, 426–427
- contests, offering, 657
- context, of queries, 406
- continuity campaigns, compared with one-off events, 547–548
- continuity offer, 99
- contracting, influencer marketing and, 514–517
- contributor, 258
- Conversable, 628
- conversational content, 367–368
- conversations, observing on Twitter, 660–661
- conversions, 222, 579
- Convert stage, of buyer journey in Acquisition campaigns, 73
- converting prospects to customers, 411
- Convince & Convert (blog), 428
- cooked data, 318
- Cooper, Alan (author), 131–132
- copywriting, 250–251
- corporate mindset, expanding, 18–25
- correlations, as data indicators, 327
- CoSchedule, 262
- CoSchedule's Headline Analyzer, 251
- Cosmopolitan (magazine), 99
- cost per click (CPC), comparing, 107–108
- cost structure, on Business Model Canvas, 57
- cost-effective targeting, influencers and, 493
- Cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM), 107–108
- coupon clubs, as gated offers, 89
- coupons, offering, 656
- cover image (Facebook Pages), 558
- CPC (cost per click), comparing, 107–108
- CPM (Cost-per-thousand impressions), 107–108
- Crazy Egg, 747
- “Creating a Seamless Customer Experience” survey, 153
- creating Content Campaign Plan, 234–236
- creative freedom, as an offer, 512–513
- creative materials, as paid media consideration, 391
- creativity, influencer marketing and, 533–538
- credibility, 17, 493
- Crimson Hexagon (website), 324
- crises, 538–541
- CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system, 101–102
- as component of Sales Enablement, 172
- cross-channel referral, 371
- cross-linking content, 422–423
- cross-promoting
- content, 289–290
- Facebook, 591–605
- integrating Instagram into other marketing channels, 601–604
- knowing your customer, 604–605
- optimizing Facebook Page for search results, 598–601
- promoting Facebook presence offline, 597–598
- cross-sells, 18, 97–98
- CTA (call to action), 69, 287, 367, 371, 680
- cultivating influencers, 650–651
- culture of content (CoC), 19–21, 426
- “The Culture of Content Best Practices” (Lieb, Groopman and Etlinger), 426
- curated content, 198
- curation, 201–203
- curiosity subject lines, in emails, 461
- current status, evaluating, 173–175
- customer advocacy, influencing with, 501–503
- Customer Advocate, as KPI, 102
- customer attention
- about, 29
- deploying interactive content, 42–44
- focusing on, 30–36
- making content easy to consume, 36–41
- Customer Centricity: Focus on the Right Customers for Strategic Advantage (Fader), 23
- customer data. See big data
- customer evangelism, suggested metrics for encouraging, 18
- customer experience. See also user experience (UX)
- about, 152
- improving, 619–630
- looking at from both sides, 152–154
- omni-channel approach, 154–156
- as one of the Five C's, 8–9
- “Customer Experience in the Internet of Things: Five Ways Brands Can Use Sensors to Build Better Customer Relationships” (Groopman), 127
- customer intent. See content marketing
- customer lifetime engagement data, 319
- customer lifetime value (CLV), 23–24, 301
- customer loyalty, gaining, 380
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, 101–102
- customer relationships
- on Business Model Canvas, 56
- developing, 367–369
- using online training for developing, 211
- customer retention/loyalty
- suggested metrics for increasing, 18
- using online training for, 211
- customer segments, on Business Model Canvas, 56
- customer service, as part of content marketing strategy, 23
- customer stories, as BOFU content, 229
- customer support, standing out on Facebook with, 572–573
- customer support staff, acquiring stories from, 246
- Customer Upsell/Cross-sell, as KPI, 102
- customer-centric, 23, 572–573
- customer-focused, 23
- customers
- acquiring new, 68
- activating, 68
- converting first-time into repeat, 559
- converting prospects to, 411
- knowing your, 604–605
- monetizing, 68
- onboarding, 68
- repeat, 97
- customers sharing, cross-promoting content using, 289
- customizing content, 234
- DAM (digital asset management), 62–64
- damage control, handling, 530
- data, qualitative, 746–747
- data analytics, as component of Sales Enablement, 172
- data monitoring, for consumers, 128
- data strategy
- analyzing data regularly, 335–336
- identifying data sources, 329–335
- pinpointing key indicators in data, 325–328
- using data as your foundation, 328–329
- value of data, 317–325
- De Clerk, J-P (author), 23
- deals, offering to first-time customers, 368
- decision, as a stage in buyer journey, 165, 167
- decision-making, Millennials and, 305
- deep-discount offers, 80, 92–96
- deliverability, of emails, 466–468
- delivering content on correct channels, 289
- Dell, 177
- Demand Metric, 184
- demand/leads, generating, in B2B content marketing, 17
- demographics, 136, 391, 564
- demos, as BOFU content, 228–229
- descriptive data, 120–121
- design
- considerations for, 61
- as one of four sales enablement success pillars, 175
- design components, considerations for, 61–62
- design elements, considerations for, 38–41
- design school (blog), 428
- designer, 258, 264, 265
- desire for instant gratification, as an emotion influencing buyers, 147
- desire to mitigate risk, as an emotion influencing buyers, 147
- detractors, communicating with, 301
- Di Nunzio, Arno (UX designer), 64
- Dietrich, Gini (founder of Arment Dietrich), 386
- Digg, 435, 647
- digital asset management (DAM), 62–64
- digital magazines/books, as TOFU content, 225
- Digital Marketer, 234
- digital marketing campaigns
- about, 67
- balancing your calendar, 76–77
- brand experience, 377–381
- characteristics of, 69–70
- choosing, 77
- defining digital marketing campaigns, 69–71
- email (See email marketing)
- establishing marketing objectives, 68–69
- types of, 71–76
- viewing through campaign lens, 78
- digital marketing strategy
- components of, 7–11
- establishing goals, 16–18
- expanding corporate mindset, 18–25
- mission statement, 11–16
- reviewing, 725–729
- user experience (UX) and habits, 25–27
- DigitalMarketer, 233, 448–449
- direct mail, in content library, 274
- direct messages, on Twitter, 665–666
- director, as content creator, 280
- discount clubs, as gated offers, 89
- discounts, as offers, 83, 85, 656
- discoverability, of assets, 375
- discovering your brand, 57–60
- Disney, 61, 128
- display ads, 343
- disruption, as an attention trigger, 35–36
- distillation model, for content curation, 202
- DKIM (domain-keys identified mail), 291
- DODO case (website), 552
- Dollar Shave Club, 99
- domain-keys identified mail (DKIM), 291
- downloads (Facebook Pages), 578
- Drebes, Larry (founder of Janrain), 169
- Dropbox, 54
- Drucker, Peter (management expert), 64
- Duncan, Ewan (author), 152
- dynamic CPM, 108
- earned media
- about, 363, 387
- in content ecosystem, 191
- in media mix, 399
- reevaluating, 728
- utilizing, 391–393
- earning links, 422–424
- ebizMBA, 433
- ebooks, in content library, 271
- EchoSign, 514
- economic influence, of Millennials, 296, 297–298
- ecosystem, reevaluating, 727–729
- editor, 258, 264, 265
- editorial calendar, 193, 260–263, 275
- educated, as a term used for Millennials, 310
- education
- as a reason for visualizing data, 129
- ungated offers and, 81
- educational content, generating leads with, 85–87
- educational resources, as MOFU content, 227
- effect, desired, mission statement and, 13
- elevation model, for content curation, 202
- “11 Examples of Killer B2B Content Marketing Campaigns Including ROI” (Odden), 248
- Elliott, Nate (market researcher), 208
- Elliott, Stuart (author), 719
- email
- as a channel, 154
- cold, 366
- leveraging Facebook presence via, 596
- marketing through, 237
- Millennials and, 344–347
- promoting videos on YouTube with, 678–679
- using for brand experience strategy, 366
- Email Hunter (website), 501
- email marketing
- about, 443–444
- broadcast emails, 447
- building promotional calendars, 448–453
- creating email campaigns, 453–459
- ensuring deliverability, 466–468
- promoting offers with, 590
- promotional emails, 444–445
- relational emails, 445
- tips for, 463–465
- transactional emails, 445–446
- triggered emails, 447–448
- writing and designing effective emails, 459–463
- email match audience analysis, 315
- EMailOnAcid (website), 291
- emotional stories, power of, 530–531
- emotions, identifying prospect's, 146–147
- emphasizing content in press releases, 653–654
- employee advocacy programs, implementing, 301
- employee channel, 426
- employees, acquiring stories from, 246
- employing content strategy, 286–288
- enabling Facebook Messenger, 619
- e-newsletters, integrating social media with, 644–648
- Engage stage, of buyer journey in Acquisition campaigns, 73
- engagement
- displaying in buyer journey, 115
- measuring in minutes, 110
- suggested metrics for increasing, 18
- Engagement campaigns, 72, 75–76, 456
- Engagement in accounts, as KPI, 104
- engagement metrics, calculating influencer payments with, 519
- engagement reports, building, 737–738
- engaging
- accounts, 110–111
- audiences using storytelling, 241–248
- influencers, 477–481
- Engagio, 110
- enhancing business model, 716–717
- entertainment, ungated offers and, 81
- entitled, as a term used for Millennials, 310
- entry point offers (EPOs), 80–81
- environment data, for consumers, 128
- Epic Content: How to Tell a Different Story, Break through the Clutter, and Win More Customers by Marketing Less (Pulizzi), 12–13
- “An Epic Guide To Creating Epic Content” (Wormley), 161–162
- EPOs (entry point offers), 80–81
- Etlinger, Susan (author), 426
- Etsy, 50, 51
- Eventbrite, 212
- evergreen content, 194–195
- Evernote, 54, 55, 262, 502, 503
- example, in a gated offer, 83, 84–85
- Excite stage, of buyer journey in Monetization campaigns, 74
- executing, on tasks, 735–736
- executive, as content creator, 280
- Expanded engagement in accounts, as KPI, 104
- expectations, setting, 515
- experience, analyzing brand engagement with, 66
- experience-specific content, creating, 370–372
- exploration, as a reason for visualizing data, 129
- exposure, analyzing brand engagement with, 65–66
- Express Writers (website), 259
- Eyal, Nir (author), 27
- eye-tracking studies, 36–37
- F pattern, of reading, 37
- Facebook Ads, 556, 589
- Facebook Events, 556
- Facebook Groups, 556, 568–569
- Facebook Insights, 576–577
- Facebook Live
- about, 124, 630
- benefits of, 631
- creating broadcasts, 638–640
- guidelines for, 631–632
- setting up, 632–638
- Facebook marketing
- about, 551–552, 561–562
- audience, 563–565
- benefits of business Facebook Pages, 557–559
- cross-promoting, 591–605
- as a data source, 332–333
- defining marketing goals, 565–569
- developing content strategy, 570–572
- encouraging audience engagement, 572–575
- as influencer platform, 475–476
- integrating online and offline campaigns, 579–581
- marketing potential of, 553–557
- monitoring page activity, 575–579
- popularity of, 552–553
- power of word-of-mouth and, 562–563
- promoting offers on Facebook Page, 588–589
- reporting page activity, 575–579
- website, 552
- Facebook Messenger
- about, 617–618
- advertising with, 628–630
- benefits of, 618
- chatbots, 620–628
- enabling, 619
- guidelines for, 618–619
- improving customer experience, 619–630
- Facebook Offers
- about, 583–585
- creating offers, 585–587
- promoting offers, 588–590
- tips for, 587–588
- Facebook Pages
- benefits of, 557–559
- optimizing for search results, 598–601
- /Terms (website), 589
- utilizing, 556
- Facebook Social Plugins, 556
- Fader, Peter (author), 23
- Fanning, Suzanne (former President of WOMMA), 504
- fans
- as an influencer type, 495
- appreciation of, 573–575
- finding on Instagram, 614–615
- FAQs, using for short attention spans, 32
- fear, as an emotion influencing buyers, 146–147
- Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), as an emotion influencing buyers, 147
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 480, 534
- feedback, listening to, 569
- Feedback Genius (website), 418–419
- Find Guidelines, 64
- Fitbit, 81
- Five C's, 7–11
- Five W's and one H framework, 429–435
- “5 Ways to Stand Out in a Sea of Content” (Kessler), 184
- Fiverr, 93
- Flash Tattoos (website), 528
- Fogg, BJ (professor), 27
- followers, finding for e-newsletters, 647
- Followerwonk, 498
- following, on Pinterest, 699–700
- FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), as an emotion influencing buyers, 147
- font color, considerations for, 40
- fonts, considerations for, 61
- formats
- content, 212–217
- in content audit worksheet, 189
- Forrester, 179
- fostering relationships, 380
- foundation, as one of four sales enablement success pillars, 175
- four sales enablement success pillars, 174–175
- the Four Vs, 121–122
- Fractl (website), 431
- framing, as an attention trigger, 35–36
- free trials, 56
- freebies, 368, 511, 656
- freemium model, 53–55
- Freshbooks, 221, 230, 231–232
- Freud, Aliza (CEO), 204
- Freund, Jeff (CEO), 724
- friends and family
- as an influencer type, 494
- as a channel, 154
- finding on Instagram, 614–615
- Friskies, 81
- The Frugalnomics Survival Guide (Pisello), 176
- FTC (Federal Trade Commission), 480, 534
- full-service, compared with self-service, 545–546
- Future of Storytelling organization, 246
- gadfly, 494
- games, offering, 657
- Gartner's Magic Quadrant, 281
- gated content, as data, 136
- gated offers, 80, 82–93, 226
- Gen C, buyer personas and, 146
- general company measures, as a success measure, 65
- generational differences, buyer personas and, 143–146
- geographics, as paid media consideration, 391
- Gizmodo (website), 434
- “Go Agile: Adapt 12 Principles to Content Marketing” (Freund), 724
- goals
- defining in Google Analytics, 750
- establishing, 16–18
- reviewing, 726
- setting, 523–526, 577
- Godin, Seth (blogger), 245
- “going viral,” 524
- Good, Robin (author), 207
- Google, 58, 237, 402–403, 412–414
- Google+, 427
- Google AdWords Keyword Planner (website), 407, 408
- Google Alerts, 138, 139, 288
- Google Analytics, 359, 376, 742, 744–745, 750
- Google Calendar, 453
- Google Hangouts, 124
- Google Search Console (website), 422
- Google Tag Manager, 376
- Google Trends, 147–148, 648
- GoToWebinar, 212, 215
- governance
- for content strategy, 193
- defined, 256
- graphics
- considerations for, 61
- using, 196
- Gravity Payments (website), 392
- Groopman, Jessica (author), 19, 127, 426
- group boards, 706–707
- GroupHigh, 505, 506
- guest postings, creating content for, 24
- guilt, as an emotion influencing buyers, 147
- habits, customer, 25
- Haile, Tony (CEO), 30
- The Hallmark Channel, 574, 575
- halo effect, 110, 115
- Hammond, Chelsea (researcher), 59–60
- handouts, as gated offers, 88
- HARO (Help a Reporter Out), 393, 651
- hashtag jacking, 665
- Hashtagify, 439
- hashtags
- about, 374
- deploying, 438–441
- trending, 663
- using in Instagram posts, 613–614
- using on Twitter, 664–665
- Havas Worldwide, 65–66
- Have2Have.it, 603
- headings, considerations for, 38
- Headlinr, 251
- Health Catalyst, 430–431
- heat map, 746–747
- Heine, Christopher (writer), 158
- Help a Reporter Out (HARO), 393, 651
- Hemingway App, 251
- Herman, Jennifer (author), 604
- The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Campbell), 249
- Hertig, Alyssa (author), 245
- Hipster persona, 430
- Home Goods, 608
- home-page ads, 683
- Hooked: How to Form Habit-Building Products (Eyal), 27
- hosting tweet-ups, 671
- “How to Create a Culture of Content Marketing from the Top Down” (Papandrea), 20
- “How to Make BETTER Decisions in Your Business (to see BIGGER Profits)” (Porterfield), 639
- Hsieh, Tony (Zappos founder), 23
- hub-and-spoke model, 257
- HubSpot, 265, 266
- Hughes, Pam (Marketing Chief), 489–490
- humanizing content, 282–286
- hybrid model, 257
- IAB (website), 728
- IBM, 61, 258
- icons, 2, 61
- Identifying and Measuring Influencers in Social Marketing, 494
- IKEA, 87
- Ikea mission statement, 16
- iMindMap, 213, 216
- impact, compared to buzz, 33, 34
- Impactana, 32–33
- impressions, 106, 108–109
- in flux, as characteristic of digital marketing campaigns, 69–70
- inbound links (Facebook Pages), 578
- incentivized adoption schemes, 357
- independent websites, as a channel, 154
- index status, 422
- individual contributor, as content creator, 279–280
- indoctrination campaigns, 454–455
- industry conversations, Millennials and, 362
- industry trends, as data indicators, 327
- industry vertical, creating content by, 278
- iNewsWire, 652
- influence, measuring, 104
- Influence & Co. (blog), 40
- Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Cialdini), 490
- influencer marketing
- about, 471–473, 489, 509
- agency types, 547
- being agile, 529–530
- communicating, 510–514
- compensating, 517–522
- contracting, 514–517
- creativity and, 533–538
- with customer advocacy, 501–503
- engaging influencers, 477–481
- evolving role of influencers, 489–494
- finding influencers, 496–501
- getting what you measure, 531
- hiring an agency, 543–546
- knowing your audience, 527–528
- one-off events vs. continuity campaigns, 547–548
- paid programs, 505–507
- primary platforms for, 473–477
- recognizing power of emotional stories, 530–531
- setting realistic campaign goals, 523–526
- staying on message, 528–529
- tips for, 523–531
- troubleshooting, 538–541
- types of influencers, 494–495
- utilizing, 482–488
- Word of Mouth (WOM) and advertising, 504–505
- influencers
- as content creators, 280–281
- cultivating, 650–651
- defined, 300
- identifying key, 300–301
- importance of, 492–493
- measuring expert, 494
- organic, 528
- Influitive (blog), 502
- infographics
- for content, 212
- in content library, 271–272
- cross-promoting content using, 290
- as TOFU content, 224
- information, collecting for buyer personas, 136–142
- informational searches, 156
- informed, as a term used for Millennials, 310
- The Inmates Are Running the Asylum (Cooper), 131–132
- in-person events, demonstrating thought leadership through, 283
- “Insane Honesty in Content Marketing” SlideShare, 185
- Insights (Facebook), 576–577
- inspiration, ungated offers and, 81
- Instagram
- about, 124, 158, 607
- controlling notifications, 611–612
- determining what is photo-worthy, 612–613
- finding friends and fans, 614–615
- as influencer platform, 474–475
- integrating into marketing channels, 601–604
- promoting your brand on, 608
- sharing photos, 609–611
- using hashtags in posts, 613–614
- using Instastories, 615–616
- website, 315
- Instagram For Business For Dummies (Herman, Butow and Walker), 604
- Instastories, 602–604, 615–616
- in-store promotion, of offers, 590
- IntelligenceBank, 62, 63
- intelligent content, 267
- intent, of queries, 406
- interaction data, 120–121
- interactive content, deploying, 42–44
- interactive sales meetings, as a type of training, 178
- Interbrand, 58
- internal customer records, as data, 136
- Internet Marketing Ninjas (website), 259
- Internet of Things (IoT), 124–128
- interviewing stakeholders, 188
- InVision (blog), 26
- Ion Interactive, 42, 44
- IoT (Internet of Things), 124–128
- “Is Neuroscience the Future of Content Marketing Measurement?” (Hertig), 245
- IT Director, 282
- IT Manager, 282
- iTunes, 213, 215, 419–420
- “Izea 2018 State of the Creator Economy” study, 521
- J. Crew, 224
- Jagger, Mick (singer), 62
- Janrain (website), 169
- J.C. Penney, 59
- Jell-O Company, 171
- JeremySaid.com (website), 389
- Jimmy Choo, 528, 608
- Jobs To Be Done (JTBD), 47
- Johnson, Mark W. (businessman), 48
- Johnson, Ron (executive), 59
- Jones, Conor (author), 152
- journey map, 164–166, 166–167
- JTBD (Jobs To Be Done), 47
- Jue, Jason (CMO), 285
- JWT (website), 342
- Kapost Content Operation Maturity Model, 186–187
- Kawasaki, Guy (author), 431
- Kessler, Doug (cofounder of Velocity Partners), 184
- key activities, on Business Model Canvas, 57
- key partnerships, on Business Model Canvas, 57
- key performance indicators (KPIs)
- about, 17–18
- Facebook Page, 575–579
- reviewing, 726
- setting, 102–111
- key resources, on Business Model Canvas, 57
- keyword research tools, 408–409
- keyword stuffing, 411
- keyword tools, 407–408
- keywords
- in content audit worksheet, 189
- defined, 335
- optimizing content for, 415–416
- using in Pinterest, 705–706
- using in tweets, 669
- Kim, Larry (blogger), 39
- King Arthur Flour, 608
- Kiti, 393
- kits, as monetization offers, 98
- knowing your audience, 527–528
- KPIs (key performance indicators). See key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Kudani Cloud, 262
- Kurlan, Dave (founder of Objective Management Group), 177
- LasikPlus, 70–71
- lazy, as a term used for Millennials, 310
- lead-based attribution reporting, 103
- leaders sharing, cross-promoting content using, 290
- leads
- acquiring new, 68
- activating, 68
- capturing through search marketing, 237
- generating using online training, 211
- generating with educational content, 85–87
- generating with tools, 87–89
- monetizing, 68
- onboarding, 68
- qualified, 87
- suggested metrics for generating, 18
- suggested metrics for nurturing, 18
- learning on the go, as a type of training, 178
- Lehr, Andrea (Brand Relationship Strategist), 432
- leveraging Millennial influence, 300–302
- Libin, Phil (Executive Chairman), 54
- Lieb, Rebecca (author), 19, 426
- Like button (Facebook Pages), 557
- likes, driving to Facebook Pages, 600–601
- liking, as a principle of persuasion, 491
- limiting margin for error, 736–737
- linear regression, 326
- Link Explorer (website), 423
- LinkedIn, 54, 55
- links
- checking, 751
- earning, 422–424
- listening tools
- deploying, 137–140
- to feedback, 569
- lists, short, using for short attention spans, 32
- “little victories,” deep-discount offer and, 93–94
- LittleBird (website), 650
- live streaming, standing out on Facebook with, 573
- live video content, 208–209
- lizard brain, 242–243
- location, in content audit worksheet, 189
- location-based information, for consumers, 128
- logo
- considerations for, 61
- cost of, 62
- Facebook, 598
- long-form content, 199–201
- long-tail keywords, in SEO, 436
- long-tail model, 52
- The Long Tail: Why the Future Of Business Is Selling Less of More (Anderson), 52
- Lowe's, 238
- loyal customers
- acquiring stories from, 246
- recognizing, 59
- loyalty, lacking in, as a term used for Millennials, 310
- loyalty programs, creating, 300–301
- Loyalty360, 59
- Luke, Maya (blogger), 40
- Lynda.com, 50, 210
- magazines, Millennials and, 342–343
- MagicBand, 128
- Mail Monitor, 467
- MailChimp, 645
- Make Aware stage, of buyer journey in Acquisition campaigns, 72
- Make My Persona tool, 141–142
- manager, as content creator, 280
- mapping
- content ecosystem, 190–191
- target audience, 352
- margin for error, limiting, 736–737
- marketing. See also specific types
- segmenting with content, 232–233
- through email, 237
- marketing funnel, 222–230
- marketing goals, for Facebook, 565–569
- Marketing Land (blog), 33, 34
- marketing mix, Facebook as a component of, 592–596
- marketing objectives, establishing, 68–69
- marketing plan, developing, 451–452
- MarketingCharts (website), 338
- MarketingSherpa (website), 432
- marketing-sourced pipeline, 102
- Marketo (website), 395
- MarketWired (website), 274
- mashups, for content curation, 202
- Mature maturity level, in Sales Enablement Strategy, 174
- Maurer, Robert (author), 727
- maximizing profit, 96–99
- McCoy, Julia (CEO), 195
- McDonald's, 97
- measuring
- effectiveness of content, 290–291
- engagement in minutes, 110
- expert influencers, 494
- influence, 104
- results, 357–359
- results from press releases, 654–655
- tips for, 531
- media
- about, 385
- budget for, 580–581
- creating a framework for a mix of, 396–399
- earned, 391–393
- owned, 394–396
- paid, 388–391
- richness of, 367
- shared, 393
- tracking brand experience across different, 375–377
- types of, 386–388
- Media Kitty, 393
- media platforms
- Millennials and, 362
- types of, 363
- Medium, 200
- Meeker, Mary (analyst), 436
- Meltwater (website), 650
- membership model, 49–50
- Mention, 335
- Message feature (Facebook Page), 558
- messages
- personalizing, 284
- staying on, 528–529
- uniqueness in, 372
- meta description, 412–413
- metrics
- account-level attribution, 102–106
- campaign-level attribution, 106–107
- choosing to track, 749
- in content audit worksheet, 189
- for content strategy, 193
- monitoring for Facebook Page, 578–579
- “Micro Content: Capturing Readers with Short Attention Spans” (Wells), 31–32
- microsites, 225, 657
- Microsoft, 58
- middle of the funnel (MOFU), 223, 226–228
- Milkman, Katherine L. (author), 196
- Millennials
- about, 295
- buyer personas and, 143–145
- email and, 344–347
- importance of, 295–299
- influence of, 307–316
- leveraging influence of, 300–302
- marketer's perception of, 307–313
- meeting where they are, 302–305
- mindset of, 314–316
- print media and, 341–344
- television and, 338–341
- traditional media and, 337–347
- “The Millennial Mind: How Content Drives Brand Loyalty” study, 144–145
- Miller, Jon (Marketo co-founder), 110
- Millward Brown Digital, 208
- mind maps, for content, 212, 213
- mindset, Millennial, 314–316
- mini-classes, as BOFU content, 230
- mini-graphics, using for short attention spans, 31
- minutes, measuring engagement in, 110
- mission statement
- about, 11–12
- creating, 12–13
- examples of, 13–16
- reviewing, 726
- mobile, as a term used for Millennials, 309
- mobile ads, 684
- mobile application, using for brand experience strategy, 365
- mobile messaging applications, using for brand experience strategy, 365
- MOFU (middle of the funnel), 223, 226–228
- Monetate, 24
- Monetization campaigns, 72, 74, 97
- monetizing
- customers, 68
- leads, 68
- as a promotional campaign goal, 452
- Mossberg, Walt (writer), 125
- Motives Cosmetics (website), 528
- Moz, 438
- MozBar, 162, 163
- Muck Rack, 393
- multi-channel approach, 154–155
- multiparted, as characteristic of digital marketing campaigns, 69
- multiple entry points, establishing, 363–364
- MX Lookup (website), 291
- mystery, as an attention trigger, 35–36
- Mythology Teacher (website), 249
- NA (native advertising), 390
- narrative, 275, 370
- native advertising (NA), 390
- navigational searches, 156
- needs, addressing with content, 283–284
- Nestle Waters North America, 720
- Net Promoter Score, 164
- Netflix, 53, 99
- networking offline, 597
- Neumeier, Marty (branding expert), 58
- new media, 313
- Newman, Daniel, 168
- New/Prospect, as KPI, 102
- news, distributing, 651–653
- NewsCred (website), 718
- newsjacking, 124
- newsletters
- broadcast emails for, 447
- cross-promoting content using, 290
- as TOFU content, 225
- Newspaper Association of America (website), 343
- newspapers, Millennials and, 343
- “The New Design Process: Why Designers Should Be Shaping Business Strategy” (Williams), 26
- niche campaign, for share economy, 355–356
- Nike, 81, 608
- 90-day rolling calendar, creating, 453
- nonbranded queries, 404
- Non-Obvious: How To Think Different, Curate Ideas & Predict The Future (Bhargava), 150
- notifications, controlling on Instagram, 611–612
- numbered lists, considerations for, 39
- nurturing relationships, 301–302
- objective based, as characteristic of digital marketing campaigns, 69
- Odden, Lee (author), 248
- offers
- about, 79–80
- combining, 113
- creating in Facebook Offers, 585–587
- creative freedom, 512–513
- deep-discount offers, 92–96
- entry point offers (EPOs), 80–81
- freebies, 511
- gated offers, 82–92
- making compelling, 511–513
- maximizing profit, 96–99
- status, 512
- ungated offers, 81–82
- OfficeVibe, 461
- offline campaigns
- integrating with online campaigns, 579–581
- promoting Facebook as part of, 597–598
- offline networking, 597
- omni-channel approach, 154–156, 373–375
- Onalytica (website), 133
- onboarding, 68
- One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way (Maurer), 727
- 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, 50, 51
- one-off events, compared with continuity campaigns, 547–548
- one-on-one interviews, conducting, 140–141
- ongoing use, as a stage in buyer journey, 165, 167
- online campaigns, integrating with offline campaigns, 579–581
- online community, influencers and, 493
- online components, of products/services, 351
- online courses, as content, 198, 199, 210–211
- online marketing budget calculator, 580
- online newsroom, 650
- online retail model, 50–52
- online writers, hiring, 581
- open rates, for email, 346
- OpenMarket, 82
- The Open Press, 652
- opportunities
- gauging potential, 736–738
- as KPI, 102
- opportunity accelerator campaign, 107
- opportunity costs, 351
- Optimizely, 743
- organic influencers, 528
- organic initiatives, 303
- organic videos, 680
- organizing content process, 253–257
- original content, 197, 198
- original short- and long-form content, 199–201
- Osterwalder, Alex (author), 56, 715
- outcome, analyzing brand engagement with, 66
- outliers, as data indicators, 325–326
- Owned Channels, 397–398
- owned media
- about, 363, 387, 394
- in content ecosystem, 191
- as a data source, 329–331
- in media mix, 397–398
- press releases, 394–395
- reevaluating, 729
- spreading the message, 395–396
- utilizing, 394–396
- page renders, 750
- PageSpeed (website), 751
- paid influencer programs, 505–507
- paid media
- about, 363, 387
- considerations for, 391
- in content ecosystem, 191
- native advertising (NA), 390
- programmatic buying (PG), 390–391
- reevaluating, 727–728
- retargeting, 388–390
- utilizing, 388–391
- pain points
- addressing with content, 283–284
- as data, 136
- Pandora, 56
- Papandrea, Dawn (author), 20
- paragraphs, considerations for, 39
- Paris Opera Ballet, 608
- Parr, Ben (author), 35–36
- Pasche, John (artist), 62
- Passikoff, Robert (founder of Brand Keys), 59
- passion, showing your, 282
- Patagonia mission statement, 14, 15
- patterns, reading in, 36–38
- peaks, as data indicators, 326–327
- peer-to-peer e-commerce site model, 50
- peer-to-peer opportunity, 350
- personalization tokens, 347
- persuasion, principles of, 490–491
- “Persuasion and the Power of Story: (Future of StoryTelling 2013),” 246
- PESO model, 190–191, 386. See also media
- Pew Research (website), 341
- PG (programmatic buying), 390–391
- phone, as a channel, 154
- photographs
- considerations for, 61
- sharing on Instagram, 609–611
- as TOFU content, 224–225
- physical premiums, as deep-discount offers, 92
- picturing website content, 191–192
- Pigneur, Yves (author), 56
- Piktochart, 212
- pillar content, creating, 194
- Pin It, 702
- Pinantoan, Andrianes (blogger), 428
- pinner (Pinterest), 686
- pinning, on Pinterest, 695–699
- pins, 686
- Pinterest
- about, 158, 208, 685–687
- boards, 692–695
- building your community, 706–709
- driving traffic with, 702–706
- following on, 699–700
- getting started, 687–692
- as influencer platform, 476
- optimizing for, 417–418
- pinning on, 695–699
- setting up profiles, 690–692
- sharing on, 700–702
- tagging in, 699
- Pisello, Tom (author). 176
- PitchEngine, 652, 654
- planning, for ascension, 236
- platforms, for influencers, 473–477
- Plotly (website), 326
- policies and procedures, documenting, 264–267
- Poo-Pourri, 81
- Porterfield, Amy (author), 639
- positioning, influencers and, 493
- post-level data, 327
- PR Newswire (website), 274
- premiums, physical, as deep-discount offers, 92
- presentations, for content, 212, 213
- press releases
- about, 198, 199, 394–395
- in content library, 274
- demonstrating thought leadership through, 283
- integrating social media with, 649–655
- preventing crises, 538–540
- Prezi, 213, 217
- Price, Dan (CEO), 392
- price sensitive, as a term used for Millennials, 311
- primary objective, 379
- primary research, 86, 225, 424
- print magazines, as TOFU content, 225
- print media, Millennials and, 341–344
- private, as a term used for Millennials, 311
- private membership sites, offering, 658
- PRLog, 652
- problem awareness, increasing, 68
- problem-solution model, 357
- Procter & Gamble, 679
- producing engaging branded content, 65–66
- product habits, observing, 26–27
- product returns, 446
- product stories, finding, 244–248
- products
- cataloging, 448–450
- selling, 379–380
- professional in high positions, as an influencer type, 495
- profit, maximizing, 96–99
- programmatic buying (PG), 390–391
- Progressive maturity level, in Sales Enablement Strategy, 174
- project leader, 258
- project manager, 258
- promise, in a gated offer, 83
- Promote stage, of buyer journey in Engagement campaigns, 75
- promoting
- brands on Instagram, 608
- offers in Facebook Offers, 588–590
- on YouTube, 676–680
- promotional calendars, building, 448–453
- promotional emails, 444–445
- promotions, broadcast emails for, 447
- Prophet/Altimeter Group (website), 396, 426
- prospects
- converting to customers, 411
- intent of, 230–231
- providing added value, 738–740
- proximity data, for consumers, 128
- PRWeb (website), 274
- pseudo-advertorial, 342
- PsyBlog (blog), 243
- psychographic data, 136
- psychographic variables, 564
- “Psychology of Sharing” study, 430
- public channels, as a data source, 334–335
- Publisher (Facebook Pages), 557
- Pulizzi, Joe (author), 12–13
- “Puppy Love” commercial, 245
- Qualified, as KPI, 102
- qualified leads, 87
- qualitative data, 746–747
- qualitative tools, 747–748
- quality content, standing out on Facebook with, 573
- questions, as data, 136
- quizzes, as gated offers, 89
- Quora, 138, 140
- raw data, 318
- Rawson, Alex (author), 152
- reach, as an influencer attribute, 494
- The Readability Test Tool, 251
- reading, in patterns, 36–38
- Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, 650
- real-time bidding (RTB), 390
- real-time content, 123–124
- rebranding, 720
- reciprocity, as a principle of persuasion, 490, 492
- recognizing loyal customers, 59
- recurring billing, 99
- Red Bull, 608
- Reddit, 436, 647, 652
- reengagement campaigns, 458–459
- reevaluating ecosystem, 727–729
- relational emails, 445
- relationships
- fostering, 380
- importance of, 315–316
- nurturing, 301–302
- relevance, as an influencer attribute, 494
- remarketing, 372–373
- Remember icon, 2
- rented lists, 366
- repeat customer, 97
- repin (Pinterest), 686
- @reply, onTwitter, 665–666
- reporting functions
- Facebook Page activity, 575–579
- as paid media consideration, 391
- reports, free, as gated offers, 86
- repurposed content
- reputation
- about, 21–22
- as an attention trigger, 35–36
- monitoring, 466–467
- researching competitors, 159–161
- resonance, as an influencer attribute, 494
- resource lists, as gated offers, 88
- resources, useful, as MOFU content, 227
- responsiveness, nurturing relationships via, 302
- retail therapy, 146
- retargeting, 233, 388–390
- retention, 416
- return on investment (ROI)
- about, 741
- analyzing tests, 752–754
- calling a test, 751
- getting ready to test, 748–749
- knowing how tests are performed, 752
- preparing to launch, 750–751
- selecting page elements to optimize, 746–748
- split testing, 742–746
- Return Path, 467
- retweeted, being, 666–667
- retweeting, 666–667
- Revella, Adele (founder of Buyer Persona Institute), 143
- revenue
- attributing advertising spend to, 114–115
- calculating influencer payments with, 520
- generating using online training for, 211
- revenue streams, on Business Model Canvas, 57
- review processes, creating, 734–735
- review sites, optimizing for, 420–421
- reward, as an attention trigger, 35–36
- RhythmOne, 505, 506
- RiteTag, 439, 440
- Rival IQ (website), 323
- road map, 364–365
- Robin (website), 277
- ROI (return on investment). See return on investment (ROI)
- roles and responsibilities, determining, 257–258
- Rolling Stones, 62
- Roojoom, 246, 247
- RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, 650
- RTB (real-time bidding), 390
- Rubin, Jamie Todd (Paperless Living Ambassador), 502, 503
- running brand experience campaigns, 377–381
- Saatchi and Saatchi, 391
- sales, driving using Facebook, 567–568
- Sales Enablement (SE)
- about, 171–172
- blogs for, 179–180
- coaching reps, 178
- competitive advantage, 172–173
- evaluating current status, 173–175
- new role of sales reps, 176
- training your salesforce, 177–178
- “Sales Enablement Maturity Model,” 173–174
- Sales Lion (blog), 430
- sales material, as gated offers, 86
- sales reps, 176, 178
- sales revenue, suggested metrics for increasing, 18
- sales velocity, 104
- Salesforce, 179
- salesforce, training, 177–178
- satisfaction (post purchase), as a stage in buyer journey, 165, 167
- scarcity, as a principle of persuasion, 491
- scarcity subject lines, in emails, 462
- Schenk, Tamara (Research Director), 174
- Schwartz, Josh (head of Products, Engineering and Data), 434
- scope, as one of four sales enablement success pillars, 175
- SE (Sales Enablement). See Sales Enablement (SE)
- Seamless, 52
- seamless, as characteristic of digital marketing campaigns, 69
- search data, 136
- search engine optimization (SEO)
- driving traffic using, 599–600
- importance of, 436–438
- search engine robots, optimizing for, 421–422
- search engines
- as a channel, 153
- as key player in search marketing, 402–404
- search marketing
- about, 401
- capturing leads through, 237
- earning links, 422–424
- key players in, 402–404
- optimizing assets for specific channels, 411–422
- targeting search queries, 404–411
- search queries, targeting, 404–411
- searchers, as key player in search marketing, 402
- searching, on Twitter, 662–663
- second screen viewing, 339–341
- security issues, 422
- seeded videos, 681
- seeding viral campaigns, 680–683
- segmentation
- broadcast emails for, 447
- campaigns, 457–458
- content, 369–373
- marketing with content, 232–233
- as a promotional campaign goal, 452
- segmented audiences, building, 379
- segmented data, for tracking brand experience across different, 376–377
- Selective persona, 430
- self-absorbed, as a term used for Millennials, 309
- self-service, compared with full-service, 545–546
- selling products, 379–380
- SEM campaigns, 108
- SEMrush, 162, 163, 323, 438
- sender policy framework (SPF), 291
- SEO (search engine optimization). See search engine optimization (SEO)
- service model, 52
- services
- cataloging, 448–450
- as deep-discount offers, 93
- share economy. See also Millennials
- encouraging audience participation, 356–357
- establishing a voice, 351–354
- measuring results, 357–359
- positioning your brand around sharing, 349–351
- running a niche campaign, 355–356
- shareability
- deploying hashtags, 438–441
- Five W's and one H, 429–435
- search engine optimization (SEO), 436–438
- social bookmarking, 435–436
- as a strategy, 425–429
- shared media
- about, 387
- in content ecosystem, 191
- in media mix, 398
- reevaluating, 728
- utilizing, 393
- shares
- Facebook Pages, 578
- myths about, 31
- ShareThis (website), 427
- Sharethrough (website), 681
- sharing
- content with e-newsletters, 647–648
- Millennials and, 304
- photos on Instagram, 609–611
- on Pinterest, 700–702
- speed of, for Millennials, 296
- third-party content, 368–369
- on Twitter, 665–669
- Sheridan, Marcus (entrepreneur), 20–21
- shortcut, in a gated offer, 83, 85
- short-form content, 199–201
- SimilarWeb, 160
- SimilarWeb (website), 323
- Sinek, Simon, 16
- Siriano, Christian (celebrity), 528
- SiriusDecisions (website), 176
- “6 Trending Digital Marketing Skills to Put on a Resume,” 234
- slack adjuster, 98–99
- slide shows, for content, 212
- SlideShare, 212, 214
- slogan, repeating on all media, 374
- slug, 413
- small data, 321
- SMEs (subject matter experts), 258–259
- SnapApp, 42, 43, 287
- Snapchat (website), 315
- Snip.ly (website), 274
- social bookmarking, 435–436
- social media
- in content library, 274
- cross-promoting content using, 289
- as a data source, 332–334
- demonstrating thought leadership through, 283
- driving traffic using, 238
- integrating strategies, 643–644
- integrating with e-newsletters, 644–648
- integrating with press releases, 649–655
- integrating with your website, 655–658
- social media content, as data, 136
- Social Media Examiner (blog), 431
- social media platforms, creating content for, 24
- social media posts, using for short attention spans, 32
- social media updates, as TOFU content, 224
- social media user data, 318–319
- Social Mention, 138
- social networks, using for brand experience strategy, 365
- social proof, as a principle of persuasion, 490, 492
- social sign-in, 304
- socioeconomic data, 136
- software
- as deep-discount offers, 93
- as gated offers, 88–89
- solution awareness, increasing, 68
- solutions
- in a gated offer, 83, 85
- mission statement and, 13
- providing, 367
- SourceForge (website), 434
- Spamcop (website), 467
- Spamhaus (website), 467
- Specialist, 282
- specialized content, 194–196
- specials, offering to first-time customers, 368
- SPF (sender policy framework), 291
- splinter, 93
- split testing, 742–746
- sponsored messages, 629
- Spool, Jared (user experience designer), 164
- Spotify, 56
- Spotify (website), 562
- SPROUT Content, 263
- Sprout Social, 433
- Stack Overflow (website), 434
- stakeholder interviews, 188, 192, 193
- Starbucks, 98–99, 156, 608
- StarKist, 574
- Start With Why (Sinek), 16
- startup brand, influencer marketing for, 487–488
- Statistics Solutions (website), 326
- status, as an offer, 512
- Stikeleather, Jim (writer), 129
- Stokes, Tracy (researcher), 59–60
- stories
- Facebook, 559
- power of emotional, 530–531
- structuring content using, 249–251
- storytelling
- engaging audiences using, 241–248
- importance of, 275–276
- structuring content using, 249–251
- streaming video content, 198, 199
- Strohmenger, Roxane (researcher), 59–60
- strong ties, 555
- structured data, 121
- structured training sessions, as a type of training, 177
- structuring, content using stories, 249–251
- subheadings, considerations for, 38
- subject experts, as an influencer type, 494
- subject matter experts (SMEs), 258–259
- Subscribe stage, of buyer journey in Acquisition campaigns, 73
- subscriber engagement, 467
- subscribers
- attracting to YouTube, 675–676
- gaining for e-newsletters, 646–647
- nurturing, in B2B content marketing, 17
- subscription model, 53
- subtle, as characteristic of digital marketing campaigns, 69
- success measures, developing for brands, 64–65
- SumoMe (website), 439
- Sumo.me Image Sharer, 702
- support sites, creating content for, 24
- support ticket system, 733–734
- survey companies, 721–722
- SurveyMonkey, 721
- surveys, as gated offers, 89
- Swift, Taylor (celebrity), 495
- syndication, in content ecosystem, 191
- systems, for content strategy, 193
- Tableau (website), 320
- tag management system, for tracking brand experience across different, 376
- tagging
- clips for YouTube, 677–678
- in Pinterest, 699
- tagline, considerations for, 61
- Tang, Truman, 502
- Tapinfluence, 505, 507
- Target, 169
- target audience
- mapping, 352
- mission statement and, 13
- targeting search queries, 404–411
- tasks, executing on, 735–736
- Taube, Aaron (blogger), 395
- Tech Republic (blog), 176
- technology, B2B marketing through, 286–291
- tech-savvy, as a term used for Millennials, 308–309
- television, Millennials and, 338–341
- templates, as gated offers, 88
- test duration calendar, 743
- tests
- analyzing, 752–754
- digital marketing campaigns, 111–113
- theme, creating for brand experience, 374
- Theriot, Paul (president of Alesco Data), 122
- third-party content, sharing, 368–369
- 30-day calendar, creating, 452–453
- thought leader, 282–283
- Threadless, 564
- thumbnails, 414–415
- Tiffany, 62
- Timeline of stage-progression, as KPI, 104
- Tiny Pitch, 652
- Tip icon, 2
- tips and tricks, using for short attention spans, 32
- title, in content audit worksheet, 189
- <title> tag, 412
- TOFU (top of the funnel), 223, 224–226
- Tom's of Maine, 564
- tools, generating leads with, 87–89
- top of the funnel (TOFU), 223, 224–226
- top-down editorial content, 473
- topic, in content audit worksheet, 189
- touchpoint attribution measurement model, 358
- touchpoints
- about, 152, 299
- checking off elements for each, 366–367
- as component of journey map, 167
- identifying for your audience, 365–366
- “Towel Reuse Study,” 492
- trackable links, for tracking brand experience across different, 376
- tracking brand experience across different media, 375–377
- tracking mechanism, using for brand experience, 374
- TrackMaven, 322, 323
- traditional media, Millennials and, 337–347
- traffic
- calculating influencer payments with, 519
- driving using SEO, 599–600
- driving using social media, 238
- driving with Pinterest, 702–706
- paying for, 239
- training salesforce, 177–178
- transactional data, 324–325
- transactional emails, 445–446
- transactional searches, 156
- Trello, 262
- trend data, 136
- Trend Hunter, 148, 149
- trend setting, Millennials as, 296
- trends, keeping up with, 147–150
- Trendspottr, 148, 149
- trials, free, 56
- Triblio, 285, 287
- triggered emails, 447–448
- “Tropicana Discovers Some Buyers Are Passionate About Packaging” (Elliott), 719
- Tropicana Orange Juice, 718–719
- troubleshooting influencer marketing, 538–541
- TruConversion, 747
- TRUE Brand Compass Framework, 59–60
- TrueView Videos ads, 683
- “The Truth About The Customer Experience” (Rawson, Duncan and Jones), 152
- TubeMogul/Adobe (website), 681
- Tubular (website), 681
- Tumblog (blog), 495
- TweetChat, 439, 440
- tweeting, 663–665
- TweetReach, 138, 139
- tweets
- responding to on Twitter, 661–662
- using keywords in, 669
- tweet-ups, hosting, 671
- “12 Truly Inspiring Company Vision and Mission Statement Examples” (Kolowich), 13, 16
- 12-Month Promotional Planning Worksheet (website), 451
- 24-7 Press Release, 651
- Twitter
- about, 124, 648, 659
- as a data source, 333
- finding people to follow, 659–660
- hosting tweet-ups, 671
- as influencer platform, 475
- observing conversations on, 660–661
- responding to tweets, 661–662
- rules of etiquette, 670–671
- searching on, 662–663
- sharing on, 665–669
- tweeting, 663–665
- “2017 Influencer Marketing Benchmarks” report, 505
- “2018 Social Media Marketing Industry Report,” 644
- Twubs, 440, 441
- type size, considerations for, 40
- typography, considerations for, 38–41
- Uber, 48, 304
- Uberflip, 287
- Ubersuggest, 438
- Udemy, 211
- UGC (user-generated content), 198, 204, 205
- “The Ultimate Guide to Editorial Content Types and Formats” (Good), 207
- Unbounce, 743
- Undefined maturity level, in Sales Enablement Strategy, 174
- ungated offers, 80, 81–82
- uniform resource locator (URL), 413
- unique assets, 373
- unstructured data, 121
- unsubscriptions, 446
- upsells, 18, 97–98
- Upworthy (website), 435
- URL (uniform resource locator), 413
- URL errors, 422
- UsabilityHub, 748
- user experience (UX), 25, 26
- user-generated content (UGC), 198, 204, 205
- username (Facebook), 593
- UX (user experience), 25, 26
- validating business model, 714–717
- valleys, as data indicators, 326–327
- value
- of data, 317–325
- providing added, 738–740
- value propositions, on Business Model Canvas, 56
- vanity retweet, 667
- variety, of data, 122
- vehicle, choosing, 236
- velocity, of data, 122
- vendors, acquiring stories from, 246
- veracity, of data, 122
- vertical, creating content by industry, 278
- videos
- demonstrating thought leadership through, 283
- format, for content, 212
- as influencer platform, 476–477
- leaving responses on YouTube, 679
- VidIQ (website), 416
- views (Facebook Pages), 558, 578
- viral campaigns, seeding, 680–683
- viral content, 196
- viral seeding, 682
- visual branding, 718
- Visual Website Optimizer, 742
- visualized data, 320
- VisualizeROI, 281
- visuals
- considerations for, 40
- using, 196
- voice, establishing a, 351–354
- volume, of data, 122
- Walker, Corey (author), 604
- walking documentation, 264
- Wanamaker, John (advertising legend), 113
- wants, addressing with content, 283–284
- Warby Parker mission statement, 14, 15, 16
- Warning icon, 2
- waste, as data indicators, 328
- Watts, Dechay (cofounder of SPROUT Content), 263
- weak ties, 555
- Web administrators, 258, 264, 266
- web copywriters, 581
- WebDAM, 62, 63
- webinars
- as BOFU content, 230
- for content, 212
- in content library, 273
- creating content for, 24
- as deep-discount offers, 93
- demonstrating thought leadership through, 283
- replays, cross-promoting content using, 290
- training, as gated offers, 86
- website content
- “The Big Marketing Activity Coloring Book,” 395
- picturing, 191–192
- website integration, standing out on Facebook with, 573
- websites. See also specific websites
- business to business (B2B) content marketing, 16–17
- cheat sheet, 3
- clicks, 108
- Content Campaign Plan template, 234
- culture of content (CoC), 19
- eye-tracking studies, 37
- how a Pinterest habit is formed, 27
- integrating social media with, 655–658
- leveraging Facebook presence via, 596
- native advertising (NA), 390
- omni-channel approach, 155
- online marketing budget calculator, 580
- traits of Millennials, 297
- using for brand experience strategy, 365
- web copywriters, 581
- Wells, Tonya (author), 31–32
- “What Makes Online Content Viral?” (Berger and Milkman), 196
- “What You Think You Know About the Web Is Wrong” (Haile), 30
- white hats, 403
- white space, considerations for, 40, 41
- whitepapers, 82, 86, 270–271
- Whole Foods, 226
- “Why PR is Embracing the PESO Model,” 386
- “Why You Need to Start Creating Long, Evergreen Content Today” (McCoy), 195
- “Why Your Brain Loves Good Storytelling” (Zak), 242
- Wikipedia, 81
- Williams, Debbie (cofounder of SPROUT Content), 263
- Williams, John Moore (author), 26
- Winter, Doug (writer), 172
- WiseStamp, 596
- WOMA (Word of Mouth Advertising), 504–505
- women, engaging as influencers, 478
- Word of Mouth (WOM), enhancing with advertising, 504–505
- Word of Mouth Advertising (WOMA), 504–505
- word-of-mouth marketing, 554–556, 562–563
- WordPress Social Sharing Optimization (WPSSO SSB) tool (website), 439
- workflow, managing, 258–263
- World Class level, in Sales Enablement Strategy, 174
- Wormley, Rob (author), 161–162
- writer, 264, 265
- WriterAccess (website), 259
- writers, 258–260
- writing effective emails, 459–463
- YouGovProfiles, 137
- YouTube
- about, 673–674
- advertising on, 683–684
- attracting subscribers, 675–676
- benefits of social media marketing on, 674–675
- categorizing clips, 677–678
- creating custom content, 677
- creating customized channels, 676
- as a data source, 333–334
- humor in posts, 680
- including call to action, 680
- leaving video responses, 679
- optimizing for, 414–416
- promoting on, 676–680
- promoting videos with email and bulletins, 678–679
- seeding viral campaigns, 680–683
- tagging clips, 677–678
- YouTube Live, 124
- Z pattern, of reading, 36
- Zak, Paul J. (author), 242
- Zappos, 23
- Zerys (website), 259
- Zoho, 721, 722
- Zoho Show, 213
- Zuckerberg, Mark (Facebook founder), 561, 617